Portrait Activity

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Portrait Activity

1.Draw an eye with HB pencil. Cut it with scissors.

2.Draw the nose so that it is approximately the same width as the eye, using the eye as a
reference point for placement. Cut it with scissors.
3.Draw a mouth proportionated to the eye and nose. Cut it with scissors.
4.Organise them on the craft paper and paste them with tape. Align the bottom of the nose with
the bottom of the eye to maintain symmetry.
5.Use a pencil to lightly mark the positions before pasting to ensure proper alignment.
6.Transfer them to the craft paper using pastels. lightly rubbing the back of the cutouts with the
pastel to ensure a clean transfer without smudging.
7.Use pastels to colour the face. Start with lighter shades and gradually building up darker
tones to achieve a realistic effect.

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