Om Swastyast3

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Om Swastyastu, Dear Mr. Aditya Hermawan Pratama, M.Pd as tutor and my lovely friends.

On this third
discussion, I would like to deliver an essay about my weekend plans as a fintech salesman and an online
student at Universitas Terbuka.

As a fintech salesman at PT Amartha and an online student at Universitas Terbuka, my weekends are a
blend of professional and academic endeavors. In this essay, I will outline my plan for the weekend,
encompassing the diverse activities I engage in throughout the week, the preparations I undertake to
meet deadlines and commitments, and my strategies for ensuring timely completion of tasks.

During the week, my work activities as a fintech salesman involve client meetings, product
presentations, and follow-up calls to prospective customers. As a university student, after I finished my
work at 5 PM, I watch online lectures, engage in online discussions, and submit assignments. To
complete these responsibilities effectively, I rely on digital tools such as University’s online learning
platforms and online materials.

In preparation for the weekend, I review my schedule to identify pending tasks and academic
assignments that require attention. I allocate dedicated time slots for completing sales reports, studying
course materials, participating in online discussions, and setting aside time for household chores. By
taking care of these preparations in advance, I can streamline my weekend activities and minimize last-
minute stress. After all those priority work are taken care of, I can use a little bit of my time to enjoy my
favorite shows or movies.

In conclusion, the weekend presents an opportunity to recharge and rejuvenate after a busy week. By
effectively managing my time and prioritizing tasks, I aim to strike a balance between work’s
productivity, academic task and relaxation time. Looking ahead, I hope to carry forward this sense of
organization and efficiency into the coming week, ensuring a smooth transition and continued success in
all my endeavors. Thank you for reading.

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