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Names: ________Joseph and Robin____________

Regular Chemistry Final Project

These grades are counted as the ENTIRE 4th TERM FINAL GRADE.

🔭 promote interests in different areas of science
📐conduct independent research using the scientific method
🥼 plan and execute an inquiry-based science project
🎨 fosters creativity
demonstrate analytical, organizational, and presentational skills

Due Date:
● 📅 Final Project Due Date (Monday 6/3 at 8:20 am) - The final project is to be submitted
in the form of a poster (take a picture of the poster) and slides on Google Classroom-
FOLLOW THE RUBRIC on GC! If any group submits their poster or slides on GC
late, you will receive a 10% deduction per day. If you submit your poster and
slides on time, but then make changes after the submission, you will also receive
a 10% deduction per day.

● 📅 Presentation Dates (Starting Monday 6/3 - Friday 6/7) Each group will do a 10 min
presentation (6/3 - 6/7) about their project in class. Follow the rubric on GC.

You must get your topic approved by Ms. Long. If she

doesn’t approve of it, you cannot start your investigation.
She will not grade any project about an unapproved topic.

● Chemical reactions
● What's in my water
● Is nuclear energy worth it
● Metal air and saltwater battery
● Homemade battery removes rust
● Efficiency Optimization of Electrolysis
Format: Your final project will include

A. 📄 presentation poster (tri-fold using one A0 size or two A1 size sheets) and slides

B. a 10 minute oral presentation of your findings


🥼 Use of Laboratory Equipment and Space

Names: ________Joseph and Robin____________

The school will NOT provide any chemicals/materials relating to the project. Students will need to
purchase any necessary material on their own. The science department will provide lab space for
students to use during times scheduled by the subject teacher. If multiple groups want to use the lab, the
teacher will schedule lab time during class. NO students are allowed to use the lab without teacher
supervision. Certain lab equipment may be available for students to use. However, students are fully
responsible for any damage and will be charged for the replacement.
Names: ________Joseph and Robin____________

Science Project Planning - Only one group member needs to submit.

1. What is your science project question?

Under what materials does mold reproduce the most?

2. Why did you choose this science project question?

It helps to demonstrate what places mold would likely grow in households

3. What is the independent variable in your science project?

1. Different materials of boxes (wood, metal, plastic, and silicone)

2. Humidity

4. How will you change your independent variable in your experiment?

I am using different containers and adjusting humidity to create mold patches.

5. What is the dependent variable in your science project?

Amount of mold grown on the bread

6. How will you measure your dependent variable?

Names: ________Joseph and Robin____________

Use a grid over the bread and calculate how much mold is in each grid, and then add the
amount of grids.

7. What are the constants in your science project?

1. Temperature
2. Time for each mold inside the dishes to grow
3. Mass, size, and number, and type of Bread

8. What equipment will you need to test your question?

1. Bread
2. Different material boxes
3. Timer

9. How long will it take you to perform your experiment?

Within 1 week

10. How does this topic relate to chemistry?

Mold reproduces through chemical reactions, including oxidation and breaking down
organic matter.

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