Word of Desertification-40

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Harvested quinoa in South America.

Source: Reynolds, J.


Rome Istanbul
Lahore Asia
(no year)21

Shanghai 22

Karachi Delhi
Dhaka 16.5

Kolkata Hong Kong

% loss



Bangkok Manila























Kuala Lumpur

Africa (2015)
(Morocco 2008, Algeria/Egypt 2004)15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20 loss of agricultural GDP by land degradation (as % of total agricultural GDP)
Nairobi loss of terrestrial ecosystem services value (ESV) by land degradation (in % of total estimated ESV)


Kinshasa 30

% loss










s o nin m


s G rie



ice sio ro

n ri

nl g


(a unt

rv vi P f




se pro D




All graphs represent results

loss of agricultural GDPofbysome of the methods
land degradation mentioned
(as % of total agricultural here
GDP) below:
Cape - the econometric model outputs are expressed as a percentage of the agricultural GDP;
Town lossthe
- results from of terrestrial
ecosystem ecosystem services
services value (ESV) are
approach by land degradationas
expressed (in the
% of percentage
total estimated ESV)
reduction in the Terrestrial Ecosystem Services Value (ESV).
Background map: convergence of evidence in high density cropland (see page 148) and
shows where Global Land Issues (GCIs - page 145) coincide. Melbourne Auckland

Calculating the economics of land degradation

International organisations, such as the Organisation for Economic Co- iii Econometrical models, where the cost of land degradation is obtained
operation and Development (OECD) and the United Nations Convention by calculating the difference in cultivation output between affected
to Combat Desertification (UNCCD), initiated programmes to investigate and non-affected lands. These models calculate production and yield
and test different pragmatic approaches to estimate the costs of land functions of the most important crops in affected and non-affected
degradation. In 2005, the OECD highlighted the cost of inaction as a key lands, as well as data from affected areas compared with optimal
consideration for decision-making and resource allocation in combating economic frontiers of production. Value differences in crop produce
desertification and land degradation. In April 2013, the UNCCD held the between non-degraded and degraded land drive the estimation of
second Scientific Conference to analyse, discuss and build on experiences, economic loss of degradation.
research and methodologies used in different contexts and places iv Methods that consider the Total Economic Value (TEV) of land
worldwide. More recently, the Economics of Land Degradation (ELD)1 estimate the economic loss by comparing the economic benefits
developed an holistic framework for the consideration of the economic derived from adopting sustainable land-management practices with
values of land in political decision-making processes and the benefits the costs of these practices.
derived from the sustainable management of land and soil on a global
v The ecological economics approach2 , based on the estimated Total
and local scale.
Terrestrial Ecosystem Services value at global level and its degraded
Currently applied methods to estimate the cost of land degradation fraction with results for all countries.
illustrate the diversity of views and approaches: Hay stacks.
All methods depend heavily on the way degradation is approached and Well managed terraced fields on the Chinese Loess
i Replacement cost method, which counts the value of nutrients measured, which explains the large range of estimates in economic plateau minimise the risk of degradation.
Source: Cherlet, M.
needed to add to the land, in order to recover the lost fertility. costs. As shown in WAD3, this should be viewed and estimated following
ii Methods based on the loss of net erosion and other associated stakeholders’ interests which will likely yield a wide variety of spatial and
losses related to water and biodiversity. numerical results which are all valid and complementary, relecting very
different and local situations.

PART VI – SOLUTIONS | World Atlas of Desertification 235

Land Degradation Neutrality

A scientific conceptual framework

The objectives of LDN are to:

• Maintain or improve ecosystem services;
• Maintain or improve productivity, in order to enhance food security;
• Increase resilience of the land and populations dependent on the land;
• Seek synergies with other environmental objectives;
• Reinforce responsible governance of land tenure.

