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MA in Applied Linguistics & ELT "semester Mid-Term Examination, 2020 Batch 10, Session 2019-2020 Course EL. 504: Discourse Analysis and Pragmatics Time: 1 hour 45 minutes Full Marks: 30, PartA ‘Waite short notes on any three of the following: Marks: Sx3=15 1. Structure of spoken texts 2. Publicrepair 3. Reference 4. Transactional versus interactional functions of language 5. Principles of quality and quantity Part B Write short notes on any three of the following: Marks:5x3=15 1. Locution, iliocution, perlocution 2. Felicity conditions 3. Face threatening acts 4. Positive and negative face strategies MA. (Apple! Linguistics nnd EL {st Semeste: Mid-Term Examinatior (Batch 9, Sesion 2018-2019 (Coarse: EL $04 (Discourse Analysis and Pes Time: 1 hour and 45 minstes Full Marks 30 PART A ‘Answer any three ofthe following questions. All questions are of equal v fee from. impli 1. What 1s a performative? How do explicit perormatives sin terms of these acts Ac Itwould be marvellow hot coffee B:Sony, Ihave to rush off os mesting 4. Classify the following speech ucts according to function ¢ fit (word and world). ‘© Lam so happy to hear that youre getting marie b. This is onc of the mostexciting & Will you pleas copy of th This summer Iam going on a tour of Europe. { i | i will be closed on snd unwavering dedication to ge Herbert Walker Bush Announcement from Maryland Gov. Larry Hos S. Deine the tem indizect speech act Identify and explain vhich ofthe following may be ‘considered as an indirect specc act and mention under which cicimstances, Tho soup is geting colt! I wonder i the trai has been delay. lease tll me the time (Can you tell me th time? The Bangladesh cricket team i playing in New Zedand. PARTE Pere p id-Term E Mic . : pT) Ist Semester pea capi neg Sesson: 20172018 atcg ny 04, Discourse Analysis anc! Prag eee PART A (3x5=15) cores on/answer any three of the following: Write short a 1. Fillers and their uses 2. Structural features of spoken texts 3. Textand co-text 4. Explain the terms ‘addressor, ‘addressee" and ‘audience’. Give examples. 5 What ismeant by implicature? Why is implied meaning important for a discourse analyst? PARTB oe ee notes om any three of the following: (3x5=15 E feet count of woman's language : E e dit ie erence view (Tannen 1991, 1995 and Cameron 1995) in the stuly of gend dy of gender 5, _cribute to social justice * Comment onthe gender dit © govemorigovemess pra Prsented in the following pai © god/goddess 5. bachelor/spinster ing pairs of words: 4 humanity/manking eee Mf - 2272, 1 Kexamination, 2017 MA (Applica Linguistics ad ELT) Mid {Batch 07, Session: 2016-2017) ‘Course: EL 504A) Pragmatics aud Discourse Aways Full Marks: 300 ma me: 1 hour 45 mint PART A Answerany tliree ofthe following: pal performatives, Include example two of these: promise, request atid 1. Write a short note on archet 2. What are the preparaiory conditions necessary for any 4. Dofive the terms- locutionary ae, illocutionary net and perlocutionary act. Then explain ut A in terms of these acts {At Do you have an extra pen? B: Sorry, only have the one | 4. What is the performative hypothesis and how effective is it? 3. Classify the follo type. Also explain how the acts differ. ing utterances in terms of Searle's class ye from March Your emplayment with this company is hereby terminated and it is effect 1, 2017 Can you toll me when the next train will depart? {Lam so happy that you won the prize! jon of rare manuscripts. Yesterday I went to an exhil Tam going to retuin all my library books tomorrow. PART B Write short notes on or answer any three of the following: 3x5= 2) Presupposition ina text by tnteractional functions of anguege ‘e) Addressor, addressee and audience @) Logical and interactional inference ) Identify and explain the structural features of the following text: ‘We're travelling down Abbey Hill Road and on the left-hand side you can look at... { mean see of Holyrood House, Next-door tothe palace you can seean ... Abbey. This was built David of Scotland and and it was built as a penance because ... well ... he went lay which was not allowed in Scotland well. you know... at his time, Now . ‘down Caron Gate and High Street ... and Lawn Market. 