Value Addition Notes (Types of Majority) - PDF Only

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Types of Majority
Types of Majority
1. Simple Majority: A majority of more than 50% of the members of the House present & voting. Simple
majority is also called functional majority. The following bills and motions are passed in the Parliament by
simple majority:
➢ No-confidence motions
➢ Confidence motion
➢ Vote of thanks to President & Governors.
➢ Adjournment motions.
➢ Passage of ordinary, financial and money bills
➢ Election of Speaker & Deputy Speaker of Lok.Sabha & Legislative Assemblies.
➢ Election of Deputy Chairman of Rajya Sabha and Chairmen of Legislative Councils.
➢ Resolution seeking approval of Parliament for proclamation of Presidential Rule and Financial
➢ Notification of Amendment bill by State Legislature.
➢ Resolution passed by Lok Sabha disapproving National Emergency.
2. Absolute majority: A majority that is more than 50% of the total strength of the house. It is needed in
association with special majority. It has greater political significance because if a political party achieves
absolute majority in election it can able to form a stable government i.e. political stability.
3. Effective Majority: That is more than 50% of the effective strength of the house. Effective strength means
total strength of the house excluding vacancies occurred due to death and disqualification. Following
resolutions are required to be passed with effective majority.
➢ Resolution seeking removal of Vice-President in Rajya Sabha shall be passed by an effective majority
of the house.
➢ Resolution seeking removal of Deputy Chairman of Rajya Sabha, Chairman and Deputy Chairman of
Legislative Council, Speaker & Deputy Speaker of Lok Sabha and Legislative Assembly.
4. Special Majority: A majority other than simple, absolute and effective majority is called special majority.
➢ Majority under Art. 312 - Rajya Sabha authorizes parliament to create a new All India Service.
➢ Majority under Art. 368 – Amendment to constitution by a majority of not less than 2/3 of members
present & voting and a majority of the total strength of the house that is absolute majority.
Other Resolutions, which require special majority:-
i. A resolution seeking approval of national emerging under Art. 352.
ii. A resolution seeking removal of judges of Supreme Court and High Courts, Comptroller and Auditor
General & Chief Election Commissioner.
iii. A resolution passed by state Legislative Assembly under Art. 169 for creation or abolition of state legislative
5. Special majority as under Art. 61 – It deals with the impeachment procedure of President. The resolution
shall be passed by a majority of not less than 2/3 of total strength of house. This is highest majority needed
e.g. in Lok Sabha it requires 2/3 ×545= 364 or more votes.
6. Special majority as under Art. 249 - Rajya Sabha passes a resolution supported by not less than 2/3 of the
members present voting that it is necessary & expedient in the national interest that parliament should make
law on the subjects enumerated under state list
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