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submitted by: UJALA KHAN (02-111211-254)

Economic development refers to the sustained, deliberate efforts and policies aimed at

improving the economic well-being, prosperity, and quality of life for individuals and

communities within a country or region. It involves a multidimensional process of structural

transformation, productivity enhancement, and inclusive growth, with the overarching goal of

reducing poverty, inequality, and unemployment while fostering sustainable economic progress.

The main indicators of economic development include:

1. Gross Domestic Product (GDP):

 Gross Domestic Product (GDP) is a measure of the total value of all goods and

serv ices p ro d u ced w ith in a co u n try 's b o rd ers o v er a sp ecific p erio d , u su ally a

y ear o r a q u arter.

 It encompasses various economic activities, including consumption (spending by

households), investment (spending by businesses on capital goods like

machinery and buildings), government spending on goods and services, and net

exports (exports minus imports).

 G D P g ro w th in d icates th e rate at w h ich a co u n try 's eco n o m y is ex p an d in g . A

h ig h er G D P g en erally sig n ifies a h ealth ier eco n o m y w ith m o re eco n o m ic activ ity

an d h ig h er stan d ard s o f liv in g .

2. Gross National Product (GNP):

 G ro ss N atio n al P ro d u ct (G N P ) is sim ilar to G D P b u t also in clu d es in co m e

earn ed b y a co u n try 's resid en ts fro m in v estm en ts m ad e ab ro ad m in u s in co m e

earn ed b y fo reig n ers w ith in th e co u n try .

 G N P p ro v id es a b ro ad er m easu re o f a co u n try 's eco n o m ic p erfo rm an ce b y

co n sid erin g n o t o n ly d o m estic p ro d u ctio n b u t also in co m e g en erated fro m

o v erseas in v estm en ts.

 It h elp s assess a co u n try 's eco n o m ic in flu en ce an d th e ex ten t o f its p articip atio n

in th e g lo b al eco n o m y .

3. Per Capita Income:

 Per capita income is calculated by dividing the total income of a country by its

p o p u latio n .

 It p ro v id es an av erag e m easu re o f in co m e p er p erso n w ith in a co u n try an d h elp s

assess th e d istrib u tio n o f w ealth am o n g th e p o p u latio n .

 Higher per capita income generally indicates a higher standard of living and greater economic

prosperity, although it does not necessarily reflect income equality or well-being for all


4. National Debt:

 National debt refers to the total outstanding borrowing of a country' s government, typically

comprising borrowing at both national and local government levels.

 G o v ern m en ts b o rro w m o n ey b y issu in g b o n d s o r tak in g o u t lo an s to fin an ce

ex p en d itu res w h en tax rev en u es are in su fficien t.

 W
hile public debt can fund essential infrastructure projects and stimulate economic growth,

excessive debt levels can lead to financial instability and pose long-termchallenges for

future generations.
5. Trade Balance:

 The trade balance measures the difference between the value of a country' s exports (goods and

services sold to other countries) and imports (goods and services purchased fromother

countries) over a specific period.

 Apositive trade balance, or trade surplus, occurs when exports exceed imports,

in d icatin g th at a co u n try is sellin g m o re g o o d s an d serv ices ab ro ad th an it is

b u y in g .

 Conversely, a negative trade balance, or trade deficit, occurs when imports exceed exports,

suggesting that a country is importing more than it is exporting.

6. Human Development Index (HDI):

 T h e H u m an D ev elo p m en t In d ex (H D I) is a co m p o site m easu re th at co n sid ers

various social indicators alongside economic factors to assess human

 HDI includes indicators such as life expectancy at birth, education (mean and expected years

of schooling), and per capita income.

 It p ro v id es a m o re h o listic v iew o f d ev elo p m en t b y co n sid erin g facto rs b ey o n d

eco n o m ic g ro w th , su ch as h ealth , ed u catio n , an d stan d ard o f liv in g .

