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NĂM HỌC : 2021-2022

A. VOCABULARY: Starter Unit, Unit 5, Unit 6
1. Many / Much
MUCH + Uncountable nouns
MANY + Plural countable nouns:
a. How many eggs?
b. How much bread?

2. A LOT OF + Plural countable nouns

& uncountable nouns
a. I need a lot of coffee.
b. She has a lot of friends.

3. SOME/ANY + Plural countable nouns

& uncountable nouns

SOME + Affirmative We’ve got some cheese

ANY - Negative  We haven’t got any cheese.

? Question
 Have we got any cheese?

a. Cách dùng Some trong tiếng Anh

- Dùng trong câu khẳng định
- Đứng trước danh từ đếm được số nhiều và danh từ không đếm được
VD: I have some friends
b. Cách dùng Any trong tiếng Anh
- Dùng trong câu phủ định và câu hỏi
- Đứng trước danh từ đếm được số nhiều và danh từ không đếm được
VD: There aren’t any books in the shelf
c. Cách dùng Many trong tiếng Anh
- Thường dùng trong câu hỏi và câu phủ định, câu khẳng định được dùng ít hơn
- Đi với danh từ đếm được số nhiều
VD: Do you have many cars?
d. Cách dùng A lot of/ lots of trong tiếng Anh
- Được dùng trong câu khẳng đinh
- Đi với danh từ không đếm được và danh từ đếm được số nhiều
VD: We spent a lot of money
4. Common verbs followed by the -ing form are:
 hate, like, dislike, love, prefer, detest, mind...
Eg: I love swimming but I hate jogging.
phrases with mind:
wouldn't mind (= would like)
don't mind (= I am willing to)
would you mind (= will you please …?)
Eg: I wouldn't mind having some fish and chips.
I don't mind waiting for a few minutes.
Would you mind holding this for me?
5.Modal verb : Should : Chỉ lời khuyên
- Students will learn to express health problems, they will practice giving advices using
should, shouldn´t
 We use "should" / "shouldn't" + the infinitive of the main verb (without "to")
(+) S+ should + main verb
(-) S + shouldn't + main verb
(?) Should + S + main verb?
Eg: You should do more exercise.
You shouldn't stay up late.
1/ THERE WAS / THERE WASN'T...có (số ít)
(+)There was + a/an + singular Noun
(-) There wasn't + a/an + singular Noun
(?) Was there +a/an + singular Noun? => Yes, there was/ No, there wasn’t
Eg: There wasn't a good film on TV last night.
+ THERE WERE/ THERE WEREN'T... ...có (số nhiều)
(+) There were + some + plural Noun
Eg: There were some people here.
(-) There weren't + any + plural Noun
(?) Were there + any + plural Noun? => Yes, there were/ No, there weren’t

Eg: There weren't any books there.

The simple past tense of the verb to be:
 The affirmative form:

I, he, she, it was.

(chủ từ số ít)

you, we, they were.

(chủ từ số nhiều)

 I was in London in 1999.
 Pam was in London in 1999, too.
 We were together.

 The negative form:

I, he, she, it was not.

(chủ từ số ít) wasn't.

You, we, they were not.

(chủ từ số nhiều) weren't.

 I wasn't in Paris in 1999.
 Pam wasn't in Paris in 1999.
 We weren't in Paris.

b. Ordinary verbs: động từ thường

(+) S + V2, ed + O.

Dấu hiệu nhận biết :

-Ago, last year...., in 2018....

- (two days, three weeks) ago

- last (year, month, week)

- in (2002, June)

- from (March) to (June)

- in the (2000, 1980s)

- in the last century

- in the past

Ex: she bought this house last year.

Cách dùng:
-Dùng để diễn tả hành động xảy ra và chấm dứt trong quá khứ có mốc thời gian xác
-Một thói quen trong quá khứ bây giờ đã chấm dứt.
Exercise 1:Complete the sentences using the -ing form of the verbs in the box.
wait sit run swim help eat play get up go do chat
I love running. It’s my favourite sport.
1.Mike hates ____________ early in the morning.
2.Do you prefer ____________ video games or watching TV?
3.We don’t mind ____________ for the bus.
4.My sister likes ____________ burgers.
5.Do you like ____________ in the sea?
6.Tina doesn’t like ____________ her science homework.
7.I like ____________ next to my friend Maria in class.
8.I hate ____________ to the shopping centre.
9.I don’t mind ____________ my dad in the kitchen.
10.Watching TV is OK, but I prefer ____________ to friends.
Exercise 2:Choose the correct words.
1.How much / any / many sweets do you want?
2.Would you like an / any / a apple?
3.I eat any / a lot of / a pasta when I’m hungry.
4.Is there many / much / a cheese on that pizza?
5.There isn’t some / a / any juice in the fridge.
Exercise 3.Complete the sentences with the words in the box. (5 marks)

sweets chicken meal bread water

1 A burger with salad is my favourite ________.

2 Don’t drink fizzy drinks! If you’re thirsty, it’s better to drink ________.
3 We can’t make a sandwich. We haven’t got any ________.
4 ________ is my favourite meat.
5 ________ aren’t good for you. There’s a lot of sugar in them, and they’re bad for your
Exercise 4: Change these verbs into past form:

