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Food Bioscience 35 (2020) 100547

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The effects of ultrasound assisted extraction on yield, antioxidant, T

anticancer and antimicrobial activity of polyphenol extracts: A review
Courage Sedem Dzaha,b, Yuqing Duana,∗, Haihui Zhanga, Chaoting Wena, Jixian Zhanga,
Guangying Chenc, Haile Maa
Department of Food Science and Engineering, School of Food and Biological Engineering, Jiangsu University, Zhenjiang, Jiangsu, 212013, China
Department of Food Science and Technology, Faculty of Applied Sciences and Technology, Ho Technical University, Ho, Volta Region, HP217, Ghana
Key Laboratory of Tropical Medicinal Plant Chemistry of Ministry of Education, Hainan Normal University, Haikou, Hainan, 571158, China


Keywords: Ultrasound assisted extraction (UAE) is widely used in recent times for its benefits, but it is difficult to find
Ultrasound assisted extraction literature that comprehensively addresses the effect of UAE-specific parameters such as temperature, frequency,
Polyphenols power, solvent type, and solvent to material ratio on extracted compounds and their functionality. There is no
Extraction conditions review done so far on the effects of all UAE parameters on polyphenol extracts to guide the design of extraction
Biological activity
protocols. This review therefore focuses on the effects of UAE parameters on the yield and composition, as well
as the effects of the UAE on the antioxidant, anticancer, and antimicrobial properties of phenolic extracts. Higher
extraction temperatures above 50 °C are degradative to polyphenols in extracts; lower frequencies within the
power ultrasound range below 40 kHz are most effective; polyphenol yield generally increases with increasing
power, but with a threshold, beyond which no significant increase is observed; and higher ultrasound power
produces free hydroxyl radicals which degrade polyphenols, especially in the presence of high water content. A
comparative assessment of literature showed that, UAE does not only contribute to increased extraction yield of
polyphenols, but also better preserves and increases the biological activity of polyphenol extracts compared to
traditional maceration and Soxhlet extraction. A full picture of UAE is given to serve as a reference material on
the control of UAE parameters for desired results and efficiency.

1. Introduction Magné, 2012; Ma et al., 2008; Sevenich & Mathys, 2018; Wen et al.,
2018; Wizi et al., 2018). One of such technologies which has shown
Phenolic compounds are secondary metabolites, common in the substantial advantage over traditional maceration and Soxhlet extrac-
forms of phenolic acids and flavonoids in plants (Dzah, 2014; tions is the use of ultrasound assisted extraction (UAE) (Luo et al., 2018;
Ghasemzadeh & Ghasemzadeh, 2011; Lin et al., 2016). They are the Rodsamran & Sothornvit, 2019; Wen et al., 2018; Yolmeh, Habibi-
most abundant of many phytochemicals and have been given enormous Najafi, & Farhoosh, 2014). However, the successful application and
attention due to their healthful benefits (Huang, Yin, & Chiu, 2011; Li efficiency of these technologies, including UAE, is met with the chal-
et al., 2014; Mozaffarian, 2017; Scalbert, Manach, Morand, & Remesy, lenge of process optimization. The ability to optimize UAE of poly-
2005; Schönfeldt, Hall, & Pretorius, 2018; Smethers & Rolls, 2018). phenols prevents material and solvent wastage and as well ensures in-
These health benefits have been associated with their antioxidative, creased extraction yield and preservation of biological properties of
anti-inflammatory, anticancer, and antimicrobial properties (Appleton extracts. An understanding of how UAE parameters such as time, fre-
et al., 2011; Carvalho et al., 2017; Evans, Kawabata, & Thomas, 2014; quency, power, temperature, and solvent to material ratio influence the
Flores, Wu, Negrin, & Kennelly, 2015; Manganaris, Goulas, Vicente, & treatment outcomes and efficiency, is therefore important to the success
Terry, 2014; Zielinski et al., 2014). The advantages derived from their of polyphenol extraction, hence the need for this study. Also, no such
use and the increased research interest have led to the development of comprehensive literature dedicated to the effects of UAE on the yield,
several advanced technologies that can permit their extraction without composition and biological properties of polyphenols was found. This
largely compromising their biological activities (Ameer, Shahbaz, & study therefore serves as a relevant reference for current and future
Kwon, 2017; Dent et al., 2015; Falleh, Ksouri, Lucchessi, Abdelly, & UAE designs. Published journals papers relating to the use of UAE in the

Corresponding author. School of Food and Biological Engineering, Jiangsu University, Zhenjiang, Jiangsu, 212013, China.
E-mail address: dyq101@ujs.edu.cn (Y. Duan).

