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Alchemist Pet

Chapter 1: Alchemical Breakthrough

The moon and a dozen flickering candles worked together to illuminate my work

table in a relaxing glow. I added some spring water to a mortar full of crushed thistle and

mixed it into a paste. After scraping the paste into a small arcane mixing pot I reached over

and lifted my nightly tea to my soft lips. I took in the smell, the feel of steam on my nose, the

soothing taste, everything. I took in the moment of peace. It felt like such a contrast to just a

few months before.

At that time I was living with my now ex boyfriend, Cade. Fights and berating were a

constant. My passions and hobbies stopped so I could become a full time person pleaser. He

threatened to kill my pet snake, Ash, during an argument. When he stormed off after

spewing a few insults I took Ash and a few belongings, disappearing under a full moon

much like tonight.

I traveled a few towns west, stopping once I reached a little collection of buildings

nestled where the rolling plains met the great pine forest. The hamlet was secluded enough

to give me the calm and quiet life I craved but had enough adventurers and traders pass

through it to run a successful potion shop. Despite starting with very little money, I

managed to get a generous lease on a building using some ‘boyish charms’ and turned this

little shack into a comfortable shop and home for myself. Finally I had a place to be me, to

be Leo, not some servant.

Since then I’ve been content just running the shop during the day and restocking at

night, however, since tomorrow was my day off I stayed up late testing new combinations of

ingredients to make a never before seen potion. Something to change the world for the
better. Something that would send my career into the public eye. Something to prove to

Cade how wrong he was. With me on this journey was my sweet boy Ash who was willing to

help me test complete brews. Speaking of which, I tapped the mixing spoon on the side of

the cauldron, touching a few of the runes around the rim to stop it from boiling and allow it

to cool. I retrieved Ash from his tank next to my bed, handling him gently and letting him

move around my work table for a short time as I ensured the brew wasn’t dangerous to


He was a very beautiful snake with a light colored belly and dark scales on top being

broken up by golden bands. He moved over to me as I worked, clearly wanting to be held. It

was odd behavior for a snake but I wasn’t complaining, in fact I liked it quite a bit. My

experience with Cade left me lonely and Ash’s mannerisms in some ways felt like better

boyfriend behavior than Cade ever managed.

The brew tested safe on the three tests I gave it so I filled a small dish with the dark

pink liquid and set it down, coaxing Ash over to drink.

“Hey sweet boy,” I cooed, “want to help me test something real quick before I head

off to bed? I used a health potion base and added some ingredients used for liquid

stimulation and muscle enhancement so I imagine it might feel good for you.”

Ash placed his mouth into the dish, drinking a few swallows and looking up at me. I

gave him a few soft touches as a reward and waited for the magic to take effect. After a

minute of nothing, he opened his mouth and let out a plume of pink smoke. I got up from

my chair, a bit surprised by the reaction as more and more smoke covered the table. Soon

Ash became fully obscured as the smoke continued, rising up into a pillar where he once
was. Slight panic set over me as I worried about his safety, yet was unable to help. As I

watched gradually I made out a figure in the pillar of smoke.

Once the smoke had fully cleared I saw the nude figure in full detail. He was only

about two and a half feet tall with the body of an adult human. His straight shoulder-length

hair was white and fell like a hood around his head. His eyes slowly opened showing black

slashes through pools of gold. He was quite slender with the outline of his muscles shown

against his skin. His hands and feet were tipped with claws and covered in dark scales with

gold bands, the scales slowly turning into skin as it moved up his limbs. More scales

crowned the top of his wide shoulders and the back of his neck. From behind his hips a long

tail reminiscent of his original form shifted back and forth along the floor in an S-like

pattern. While looking at his hips and tail something caught my eye. His member was soft

but fairly large relative to his small stature, it made me blush a bit thinking about it. He

stood examining his body, puffs of pink smoke still blowing from his nostrils.

I stood stunned, allowing my eyes to trace over Ash’s new form. He was doing much

the same, examining his body with a look of disbelief. I moved over to him, worried about

any possible injuries that his transformation might have caused, still trying to process what

had just happened.

“A-Ash! Are you okay?” I started examining his body for anything that looked


“Master? I’m… I’m okay, I look like you now…” Ash said.

