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Malawi Trade Promotion

M o z a m b i q u e


Malawi Trade Promotion

M o z a m b i q u e

Mozambique Office Malawi Office

Malawi Trade Promotion Mozambique MTP Moza
Josina Machel, Tete - Mozambique Wisdom House , Room N 5, P.o Box 1765
Cell: +258 866 777 000 Blantyre - Malawi
Email: Cell: +26 996 218 157 Email:
MTP – Moza is registered in Malawi and registered in Mozambique as Malawi Trade
Promotion Mozambique LDA is a trade promotion company that aims to facilitate business
relationships and increase trade between Malawi and Mozambique. We offer a wide range
of services to help Malawian businesses expand their reach and find new business
opportunities in Mozambican markets.

Our team of experienced professionals has a deep understanding of Mozambique trade and
market trends, and we use this knowledge to help our clients identify the best opportunities
for growth and expansion. We work with businesses of all sizes and industries, providing
customized solutions that meet their unique needs and goals.

Our services include market research, trade show participation, matchmaking events,
business development, and more. We are committed to providing our clients with the
highest level of service and support, and we are constantly exploring new ways to help them
succeed in the Mozambique marketplace.

Executive Summary:

MTP – Moza aims to help businesses expand their reach and find new opportunities for
growth in Mozambican markets. We will offer a wide range of services to meet the unique
needs and goals of our clients, including market research, trade show participation,
matchmaking events, and business development.

Market Analysis:

The Southern Africa economy is becoming increasingly interconnected, and businesses of

all sizes are looking for new opportunities to expand their reach and increase their revenue.
Our target market will be businesses in a range of industries, including manufacturing,
technology, and services, that are looking to enter new markets or expand their existing operations.

Malawi Trade Promotion

Our competitors include other international trade promotion companies, as well as
consulting firms and government agencies that offer similar services. However,
we believe that our experienced team and customized approach will set us apart from the competition.
M o z a m b i q u e

We offer a wide range of services to meet the unique needs and goals of our clients, including:

1. Market Research: Weprovide in-depth market analysis and intelligence to help our
clients understand the opportunities and challenges of specific Mozambique markets.

2. Trade Show Participation: Wehelp our clients participate in trade shows and exhibitions in
Mozambique, connecting them with potential partners and customers.

3. Matchmaking Events: We will organize matchmaking events, bringing together businesses from
Malawi and Mozambique to explore potential collaborations.

4. Business Development: We provide customized business development services, including market

entry strategies, partner identification, and negotiation support.
Marketing and Sales:

We will use a combination of online and offline marketing strategies to promote our services
and attract new clients. This will include targeted digital advertising, content marketing, and participation
in industry events and trade shows.

Revenue Streams:

Our primary revenue streams will be generated through service fees charged to our clients. We will offer
different pricing packages based on the scope and complexity of the services required.

Management Team:

Our management team consists of experienced professionals with deep expertise in international trade and
business development. We also hire additional sta ffmembers as needed to support our growing client base.

MTP -Moza is well-positioned to help businesses expand their reach and find new opportunities for growth
in Mozambique markets. With a dedicated team of experienced professionals and a range of customized
services, we believe we can provide our clients with the tools they need to succeed in the
Mozambique marketplace.

Malawi Trade Promotion

M o z a m b i q u e



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