Variables Operators and Input Output

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Variables, Operators and Input/ Output

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The first program in C


int main()
printf(“hello world”);
return 0;

1. #include <stdio.h> : This is a preprocessor directive in C programming. It tells the compiler to

include the standard input-output library ( stdio.h ). This library contains functions such as
printf() and scanf() which are used for input and output operations.

2. int main() { } : This is the main function of the C program. All C programs must have a
main() function as it serves as the entry point of the program. The int before main indicates
that the function returns an integer value. The curly braces { } mark the beginning and end
of the function body.

3. printf("hello world"); : This is a function call to printf() . It's a standard library function used
to print formatted output to the console. In this case, it prints the text "hello world" to the

4. return 0; : This statement is used to return a value (0 in this case) from the main() function to

the operating system. It indicates that the program executed successfully. In C, returning 0
from main() is conventionally used to signify successful termination of the program.

Variables, Operators and Input/ Output 1

All escape sequences in C
Escape sequences are combinations of characters that represent special characters or
actions in strings within programming languages. They are typically preceded by a
backslash ( \ ).

1. \a (Alert): Used to produce an audible alert or bell sound.

2. \b (Backspace): Used to move the cursor one position to the left, typically used to remove

the last character printed.

3. \f (Form Feed): Used to advance the output to the next logical page or clear the screen,
depending on the context.

4. \n (Newline): Used to move the cursor to the beginning of the next line.

5. \r (Carriage Return): Used to move the cursor to the beginning of the current line.

6. \t (Horizontal Tab): Used to insert a tab character, typically used for indentation or

7. \v (Vertical Tab): Used to move the cursor to the next vertical tab stop, although its use is

less common.

8. \\ (Backslash): Used to insert a backslash character itself into the string.

9. \' (Single Quote): Used to insert a single quote character into the string, especially when
the string is enclosed in single quotes.

10. \" (Double Quote): Used to insert a double quote character into the string, especially when
the string is enclosed in double quotes.

11. \? (Question Mark): Used to insert a question mark character into the string.

12. \0 (Null Character): Used to represent the null character, often used to terminate strings in

13. \xhh (Hexadecimal Character Representation): Used to insert a character represented in

hexadecimal format (e.g., \x41 represents the character 'A').

14. \ooo (Octal Character Representation): Used to insert a character represented in octal
format (e.g., \101 represents the character 'A').

Keywords in C
Keywords in C are reserved words that have predefined meanings and cannot be used for other
purposes such as naming variables or functions.

1. auto : Specifies automatic storage duration for a variable, meaning it is created and
destroyed automatically within a block.

2. break : Used to terminate the execution of a loop or switch statement.

3. case : Used within a switch statement to specify different code blocks to be executed based
on the value of an expression.

4. char : Used to declare character data types that represent individual characters or small

Variables, Operators and Input/ Output 2

5. const : Specifies that a variable's value cannot be modified once it's initialized.

6. continue : Skips the rest of the current iteration of a loop and proceeds to the next iteration.

7. default : Specifies the default case in a switch statement, executed when none of the other
cases match.

8. do : Begins a do-while loop, which executes a block of code repeatedly until a specified
condition becomes false.

9. double : Used to declare double-precision floating-point data types.

10. else : Used in conjunction with if statements to specify an alternative code block to execute

if the condition is false.

11. enum : Declares an enumeration type, a user-defined data type consisting of named integer

12. extern : Indicates that a variable or function is defined elsewhere in the program.

13. float : Used to declare single-precision floating-point data types.

14. for : Begins a for loop, which iterates a specified number of times based on initialization,
condition, and increment/decrement expressions.

15. goto : Transfers control to a labeled statement within the same function.

16. if : Used to execute a block of code based on a specified condition.

17. int : Used to declare integer data types.

18. long : Used to declare long integer data types.

19. register : Suggests to the compiler that a variable be stored in a CPU register for faster

20. return : Used to exit a function and return a value to the calling function.

21. short : Used to declare short integer data types.

22. signed : Specifies that a data type can represent both positive and negative numbers.

23. sizeof : Returns the size of a data type or variable in bytes.

24. static : Specifies that a variable or function retains its value or scope throughout the
program's execution.

25. struct : Defines a user-defined data type that groups together variables of different data
types under one name.

26. switch : Begins a switch statement, which allows for multi-way branching based on the value

of an expression.

27. typedef : Creates a new data type alias using an existing data type.

