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11/18/23, 2:06 PM supply chain finance: A six-step strategy for every company to develop a supply chain finance plan

in finance plan - The Economic Times

English Edition | 18 November, 2023, 03:36 PM IST | Today's ePaper

A six-step strategy for every company to develop a

supply chain finance plan

By Ankur Bhageria, ET CONTRIBUTORS Last Updated: Sep 25, 2021, 10:57 AM IST
SCF can speed up sales by injecting capital to the distributors. It can create direct bottom line benefit and stretch working capital by
extending longer credit periods to vendors who have the capacity to bear the extension, while paying struggling vendors before time.

To thrive in any economy businesses must create new offerings, optimize existing
processes and invest in employees' upskilling. For this, cash is king, and a strong
working capital management strategy is central to growth. However, managing
liquidity effectively and strengthening balance sheets is a struggle that businesses
face. The ongoing pandemic has only intensified these challenges.

Traditionally, corporates have been following a singular strategy - maintaining a

high credit periods (or DPO - Days Payable Outstanding), where they negotiate
Every SCF program must align with unique
business objectives that doesn't just ensure
business continuity and production planning but
longer time to pay creditors and in the interim use any excess available cash for
also plays a key role in uplifting sales and earning short-term activities. Now, while higher DPO and longer credit period may be seen
risk free high returns as well.
as beneficial, the pandemic is forcing many corporates to expedite payments to
vendors in order to keep them afloat.

According to the PwC research of the largest global listed companies in the last five years, GBP 1.2tr excess working
capital is tied on global balance sheets and for two consecutive years a decrease of 3.8% in DPO has been witnessed. This
indicates that use of DPO may not be a sustainable approach in the long term. This makes it difficult for cash-strapped
buyers who don't have any ready cash available to pay and hence need a long credit period. The only way to solve this is
corporates need to re-look at their entire working capital strategy and cash cycles. .


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Supply Chain Financing - An Underutilized Lever

Supply Chain Finance (SCF) is an underappreciated lever to optimize working capital strategies. SCF isn't a new… 1/3
11/18/23, 2:06 PM supply chain finance: A six-step strategy for every company to develop a supply chain finance plan - The Economic Times

concept. It's been around and practiced for more than two decades now. While some corporates have been able to
modernize and automate their SCF operations, it still has a a one-size-fits-all approach. This method does not address
issues around the lack of liquidity. However, other real challenges such as high transaction costs along with structural
barriers such as paper invoices, lack of an integrated data flow that can provide real-time visibility on the end-to-end
cash conversion cycle and lack of organizational guidelines are rarely addressed either.

So, while most business leaders understand the value delivered by SCF, the depth of it remains unexplored. Research says
that a Fortune 100 company can potentially generate $2 billion in additional cash by simply optimizing working capital
management, at par with the performance of top companies in the sector.

To achieve results such as these, every SCF program must align with unique business objectives that doesn't just ensure
business continuity and production planning but also plays a key role in uplifting sales and earning risk free high returns
as well.

Fintech report for pros

The key advantages of a well-defined SCF strategy are aplenty. It can speed up sales by injecting capital to the
distributors, can create direct bottom line benefit and stretch working capital by extending longer credit periods to
vendors who have the capacity to bear the extension, while paying struggling vendors before time. To enable these
benefits, corporates need to have a unified supply chain and working capital strategy that is fully aligned with evolving
business objectives; and look to modernize practices to achieve scale operations in SCF.

A six-step plan for a holistic SCF strategy


1. Set up a 5-year working capital goal that will form the bedrock of the strategy. The goal needs to have a dual lens -
profitability for the corporate, and health, resilience and ability to grow for the vendors.

2. It's critical for the corporate to understand their supply chain end-to-end and identify where exactly working capital
is trapped and how much is trapped. Often, this occurs in multiple places - delayed payments by customers, early or
excess capital made available to vendors, or simply, a slow-moving inventory - a harsh reality of the ongoing pandemic.… 2/3
11/18/23, 2:06 PM supply chain finance: A six-step strategy for every company to develop a supply chain finance plan - The Economic Times

3. Calculate potential material gains across each of these places, and cumulatively for the organization as a whole. This
will help prioritize action areas with immediacy.

4. Corporates need to undertake in-depth risk modelling - for this, one needs to deep dive into vendor specifics such as -
how many vendors is the corporate working with? Of these, how many are financially strong and how many need
support immediately or in the near future. This should also cover vendors and dealers in the second and third tier of

5. They need to create a data-driven scenario analysis by looking into vendors' past business performance and
relationship with the company, and then create a customized vendor financing program that's a win-win for both, the
corporate and the vendor. Similarly, this needs to be done for all vendors. Here, corporates also need to model the plan in
a way that there is flexibility of funding sources, allowing a corporate to dynamically switch between internal and
external funds as needed, ensuring overall profitability for the corporate.

6. Corporates need to have a contingency plan in plan and periodically assess and re-strategize their approach to suit
all. After all, an entire strategy can never be locked into a single course of action - as a corporate's goals evolve, so must
the supply chain financing model.
(The writer is Founder and CEO, CashFlo)

(Disclaimer: The opinions expressed in this column are that of the writer. The facts and opinions expressed here do not reflect the views of

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