Received 12 June 2019; Received in revised form 24 February 2020; Accepted 24 February 2020
Available online 28 February 2020
2212-4292/ © 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
C.S. Dzah, et al. Food Bioscience 35 (2020) 100547

extraction of polyphenols were screened from academic databases (such observed for direct ultrasonication.
as Web of Science and Science Direct) based on results that specifically
showed improvements in extraction and biological activity of extracts 2.2. Frequency range
as well as UAE-specific parameter effects.
Differences are also found between ultrasonication equipment re-
2. Types of ultrasound assisted extraction technology garding the range of sound frequencies allowable by design (Zhang
et al., 2017). There are different ranges such as power ultrasound
The identification of differences among the various machinery used (20 kHz–100 kHz), mostly applied in cleaning, plastic welding and
in UAE depends largely on the make of the equipment and the varia- sonochemistry (including extraction protocols); the extended range
tions in the controls of microenvironment parameters such as tem- (100 kHz–2 MHz), also mostly used in sonochemistry; and high fre-
perature, frequency, power, and time. Some criteria used in their quency range (2 MHz–10 MHz), often used in medical imaging (Varray
classification are described based on interaction between ultrasound et al., 2012). Most often the power ultrasound range is used in the
source and extraction medium, frequency ranges, frequency combina- extraction of biologically active compounds from biological matrices,
tions, and purpose. such as in the extraction of polyphenols from plant and waste food
materials. Most of the ultrasonic probes or cleaning baths available in
2.1. Interaction between ultrasound source and extraction medium commercial quantities work at low ultrasound frequencies (20–40 kHz).
Low frequencies have been observed to generate large cavitation bub-
A criterion used to classify this technology is whether or not there is bles in extraction solvents which implode violently, generating high
a direct interaction between the extraction medium and the ultrasound shear whiles creating microjets that ensure higher cellular degradation,
source. When the source is in direct contact with the extraction increased solvent penetration and higher extraction rate). Bhangu,
medium, it is termed direct ultrasonication and the vice versa is true Ashokkumar, and Lee (2016) also showed that although low ultrasound
with indirect ultrasonication (Fig. 1). It is established by studies that frequency seems optimal to generate higher nucleation and fragmen-
direct contact between sound waves and extraction medium allows tation rates, the exact optimal frequency is probably reactor and system
better interaction and enhances higher and more intense cavitation specific, hence the need to design optimization tests that are specific to
effects which improves extraction of target compounds from cellular different extractions and setups.
plant matrices than seen in indirect ultrasonication such as the ultra-
sound bath. Mellado, Figueroa, Baez, Meléndrez, and Fernández (2019) 2.3. Frequency combinations
investigated the effects of probe and bath ultrasonic treatments on
graphene oxide (GO) structure and observed that probe sonication in- Certain ultrasound applications use frequencies in different combi-
duced deformities in the GO layers, degrading their properties, whereas nations, whether it is a combination of sound waves of the same fre-
bath sonication was less invasive and caused less damage to the GO quency or of varying frequencies (Yang et al., 2017; Zhang et al., 2017).
sheet structure. Depending on the purpose of ultrasound treatment, it is Some studies have shown that ultrasonication can be mono or multi-
important to understand the differences in their mechanism of action frequency-based and the results vary. As cavitation effect is modulated
and effects on materials. However, there is the potential of the probe or by frequency types applied, it is seen that understanding how to use
horn carrying over residues from previous extractions that may con- frequencies in combination has a great potential to improve extraction
taminate subsequent processes (Mirza et al., 2008). As well, there is a yield (Leighton, 1995; Tatake & Pandit, 2002; Zhang et al., 2017). Ul-
high likelihood of having the probe or horn changed over time due to trasound sources such as probes or horns are designed to either emit
potential corrosion as a result of chemical oxidative reactions between single or dual or other multiple frequencies. A modelling and experi-
probe materials and extraction medium components. For indirect ul- mental study was done by Tatake and Pandit (2002) to understand the
trasonication (Fig. 2), it is shown that as sound waves pass through two effect of dual frequency ultrasound source on cavity dynamics and ca-
media (water bath and sample container) before getting to the extrac- vitation yield. In their study, the effects of the introduction of a second
tion medium, intensity reduces with concomitant reduction in cavita- wave were compared to those of a conventional single wave process
tion intensity and extraction rate, compared to direct ultrasonication. and results showed that the introduction of a second sound wave in-
Beside the relatively lower extraction rate, its advantage is the absence creased the distribution of the cavitation activity and resulted in uni-
of cross contamination from previous extraction procedures, unlike form yields. The formation of standing waves was also minimized, and

Fig. 1. Different types of direct ultrasonication equipment. (a) shows an equipment with a water bath which contains sample held in a second vessel. (b) shows an
equipment with no water bath, but a jacketed glass beaker which holds sample in extraction medium.