“You can talk now! Stars above, this- this is amazing, an alchemical breakthrough!

With this I could-”

“Does this mean I don’t have to go back in the tank?” He said. My heart sank full of

worry about Ash’s happiness.

“W-what do you mean? No of course not, do you not like your tank?” I asked. Ash

Ignored my question and started to bounce and smile, showing off his fangs.

“I don’t have to go in the tank! Hehehe~ does that mean I can sleep with Master


“Oh, um, I suppose it does… say, lets see if I have anything to dress you in…” I said.

While Ash bounced his member joined him in celebration, slowly getting hard. His length

grew to about four inches, only an inch shorter than mine yet he was not even half my

height. The idea tinted my cheeks red and I quickly waved the more lewd thoughts away.

Under my desk I had some scrap cloth used for clothing repairs. I grabbed some cloth and

started to work on something that could fit his small frame. Ash seemed occupied as I

worked, still examining his new body. Once I was finished I beckoned him over and fitted

the small skirt over him. It was made of white silk and went down to below his knees. There

was a slight bulge in the front but for now it was functional enough.

“There you go sweet boy, does that feel okay?” I cooed.

“Yes. Thank you, Master. Do I have to sleep like this?” Ash asked.

“Um, yes, since you wanted to sleep with me.”

“But you sleep nude.” Ash said. His words suddenly made me realize how much he

would have seen and heard from his tank. All the times I changed in front of him and went

to bed nude. He likely knew my body better than he knew his own.

“I- I suppose you’re right, but it's a bit awkward to sleep nude with others, I think it

would be best-”
“But you slept with Cade nude, and he was nasty… Don’t you like me?”

“O-Of course, Ash, sweet boy. Um, Cade was my boyfriend at the time so it was-”

“Can I be your boyfriend?” He asked. I blushed, attempting to respond while


“Um, well, maybe when you’re older..?”

“I’m already an adult and I’m capable of breeding if that’s what you’re worried

about.” He said with an innocent smile. The bulge returned in the skirt, throbbing a few


“U-uh, n-no that's not- Um, if you want to sleep nude you can, I just will wear my

night clothes, how about that?”

“Why are you blushing so much?”

“I-I’m just tired, let's start to get ready for bed… Do you need anything or are you

ready to sleep?”

“No, I’m so excited to sleep with you!” He giggled as he slid his skirt down before

discarding it on the table. Then he walked over to me gesturing for me to pick him up,

erection pointing at me. I lifted him and placed him on the bed where he excitedly rolled

around before nestling under the warm wool covers. I quickly did my nightly routine and

joined him in bed. As I did he moved over to me, his arms and legs wrapped around my

body and his tail wrapped around my leg, squeezing me tightly. I felt his erection throb a bit

as he said,

“I love you.”

“I- I love you too… I never expected this outcome… but it’s a welcome one.” I said.

Ash’s erection against my side gave me one of my own. I would never admit it out loud but I
was very attracted to his new form. His abs, his eyes, even his tail made me weirdly

attracted to him. It felt wrong. Just this morning I fed him a live mouse and made sure his

tank was clean, he was just a pet. Or perhaps he was always a bit more than a pet? During

my time with Cade it had always felt like he not only supported me, but was far more

affectionate than Cade was. Given Ash’s disposition now it seems like he wants to date…

My thoughts swirled while laying in my bed with Ash’s embrace. I ended up thinking

myself to sleep coming to no solid conclusions on how I should handle this situation except

for one; regardless of whether it was right or wrong to date Ash, it felt right sleeping with


Chapter 2: Early Warning Signs

I woke up to the feeling of the bed shaking slightly and the sound of panting. I slowly

turned to its source, still rooting through the memories of last night attempting to recall if it

was a dream or reality. I saw Ash laying on top of the covers shamelessly stroking himself.

He noticed me staring and greeted my slack-jawed look with a playful smile.

“Oh, good morning, nghh~ Master.” He said through soft moans and grunts, showing

no desire to hide his vigorous motions. “I think changing my- ahh~ body made me more…

Oh~ fuck-” He bit his lip as he shot a few thick white threads over his chest, abs, and hand.

