Log 2023-10-29 155210

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245 EarthRotationUpdate InstalledUICulture: fr-FR,

CurrentUICulture: fr-FR, CurrentCulture: fr-FR
15:52:11.308 EarthRotationParameters Getting built-in leap second
15:52:11.389 EarthRotationParameters Received 42leap second values
15:52:11.405 EarthRotationParameters Received leap second - DMY: 1 1
1960, Leap seconds: 1,417818, (vendredi 1 janvier 1960)
15:52:11.405 EarthRotationParameters Received leap second - DMY: 1 1
1961, Leap seconds: 1,422818, (dimanche 1 janvier 1961)
15:52:11.405 EarthRotationParameters Received leap second - DMY: 1 8
1961, Leap seconds: 1,372818, (mardi 1 ao[FB]t 1961)
15:52:11.405 EarthRotationParameters Received leap second - DMY: 1 1
1962, Leap seconds: 1,845858, (lundi 1 janvier 1962)
15:52:11.405 EarthRotationParameters Received leap second - DMY: 1 11
1963, Leap seconds: 1,945858, (vendredi 1 novembre 1963)
15:52:11.405 EarthRotationParameters Received leap second - DMY: 1 1
1964, Leap seconds: 3,24013, (mercredi 1 janvier 1964)
15:52:11.405 EarthRotationParameters Received leap second - DMY: 1 4
1964, Leap seconds: 3,34013, (mercredi 1 avril 1964)
15:52:11.405 EarthRotationParameters Received leap second - DMY: 1 9
1964, Leap seconds: 3,44013, (mardi 1 septembre 1964)
15:52:11.405 EarthRotationParameters Received leap second - DMY: 1 1
1965, Leap seconds: 3,54013, (vendredi 1 janvier 1965)
15:52:11.405 EarthRotationParameters Received leap second - DMY: 1 3
1965, Leap seconds: 3,64013, (lundi 1 mars 1965)
15:52:11.405 EarthRotationParameters Received leap second - DMY: 1 7
1965, Leap seconds: 3,74013, (jeudi 1 juillet 1965)
15:52:11.405 EarthRotationParameters Received leap second - DMY: 1 9
1965, Leap seconds: 3,84013, (mercredi 1 septembre 1965)
15:52:11.413 EarthRotationParameters Received leap second - DMY: 1 1
1966, Leap seconds: 4,31317, (samedi 1 janvier 1966)
15:52:11.413 EarthRotationParameters Received leap second - DMY: 1 2
1968, Leap seconds: 4,21317, (jeudi 1 f[E9]vrier 1968)
15:52:11.413 EarthRotationParameters Received leap second - DMY: 1 1
1972, Leap seconds: 10, (samedi 1 janvier 1972)
15:52:11.413 EarthRotationParameters Received leap second - DMY: 1 7
1972, Leap seconds: 11, (samedi 1 juillet 1972)
15:52:11.413 EarthRotationParameters Received leap second - DMY: 1 1
1973, Leap seconds: 12, (lundi 1 janvier 1973)
15:52:11.413 EarthRotationParameters Received leap second - DMY: 1 1
1974, Leap seconds: 13, (mardi 1 janvier 1974)
15:52:11.413 EarthRotationParameters Received leap second - DMY: 1 1
1975, Leap seconds: 14, (mercredi 1 janvier 1975)
15:52:11.413 EarthRotationParameters Received leap second - DMY: 1 1
1976, Leap seconds: 15, (jeudi 1 janvier 1976)
15:52:11.413 EarthRotationParameters Received leap second - DMY: 1 1
1977, Leap seconds: 16, (samedi 1 janvier 1977)
15:52:11.413 EarthRotationParameters Received leap second - DMY: 1 1
1978, Leap seconds: 17, (dimanche 1 janvier 1978)
15:52:11.413 EarthRotationParameters Received leap second - DMY: 1 1
1979, Leap seconds: 18, (lundi 1 janvier 1979)
15:52:11.413 EarthRotationParameters Received leap second - DMY: 1 1
1980, Leap seconds: 19, (mardi 1 janvier 1980)
15:52:11.413 EarthRotationParameters Received leap second - DMY: 1 7
1981, Leap seconds: 20, (mercredi 1 juillet 1981)
15:52:11.413 EarthRotationParameters Received leap second - DMY: 1 7
1982, Leap seconds: 21, (jeudi 1 juillet 1982)
15:52:11.413 EarthRotationParameters Received leap second - DMY: 1 7
1983, Leap seconds: 22, (vendredi 1 juillet 1983)
15:52:11.413 EarthRotationParameters Received leap second - DMY: 1 7
1985, Leap seconds: 23, (lundi 1 juillet 1985)
15:52:11.413 EarthRotationParameters Received leap second - DMY: 1 1
1988, Leap seconds: 24, (vendredi 1 janvier 1988)
15:52:11.413 EarthRotationParameters Received leap second - DMY: 1 1
1990, Leap seconds: 25, (lundi 1 janvier 1990)
15:52:11.413 EarthRotationParameters Received leap second - DMY: 1 1
1991, Leap seconds: 26, (mardi 1 janvier 1991)
15:52:11.413 EarthRotationParameters Received leap second - DMY: 1 7
1992, Leap seconds: 27, (mercredi 1 juillet 1992)
