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and Use
An Environmental Guide

2nd Edition

© Anita van Breda/WWF

TABLE OF CONTENTS © 2021 WWF. All rights reserved by World Wildlife Fund, Inc.
WWF® and ©1986 Panda Symbol are owned by WWF. All rights reserved.

© 2021 Northwestern University. All rights reserved.

Building Material Selection and Use: An Environmental Guide (2d Edition) is licensed under
INTRODUCTION ....................................................................................................................................... 4 a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License. It
MATERIAL LIFE CYCLE ............................................................................................................................. 8 may be copied and redistributed for any non-commercial purpose in any medium or format
with all attribution. Derivatives of the material may not be distributed.
RESPONSIBLE MATERIAL SELECTION AND USE: KEY CONCEPTS ............................................................. 9
Cover photo credit:
ENVIRONMENTAL GUIDE TO SELECTION OF COMMON BUILDING MATERIALS .................................. 11 © WWF- Anita Van Breda
Published by:
ADDITIONAL RESOURCES ...................................................................................................................... 64
World Wildlife Fund Northwestern University
1250 24th Street NW Institute for Sustainability and Energy
Washington, DC 20037 2145 Sheridan Road
USA Evanston, IL 60208 USA

How to cite this publication:

Hettiarachchi M., Dwivedi V., Miller W.M, Carr S.H, Dunn J.B., McMahon M.M and Van
Breda A. Building Material Selection and Use: An Environmental Guide, 2nd Ed. World
Wildlife Fund, Washington DC and Northwestern University, Evanston IL. DOI:; ISBN: 978-0-578-31332-0

How to print this guide:

PRINT this guide on LEGAL size paper. Always FIT TO PAGE when PRINTING. BIND on the
TOP edge.

Building Material Selection and Use: An Environmental Guide (2nd Edition) 2

Authors and Contributors
Authors Contributors
Missaka Hettiarachchi PhD, CEng Jennifer Pepson-Elwood
Senior Fellow, World Wildlife Fund Megan McConnell
Elham Ramyar
Vidushi Dwivedi, MS
Research Assistant, Institute for Sustainability and Energy at Northwestern Vasantha Wakkumbura
Currently Packaging R&D Engineer, Intel Corporation
William M. Miller, PhD
Professor of Chemical & Biological Engineering, Northwestern University This guide is made possible by the World Wildlife Fund Environment and Disaster
Management program and Institute for Sustainability and Energy at Northwestern
Stephen H. Carr, PhD, P.E. University (USA). It was initially developed for use in Nepal with WWF Nepal and the
Professor Emeritus of Materials Science and Engineering and Chemical and Hario Ban Program. We thank all the WWF staff and staff of all other humanitarian
Biological Engineering, Northwestern University organizations, who supported this publication by providing data and valuable
comments and insights. We would also like to thank Prof. Terri Norton of Bucknell
Jennifer B. Dunn, PhD University (USA), for her guidance on building materials recycling.
Associate Professor of Chemical & Biological Engineering, Northwestern University

Mike M. McMahon
Strategic Partnerships Administrator, Institute for Sustainability and Energy at
Northwestern University (ISEN)

Anita Van Breda

Senior Director, Environment and Disaster Management
World Wildlife Fund

Building Material Selection and Use: An Environmental Guide (2nd Edition) 3

Increasing populations, rising urbanization, economic expansion, and the emergence of new industrial centers are among the driving factors increasing
demand for construction material around the world. Building materials required for reconstruction after disasters have further added to growing demands.
The exponential increase in material extraction, processing, and disposal can cause significant environmental and social impacts such as soil erosion,
deforestation, landslides, and floods; deprive communities of essential livelihood resources; and put people, infrastructure, and ecosystems at greater
risk of future disasters.

Practical guidelines for responsible construction material selection and use are rare. This guide aims to fill a gap and provide guidance on better
practices for government agencies, private sector companies, NGOs, and community-based organizations (CBOs) for environmentally responsible
selection, sourcing, use and disposal of construction material.

A large variety of construction materials are available in different regions of the world. If builders select and use materials in an environmentally
responsible manner while also using responsible construction technology and practices, future construction needs can be met while creating a safe and
secure built environment.

Building Material Selection and Use: An Environmental Guide (2nd Edition) 4

The aim of this document is to provide a general guideline for engineers, architects, project
managers, and technicians in construction projects to select, source (or procure), and use
specific building materials in an environmentally responsible manner. It is assumed that
the user has a basic knowledge about building materials and the construction process, but
it is not necessary to have advanced technical training to use this tool.

The guide provides information on environmental better practices related to design,

planning, storage, use, and disposal for common building materials, as well as key
AIM environmental costs and benefits. Quantitative information such as embodied energy, CO2
footprint, water usage and several other engineering properties are also provided for each
material. The guide also introduces the user to some useful overall concepts for
environmentally responsible selection and use of building materials throughout a
construction project and material life cycles.

This guide provides only general environmental information for each material; the actual
process of material selection and use requires careful professional judgment in each
individual case.

Building Material Selection and Use: An Environmental Guide (2nd Edition) 5

Materials-related decisions in construction projects are not made at one given time. Different issues are addressed in material selection, sourcing,
procuring, storage, use, and disposal and emerge at different stages of the project cycle. Figure 1 displays the typical building material-related
decisions that need to be made and environmental issues at different stages of the project cycle.

For example, material selection can substantially impact the cost of construction and project management. This decision has to be made at the
beginning of the inception stage even before the detailed designs are done—e.g., bricks versus rammed earth walls. More detailed issues, such
as using water-based paints instead of solvent-based paints, can be addressed later in the design or construction stages. Disposal of waste
material is an issue that arises in the construction stage, but the reuse or disposal methods and sites should be identified well in advance of
commencing construction.

Building Material Selection and Use: An Environmental Guide (2nd Edition) 6


Building Material Selection and Use: An Environmental Guide (2nd Edition) 7

All materials come to the construction site through a process of extraction, transport, processing/manufacturing, packaging, and storage. Furthermore, the life of a material does
not end after being used for construction; the structures are often demolished after a useful lifetime, and the materials are reused, recycled, repurposed, or disposed of. Some
structures deteriorate with time, and the materials disintegrate into the environment. All these stages of the life cycle of a material may cause adverse environmental and social

Figure 2 displays the potential social and/or environmental impacts at different stages of a generic material life cycle.


STAGE Extract Transport Process Construct Demolish Dispose

•Destruction of •Water/air/soil •Water/air/soil •Water/air/soil •Water/air/soil •Water/air/soil

ecosystems pollution pollution pollution pollution pollution
•Land degradation/ •GHG emissions •GHG emissions •Noise and vibration •Noise and vibration •Health impacts
destabilization •Impacts on rural roads •Health impacts •Health impacts •Health impacts •Destruction of
IMPACTS •Noise and vibration ecosystems
•Resource depletion •Land degradation/
•Water/air/soil destabilization


Building Material Selection and Use: An Environmental Guide (2nd Edition) 8

1 Think through the whole supply chain. Environmental and social impacts from building materials
can occur at any point in the supply chain, from sourcing raw materials, through processing and delivery to
the site. This includes the social and environmental practices of manufacturers. For example, do working
2 Only support sound and legal sourcing of materials. In large-scale, post-disaster rebuilding, the
demand for raw materials can quickly outstrip the supply of sustainably produced natural resources, such as
clay for bricks, sand for cement, and wood for timber. For example, unsound excavation of clay or clear-felling
conditions at the processing plant meet responsible standards? Is the processing plant disposing of of timber on steep hillsides to rebuild hundreds or thousands of houses increases the risk of landslides and
leftover material in an environmentally and socially responsible way? topsoil erosion. Such environmental damage can increase risk and jeopardize the success of the overall
recovery effort. Project managers should be aware of the sources of their building materials and make sure
The first criterion for an environmentally responsible material is the safety of the structure that will be built that they establish contract specifications for the use of sound and legally sourced materials. Using materials
with it. “Not safe” is “not green.” that have been credibly certified can be one strategy for ensuring that materials have been sourced
sustainably. Material sourcing, processing, and use should be socially equitable. Any form of material sourcing
that puts disproportionate burdens on women, children, differently abled or socially marginalized people is not
sustainable. Furthermore, material sourcing should not disturb the established local livelihoods.

3 Design to use fewer materials and reduce waste. In designing structures, such as houses, project
managers should consider ways to effectively meet humanitarian needs with fewer materials. Reducing
packaging materials and designing structures with standard material sizes can help prevent waste of
4 Use local sources—where this can be done in an environmentally responsible way. Local
procurement of materials can be a more environmentally sound strategy than the procurement of distant
materials because of reduced carbon emissions from transportation and natural resource use in packaging.
materials during the transportation and construction phases. Designing structures and specifying materials Give priority to materials selected or processed with traditional knowledge. When using local materials,
for optimal design rather than either overengineering or creating rigid requirements can reduce material however, project managers should make sure that extraction, processing, and use do not put people’s health
waste by allowing some flexibility in construction and in material options. For example, if one material or or environment at risk.
size is not available locally, another can be used in its place to achieve optimal design instead of importing
additional materials to fit a very specific requirement. Following material-specific storing and handling
guidelines also helps extend the shelf life of materials and ensures that materials are not damaged and will
not need to be replaced.