For being so small, he produced a lot, more than I usually do. I blushed and started to get

up, reaching for a spare sock as Ash laid on the bed breathing heavily, coated in cum.

“Um… Good morning to you too, sweet boy. Just for future reference, typically

masturbation is a more private activity.” I placed the sock next to him for him to use to clean

himself off, “Were you saying something about your new body?”

“Yeah, I can’t stop thinking about breeding… And what do you mean private? You did

it all the time in the same room as me.” Ash said.

“O-oh, I’m sorry, I guess you’re right. Still, that was different then, you were… It’s

different now cause you’re human.” I said. Ash was quiet for a bit, still covered in cum. As he

reflected on my words he reached over for the blankets to clean himself off, quickly I

stopped him and spoke.

“Ash, no. Here, just use- I’ll just do it…” I said, picking up the sock and cleaning him

off myself. At first it just seemed like a simple gesture to ensure my sheets stayed clean, but

as I wiped him off I could feel his body underneath the sock. I couldn’t explain it to myself

but I simply enjoyed the feeling of touching Ash in his new form. When he was a snake,

handling him was enjoyable but this felt much more intimate. Once he was dry I slid my

hand down his chest and tummy to ensure he was fully dry and to feel his body just a bit

more. I shook the trance away and spoke.

“I’m going to head out and gather a few ingredients today, would you like to go with

me? I feel bad about leaving you inside for so long.”

“Yes! Can we hold hands when we walk through town?” Ash asked while jumping

down from the bed, beaming a fanged smile.

“Um, I don’t think we’ll go through town, we can go out the back into-”


“Well, I’m not sure how people would react to you yet. You’re the first snake turned

human, people might not-”

“Stop saying that.” Ash said. I raised my eyebrows and stooped down to his level.

“Saying what, sweet boy?”

“I’m not human… not fully.”

“Oh, well, I just mean that as in-”

“Don’t call me human again.”

“A-alright, I won’t anymore… Here, let's get ready.” I handed Ash his little skirt,

slightly uneasy at his tone shift. He quickly returned to being happy about going out with

me, but the way his eyes darkened when he got serious had me a bit unsettled. I

disregarded it as I got dressed in a cute feminine outfit equipped with my little hip bag for

storing different reagents to use for potions. I explained to Ash that we wouldn’t take too

long on our trip since I just needed a few materials to brew a few healing potions and

restock. I checked out the back door for people and brought Ash out with me when it was

all clear.

The day was mostly cloudy with gentle winds blowing through the pines. My shop

was right on the outskirts of town with nothing but a field of tall grass between me and the

tree line. I grasped Ash’s hand as we set off through the field, his head a few inches below

the top of the tall grass. His tongue flicked out as he took in the new environment. A few
times I felt his tongue flick against my exposed thigh which left a streak of thick spit. He

squeezed my hand affectionately a few times and I returned them, feeling the smooth scales

that covered most of his hand and wrist. As we walked through the sounds of rustling grass

and calm winds I broke the silence by trying to get Ash excited.

“Are you ready to help me find some mushrooms? I can teach you which ones are

good, we can even snack on some of them and have a little picnic.” I said smiling.

“That sounds fun. I’m happy to spend time with you while outside.” Ash said.

“I’m happy too, sweet boy. I’m glad we had an early start too, sometimes the wild

pigs eat all the-” I gasped, interrupting myself. Ash had slipped his hand from my grasp and

reached up my skirt, groping my plump rear. His small clawed hand kneaded my cheek as I

was stunned for a second. I finally managed to move, snatching his hand out from under my


“A-Ash! What are you doing?”

“I’m sorry, is it not normal to like your butt?” He asked innocently.

“No- Well, it’s normal, yes, but you can’t just grope me randomly… You can’t grope

me at all.”


“Cause… cause that’s not- it’s not appropriate.”

“When can I touch you? I like your body a lot… I was going to touch you last night

but I didn’t want to wake you.”

“... Thank you for not waking me but it’s a bit odd for you to-”

“Master? Why is your penis so small?” Ash interrupted. Hot crimson flashed across

my face as I struggled to think of a way to explain myself.

“Uh, well I- I was just born that way.”

“I like it. It makes your butt look bigger in comparison.” He said with the same

innocent looking smile on his face and the glint of both affection and lust in his eyes.