28. : Defines a user-defined data type that can hold values of different data types in the

same memory location.

29. unsigned : Specifies that a data type can represent only non-negative numbers.

30. void: Specifies that a function does not return a value or indicates the absence of a data

Variables, Operators and Input/ Output 3

31. volatile : Specifies that a variable's value can be changed unexpectedly, such as by
hardware or another thread.

32. while : Begins a while loop, which executes a block of code repeatedly as long as a
specified condition is true.
Data Types
1. Basic Data Types:
a. int: Represents integer values. It typically occupies 2 or 4 bytes depending on the system

b. char: Represents individual characters. It occupies 1 byte of memory.

c. float: Represents single-precision floating-point numbers. It typically occupies 4 bytes.

d. double: Represents double-precision floating-point numbers. It typically occupies 8


2. Derived Data Types:

a. Array: Represents a collection of elements of the same data type arranged in contiguous
memory locations.

b. Pointer: Stores the memory address of another variable. Pointers allow dynamic memory
allocation and manipulation of memory addresses.

c. Structure (struct): Represents a collection of variables (of possibly different data types)
grouped together under a single name.

d. Union: Similar to a structure, but all members share the same memory location. Only one
member can hold a value at a time.

3. Qualifiers:

a. const: Specifies that a variable's value cannot be modified after initialization.

b. volatile: Indicates that the value of a variable can be changed unexpectedly, such as by
hardware or another thread.

4. Enumeration (enum): Defines a user-defined data type consisting of a set of named integer

5. Void: Represents an empty data type. It is used to specify that a function does not return
any value or that a pointer does not point to any specific data type.

6. User-defined Data Types:

a. Typedef: Allows the programmer to create their own data type names by assigning an
alias to an existing data type.

Type Qualifiers & Modifiers

1. Type Qualifiers:

A type qualifier neither affects the range of values nor the arithmetic properties of the
declared object. They are used to indicate the special properties of data within an objec

const: The const qualifier specifies that a variable's value cannot be changed after
initialization. It makes the variable read-only. For example:

Variables, Operators and Input/ Output 4

c const int x = 5; x = 10; // Error: Attempting to modify a const variable

volatile: The volatile qualifier indicates that the value of a variable can be changed
unexpectedly, such as by hardware or another thread. It prevents the compiler from
optimizing accesses to the variable. For example:

c volatile int sensor_reading;

2. Type Modifiers:
A type modifier modifies the base type to yield a new type. It modifies the range and the
arithmetic properties of the base type.

signed: The signed modifier is used with integer data types ( char , int , long ) to indicate
that the variable can hold both positive and negative values. It is optional, as integer
types are signed by default.

unsigned: The unsigned modifier is used with integer data types to indicate that the
variable can hold only non-negative values (zero or positive). It restricts the range of
values to be from 0 to the maximum positive value. For example:

c unsigned int distance;

short: The short modifier is used with integer data types to specify that the variable
should be smaller in size, typically occupying fewer bytes of memory. For example:

c short int num;

long: The long modifier is used with integer data types to specify that the variable
should be larger in size, typically occupying more bytes of memory. For example:

c long int big_num;

long long: The long long modifier is used with integer data types to specify an integer
type that is larger than long . It is typically used when long is not large enough to hold
the required range of values. For example:

c long long int very_big_num;

_Bool: The _Bool modifier is used to specify a Boolean data type that can hold either
true or false values. It is equivalent to unsigned char and typically occupies 1 byte of

_Complex: The _Complex modifier is used to specify a complex data type that represents
complex numbers. It is typically used with float or double data types to represent the
real and imaginary parts of a complex number.

Formatting specifier
Formatting specifiers in C are used with input and output functions like printf() and scanf() to
specify the format in which data should be displayed or read.

1. %o: Used for formatting unsigned octal integers with printf() . For example:

Variables, Operators and Input/ Output 5

printf("%o", 10); // Output: 12 (octal representation of 10)

2. %d: Used for formatting signed decimal integers with printf() and for reading signed
decimal integers with scanf() . For example:

int num = 42;

printf("%d", num); // Output: 42

3. %x: Used for formatting unsigned hexadecimal integers (lowercase) with printf() . For

printf("%x", 255); // Output: ff (hexadecimal representation of 255)

4. %X: Used for formatting unsigned hexadecimal integers (uppercase) with printf() . For

printf("%X", 255); // Output: FF (uppercase hexadecimal representatio

n of 255)

