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Puerto Ayacucho, Edo. Amazonas.

U.E.N. Simon Rodriguez

Date: / / .
First name and last name:___________________________.
Topic: Personal Pronouns and their auxiliar verb “TO BE”.
1)Complete the following sentences with the right word.
a) She __ playing with me.
b) They __ making the homework.
c) My cat __ eating fish.
d) We __ watching TV.
e) I __ studying for the exam.
f) You __ beautiful.
g) Maria __ my best friend.
h) Luis and Mario __ cooking pizza.
i) She__ a good teacher.
j) I __ a good student.
k) He __ working hard.
l) The moon __ gorgeous.
m) We__ playing football.
n) They__ writing a letter.
o) You __ the love of my life.
2)Complete the following sentences with the right word.
a) __ are running in the park.
b) __ is dancing joropo.
c) __ are singing a song.
d) __ is raining.
e) __ am studying really hard.
f) __ are baking a cake.
g)__ is playing soccer.
h)__ is drinking water.
i)__ am washing the dishes.
j)__ are making the exam.
k)__am from Venezuela.
l)__ is hot.
m)__ are my friends.
n)__ is talking with me.
o)__ am reading a book.
3)Complete the dialogue with one of the following words.

*How *Fine *Meet * Nice *I´m *From

Teacher and Student.

Teacher: Good morning Student, ___ are you today?
Student: ____ teacher, and you?
Teacher: Good, what’s your name?
Student: José, what’s your name, teacher?
Teacher: My name is Mariajosé.
Student: where are you from, Teacher?
Teacher: I´m _____ Venezuela, and you?
Student: ____ from Venezuela too.
Teacher: _____ to meet you, José.
Student: Nice to _____ you too, teacher Mariajosé.

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