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ISSN: 2469-9062 (print), 2467-9240(e)

Journal of Institute of Science and Technology, 2015, 20(1): 119-122, © IOST, Tribhuvan University

Mathematical Modelling of Robust Optimization for Integer

Programming Problem
Gyan Bahadur Thapa
Central Campus, Institute of Engineering, Tribhuvan University
P. O. Box 19758, Kathmandu, Nepal

Dealing with data uncertainty in mathematical programming has been recognized as a central problem in optimization
for a long time. There are two methods that have been proposed to address data uncertainty over the years, namely
stochastic programming and robust optimization. In this short paper, we present the brief review of mathematical
models of integer programming problem and robust optimization approach to solve them. Robust Binary optimization
is also briefly presented.
Keywords: Linear programming, optimization, integer programming, robust optimization

Mathematical programming is a broader concept x j ≥ 0, j = 1, 2, L , n
representing actions that can be taken in the systems
being modelled and then optimized. It maps each The coefficients cj (j=1, 2, … n) in the objective
possible set of decisions into a single score that assures function (1) are referred as cost coefficients in
the quality of the solution as well. The optimization minimization problems and profit coefficients in the
problems initially originated as linear programs to solve maximization problems. The right-hand-side values
many practical problems that emerged during and after b1, b2 , L , bm represent the amounts of available resources
the World War II such as military logistics, diet (especially for ≤ constraints) and requirements
problems and other problems in economical analysis. (especially for ≥ constraints). The coefficient values aij
The linear programming problem (LPP) contains an
means how much of resource or requirement i is
objective function in a set of decision variables assigned
with a set of constraints. The LPP model can be consumed or satisfied by decision j. This formulation is
observed in different literatures (Thapa 2005, 2006, a linear program because the objective function and all
Bertsimas & Tsitsiklis 1997). The LPP deals with the constraints are linear. The LPP formulation (1) can
minimization or maximization of the value of the be expressed in its standard form as follows:
objective function satisfying the given constraints. Each (LPP) min c' x (2)
constraint requires that a linear function of the decision
variables is either equal to or less than or greater than a subject to Ax ≤ b
scalar value. And each decision variable must be x≥0
nonnegative. m
where c ∈ R , b∈ R are given vectors and A ∈ R m×n is a

If the set of decision variables is x1 , x2 ,L, xn , general m × n matrix. If some of the decision variables are
form of LPP is formulated as the following: restricted to be integers, then the linear program is
Minimize or maximize c1 x1 + c2 x2 + L + cn xn (1) known to be a mixed-integer linear program. If the
variables take only 0 or 1, then the LPP is known to be
subject to 0-1 integer programs. And if all the decision variables
a11 x1 + a12 x2 + L + a1n xn ≤ (= or ≥ ) b1 are restricted to be integers, then the problem is known
to be integer programming problem (IPP). This problem
a21 x1 + a22 x2 + L + a2 n xn ≤ (= or ≥ ) b2 is one of the difficult problems to solve for exact and
L L L L L algorithmic solutions. It arises when a large number of
L L L L L discrete organizational decisions have to be made under
am1 x1 + am 2 x2 + L + amn xn ≤ (= or ≥ ) bm some constraints and optimization criteria. When all or

Mathematical Modelling of Robust Optimization for Integer Programming Problem

some of the data are uncertain, then the problem pij , zi , y j ≥ 0 ∀i, j ∈ J i
becomes more difficult. One usual approach to handle
this problem is stochastic programming which yields − yj ≤ xj ≤ yj , ∀j
some sort of probabilistic solutions which is beyond this xi ∈ Z + , ∀i
paper. Note that robust solution for LPP has been richly
carried out in Ben-Tal and Nemirovski (1999) and Ben- Proof: Given a vector x* , we define
Tal and Nemirovski (2000). Convex programming βi (x* ) = max ~ * which equivalently is
∑ aij x j
approach for inexact linear programming has been {si : si ⊆ J i , si ≤ Γi }
j∈s i
dealt in Soyster (1973). Here we explain about (6)
βi (x ) = max ∑ a~ij x*j zij
deterministically feasible solutions for integer programs j∈J i
considering and redefining the data uncertainty. such that
j∈ J i
ij ≤ Γi

