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T E A C H E R' 5 N 0 T E 5 l£r·
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A good bet !
Ruth Sanchez Garcia
. l

Type of activity Answers ~:

Grammar. Pair work. 1 The weather's been terrible ever since we

arrived last Friday.
Aim Sarah
2 Do youdidn't
mind finish school
telling me up
howto the
To review and consolidate grammar from 3 I'm very fond of cats, but unfortunately I'm
Units 1 to 6 of Inside Out Upper intermediate allergic to them. E
Student's Book. 4 Correct
5 Correct E
Task 6 Correct

To identify grammatical errors. 7 As a child I used to have a good memory but E

as I've got older it's got worse.
8 I'll never ~
Preparation I had beenforget seeing
living in the
Florida eclipse
before of thetosun
I moved California.
last year.
Make one copy of the worksheet for each student.
9 The flight takes off at 11 pm, so we need to arrive an hour earlier.
Timing 10 I've been watching television since I came E
home from work this evening.
30 minutes
11 Correct E
12 I was wondering why he was always late for
Procedure work. I:
1 Divide the class into pairs and give each 13 My stepbrother had been training before he broke his leg.
student a copy of the worksheet. 14 All I want in life is" good health, .jfte.
2 Explain that the students are going to look happiness and a little money.
at twenty sentences and decide if they are
If Ihad
15 He were you, I'd his
completed go to the doctor
degree immediately
by the time he got the job
grammatically correct. Tell them they are -that cut looks very deep. ~
also going to bet on how sure they are of 16 Travelling
Correct has developed my maturity, that's why I've never stopped.
their decision. 17 Centuries ago, people used to think the world ~
3 Ask the students to work through the was flat.
sentences putting a tick(,/) or a cross()() by It
I'd been wanting to go there for ages.
18 Correct
each one. In the BET box the students write 19 Correct
the number of points (from 1 to 5) they bet on ~
20 He's tried to break the world record four times
their decision being correct. (5 points if they but he has always failed. It
are certain, 1 point if they are really doubtfuL)
4 When most of the pairs have finished, check Follow up ~
the answers with the whole class. Tell the
1 This exercise may well reveal some language
students that if their answer was correct they
areas that need reviewing. Be prepared to refer
win the number of points they bet. If it was
to the relevant units in the Inside Out Upper It
incorrect, they lose the number of points
intermediate Student's Book.
they bet.
2 Ask the students, in pairs or small groups, to It
5 Ask the students to add up the total number of
write some correct and incorrect sentences of
gains and losses. The grand total will be the E
their own for another pair I group to do.
number of gains minus the number of losses.
The winner is the pair with the most points. E

~ >f
INSIDE 0 UT Resource Pack

A good bet

The weather was terrible ever since we arrived last Friday.

Do youdoesn't finishes
mind telling me school
how oldupare
to you?
the age of 20.

I'm very fond for cats, but unfortunately I'm allergic of them.

Simon Brown, a specialist in contemporary music, was

interviewed on the radio recently.

When you're on a plane, it's important not to drink too

I've had a cold for three weeks now and I can't get rid of it.

As a child I would have a good memory but as I've got

older it's got worse.

I have
I'll neverbeen living
forget in Florida
to see before
the eclipse ofI the
sun to
last year.
The flight
I don't take
have timeofftoatmeet
11 pm,
youso we need
today, to arrive anis hour
but tomorrow fine.
I've watched television since I've come home from work
this evening.

Try to be more careful! That's the third time you've

broken a cup.

I was wondering why was he always late for work.

My stepbrother
If you aren't veryhad been
good training before
at running, he broke
why don't you his leg.
concentrate on cycling instead?

All I want in life is a good health, the happiness and a

little money.

IfHe had completed

I were you, go to his
the degree
doctor by the time he
immediately get the
-that cut job.
looks very deep.

Travelling develop
If she hadn't myshe
slept in, maturity,
havewhy I never
missed stoped.
her flight.

Centuries ago, people would think the world was flat.

My parents
I been wouldn't
wanting to goletthere
me go
forto piano lessons so I
taught myself.

Why are you smelling the meat? Do you think it's off?

He's been trying to break the world record four times

but he has always failed.

©Sue Kay and Vaughan Jones, 2001. Published by Macmillan Publishers limited. This sheet may be photocopied and used within the class

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