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Approach to Outcome Measurement in the

Prevention of Thrombosis in Surgical and

Medical Patients : Antithrombotic Therapy
and Prevention of Thrombosis, 9th ed:
American College of Chest Physicians
Evidence-Based Clinical Practice Guidelines
Gordon H. Guyatt, John W. Eikelboom, Michael K. Gould, David A.
Garcia, Mark Crowther, M. Hassan Murad, Susan R. Kahn, Yngve
Falck-Ytter, Charles W. Francis, Maarten G. Lansberg, Elie A. Akl and
Jack Hirsh

Chest 2012;141;e185S-e194S
DOI 10.1378/chest.11-2289
The online version of this article, along with updated information and
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© 2012 American College of Chest Physicians
CHEST Supplement

Approach to Outcome Measurement in the

Prevention of Thrombosis in Surgical and
Medical Patients
Antithrombotic Therapy and Prevention of Thrombosis,
9th ed: American College of Chest Physicians
Evidence-Based Clinical Practice Guidelines
Gordon H. Guyatt, MD, FCCP; John W. Eikelboom, MBBS; Michael K. Gould, MD, FCCP;
David A. Garcia, MD; Mark Crowther, MD; M. Hassan Murad, MD, MPH;
Susan R. Kahn, MD; Yngve Falck-Ytter, MD; Charles W. Francis, MD;
Maarten G. Lansberg, MD, PhD; Elie A. Akl, MD, MPH, PhD;
and Jack Hirsh, MD, FCCP

This article provides the rationale for the approach to making recommendations primarily used
in four articles of the Antithrombotic Therapy and Prevention of Thrombosis, 9th ed: American
College of Chest Physicians Evidence-Based Clinical Practice Guidelines: orthopedic surgery,
nonorthopedic surgery, nonsurgical patients, and stroke. Some of the early clinical trials of anti-
thrombotic prophylaxis with a placebo or no treatment group used symptomatic VTE and fatal PE
to measure efficacy of the treatment. These trials suggest a benefit of thromboprophylaxis in
reducing fatal PE. In contrast, most of the recent clinical trials comparing the efficacy of alterna-
tive anticoagulants used a surrogate outcome, asymptomatic DVT detected at mandatory venog-
raphy. This outcome is fundamentally unsatisfactory because it does not allow a trade-off with
serious bleeding; that trade-off requires knowledge of the number of symptomatic events that
thromboprophylaxis prevents. In this article, we review the merits and limitations of four
approaches to estimating reduction in symptomatic thrombosis: (1) direct measurement of symp-
tomatic thrombosis, (2) use of asymptomatic events for relative risks and symptomatic events
from randomized controlled trials for baseline risk, (3) use of baseline risk estimates from studies
that did not perform surveillance and relative effect from asymptomatic events in randomized
controlled trials, and (4) use of available data to estimate the proportion of asymptomatic events that
will become symptomatic. All approaches have their limitations. The optimal choice of approach
depends on the nature of the evidence available. CHEST 2012; 141(2)(Suppl):e185S–e194S

Abbreviations: AT9 5 Antithrombotic Therapy and Prevention of Thrombosis, 9th ed: American College of Chest Phy-
sicians Evidence-Based Clinical Practice Guidelines; IPC 5 intermittent pneumatic compression; LMWH 5 low-molecular-
weight heparin; PE 5 pulmonary embolism; RCT 5 randomized controlled trial; RR 5 risk ratio; UFH 5 unfractionated
heparin; VKA 5 vitamin K antagonist

article provides the rationale for the Anti-
Therapy and Prevention of Thrombo-
1.0 Thromboprophylaxis Reduces Fatal
PE in Medical and Surgical Patients
sis, 9th ed: American College of Chest Physicians
Evidence-Based Clinical Practice Guidelines (AT9) Although some studies have limitations of lack of
approach to estimating the effect of antithrombotic concealment and blinding, evidence from meta-
prophylaxis on patient-important outcomes of pul- analyses of randomized controlled trials (RCTs)
monary embolism (PE) and symptomatic venous strongly suggests that prophylaxis with an anticoagu-
thrombosis. lant or aspirin reduces symptomatic VTE and fatal CHEST / 141 / 2 / FEBRUARY, 2012 SUPPLEMENT e185S