5 Use disaster debris as a reconstruction material. One of the most environmentally sustainable
options for construction projects in a post-disaster setting is the reuse of building materials found in
disaster debris. If using disaster debris, project managers must ensure that the debris meets applicable
6 Use materials with recycled content and recycle. Materials with recycled content are widely available.
One example is cement produced with fly ash from coal-fired power plants. Project managers should consider
using building materials with recycled content where practical to reduce demand on natural resources and
specifications for strength and safety. lower the project’s human and environmental impacts. Leftover material or material packaging should also be
considered for reuse, repurposing, and/or recycling.

Building Material Selection and Use: An Environmental Guide (2nd Edition) 9

ABC Aggregate Base Concrete
ACI American Concrete Institute
BRE Building Research Establishment
CBO Community-based Organization
CGI Corrugated Galvanized Iron
CSEB Compressed Stabilized Earth Block
GESI Gender Equality and Social Inclusion
HSE Health and Safety Executive
NGO Nongovernmental Organization

CO2 Footprint
In Table 1, we provide CO2 footprint values for each material. We define CO2 footprint as the CO2 released per unit weight of finished material, including all the steps involved in obtaining, purifying,
processing, transporting, and shaping each material into finished articles. CO2 footprint values may not reflect locally-specific greenhouse gas emissions because, depending on location, supply
chain and manufacturing methods may vary. Therefore, these values will serve as rough approximations rather than exact values.

Embodied Energy
In Table 1 we provide values for the energy expended in obtaining, purifying, processing, transporting, and shaping each material into finished articles. Embodied energy values may not reflect
locally-specific values because, depending on location, supply chain and manufacturing methods may vary. Therefore, these values will serve as rough approximations rather than exact values.

Water Usage
In Table 1 we provide values for the water consumed while obtaining, purifying, processing, and shaping each material into finished articles. Water consumption values may not reflect locally-
specific values because, depending on location, supply chain and manufacturing methods may vary. Therefore, these values will serve as rough approximations rather than exact values.

Building Material Selection and Use: An Environmental Guide (2nd Edition) 10


Building Material Selection and Use: An Environmental Guide (2nd Edition) 11

Item Technical Information Management & Alternatives
Material Environmental Costs / Impacts /
No. [special technical remarks] Potential Material Environmental Better Practices Environmental Better Practices
[composition] Benefits
Alternatives (Design/Planning) (Storage/Use/Disposal)
A. General Construction Material
A1 River sand Types of Use Extraction Manufactured  Use alternatives to concrete/ Storage
Erodes channel bed and banks, sand (crushed mortar, e.g., stabilized earth Store in a manner free from
Concrete, Cement mortar, Plaster (as a increases channel slope, and leads to rock/gravel), walls (refer to section B) contamination by other site materials, for
bedding material), Asphalt changes in channel morphology. These Sea sand,  Use premixed concrete example, by providing containment with
impacts may cause: Crushed rubble instead of in-situ mixing proper base and curb. Protect from rain
 undercutting and collapse of (debris),  Use prefabricated concrete and other water sources.
riverbanks Fly ash/bottom items
[None]  loss of adjacent land and/or ash,  Optimize concrete mix design Use
structures Recycled building to reduce material and Adhere to the building specifications for
 upstream erosion and quarry dust energy requirements mixing mortar and concrete and building.
 downstream erosion  Use standardized bricks to Overuse of the material will not add
Embedded Energy/CO2 Footprint  downstream changes in patterns of minimize mortar and plaster additional strength, and will cause waste.
deposition Mix in small adequate batches to
Embodied energy 0.06 MJ/Kg  destruction of riverine habitats minimize waste. Do not mix more fresh
CO2 Emissions 0.004 Kg/Kg concrete/mortar than you will use in a
Water Usage 3.60 l/Kg Transport two-hour period.
Transport using large trucks affects rural
roads and may cause noise and air Disposal
pollution. Never dispose of washout cement, sand,
cement mortar, or concrete in
Production/Treatment environment. They can be
None  reused on-site/off-site for construction
purposes (e.g., filling),
Toxicity  safely transported to a construction
None material recycling facility, or
 safely transported to a sanitary landfill

Building Material Selection and Use: An Environmental Guide (2nd Edition) 12

Item Technical Information Management & Alternatives
Material Environmental Costs / Impacts /
No. [special technical remarks] Potential Material Environmental Better Practices Environmental Better Practices
[composition] Benefits
Alternatives (Design/Planning) (Storage/Use/Disposal)
A2 River gravel/ Concrete, Random rubble masonry, Extraction Crushed rock,  Plan and design construction Storage
boulders Aggregate base concrete (ABC), Road Same as A1 Crushed rubble to minimize waste Locate stockpiles to provide safe access
base, Manufacturing sand, Asphalt (debris)  Use alternatives to concrete/ for withdrawing material.
[diverse rock Transport mortar, e.g., stabilized earth
minerals] [None] Transport using large trucks affects rural walls Use
roads and may cause noise and air  Use premixed concrete Refer to A1
pollution. instead of in-situ mixing
 Use prefabricated concrete Disposal
Embedded Energy/CO2 Footprint Production/Treatment items Refer to A1
Process often involves crushing into
Embodied energy (MJ/kg): 7.8 - 8.7 uniform sizes or fines (sand). Crushing
plants cause noise, air pollution, silting
CO2 footprint (kg/kg): 0.027 - 0.030
of water bodies/ wetlands etc.
Water usage (l/kg): 3.85 – 4.17

In highly sediment or blocked streams,
removal of river gravel and boulders
may restore the flow.

Building Material Selection and Use: An Environmental Guide (2nd Edition) 13

Item Technical Information Management & Alternatives
Material Environmental Costs / Impacts /
No. [special technical remarks] Potential Material Environmental Better Practices Environmental Better Practices
[composition] Benefits
Alternatives (Design/Planning) (Storage/Use/Disposal)
A3 Quarried rock Concrete, Random rubble masonry, Extraction Crushed concrete,  Use optimum mix design to Storage
Aggregate base concrete (ABC), Extraction from quarries involves Broken brick (for minimize the quantity of Locate stockpiles to provide safe access
blasting. Quarries cause noise, dust, air certain uses only) quarried rock used for withdrawing material and ensure
Road base, Manufactured sand, Asphalt pollution, habitat destruction, and  Select a quarry site close to minimum spill and waste.
vibration if not properly managed. the construction site to
Unplanned rock quarrying can cause minimize distance of Use
landslides and hydro-geological impacts. transportation Refer to A1
[None] Without planning and protection blasting  Consider mixing with recycled
causes occupational hazards. material (crushed concrete or Disposal
broken brick) in design Refer to A1
Transport  Measures should be taken to
Embedded Energy/CO2 Footprint Transport using large trucks affects rural prevent over-extraction.
roads and may cause noise and air
Embodied energy (MJ/kg): 6.43 - 6.69 pollution.
CO2 footprint (kg/kg): 0.48 - 0.53
Water usage (l/kg): 13.0 - 14.4 Process often involves crushing into
uniform sizes or fines (sand). Crushing
plants cause noise, air pollution, silting
of water bodies/wetlands etc.