The new robust approach is extended to discrete zij ∈ {0, 1}, ∀i, j ∈ J i
optimization problems (Bertsimass & Sim 2004). The
Since the polyhedron  z : 0 ≤ z ≤ 1, j ∈ J , 
nominal mixed integer programming (MIP) is  ij i ∑z ij ≤Γi 
formulated as follows:  j∈ J i 
is integral for all Γi ∈ Z , so zij ∈ {0,1} can be replaced by
minimize c' x (3)
such that Ax ≤ b 0 ≤ z ij ≤ 1 . Now (6) becomes
xi ∈ Z + , i = 1, 2,L , k β i (x* ) = max ∑ aˆij x*j zij (7)
where n
c∈ Z , b∈ Z , A∈ Z m m× n
. j∈J i

such that
Without loss of generality, assume that A and c (not b ) ∑z ij ≤ Γi
are affected by data uncertainty.
j∈J i

0 ≤ z ij ≤ 1 , ∀ i , j ∈ J i
Each a → a~ ∈ [ a − aˆ , a + aˆ ],
ij ij ij j ∈ N = {1, 2,L, n}
ij ij ij

and each c j → c~j ∈ [ c j , c j + d j ]. The dual conversion of (7) is

β i (x * ) = min ∑ pij + Γi zi
Introduce Γi ∈ [0, J i ], J i = {j : aˆ ij > 0} which adjusts the j∈J i
robustness of the data against the level of conservatism. such that
If less than Γi coefficients aij are subject to change, then pij + zi ≥ aˆij x*j , ∀j ∈ J i

the robust solution will deterministically be feasible. pij ≥ 0, ∀j ∈ J i

The robust MIP is formulated as follows: zi ≥ 0, ∀i
minimize c ' x + (4)
{so : so ⊆ J o , so ≤ Γo }
j xj Since (7) is feasible and bounded for all Γi ∈ [0, J i ], so
(8) is also feasible and bounded by strong duality with
such that the same objective values. Using the same argument in
ai x + max
{si : si ⊆ J i , si ≤ Γi }
∑ aˆ ij x j ≤ bi , ∀ i penalty term of objective function of robust MIP (4), we
j∈si get
xi ∈ Z + , i = 1, 2, L, k . β o (x * ) = max ∑ d j x *j
{s o : s o ⊆ J o , s o ≤ Γo }
j∈ s o
Theorem 1: (Bertsimas & Weismantel, 2005) The
⇒ β o (x *
) = max ∑ d j x*j zoj
Robust MIP (4) can be reformulated as an equivalent
j∈J o
such that
minimize c' x + zo Γo + ∑ poj (5) ∑z
j∈J o
oj ≤ Γo
j∈J o

such that 0 ≤ z oj ≤ 1, ∀j ∈ J o
ai x + zi Γi + ∑p ij ≤ bi , ∀i
j∈ J i ⇒ β (x* )= min p + Γ z

zo + poj ≥ d j y j , ∀j ∈ J o
o oj o o
j∈J o

zi + pij ≥ aˆij y j , ∀i ≠ 0, j ∈ J i such that poj + z o ≥ d j x *j


Gyan Bahadur Thapa

poj ≥ 0, ∀ j ∈ J o such that x ∈ X .

zo ≥ 0 Proof: Robust binary operation (10) can be written as
  (12)
Now, putting the values of β i (x * ) and βo (x* ) in (4), we Z R = min  c ' x + max ∑ d j x j u j 
 j∈N 
get (5). This completes the theorem. such that
If more than Γi of aij are subject to change, then the
j ≤Γ

robust solution will be feasible with very high u j ∈ {0, 1}, j ∈ N .