Lisbon Madrid
New York

Introduction Los
Achieving Land Degradation Neutrality (LDN) is the new
paradigm, introduced to halt the ongoing loss of healthy land as a
result of unsustainable management and land conversion. Defined
as “a state whereby the amount and quality of land resources
necessary to support ecosystem functions and services and enhance Mexico
food security remain stable or increase within specified temporal
and spatial scales and ecosystems”1 , the goal of LDN is to maintain
the land resource base so that it can continue to supply ecosystem Dakar
services while enhancing the resilience of the communities that
depend on the land.
While the scope of the United Nations Convention to Combat Lagos
Desertification (UNCCD) is limited to drylands, the LDN conceptual Bogota
framework is intended to be applicable across all land types, so it
can be used by countries according to their individual circumstances.
The LDN conceptual framework is designed to apply to all land uses
(i.e. land managed for production – e.g. agriculture, forestry, for
conservation – e.g. protected areas and also land occupied by human
settlements and infrastructure) and all types of land degradation. Lima
To achieve LDN countries will need to assess the cumulative
effect of land use decisions and then undertake measures to restore
degraded land so as to compensate anticipated losses – what
the policy refers to as a counterbalance. Linking LDN objectives Rio de Janeiro
with existing land-use planning mechanisms will facilitate the
São Paulo
implementation of LDN. Countries should consider the social,
economic as well as environmental outcomes of alternative
options when planning LDN measures and should engage relevant
Buenos Aires
Overview of the conceptual framework
The Scientific Conceptual Framework for Land Degradation
Neutrality2 provides a scientific foundation for planning,
implementing and monitoring LDN. It was developed by a group
of experts led by the Science-Policy Interface (SPI) of the UNCCD
and has been reviewed by technical experts and policymakers. By
defining the LDN concept in operational terms, the framework is Counterbalancing ideally should not occur between different land types, to
designed to create a bridge between the vision and its practical ensure “like for like”, when assessing and managing the counterbalancing
implementation. It articulates the scientific basis for the vision between losses and gains. In other words, a gain in one land type cannot
and logic of LDN and, based on this, presents a strategy for counterbalance a loss in a different land type. Counterbalancing losses in
achieving LDN, an approach to monitoring LDN status and land types managed for conservation with gains in land types managed
guidance on interpreting the results of monitoring. for production should be avoided.
LDN activities should seek to deliver ‘win-win’ outcomes, whereby land
Integrated land use planning and the counterbalancing restoration and rehabilitation contribute to broader environmental goals
mechanism and more sustainable livelihoods.
Achieving LDN will require monitoring land use where Avoid:
degradation is anticipated (so that cumulative negative impacts Avoid Land degradation can be avoided by addressing
Maximise conservation of natural capital

drivers of degradation and through proactive

can be estimated), followed by interventions designed to
avoid, reduce or reverse land degradation, with the intent of
1 measures to prevent adverse change in land
quality of non-degraded land and confer
resilience, via appropriate regulation, planning
and management practices.
achieving neutrality at national scales. Therefore, the conceptual
Reduce Reduce:
framework introduces a new approach in which land-degradation Land degradation can be reduced or mitigated on
management is coupled with land-use planning. Decision-makers 2 agricultural and forest land through application
of sustainable management practices
are encouraged to consider the cumulative effects on the health (sustainable land management, sustainable
forest management).
and productivity of a nation’s land resources caused by the
collective impact of their individual decisions. LDN thus promotes Reverse:

integrated land use planning, with a long-term planning horizon 3 Where feasible, some (but rarely all) of the
productive potential and ecological services of
degraded land can be restored or rehabilitated
including consideration of the likely impacts of climate change. through actively assisting the recovery of
ecosystem functions.
The counterbalancing mechanism requires implementation of
interventions that will deliver gains in land-based natural capital The LDN response hierarchy encourages broad adoption of measures
Schematic of the scientific conceptual framework for land to avoid and reduce land degradation, combined with localised action
equal to or greater than anticipated losses due to degradation degradation neutrality. Envisaged new land degradation needs to be to reverse degradation, to achieve LDN across each land type. It
elsewhere. counterbalanced by restoring already degraded land so that on balance acknowledges that preventing degradation is typically easier and more
the area degraded remains the same or decreases. This is done per cost effective than reversing degradation.
land type on a like-for-like basis. Source: Orr B., 20172 .
Source: Orr B., 20172 .

236 World Atlas of Desertification | PART VI – SOLUTIONS

The principles for governing LDN:
1. Maintain or enhance land-based natural capital.
2. Protect the rights of land users.
3. Respect national sovereignty.
4. For neutrality, the LDN target equals (is the same as) the baseline.
5. Neutrality is the minimum objective: countries may elect to set a
more ambitious target.
Stockholm 6. Integrate planning and implementation of LDN into existing land-
Moscow use planning processes.

Berlin 7. Counterbalance anticipated losses in land-based natural capital

with interventions to reverse degradation, to achieve neutrality.
8. Manage counterbalancing at the same scale as land-use planning.
9. Counterbalance “like for like” (within the same land type).
Rome Istanbul 10. Balance economic, social and environmental sustainability.
Seoul 11. Base land-use decisions on multi-variable assessments,
Tokyo considering land potential, land condition, resilience, social, cultural
Tehran and economic factors.
Cairo Shanghai
12. Apply the response hierarchy in devising interventions for LDN:
Avoid > Reduce > Reverse land degradation.
Karachi Delhi
Dhaka 13. Apply a participatory process: include stakeholders, especially land
users, in designing, implementing and monitoring interventions to
Kolkata Hong Kong
achieve LDN.
Mumbai 14. Reinforce responsible governance: protect human rights,
Bangkok Manila including tenure rights; develop a review mechanism; and ensure
Bangaluru accountability and transparency.
15. Monitor using the three UNCCD land-based global indicators: land
cover, land productivity and carbon stocks.
Kuala Lumpur 16. Use additional national and sub-national indicators to aid
interpretation and to fill gaps for ecosystem services not covered
by the three global indicators.
Kinshasa 17. Use the “one-out, all-out” approach to interpret the result of these
three global indicators.
18. Apply local knowledge and data to validate and interpret monitoring data.
19. Apply a continuous learning approach: anticipate, plan, track,
interpret, review, adjust, create the next plan.