5 SC — artment of English e eat oF i mination 2016 MA. (Applied Lingus and ELT) Mit Tera Esai Batch 6, Session 2015-2016, I riety Course BLS04 (A): Pragmatics and Discours 1° ® Full Marks: 30 "Time: 1:45 Ho PART-A Answerany three questions. All questions are of equal val. five"? How do explicit wt do you understand by the term “explicit performat w ; aoe ee inplct performatives? Which of the following utterances ‘can be considered as explicit performatives and why? 4. Tigive you ahandl tomorrow when youare moving the BOXES }. [promise that! will help you tomorrow when you are moving the bon €, Students are asked to stop writing ard submit their copies now. 4. The dog loitering infront of the gate has rabies. &. Lam warning you that the dog loitering n from of the gate has rabies. Give the definitions of locutionary act, locutionary act end perlocutionary act Analyze how the sets operate in the following utterance (in bold), work on the child's utterance ‘A child speaking to his mother says: Child: I need to take poster colours to school tomorrow to work on our project. ‘Mother: Sorry but [ have sbsolutely no time today to take you to the shops. How do speech acts differ in Scarke’s view? Classify the following examples according to Searle's macto-classes/categories of speech at and give brief definitions ofeach class. @ The roadwill remain closed for repair until further notice. 4. The patient had to undergo surgery because of a burst append, ¢. Lan so happy for you! Would you mind opening the door for me? e, Lwill send you an email tomorrow. ‘What conditions did Searle postulate for speech acts? Give the conditions necessary for requests and threats. ‘Write a short not: on felicity conditions. PART-B Answer any three ofthe following questions, (53-15) 1. @)Whatis meant by flouting? (8) Analyze the following adjacency pair using Grice's cooperative principles ‘A:Do you mind if {turn on the radio fora while? _B: Ihave ahesdache. fy the features of written language. ¥ function different from transactional function off ‘on the structure of spoken text. ples of ‘fillers’ and ‘repairs’ and explain the terms. _ er University of Dhaka M.A. (Applied Linguistics and ELT) 1" Semester Midterm Examination, 2015 (Batch 5, Session: 2014-2015) ‘Course EL-503(A): Pragmatics and Discourse Analysis ull Marks: 30 2 Time: 1:48 Hours PART A Answer any three (03) of the following: (3x5=15) Explain the differences between explicit performatives and implicit performatives and 1 give examples of both types of performatives. 2. What did Austin mean by the terms uptake, misfire and abuse? Exolain with examples 3. Describe the conditions that Searle elucidated for speech acts and discuss the condition necessary for promise and warning. 4. How do speech acts differ in Searle's opinion? Be sure to mention his macro-classes of speech act and show how they differ. 5. Define Indirect Speech Act and point out how they cen be interpreted. From the following utterances identify the indirect speech acts and explain why. “Do you have to stand in front of the television?" b. “Iwould tke a cup oftea.” “Have a wonderful stay!” d. “You had better eat your dinner without complaining.” e@. “Paris is the capital of France.” PART B Write short notes on any three (03) of the following: (3x5 =15) 1. Functions of language 2. Features of spoken text 3. Personal vs. Demonstrative reference 4. Verbal substitution Dopactinent af English University of Dhak Mishernt Exanination 2014 M.A. Applied Linguistics and ELT Balch 4 Session: 2009-2010 Course EL-504 (Dissourse Analysis and Pragina Time: 15 Howes Full Marks: 30 AAwawor fren bots Pat A and Part B An oF te Flowing questions. wer any vhstitation’? LWhy isellipsi 2, How is domoustrative reference diferent ftom personal reveconce 3. What is meant by cohesin? How is the ides of coheronce telat ti 4. Would you eonsider ihe following advertisement a text? Why or why ot” simu Here wean get

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