Building Material Selection and Use: An Environmental Guide (2nd Edition) 14

Item Technical Information Management & Alternatives
Material Environmental Costs / Impacts /
No. [special technical remarks] Potential Material Environmental Better Practices Environmental Better Practices
[composition] Benefits
Alternatives (Design/Planning) (Storage/Use/Disposal)
A4 Ordinary Portland Concrete, Mortar, Extraction Lime mortar,  Use alternatives to Storage
Cement (OPC) Uses limestone and other minerals Other cement- concrete/mortar, e.g., Store cement in a building that is dry,
Plaster, Stabilized earth construction/ extracted from quarries or mines in derived material stabilized earth walls leak-proof, and as moisture proof as
[63% CaO, 21% blocks manufacturing, which can cause severe (not suitable for  Use premixed concrete possible. There should be a minimum
SiO2, 6% Al2O3 + mining impacts. concrete) instead of in-situ mixing number of windows in the storage
additions]  Use prefabricated concrete building. Stack the cement bags off the
Transport items floor on wooden planks in such a way, so
[consistent quality, predictable structural Transport using large trucks affects rural  Optimize concrete mix design that bags are about 150 mm to 200 mm
strength] roads and may cause noise and air (don’t over-specify) above the floor.
pollution.  Use standardized
bricks/blocks to minimize Use
Production/Treatment mortar and plaster Use quantities as specified in the
Embedded Energy/CO2 Footprint Produces greenhouse gases both,  Use precast concrete designs optimum mix design.
directly through the production of carbon for construction; precast Avoid wastage by calculating adequate
Embodied energy (MJ/kg): 7.75 – 8.60 dioxide when calcium carbonate is concrete can be designed to hauling times when purchasing premixed
heated (producing lime and carbon optimize (lessen) the amount concrete and use retarders in case of long
CO2 footprint (kg/kg): 1.08 - 1.20 dioxide), and indirectly through the use hauls.
Water usage (l/kg): 35.1 - 38.8 of concrete used in a
of energy, particularly if the energy is structure or element Do not mix more fresh concrete or cement
sourced from fossil fuels. than you will use in a two-hour period.
Also refer to A1
None Disposal
Refer to A1
Benefits Never dispose of cement slurry or
None washout in streams or street drains.
Never dispose of empty cement bags in
the environment. Instead, dispose of them
in a sanitary landfill.
Never dispose of washout cement, sand,
cement mortar, or concrete in
environment. They can be:
 Reused on-site/off-site for construction
purposes (e.g., filling),
 Safely transported to a construction
material recycling facility, or
 Safely transported to a sanitary landfill

Building Material Selection and Use: An Environmental Guide (2nd Edition) 15

Item Technical Information Management & Alternatives
Material Environmental Costs / Impacts /
No. [special technical remarks] Potential Material Environmental Better Practices Environmental Better Practices
[composition] Benefits
Alternatives (Design/Planning) (Storage/Use/Disposal)
A5 Stone (e.g., granite, Concrete, Random rubble masonry, Extraction Recycled debris  Plan and design construction Storage
gneiss, sandstone, aggregate base concrete (ABC), Refer to A1 to minimize waste Locate stockpiles to provide safe access
basaltic rocks) Manufacturing sand, asphalt, walls  Use alternatives to for withdrawing material.
Transport concrete/mortar, e.g.,
Refer to A1 stabilized earth walls Use
 Use premixed concrete Refer to A1
[Building and cladding, used for high Production/Treatment instead of in-situ mixing
Process often involves crushing into  Use prefabricated concrete Disposal
performance or vibration sensitive
uniform sizes or fines (sand). Crushing items Refer to A1
equipment] plants cause noise, air pollution, silting
of water bodies/wetlands etc.

Embedded Energy/CO2 Footprint None
Embodied energy (MJ/kg): 7.74 - 8.71 Benefits
CO2 footprint (kg/kg): 0.55 – 0.64 None
Water usage (l/kg): 3.23 - 3.57

A6 Concrete (different Walls, Foundation, Roofing Extraction Stabilized earth  Use alternatives to concrete/ Storage
Grades) Refer to A1 to A5 blocks or walls, mortar, e.g., stabilized earth Refer to A1
Straw clay walls, walls (refer to section B)
[Water: OPC : Fine Transport Bamboo/timber  Use premixed concrete Use
aggregate (sand): [Has good compressional strength, but Refer to A1 to A5 reinforced earth instead of in-situ mixing Refer to A1
Coarse aggregate] not good under tension. Hence, there is walls,  Use prefabricated concrete
a need for reinforcement with steel bars/ Production/Treatment Prefabricated wall items Disposal
timber or bamboo
Refer to A1 to A5 panels  Optimize concrete mix design Refer to A1
(don’t over-specify) (BRE mix Recyclable, Downcycle. Landfill, non-
Toxicity design, ACI method of biodegradable, non-toxic, not a renewable
If 30% coarse recycled aggregates are
Refer to A1 to A5 concrete mix design) source
used, 17% lower elastic modulus is
 Use standardized bricks to
obtained, which makes concrete still Benefits minimize mortar and plaster
usable depending on the desired Refer to A1 to A5
strength requirements.

Building Material Selection and Use: An Environmental Guide (2nd Edition) 16

Item Technical Information Management & Alternatives
Material Environmental Costs / Impacts /
No. [special technical remarks] Potential Material Environmental Better Practices Environmental Better Practices
[composition] Benefits
Alternatives (Design/Planning) (Storage/Use/Disposal)
Lowering water to cement ratio helps in Reuse:
reducing permeability (can be used in Can be directly re-used during land
areas having high rainfall)] rehabilitation, concrete can be crushed
manually and re-used as filler for
abandoned pits, drainage trenches and
other surface irregularities. This also
Embedded Energy/CO2 Footprint provides local income. Should never be
directly re-used for structural purposes.
Embodied energy (MJ/kg): 3.16 - 3.58
CO2 footprint (kg/kg): 0.24 - 0.27
Concrete can be crushed and recycled as
Water usage (l/kg): 3.23 - 3.57 aggregate or for building and road base
material or foundation bedding etc.
Concrete can be crushed manually; with a
mobile crushing unit or transported to a
specialised concrete crushing plant.
Location, volume of concrete waste, local
demand for aggregates and availability of
other types of aggregates are determining
factors in the choice of crushing method.
If the concrete is reinforced, material such
as steel rebar may block crushing
machines if they are not designed to
separate the steel from the concrete.
Proper assessment must take place to
ensure no asbestos is present prior to
A7 Concrete (insulating, Refer to A6 Refer to A6 Refer to A6 Refer to A6 Refer to A6
[Water: OPC: sand:
lightweight coarse Embedded Energy/CO2 Footprint
aggregate – e.g.,
shale, slate, clay] Embodied energy (MJ/kg): 1.60 – 1.76
CO2 footprint (kg/kg): 0.177 - 0.128
Water usage (l/kg): 14.3-15.8

Building Material Selection and Use: An Environmental Guide (2nd Edition) 17

Item Technical Information Management & Alternatives
Material Environmental Costs / Impacts /
No. [special technical remarks] Potential Material Environmental Better Practices Environmental Better Practices
[composition] Benefits
Alternatives (Design/Planning) (Storage/Use/Disposal)
A8 Aerated concrete Walls, Roofing, Sound insulation, Fire Refer to A1 to A5 Stabilized earth Refer to A6 Storage
(low density) resistance blocks or walls, Refer to A1
Straw clay walls,
[Water: OPC: Foam Use
or chemically Refer to A1
reinforced earth
induced gas [None]
walls, Disposal
bubbles: fine filler –
Prefabricated wall Refer to A6
crushed sand]
[As compared to ordinary concrete,
aerated concrete has a lower density,
hence it is lightweight and provides
intentionally entrained air voids to
improve resistance to freezing and
thawing in moist areas.

Easy to nail, shape and render, but it has

low wear resistance.]

Embedded Energy/CO2 Footprint

Embodied energy (MJ/kg): 1.73 - 1.86

CO2 footprint (kg/kg): 0.187 - 0.207
Water usage (l/kg): 14.30 - 15.80

Building Material Selection and Use: An Environmental Guide (2nd Edition) 18

Item Technical Information Management & Alternatives
Material Environmental Costs / Impacts /
No. [special technical remarks] Potential Material Environmental Better Practices Environmental Better Practices
[composition] Benefits
Alternatives (Design/Planning) (Storage/Use/Disposal)
A9 High volume fly ash Walls, Foundation, Roofing Refer to A1 to A5 Stabilized earth Refer to A6 Storage
concrete blocks or walls, Refer to A1
Straw clay walls,
[(0.8:1:1:4.67:1.33:5 Use
) [Fly ash makes the concrete stronger, Refer to A1
Water, Ordinary reinforced earth
more durable and easier to work with]
Portland Cement, walls, Disposal
Fly ash, Coarse Prefabricated wall Refer to A6
sand, Gravel, Rock] panels
Embedded Energy/CO2 Footprint

Embodied energy (MJ/kg): 6.09 – 6.73

CO2 footprint (kg/kg): 0.116 - 0.128
Water usage (l/kg): 3.23 - 3.57

A10 Latex concrete Walls, Foundation, Roofing Refer to A1 to A5 Stabilized earth Refer to A6 Storage
blocks or walls, Refer to A1
[0.8:1.1:1:1:4.67:1.3 Straw clay walls,
3:5 Water, Latex Use
admixture, Ordinary [Makes the cement highly moisture Refer to A1
Portland Cement, reinforced earth
resistant, highly durable]
Fly ash, Coarse walls, Disposal
sand, Gravel, Rock] Prefabricated wall Refer to A6
Embedded Energy/CO2 Footprint