C.S. Dzah, et al. Food Bioscience 35 (2020) 100547

Fig. 2. An ultrasound water bath. Ultrasound is produced within the equipment and sound waves travel through the water and glassware into extraction mixture
(Source: Laboratory, Jiangsu University, Food Science and Engineering department).

reactant volume and dissipated sound energy were more effectively (Coupland & McClements, 2001; McClements, 1991); and crystal-
used, resulting in a two-fold energy efficiency compared to that from lization of carbohydrates (Gülseren & Coupland, 2008; Yucel &
the single sound wave. An extension of this experiment also measured Coupland, 2010, 2011a, b). With such high frequencies coupled with
variations in efficiency with the use of sound waves of the same or low powers, the treatments have been shown to be non-invasive and
different frequencies, and it was suggested that sound waves introduced nondestructive, making it one of the best means of studying samples
should be of the same frequency with respect to the initial, as this was that need to be kept intact.
shown to increase cavitation effects with higher chemical yields
(Santos, Guzmán, Espinosa, & Estrada, 2016; Tatake & Pandit, 2002). 3. Effects of ultrasound microenvironment parameters
This observation seems to be true, cutting across other applications
such as in medical imaging technology as reported by Varray et al. The polyphenol composition of extracts from plant sources differ
(2012). Another study by Liu and Hsieh (2009) confirmed the ad- from plant to plant, based on several influencing factors from both
vantage of using multiple-frequency over single-frequency ultrasound biotic and abiotic environmental conditions. Polyphenols play major
in effectively enhancing the acoustic cavitation effect during sample functions in plant defense mechanisms against predators, auto-oxida-
treatments in the pharmaceutical industry. The results of the study tive effects, induced oxidative stress, drought stress, infections, and
showed that dual-frequency ultrasound treatment has a greater poten- extreme weather conditions among others (Vladimir-Knežević et al.,
tial to increase acoustic cavitation and can generate bubbles at an in- 2012). They are also useful in signaling pathway modulation, anti-
creased rate up to 5 times higher than observed with single-frequency oxidation reactions, conservation of enzyme moieties, attraction of
treatment. pollinators, development of flavor compounds, and cell membrane in-
tegrity preservation (Moosavi, Hosseini, Saso, & Firuzi, 2016). Beside
2.4. Frequency and power combinations these primary reasons given for the varied polyphenol composition in
plants, the extraction techniques, solvents used and other parameters
Ultrasonic techniques can also be classified into different groups during their separation from complex plant matrixes have the potential
depending on the ranges of frequency and power during operation and to also alter the composition of extracts (Altemimi, Watson, Choudhary,
their combinations. Diagnostic and high frequency ultrasound is char- Dasari, & Lightfoot, 2016; Do et al., 2014; Turkmen, Sari, & Velioglu,
acterized with high frequency and low power, whereas that of low 2006). Most often, studies done on the effects of extraction methods on
frequency and high power is classified as power ultrasound (Juliano biochemical properties of extracts consider the effects of extraction
et al., 2017). It is worth noting that diagnostic ultrasound uses higher microenvironment conditions such as temperature, solvent to material
frequencies than those normally classified as high frequency ultra- ratio, and time (Li et al., 2016; Maran et al., 2017; Zhong & Wang,
sound. The latter is known to produce low cavitation effects in ex- 2010). For UAE, additional conditions such as frequency, intensity, and
traction materials or mixtures but has been observed to enhance se- power are also studied (Wen et al., 2018).
paration of particulates from biological matrices (Bhangu et al., 2016;
Juliano et al., 2017). Diagnostic ultrasound is commonly used medi- 3.1. Effects of extraction temperature
cally to measure the state of internal tissue structures with low power
(< 100 mWcm−2), and high frequency (1–10 MHz). The power used in Many single-factor UAE experiments have been done and have
this technique is low enough to not give any physicochemical changes confirmed the effects of extraction temperature on polyphenol yield.
to the tissues of interest (Frizzell, 1988). Maran et al. (2017) studied the effect of extraction temperature among
High frequency, low power ultrasound has been used in food ap- other parameters on anthocyanin, flavonoid and total phenolic contents
plications to produce standing waves called megasonics; useful in the of Nephelium lappaceum peel extracts obtained using UAE. Results
extraction of oil from the olives. Its application increased the ex- showed that yield was increased due to increased material porosity,
tractability of oil from olive fruits (Juliano et al., 2017). Although re- higher solvation and mass transfer when extraction temperature in-
commended for oil extraction due to increased extractability, high creased (Maran et al., 2017). This was confirmed by others who ob-
frequency ultrasound negatively influenced anthocyanins and phenolics served similar increments in extraction yield of phenolic components of
in extracts, as well as antioxidant activity in berry extracts (Stojanovic samples as a result of increased extraction temperature (Altemimi et al.,
& Silva, 2007). This can be explained by the fact that high ultrasound 2016; Li et al., 2016; Toma, Vinatoru, Paniwnyk, & Mason, 2001).
frequencies generate high amounts of free radicals that degrade phenols Added, increased temperature also reduces surface tension and visc-
and reduce their antioxidant properties (Crum, 1995; Masuda, osity in extracts, which also enhances extraction yield. Dai and Mumper
Maruyama, Eguchi, Hirakawa, & Murakami, 2015; Miljevic et al., (2010) observed that viscosity and surface tension of solvents-sample
2014). Usually, frequencies used range between 100 kHz and 1 MHz, mixtures are decreased at higher temperatures, increasing matrix pe-
significantly lower than applied in diagnostic ultrasound. This tech- netration and extraction rate of polyphenols.
nique also does not induce any changes in materials due to the low Despite the advantages, many phenolic compounds are easily hy-
power or intensities used, and several examples of its successful ap- drolyzed and oxidized at higher temperatures, especially when ex-
plication are observed in the food industry such as its use in fats and oils tracted over extended periods (Bi, Yang, Sun, Chen, & Zhang, 2011; Dai
characterization studies (McClements & Povey, 1992); emulsions & Mumper, 2010). Akowuah, Mariam, and Chin (2009) showed that