15:52:11.413 EarthRotationParameters Received leap second - DMY: 1 7
1993, Leap seconds: 28, (jeudi 1 juillet 1993)
15:52:11.413 EarthRotationParameters Received leap second - DMY: 1 7
1994, Leap seconds: 29, (vendredi 1 juillet 1994)
15:52:11.413 EarthRotationParameters Received leap second - DMY: 1 1
1996, Leap seconds: 30, (lundi 1 janvier 1996)
15:52:11.413 EarthRotationParameters Received leap second - DMY: 1 7
1997, Leap seconds: 31, (mardi 1 juillet 1997)
15:52:11.413 EarthRotationParameters Received leap second - DMY: 1 1
1999, Leap seconds: 32, (vendredi 1 janvier 1999)
15:52:11.413 EarthRotationParameters Received leap second - DMY: 1 1
2006, Leap seconds: 33, (dimanche 1 janvier 2006)
15:52:11.413 EarthRotationParameters Received leap second - DMY: 1 1
2009, Leap seconds: 34, (jeudi 1 janvier 2009)
15:52:11.413 EarthRotationParameters Received leap second - DMY: 1 7
2012, Leap seconds: 35, (dimanche 1 juillet 2012)
15:52:11.413 EarthRotationParameters Received leap second - DMY: 1 7
2015, Leap seconds: 36, (mercredi 1 juillet 2015)
15:52:11.413 EarthRotationParameters Received leap second - DMY: 1 1
2017, Leap seconds: 37, (dimanche 1 janvier 2017)
15:52:11.532 EarthRotationUpdate Run on dimanche 29 oct. 2023 -
15:52:10 by AUTORITE NT\Syst[E8]me, IsSystem: True
15:52:11.542 EarthRotationUpdate Log file: \\Mac\Home\Documents\
ASCOM\EarthRotationUpdate\Log 2023-10-29 155210.txt, Trace state: True, Log file
path: C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\ASCOM\SystemLogs\Logs 2023-10-29
15:52:11.542 EarthRotationUpdate Earth rotation data last updated:
samedi 02 sept. 2023 - 12:39:00
15:52:11.542 EarthRotationUpdate Data source:
15:52:13.582 EarthRotationUpdate No proxy server detected, going
directly to Internet
15:52:13.723 DeltaUT1 About to download finals.daily
from https://download.ascom-standards.org/earthrot/ as C:\Windows\TEMP\tmp3EA0.tmp
15:52:15.277 DeltaUT1 Waiting for download to
complete...1 / 30 seconds
15:52:15.371 Download Progress Progress %: 22, 7811 / 34028
bytes, Complete: False
15:52:15.450 Download Progress Progress %: 46, 15811 / 34028
bytes, Complete: False
15:52:15.481 Download Progress Progress %: 69, 23811 / 34028
bytes, Complete: False
15:52:15.481 Download Progress Progress %: 93, 31811 / 34028
bytes, Complete: False
15:52:15.560 Download Progress Progress %: 100, 34028 / 34028
bytes, Complete: False
15:52:15.560 Download Progress Progress %: 100, 34028 / 34028
bytes, Complete: False
15:52:15.575 Download Status Download Completed OK,
15:52:15.607 DeltaUT1 Response headers
15:52:15.607 DeltaUT1 Response header Strict-Transport-
Security = max-age=63072000; includeSubDomains
15:52:15.607 DeltaUT1 Response header X-Frame-Options =
15:52:15.607 DeltaUT1 Response header X-Content-Type-
Options = nosniff
15:52:15.607 DeltaUT1 Response header Keep-Alive =
timeout=3, max=500
15:52:15.607 DeltaUT1 Response header Connection = Keep-
15:52:15.607 DeltaUT1 Response header Accept-Ranges =
15:52:15.607 DeltaUT1 Response header Content-Length =
15:52:15.607 DeltaUT1 Response header Date = Sun, 29 Oct
2023 14:52:15 GMT
15:52:15.607 DeltaUT1 Response header ETag = "7523b69-
15:52:15.607 DeltaUT1 Response header Last-Modified =
Sun, 29 Oct 2023 08:00:06 GMT
15:52:15.607 DeltaUT1 Response header Server = Apache
15:52:15.607 DeltaUT1 Successfully downloaded
finals.daily from https://download.ascom-standards.org/earthrot/ as C:\Windows\
TEMP\tmp3EA0.tmp. Size: 34028
15:52:15.607 DeltaUT1 Expected file format for the
finals.daily file
15:52:15.607 DeltaUT1 Year string start position: 0,
Year string length: 2
15:52:15.607 DeltaUT1 Month string start position: 2,
Month string length: 2
15:52:15.607 DeltaUT1 Day string start position: 4, Day
string length: 2
15:52:15.607 DeltaUT1 Julian date start position: 7,
Julian date string length: 8
15:52:15.607 DeltaUT1 Delta UT1 start position: 58,
Delta UT1 string length: 10
15:52:15.669 DeltaUT1 Setting lundi 9 octobre 2023, JD =
60226 - DUT1 = 0,0143516 with key: Delta UT1 Prediction for 2023 - 10 - 09
15:52:15.669 DeltaUT1 Setting mardi 10 octobre 2023, JD
