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The Islamic School Rising with World Class Education

Name : _________________ Total Marks :30
Class : 9th Test 1 Subject : chemistry

Q.2: Write short answers of the following.

1. How does homogeneous mixture differ from
heterogeneous mixture?
2. What is valency?
3. What is Avogadro’s number?
4. Which elements constitute major part of our body?
5. State the reasons. Soft drink is a mixture and water is
a compound.
6. Define a mole. Give the relation of mole with mass.
7. Define biochemistry.
8. Define atomic mass unit. Why is it needed?
9. Differentiate between atom and ion.
10.Write down the definition of element. Give the name
of elements in liquid state
11.For an element Z =92, A= 238 . Calculate the number
of electron and proton in it?
12.Differentiate between atomic number and mass
number of an element?
13.State nuclear chemistry and analytical chemistry?
14.Define nuclear chemistry
15.Write down the empirical formula of glucose and
16.Differentiate between atomic no and mass no
17.What is the difference between physical and chemical
properties. Give an example of each
18. Define physical chemistry and inorganic chemistry.
19. Differentiate between compound and mixture?
20.Differentiate between cation and anion with

Test Session 2019 – 2020 Chapter # 8

The Islamic School Rising with World Class Education
Name : _________________ Total Marks :30
Class : 9th Test 1 Subject : chemistry

21. What does mean by amu?

SECTION II (5x2=10)

Q.3:a. How to write a Chemical Formula? Explain with examples.

b. Give the chemical formula of Calcium chloride.
a. Define molecule and write five types of molecules with example for each? (5)
A. Describe four differences between molecule and molecular ion

1. Differentiate between shell and sub-shell with examples of each.
2. State any two uses of isotopes?
3. How many neutrons are present in C-12 & C-13?.
4. Define the term carbon dating?
5. What is plum pudding theory and who presented it ?
6. Write down the name of first four shells and number of electrons they
7. Give electronic configuration of chlorine
8. Write any two properties of neutrons
9. How nucleus is discovered by Rutherford
10.Define electronic configuration and write down the electronic configuration of
aluminum according to shells and subshells
11.Explain empirical formula with example.
12.Write two properties of neutron particles.
13.How is goiter in thyroid gland is detected?
14. Describe the discovery of neutron.
15. Write two properties of cathode rays and write down the electronic configuration
of Ne.
16. Differentiate between Rutherford atomic theory and Bohr’s atomic theory
17. Write down the isotopes of chlorine and uranium

Test Session 2019 – 2020 Chapter # 8

The Islamic School Rising with World Class Education
Name : _________________ Total Marks :30
Class : 9th Test 1 Subject : chemistry

18. Explain the use of U-235 in power generation.

19. Write two properties of canal rays

1. Give the results of Rutherford atomic model experiment

1. Define octet and duplet rule?
2. Why a covalent bond becomes polar?
3. What is meant by double covalent bond? Give examples.
4. Draw the Lewis structure diagram of Cl2?
5. How coordinate covalent bond is formed between NH4+ ion?
6. Write three properties of ionic compounds.
7. Explain dipole-dipole interaction with an example of HCl.
8. Ionic compounds are solids Justify…
9. Define Metallic bonding.
10.How do atoms follow octet rule?
11.Why metals are good conductor of electricity?
12.What do you mean by hydrogen bonding?
13.What do u mean by donor acceptor in covalent bond?
14.Define metallic bond?
15.Why HCl has a dipole-dipole force of attraction?
16.Explain polar covalent bond with an example?
17. What is meant by double covalent bond? Give examples.
18.Draw the Lewis structure diagram of Cl2?
19.Why can chlorine accept only one electron?
20.Differentiate between bond pair and lone pair of electrons

Test Session 2019 – 2020 Chapter # 8

The Islamic School Rising with World Class Education
Name : _________________ Total Marks :30
Class : 9th Test 1 Subject : chemistry


1. Differentiate between diffusion and effusion.

2. What do u mean by mobility of gas?
3. Why does ice floats on water?
4. Why drops of rain falls downward?
5. Define amorphous solids with an example?
6. Why does volume of gas decrease with increase of pressure?
7. Why is vapor pressure higher at high temperature?
8. Define Charles’s law. Also write its mathematical representation.
9. What do you mean by mobility of gasses?
10.In which form Sulphur exists at 100ºC?
11.Write the name of the factors which affect the boiling point of a liquid.
12.What is diffusion? Explain with an example.
13.Define the term allotropy with examples.
14.Define crystalline solids. Give examples.
15.Why the density of a gas increases on cooling.
16.Why does volume of gas decrease with increase of pressure?
17.Why is vapor pressure higher at high temperature?

Test Session 2019 – 2020 Chapter # 8

The Islamic School Rising with World Class Education
Name : _________________ Total Marks :30
Class : 9th Test 1 Subject : chemistry
18.Explain evaporation causes cooling.
19.Convert the following temperature into celsius
a. 298K
b. 302K

1. Define aqueous solution also give one example
2. How can you distinguish between solution and pure solvent
3. What is the difference between true solution and colloid
4. Define molarity. Write does its formula and unit
5. What is the difference between dilute and concentrated solution?
6. Distinguish between amorphous solid and crystalline solid?
7. What does mean by volume by mass percentage?
8. Define saturated solution. How it is prepared?

9. What do u mean by volume/ volume %?

10.What is solvent give two examples?
11.Differentiate between saturated and unsaturated solution?.
12.Why does test tube become cold when KNO3 is dissolved in water?
13.Define Tyndall Effect?
14.Identify as colloid or suspension from the following. Chalk, Soap solution,
Milk, paint.
1. Give the general principle of solubility
2. Define Tyndall Effect?
3. What is percentage mass/mass
4. Identify as colloid or suspension from the following. Chalk, Soap solution, Milk, paint.
5. How saturated solution becomes supper saturated?

Test Session 2019 – 2020 Chapter # 8

The Islamic School Rising with World Class Education
Name : _________________ Total Marks :30
Class : 9th Test 1 Subject : chemistry

Test Session 2019 – 2020 Chapter # 8

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