Embodied energy (MJ/kg): 6.09 – 6.73

CO2 footprint (kg/kg): 0.116 - 0.128
Water usage (l/kg): 3.23 - 3.57

Building Material Selection and Use: An Environmental Guide (2nd Edition) 19

Item Technical Information Management & Alternatives
Material Environmental Costs / Impacts /
No. [special technical remarks] Potential Material Environmental Better Practices Environmental Better Practices
[composition] Benefits
Alternatives (Design/Planning) (Storage/Use/Disposal)
A11 Polyvinyl Alcohol Walls, Foundation, Roofing Extraction Stabilized earth Refer to A6 Refer to A6
(PVA) and cellulose High energy consumption to extract blocks or walls,
fiber-cement cellulose from plant materials Straw clay walls,
[2-4% PVA, 8-10% [PVA fibers increase flexural and Production/Treatment
cellulose, 10-15% High energy consumption and cost reinforced earth
compressive strength properties of
carbonate filler, 4- walls,
6% silica fume, 65- Toxicity Prefabricated wall
70% OPC (% by None panels
Embedded Energy/CO2 Footprint Benefits
Non-hazardous, cellulose is a renewable
Embodied energy (MJ/kg): 6.09 – 6.73 material
CO2 footprint (kg/kg): 0.116 - 0.128
Water usage (l/kg): 3.23 - 3.57

A12 Polypropylene Fiber- Walls, Foundation, Roofing Refer to A1 to A5 Asbestos Add fibers to concrete mix at the Refer to A6
Reinforced Concrete concrete, site if it takes more than 30
Stabilized earth minutes to get to the site.
[<0.5% Refer to A6
blocks or walls,
polypropylene fibers [Polypropylene fibers reduce shrinkage
by volume, OPC, Straw clay walls,
and temperature cracking and increase
fine aggregate] Bamboo/timber
toughness and impact resistance]
reinforced earth
Prefabricated wall
Embedded Energy/CO2 Footprint panels

Embodied energy (MJ/kg): 6.09 – 6.73

CO2 footprint (kg/kg): 0.116 - 0.128
Water usage (l/kg): 3.23 - 3.57

Building Material Selection and Use: An Environmental Guide (2nd Edition) 20

Item Technical Information Management & Alternatives
Material Environmental Costs / Impacts /
No. [special technical remarks] Potential Material Environmental Better Practices Environmental Better Practices
[composition] Benefits
Alternatives (Design/Planning) (Storage/Use/Disposal)
A13 Cellulose Fiber- Walls, Foundation, Roofing Refer to A1 to A5 Asbestos Refer to A6 Refer to A6
Reinforced Concrete concrete,
Stabilized earth
[0.2-0.5% cellulose
blocks or walls,
by weight] [Cellulose can be obtained from
Straw clay walls,
agricultural waste, wood, plants.
Cellulose fibers are used for the control reinforced earth
and mitigation of plastic shrinkage walls,
cracking] Prefabricated wall
Alternatives to
Embedded Energy/CO2 Footprint Synthetic fibers,
Steel reinforcing
Embodied energy (MJ/kg): 6.09 – 6.73
CO2 footprint (kg/kg): 0.116 - 0.128
Water usage (l/kg): 3.23 - 3.57

A14 Glass Fiber Reinforcing concrete Extraction Steel rebar, Use only in special cases where Storage
reinforced Manufactured using glass fiber and Natural reinforcing steed or natural forms of Store in place protected from extreme
composite (GFRP) epoxy. Refer G3 and E3 materials reinforcement is not applicable. weather and fire. Refer E3
The environmental costs of
[Epoxy + glass fiber [Can be used as an alternative to steel Production/Treatment GFRP are generally higher. Use
reinforcement] rebar. Enhances strength significantly] Refer G3 and E3 Refer G3 and E3
Design carefully to minimize
Toxicity overuses, do not over specify. Disposal
Refer G3 and E3 Cannot be recycled, non-biodegradable,
Embedded Energy/CO2 Footprint Minimize cutting at site. non-renewable, cannot be combusted for
Benefits energy.
Embodied energy (MJ/kg): 115 – 129 Non-corrosive, high strength
CO2 footprint (kg/kg): 7.17 – 7.80 Can be put in landfill or downcycle
Water usage (l/kg): 212 - 240

Building Material Selection and Use: An Environmental Guide (2nd Edition) 21

Item Technical Information Management & Alternatives
Material Environmental Costs / Impacts /
No. [special technical remarks] Potential Material Environmental Better Practices Environmental Better Practices
[composition] Benefits
Alternatives (Design/Planning) (Storage/Use/Disposal)
A15 Low carbon steel Reinforcing concrete. Used in bars of Extraction GFRP, Natural  Use certified products and Storage
different diameters, for columns, beams, Requires large scale extraction of iron reinforcing avoid using in corrosive Store in a dry place
[<0.3% carbon slabs and structural walls of building. ore, causing significant environmental materials environments
Also used in reinforcing foundations.
impacts including deforestation, land  Avoid contact with ground or Disposal
degradation, and hydrological high levels of moisture Will have lost its some of its structural
Available in different standard diameters
modifications. High energy consumption  Encourage reuse of properties during use. Recycle,
and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, uncorroded sheets from old downcycle, landfill.
(e.g. 6mm, 10 mm, 12mm, 16mm, in extraction and transport. Mining often Non-biodegradable, cannot be combusted
20mm). Made in mild or yield steel of releases toxic and pollutive minerals.  Use standard sizes for energy, non-renewable
compressive strength grade 250 N/mm 2.
[Surface treatment by: Carburizing, Smelting of iron ore and forging and
pickling, zinc or zinc-nickel pickling, drawing of steel bars is highly energy
phosphate or chromate treatments, intensive and releases massive
galvanization and passivation.] quantities of GHGs. Produces potentially
hazardous waste material, which can be
damaging health and environment, if not
properly managed.
Embedded Energy/CO2 Footprint
Embodied energy (MJ/kg): 35.8 – 39.6
CO2 footprint (kg/kg): 2.53 – 2.80 Benefits
Water usage (l/kg): 43.2 - 47.7 Commonly available, easily recyclable
into other steel products

Building Material Selection and Use: An Environmental Guide (2nd Edition) 22

Technical Information Management & Alternatives
Item Material Environmental Costs / Impacts /
[special technical remarks] Potential Material Environmental Better Environmental Better Practices
No. [composition] Benefits
Alternatives Practices (Design/Planning) (Storage/Use/Disposal)
B. Wall Material
B1 Burnt brick Walls, Columns, Foundations, Floor paving Extraction Cement blocks,  Produce bricks on-site (e.g., Storage
(common) Mining of surface clays, shales, and Stabilized earth stabilized earth blocks) Properly package/load bricks during
some fire clays occurs in open pits with blocks, Stabilized  Encourage reuse of bricks transport and store in a dry place in
[Made of fired clay, power equipment; then the mixtures earth walls, from demolished buildings suitable stack heights.
with impurities of [Most bricks are porous and are glazed if require transport to plant storage Straw clay walls,  Use standardized, quality-
potash, lime, soda they need to resist water. To do this, the areas. Bamboo/timber controlled bricks for Use
surface of the fired brick is painted with a reinforced earth construction Not significant
and oxides of iron
Transport walls,  Reduce wastage by
(which is mixture of glass-forming fluxes. The brick is
Transport using large trucks affects Prefabricated wall accurately estimating brick Disposal
responsible for then fired again, which melts the glaze, and rural roads and may cause noise and panels Never dispose of bricks/blocks in streams,
imparting the red forms a glassy surface on the brick. air pollution. wetlands, coastal areas or agricultural
 Use standard lengths and
color) and optimal wall thicknesses in lands.
aluminum] Engineering brick is used where high Production/Treatment Non-biodegradable, cannot be combusted
design to minimize brick
strength, low porosity, and high frost Brick firing is an energy-intensive waste for energy recovery, can be downcycled
resistance are required. Common brick is process. The brick industry is therefore or put in landfill.
used where appearance is not important, or one of the largest consumers of
where it will be rendered/plastered.] firewood and coal and, hence, is also a Reuse
significant air polluter. Air pollution and Bricks/blocks in sound condition can be
the use of good-quality agricultural soil directly reused for on-site/off-site
are the major environmental concerns construction purposes (e.g. walls), if
related to the use of bricks. Brick kilns damaged can be used for filling or paving.
Embedded Energy/CO2 Footprint
may emit toxic fumes (suspended They can be resold to the community
particulate matter, carbon monoxides, and/or re-used in reconstruction
Embodied energy (MJ/kg): 11.9 - 15.7
and oxides of sulphur—SOX) that are programs. The presence of cement mortar
CO2 footprint (kg/kg): 0.75 – 1.03 harmful to eyes, lungs, and throat. or glues can hinder re-use as they are
Water usage (l/kg): 5.27 - 5.83 unable to be cleaned off.
None Recycle
Safely transport to a construction material
Benefits recycling facility. Can be recycled into
None coarse aggregate, fillers, base, paving
material, or landscaping applications.

