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Stream 1: Supporting Organizational Development department / IMPACT team on the Target Operating

Model of Company rollout, assurance and quality control

This Stream is dedicated to providing methodological support to the Organizational Development

department / IMPACT team in their work with individual COMPANY Segments’ teams and supporting the
control of achieving key milestones within the roadmap for implementation of the new COMPANY Target
Operating Model at head office and subsidiaries. Additionally, as part of Stream 1, a tool for assessing the
impact of the Target Operating Model implementation will be developed, and relevant training will be pro -
vided to the IMPACT team regarding the use of this tool.

Stage 1
 Development of a work plan to achieve key milestones of the Target Operating Model roadmap for
2024 in collaboration with business and functional Segments’ teams.
 Support in monitoring the implementation of the Target Operating Model, updating toolset for track-
ing task execution and resource management, and preparing regular reports on the TOM (Target Op-
erating Model) implementation progress.
 Support in preparing and conducting project meetings, including the Operating Model Change Com-
mission (OM CC) meetings, IMPACT team meetings, meetings with coordinators, etc.
 Support in quality control of implementation of the decisions made by the Operating Model Change
Commission (OM CC).
 Preparation and support in conducting communications on the implementation of regulatory docu-
ments of Segment Management System (SMS), Business Process Management (BPM), and the Ap-
plication of Delegation of Authority and Responsibility (DoAR Application) at the Head Office and
assets within the Project's scope.
 Support of the coordinators’ team in quality control of the roadmap milestones implementation and
materials, as well as in coordinating activities within the implementation of the Target Operating
 Preparation and facilitation of meetings to resolve opened issues in the design of the Target Operating
Model (if necessary).
 Support in preparing and conducting surveys/workshops for monitoring and cultural changes rollout
(if necessary).
 Development of a tool to assess the impact of the Target Operating Model implementation.
 Support in monitoring the implementation of the Target Operating Model, updating tools for tracking
task execution and resource management, and preparing regular reports on the Target Operating
Model implementation progress
 Support in preparing and conducting project meetings, including the Operating Model Change Com-
mission (OM CC) meetings, IMPACT team meetings, meetings with coordinators, etc.
 Support in quality control of implementation of the decisions made by the Operating Model Change
Commission (OM CC).
 Preparation and support in conducting communications on the implementation of regulatory docu-
ments of Segment Management System (SMS), Business Process Management (BPM), and the Ap-
plication of Delegation of Authority and Responsibility (DoAR Application) at the Head Office and
assets within the Project's scope.
 Support of the coordinators’ team in quality control of the roadmap milestones implementation and
materials, as well as in coordinating activities within the implementation of the Target Operating
 Preparation and facilitation of meetings to resolve opened issues in the design of the Target Operating
Model (if necessary).
 Support in preparing and conducting surveys/workshops for monitoring and cultural changes rollout
(if necessary).
 Evaluation of the expected impact of the Target Operating Model implementation
 Conducting training for the IMPACT team on using the tool for assessing the impact of the Target
Operating Model implementation.

Stream 2: Support in developing and implementing regulatory documents related to the Segment Manage-
ment System (SMS) and Core Activity Management System (CAMS) within line management
 Wave 1:
o Energy Transition, Environment & Decarbonization (SMS)
o Exploration of Natural Resources (SMS)
o D&PO Capital Projects (CAMS)
 Wave 2 (3 concept designs, preliminary list, to be defined):
o D&PO Production Operations (CAMS)
o Refining & Petrochemical Operations (CAMS)
 Wave 3 (3 concept designs, preliminary list, to be defined):
o Integrated Gas (SMS)
o Sales and Trading (SMS)
o D&PO Non-operated Production (CAMS)
Key deliverables:

Stream 1: Supporting Organizational Development department / IMPACT team on the Target Operating
Model of COMPANY rollout, assurance and quality control

The key result of the Stream should be the execution of the key milestones of the roadmap for the COM-
PANY Target Operating Model implementation with the achievement of the expected results in time. Also, a
tool for assessing the impact of the Target Operating Model implementation will be developed, and relevant
training for the IMPACT team on use of this tool will be held.

[Preliminarily, the scope of work and deliverables will be specified based on the results of the Stage 1]
 Tools for monitoring of the Project execution progress and reporting on the progress of the Target
Operating Model implementation have been updated
 Operating Model Change Commission (OM CC) meetings, IMPACT team meetings and meetings
with coordinators have been held
 Communication materials for regulatory documents implementation on Segment Management Sys-
tem (SMS), Business Process Management (BPM) and Delegation of Authority & Responsibilities
(DoAR Application) in Head Office and Assets within the scope of the Project have been prepared

Key results for the Stream 3 should be: concept designs of regulatory documents for Business Process Man-
agement (BPM) for priority business processes (10 in total), implementation of target management model for
priority business processes, including regulatory document concept design of Delegation of Authority & Re-
sponsibilities application (DoAR Application for 5 business processes), functional business process model for
the selected business processes (2-3 in total), and its pilots within 1-2 Business Units/Assets. Concept design
of regulatory documents (BPM) on the L-2 level (5-6 in total) will be prepared for the priority business pro -
 Concept design of regulatory document on Delegation of Authority & Responsibilities application
(DoAR Application) has been developed based on the developed earlier regulatory documents on
Business Process Management at the L-1 level (HR Management, Risk Management, IT & Digital
 Target functional business process model for the selected 1-2 business processes has been proposed
(selection from the previously developed business processes: HR Management, Risk Management, IT
& Digital support) for the 1-2 priority Business Units/Assets
 Concept designs of regulatory documents for Business Process Management at the L-1 level for the
selected 5 business processes have been developed
 Pilot of functional business process model for 1-2 business process for the 1-2 priority Business
Units/Assets has been launched, recommended adjustments for alignment of the current business
process realization model with the target functional business process model have been developed
 Playbook has been developed based on the implemented changes for scaling up within different
COMPANY Group companies

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