= 60227 - DUT1 = 0,0146314 with key: Delta UT1 Prediction for 2023 - 10 - 10
15:52:15.669 DeltaUT1 Setting mercredi 11 octobre 2023,
JD = 60228 - DUT1 = 0,0146837 with key: Delta UT1 Prediction for 2023 - 10 - 11
15:52:15.669 DeltaUT1 Setting jeudi 12 octobre 2023, JD
= 60229 - DUT1 = 0,0144911 with key: Delta UT1 Prediction for 2023 - 10 - 12
15:52:15.669 DeltaUT1 Setting vendredi 13 octobre 2023,
JD = 60230 - DUT1 = 0,0142777 with key: Delta UT1 Prediction for 2023 - 10 - 13
15:52:15.669 DeltaUT1 Setting samedi 14 octobre 2023, JD
= 60231 - DUT1 = 0,0139519 with key: Delta UT1 Prediction for 2023 - 10 - 14
15:52:15.669 DeltaUT1 Setting dimanche 15 octobre 2023,
JD = 60232 - DUT1 = 0,0136184 with key: Delta UT1 Prediction for 2023 - 10 - 15
15:52:15.669 DeltaUT1 Setting lundi 16 octobre 2023, JD
= 60233 - DUT1 = 0,0133968 with key: Delta UT1 Prediction for 2023 - 10 - 16
15:52:15.669 DeltaUT1 Setting mardi 17 octobre 2023, JD
= 60234 - DUT1 = 0,0132921 with key: Delta UT1 Prediction for 2023 - 10 - 17
15:52:15.669 DeltaUT1 Setting mercredi 18 octobre 2023,
JD = 60235 - DUT1 = 0,0133672 with key: Delta UT1 Prediction for 2023 - 10 - 18
15:52:15.669 DeltaUT1 Setting jeudi 19 octobre 2023, JD
= 60236 - DUT1 = 0,0136109 with key: Delta UT1 Prediction for 2023 - 10 - 19
15:52:15.669 DeltaUT1 Setting vendredi 20 octobre 2023,
JD = 60237 - DUT1 = 0,0139024 with key: Delta UT1 Prediction for 2023 - 10 - 20
15:52:15.669 DeltaUT1 Setting samedi 21 octobre 2023, JD
= 60238 - DUT1 = 0,0142178 with key: Delta UT1 Prediction for 2023 - 10 - 21
15:52:15.669 DeltaUT1 Setting dimanche 22 octobre 2023,
JD = 60239 - DUT1 = 0,0144401 with key: Delta UT1 Prediction for 2023 - 10 - 22
15:52:15.669 DeltaUT1 Setting lundi 23 octobre 2023, JD
= 60240 - DUT1 = 0,0145009 with key: Delta UT1 Prediction for 2023 - 10 - 23
15:52:15.669 DeltaUT1 Setting mardi 24 octobre 2023, JD
= 60241 - DUT1 = 0,0142708 with key: Delta UT1 Prediction for 2023 - 10 - 24
15:52:15.669 DeltaUT1 Setting mercredi 25 octobre 2023,
JD = 60242 - DUT1 = 0,0137367 with key: Delta UT1 Prediction for 2023 - 10 - 25
15:52:15.685 DeltaUT1 Setting jeudi 26 octobre 2023, JD
= 60243 - DUT1 = 0,0130324 with key: Delta UT1 Prediction for 2023 - 10 - 26
15:52:15.685 DeltaUT1 Setting vendredi 27 octobre 2023,
JD = 60244 - DUT1 = 0,012214 with key: Delta UT1 Prediction for 2023 - 10 - 27
15:52:15.685 DeltaUT1 Setting samedi 28 octobre 2023, JD
= 60245 - DUT1 = 0,0114617 with key: Delta UT1 Prediction for 2023 - 10 - 28
15:52:15.685 DeltaUT1 Setting dimanche 29 octobre 2023,
JD = 60246 - DUT1 = 0,0109631 with key: Delta UT1 Prediction for 2023 - 10 - 29
15:52:15.685 DeltaUT1 Setting lundi 30 octobre 2023, JD
= 60247 - DUT1 = 0,0107786 with key: Delta UT1 Prediction for 2023 - 10 - 30
15:52:15.685 DeltaUT1 Setting mardi 31 octobre 2023, JD
= 60248 - DUT1 = 0,010884 with key: Delta UT1 Prediction for 2023 - 10 - 31
15:52:15.685 DeltaUT1 Setting mercredi 1 novembre 2023,
JD = 60249 - DUT1 = 0,0112146 with key: Delta UT1 Prediction for 2023 - 11 - 01
15:52:15.685 DeltaUT1 Setting jeudi 2 novembre 2023, JD
= 60250 - DUT1 = 0,0117012 with key: Delta UT1 Prediction for 2023 - 11 - 02
15:52:15.685 DeltaUT1 Setting vendredi 3 novembre 2023,
JD = 60251 - DUT1 = 0,0122553 with key: Delta UT1 Prediction for 2023 - 11 - 03
15:52:15.685 DeltaUT1 Setting samedi 4 novembre 2023, JD
= 60252 - DUT1 = 0,0127677 with key: Delta UT1 Prediction for 2023 - 11 - 04
15:52:15.685 DeltaUT1 Setting dimanche 5 novembre 2023,
JD = 60253 - DUT1 = 0,0131655 with key: Delta UT1 Prediction for 2023 - 11 - 05
15:52:15.685 DeltaUT1 Setting lundi 6 novembre 2023, JD
= 60254 - DUT1 = 0,0134166 with key: Delta UT1 Prediction for 2023 - 11 - 06
15:52:15.685 DeltaUT1 Setting mardi 7 novembre 2023, JD
= 60255 - DUT1 = 0,0135052 with key: Delta UT1 Prediction for 2023 - 11 - 07
15:52:15.685 DeltaUT1 Setting mercredi 8 novembre 2023,
JD = 60256 - DUT1 = 0,0134306 with key: Delta UT1 Prediction for 2023 - 11 - 08
15:52:15.685 DeltaUT1 Setting jeudi 9 novembre 2023, JD
= 60257 - DUT1 = 0,0132303 with key: Delta UT1 Prediction for 2023 - 11 - 09
15:52:15.685 DeltaUT1 Setting vendredi 10 novembre 2023,