C.S. Dzah, et al. Food Bioscience 35 (2020) 100547

total phenolic content in extracts decreased with extraction tempera- likely to mediate solvent and solute decomposition, polymerization and
tures exceeding 60 °C due to oxidative degradation. The sensitivity of degradation of polyphenols (Masuda et al., 2015; Riesz, BerdahI, &
polyphenols to elevated temperatures was also shown about three Christman, 1985). It is therefore important that the type and physico-
decades ago by Havlikova and Mikova (1985). They showed that long chemical nature of material to be extracted is carefully considered,
extraction times at high temperatures increased the rate of phenol especially when using water as the sole extraction solvent so as to im-
oxidation and decreased the yield of total phenolic compounds in ex- prove yield without compromising the biological activity of poly-
tracts. For example, orthodox polyphenol extraction (such as macera- phenols.
tion) is typically done at temperatures between 20 and 50 °C, and not at
temperatures above this range (Jackman, Yada, Tung, & Speers, 1987). 3.4. Effects of extraction solvent
Temperatures above 70 °C especially have been shown to lead to rapid
polyphenol degradation, hence the need to select efficient extraction The selection of an appropriate solvent for UAE depends on polarity,
temperatures that maintain the stability of phenolic compounds melting point, boiling point, density, specific gravity, affinity for target
(Havlikova & Mikova, 1985). It is also important to mention that the component, as well as effect on purity and activity of extracted com-
sensitivity of a sample to temperature-induced polyphenol degradation pound (Zou et al., 2014). Another factor to consider is the extraction
depends on the types of polyphenol compounds available in the extract parameters to use and their suitability for the solvent, intermediate and
or plant matrix, and their physicochemical and biochemical char- final reaction products, and how the solvent may react with target
acteristics, as well as solvent-sample interaction. compounds with extraction conditions. The biochemical and physico-
chemical properties of extraction solvents used for UAE are important
3.2. Effects of ultrasonic power because they define the nature of the extraction medium and interact
with treated material and extracted compounds. Potential changes that
Increased cavitation effect attributed to increased ultrasound power may occur in extraction solvents may have significant effects on the
has been reported to have increased polyphenol yield in Nephelium stability of polyphenols and efficiency of treatments.
lappaceum fruit peel extract (Maran et al., 2017) and grape seeds when Often, during UAE, solvents used for the extraction of bioactive
power was increased from 50 to 150 W (Da Porto, Porretto, & Decorti, plant compounds are a mixture, comprising of both organic and aqu-
2013). Different ultrasound power intensities were used in extracting eous phases in different ratios (Vankar & Srivastava, 2010). Organic
polyphenols from mashed tea leaves and yield increased by 16.6% solvents such as ethanol, methanol, acetone and isopropanol, mixed
when power increased from 25 to 125 W (Van Man, Anh Vu, & Chi Hai, with varying proportions of water, have been widely used to extract
2017). Polyphenol yield of Acer truncatum leaves extracts increased by polyphenols and antioxidant compounds from plant sources using UAE.
9.5% when power was increased from 150 to 240 W. Beside the in- On some occasions, 100% of either organic solvent or water is used for
creased extraction of polyphenols, it was observed that hydroxyl radi- extraction. Also, in some studies, extraction solvents have been acid-
cals (OH*) could be produced at high ultrasonic power that would react ified to preserve sensitive polyphenols from oxidative degradation
with phenolic compounds and degrade them, especially in the presence (Dzah, 2014). The principle behind this is that, acids produce hydrogen
of high-water content (Fernando and Soysa, 2015; Phan, Nguyen, & Le, ions (H+) that stabilize free radicals that may be produced during ul-
2012). Caution must therefore be taken to avoid high power-induced trasonication. One factor that determines the ratios of the solvent
polyphenol degradation. mixtures is the affinity of target compounds for the solvents. If a target
Changes in chemical composition of extracts have also been ob- compound is more polar, the proportion of the polar fraction (water)
served in other studies regarding the effect of high ultrasound power. In exceeds that of the non-polar solvent, and vice versa. In a study done by
oenology studies, high power ultrasound (HPU) was used in the treat- Falleh et al. (2012), methanol and ethanol were used exclusively to
ment of must to increase diffusion of favorable compounds during extract polyphenols from Mesembryanthemum edule L. Aizoaceae shoots.
fermentation. It was observed that the chemical composition of poly- Results showed that the methanolic extract had significantly higher
phenols was significantly changed. Significant decreases in total poly- total polyphenol contents than the ethanolic extract, but the anti-
phenols and total anthocyanins were also observed with high ultra- oxidant activity obtained for the latter was significantly higher (Falleh
sound power (Ćurko et al., 2017). et al., 2012). This could be explained by the possibility that different
types of polyphenols were extracted in the different solvents, probably
3.3. Effects of ultrasonic frequency due to affinity differences.
Another study done by Xu et al. used ethanol at concentrations
The frequency applied during UAE procedures was shown to be ranging from 10 to 90% with fixed UAE conditions. The observed total
directly linked to the polyphenols and flavonoids compositions in ex- antioxidant activities of extracts significantly increased by 28.2% when
tracts (Carciochi, Manrique, & Dimitrov, 2015). According to some ethanol concentration was increased from 10 to 50%, and significantly
studies, increasing ultrasonic frequency within the power ultrasonic dropped when ethanol concentration was further increased from 50 to
range (20–100 kHz) led to increased polyphenol yields (Paini et al., 90%. Other studies done using ethanol confirmed that using a con-
2015). Bhangu et al. (2016) also showed that low frequencies increased centration of 50% gave the best antioxidant yields from Zizyphus lotus
acoustic cavitation, which accounted for significant physicochemical fruits (Hammi, Jdey, Abdelly, Majdoub, & Ksouri, 2015). Um, Han, and
changes in materials. Total phenolic contents and free radical scaven- Lee (2017) also extracted polyphenols from Rosa rugosa fruits using
ging properties of peach and pumpkins were best at a frequency of UAE at 50 °C for 30 min in 50% ethanol and results showed higher
37 kHz (Altemimi et al., 2016). On the other hand, the generation of antioxidant activity of extracts. Similar results were obtained using
standing waves (megasonics) at high frequency had no significant im- ethanol at concentrations close to 50% (Lu et al. (2015), Cryptotaenia
provement on the quality and chemical composition of olive oil japonica, 55%; Rodsamran and Sothornvit (2019), lime peel, 55%;
(Juliano et al., 2017). Zhou, Xu, et al. (2017) and Zhou, Zheng, et al. (2017), Melastoma
Unfortunately, and similar to the effects of high ultrasound power, sanguineum, 42.9%).
high frequency ultrasound has also been reported to generate high
amounts of free radicals which degrade polyphenols and reduce their 3.5. Effects of solvent to material ratio
biological activity (Fernando and Soysa, 2015; Phan et al., 2012). This
was attributed to the formation of unstable bubbles, leading to transient As discussed earlier in section 3.4, the characteristics of solvents in
cavitation. These unstable bubbles collapse and generate hydrogen relation to treated materials, their affinities for each other, their pro-
atoms (H) and hydroxyl radicals (OH*) in aqueous solutions, which are portions, and extraction conditions are important parameters to