7. Infrastructure Development:

 In frastru ctu re d ev elo p m en t refers to th e co n stru ctio n an d m ain ten an ce o f

p h y sical assets an d sy stem s th at su p p o rt eco n o m ic activ ities, su ch as

tran sp o rtatio n n etw o rk s, co m m u n icatio n facilities, en erg y in frastru ctu re, an d

p u b lic u tilities.

 A d eq u ate in frastru ctu re is essen tial fo r facilitatin g trad e, en ab lin g access to

markets, promoting economic growth, and improving living standards.

 In v estm en ts in in frastru ctu re co n trib u te to p ro d u ctiv ity g ain s, co st red u ctio n s,

an d en h an ced co m p etitiv en ess.

8. Credit Rating:

 Credit rating is an assessment of the creditworthiness of a borrower, whether it' s an

individual, corporation, or government entity.

 Credit rating agencies evaluate the borrower' s ability to repay debt obligations based on

factors such as financial stability, income levels, and repayment history.

 A higher credit rating indicates lower credit risk and typically results in lower borrowing

costs for the borrower.

9. Employment Rate:

 The employment rate measures the proportion of the working-age population that is employed or

actively seeking employment .

 It reflects th e lev el o f eco n o m ic activ ity, lab o r m ark et co n d itio n s, an d th e

av ailab ility o f jo b o p p o rtu n ities w ith in a co u n try .

 A h ig h em p lo y m en t rate is in d icativ e o f a ro b u st eco n o m y w ith o p p o rtu n ities fo r

income generation and economic participation.

10. Distribution of Wealth:

 Wealth distribution refers to the allocation of assets and resources among individuals or groups

within a society.

 It en co m p asses th e o w n ersh ip o f fin an cial assets, real estate, b u sin esses, an d o th er fo rm s

of wealth.

 Unequal distribution of wealth can lead to socioeconomic disparities, affecting access to

opportunities, social mobility, and overall economic stability.