JD = 60258 - DUT1 = 0,012925 with key: Delta UT1 Prediction for 2023 - 11 - 10
15:52:15.685 DeltaUT1 Setting samedi 11 novembre 2023,
JD = 60259 - DUT1 = 0,0125739 with key: Delta UT1 Prediction for 2023 - 11 - 11
15:52:15.685 DeltaUT1 Setting dimanche 12 novembre 2023,
JD = 60260 - DUT1 = 0,012248 with key: Delta UT1 Prediction for 2023 - 11 - 12
15:52:15.685 DeltaUT1 Setting lundi 13 novembre 2023, JD
= 60261 - DUT1 = 0,0120286 with key: Delta UT1 Prediction for 2023 - 11 - 13
15:52:15.685 DeltaUT1 Setting mardi 14 novembre 2023, JD
= 60262 - DUT1 = 0,0119862 with key: Delta UT1 Prediction for 2023 - 11 - 14
15:52:15.685 DeltaUT1 Setting mercredi 15 novembre 2023,
JD = 60263 - DUT1 = 0,0121552 with key: Delta UT1 Prediction for 2023 - 11 - 15
15:52:15.685 DeltaUT1 Setting jeudi 16 novembre 2023, JD
= 60264 - DUT1 = 0,012501 with key: Delta UT1 Prediction for 2023 - 11 - 16
15:52:15.685 DeltaUT1 Setting vendredi 17 novembre 2023,
JD = 60265 - DUT1 = 0,0129332 with key: Delta UT1 Prediction for 2023 - 11 - 17
15:52:15.685 DeltaUT1 Setting samedi 18 novembre 2023,
JD = 60266 - DUT1 = 0,0133244 with key: Delta UT1 Prediction for 2023 - 11 - 18
15:52:15.685 DeltaUT1 Setting dimanche 19 novembre 2023,
JD = 60267 - DUT1 = 0,0135599 with key: Delta UT1 Prediction for 2023 - 11 - 19
15:52:15.685 DeltaUT1 Setting lundi 20 novembre 2023, JD
= 60268 - DUT1 = 0,0135497 with key: Delta UT1 Prediction for 2023 - 11 - 20
15:52:15.685 DeltaUT1 Setting mardi 21 novembre 2023, JD
= 60269 - DUT1 = 0,0132633 with key: Delta UT1 Prediction for 2023 - 11 - 21
15:52:15.685 DeltaUT1 Setting mercredi 22 novembre 2023,
JD = 60270 - DUT1 = 0,0127326 with key: Delta UT1 Prediction for 2023 - 11 - 22
15:52:15.685 DeltaUT1 Setting jeudi 23 novembre 2023, JD
= 60271 - DUT1 = 0,0120532 with key: Delta UT1 Prediction for 2023 - 11 - 23
15:52:15.685 DeltaUT1 Setting vendredi 24 novembre 2023,
JD = 60272 - DUT1 = 0,0113673 with key: Delta UT1 Prediction for 2023 - 11 - 24
15:52:15.685 DeltaUT1 Setting samedi 25 novembre 2023,
JD = 60273 - DUT1 = 0,0108291 with key: Delta UT1 Prediction for 2023 - 11 - 25
15:52:15.685 DeltaUT1 Setting dimanche 26 novembre 2023,
JD = 60274 - DUT1 = 0,0105465 with key: Delta UT1 Prediction for 2023 - 11 - 26
15:52:15.685 DeltaUT1 Setting lundi 27 novembre 2023, JD
= 60275 - DUT1 = 0,0105573 with key: Delta UT1 Prediction for 2023 - 11 - 27
15:52:15.685 DeltaUT1 Setting mardi 28 novembre 2023, JD
= 60276 - DUT1 = 0,0108371 with key: Delta UT1 Prediction for 2023 - 11 - 28
15:52:15.685 DeltaUT1 Setting mercredi 29 novembre 2023,
JD = 60277 - DUT1 = 0,0113191 with key: Delta UT1 Prediction for 2023 - 11 - 29
15:52:15.685 DeltaUT1 Setting jeudi 30 novembre 2023, JD
= 60278 - DUT1 = 0,011905 with key: Delta UT1 Prediction for 2023 - 11 - 30
15:52:15.685 DeltaUT1 Setting vendredi 1 d[E9]cembre
2023, JD = 60279 - DUT1 = 0,0124939 with key: Delta UT1 Prediction for 2023 - 12 -
15:52:15.701 DeltaUT1 Setting samedi 2 d[E9]cembre 2023,
JD = 60280 - DUT1 = 0,0130023 with key: Delta UT1 Prediction for 2023 - 12 - 02
15:52:15.701 DeltaUT1 Setting dimanche 3 d[E9]cembre
2023, JD = 60281 - DUT1 = 0,0133754 with key: Delta UT1 Prediction for 2023 - 12 -
15:52:15.701 DeltaUT1 Setting lundi 4 d[E9]cembre 2023,
JD = 60282 - DUT1 = 0,0135845 with key: Delta UT1 Prediction for 2023 - 12 - 04
15:52:15.701 DeltaUT1 Setting mardi 5 d[E9]cembre 2023,
JD = 60283 - DUT1 = 0,0136266 with key: Delta UT1 Prediction for 2023 - 12 - 05
15:52:15.701 DeltaUT1 Setting mercredi 6 d[E9]cembre
2023, JD = 60284 - DUT1 = 0,0135286 with key: Delta UT1 Prediction for 2023 - 12 -
15:52:15.701 DeltaUT1 Setting jeudi 7 d[E9]cembre 2023,
JD = 60285 - DUT1 = 0,0133279 with key: Delta UT1 Prediction for 2023 - 12 - 07
15:52:15.701 DeltaUT1 Setting vendredi 8 d[E9]cembre
2023, JD = 60286 - DUT1 = 0,013081 with key: Delta UT1 Prediction for 2023 - 12 -
15:52:15.701 DeltaUT1 Setting samedi 9 d[E9]cembre 2023,
JD = 60287 - DUT1 = 0,0128577 with key: Delta UT1 Prediction for 2023 - 12 - 09
15:52:15.701 DeltaUT1 Setting dimanche 10 d[E9]cembre
2023, JD = 60288 - DUT1 = 0,0127361 with key: Delta UT1 Prediction for 2023 - 12 -
