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Elnaz Bakhshi

Topic: Argument about cashless society

Now a days many people use credit cards or other forms of payment instead of cash. Some people believe
it is more convenient than ever payment and eliminate cash completely from their routines. However, my
view is that using credit cards in cashless society is the safest way to buy but there are some disadvantages
that I want to consider both sides in this argument.

Nowadays many people use credit cards or other forms of payment instead of cash.
Some people believe it is more convenient to eliminate cash completely from their
daily transactions. However, I believe that using credit cards in a cashless society is
the safest way to purchase things, although there are some disadvantages to it. In
the following essay, I will consider both sides of this argument.
There are many advantages of shopping by debit. You always can take your card in your pocket and no
need to take your big bag or purse. Also, you do not have to touch a lot of dirty cash or money, you can
buy every things by your own card. I usually was too sad for this problem but now I am so happy with this
credit cards. In addition, whenever you go out and forget to take your card, no need to be nervous because
you can continue your shopping without your card. If you know your password is enough for buying or
you transfer money with your phone.

There are many advantages to shopping by debit cards. You can always have your
card in your pocket and you do not need to take your big bag or purse with you
anywhere. Also, you do not have to touch a lot of dirty cash or money which might
increase the chance of transmitting diseases, so you can buy everything by your own
card to prevent it. I usually did not feel good about this problem but now I am so
happy. In addition, whenever you go out and forget to take your card, there is no
need to be nervous because you can continue your shopping without your card. If
you know your password, it is enough for buying because you are able to transfer
money with your phone.
Overall, there are some disadvantages which is necessary you know. You may forget your password. In
this case you can not do anything, you have to go to the bank and give it again. I suggest you, write down
your password somewhere. And also, you have to pay attention to thieves. They usually steal your card
or hacking information on the card and unfortunately, they withdraw money from your card.

On the other hand, there are some disadvantages which are worth to mention. You
may forget your personal information about your bank account. In this case you,
cannot do anything but going to the bank to get it again. Personally, I write down
my password somewhere so that I can access it in case I do not remember it.
Another downside is cyber-crime. Such criminals steal and hack your credit or debit
card information and withdraw money from your account illegally. Therefore, being
cautious and considering such risks is very essential.
I strongly believe live in a country where everyone used to buy somethings by their credit cards is more
better than the society that still use cash for their shopping. Although you have to consider its drawbacks.

All in all, I strongly believe living in a country where everyone buys things by their
credit cards is better than living among a society that still uses cash for their
shopping. Although, you have to consider its drawbacks.

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