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© 2012 American College of Chest Physicians
PE in medical and surgical patients (Table 1). In The effects of antithrombotic prophylaxis on bleed-
patients undergoing orthopedic, general, or urolog- ing were inconsistent. In some meta-analyses, major
ical surgery, unfractionated heparin (UFH) reduces or total bleeding was increased, whereas in others,
the risk of fatal PE by about two-thirds1; in patients there was no excess of bleeding (Table 1).
undergoing hip or knee arthroplasty or hip fracture Collectively, the meta-analysis data indicate that
surgery, vitamin K antagonists (VKAs) reduce the prophylactic anticoagulants are effective for the pre-
risk of symptomatic VTE by about four-fifths2; in vention of patient-important VTE and that the
patients undergoing hip or knee arthroplasty, extended- benefit-risk trade-off justifies their use in patients
duration low-molecular-weight heparin (LMWH) or who are at sufficiently high risk of symptomatic VTE.
warfarin reduces the risk of symptomatic VTE by Identifying characteristics of surgical procedures and
about three-fifths3; in medical patients at highest risk, individual patients that predict VTE risk is nec-
UFH, LMWH, danaparoid, or fondaparinux reduces essary to wisely select patients for consideration of
the risk of PE by about two- to three-fifths4,5; and in prophylaxis.
patients undergoing abdominal or pelvic surgery,
LMWH reduces the risk of symptomatic VTE by
about four-fifths.6 Antiplatelet therapy also is effec- 2.0 Evidence Is Stronger for
tive for the prevention of VTE in the highest-risk sur- Anticoagulants and Aspirin Than
gical or medical patients, reducing the risk of PE by for Mechanical Prophylaxis
about one-half and DVT by about three-fifths.7 Sim-
Mechanical methods of thromboprophylaxis
ilar relative risk reductions are seen in trials com-
include graduated compression stockings, intermit-
paring the efficacy of anticoagulant prophylaxis with
tent pneumatic compression (IPC) devices, and the
placebo or no treatment based on a surrogate out-
venous foot pump. Relative to anticoagulants and
come; compared with placebo or no treatment, pro-
aspirin, these methods have the advantage of not
phylactic anticoagulants reduce the relative incidence
increasing bleeding. Moreover, comparisons of these
of silent DVT diagnosed through screening venog-
agents against no prophylaxis suggest that they are
raphy by 30% to 70%.8
effective in reducing thrombosis.
Unfortunately, these studies and others comparing
Revision accepted August 31, 2011. mechanical and pharmaceutical agents are relatively
Affiliations: From the Department of Clinical Epidemiology
and Biostatistics (Dr Guyatt) and Department of Medicine few and small in size.9 Therefore, the compelling
(Drs Guyatt and Eikelboom), McMaster University, Hamilton, evidence of a decrease in fatal PE that exists for anti-
ON, Canada; Keck School of Medicine (Dr Gould), University coagulants and for aspirin does not exist for mechan-
of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA; University of New
Mexico (Dr Garcia), Albuquerque, NM; St. Joseph’s Hospital ical methods.
(Dr Crowther), Hamilton, ON, Canada; Mayo Clinic (Dr Murad),
Rochester, MN; Centre for Clinical Epidemiology and Commu-
nity Studies (Dr Kahn), Jewish General Hospital, Montreal, QC, 3.0 Comparisons of Alternative
Canada; Case and VA Medical Center (Dr Falck-Ytter), Case
Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH; University of Antithrombotic Agents Present Challenges
Rochester (Dr Francis), Rochester, NY; Stanford Stroke Center
(Dr Lansberg), Palo Alto, CA; State University of New York All the RCTs comparing two different antithrom-
at Buffalo (Dr Akl), Buffalo, NY; and David Braley Cardiac, Vas- botic agents have used asymptomatic DVT by man-
cular, and Stroke Research Institute (Dr Hirsh), Hamilton, ON,
Canada. datory venography as the primary outcome measure
Funding/Support: The Antithrombotic Therapy and Prevention or as a component thereof. In general, any improve-
of Thrombosis, 9th ed: American College of Chest Physicians ment in efficacy with any one agent was accompanied
Evidence-Based Clinical Practice Guidelines received support from
the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute [R13 HL104758] by an increase in bleeding. These studies are difficult
and Bayer Schering Pharma AG. Support in the form of educa- to interpret because they do not provide information
tional grants was also provided by Bristol-Myers Squibb; Pfizer, on the trade-off between benefits and risks in patient-
Inc; Canyon Pharmaceuticals; and sanofi-aventis US.
Disclaimer: American College of Chest Physician guidelines are important events.
intended for general information only, are not medical advice, The use of asymptomatic DVT detected by venog-
and do not replace professional medical care and physician advice, raphy as a surrogate for a patient-important event is
which always should be sought for any medical condition.
The complete disclaimer for this guideline can be accessed at based on two premises. The first is that most thrombi start as small calf vein thrombi, which often remain
Correspondence to: Gordon H. Guyatt, MD, FCCP, McMaster asymptomatic but can grow to form symptomatic
University, 1280 Main St W, Hamilton, ON, L8S 4K1, Canada;
e-mail: venous thrombi, which in turn can break off to cause
© 2012 American College of Chest Physicians. Reproduction asymptomatic PE, symptomatic PE, or fatal PE. The
of this article is prohibited without written permission from the second is that a reduction in asymptomatic venous
American College of Chest Physicians (
site/misc/reprints.xhtml). thrombosis by antithrombotic prophylaxis is paral-
DOI: 10.1378/chest.11-2289 leled by a similar reduction in symptomatic VTE and

e186S Approach to Outcome Measurement

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© 2012 American College of Chest Physicians
Table 1—Summary of the Results of Meta-analyses of Randomized Controlled Trials Comparing Anticoagulant Prophylaxis or Antiplatelet Therapy to Placebo or
No Antithrombotic Prophylaxis in High-Risk Medical or Surgical Patients

Study/Year No. Population Intervention All-Cause Mortality Fatal PE Symptomatic VTE Asymptomatic DVT Bleeding
Collins /1988 . 70 studies; General, orthopedic, UFH a
RRR 0.21 P , .02 64% odds N/A N/A 66% odds increase in any
15,598 subjects urological surgery reduction bleeding
P , .0001
Mismetti2/2004 8 studies; THR, TKR, HFS VKA RR 0.78 (95% CI, N/A Clinical PE RR 0.23 N/A Major bleeding 16/270
813 subjects 0.56-1.09; (95% CI 0.09-0.59, vs 9/268, P 5 ns
P 5 .14) P 5 .002) Wound hematoma
RR 2.91 (95% CI,
1.09-7.75; P 5 .03)
Eikelboom3/2001 9 studies; THR, TKR; UFH, LMWH, OR 0.68 (95% CI, N/A OR 0.38 (95% CI, OR 0.48 (95% CI, Major bleeding OR 0.62
3,999 subjects extended-duration warfarin 0.25-1.88) 0.24-0.61) 0.36-0.63) (95% CI, 0.22-1.75)
Dentali4/2007 9 studies; Medical inpatients UFH, LMWH, RR 0.97 (95% CI, RR 0.38 (95% CI, All PE: RR 0.43 N/A Major bleeding RR 1.32
19,958 subjects fondaparinux 0.77-1.21) 0.21-0.69) (95% CI. 0.26-0.71) (95% CI, 0.73-2.37)
DVT: RR 0.47
(95% CI, 0.22-1.00)
Wein5/2007 26 studies; Medical inpatients UFH, LMWH, RR 0.95 (95% CI, N/A All PE: RR 0.57 N/A Total bleeding RR 1.90
43,732 subjects danaparoid, 0.89-1.02; (95% CI, 0.45-0.72) (95% CI, 1.69-2.14)
factor Xa inhibitor P 5 .16)
Rasmussen6/2009 4 studies; Major abdominal LMWH OR 1.12 (95% CI, N/A OR 0.22 (95% CI, N/A Bleeding complications
901 subjects or pelvic surgery; 0.65-1.93) 0.06-0.80) OR 1.12 (95% CI,
extended-duration 0.62-1.97)