15:52:15.701 DeltaUT1 Setting lundi 11 d[E9]cembre 2023,
JD = 60289 - DUT1 = 0,0127812 with key: Delta UT1 Prediction for 2023 - 12 - 11
15:52:15.701 DeltaUT1 Setting mardi 12 d[E9]cembre 2023,
JD = 60290 - DUT1 = 0,0130294 with key: Delta UT1 Prediction for 2023 - 12 - 12
15:52:15.701 DeltaUT1 Setting mercredi 13 d[E9]cembre
2023, JD = 60291 - DUT1 = 0,0134639 with key: Delta UT1 Prediction for 2023 - 12 -
15:52:15.701 DeltaUT1 Setting jeudi 14 d[E9]cembre 2023,
JD = 60292 - DUT1 = 0,014009 with key: Delta UT1 Prediction for 2023 - 12 - 14
15:52:15.701 DeltaUT1 Setting vendredi 15 d[E9]cembre
2023, JD = 60293 - DUT1 = 0,0145381 with key: Delta UT1 Prediction for 2023 - 12 -
15:52:15.701 DeltaUT1 Setting samedi 16 d[E9]cembre
2023, JD = 60294 - DUT1 = 0,0149185 with key: Delta UT1 Prediction for 2023 - 12 -
15:52:15.707 DeltaUT1 Setting dimanche 17 d[E9]cembre
2023, JD = 60295 - DUT1 = 0,0150493 with key: Delta UT1 Prediction for 2023 - 12 -
15:52:15.707 DeltaUT1 Setting lundi 18 d[E9]cembre 2023,
JD = 60296 - DUT1 = 0,014891 with key: Delta UT1 Prediction for 2023 - 12 - 18
15:52:15.707 DeltaUT1 Setting mardi 19 d[E9]cembre 2023,
JD = 60297 - DUT1 = 0,0144783 with key: Delta UT1 Prediction for 2023 - 12 - 19
15:52:15.707 DeltaUT1 Setting mercredi 20 d[E9]cembre
2023, JD = 60298 - DUT1 = 0,0139071 with key: Delta UT1 Prediction for 2023 - 12 -
15:52:15.707 DeltaUT1 Setting jeudi 21 d[E9]cembre 2023,
JD = 60299 - DUT1 = 0,0133106 with key: Delta UT1 Prediction for 2023 - 12 - 21
15:52:15.707 DeltaUT1 Setting vendredi 22 d[E9]cembre
2023, JD = 60300 - DUT1 = 0,0128164 with key: Delta UT1 Prediction for 2023 - 12 -
15:52:15.707 DeltaUT1 Setting samedi 23 d[E9]cembre
2023, JD = 60301 - DUT1 = 0,0125239 with key: Delta UT1 Prediction for 2023 - 12 -
15:52:15.707 DeltaUT1 Setting dimanche 24 d[E9]cembre
2023, JD = 60302 - DUT1 = 0,0124817 with key: Delta UT1 Prediction for 2023 - 12 -
15:52:15.707 DeltaUT1 Setting lundi 25 d[E9]cembre 2023,
JD = 60303 - DUT1 = 0,0126853 with key: Delta UT1 Prediction for 2023 - 12 - 25
15:52:15.707 DeltaUT1 Setting mardi 26 d[E9]cembre 2023,
JD = 60304 - DUT1 = 0,0130812 with key: Delta UT1 Prediction for 2023 - 12 - 26
15:52:15.707 DeltaUT1 Setting mercredi 27 d[E9]cembre
2023, JD = 60305 - DUT1 = 0,0135836 with key: Delta UT1 Prediction for 2023 - 12 -
15:52:15.707 DeltaUT1 Setting jeudi 28 d[E9]cembre 2023,
JD = 60306 - DUT1 = 0,0140967 with key: Delta UT1 Prediction for 2023 - 12 - 28
15:52:15.707 DeltaUT1 Setting vendredi 29 d[E9]cembre
2023, JD = 60307 - DUT1 = 0,0145353 with key: Delta UT1 Prediction for 2023 - 12 -
15:52:15.707 DeltaUT1 Setting samedi 30 d[E9]cembre
2023, JD = 60308 - DUT1 = 0,0148402 with key: Delta UT1 Prediction for 2023 - 12 -
15:52:15.707 DeltaUT1 Setting dimanche 31 d[E9]cembre
2023, JD = 60309 - DUT1 = 0,0149803 with key: Delta UT1 Prediction for 2023 - 12 -
15:52:15.707 DeltaUT1 Setting lundi 1 janvier 2024, JD =
60310 - DUT1 = 0,0149516 with key: Delta UT1 Prediction for 2024 - 01 - 01
15:52:15.707 DeltaUT1 Setting mardi 2 janvier 2024, JD =
60311 - DUT1 = 0,0147762 with key: Delta UT1 Prediction for 2024 - 01 - 02
15:52:15.707 DeltaUT1 Setting mercredi 3 janvier 2024,
JD = 60312 - DUT1 = 0,0144949 with key: Delta UT1 Prediction for 2024 - 01 - 03
15:52:15.707 DeltaUT1 Setting jeudi 4 janvier 2024, JD =
60313 - DUT1 = 0,014165 with key: Delta UT1 Prediction for 2024 - 01 - 04
15:52:15.707 DeltaUT1 Setting vendredi 5 janvier 2024,
JD = 60314 - DUT1 = 0,013848 with key: Delta UT1 Prediction for 2024 - 01 - 05
15:52:15.707 DeltaUT1 Setting samedi 6 janvier 2024, JD
= 60315 - DUT1 = 0,0136084 with key: Delta UT1 Prediction for 2024 - 01 - 06
15:52:15.707 DeltaUT1 Setting dimanche 7 janvier 2024,
JD = 60316 - DUT1 = 0,0135031 with key: Delta UT1 Prediction for 2024 - 01 - 07
15:52:15.717 DeltaUT1 Setting lundi 8 janvier 2024, JD =
60317 - DUT1 = 0,0135714 with key: Delta UT1 Prediction for 2024 - 01 - 08
15:52:15.717 DeltaUT1 Setting mardi 9 janvier 2024, JD =
60318 - DUT1 = 0,0138186 with key: Delta UT1 Prediction for 2024 - 01 - 09
15:52:15.717 DeltaUT1 Setting mercredi 10 janvier 2024,