Building Material Selection and Use: An Environmental Guide (2nd Edition) 23

Technical Information Management & Alternatives
Item Material Environmental Costs / Impacts /
[special technical remarks] Potential Material Environmental Better Environmental Better Practices
No. [composition] Benefits
Alternatives Practices (Design/Planning) (Storage/Use/Disposal)
B2 Cement blocks Walls Extraction Stabilized earth  Use standardized and good Storage
Requires cement, quarried and mined blocks, Stabilized quality blocks for Refer to B1
[Refer to A6] material (e.g., sand, rock chips, and earth walls, construction
gravel). (see A1, A2, A3, and A4) Straw clay walls,  Use accurate estimates to Use
[None] Bamboo/timber purchase blocks—this will Not significant
Transport reinforced earth minimize wastage
Transport using large trucks affects walls,  Produce concrete blocks Disposal
rural roads and may cause noise and Prefabricated wall on-site Refer to B1
Embedded Energy/CO2 Footprint air pollution. panels  Ensure quality control in
manufacturing and use Reuse
Embodied energy (MJ/kg): 7.75 – 8.60 Production/Treatment standard lengths and Refer to B1
CO2 footprint (kg/kg): 1.08 -1.20 Manufacturing uses power or manually optimal wall thicknesses in
Water usage (l/kg): 35.10 - 38.80 operated pressure moulds. Casting design to minimize brick Recycle
yards can cause dust, noise and silt waste Refer to B1. Apart for landscaping
problems.  Use proper applications.
packaging/loading practices
Toxicity in transporting

 No firewood demand
 Minimal air pollution

Building Material Selection and Use: An Environmental Guide (2nd Edition) 24

Technical Information Management & Alternatives
Item Material Environmental Costs / Impacts /
[special technical remarks] Potential Material Environmental Better Environmental Better Practices
No. [composition] Benefits
Alternatives Practices (Design/Planning) (Storage/Use/Disposal)
B3 Compressed Walls Extraction Stabilized earth  Design the building to Storage
stabilized earth Requires soil with small amounts of walls, match available block Refer to B1
blocks/ sand and cement. Soil extraction can Straw clay walls, dimensions
CSEB cause habitat destruction and Bamboo/timber  Produce CSEB on-site with Use
[not suitable for high-moisture environments landslides and can pollute water reinforced earth proper quality control, this Not significant
[5% cement, 95% or load-bearing walls, unless tested bodies and alter hydrology. walls, will reduce the cost of
mud (compressed specified by a structural engineer] Prefabricated wall transportation and Disposal
into blocks) (by vol)] Transport panels production Refer to B1
Transport using large trucks affects
rural roads and may cause noise and
air pollution.

Manufacturing uses power or manually
operated pressure molds. Casting
yards can cause dust, noise and silt

 No firewood demand
 Minimal air pollution
 Minimal demand for quarried
 Minimal transport requirement

Building Material Selection and Use: An Environmental Guide (2nd Edition) 25

Technical Information Management & Alternatives
Item Material Environmental Costs / Impacts /
[special technical remarks] Potential Material Environmental Better Environmental Better Practices
No. [composition] Benefits
Alternatives Practices (Design/Planning) (Storage/Use/Disposal)
B4 Earth walls Walls Extraction Straw clay walls,  Match available steel or Storage
(stabilized earth, Requires soil with small amounts of Bamboo/timber- wood formwork dimensions Store soil in a dry, enclosed space.
clay-straw, rammed sand and cement. Soil extraction can reinforced earth with the structural
earth, bamboo cause habitat destruction and walls, dimensions of the building Use
reinforced earth) [not suitable for high-moisture environments landslides and pollute water bodies Prefabricated wall  Reduce construction time Use optimum mix proportions and only
or load-bearing walls, unless tested and alter hydrology. panels with proper planning mix in small and adequate batches.
[stabilized earth, specified by a structural engineer]  Use only in areas where
claystraw, rammed Transport earth can be extracted Disposal
earth, bamboo Transport requirement is minimal. without causing hazards or Never dispose of demolished wall material
reinforced earth; environmental impacts in streams, wetlands or coastal areas.
75%-85% soil (40%- Production/Treatment  Use standard lengths and
70% sand, 10%- Fabricating is in-situ using wooden or optimal wall thicknesses Reuse:
20% clay, 30%-60% steel formwork and soil/clay.  Allow for sufficient curing Reuse demolished walls material for on-
gravel), 6%-10% time (4 days) to site/off-site construction.
cement, 9.5% - 11% Toxicity accommodate drying,
water] None shrinkage, and cracking
 No fire wood demand
 No air pollution
 No demand for quarried material
 Minimal transport requirement
 Readily available in tropical
climates, particularly in Sri Lanka*

Building Material Selection and Use: An Environmental Guide (2nd Edition) 26

Technical Information Management & Alternatives
Item Material Environmental Costs / Impacts /
[special technical remarks] Potential Material Environmental Better Environmental Better Practices
No. [composition] Benefits
Alternatives Practices (Design/Planning) (Storage/Use/Disposal)
C. Timber
C1 Forest timber Roof structure, Beams, Columns, Door and Extraction Farmed timber,  Do not over design/over Storage
window frames, Decks, Floor paving, Roof Extraction can cause forest Plywood, specify— where possible, Store timber as close as practicable to
[Cellulose, tiles, Wall panels, Formwork destruction, landslides, land Fiber boards, conduct proper structural your site. Properly store in a covered dry
Hemicellulose, degradation, and habitat destruction Bamboo design for timber buildings place, with proper stack heights. Allow air
Lignin, 12% water] and can increase flood risk. and calculate the timber circulation and support well to avoid
need accordingly sagging. Keep it away from moisture as
[None] Transport  Minimize cutoffs much as possible.
Transport of logs can further damage  Treat timber properly for
forests and rural roads. long term durability Use
 Minimize the use of timber Schedule timber delivery in-line with the
Embedded Energy/CO2 Footprint Production/Treatment for formwork and use phase of the project when it will be
Processing takes place in timber mills. reusable modular formwork required to prevent unnecessary exposure
Embodied energy (MJ/kg): 10.4 -11.6 Mills that are poorly managed cause instead of timber to the elements. Take extra care
solid-waste pollution and noise and air when handling to ensure that products are
CO2 footprint (kg/kg): 0.885 - 0.978 Water
pollution. not spoiled while being moved.
usage (l/kg): 665 - 735 Use protection when handling and cutting
Toxicity chemically treated timber.
Requires treatment for pest control.
Using toxic chemicals for treatment Disposal
causes environmental and health Encourage timber reuse (e.g., door and
hazards. window frames, roof members).
Never dispose of timber in streams,
Benefits wetlands, or coastal areas.
 A renewable resource, if well Chemically treated timber trimmings
managed should be considered a hazardous
material; never use as firewood.
Renewable resource, biodegradable
Downcycle, combust for energy, landfill.

Building Material Selection and Use: An Environmental Guide (2nd Edition) 27

Technical Information Management & Alternatives
Item Material Environmental Costs / Impacts /
[special technical remarks] Potential Material Environmental Better Environmental Better Practices
No. [composition] Benefits
Alternatives Practices (Design/Planning) (Storage/Use/Disposal)
Wood can be reused for a variety of
different purposes, ranging from low-
quality, temporary work like survey pegs
and boxing for concreting, to high-quality,
permanent uses like floor boards, beams,
and other architectural features if the
recovered material is in a suitable
condition. Depending on the type of
disaster, rotting, humidity, or splitting,
presence of nails or screws can affect the
potential for reuse.

Untreated timber off-cuts can be chipped
into mulch and used in landscaping,
animal bedding or used as fuel.
Depending on the context, wood from
construction and demolition waste
competes with forestry and manufacturing
wood waste as an input for industrial
furnaces and boilers, particularly in pulp
and paper mills.