probability with probabilistic bound as follows: Since the polyhedron  
u : 0 ≤ u j ≤ 1, j ∈ N , ∑u j ≤ Γ  is
Theorem 2: Let x be optimal solution of the robust  j∈N 
MIP, then integral for all Γ ∈ Z + , so u j ∈ {0,1} can be replaced by
(i)  
P ∑ a~ij x*j > bi  ≤ B(n, Γi ) = 0 ≤ u j ≤ 1. Therefore (12) becomes
 j   
  Z R = min c' x + max ∑ d j x j u j 
(1 − µ ) ∑  n  + µ ∑  n  
n n
n 
 j∈N 
2  l = v  l  =l v +1  l   such that
∑u j ≤Γ
where n = J i , v = Γi + 1 and µ = v − v  . This j∈N

2 0 ≤ u j ≤ 1, j ∈ N .
bound is tight.
Taking dual of inner maximization problem and
(ii) For Γi =θ n , lim B(n, Γ=
i) Φ(θ ),
n→∞ applying strong duality, we have
 
where Φ (θ ) =

θ  y2 
exp  − dy is the Z R = min c ' x + min  Γ θ +
x∈ X
∑y j

2π −∞
 2   j∈ N 
cumulative distribution function of a standard normal. such that y j + θ ≥ d j x j
Note that the bound on (i) is best possible but difficult to y j , θ ≥ 0, j ∈ N
compute the sum of combination functions for large n.
 
The bound on (ii) is simple to compute and very tight. ⇒ Z R = min c' x + Γθ + ∑ y j  (13)
The nominal case of binary optimization is formulated such that yj +θ ≥ d jxj
as x∈ X , yj, θ ≥ 0.
minimize c' x (9)
Clearly, an optimal solution (x* , y* , θ * ) of (13) satisfies
such that x ∈ {0, 1}

y *j = max (d j x *j − θ * , 0 ) .
where feasible set X is fixed, only the cost vector c is
Therefore (13) becomes
 
Each c j → c~ j ∈ [ c j , c j + d j ], j ∈ N , d j ≥ 0 . The robust Z R = min  Γ θ + c ' x + ∑ max (d j x j − θ , 0 )
x∈X , θ ≥ 0
 j∈N 
binary optimization is formulated as follows:

i.e., Z = min  Γθ + c ' x + max (d − θ , 0 )x  ,
Z R = min c' x + max ∑d x (10) R
x∈ X , θ ≥0 
∑ j j 
{s : s⊆ N , s ≤Γ}
j j
 j∈N 
since X ⊆ {0,1}.
such that x ∈ X .
To find optimal value for θ , we decompose the set of
Without loss of generality, d1 ≥ d 2 ≥ L ≥ d n and positive real numbers R + in the intervals
dn+1 = 0. [0, d n ] , [d n , d n−1 ], L , [d 2 , d1 ], [d1 , ∞ ] and we get
Theorem 3: (Bertsimas & Sim 2003), the robust binary  ∑ (d j −θ )x j , if θ∈[d1 , dl −1 ]=
l −1
, l n +1, L, 2

max(d j − θ , 0)x j = 
 j =1
optimization problem can be solved by solving n + 1 ∑
nominal problems: 0 if θ ∈ [d1 , ∞ )

Z R = min Gl (11) Therefore, Z R = min Z l (14)
l =1, 2 ,L, n +1 l =1, 2, L, n+1
 l 
where G= Γd l + min c' x + ∑ (d j − d l ) x j  where Z =  l −1 
 j =1  l min  Γθ + c' x +
x∈ X , θ ∈[d l , d l −1 ] 
∑ (d j − θ )x j 
 j =1 


Mathematical Modelling of Robust Optimization for Integer Programming Problem

Since we are optimizing a linear function of θ over the REFERENCES

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Ben-Tal, A. and Nemirovski, A. 2000. Robust solutions
Z l = min Γd l + min c' x + ∑ (d j − d l )x j , Γd l −1 + min c' x + ∑ (d j − d l −1 )x j   of Linear Programming Problems
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 l   l −1 
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    
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  l   n 
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 

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