5. %c: Used for formatting characters with printf() and for reading characters with scanf() .
For example:

printf("%c", 'A'); // Output: A

6. %i: Used for formatting signed integers with printf() and for reading signed integers with
scanf() . It's typically used as a more flexible specifier that can interpret decimal, octal, or

hexadecimal integers based on the input prefix (none for decimal, '0' for octal, '0x' or '0X'
for hexadecimal). For example:

printf("%i", 42); // Output: 42 (decimal)

printf("%i", 052); // Output: 42 (octal)
printf("%i", 0x2a); // Output: 42 (hexadecimal)

7. %u: Used for formatting unsigned decimal integers with printf() and for reading unsigned
decimal integers with scanf() . For example:

printf("%u", 42); // Output: 42

8. %ld: Used for formatting long integers with printf() and for reading long integers with
scanf() . For example:

printf("%ld", 10000000000L); // Output: 10000000000

9. %hd: Used for formatting short integers with printf() and for reading short integers with
scanf() . For example:

Variables, Operators and Input/ Output 6

printf("%hd", (short)42); // Output: 42

10. %lu: Used for formatting unsigned long integers with printf() and for reading unsigned long
integers with scanf() . For example:

printf("%lu", 4294967295UL); // Output: 4294967295

11. %hu: Used for formatting unsigned short integers with printf() and for reading unsigned
short integers with scanf() . For example:

printf("%hu", (unsigned short)65535); // Output: 65535

12. %f: Used for formatting floating-point numbers (float) with printf() . For example:

printf("%f", 3.14); // Output: 3.140000

13. %e: Used for formatting floating-point numbers in exponential notation (lowercase 'e') with
printf() . For example:

printf("%e", 1000000.0); // Output: 1.000000e+06

14. %E: Used for formatting floating-point numbers in exponential notation (uppercase 'E') with
printf() . For example:

printf("%E", 1000000.0); // Output: 1.000000E+06

15. %g: Used for formatting floating-point numbers in either decimal or exponential notation,
depending on the value, with printf() . For example:

printf("%g", 1000000.0); // Output: 1e+06

16. %G: Similar to %g , but uses uppercase 'E' for exponential notation if required. For example:

printf("%G", 1000000.0); // Output: 1E+06

17. %lf: Used for formatting double-precision floating-point numbers with printf() . For

printf("%lf", 3.141592653589793); // Output: 3.141593

18. %s: Used for formatting strings with printf() . For example:

printf("%s", "Hello, World!"); // Output: Hello, World!

19. %p: Used for formatting pointers with printf() to display memory addresses. For example:

Variables, Operators and Input/ Output 7

int x = 42;
printf("%p", (void *)&x); // Output: 0x7fffcd4c5a3c (memory address o
f variable x)

Variables are fundamental components used to store and manipulate data.

1. Definition:

A variable is a named storage location in the computer's memory where data can be
stored and manipulated during program execution.

Variables have a data type that specifies the type of data they can hold, such as
integers, characters, floating-point numbers, etc.

Each variable has a unique identifier (name) that is used to access its value during
program execution.

2. Declaration:

Variable declaration typically follows the syntax: datatype variable_name;

3. Definition:

Definition is the process of both declaring a variable and allocating memory for it.

It reserves storage space in the computer's memory for the variable.

A variable can be declared and defined at the same time.

If a variable is defined but not initialized, it will contain garbage or unpredictable values.

Variable definition typically follows the syntax: datatype variable_name = initial_value;

4. Initialization:

Initialization is the process of assigning an initial value to a variable at the time of

declaration or later in the program.

Variables can be initialized at the time of declaration using the assignment operator ( = ),
like int x = 10; , or later in the program using assignment statements.

5. Scope:

The scope of a variable refers to the region of the program where the variable is

Global variables: Defined outside of any function and are accessible throughout the
entire program.

Local variables: Defined within a block or function and are accessible only within
that block or function.

6. Lifetime:

The lifetime of a variable refers to the duration during which the variable exists in

Global variables exist throughout the entire execution of the program, from the time the
program starts until it terminates.

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Local variables are created when the block or function containing them is entered and
destroyed when the block or function exits.

7. Naming Conventions:

Variable names in C must follow certain rules and conventions:

Must start with a letter (uppercase or lowercase) or an underscore ( _ ).

Can contain letters, digits, and underscores.

Cannot be a keyword or a reserved word in C.

Case-sensitive (e.g., count and Count are different variables).

Commas, blanks, or any special characters are not allowed

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