Democratic/Military Party Prime YEA GDP ANNUA

ministers RS PER L


A ($) H RATE


MILITARY Establishment Ayub Khan 1960 82 7.27

MILITARY Establishment Ayub Khan 1961 88 7.27

MILITARY Establishment Ayub Khan 1962 89 2.26

MILITARY Establishment Ayub Khan 1963 94 4.91

MILITARY Establishment Ayub Khan 1964 103 9.67

MILITARY Establishment Ayub Khan 1965 114 11.08

MILITARY Establishment Ayub Khan 1966 123 7.83

MILITARY Establishment Ayub Khan 1967 137 10.97

MILITARY Establishment Ayub Khan 1968 143 4.87

MILITARY Establishment Ayub 1969 151 5.07



MILITARY Establishment Yahya Khan 1970 169 12.34

MILITARY/ Establishment/ Yahya 1971 175 3.59

DEMOCRATIC Pakistan peoples party Khan/Zulfiq

ar Ali Bhutto

DEMOCRATIC P ak istan p eo p les p arty Zulfiqar Ali 1972 151 -14.03


DEMOCRATIC P ak istan p eo p les p arty Zulfiqar Ali 1973 99 -34.07


DEMOCRATIC P ak istan p eo p les p arty Zulfiqar Ali 1974 135 35.48


DEMOCRATIC P ak istan p eo p les p arty Zulfiqar Ali 1975 165 22.53


D E M O C R A T IC P ak istan p eo p les p arty Zulfiqar Ali 1976 187 13.74


MILITARY/ P ak istan p eo p le’s Zulfiqar Ali 1977 209 11.35

D E M O C R A T IC p arty / E stab lish m en t Bhutto/Zia-


M IL IT A R Y Establishment Zia-ul-Haq 1978 238 14.07

M IL IT A R Y Establishment Zia-ul-Haq 1979 254 6.80

M IL IT A R Y Establishment Zia-ul-Haq 1980 293 15.35

M IL IT A R Y Establishment Zia-ul-Haq 1981 333 13.66

M IL IT A R Y Establishment Zia-ul-Haq 1982 350 4.91

M IL IT A R Y Establishment Zia-ul-Haq 1983 315 -9.95

M IL IT A R Y Establishment Zia-ul-Haq 1984 331 5.20

M IL IT A R Y Establishment Zia-ul-Haq 1985 321 -3.23

M IL IT A R Y Establishment Zia-ul-Haq 1986 317 -1.14

M IL IT A R Y Establishment Zia-ul-Haq 1987 320 0.91

MILITARY/ E stab lish m en t/ Zia-ul- 1988 356 11.38

D E M O C R A T IC P ak istan p eo p les p arty Haq/Benazir


D E M O C R A T IC P ak istan p eo p les p arty Benazir 1989 360 0.95


D E M O C R A T IC P ak istan p eo p les Benazir 1990 347 -3.63

party/Pakistan Bhutto/

M u slim L eag u e N Nawaz


D E M O C R A T IC P ak istan M u slim Nawaz Sharif 1991 383 10.41

L eag u e N

D E M O C R A T IC P ak istan M u slim Nawaz Sharif 1992 399 4.37

L eag u e N

D E M O C R A T IC P ak istan M u slim Nawaz Sharif/ 1993 413 3.31

L eag u e N /P ak istan Benazir

peoples party Bhutto

D E M O C R A T IC P ak istan p eo p les p arty Benazir 1994 405 -.96


D E M O C R A T IC P ak istan p eo p les p arty Benazir 1995 456 12.58


D E M O C R A T IC P ak istan p eo p les p arty Benazir 1996 461 1.29


D E M O C R A T IC P ak istan M u slim Nawaz Sharif 1997 442 -4.26

League N

D E M O C R A T IC P ak istan M u slim Nawaz Sharif 1998 428 -3.23

League N

M IL IT A R Y / P ak istan M u slim Nawaz Sharif / 1999 421 -1.60

D E M O C R A T IC L eag u e N / Parvez

E stab lish m en t Musharraf

M IL IT A R Y E stab lish m en t P arv ez 2000 531 26.30

M u sh arraf

M IL IT A R Y E stab lish m en t P arv ez 2001 499 -6.04

M u sh arraf

M IL IT A R Y E stab lish m en t P arv ez 2002 489 -1.96

M u sh arraf

M IL IT A R Y E stab lish m en t P arv ez 2003 550 12.35

M u sh arraf

M IL IT A R Y E stab lish m en t P arv ez 2004 631 14.84

M u sh arraf

M IL IT A R Y E stab lish m en t P arv ez 2005 689 9.03

M u sh arraf
M IL IT A R Y E stab lish m en t P arv ez 2006 771 11.96

M u sh arraf

M IL IT A R Y E stab lish m en t P arv ez 2007 838 8.66

M u sh arraf

M IL IT A R Y / E stab lish m en t/P ak istan P arv ez 2008 915 9.20

D E M O C R A T IC peoples party M u sh arraf/

Y o u saf

R aza

G illan i

D E M O C R A T IC P ak istan p eo p les p arty Yousaf 2009 884 -3.31

R aza

G illan i

D E M O C R A T IC P ak istan p eo p les p arty Yousaf 2010 911 3.01

R aza

G illan i

D E M O C R A T IC P ak istan p eo p les p arty Yousaf 2011 1075 18.04

R aza

G illan i

D E M O C R A T IC P ak istan p eo p les p arty / Y o u saf 2012 1110 3.18

P ak istan p eo p les p arty Raza

G illan i/R aja

P arv ez


D E M O C R A T IC P ak istan p eo p les p arty / Raja Parvez 2013 1126 1.47

P ak istan M u slim L eag u e A sh raf

N /Nawaz Sharif

D E M O C R A T IC P ak istan M u slim L eag u e Nawaz Sharif 2014 1173 4.21

D E M O C R A T IC P ak istan M u slim L eag u e Nawaz Sharif 2015 1282 9.29

D E M O C R A T IC P ak istan M u slim L eag u e Nawaz Sharif 2016 1469 14.53

D E M O C R A T IC P ak istan M u slim L eag u e Nawaz Sharif / 2017 1568 6.73

N/ Pakistan Muslim Sahid Khaqan

League N Abbasi

D E M O C R A T IC P ak istan M u slim L eag u e Sahid Khaqan 2018 1621 3.39

N/ Pakistan Tehreek-e- Abbasi /Imran

In saf Khan
D E M O C R A T IC P ak istan T eh reek -e-In saf Im ran K h an 2019 1437 -