“Th-Thank you, Ash.” I said, blush still coloring my face.

We both went silent as we walked together while holding hands. We passed into the

forest proper and soon the sound of calm wind blowing through evergreens was

accompanied by bird songs. As we explored I spotted a bright red fungus growing from a

fallen tree, an important component to healing potions. I released Ash’s hand and stooped

down to carefully collect, wary of bending over in front of his lustful gaze. I made sure my

skirt was properly covering my rear as I sat on my heels next to the mushroom.

With the quiet sounds of nature surrounding me I took a moment to reflect on

everything that had happened so far. It was still tough to process, just yesterday Ash was

only a pet. Well, he was more than that, he was the only one to keep me company in the

times I needed someone the most. I never really thought of him as much more than a friend,

but it seems like he’s interested in being my boyfriend. Are these feelings just a side effect

from the potion? It’s hard to imagine he was always romantically interested, or sexually

interested in me for that matter. This morning he did mention that his new body made him

think about breeding more, right as he came… I could feel my member twitch reminiscing

on his orgasm.

I quickly shook the thought away and refocused, plucking a few mushrooms and

placing them in my hip bag to help distract my mind from lustful thoughts. Ash was always

affectionate, but it’s hard to tell if his affection as a snake was the same type of affection he

was showing now. Sometimes Ash would get needy and clingy when he was hungry, it’s how
I knew he wanted to be fed, maybe the potion mixed with hunger was causing this type of


My train of thought was interrupted by the panicked squeal of a wild pig from a few

yards away. I whipped around and looked where Ash was standing only to find his

discarded skirt laying on the ground in the direction of the noise. My mind went to the

worst assumption. The guilt I would feel if Ash got hurt because I let him out of my sight

would be too much for me to live with. I jumped up and sprinted towards the direction of

the noise, nimbly moving over uneven terrain. As I got close I could hear a struggle on the

forest floor and I prepared myself to protect my love.

When I came upon Ash, he was on his hands and knees with a wild pig nearly the

size of him halfway down his throat, head first. His jaw was stretched around the animal’s

midsection, slowly gulping down more of it. He attempted to grab the pig’s flailing back legs

but was unable to get a good grasp. I acted only thinking of keeping Ash safe, lunging

forward and grabbing a hold of the pig’s legs so it wouldn’t kick him. His eyes thanked me

as he began to quicken his pace, swallowing the pig inches at a time. It wasn’t until Ash’s

lips touched my hands that my adrenaline wore off and I was able to process the situation.

I let go and its legs slid past his maw, which closed into a satisfied smile. I watched as

he swallowed the bulge in his throat, sending it down into his stomach. His belly was nearly

the size of the rest of his body with lumps and details across the surface, shifting as his prey

frantically struggled inside. Ash shifted to a kneeling position with his stomach still resting

on the ground. As he moved his distended belly it groaned and gurgled loud enough to

almost drown out the sounds of the struggling prey.

“Thank you for helping, Master. I like this new body, I can fit bigger meals into my

stomach.” Ash said as he gently caressed his wriggling gut. I stuttered a bit, shocked at what

had just happened. I sorted through my anger that he had run off, my relief that he was

seemingly unharmed, and bewilderment that he was able to even accomplish such a thing.

“A-Ash! You can’t run off like that, you could have gotten hurt! And- and don’t eat

something so big and living, I’m still worried it might hit one of your organs a-and kill you!”

I scolded.

“Don’t worry Master, my gut is far too powerful for it to hurt me. Actually, it’s

struggles feel really nice~” He said with some pleasure dripping from his words which

made me shutter.

“That's… That’s a little concerning Ash, are you sure I can’t just get you some cuts of

meat or- ”

“You fed me live rats and mice. How is this different?”

“It’s not, just… I guess I’m worried you might get hurt if you-”

“I’m much stronger than this pig, and I can’t imagine anything similar would put up

much better of a fight. Look, it’s already getting overpowered by my stomach.” He said,

playfully rubbing his belly. The movement inside had already slowed to an occasional

twitch and the only noise coming from his stomach was the gurgling sounds of digestion.

“Alright, but you're nude and immoble so I’ll have to take you home soon. Can I trust

you to stay safe for a little bit while I quickly grab a few more ingredients?”