C2 Farmed timber Roof structure, Beams, Columns, Door and Same as C1 Forest timber,  Refer to C1 Refer to C1
window frames, Decks, Floor paving, Roof Plywood,
[Refer to C1] tiles, Wall panels, Formwork Benefits Fiber boards,
 A renewable resource, if well Bamboo
[None] managed
 Minimal impact on natural forests
 Over-extraction can be managed

Refer to C1

Building Material Selection and Use: An Environmental Guide (2nd Edition) 28

Technical Information Management & Alternatives
Item Material Environmental Costs / Impacts /
[special technical remarks] Potential Material Environmental Better Environmental Better Practices
No. [composition] Benefits
Alternatives Practices (Design/Planning) (Storage/Use/Disposal)
C3 Plywood/ Wall panels, Floor panels, Formwork, Extraction Engineered  Refer to C1 Storage
laminated panels, Partition walls, Insulation Extraction can cause forest bamboo (Woven  Design to use standard Refer to C1
Chip boards, Fiber destruction, landslides, land bamboo panels, panel sizes (minimize
boards degradation, and habitat destruction laminated trimming) Use
and can increase flood risk. bamboo, bamboo Refer to C1
[Cellulose/Hemicellu [only suitable for temporary use in external scrimber)
lose/Lignin/ 12% work. Transport Disposal
water/ adhesive] Transport of logs can further damage Refer to C1
Properties depend on moisture content. forests and rural roads. Downcycle, combust for energy, landfill,
Plywood is made from multiple layers of thin Production/Treatment Cannot be recycled.
Manufacturing uses timber mill by-
solid wood glued together to form a panel of
products or farmed soft wood and
a specific thickness. The plies are oriented chemical binders. It takes place in
so that the grain direction in one ply is large factories with energy-intensive
rotated 90° relative to adjacent plies. This processes. Processing results in air
enhances both the strength and dimensional pollution.
stability of the plywood. Plywood over (see C1)
10mm thick is almost equal in strength in
both directions as opposed to solid wood.] Using binding material and treatment
chemicals in manufacturing can cause
environmental and health hazards.
Embedded Energy/CO2 Footprint Benefits
 Minimal impact on natural forests
Embodied energy (MJ/kg): 34.5 -38.0
 Uses timber mill by-products
CO2 footprint (kg/kg): 2.23 – 2.45  Ability to be pre-formed into
Water usage (l/kg): 665 - 735 efficient sizes and thicknesses

Building Material Selection and Use: An Environmental Guide (2nd Edition) 29

Technical Information Management & Alternatives
Item Material Environmental Costs / Impacts /
[special technical remarks] Potential Material Environmental Better Environmental Better Practices
No. [composition] Benefits
Alternatives Practices (Design/Planning) (Storage/Use/Disposal)
C4 Bamboo Roof structure, Woven wall panels, Extraction Timber  Use only when sustainable Storage
partitioning, Concrete reinforcement Extracted from natural or farmed harvesting is possible Ensure storage in a good place, with
[Refer to C1] bamboo groves. Unmanaged  Have a harvesting plan proper stack heights. Allow air circulation.
extraction may cause habitat  Encourage reuse in Support well to avoid sagging
destruction, riverbank degradation formwork
[Properties depend strongly on moisture  Treat for long term Use
content, needs protective coating to protect Production/Treatment/Toxicity durability and procure Refer to C1
Usually used directly without any value-added products from
from moisture and attack from insects and
processing. However, bamboo can be local industries (use natural Disposal
termites (Borax coating, resins, adhesives)] processed into high-quality products Renewable resource, biodegradable
seasoning or non-toxic
such as panels and mats. Some certified treatment Downcycle, combust for energy, landfill
Embedded Energy/CO2 Footprint products require energy intensive chemicals. Borax or boric
factory processes. These processes acid treatment is common, Recycle: Other uses include compost or
Embodied energy (MJ/kg): 21.7 - 24.0 may cause air and water pollution if not chip. Dry and use as fuel.
though should be carried
CO2 footprint (kg/kg): 1.63 -1. 80 properly managed. out with care and training,
Water usage (l/kg): 6.65 - 7.50 as both chemicals have
Benefits proven health hazards).
 Fast growing and renewable
(fastest growing woody plant).
 Minimum impact on natural
forests, unless forests are
removed to plant bamboo.
 Supports indigenous livelihoods
and knowledge. Can be a
substitute for slower growing
timber. Bamboo stabilizes the
earth with its roots, preventing
erosion. Regrows from shoots; no
need for replanting
 Rapidly renewable. Mechanical
properties similar to timber
 Sustainable
 Cost effective

Building Material Selection and Use: An Environmental Guide (2nd Edition) 30

Technical Information Management & Alternatives
Item Material Environmental Costs / Impacts /
[special technical remarks] Potential Material Environmental Better Environmental Better Practices
No. [composition] Benefits
Alternatives Practices (Design/Planning) (Storage/Use/Disposal)
C5 Bamboo scrimber Roof structure, Woven wall panels, Extraction Timber, raw Refer to C4 Storage
(bamboo fiber partitioning, Formwork props, Scaffolding Refer to C4 bamboo Refer to C4
based, composite
manufactured Production/Treatment/Toxicity Use
timber) Might require energy intensive factory Refer to C1
[None] processes to make the scrimber
[Bamboo + phenol strong. These processes may cause Disposal
formaldehyde resin] air and water pollution if not properly Renewable resource, not biodegradable.
managed. Combustion for energy is not
Embedded Energy/CO2 Footprint Formaldehyde resins used in recommended. Carefully dispose in a
manufacture is identified as potential sanitary landfill.
Embodied energy (MJ/kg): 21.7 – 12.3 human carcinogen. Therefore, long
CO2 footprint (kg/kg): 1.63 – 1.80 term exposure to dust or inhalation of
fumes while burning this material can
Water usage (l/kg): 6.65 - 7.50
be hazardous.

 Less moisture content than
bamboo, highly moisture resistant
 Much more resistant to termites,
mold attacks, adverse climate
 Comparable mechanical
properties to timber and bamboo
 Higher flexural strength than other
natural composites

Building Material Selection and Use: An Environmental Guide (2nd Edition) 31

Technical Information Management & Alternatives
Item Material Environmental Costs / Impacts /
[special technical remarks] Potential Material Environmental Better Environmental Better Practices
No. [composition] Benefits
Alternatives Practices (Design/Planning) (Storage/Use/Disposal)
C6 Laminated bamboo Roof structure, Woven wall panels, Extraction Timber, Raw Refer to C4 Storage
Partitioning, Formwork props, Scaffolding Refer to C4 bamboo Refer to C4
[Bamboo + resin +
polyurethane Production/Treatment/Toxicity Use
adhesive] Refer to C5 Refer to C1
[None] No direct toxicity risk, unless the
product contains formaldehyde resins Disposal
or other hazardous chemicals (check Renewable resource, slow
product information) biodegradation. Combustion for energy
Embedded Energy/CO2 Footprint should be done only after checking the
Benefits material details and safety data sheets,
Refer to C5 otherwise landfill.
Embodied energy (MJ/kg): 21.7 - 24.0
CO2 footprint (kg/kg): 1.63 - 1.80
Water usage (l/kg): 6.65 - 7.50

Building Material Selection and Use: An Environmental Guide (2nd Edition) 32

Technical Information Management & Alternatives
Item Material Environmental Costs / Impacts /
[special technical remarks] Potential Material Environmental Better Environmental Better Practices
No. [composition] Benefits
Alternatives Practices (Design/Planning) (Storage/Use/Disposal)
D. Roofing Material
D1 Asbestos Roofing sheets (mixed with cement), floor, Extraction PVA and cellulose  Do not recommend for any Storage
(chrysotile) thermal insulation, water pipes (mixed with Requires conventional mining fiber-cement, new construction Do not receive, store, distribute, or
cement), asbestos artex practices to bring underground Polypropylene and  Do not recommend for any dispatch asbestos products from any
[Asbestiform asbestos deposits and ore to the cellulose fiber- new construction place of work unless they are suitably
varieties of mineral surface. cement, Bamboo  Identify the areas using it sealed and labeled.
silicates belonging fiber-cement and assess the risks,
to the serpentine or [Banned in many countries due to its health Production/Treatment (Taiheyo cement), ensure people are aware of Use
amphibole groups of Involves complicated processes that Clay roofing tiles, the risks and handling Strictly follow health and safety guidelines
rock forming include mining and separating. Galvanized iron practices in removal.
Hazardous asbestos waste can be
roofing (zinc-  Minimize risk of using
Mg3(Si2O5)(OH)4, Toxicity coated steel), asbestos containing Disposal
Chrysotile accounts generated by a disaster and during search Extremely hazardous to human health. Clay roof tiles, Strictly follow health and safety guidelines
materials, and minimize
for 90% of the and rescue operations, clean-up operations, Thatching human contact in all ways. in removal and disposal, as it is an
asbestos that is demolition, and transitional settlement and Benefits material, Air-borne asbestos fibers extremely hazardous material.
mined and used reconstruction activities. None Aluminum sheets, are the main problem Avoid recycle and reuse in any form.
most commonly.] Plastic roofing  Asbestos containing waste Minimize disturbance of asbestos
All forms of asbestos are considered to be sheets, CGI needs to be labeled containing materials
carcinogenic by IARC. Chysotile is less sheets properly and stored Minimize interaction with asbestos
carconogenic in comparison to other forms. securely containing materials
Alternatives to  In case of a disaster, Never burn, as that will release the fibers
Chrysotile has been investigated as a asbestos-cement into the air
tumorigenic and mutagenic effector. It can trained personnel should
pipes: Cast iron handle the asbestos The materials should be kept wet while
enter the body through inhalation, ingestion, and ductile iron disposal as that reduces the risk of
containing waste. Public
and skin. Fibers are loose and easily pipe; High-density awareness is important airborne fibers
released into the air. Breathing these fibers polyethylene Asbestos waste needs to be kept
can cause severe lung issues. Asbestosis is (HDPE); polyvinyl separate from other wastes and treated
chloride (PVC) Break the cycle: avoid using new
the most common disease caused by
pipe, Pre-stressed asbestos-containing materials in
asbestos. (metal reinforced) transitional settlement and reconstruction
concrete pipe; programs.
Clay pipe

Building Material Selection and Use: An Environmental Guide (2nd Edition) 33

Technical Information Management & Alternatives
Item Material Environmental Costs / Impacts /
[special technical remarks] Potential Material Environmental Better Environmental Better Practices
No. [composition] Benefits
Alternatives Practices (Design/Planning) (Storage/Use/Disposal)
Lung cancer and mesothelioma. Dangerous 
to use because of potential degradation/
damage which will release the fibers into the
air. Respirable fiber level of 0.1 fibers/ml of
air can be hazardous. Respirable asbestos
means an asbestos fiber that is less than 3
micronmeters (µm) wide, more than 5
micronmeters (µm) long, and has a length to
width ratio of more than 3:1.]

