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4/7/24, 9:10 PM chartopia.d12dev.


Cyberpunk RED Adventure Beat Chart

07 Apr '24 18:04

False Accusation In this Hook, the Edgerunners are falsely accused of a heinous (or not so heinous) crime. A
Fixer sends goons after them because "They stole from my Night Market!" A seemingly terrified Corp rushes up
to one of the Edgerunners and points him out to a nearby NCPD officer as their attacker. A man falls dead in an
Edgerunner’s arms, a monoblade sticking out of his body. Anything that could get the Edgerunners into major
trouble is laid (undeservingly) at their doorstep. The important part is that the accusation be unfounded and that
the Edgerunner be given only a limited number of options: fight (against impossible odds) or flee (with everyone
in the world after them).
##Choose 5 Beats (Alternate between Developments and Cliffhangers):
###Developments (Information):
Rescuers! The Edgerunners must save someone from capture, death, or confinement. The important part of
this Beat is to provide a compelling reason for the rescue to take place. Maybe the victim is a friend or has
information the party needs to succeed.

Romance Ah, love! In this Development, Romance comes to one or more of the Edgerunners when someone
takes a strong liking to them.
This doesn’t have to be all hearts and flowers, though: a new lover can come complete with secret alliances to the
Edgerunner’s enemy, jealous suitors, angry parents, hidden secrets, or a lethal and incurable disease.

Turnabout! One member of the opposition decides (for their own reasons), to aid the Crew. Classic examples of
this would be the underling who betrays the Antagonist in order to get their job, or the opponent who joins the
Edgerunners because they fall in love with one of them. This is a good way to balance the odds when the Crew
has been reduced in strength and needs some support.
###Cliffhangers (Action):
Contest A contest is some type of ritualized confrontation, in which one side wins and one side loses. A Contest
could involve riddles, feats of strength, feats of memory, or cleverness, or any other type of one-on-one
competition. Note: You may not use a Gamemaster fiat to allow the NPC to win a Contest; this should come down
to roleplay and the rolls and the Edgerunners should always have a chance at victory.

Duel A Duel is a one-on-one combat between two participants. Weapons are usually of equal power and lethality
(for example, a sword vs. a dagger would be considered a Battle, not a duel). Duels do not have to be to the death
in most cases, the object is to prove who’s the better combatant between the two parties. A Duel can also be used
to ritually decide the outcome of a situation: if A wins, B agrees to do something A wants. In the world of
Cyberpunk, some bars have combat pits to help settle things between individuals, so violence doesn’t erupt in the

Skirmish! The Crew engages in a small battle with the opposition. If the Crew is winning, the opposition
escapes via trickery (smoke bombs, leaping onto the back of a passing truck, etc.). If the Crew is losing, the
opposition is content to capture them or leave them wounded but alive.
Final Revelation In the Final Revelation, the Edgerunners (and appropriate NPCs) are gathered together in
one place, and, like the participants in an Agatha Christie novel, must decide what is going on and expose the
true facts. What has been going on must finally be revealed in its entirety: the Edgerunner’s learn about the
Inquisition’s nuclear bomb plot, the murderer is revealed, or the enemy’s secret identity exposed. The outcome of
this Revelation is already decided; once the killer is revealed, the police will arrest them, or once the Corp exec’s
illicit business affairs are uncovered, they will slink away in disgrace. The goal of the Final Revelation is to merely
uncover the underlying mystery.
Greater Threat So, you thought getting rid of the Antagonist ended the problem, eh? No; behind them stands a
far greater threat! Sure, you took down the local Zhirafa head of security but that means you’ve attracted the
attention of their boss or the gang leader you deposed was working for the Yakuza and now you have to deal with
In this Scene, you discover that this is only the beginning, and another game lurks in the offing. 1/1

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