1. Be => 28. Let=>

2. Become => 29. Make=>
3. Begin => 30. Mean=>
4. Break => 31. Meet=>
5. Bring => 32. Pay=>
6. Build => 33. Put=>
7. Buy => 34. Read=>
8. Choose => 35. Rise=>
9. Come => 36. Run=>
10. Cost => 37. Say=>
11. Cut=> 38. See=>
12. Do=> 39. Send=>
13. Dream=> 40. Set=>
14. Drink=> 41. Shake=>
15. Eat=> 42. Shut=>
16. Feel=> 43. Sing=>
17. Find=> 44. Sit=>
18. Forget=> 45. Sleep=>
19. Get=> 46. Stand=>
20. Give=> 47. Swim=>
21. Go=> 48. Take=>
22. Have=> 49. Teach=>
23. Hear=> 50. Tell=>
24. Hold=> 51. Think=>
25. Keep=> 52. Wear=>
26. Know=> 53. win=>
27. Learn=> 54. write=>

Exercise 5.Complete the questions and answers with was, wasn’t, were or weren’t.
Where were you yesterday?
1 We ________ at the sports centre. (ü)
2 We ________ at school. ()
3 Where ________ he last night?
4 He ________ at home. ()
5 I ________ at the cinema yesterday. ()
Bài 6. Complete the sentences with there was, there were, there wasn’t or there weren’t.
There was a big parade at the carnival. (ü)
1 ____________ 10,000 fans at the match. (ü)
2 ____________ only one apple in the bowl. (ü)
3 ____________ any women in the room. ()
4 ____________ an Internet café in my town. ()
5 ____________ eleven players in the team. (ü)

Exercise 7. Put the words with the underlined part into correct column.
Provided called watched turned competed
Talked stopped wanted learned washed
Finished played cycled changed needed
Pushed visited started lived moved
/t/ /d/ /Id/
Exercise 8.Supply the correct verb tense. Use Simple past tense.
1. My sister (get) married last month.
2. Daisy (come) to her grandparents’ house 3 days ago.
3. My computer (be) broken yesterday.
4. He (buy) me a big teddy bear on my birthday last week.
5. My friend (give) me a bar of chocolate when I (be) at school yesterday.
6. My children (do) their homework last night.
7. You (live) here five years ago.
8. They (watch) TV late at night yesterday.
9. Your friend (be) at your house last weekend?
10. They (not be) excited about the film last night.
Exercise 9.Write complete the sentences
1. It/ be/ cloudy/ yesterday.
2. In 1990/ we/ move/ to another city.
3. My sister/ like / read/ comics.
4. She/ go/ to the church five days ago.
5. How/ be/ he/ yesterday?
6. I /don’t mind / help my sister / make dinner.
7. They / prefer/ watch the Olympics on TV.
8. How / coffee/ he/ drink/ every day?
9. I/ play/ football/ last/ Sunday.
10. My mother/ make/ two cakes/ four days/ ago.
11. Vegetarians / hate/ eat onions in their food.
12. Joni/ go/ zoo five days/ ago.
13. We/ have/ fun/ yesterday.
14. My/ father/ not/ at the office/ the day/ before yesterday.
15. There/ be not / butter / on my pizza.
16.The girls / love / play badmimton.
17. How / apples / you/ want ?
18. How/ sugar / she / need?
19. There/ be/ cheese / mushroom pizza.
20. I last/ see/ my parents/ two years ago.
Exercise 10.Complete the sentences with the words in the box.