© 2012 American College of Chest Physicians

PEP study 63 studies; Surgical and Antiplatelet therapy PE: 53% odds reduction
report7/2000 26,890 subjects medical patients (41-63; P , .00001)
DVT: 37% odds
reduction (29-44;
P , .00001)

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HFS 5 hip fracture surgery; LMWH 5 low-molecular-weight heparin; N/A 5 not available; ns 5 not significant; PE 5 pulmonary embolism; PEP 5 Pulmonary Embolism Prevention; RR 5 risk ratio;
RRR 5 relative risk reduction; THR 5 total hip replacement; TKR 5 total knee replacement; UFH 5 unfractionated heparin; VKA 5 vitamin K antagonist.
aEstimated from observed event rate (3.33% vs 4.23%).


fatal PE. Pooled data from RCTs show that on 4.0 Estimating Symptomatic VTE
average, the relative reduction is similar for silent
DVT and patient-important VTE.10 This is true for In AT9, we considered possible strategies for esti-
placebo-controlled (or no-treatment) trials as well as mating the absolute difference in the frequency of
active-controlled trials. It does not necessarily, how- VTE associated with alternative approaches to anti-
ever, mean that the relative effects of asymptomatic thrombotic management. To estimate the absolute
and symptomatic events will be similar. benefit of one antithrombotic regimen over another
Even if we assume that the reduction in asymp- in reducing VTE requires an estimate of the control
tomatic DVT is associated with a similar relative risk group event risk and the relative risk reduction asso-
reduction in symptomatic VTE, this alone would not ciated with the alternative or experimental anti-
be sufficient reason to recommend the use of one thrombotic regimen. In this section, we review the
antithrombotic agent over another. Rather, the rec- strategies we considered and discuss their relative
ommendation of a particular anticoagulant over merits. Table 2 summarizes the strategies and their
another should be based on the trade-off between key limitations.
the absolute reduction in patient-important VTE
4.1 Strategy 1: Use Direct Estimates
and the absolute increase in patient-important
of Symptomatic Events From RCTs
bleeding. To complicate matters further, there is con-
troversy (based on uncertainty) regarding the rela- One approach to estimating the absolute differ-
tive importance of symptomatic VTE and bleeding ence among VTE across management strategies is
to the patient, to the physician, and to the health-care to simply use the number of symptomatic and fatal
system. events observed (ie, the number of fatal and nonfa-
The potential consequences of DVT are the dis- tal PEs, the number of symptomatic DVTs). Using
comfort associated with symptomatic DVT, the post- this strategy, estimates of both control event risk and
thrombotic syndrome, the inconvenience and side relative effect come from symptomatic events. The
effects of treatment, and the development of PE. implication of using this approach is that unless there
The risk of postthrombotic syndrome following silent is convincing evidence of a difference in symptomatic
DVT is likely to be low, whereas up to 40% of patients events, panelists recommend the strategy with the
with symptomatic DVT develop postthrombotic syn- lowest bleeding rates.
drome, which is debilitating in ⵑ15% of those who In dealing with prophylaxis for nonsurgical patients
develop the syndrome.11 The most important conse- in this guideline, Kahn et al13 initially considered this
quence of PE is death, although thromboembolic approach in addressing the impact of anticoagulant
pulmonary hypertension, which occurs in up to 4% prophylaxis (LMWH, UFH, fondaparinux) in hos-
of patients with PE, is also important.12 pitalized medical patients.1 They found moderate-
Bleeding associated with the use of antithrom- quality evidence (rated down for imprecision) from a
botic agents varies widely in severity. Apart from systematic review of four RCTs (risk ratio [RR], 0.47;
intracranial bleeding, little is known about the long- 95% CI, 0.22-1.0).
term patient-important consequences of bleeding. This approach has the merit of simplicity. In addi-
Of particular relevance to major orthopedic sur- tion, it uses events that have been observed and, thus,
gery, in patients receiving anticoagulants for the requires no questionable assumptions. Taking a per-
prevention of VTE, the incidence of bleeding into spective of primum non nocere, it is conservative,
joints and the impact of wound and joint bleeding which some may perceive as an advantage.
on functional patient outcomes are unknown. Spe- The approach, however, does have a number of
cifically, there are no published data addressing limitations. First, even in populations labeled as high
the relationship between wound or joint bleeding risk, symptomatic thrombotic events in patients
and either wound infection or long-term joint treated with antithrombotic agents typically are
function. uncommon. Estimates of effect are, therefore, impre-
Based on our lack of knowledge about the conse- cise, and CIs are wide (as in the example from
quences of asymptomatic thrombi and wound bleeds, Kahn et al13). These wide CIs could, however, be seen
it is difficult to formulate a trade-off between risk as an advantage: They capture the true uncertainty
and benefits among antithrombotic agents. Never- associated with estimates of the effect of the inter-
theless, clinicians must make decisions regarding vention on patient-important events.
thromboprophylaxis, and guidelines serving clini- Second, the approach may have limitations of gen-
cians must provide guidance. Estimates of the fre- eralizability. Patients enrolled in RCTs are likely to
quency of symptomatic VTE and bleeding and their be at a different risk than the populations to whom
consequences are necessary for making appropriate the results will be applied. If this is so, estimates of
recommendations. absolute difference may be misleading.