Town UNCCD Parties
Participating countries to the LDN process Melbourne Auckland

As of March 2018, 116 countries have committed to setting LDN targets.

Source: www2.UNCCD.int

Disclaimer: Country names or borders shown on the map do not necessarily represent the
UNCCD's official position. The map show is simply for display purposes. It does not work to imply
views or opinion of the UNCCD, regarding the legal status of any territory or country.

Monitoring LDN LDN can help achieve multiple global development and
environmental goals
Monitoring LDN achievement of neutrality Achieving LDN can have major benefits for both society and
Land will quantify the balance between the area the environment. The Sustainable Development Goal 15 (SDG
Degradation LDN of gains (significant positive changes in 15) "Protect, restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial
Neutrality LDN indicators=improvements) and area ecosystems, sustainably manage forests, combat desertification,
of losses (significant negative changes and halt and reverse land degradation and halt biodiversity loss"
Suite of in LDN indicators=degradation), within includes the specific target (15.3) to "combat desertification,
Derived from % Area
measured Derived from RS and ground (per land cover As relevant to each land type across the landscape. The restore degraded land and soil, including land affected by
NDVI/EVI indicator As relevant
measures class)
values LDN indicators specify what to measure, desertification, drought and floods and strive to achieve a land
while the metrics state how each of the degradation-neutral world”. Achieving this goal will be a catalyst
indicators is assessed. Indicators for to many other SDG goals relating to poverty, hunger, water, fuel
Land Carbon Land Cover As Relevant
Derived Productivity Stocks (SOC) (Land Cover appropriate indicators/ LDN were selected to reflect the land- and climate. LDN, however, also cuts across all three of the Rio
Indicators (NPP) and other relevant Change) from other SDGs or metrics based ecosystem services the LDN seeks conventions, as in addition to its obvious links to the Convention
and other relevant indicators/ metrics and other relevant national indicators
(metrics) to support. The relationship between
indicators/ metrics indicators/ metrics to Combat Desertification, it will also help maintain biodiversity as
ecosystem services, indicators and metrics well as reduce the rate of climate change through the sequestering
is illustrated in the figure adjacent. of carbon3 .
Ecosystem Nutrient Water Cultural
Food supply cycling regulation heritage ... all other ESs
Services (ES)

Land-based Selection of indicators based on ecosystem

supporting services to be monitored.
Source: Orr B., 20172 .

PART VI – SOLUTIONS | World Atlas of Desertification 237

The European Commission
Directorate for Sustainable Resources
JRC mission statement
The Directorate for Sustainable Resources (Directorate D)
aims to play a central role in creating, managing and making JRC in brief
sense of scientific knowledge for EU policies related to the Independent scientific evidence for EU policies
sustainable use of resources, encompassing environmental, • As the European Commission's science and knowledge service, the
economic and social dimensions. Joint Research Centre (JRC) supports EU policies with independent
scientific evidence throughout the whole policy cycle.
The Joint Research Centre The Directorate: • We create, manage and make sense of knowledge and develop
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The Joint Research Centre (JRC) is the European Commission's
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out research in order to provide independent scientific advice
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service, the Joint Research Centre’s mission is to provide EU consumption and trade, including the macro- and micro- whose scientists have access to many JRC facilities through various
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support throughout the whole policy cycle. Its work has a direct and the environment; • Our work has a direct impact on the lives of citizens by contributing
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international partners. The JRC collaborates with over a thousand approximately 20 % of global Gross Domestic Product (GDP). The EU has genetically modified organisms (GMO) in food and feed to developing
organisations worldwide whose scientists have access to many evolved from the original six countries of the European Coal and Steel nuclear forensics technology for combating illicit trafficking of nuclear
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WTO, the G8 and the G20. energy technologies and evaluating policy options, for instance related
The EU operates through a system of supranational independent to climate change.
institutions and intergovernmental negotiated decisions adopted by the
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Commission, the Council of the European Union, the Court of Justice of
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The European Commission

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238 World Atlas of Desertification | PART VII – Appendices


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240 World Atlas of Desertification | PART VII – Appendices

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