athletics cycling fan football player

sailing skiing stadium team race

1 Andy Murray is the best British tennis ________.

2 I enjoy being on the water. ________ is my favourite sport.
3 He loves running and jumping. He’s good at ________.
4 Martina is very fast. She usually wins the 100-metre ________.
5 When you play ________ you can kick the ball, but you can’t touch it with your hands.
6 More than 75,000 people can watch the match at Manchester United’s football
7 ________ with my friends is my favourite activity. We take our bikes to the park.
8 I’m a basketball ________. I watch my local team every weekend.
9 There are fifteen players in a rugby ________.
10________ is a popular winter sport in the mountains.
Exercise 11.Choose the correct answers.
1 We moved to this flat when we ____ very young.
a.was b. were c. are
2 We had a geography exam ____ week.
a. in b. ago c. last
3 The London Olympic Games were ____ 2012.
a last b. in c. ago
4 He first played tennis ____ he was six years old.
a. in b. when c. ago
5 The lesson started ten minutes ____.
a. ago b. last c. first
6. My favourite drink is……………
a. milk b. pasta c. bread
7.My father…………….to Ha Noi last month.
a. competed b. went c. visited
8. He shouldn’t……………….too much fizzy drink.
a. drinks b. drunk .drink
9.They don’t have………….burgers but they have……………chips.
a. any/any b. any/some c. some/any
10.I think, my mother hates……………unhealthy fast food like chips.
a. eats b. eat c. eating
11…………milk have you bought in the shop?
a. How much b. How many c .How
12.Lan………….at school 2 hours ago.
a. wasn’t b. weren’t c .isn’t
13. There is a market here. ………………fast!
a. Drive b. Don’t drive c .Should drive
14. Yesterday, I was tired , so I……………at home.
a. stay b. stayed c .staying
15. My favourite footballer always…………….a lot of goals.
a. takes b. plays c .scores
Exercise 12.Choose the correct words.
She exercises a lot. She’s unhealthy / fit.
1 He plays football every day. He’s well / active.
2 Can I have some water? I’m thirsty / hungry.
3 Sweets are an unfit / unhealthy snack.
4 Sara is in hospital. She’s active / ill.
5 He watches TV all day. He’s lazy / healthy.
Exercise 13. Read the interview. Then complete the sentences. You can use one, two,
three or four words.
Hi, Paul. What’s your favourite sport?
I love running marathons! I run in the London Marathon every year, and sometimes I run
in the New York Marathon.
Really? A marathon is more than forty kilometres, right?
Yes. It’s a very long race. I can run a marathon in about three hours.
That’s fast! Are you really fit?
Yes, I am. I train a lot. I run in the park every day. I don’t mind running in the cold or the
How do you prepare for a marathon?
It’s important to sleep well the night before the marathon. I always have a good meal, too.
I eat a lot of pasta. I don’t drink any fizzy drinks, but I drink a lot of water.
I want to run a marathon. What advice can you give me?
Don’t run a marathon without training! It can be dangerous. Start with shorter races –
maybe five or ten kilometres. Eat healthy food. Walk or run a few kilometres every day.
Don’t be lazy!
Paul loves running marathons.
Paul runs in the London Marathon every year.
1. Paul ___________________ in about three hours.
2. Paul is fit because ____________________ a lot.
3. Paul eats a lot of pasta ____________________ a marathon.
4. Paul never drinks ____________________.
5. It ____________________ to run a marathon without training.
Exercise 14.Read the text. Answer the questions
Star player: Cristiano Ronaldo
A. Cristiano Ronaldo’s full name is Cristiano Ronaldo dos Santo Aveiro. He was born on 5th
February 1985 in Madeira, Portugal. He’s 1 metre 85 centimetres tall. He’s slim and he’s
got short dark hair and brown eyes.
B. Ronaldo first played football when he was three years old, and he turned professional
when he only ten. He played for Sporting in Portugal an then Manchester United. In 2009,
he moved to Real Madrid in Spain. He’s also in Portuguese national team.
C. Ronaldo won his first trophy with Manchester United in 2007, when they were English
Premier League champions. He also won the Club World Cup with Manchester United in
Note: trophy ( chiến tích, cúp, giải thưởng dành phần thắng trong cuộc thi thể thao)
1. Which paragraph is about his career in general? Which about the things he won and
which about personal details?
2. Where was Ronaldo born?
3. How tall is he?
UNIT 5: Write a food blog including the information:
1. What is the name of the food blog?
2. What is on your menu? What do you eat first? Next? Then?
3. What is your favourite food? How to make it?

-Starter: Spring rolls, banana flower salad, cucumber salad,
chicken soup, chips, sea food salad, egg salad…
-Main course: fried chicken with sticky rice, chicken curry, fish, meat, fried beef with
vegetables, cheese burger, mushroom pizza, meat pizza, chicken pizza, seafood pizza….
-Dessert: ice cream, fruit, fruit cake, banana cake, mineral water, juice, milk tea…
Hi. Here my menu for today.
First, I eat some chips.
Next, I’ve got spring rolls for the starter.
Then, the main course is Chicken pizza and fried chicken with sticky rice. Simple
ingredients but great.
Finally, My favourite : dessert! It’s fruit cake and ice cream. So yummy.
Enjoy your meal! Join me tomorrow for another menu.

UNIT 6: write a profile of a sport star, including the information:

1. What is the name of the sport star?
2. Introduce the person ( name, place of birth, birthday and where he/ she lives)
3. The important events in his/her early life.
4. the most significant achiements during his/her career.
5. A general comment as a summary.

Bài 1:

Bài 2: Martin Odegaard, from Norway, became a professional footballer at fifteen and
scored great goals for his club. He was born in December 17 th, 1998 in Na Uy .He first
played international football before he was sixteen. A lot of famous clubs were interested in
him and he trained with some of them. Finally, in 2015, Real Madrid gave him a contract.
He is the most successful soccer player in Na Uy.
Bài 3
Phan Thị Hà Thanh started gymnastics when she was six.She was born on Octorber 16th,1991
in Hai Phong. She went to an athletic training centre in Hải Phòng. In 2011, she was the first
Vietnamese gymnast who won a world medal for Việt Nam and she competed in the
Olympic Games in 2012 and 2016. She is one of the most successful gymnastics in Viet
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