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Thomas School, Indirapuram

Practice Worksheet – Computer
(Ch 1 : Evolution of Computers)
Name: __________________________ Roll: _____ Sec. _____ Date: __________

Q1. Fill in the blanks using the help box.

1833 , Micro, Herman Hollerith, Summit, 1940-56

a) The era of first generation computers was ______________.

b) _____________ are used in homes, schools, shops, offices, bank etc.

c) Punched cards were designed by ______________________ .

d) _____________________ is the world’s fastest Super computer.

e) Analytical engine was invented in ____________________.

Q2. Answer in one word.

a) Who invented Difference engine? ___________________

b) Blaise Pascal invented an adding machine called ________________________

c) The theory of Boolean Logic was introduced by _____________________

d) Who is called as ‘first programmer’ suggested Binary data storage(0 and 1).


Q3. Name the generations of computers according to their circuitry.

a) Integrated circuits ____________________________________.

b) Micro Processors _____________________________________.

c) Vacuum tubes _______________________________________.

d) Transistors __________________________________________.
Q4.Write the full forms of the following:
a) UNIVAC _______________________________________________________________

b) ENIAC__________________________________________________________________.

c) ICs _____________________________________________________________________.
Q5. Application based questions.
a) Raman is working in the National Weather forecasting agency. Which type of a computer
is he using to forecast the weather conditions?
Ans: _____________________________________________________________________
b) Which type of computers do Indian Railway use to interact with the customers for the
booking and cancellation of tickets?
Ans: _____________________________________________________________________

Q5. Define the following.

a) Desktop computers : _______________________________________________________


b) Laptop computers: _________________________________________________________


Q6. Name the computer used in these places.

a) Stock exchange ________________________________________

b) Space research _________________________________________

c) Big organizations _______________________________________

d) Bank , Schools _________________________________________

Q7. Write short notes on –ABACUS.





Q8. Father of computer _________________________________________________

Q9. First mechanical calculator __________________________________________

Q10. First general purpose electronic digital computer and who invented it.


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