C.S. Dzah, et al. Food Bioscience 35 (2020) 100547

consider. Knowing the optimum amount of solvent to be used is of 4.2. Anti-cancer activity
economic relevance, as well as important for enhancing extraction
outcomes and efficiency. Several studies have been done with different Cancer is a disease that is generally characterized by uncontrolled
combinations of extraction solvents and plant materials (solvent to cellular proliferation, with a multi-phase feature, incorporating both
material ratio), and have shown varied results. For example, optimi- direct and/or indirect roles of environmental, chemical, physical, me-
zation of UAE of rice grain phenolics using two solvent to material tabolic, and genetic factors among others (Zhang, Binns, & Lee, 2002).
ratios (2.5:1 and 5:1) showed that the 5:1 ratio gave the best yield of The inductive and deteriorative stages of cancer have been studied and
polyphenols (Setyaningsih, Saputro, Carrera, & Palma, 2019). Other consistent epidemiological evidence points to the fact that a diet en-
studies also confirmed this observation for increased polyphenol yield riched in antioxidants significantly reduces the risk of many cancers
(Oliveira et al. (2019), Hydrocotyle umbellate, 5:1; Pinela et al. (2019), (Glasauer & Chandel, 2014; Lamson & Brignall, 1999; Parohan et al.,
Hibiscus sabdariffa calyces, 33.3:1) and antioxidant activity, Jatropha 2019; Russo, Tedesco, Spagnuolo, & Russo, 2017; Yasueda, Hayato, &
integerrima, 40:1). Toshinori, 2016). These studies suggested the use of certain dietary
The effect of solvent to material ratio can be attributed to the pos- antioxidants in the effective management and prevention of cancer and
sibility that the reduced mixture density attained as a result of higher related mortality. Due to their safety (depending on the extraction and
solvent to material ratio increases ultrasound wave propagation speed purification technology used), low toxicity and their ubiquitous nature,
(v), reducing the effect of attenuation of ultrasound power (P) and in- polyphenols have become target study compounds in the fight against
creasing the transfer of energy (E)/distance covered (d) by wave/time cancer. It has also been established through studies that, in addition to
(t), which can be established using the equation: their primary antioxidative actions, they have an extensive diversity of
biological functions mainly related to control mechanisms of carcino-
P = K ⎛Ϩ [(E ∗ v )/ d]……where Ϩ is material stiffness
ρ⎞ genesis (Amawi, Ashby, Samuel, Peraman, & Tiwari, 2017; Cas &
⎝ ⎠
Ghidoni, 2018; Zhou et al., 2016).
This efficient transfer of energy as a result of reduced mixture Polyphenols are able to prevent cancer by reducing or blocking the
density increases extraction efficiency. Also, the reduced mixture den- harmful effects of free radicals on cells through their scavenging
sity increased cavitation, the phenomenon that is characteristic of ul- properties. Their varied chemical structures make them versatile in
trasound treatment efficiency (Coussios, Farny, Ter Haar, & Roy, 2007). neutralizing free radical activities thereby preventing or reducing oxi-
dative stress to levels that do not damage cellular DNA and regulatory
protein synthesis needed for the coordination of cellular activities
4. The effects of UAE on some biological activities of polyphenols
(Dzah, 2014; Mojzer et al., 2016). Experimental confirmations have
established that polyphenols also influence cancer propagation, and are
The biological activity of polyphenols underpins their healthful
able to suppress progression and contribute to the healing of damaged
benefits because of their antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, anticancer,
cells (González-Vallinas, González-Castejón, Rodríguez-Casado, &
and antimicrobial properties among many others. Considering the ef-
Ramírez de Molina, 2013; Tabrez et al., 2013). Polyphenols can protect
fects of technologies on outcomes, it is important that UAE is studied
normal cells, have cytotoxic effects on cancerous cells, modulate