e188S Approach to Outcome Measurement

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© 2012 American College of Chest Physicians
Table 2—Strategies for Estimating Absolute Benefit in Symptomatic Venous Thromboembolic Events in Comparisons
of Alternative Thromboprophylaxis Strategies

Source of Control Group Risk Source of Relative Risk Limitations

Strategy 1 Symptomatic events Symptomatic events Yields imprecise estimates of relative risk
Upward and downward biases in control group
risk due to venographic and ultrasound
Strategy 2 Symptomatic events Composite of symptomatic Assumes that relative risk reduction in
and asymptomatic events asymptomatic events applies to symptomatic
events, which may not be the case
Upward and downward biases in control group
risk due to venographic and ultrasound
Strategy 3 Observational studies or randomized Composite of symptomatic Assumes that relative risk reduction in
controlled trials without venographic and asymptomatic events asymptomatic events applies to symptomatic
or ultrasound surveillance events, which may not be the case
Ideal observational studies may not be available
Strategy 4 Symptomatic events plus 10% (or range Composite of symptomatic Assumes that relative risk reduction in
of 3%-50%) of asymptomatic events and asymptomatic events asymptomatic events applies to symptomatic
events, which may not be the case
Limitations in data and questionable
assumptions make estimates of proportion
of asymptomatic events that become
symptomatic questionable

Third, estimates of absolute symptomatic events that this is true, estimates of benefit of one treatment
from studies that included mandatory venography over another would be conservative. Depending on
may be misleading. If mandatory venography is posi- one’s perspective, one might view this conservatism
tive, patients typically will receive antithrombotic in estimates as desirable or undesirable.
treatment. Had venography not been undertaken and Considering all these issues, estimates of reduction
anticoagulant therapy not been administered, some in patient-important events using this strategy are
of these patients likely would have developed symp- likely, if they err, to underestimate the true effect.
tomatic VTE. To the extent that this is the case, the Therefore, despite their limitations, if well-conducted
number of symptomatic VTE and the benefit of any RCTs have been sufficiently large to yield precise
treatment that reduces VTE will be underestimated. estimates suggesting a reduction in symptomatic
There is also the possibility of bias in the opposite VTE, this constitutes high-quality evidence of ben-
direction. What might otherwise have been consid- efit. Smaller studies with wider CIs will yield, at best,
ered minor swelling or pain in the leg not warranting moderate confidence in estimates.
investigation could be labeled, after a positive Eventually, Kahn et al13 determined that the base-
mandatory venogram, a symptomatic leg event. What line risk of medical patients enrolled in RCTs was too
might otherwise have been considered a minor heterogeneous and used stratified baseline risks from
transient episode of dyspnea not warranting further symptomatic events from a risk assessment model.
investigation might be considered, after a positive
mandatory venogram (with or without direct testing
4.2 Strategy 2: Asymptomatic Events for Relative
for pulmonary emboli), a symptomatic pulmonary
Risks, Symptomatic Events From RCTs for
embolus. To the extent that these phenomena occur,
Baseline Risk
the number of symptomatic VTE and the benefit of
any treatment that reduces VTE will be overestimated. A second approach would be to use estimates of
There is no evidence that allows confident esti- the relative effect of the interventions under compar-
mates of the relative impact of the downward and ison from the combined end point of symptomatic
upward biases on the estimates of symptomatic events and asymptomatic VTE or, if this is not available, the
that result from mandatory venography. One might relative effect from asymptomatic events. One would
speculate that the downward bias as a result of the use this relative risk estimate (often reasonably pre-
treatment of asymptomatic events is likely to be cise) rather than that derived from symptomatic
greater than the upward bias as a result of labeling of events alone. One would apply this estimate of rela-
clinically trivial events as symptomatic. To the extent tive effect to the proportion of the absolute number CHEST / 141 / 2 / FEBRUARY, 2012 SUPPLEMENT e189S

