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For dessert I usually eat a piece of fruit like apples,bananas or pears.

Describe what you do whilst you eat:

Usually during the week I eat alone watching TV or something on youtube. One day in the
week I eat with my grandparents while we are eating we talk about our day.
On weekends I eat with my family, we watch TV and also we talk .

Physical activity that day:

I took a walk with my friends around the neighborhood.

Add comments about how you feel after your meals

I feel good, sometimes I feel full but after a while it goes away.

Add the number of portions.

Describe what is the "Plate of Harvard".

The Harvard plate is a plate that was designed to know how we should feed ourselves and
the things we should and shouldn't eat so that they do not damage our health.

Choose a meal and describe how it matches the advice given by the "Plate of
Harvard". If none match the description made by the "Plate of Harvard", create a plate
of your own making.

The plate I have choose is soup with fish and carrots. This meal describes the advice given
by the “Plate of Harvard” because it is a healthy meal with a lot of nutrients.
The soup has many vitamins because it is made of vegetables and chicken. Fish has many
benefits because it contains proteins , minerals and vitamins.

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