Algorithm Group Assignment

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Group Assignment

Target Group: - Electrical & Computer Engineering (Computer Engineering Stream) Students

Titles: -

 Dijkstra Algorithm
 Transform & Conquer
 Presorting
 Balanced search tree
 Heap & Heapsort
 Greedy Algorithm
 Brute Force Approach
 Exhausting Search
 Traveling Salesman problem
 Knapsack problem
 Assignment problem
 Kruskal’s Algorithm
 Divide & Conquer Approach
 Merge Sort
 Quick Sort
 Binary Tree Traversal & related Properties
 Prim’s Algorithm
 Minimal spanning tree
 Hufman tree
 Space and Time Tradeoff
 Input Enhancement in string Matching
 Horspool’s Algorithm
 Boyer-Moore Algorithm


 Graph Basics with Algorithms

 Depth First search
 Breadth First Search
 Topological Sorting

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