D E M O C R A T IC P ak istan T eh reek -e-In saf Im ran K h an 2020 1322 -7.99

D E M O C R A T IC P ak istan T eh reek -e-In saf Im ran K h an 2021 1505 13.82

D E M O C R A T IC P ak istan T eh reek -e-In saf Im ran K h an 2022 1597 6.09


Y ears P arty HDI Life E x p ected M ean Y ear G N P

Expectancy y ear o f of per

sch o o lin g sch o o lin g Capita

1990 P ak istan p eo p les 0.400 60.1 4.6 2.3 2841

party/Pakistan Muslim

L eag u e N

1991 P ak istan M u slim L eag u e 0.404 60.3 4.7 2.4 2898

1992 P ak istan M u slim L eag u e 0.409 60.1 4.7 2.5 3033


1993 P ak istan M u slim L eag u e 0.410 59.9 4.8 2.6 2993

N /Pakistan peoples

p arty

1994 P ak istan p eo p les p arty 0.414 60.1 4.8 2.7 3015

1995 P ak istan p eo p les p arty 0.417 59.9 4.9 2.8 3081

1996 P ak istan p eo p les p arty 0.423 60.4 5 2.9 3134

1997 P ak istan M u slim L eag u e 0.425 60.6 5 3 3063

1998 P ak istan M u slim L eag u e 0.430 61.1 5.1 3.1 3040

1999 P ak istan M u slim L eag u e 0.435 61.7 5.1 3.2 3097

N/ Establishment

2000 E stab lish m en t 0.441 62.1 5.2 3.3 3161

2001 E stab lish m en t 0.448 62.4 5.2 3.5 3184

2002 E stab lish m en t 0.454 62.6 5.3 3.3 3179

2003 E stab lish m en t 0.462 62.8 5.3 4 3303

2004 E stab lish m en t 0.475 63.1 5.7 4.3 3485

2005 E stab lish m en t 0.484 62.5 6.1 4.5 3631

2006 E stab lish m en t 0.493 63.7 6.3 4.5 3761

2007 E stab lish m en t 0.499 63.9 6.7 4.4 3839

2008 E stab lish m en t/P ak istan 0.498 64 6.7 4.3 3820

peoples party

2009 P ak istan p eo p les p arty 0.502 64.1 6.8 4.5 3829

2010 P ak istan p eo p les p arty 0.505 64.4 6.8 4.6 3836

2011 P ak istan p eo p les p arty 0.508 64.6 6.8 4.7 3873

2012 P ak istan p eo p les p arty 0.513 64.8 6.9 4.8 3924

2013 P ak istan p eo p les p arty / 0.518 65.1 7 5 4006

P ak istan M u slim L eag u e

2014 P ak istan M u slim L eag u e 0.527 65.3 7.3 5.2 4105

2015 P ak istan M u slim L eag u e 0.534 65.7 7.6 5.2 4207

2016 P ak istan M u slim L eag u e 0.541 65.9 8 5.2 4337

2017 P ak istan M u slim L eag u e 0.543 66.3 7.9 5.1 4496

2018 P ak istan M u slim L eag u e 0.545 66.5 8.3 4.8 4658

N/ Pakistan Tehreek-e-

In saf

2019 P ak istan T eh reek -e-In saf 0.546 66.8 8.7 4.5 4604

2020 P ak istan T eh reek -e-In saf 0.543 66.3 8.7 4.5 4467

2021 P ak istan T eh reek -e-In saf 0.544 66.1 8.7 4.5 4624

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