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© 2012 American College of Chest Physicians
of symptomatic events in the control intervention to tomatic VTE, this approach can yield, at best, mod-
generate a best estimate of the absolute number of erate confidence in estimates.
events in experimental intervention.
For instance, assume that the relative risk of the
4.3 Strategy 3: Baseline Risk Estimates From
combined end point of asymptomatic and symptom-
Studies That Do Not Perform Surveillance, Relative
atic VTE pooled across relevant RCTs was 0.6, a rel-
Effect From Asymptomatic Events in RCTs
ative risk reduction of 40%. Of the control patients,
1% experienced a symptomatic pulmonary embolus In the third approach, one would begin by iden-
and 4% experienced symptomatic DVT (again, for tifying observational studies of risks of symptomatic
both estimates, pooling across relevant studies). The VTE from relevant medical or surgical populations in
absolute reductions in pulmonary embolus with which venographic or ultrasound surveillance was
the experimental treatment would therefore be not undertaken. One would then apply the relative
0.4% (40% of 1%, or one in 250 patients) for pul- risk reductions from the combined end point of
monary embolus and 1.6% (40% of 4%, or one in symptomatic and asymptomatic DVT from RCTs to
ⵑ63 patients) for DVT. those baseline estimates of risk. The approach is sim-
For example, in the article addressing thrombo- ilar to the second strategy, but baseline risk estimates
prophylaxis in orthopedic surgical patients, Falck- now come from observational studies without surveil-
Ytter et al14 used the event rate in trials of LMWH, lance rather than from RCTs with surveillance. If
adjusted for the effect of LMWH from previous trials satisfactory observational studies were not available,
of LMWH against placebo or no treatment, to gen- one could use control event risks from RCTs that did
erate a control group risk.2 To estimate the absolute not perform venographic or ultrasound surveillance.
reduction in symptomatic DVT event rates with The advantages of this approach are threefold:
UFH, they applied the RR from the relevant RCTs Baseline risk estimates would, if one used observa-
for the combined end point of symptomatic and tional studies, come from real-world populations;
asymptomatic events (of which most were asymp- they would not be subject to the biases associated
tomatic) to the control group risk derived from the with treatment of asymptomatic events or with attri-
LMWH trials. Their estimate of RR was 0.42 (95% CI, bution of questionable symptoms to VTE after dis-
0.36-0.5), their control group risk over the first covery of a venographic DVT; and if sample sizes
14 days after surgery was 1.8%, and their estimate were large enough, estimates of risk would be reason-
of absolute benefit was 10 fewer events per 1,000 ably precise. These are compelling advantages.
(95% CI, from nine fewer to 12 fewer). The very One disadvantage would be the persisting assump-
tight CI leaves no need to rate down for impreci- tion that relative effects of treatment on symptom-
sion, but using asymptomatic events to generate that atic and asymptomatic events are identical. A second
tight CI requires rating down for indirectness, and would arise if the observational studies were con-
the quality evidence is, as a result, only moderate. ducted only on patients not receiving thrombopro-
The advantage of this approach over the first, as phylaxis. When applying risks from observational
the example from the orthopedic prophylaxis arti- populations to comparisons of two active treatments,
cle14 shows, is that it provides a more precise esti- one would have to model results from RCTs of con-
mate of relative risk than one would obtain from trolled active interventions vs no thromboprophylaxis
the much fewer symptomatic events. It requires, and then apply the resulting risk estimates to the
however, the assumption that the relative effect on experimental VTE prophylaxis strategy.
symptomatic and asymptomatic events is the same Our judgment is that the advantages of this third
(thus, the need to rate down for indirectness). Fur- strategy outweigh its disadvantages, given one crucial
thermore, it shares the following disadvantages proviso. It requires the existence of large observa-
with the first approach: It uses RCT populations tional studies with a low risk of bias. To achieve a low
that are likely to be unrepresentative of real-world risk of bias, observational studies would need to enroll
practice; because the number of symptomatic events representative populations; avoid exclusions; mini-
is small, the precision of the estimates of baseline mize loss to follow-up; and institute a rigorous, repro-
control group risk of symptomatic events will be ducible, and comprehensive strategy for ascertaining
imprecise; and estimates of baseline control group symptomatic VTE. The authors would also specify
risk of an asymptomatic event are subject to both the number of patients receiving some sort of pro-
the upward and the downward biases presented in phylaxis and ideally report results separately for those
the discussion of strategy 1. Because of these limi- receiving and not receiving prophylaxis. Unfortu-
tations and the uncertainty resulting from the sub- nately, studies meeting all these criteria are rarely
stitution of the relative effect on symptomatic and available. In situations in which there are large, high-
asymptomatic VTE for the relative effect on symp- quality observational studies available, if one is ready