“Yes.” Ash said, clearly more fixated on his bloated tummy rather than what I was


“Okay, just yell if you need me, I’ll be close by.”

I stepped briskly between pines, trying to recall everything I needed to restock. I

collected Ash’s discarded skirt and a few patches of moss and fungus that would be enough

to hold me over until next week when I went out gathering again. It wasn’t long until I

returned to Ash. He was laying down on a soft patch of grass, closing his eyes while his

bloated stomach audibly churned. The surface of it was now slightly smaller and completely

smooth, free of any lumps and outlines, suggesting an alarmingly fast digestion process. As I

moved closer he opened his eyes and greeted me with a burp and a smile.

“Alright, are you ready to go? I can pick you up and carry you since your stomach is

so full.” I said.

“No, that’s okay. I can walk.” He said as sat up and stretched, his stomach sloshing

with his movements. He managed to stand up and cupped his belly with both his hands to

help hold it up. “This new body is able to churn prey very fast. Thank you Master for

transforming me.”

“Um, y-yeah… I’m glad I did, but how come you’re so fixated on… digesting food, is

it really that pleasurable for you?”

“I just like displaying my power and dominating another creature. I like showing off

to you too, I want you to see me as a powerful mate.”

“Oh, you just want to attract me? You don’t have to- um, dominate others to appeal to

me, I think you’re perfect the way you are.” I said. There was a long silence as we both

moved towards home.

“Do you think I’m a powerful mate?”

“Uh, yeah I suppose so, just-”

“Can I be your boyfriend now?”

“I- I don’t know if I’m ready to date right now, sweet boy, I’m still not sure if it’s right

to date you since you used to just be a snake- I’m sorry, It’s not-”

“Do you want to be my boyfriend?”

“Well, yeah, but-”

“Then why do you let things get in the way of what you want?”

“I- I don’t know… Maybe you’re right.” I said, placing my hand on his head as we

started walking through the tall grass once again. Maybe I was preventing myself from

enjoying my life. I did love Ash, but the transformation was so unexpected I was still waiting

for my feelings to catch up. My thoughts were interrupted when I looked down at Ash while

we walked, his head a bit above the grass. I was certain that when we left this morning he

was shorter than the grass, but as I took the time to look at him more closely it seemed like

his body did get slightly bigger. Was the potion still affecting him, causing him to grow? If it

was then surely he should have grown last night. The only thing that changed was him

eating. I swallowed hard, both worried at what this could mean and excited at the

implication of potentially dating someone I loved that would eventually be taller than me.

Once we went back into my house Ash headed for the bed and climbed up the side,

his stomach sloshing as he moved. I placed my bag on my work desk so I could sort through

it later. Ash rubbed his belly while laying on the bed. His stomach gurgled and he belched

which grabbed my attention.

“Master, can you help me digest?” He said.

“Um, what would you want me to do?”

“Just massage my tummy. I can do something for you in return if you’d like.”

“Okay sweet boy, give me a second.”

I took off my boots and joined him on the bed, sitting cross-legged next to him. His

stomach greeted me with a loud gurgle. I stared at his enlarged belly for a time, all his talk

about power and dominating his prey made his belly seem a little intimidating. Soon Ash

became impatient and stretched his small hand out waiting to grasp mine. I placed my hand

in his and he gently caressed my hand, squeezing it a few times. His eyes were loving yet

lusty as he moved my hand to his belly.

His skin was smooth to the touch, and as I started to massage him I could feel that

there was nothing left but a thick soup bubbling away in his gut. It added to the

intimidation but instead of freezing up again, it motivated me. It was an odd feeling, but

Ash’s physical power appealed to me. Powerful and dominant boys always appealed to me

and Ash’s method of showing his dominance was unorthodox without a doubt, but

something about it made my heart race. He must have noticed my expression or the tent in

my pants since I felt his hand glide up my thigh and grope my hard member through the

cloth. Instead of removing his hand like last time I could only let out a trembling moan. The

innocence from his face was gone, with nothing but desire stretched across his smile.