more and information made available to guide study designs and future
growth factor-receptor interfaces and cell signaling cascades that reg-
studies. This section discusses the effects of UAE on some biological
ulate survival of normal cells and apoptosis of cancerous cells (Mojzer
activities of polyphenols.
et al., 2016; Tabrez et al., 2013).
The importance of UAE in cancer studies is mainly due to its ability
4.1. Antioxidative activity to preserve the anticarcinogenic properties of polyphenols in plant ex-
tracts, as their actions have been extensively studied in various in vitro
Polyphenols are known for their ability to undergo series of re- and in vivo systems (Cas & Ghidoni, 2018; Lee-Chang et al., 2013;
duction and oxidation reactions due to resonance effects localized to Medina-Torres, Ayora-Talavera, Espinosa-Andrews, Sánchez-Contreras,
phenyl rings. Polyphenols are considered more efficient antioxidants & Pacheco, 2017; Thyagarajan & Sahu, 2018; Zhou et al., 2016). Par-
due to their diverse chemical structures, from simple to complex (Dzah, ticular effects of ultrasound treatment on the anticancer properties of
2014). Several studies have been done in the area of antioxidant ac- polyphenols have not been given as much attention as the effects of
tivity assessment of plant-based polyphenols extracted with ultrasonic whole extracts. However, earlier studies have shown that polyphenols
treatment (Szydłowska-Czerniak and Tułodziecka, 2015; Liu, Ma, Liu, extracted using UAE from Thelephora ganbajun had greater anti-
Yang, & Zhang, 2013; Bi et al., 2011). Many methods have been de- proliferative activities toward human breast (MCF-7), lung (A549),
veloped to test the antioxidant potential of extracts, most of which are liver (HepG2) and colon (HT-29) cancer cells when compared to ma-
based on the inhibitory action of extracts on free radical activity of ROS ceration and Soxhlet methods (Xu et al., 2016). Li et al. (2017) also
producing compounds such as in the ABTS, trolox equivalence anti- extracted polyphenols from Trapa quadrispinosa Roxb. residues using
oxidant capacity (TEAC), ferric reducing antioxidant property (FRAP), ultrasound assisted enzyme extraction (UAEE) and results showed that
2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH), and oxygen radical absorbance extracts had higher effective antitumor action against Hela, HepG2 and
capacity (ORAC) assays (Dzah, 2014; Mojzer, Hrncic, Škerget, Knez, & U251 tumor cells. That is, UAE has the potential to conserve and en-
Bren, 2016). Such methods are used to ascertain the preservation of hance antitumor or anticarcinogenic activities of polyphenol extracts.
antioxidant potential of extracts after UAE. The TEAC assay value of Ultrasound irradiation was also used to increase the synthesis of sele-
Limonium sinuatum flower extracts obtained using UAE were higher nium containing chrysin which increased its action against cancer de-
than maceration and Soxhlet methods (Xu et al., 2017). Other studies velopment in vitro (Fonseca et al., 2017). Refer to Table 1 for a sum-
also showed stronger antioxidant activity of UAE extracts from different mary of important studies highlighting the effects of UAE on anticancer
plant sources when compared to conventional methods. According to properties of polyphenol and antioxidant extracts.
Teh and Birch (2014), ultrasound extracted phenolics and flavonoids
from defatted hemp, flax and canola seed cakes had higher antioxidant 4.3. Antimicrobial activity
potentials, by two-folds over conventional extraction methods. These
results are consistent with UAE being preferred for polyphenol extrac- The use of UAE of polyphenolic compounds for their antimicrobial
tion from plants compared to traditional methods. A summary of stu- properties is of specific interest, owing to the earlier benefits articu-
dies highlighting the effects of UAE on antioxidant activity of extracts is lated. Many extraction protocols have adopted the use of UAE as a
shown in Table 1. treatment method in this regard, and more so because of the possibility