e190S Approach to Outcome Measurement

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© 2012 American College of Chest Physicians
to believe that it is very likely that the relative effect What data should drive an informed estimate?
on asymptomatic VTE in the particular context is Intuitively, one might estimate the proportion of
very similar to the relative effect on symptomatic asymptomatic events that would become, in the
VTE, one could argue that it is possible for this absence of antithrombotic therapy, symptomatic by
approach to yield high confidence in effect estimates. looking at the ratio between symptomatic and asymp-
Greater skepticism regarding application of the rela- tomatic events. Using this approach, we estimate that
tive effect on asymptomatic events to symptomatic about one in 10 patients with asymptomatic DVT
events would suggest that this strategy yields, at best, detected by mandatory venography develop symp-
moderate confidence in effect estimates. tomatic DVT.
In the article on nonorthopedic surgery thrombo- To see how one would apply this estimate, let us
prophylaxis, Gould et al15 used this strategy to address take a hypothetical example in which 1% of the con-
the effect of IPC on symptomatic VTE.3 The control trol patients experience symptomatic VTE and 10%
group risk of VTE came from an observational study experience asymptomatic VTE. If we estimate that of
of 8,216 general, vascular, and urological surgery the asymptomatic events, one in 10 will become
patients, most of whom received either mechanical symptomatic, then the total symptomatic events in the
or pharmacologic prophylaxis.4 The observational control group will be 1% 1 (10%/10) 5 1% 1 1% 5 2%.
study enrolled a representative population, had min- One then would apply the relative risk reduction
imal loss to follow-up, provided information about associated with the composite of symptomatic and asymp-
use of prophylaxis (which allowed adjustment for the tomatic events to this control group risk. For example,
effect of treatment in estimating untreated risk), and if the relative risk reduction were 40%, the absolute
used the best available risk stratification strategy. It reduction in events would 2% 3 4/10 5 0.8%
was limited in that it relied on recorded clinical diag- This approach is fraught with limitations, five of
nosis abstracted by trained nurses (ie, the approach which are particularly challenging:
to diagnosis of VTE was not systematic). Gould et al15
estimated that 26 of 1,000 moderate-risk patients 1. There is likely to be an upward bias in clinically
would experience VTE if they received no prophy- trivial events being labeled symptomatic when
laxis. IPC lowered the risk of asymptomatic DVT venography is positive. To the extent that this is
substantially, with a narrow CI (OR, 0.48; 95% CI, the case, it will inflate the ratio of asymptomatic
0.22-0.74), resulting in an estimate of 13 fewer VTE events that would eventually become symptom-
per 1,000 patients (95% CI, 7-20). Unfortunately, in atic. To consider only the downward bias from
addition to the consequent indirectness on estimates the prevention of events that ultimately become
of relative effect coming from asymptomatic events, symptomatic is problematic.
the RCTs also suffered from high risk of bias; there- 2. The ratio of asymptomatic to symptomatic events
fore, the overall confidence in estimates is low. varies widely across settings. The ratio of asymp-
In the nonorthopedic surgical prophylaxis article, tomatic to symptomatic thrombosis varies from
Gould et al15 used a variant of this strategy that could as high at 2:1 to as low as 30:1 among different
potentially yield high-quality evidence. In calculating patient groups.
the likely effect of LMWH on reducing symptomatic 3. At least in select orthopedic prophylaxis stud-
VTE, their estimate of baseline risk came from the ies, the center interpreting the venography
relatively high-quality observational study described appears to influence the ratio; for example, the
in the previous paragraph and their estimate of rela- reported frequency of venographic DVT is
tive effect from three RCTs that reported symptom- consistently lower in studies adjudicated by
atic events. Unfortunately, the studies were judged as McMaster University compared with the Uni-
suffering from a high risk of bias, and so the overall versity of Gothenburg, resulting in lower ratios
confidence in estimates was only moderate. of asymptomatic to symptomatic thrombosis in
studies adjudicated by McMaster compared
with Gothenburg.16
4.4 Strategy 4: Use Available Data To
4. The ratio reflects the number of symptomatic
Estimate the Proportion of Asymptomatic
events occurring before or labeled at the time of
Events That Will Become Symptomatic
venography (we do not know which) vs the
The fourth strategy provides an estimate of the fre- number asymptomatic venographic events. What
quency with which asymptomatic events will become we are trying to estimate, however, is the pro-
symptomatic, and uses this estimate to add some pro- portion of symptomatic events that occur after
portion of the asymptomatic events to symptomatic venography. It is quite possible that the number
events in generating the control group risk. It uses of symptomatic events that would occur following
available data to provide this estimate. venography would be quite different from the CHEST / 141 / 2 / FEBRUARY, 2012 SUPPLEMENT e191S

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© 2012 American College of Chest Physicians
number occurring before. (Using this approach, This approach has the same fundamental advan-
we are assuming that they would be the same.) tages and disadvantages of the basic strategy 4. It has
5. A fifth problem, perhaps less troubling than the the advantage, however, of fully acknowledging the
others, is the assumption that the nature of uncertainty around estimates of the ratio between
symptomatic events that will develop in those asymptomatic and symptomatic events. Its disadvan-
patients who are asymptomatic at the time of tage, relative to strategy 4, is that some may find the
positive venography is such that the relative risk approach conceptually challenging, and others may
reduction generated from prior symptomatic be uncomfortable with the width of the uncertainty
and asymptomatic events will apply to late symp- interval. We would argue, however, that this range
tomatic events. accurately reflects the limited inferences one can
make on the basis of the present evidence and the
One merit of this approach is that to the extent low confidence in estimates that this approach
that the downward bias is greater than the upward generates.
bias when one uses symptomatic events alone, the Kahn et al13 used this approach (almost) in only one
approach may bring us closer to the true number recommendation. To estimate the impact of LMWH
of VTE events prevented by an experimental treat- on PE in critically ill patients, they calculated the
ment. The most important limitation is the uncertainty point estimate of the absolute reduction in asymp-
of the best estimate, and because of this uncertainty, tomatic DVT from two RCTs (22 per 1,000). For
this approach can provide only low confidence in their point estimate (a reduction of four events per
estimates. 1,000), they estimated that for each of five asymp-
We also considered a variation on strategy 4 that tomatic DVTs there would be one fewer PE. In gen-
acknowledges the uncertainty associated both with erating a CI around this estimate (from eight fewer to
the upward bias resulting from clinically trivial events one more PE), they used both 1:5 and 1:10 ratios and
being labeled as important because of a positive veno- presented the widest CI consistent with these esti-
gram and with the uncertainty in the estimate of mated ratios. Because of concerns about, in addition
venographic events that would become symptomatic. to the uncertainty about, the ratio of asymptomatic
Instead of a single best estimate of the proportion of DVT to clinically significant PE, risk of bias, inconsis-
asymptomatic events that ultimately will be symptom- tency, and imprecision, the data provided only very
atic, this approach generates upper and lower bound- low confidence in the effect estimate. Ultimately, the
aries of the estimate, that is, the lowest plausible ratio authors abandoned the approach, preferring strategy
and the highest plausible ratio. The available evidence 3 in which they obtained baseline risk from observa-
suggests that this range varies from 2:1 to 30:1. tional studies and relative risk reduction from asymp-
Thus, rather than using a conventional CI around tomatic events in RCTs.
the magnitude of effect, one might generate what
could be called an “uncertainty interval.” We illus-
trate how this might work using the hypothetical 5.0 The AT9 Approach to
example we present here for strategy 4. Of the con- Estimating Symptomatic VTE
trol patients, 1% experienced symptomatic VTE, and
10% experienced asymptomatic VTE. We estimated Under different circumstances, with different
that of the asymptomatic events, one in 10 would bodies of evidence, any of strategies 1 to 3 might gen-
become symptomatic; the control event rate would erate the highest-quality evidence. In the presence of
be 2%; and with a relative risk reduction of 40%, the rigorous observational studies and in the absence of
absolute reduction in events would be 0.8%. The large RCTs that show significant differences in symp-
point estimate of the relative risk reduction is asso- tomatic events between competing antithrombotic
ciated with a CI of, say, between 10% and 70%. agents, strategy 3 will yield the highest-quality evi-
Assuming one boundary, 10%, the absolute reduc- dence. When large RCTs show convincing differ-
tion in risk would be 10% of 2%, or 0.2%. Assuming ences in symptomatic events between agents, strategy
the other boundary of 70%, the absolute reduction in 1 will yield the highest-quality evidence. When nei-
risk would be 70% of 2%, or 1.4%. ther of these conditions exist, it is likely that strategy
What are the consequences if we acknowledge the 2 will yield the highest-quality evidence. It is unlikely
uncertainty around our estimate of a 10:1 ratio that strategy 4 will ever yield the highest confidence
between asymptomatic and symptomatic events (as in estimates.
low as 2:1 and as high as 30:1)? Without belaboring In general, AT9 uses the best available evidence
the arithmetic, this would generate an uncertainty to generate estimates of the magnitude of interven-
interval that suggests that the absolute benefit could tion effects on patient-important outcomes. This is
be as low as 1.03% or as high as 4.5%. the approach we have adopted for estimating the