“Why don’t you remove your clothes. I can tell you want to~” Ash said with a

honeyed voice. I obliged. As I rubbed his tummy I removed my clothes leaving nothing but

my socks as I continued to let my hands glide over his smooth skin. I could feel what was

left of his meal while it bubbled and gurgled away. I could feel the thick soup getting

absorbed into his perfect body the more I kneaded his flesh. It was hard to tell with my

lust-shaded vision, but it seemed like his stomach wasn’t just slowly getting smaller as he

digested, but his body was getting bigger.

When Ash’s gut gradually went from beach ball sized to only about soccer ball sized I

could see his member pressed firmly against the bottom of his belly, throbbing into it. It

was bigger than this morning as well, about the size of mine despite him being much

smaller. My massage stopped as I sat hypnotized by his cock, mine throbbing in sync with

his. Ash noticed and grabbed a hold of my idle hand.

“Don’t be shy~” He hissed while sliding my hand down to his cock. I wrapped my

fingers around it and felt it pulse in my grasp. With my other hand I continued the massage.

I stroked him with a delicate grip, switching between slow and fast motions pulling a few

erotic moans from him. He let his head rest against the bed and covered his eyes with his

arm, biting his lip as he enjoyed my touch. Stroking his cock seemed to aid in his digestion

much more than just the massage. His stomach audibly churned louder as I brought him

closer and closer to climax. Slowly his large belly shrank until it was just a large bump, no

bigger than half a grapefruit.

I felt Ash’s member twitch several times as he moaned and sprayed a thick stream of

cum over my fingers and onto his chest. As his orgasm took control of his body it seemed to

finish whatever was left in his stomach, absorbing whatever was left sloshing in his

stomach in rhythm to each rope he shot out onto my hand and himself. Because his body

was absorbing what was left of his prey in larger bursts I could clearly see that his body was

growing about an inch at a time.

When his orgasm was over I released his cock and grabbed my own, unable to keep

my hand from pleasuring myself from such an experience. I stroked my member using Ash’s

cum as lotion. It felt depraved yet so good. I couldn’t hold back from whimpering from the
overwhelming lust that ran through my body. It wasn’t long until Ash recovered from his

own orgasm and moved over to me.

“Master, look. I grew bigger, I’m bigger than you now~” He said as he pressed his

cum-soaked cock against mine. He was right. Despite growing to about half my height he

had about an inch of size more than me where it counted. The embarrassment mixed with

my desperate and volatile lust like a chemical reaction. I blushed and let out a moan as I

sprayed my load over Ash, mixing my seed with his. Once I was done I shuttered and looked

down at Ash. He reached up and pet me, his affectionate eyes locking with mine.

“Good boy. Not only am I bigger, but I cum more. I think from now on I should be in

charge of breeding, I think I’m better at it.” He said. I was exhausted, embarrassed, and

alarmingly aroused. I let out an unintelligible noise of pleasure before Ash leaned in and

kissed me. His tail flicked back and forth before he laid back down, piercing his long forked

tongue out of his lips and dragging it along his glazed abs. He quickly cleaned himself while

I recovered.

Once he was clean he tugged my arm and gestured for me to lay down with him. I

followed his direction, laying down on my back as he cuddled up to my side. I placed my

arm against his back to hold him close. He wrapped his arms around my thin waist and put

his knee over my soft thigh. His tail wrapped around my leg and squeezed it tight. Despite

him already fully digesting his meal I could feel his stomach rumbling against my hip,

almost as if he was still hungry.

“That was really nice, Master. I’m glad we’re boyfriends now.” He said.

“Um, yeah, I enjoyed that a lot more than I thought I would… Would you like me to

nap with you? It feels nice to lay here with you.”

“Yes, I love napping after eating. I can’t wait until my next meal, I want to get even

bigger so I can become the master.”

“Oh, um, I’m not sure-”

“I can’t wait til next time we do this as well, I won’t waste any of my seed when we

do this again. I want to fill one of your holes.” He said while getting hard against me. I

couldn’t help but get hard as well.

“L-let’s not plan so far ahead, I-I just want to try and take things slow.”

“Don’t worry, I’ll go slow so I don’t hurt you.”

“That’s, uh, that’s not what I meant. Let’s just talk about it when we wake up.”

“Ok Master. I love you.”

“I… I love you too, Ash. Sleep well sweet boy.”

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