C.S. Dzah, et al.

Table 1
Improvements in antioxidative, anticancer and antimicrobial activity of phenol and antioxidant extracts obtained using UAE compared to conventional methods.
Material Extract UAE condition Results References

Antioxidant activity
Flowers of L. sinuatum Antioxidants Ethanol (60%); solvent:solid ratio (56.9:1 mL/g); time (9.8 min); UAE- 483 μmol TE/gdw Xu et al. (2017)
temperature (40 °C) Maceration-442 μmol TE/gdw
Soxhlet- 222 μmol TE/gdw
Stem of T. quadrispinosa Roxb Phenols Cellulase concentration (1.74%); time (25.5 min); temperature UAEE- 1.54 ± 0.1 mmol TE/gdw Li et al. (2017)
(49 °C); solvent/solid ratio (30:1 mL/g) HE- 1.28 mmol TE/gdw
Mung bean (V. radiata) seed coat Antioxidants Ethanol (37.6%); solvent:solid ratio (35.1:1 mL/g); time UAE- 178 μmol TE/gdw Zhou, Xu, et al. (2017) and
(46.1 min); temperature (70 °C); power (500 W) Maceration- 159 μmol TE/gdw Zhou, Zheng, et al. (2017)
Soxhlet- 138 μmol TE/gdw
Blackberry (R. fructicosus) residues Antioxidants Amplitude (91%); time (15 min) UAE- 6319 μmol TE/100 gdw Zafra-Rojas et al. (2016)
Maceration- 2568 μmol TE/100 gdw
Sugar beet molasses Phenols Acidic ethanol (60 mL, 1.5M HCl); Frequency (35 kHz); power UAE- 16.7 mg TE/g Chen, Zhao, and Yu (2015)
(450 W); ethanol concentration (50%); temperature (45 °C) Maceration- 9 mg TE/g
Sugar apple (A. squamosa L.) peel Antioxidants Acetone (32.7%); solvent:solid ratio (20:1 mL/g); temperature UAE- 121 μmol TE/gfw Deng, Xu, Li, and Li (2015)
(67.2 °C); time (42.5 min) Maceration- 94.7 μmol TE/gfw
Soxhlet- 89.6 μmol TE/gfw
Rapeseed Antioxidants Methanol (50.3%); solvent:solid ratio (26.2:1 mL/g); time UAE- 62.7 mmol TE/100 g Szydłowska-Czerniak and