e192S Approach to Outcome Measurement

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© 2012 American College of Chest Physicians
reduction in symptomatic VTE with competing anti- tomatic thrombi and on the evidence from comparisons
thrombotic agents. Depending on the evidence in of antithrombotic prophylaxis vs no antithrombotic
a particular situation, AT9 guideline panels have cho- prophylaxis.
sen the approach, among strategies documented In this article, we have outlined the limitations
here, that yields the highest confidence in estimates. associated with evidence quality in ascertaining best
estimates of treatment impact on VTE. In the indi-
vidual articles that present recommendations, we
6.0 Trading Off Symptomatic describe the limitations regarding the evidence qual-
VTE and Bleeding ity for differences in bleeding. Our judgment is that
in comparisons of alternative antithrombotic regi-
Having established best estimates of VTE and mens, inferences regarding fatalities are even more
bleeding, making recommendations requires decid- tenuous. Therefore, for decisions regarding which
ing on whether net benefit is optimized by adminis- antithrombotic agent or regimen to use, we largely
tering or withholding antithrombotic prophylaxis. base inferences on evidence in nonfatal VTE preven-
The relevant nonfatal events in medical and surgical tion vs increases in nonfatal bleeding.
prophylaxis are pulmonary embolus, DVT, and GI The second limitation is that the judgment that
and surgical site bleeding. AT9 panelists17 rated the bleeding events have more or less the same disutility
disutility (aversiveness or importance) of these events as VTE events is fraught with uncertainty. Studies of
and judged them to be of similar importance to patient values and preferences that would lead to
patients (DVT slightly less important; PE, GI, and confidence in this judgment do not exist; therefore,
perioperative bleeding very similar). Thus, consid- recommending one antithrombotic agent over another
ering nonfatal events alone, if an antithrombotic requires a substantial benefit-risk gradient between
regimen prevents more VTE events than it causes therapies, with a high level of confidence in that
bleeding events compared with an alternative, rec- gradient.
ommendations will favor that regimen; if therapy
causes more bleeding events than it prevents VTE
events, recommendations will favor withholding (or Conclusion
administering less aggressive) antithrombotic pro- None of the approaches we have suggested for
phylaxis. Given a constant relative risk reduction in estimating the effect of antithrombotic prophylaxis
VTE for patient groups at relatively high risk of is without problems arising from the conduct of
symptomatic VTE, the former situation is likely to screening ultrasound and venography. Subsequent
hold, and for those at very low risk, the latter. studies should rely on clinical surveillance to detect
The approach to trading off presented thus far has symptomatic events.
two limitations. First, it ignores the most important
events—fatalities. As we have noted, antithrombotic
prophylaxis, relative to no prophylaxis, reduces deaths Acknowledgments
from pulmonary embolus in both medical and sur- Author contributions: As Topic Editor, Dr Guyatt oversaw the
gical patients enrolled in RCTs and may reduce development of this article, including any analysis and subsequent
all-cause mortality in surgical patients (Table 1), development of the information contained herein.
Dr Guyatt: served as a Topic Editor and was responsible for draft-
providing a compelling rationale for recommending ing the entire article, with the exception of the first part on evi-
prophylaxis in patients who meet the profile of those dence regarding the impact of antithrombotic prophylaxis on
enrolled in the trials that demonstrated the reduction mortality, and for final editing and content.
Dr Eikelboom: served as a panelist and was responsible for draft-
in mortality from pulmonary embolus. ing the first part of this article dealing with the evidence regarding
Once one has decided to administer antithrom- the impact of antithrombotic prophylaxis on mortality.
botic prophylaxis to patients at sufficiently high risk Dr Gould: served as a panelist and provided intellectual input,
critique, and revisions.
of VTE, the issue of lower mortality from pulmonary Dr Garcia: served as a panelist and provided intellectual input,
embolus becomes less compelling. The administra- critique, and revisions.
tion of any effective antithrombotic prophylaxis is Dr Crowther: served as a panelist and provided intellectual input,
critique, and revisions.
likely to substantially reduce the number of fatal Dr Murad: served as a panelist and provided intellectual input,
pulmonary emboli, which already is very rare. Thus, critique, and revisions.
any further reduction in absolute risk from more- Dr Kahn: served as a panelist and provided intellectual input,
critique, and revisions.
intensive antithrombotic therapy will be, in absolute Dr Falck-Ytter: served as a panelist and provided intellectual
terms, very small. Furthermore, an inference that input, critique, and revisions.
any additional reduction in fatal pulmonary emboli Dr Francis: served as a panelist and provided intellectual input,
critique, and revisions.
will occur at all is based on indirect evidence from Dr Lansberg: served as a panelist and provided intellectual input,
the impact on nonfatal and often largely asymp- critique, and revisions. CHEST / 141 / 2 / FEBRUARY, 2012 SUPPLEMENT e193S