JD = 60319 - DUT1 = 0,0141977 with key: Delta UT1 Prediction for 2024 - 01 - 10
15:52:15.717 DeltaUT1 Setting jeudi 11 janvier 2024, JD
= 60320 - DUT1 = 0,0146025 with key: Delta UT1 Prediction for 2024 - 01 - 11
15:52:15.717 DeltaUT1 Setting vendredi 12 janvier 2024,
JD = 60321 - DUT1 = 0,0148916 with key: Delta UT1 Prediction for 2024 - 01 - 12
15:52:15.717 DeltaUT1 Setting samedi 13 janvier 2024, JD
= 60322 - DUT1 = 0,0149347 with key: Delta UT1 Prediction for 2024 - 01 - 13
15:52:15.717 DeltaUT1 Setting dimanche 14 janvier 2024,
JD = 60323 - DUT1 = 0,0146618 with key: Delta UT1 Prediction for 2024 - 01 - 14
15:52:15.764 DeltaUT1 Setting lundi 15 janvier 2024, JD
= 60324 - DUT1 = 0,0140947 with key: Delta UT1 Prediction for 2024 - 01 - 15
15:52:15.764 DeltaUT1 Setting mardi 16 janvier 2024, JD
= 60325 - DUT1 = 0,013336 with key: Delta UT1 Prediction for 2024 - 01 - 16
15:52:15.764 DeltaUT1 Setting mercredi 17 janvier 2024,
JD = 60326 - DUT1 = 0,0125346 with key: Delta UT1 Prediction for 2024 - 01 - 17
15:52:15.764 DeltaUT1 Setting jeudi 18 janvier 2024, JD
= 60327 - DUT1 = 0,0118383 with key: Delta UT1 Prediction for 2024 - 01 - 18
15:52:15.764 DeltaUT1 Setting vendredi 19 janvier 2024,
JD = 60328 - DUT1 = 0,0113552 with key: Delta UT1 Prediction for 2024 - 01 - 19
15:52:15.764 DeltaUT1 Setting samedi 20 janvier 2024, JD
= 60329 - DUT1 = 0,011137 with key: Delta UT1 Prediction for 2024 - 01 - 20
15:52:15.764 DeltaUT1 Setting dimanche 21 janvier 2024,
JD = 60330 - DUT1 = 0,011177 with key: Delta UT1 Prediction for 2024 - 01 - 21
15:52:15.764 DeltaUT1 Setting lundi 22 janvier 2024, JD
= 60331 - DUT1 = 0,0114228 with key: Delta UT1 Prediction for 2024 - 01 - 22
15:52:15.764 DeltaUT1 Setting mardi 23 janvier 2024, JD
= 60332 - DUT1 = 0,0117936 with key: Delta UT1 Prediction for 2024 - 01 - 23
15:52:15.764 DeltaUT1 Setting mercredi 24 janvier 2024,
JD = 60333 - DUT1 = 0,012198 with key: Delta UT1 Prediction for 2024 - 01 - 24
15:52:15.764 DeltaUT1 Setting jeudi 25 janvier 2024, JD
= 60334 - DUT1 = 0,0125496 with key: Delta UT1 Prediction for 2024 - 01 - 25
15:52:15.764 DeltaUT1 Setting vendredi 26 janvier 2024,
JD = 60335 - DUT1 = 0,0127796 with key: Delta UT1 Prediction for 2024 - 01 - 26
15:52:15.764 DeltaUT1 Setting samedi 27 janvier 2024, JD
= 60336 - DUT1 = 0,0128428 with key: Delta UT1 Prediction for 2024 - 01 - 27
15:52:15.779 LeapSeconds About to download tai-utc.dat from
https://download.ascom-standards.org/earthrot/ as C:\Windows\TEMP\tmp46CF.tmp
15:52:15.921 Download Progress Progress %: 100, 3321 / 3321
bytes, Complete: False
15:52:15.921 Download Progress Progress %: 100, 3321 / 3321
bytes, Complete: False
15:52:15.921 Download Status Download Completed OK,
15:52:15.999 LeapSeconds Response headers
15:52:15.999 LeapSeconds Response header Strict-Transport-
Security = max-age=63072000; includeSubDomains
15:52:15.999 LeapSeconds Response header X-Frame-Options =
15:52:15.999 LeapSeconds Response header X-Content-Type-
Options = nosniff
15:52:15.999 LeapSeconds Response header Accept-Ranges =
15:52:15.999 LeapSeconds Response header Content-Length =
15:52:15.999 LeapSeconds Response header Date = Sun, 29 Oct
2023 14:52:15 GMT
15:52:15.999 LeapSeconds Response header ETag = "7523b9c-
15:52:15.999 LeapSeconds Response header Last-Modified =
Tue, 24 Oct 2023 09:00:05 GMT
15:52:15.999 LeapSeconds Response header Server = Apache
15:52:15.999 LeapSeconds Successfully downloaded tai-
utc.dat from https://download.ascom-standards.org/earthrot/ as C:\Windows\TEMP\
tmp46CF.tmp. Size: 3321
15:52:15.999 LeapSeconds Expected file format for the
finals.daily file
15:52:15.999 LeapSeconds Year string start position: 0,
Year string length: 5
15:52:15.999 LeapSeconds Month string start position: 5,
Month string length: 4
15:52:15.999 LeapSeconds Day string start position: 9, Day
string length: 4
15:52:15.999 LeapSeconds Julian date start position: 17,
Julian date string length: 10
15:52:15.999 LeapSeconds Leap seconds start position: 36,
Leap seconds string length: 12
15:52:16.015 LeapSeconds Leap second takes effect on:
dimanche 1 janvier 1961, Modified JD = 37300 - Current Leap Seconds = 1,422818,