Embedded Energy/CO2 Footprint

Embodied energy (MJ/kg): 0.51 - 0.56

CO2 footprint (kg/kg): 0.0268 - 0.0295
Water usage (l/kg): 37.7 - 41.7

Building Material Selection and Use: An Environmental Guide (2nd Edition) 34

Technical Information Management & Alternatives
Item Material Environmental Costs / Impacts /
[special technical remarks] Potential Material Environmental Better Environmental Better Practices
No. [composition] Benefits
Alternatives Practices (Design/Planning) (Storage/Use/Disposal)
D2 Clay roof tiles Roof sheltering Extraction Plastic/fiber glass  Minimize use in areas with Storage
Requires clay, and clay mining causes roofing sheets, widespread clay mining Store in a dry place in suitable stack
[63% Al2O3 habitat destruction, fouling of water Thatching material impacts heights and use proper packaging and
(alumina), 36.7% bodies, and alters hydrology.  Minimize roof area in loading/ unloading in transport.
SiO2 (silica), <1% [provide high level of thermal comfort] design
Fe2O3, K2O, MgO] Transport  Encourage reuse from old Use
Transport of clay from pits can damage buildings Handle carefully. Broken tiles leads to
rural roads.  Procure proper estimates to wastage and may cause injuries.
Embedded Energy/CO2 Footprint minimize wastage
Production/Treatment Disposal
Embodied energy (MJ/kg): 13 - 14.4 Manufacturing uses wood-fired kilns, Refer to B1
CO2 footprint (kg/kg): 1.82 - 2.01 but the process is more managed than Can be downcycled or landfilled.
Water usage (l/kg): 5.27 - 5.83 brick-making. Kilns can cause severe Not biodegradable, not recyclable, cannot
air pollution due to improper quality be combusted for energy recovery.



Building Material Selection and Use: An Environmental Guide (2nd Edition) 35

Technical Information Management & Alternatives
Item Material Environmental Costs / Impacts /
[special technical remarks] Potential Material Environmental Better Environmental Better Practices
No. [composition] Benefits
Alternatives Practices (Design/Planning) (Storage/Use/Disposal)
D3 Corrugated Roof sheltering, Wall panels Extraction Clay roof tiles,  Use optimum design Storage
Galvanized Iron Manufacturing process requires large Aluminum sheets, calculations to minimize cut Store in a dry place in suitable stack
(CGI) sheets quantities of steel, zinc, and other Plastic/reinforced wastes heights and use proper packaging and
metals. May contribute to mining plastic roofing  Use certified products and loading/unloading procedures in transport.
[Corrugated Iron [low thermal comfort, low durability in impacts. sheets, avoid using in corrosive
sheets coated with corrosive environments, use for wall panels Thatching material environments Use
zinc] suitable only in temporary installations] Transport  Avoid contact with ground Not significant
Not significant or high levels of moisture if
using for wall panels Disposal
Production/Treatment  Encourage reuse of un- Never dispose of CGI in the environment;
Embedded Energy/CO2 Footprint Manufacturing takes place in large- corroded sheets from old it can be easily sold as scrap metal.
scale factories, using energy-intensive buildings
Embodied energy (MJ/kg): 40.9 – 45.1 processes. Factories can cause severe  Use standard sizes
air and water pollution if poorly  If used for roofing, high
CO2 footprint (kg/kg): 3.08 - 3.39
managed. Manufacturing processes noise will be produced
Water usage (l/kg): 56.30 - 62.20 may release toxic heavy metals. during rainfall, and
insulators will be needed
Toxicity  Avoid using in extreme
None temperatures, else use
insulators along with it

Building Material Selection and Use: An Environmental Guide (2nd Edition) 36

Technical Information Management & Alternatives
Item Material Environmental Costs / Impacts /
[special technical remarks] Potential Material Environmental Better Environmental Better Practices
No. [composition] Benefits
Alternatives Practices (Design/Planning) (Storage/Use/Disposal)
D4 Thatching material Roof sheltering Extraction Clay roof tiles  Use local knowledge where Storage
Natural or farmed vegetation (e.g., possible Store in a dry place in suitable stack
[Straw, coconut, palm leaves, reed, grasses) is used in  Use basic building designs heights and order at correct time to avoid
reeds. Grasses. harvesting. Without proper  Use local knowledge where wastage.
seaweed] [low durability, only usable in certain types management, it may have impacts on possible
of roof designs. If placed well, has high forests and natural vegetation.  Use basic building designs Use
durability, is lightweight, and thus lesser  Support local livelihoods Use local thatching material that can be
Transport and industries obtained without environmental damage.
amount of wood is needed to support it.
Not significant  Consider fire risk in
Risk of fire, labor intensive, hence more Disposal
expensive to thatch a roof than to cover it planning and design since
Production/Treatment thatch is combustible If thatching is not chemically treated, it is
with tiles. Very common in UK.] Households or small-scale industries biodegradable. However, avoid disposing
process material. Material needs of large quantities in streams, estuaries
seasoning and may cause water and coastal areas.
pollution if not properly managed.
Embedded Energy/CO2 Footprint Reuse
Toxicity The type and quality of thatching material
Embodied energy (MJ/kg): straw: 0.24 None can vary. It is prone to decay in damp
CO2 footprint (kg/kg): straw: 0.01 conditions and can be ruined by vermin.
Water usage (l/kg): 670 - 730 Benefits Thatched roofs are also very flammable.
 No firewood or energy requirement
 Can support indigenous livelihoods Recycle
and knowledge In decommissioning shelter/buildings,
 No requirement for quarried thatching can be composted or spread on
material or clay the ground or ploughed into the soil and
left to decompose naturally – provided it is
not chemically treated.

Building Material Selection and Use: An Environmental Guide (2nd Edition) 37

Technical Information Management & Alternatives
Item Material Environmental Costs / Impacts /
[special technical remarks] Potential Material Environmental Better Environmental Better Practices
No. [composition] Benefits
Alternatives Practices (Design/Planning) (Storage/Use/Disposal)
D5 AluminumAluminum Roof sheltering, Wall panels, Window and Extraction CGI sheets, Tin  Refer to D3 Storage
sheets (3000 and door frames Manufacturing process requires large sheets,  Corrosion resistance makes Refer to D3
5000 series) quantities of aluminum and other Plastic/fiber- aluminum sheets more
metals. May contribute to mining reinforced plastic environmentally appropriate Use
[Al+Mn,Mg, Cu, Si, impacts. roofing sheets, in corrosive environments Not significant
Fe/Zn] [use for wall panels suitable only in Clay tiles,
temporary installations Transport Thatching material Disposal
Transport can damage rural roads. Refer to D3
Can be easily recycled or downcycled,
Production/Treatment non-biodegradable. Aluminum is not a
Aluminum is lightweight but a strong metal Manufacturing takes place in large- renewable resource. Non-reusable portion
scale factories using energy-intensive can be disposed in a landfill.
which is not prone to corrosion, non-toxic,
processes. Factories can cause severe
durable, and can be shaped as desired. air and water pollution if poorly
Much more durable than CGI sheets, but
more expensive.] Toxicity

Embedded Energy/CO2 Footprint None

Embodied energy (MJ/kg): 200 - 221

CO2 footprint (kg/kg): 12.5 - 13.8
Water usage (l/kg): 1140 - 1260

Building Material Selection and Use: An Environmental Guide (2nd Edition) 38

Technical Information Management & Alternatives
Item Material Environmental Costs / Impacts /
[special technical remarks] Potential Material Environmental Better Environmental Better Practices
No. [composition] Benefits
Alternatives Practices (Design/Planning) (Storage/Use/Disposal)
D6 Fiber-reinforced Roof tiles, Window and door frames, Extraction Plastic sheets,  Encourage the use of Storage
plastic (FRP) Flooring, Wall panels None Thatching material natural fibers (e.g., coir) in Store in proper sized stacks: raised from
fiber reinforced plastic ground and in ways that would not sag.
[PVC-80%, glass Transport sheets Can be combustible, store away from
fiber (short fiber Transport can damage rural roads.  Design to optimum criteria direct flames.
(<5mm))- 20% (by [use for wall panels suitable only in to minimize wastage
weight)] temporary installations] Production/Treatment  Also refer to D3 Use
Manufacturing takes place in medium- Use protection when cutting the sheets as
to large-scale factories using energy- dust and fumes may cause health
intensive processes. Factories can hazards.
Embedded Energy/CO2 Footprint cause severe air and water pollution if
poorly managed. Disposal
Embodied energy (MJ/kg): 56.2 - 62 Never dispose of in the environment; only
Toxicity dispose of in a sanitary landfill.
CO2 footprint (kg/kg): 2.79 - 3.08
No toxicity in use, but can emit Never burn plastic sheets. High
Water usage (l/kg): 214 - 236 hazardous fumes if burnt. temperature incineration under expert
supervision is possible as a last resort.
Benefits Encourage reuse of material.
Reduce environmental damage by Non-biodegradable, cannot be recycled.
using natural fibers and safe petroleum Can be put in landfill, combusted for
byproducts in manufacturing. energy, or downcycled.