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© 2012 American College of Chest Physicians
Dr Akl: served as a panelist and provided intellectual input, tomatic venous thromboembolism in hospitalized medical
critique, and revisions. patients. Ann Intern Med. 2007;146(4):278-288.
Dr Hirsh: served as a panelist and was responsible for drafting the 5. Wein L, Wein S, Haas SJ, Shaw J, Krum H. Pharmacological
first part of this article dealing with the evidence regarding the venous thromboembolism prophylaxis in hospitalized med-
impact of antithrombotic prophylaxis on mortality. ical patients: a meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials.
Financial/nonfinancial disclosures: In summary, the authors
have reported to CHEST the following conflicts of interest: Arch Intern Med. 2007;167(14):1476-1486.
Dr Eikelboom has received consulting fees and honoraria from 6. Rasmussen MS, Jørgensen LN, Wille-Jørgensen P. Prolonged
AstraZeneca; Boehringer Ingelheim GmbH; Bristol-Myers Squibb; thromboprophylaxis with low molecular weight heparin for
Corgenix; Daiichi-Sankyo, Inc; Eisai Co, Inc; Eli Lilly and Com- abdominal or pelvic surgery. Cochrane Database Syst Rev.
pany; GlaxoSmithKline plc; Haemonetics Corp; McNeil Consumer 2009;(1):CD004318.
Healthcare; and Sanofi-Aventis LLC and grants and in-kind 7. Pulmonary Embolism Prevention (PEP) trial Collaborative
support from Accumetrics, Inc; AspirinWorks; Bayer Healthcare Group. Prevention of pulmonary embolism and deep vein
Pharmaceuticals; Boehringer Ingelheim GmbH; Bristol-Myers thrombosis with low dose aspirin: Pulmonary Embolism Pre-
Squibb; Corgenix; Dade Behring Inc; GlaxoSmithKline plc; and vention (PEP) trial. Lancet. 2000;355(9212):1295-1302.
Sanofi-Aventis LLC. Dr Crowther has served on various advisory
boards, has assisted in the preparation of educational materials, 8. Geerts WH, Bergqvist D, Pineo GF, et al; American College
and has sat on data safety and management boards. His institution of Chest Physicians. Prevention of venous thromboembolism:
has received research funds from the following companies: Leo American College of Chest Physicians evidence-based clinical
Pharma A/S, Pfizer Inc, Boehringer Ingelheim GmbH, Bayer practice guidelines (8th Edition). Chest. 2008;133(suppl 6):
Healthcare Pharmaceuticals, Octapharm AG, CSL Behring, 381S-453S.
and Artisan Pharma. Personal total compensation for these activ- 9. Eppsteiner RW, Shin JJ, Johnson J, van Dam RM. Mechanical
ities over the past 3 years totals less than US $10,000. Dr Kahn compression versus subcutaneous heparin therapy in post-
has received peer-reviewed and investigator-initiated industry operative and posttrauma patients: a systematic review and
research funding for projects related to venous thrombosis and meta-analysis. World J Surg. 2010;34(1):10-19.
postthrombotic syndrome prevention and treatment. She has
received honoraria for industry-sponsored talks pertaining to 10. Eikelboom JW, Karthikeyan G, Fagel N, Hirsh J. American
venous thrombosis. Dr Francis received research grant support Association of Orthopedic Surgeons and American College
from the National Heart Lung and Blood Institute and Eisai Co. of Chest Physicians guidelines for venous thromboembolism
Ltd, and served as a steering committee member for a clinical trial prevention in hip and knee arthroplasty differ: what are the
sponsored by Eisai Co, Ltd. Dr Francis has also worked on pro- implications for clinicians and patients? Chest. 2009;135(2):
jects supported by Eisai Co, Ltd, and sanofi-aventis. Dr Guyatt 513-520.
is co-chair of the GRADE Working Group and Drs Murad, 11. Kahn SR, Shrier I, Julian JA, et al. Determinants and time
Falck-Ytter, and Akl are contributing members. Drs Gould, course of the postthrombotic syndrome after acute deep
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flicts of interest exist with any companies/organizations whose
products or services may be discussed in this article. 12. Pengo V, Lensing AW, Prins MH, et al; Thromboem-
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e194S Approach to Outcome Measurement

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© 2012 American College of Chest Physicians
Approach to Outcome Measurement in the Prevention of Thrombosis
in Surgical and Medical Patients : Antithrombotic Therapy and
Prevention of Thrombosis, 9th ed: American College of Chest
Physicians Evidence-Based Clinical Practice Guidelines
Gordon H. Guyatt, John W. Eikelboom, Michael K. Gould, David A. Garcia,
Mark Crowther, M. Hassan Murad, Susan R. Kahn, Yngve Falck-Ytter,
Charles W. Francis, Maarten G. Lansberg, Elie A. Akl and Jack Hirsh
Chest 2012;141; e185S-e194S
DOI 10.1378/chest.11-2289
This information is current as of June 25, 2012
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