Latest Leap Seconds: 1,422818, Next Leap Seconds: 0 on lundi 1 janvier 0001
15:52:16.015 LeapSeconds Leap second takes effect on: mardi
1 ao[FB]t 1961, Modified JD = 37512 - Current Leap Seconds = 1,372818, Latest Leap
Seconds: 1,372818, Next Leap Seconds: 0 on lundi 1 janvier 0001
15:52:16.015 LeapSeconds Leap second takes effect on: lundi
1 janvier 1962, Modified JD = 37665 - Current Leap Seconds = 1,845858, Latest Leap
Seconds: 1,845858, Next Leap Seconds: 0 on lundi 1 janvier 0001
15:52:16.015 LeapSeconds Leap second takes effect on:
vendredi 1 novembre 1963, Modified JD = 38334 - Current Leap Seconds = 1,945858,
Latest Leap Seconds: 1,945858, Next Leap Seconds: 0 on lundi 1 janvier 0001
15:52:16.015 LeapSeconds Leap second takes effect on:
mercredi 1 janvier 1964, Modified JD = 38395 - Current Leap Seconds = 3,24013,
Latest Leap Seconds: 3,24013, Next Leap Seconds: 0 on lundi 1 janvier 0001
15:52:16.015 LeapSeconds Leap second takes effect on:
mercredi 1 avril 1964, Modified JD = 38486 - Current Leap Seconds = 3,34013, Latest
Leap Seconds: 3,34013, Next Leap Seconds: 0 on lundi 1 janvier 0001
15:52:16.015 LeapSeconds Leap second takes effect on: mardi
1 septembre 1964, Modified JD = 38639 - Current Leap Seconds = 3,44013, Latest Leap
Seconds: 3,44013, Next Leap Seconds: 0 on lundi 1 janvier 0001
15:52:16.015 LeapSeconds Leap second takes effect on:
vendredi 1 janvier 1965, Modified JD = 38761 - Current Leap Seconds = 3,54013,
Latest Leap Seconds: 3,54013, Next Leap Seconds: 0 on lundi 1 janvier 0001
15:52:16.015 LeapSeconds Leap second takes effect on: lundi
1 mars 1965, Modified JD = 38820 - Current Leap Seconds = 3,64013, Latest Leap
Seconds: 3,64013, Next Leap Seconds: 0 on lundi 1 janvier 0001
15:52:16.015 LeapSeconds Leap second takes effect on: jeudi
1 juillet 1965, Modified JD = 38942 - Current Leap Seconds = 3,74013, Latest Leap
Seconds: 3,74013, Next Leap Seconds: 0 on lundi 1 janvier 0001
15:52:16.015 LeapSeconds Leap second takes effect on:
mercredi 1 septembre 1965, Modified JD = 39004 - Current Leap Seconds = 3,84013,
Latest Leap Seconds: 3,84013, Next Leap Seconds: 0 on lundi 1 janvier 0001
15:52:16.015 LeapSeconds Leap second takes effect on:
samedi 1 janvier 1966, Modified JD = 39126 - Current Leap Seconds = 4,31317, Latest
Leap Seconds: 4,31317, Next Leap Seconds: 0 on lundi 1 janvier 0001
15:52:16.015 LeapSeconds Leap second takes effect on: jeudi
1 f[E9]vrier 1968, Modified JD = 39887 - Current Leap Seconds = 4,21317, Latest
Leap Seconds: 4,21317, Next Leap Seconds: 0 on lundi 1 janvier 0001
15:52:16.015 LeapSeconds Leap second takes effect on:
samedi 1 janvier 1972, Modified JD = 41317 - Current Leap Seconds = 10, Latest Leap
Seconds: 10, Next Leap Seconds: 0 on lundi 1 janvier 0001
15:52:16.015 LeapSeconds Leap second takes effect on:
samedi 1 juillet 1972, Modified JD = 41499 - Current Leap Seconds = 11, Latest Leap
Seconds: 11, Next Leap Seconds: 0 on lundi 1 janvier 0001
15:52:16.015 LeapSeconds Leap second takes effect on: lundi
1 janvier 1973, Modified JD = 41683 - Current Leap Seconds = 12, Latest Leap
Seconds: 12, Next Leap Seconds: 0 on lundi 1 janvier 0001
15:52:16.015 LeapSeconds Leap second takes effect on: mardi
1 janvier 1974, Modified JD = 42048 - Current Leap Seconds = 13, Latest Leap
Seconds: 13, Next Leap Seconds: 0 on lundi 1 janvier 0001
15:52:16.015 LeapSeconds Leap second takes effect on:
mercredi 1 janvier 1975, Modified JD = 42413 - Current Leap Seconds = 14, Latest
Leap Seconds: 14, Next Leap Seconds: 0 on lundi 1 janvier 0001
15:52:16.015 LeapSeconds Leap second takes effect on: jeudi
1 janvier 1976, Modified JD = 42778 - Current Leap Seconds = 15, Latest Leap
Seconds: 15, Next Leap Seconds: 0 on lundi 1 janvier 0001
15:52:16.015 LeapSeconds Leap second takes effect on:
samedi 1 janvier 1977, Modified JD = 43144 - Current Leap Seconds = 16, Latest Leap
Seconds: 16, Next Leap Seconds: 0 on lundi 1 janvier 0001
15:52:16.015 LeapSeconds Leap second takes effect on:
dimanche 1 janvier 1978, Modified JD = 43509 - Current Leap Seconds = 17, Latest
Leap Seconds: 17, Next Leap Seconds: 0 on lundi 1 janvier 0001
