Nurul Istiqamah1

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A. Read the text about the traffic accident below then make 5 questions referring to the
text. Write the answer as well.
1. What is the main reason for the crashes?
Jawab: A tourist bus crashed into several cars and motorcycles on the road between the
Dieng plateau and Wonosobo in Kuripan village. The bus reportedly spun out of control due
to malfunctioning brakes when reaching Buntu village and crashed into motorcycles and a
2. Where did the accident happen?
Jawab: On the road between the Dieng plateau and Wonosobo in Kuripan village, Garung
district, Wonosobo regency, Central Java
3. Who were the four fatalities?
Jawab: The four fatalities were the bus driver, Zaenal Abidin (44), who was resident of
Jepara regency; Sri Dewi Rejeki (34), from Temanggung regency; Pujiyanto (30), from
Wonosobo and Saranta (61) also from Wonosobo.
4. When the accident occurred?
Jawab: On wednesday afternoon
5. How many casualties of the accident?
Jawab: Four people dead and 15 injured.

B. Read the passage and answer the questions.

Diamonds (Questions)
1. B. They use other diamonds.
2. C. Purity and structure
3. A. Clear diamond
4. D. Diamond is much harder than azurite
5. A. Nitrogen
6. C. Carbon
7. D. They are the rarest of all diamonds.
8. B. Blue diamonds are the most pure.
9. B. Diamonds have their atoms arranged in a crystal structure.
10. C. He is explaining properties of diamonds.

1. Why is diamond more suitable for jewelry than azurite? Refer to the text in your answer.
Answer: Because diamonds do not scratch easily. Only a diamond can scratch another
diamond. While zurite it will scratch if worn daily.
2. From where do diamonds get their color? What is the difference between a clear
diamond and a colored diamond?
Answer: Colors found in diamonds come from impurities. They have another element
besides carbon. They have a carbon defect. For example, yellow diamonds have nitrogen in
them. The nitrogen is yellow. Blue diamonds have boron trapped in their crystal structure.
The boron is blue. Difference between a clear diamond and a colored diamond is pure
diamonds are colorless whereas impure diamonds are colored. Pure diamonds are harder
than impure diamonds.

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