(13.8 min); temperature (50 °C); frequency (30 kHz); power Soxhlet- 41.1 mmol TE/100 g Tułodziecka (2015)
(150 W)
Flowers of J. integerrima Antioxidants Ethanol (59.6%); solvent:solid ratio (50:1 mL/g); time (7 min); UAE- 1103 μmol TE/100 g Xu et al
temperature (40 °C) Soxhlet- 588 μmol TE/100 g
Anticancer activity
T. ganbajun mushroom Antioxidants Ethanol (57.4%); solvent:solid ratio (70.2 mL/g); time UAE- antiproliferative effect against human lung (A549), breast (MCF-7), liver Xu, Zheng, et al. (2016) and
(10.6 min); temperature (40 °C); power (500 W) (HepG2) and colon (HT-29) cancer cell lines was highest compared to maceration and Xu, Zhou, et al. (2016)
Soxhlet methods.
T. quadrispinosa Phenols Cellulase concentration (1.74%); ethanol (30%); time UAEE-antitumor effect against Hela, HepG-2 and U-251 tumor cell lines suggested Li et al. (2017)
(25.5 min); temperature (49 °C); solvent:solid ratio (30:1 mL/g); that it was a better alternative to preserve antitumor activity of phenol extracts than
frequency (40 kHz); power (250 W) conventional methods.
Antimicrobial activity
C. paliurus Flavonoids Temperature (50.7 °C); pH (5.08); complex enzyme Enzymolysis- UAE showed higher antimicrobial activity against Staphylococcus aureus, Xiong et al. (2019)
concentration (3.23%); power (108 W). Salmonella typhi and Escherichia coli.
E. glaucophyllum Phenols Ethanol (50%); solvent:solid ratio (50:1 mL/g); temperature UAE- growth rate of bacterial lower (0.37) than for conventional extraction (0.42) Abdelkebir et al. (2019)
(40 °C); power (400 W); time (10 min)
L. sativum Phenols Ethanol (70%); solvent:solid ratio (20:1 mL/g); frequency SFE extracts showed higher antimicrobial activity for freeze-dried and air-dried Rafińska et al. (2019)
(45 kHz); time (2 × 30 min); temperature (50 °C) sprouts, followed by UAE, maceration and ASE
A. citriodora Palau leaves Essential oil Solvent:solid ratio (600:30 mL/g); power (100 W); frequency Antibacterial activities increased by UAE evident in higher growth inhibition than Hashemi et al. (2018)
(30 kHz); temperature (25 °C); time (45 min) observed in conventional hydrodistillation.

Note: UAE = ultrasound assisted extraction; SFE = supercritical fluid extraction; UAEE = ultrasound assisted enzymatic extraction; ASE = accelerated solvent extraction; HE = hot water extraction.
Food Bioscience 35 (2020) 100547
C.S. Dzah, et al. Food Bioscience 35 (2020) 100547

of eliminating or reducing toxic organic solvent use. UAE has been Declaration of competing interest
observed to improve extraction efficiency and biological activity of
extracts. It was used to extract flavonoids from Cyclocarya paliurus after The authors confirm that they have no conflicts of interest with
initial enzymolysis by Xiong et al. (2019), and results showed higher respect to the work described in this manuscript.
antimicrobial activity against Staphylococcus aureus, Salmonella typhi
and Escherichia coli compared to conventional extraction methods. Acknowledgement
Erodium glaucophyllum, a common Mediterranean herb, known for its
health benefits, was extracted using Soxhlet and UAE, and extracts were This study was supported by the National Key R & D Program, China
analyzed for their antibacterial effects on Salmonella enterica, S. aureus, (2016YFD0400303), the Key Research and Development Plan of
Listeria innocua, Bifidobacterium lactis and Lactobacillus casei, and anti- Jiangsu Province (BE2016350) and the Modern Agriculture Project of
viral effects on hepatitis A virus and murine norovirus. The ethanolic Yangzhou (YZ2016043).
ultrasound-obtained extract of the phenolic compounds showed the
highest level of bioactivity on the tested bacteria and also showed the Appendix A. Supplementary data
highest antiviral activity (Abdelkebir et al., 2019). The antimicrobial
activities of Lepidium sativum polyphenol extracts were also investigated Supplementary data to this article can be found online at https://
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