15:52:16.015 LeapSeconds Leap second takes effect on: lundi
1 janvier 1979, Modified JD = 43874 - Current Leap Seconds = 18, Latest Leap
Seconds: 18, Next Leap Seconds: 0 on lundi 1 janvier 0001
15:52:16.015 LeapSeconds Leap second takes effect on: mardi
1 janvier 1980, Modified JD = 44239 - Current Leap Seconds = 19, Latest Leap
Seconds: 19, Next Leap Seconds: 0 on lundi 1 janvier 0001
15:52:16.015 LeapSeconds Leap second takes effect on:
mercredi 1 juillet 1981, Modified JD = 44786 - Current Leap Seconds = 20, Latest
Leap Seconds: 20, Next Leap Seconds: 0 on lundi 1 janvier 0001
15:52:16.015 LeapSeconds Leap second takes effect on: jeudi
1 juillet 1982, Modified JD = 45151 - Current Leap Seconds = 21, Latest Leap
Seconds: 21, Next Leap Seconds: 0 on lundi 1 janvier 0001
15:52:16.015 LeapSeconds Leap second takes effect on:
vendredi 1 juillet 1983, Modified JD = 45516 - Current Leap Seconds = 22, Latest
Leap Seconds: 22, Next Leap Seconds: 0 on lundi 1 janvier 0001
15:52:16.015 LeapSeconds Leap second takes effect on: lundi
1 juillet 1985, Modified JD = 46247 - Current Leap Seconds = 23, Latest Leap
Seconds: 23, Next Leap Seconds: 0 on lundi 1 janvier 0001
15:52:16.015 LeapSeconds Leap second takes effect on:
vendredi 1 janvier 1988, Modified JD = 47161 - Current Leap Seconds = 24, Latest
Leap Seconds: 24, Next Leap Seconds: 0 on lundi 1 janvier 0001
15:52:16.015 LeapSeconds Leap second takes effect on: lundi
1 janvier 1990, Modified JD = 47892 - Current Leap Seconds = 25, Latest Leap
Seconds: 25, Next Leap Seconds: 0 on lundi 1 janvier 0001
15:52:16.015 LeapSeconds Leap second takes effect on: mardi
1 janvier 1991, Modified JD = 48257 - Current Leap Seconds = 26, Latest Leap
Seconds: 26, Next Leap Seconds: 0 on lundi 1 janvier 0001
15:52:16.015 LeapSeconds Leap second takes effect on:
mercredi 1 juillet 1992, Modified JD = 48804 - Current Leap Seconds = 27, Latest
Leap Seconds: 27, Next Leap Seconds: 0 on lundi 1 janvier 0001
15:52:16.015 LeapSeconds Leap second takes effect on: jeudi
1 juillet 1993, Modified JD = 49169 - Current Leap Seconds = 28, Latest Leap
Seconds: 28, Next Leap Seconds: 0 on lundi 1 janvier 0001
15:52:16.015 LeapSeconds Leap second takes effect on:
vendredi 1 juillet 1994, Modified JD = 49534 - Current Leap Seconds = 29, Latest
Leap Seconds: 29, Next Leap Seconds: 0 on lundi 1 janvier 0001
15:52:16.015 LeapSeconds Leap second takes effect on: lundi
1 janvier 1996, Modified JD = 50083 - Current Leap Seconds = 30, Latest Leap
Seconds: 30, Next Leap Seconds: 0 on lundi 1 janvier 0001
15:52:16.015 LeapSeconds Leap second takes effect on: mardi
1 juillet 1997, Modified JD = 50630 - Current Leap Seconds = 31, Latest Leap
Seconds: 31, Next Leap Seconds: 0 on lundi 1 janvier 0001
15:52:16.030 LeapSeconds Leap second takes effect on:
vendredi 1 janvier 1999, Modified JD = 51179 - Current Leap Seconds = 32, Latest
Leap Seconds: 32, Next Leap Seconds: 0 on lundi 1 janvier 0001
15:52:16.030 LeapSeconds Leap second takes effect on:
dimanche 1 janvier 2006, Modified JD = 53736 - Current Leap Seconds = 33, Latest
Leap Seconds: 33, Next Leap Seconds: 0 on lundi 1 janvier 0001
15:52:16.030 LeapSeconds Leap second takes effect on: jeudi
1 janvier 2009, Modified JD = 54832 - Current Leap Seconds = 34, Latest Leap
Seconds: 34, Next Leap Seconds: 0 on lundi 1 janvier 0001
15:52:16.030 LeapSeconds Leap second takes effect on:
dimanche 1 juillet 2012, Modified JD = 56109 - Current Leap Seconds = 35, Latest
Leap Seconds: 35, Next Leap Seconds: 0 on lundi 1 janvier 0001
15:52:16.030 LeapSeconds Leap second takes effect on:
mercredi 1 juillet 2015, Modified JD = 57204 - Current Leap Seconds = 36, Latest
Leap Seconds: 36, Next Leap Seconds: 0 on lundi 1 janvier 0001
15:52:16.030 LeapSeconds Leap second takes effect on:
dimanche 1 janvier 2017, Modified JD = 57754 - Current Leap Seconds = 37, Latest
Leap Seconds: 37, Next Leap Seconds: 0 on lundi 1 janvier 0001
15:52:16.030 LeapSeconds Current Leap Seconds = 37, Next
Leap Seconds: 0 on lundi 1 janvier 0001
15:52:16.030 LeapSeconds Task completed.

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