Building Material Selection and Use: An Environmental Guide (2nd Edition) 39

Technical Information Management & Alternatives
Item Material Environmental Costs / Impacts /
[special technical remarks] Potential Material Environmental Better Environmental Better Practices
No. [composition] Benefits
Alternatives Practices (Design/Planning) (Storage/Use/Disposal)
D7 Plastic sheets Roof sheltering, Wall panels Extraction Thatching  Design to optimum criteria Storage
(Polyethylene) Crude oil is the main raw material used material, Cement to minimize wastage Store in a covered place, away from direct
for production. Large scale fiber sheets,  Use optimum design sunlight or rain. Stack in an easily
[(-CH2-CH2-)n] environmental issues are caused by Plywood calculations to minimize cut retrievable way to reduce tearing and
[use for wall panels suitable only in the petroleum industry. wastes damage.
temporary installations]  Use certified products and Highly combustible, store safe from all fire
Transport avoid using in corrosive hazards.
Not significant environments
 Avoid exposure to direct Use
Embedded Energy/CO2 Footprint Production/Treatment sunlight where possible Use carefully to reduce damage and
Manufacturing takes place in medium-  Encourage reuse of wastage. Don’t expose to flames. Use
Embodied energy (MJ/kg): 82.0 – 90.4 to large-scale factories using energy- undamaged sheets from old personal protection when cutting large
CO2 footprint (kg/kg): 2.21 – 2.44 intensive processes. Factories can buildings scale; dust and fumes may cause health
cause severe air and water pollution if hazards.
Water usage (l/kg): 61.2 – 68.4
poorly managed.
Toxicity Never dispose of in the environment; only
No toxicity in use, but can emit dispose of in a sanitary landfill. Encourage
hazardous fumes if burnt. reuse of material.
Never burn plastic sheets. High
Benefits temperature incineration under expert
None supervision is possible as a last resort.
Polyethylene is easily recyclable if not
coated with other materials
Can be incinerated to recover energy

Building Material Selection and Use: An Environmental Guide (2nd Edition) 40

Technical Information Management & Alternatives
Item Material Environmental Costs / Impacts /
[special technical remarks] Potential Material Environmental Better Environmental Better Practices
No. [composition] Benefits
Alternatives Practices (Design/Planning) (Storage/Use/Disposal)
D8 Plastic sheets (PVC) Roof sheltering, Wall panels Extraction Thatching Refer to D7 Storage
Refer to D7 material, Cement Refer to D3
[Refer to C7] fiber sheets,
Transport Plywood Use
[use for wall panels suitable only in Refer to D7 Refer to D6
temporary installations]
Production/Treatment Disposal
Refer to D7 Refer to D7

Embedded Energy/CO2 Footprint Toxicity

Refer to D7
Embodied energy (MJ/kg): 85.0 – 93.9
CO2 footprint (kg/kg): 4.59 – 8.05 Benefits
Water usage (l/kg): 197 - 218

D9 Galvanized steel Roofing, Wall panels Extraction Aluminum sheets, Refer to D3 Storage
Refer to D3 tin sheets Store in a dry place in suitable stack
[Fe (base material), heights and use proper packaging and
Mn, C, Si, P, coated Transport loading/unloading procedures in transport.
with Zn] [None] Refer to D3
Production/Treatment Not significant
Refer to D3
Embedded Energy/CO2 Footprint Disposal
Toxicity Never dispose in the environment; it can
Embodied energy (MJ/kg): 38.1 - 42.0 None be easily sold as scrap metal.
CO2 footprint (kg/kg): 2.87 - 3.16
Water usage (l/kg): 56.3 - 62.2 Benefits

Building Material Selection and Use: An Environmental Guide (2nd Edition) 41

Technical Information Management & Alternatives
Item Material Environmental Costs / Impacts /
[special technical remarks] Potential Material Environmental Better Environmental Better Practices
No. [composition] Benefits
Alternatives Practices (Design/Planning) (Storage/Use/Disposal)
D10 Stone (slate) Roofing (slate tiles) Extraction Clay tiles, Refer A3 Storage
Refer to A3 Reinforced Refer to A1
[63% CaO, 21% cement sheets,
SiO2, 6% Al2O3 + Transport Reinforced plastic Use
additions] Embedded Energy/CO2 Footprint Refer to A3 sheets, Refer to A1
Embodied energy (MJ/kg): 11.0 - 12.2 Production/Treatment Galvanized Iron Disposal
CO2 footprint (kg/kg): 0.81 - 0.09 Refer to A3 sheets Refer to A1
Water usage (l/kg): 3.23 - 3.57


E. Finishing Materials
E1 Ceramic tiles Floor tiling, Wall tiling Extraction Terracotta tiles,  Use optimal design (use Storage
Requires clay, and clay mining causes Cement tiles, only where necessary, limit Requires proper transport and handling.
[63% Alumina, 37% habitat destruction, pollutes water Vinyl tiles, aesthetic use) Store in safe, dry place in proper stack
Silica, <1% of ferric bodies, alters hydrology. Polymer  Use standard sizes and heights.
oxide, potassium [None] composite tiles shapes to minimize cut-offs
oxide, magnesia] Transport Use
Transport can damage rural roads. Use protection when cutting.

Embedded Energy/CO2 Footprint Production/Treatment Disposal

Manufacturing takes place in large Refer to B1
industrial kilns. It is highly energy Non-biodegradable, downcycle, landfill.
Embodied energy (MJ/kg): 14.6 - 15.1 intensive, and if not properly managed, Reuse if in undamaged condition.
CO2 footprint (kg/kg): 1.84 - 2.10 factories can cause air and water
pollution. Recycle: Recovered tiles can be crushed
Water usage (l/kg): 12.0 - 13.2
and used as aggregate, landscaping, or
Toxicity infill purposes.
Glazing may use toxic compounds.


Building Material Selection and Use: An Environmental Guide (2nd Edition) 42

Technical Information Management & Alternatives
Item Material Environmental Costs / Impacts /
[special technical remarks] Potential Material Environmental Better Environmental Better Practices
No. [composition] Benefits
Alternatives Practices (Design/Planning) (Storage/Use/Disposal)
E2 Parquet Floor paving Extraction Ceramic tiles,  Limit foot traffic on finished Refer to C1 and C3
Manufacturing uses timber. (see C1) Terracotta tiles, wood flooring
[Timber] [None] Cement tiles,  Complete wood flooring
Transport Vinyl tiles, toward the end of the
See C1 Polymer construction project
composite tiles  Use optimal design (use
Embedded Energy/CO2 Footprint Production/Treatment only where necessary, limit
See C1 aesthetic use)
Embodied energy (MJ/kg): 45.8 - 107  Use standard sizes and
CO2 footprint (kg/kg): 4.4 - 7.1 Toxicity shapes to minimize
Water usage (l/kg): See C1 trimmings and cut-offs


E3 Lime mortar/ Plastering Filler, Paint Extraction Cement mortar,  Do not use lime made from Refer to A4
Lime putty Manufacturing uses limestone or coral. Chemical fillers coral or illegally mined
Coral extraction causes serious limestone
[Lime, water, sand environmental damage. Mining small  Minimize the use of lime
(fine aggregate)] [None] outcrops of limestone may also have from small-scale producers
significant environmental impacts. with wood-fired kilns
 Mix only required amounts
Transport to minimize waste
Embedded Energy/CO2 Footprint Transport can damage rural roads.  Use prefabricated concrete
items and standard sized
Embodied energy (MJ/kg): 732 Production/Treatment bricks or blocks to minimise
CO2 footprint (kg/kg): 0.15 - 0.23 Requires kilning to produce usable the lime mortar and plaster
Water usage (l/kg): non-hydraulic or hydraulic lime. The requirement
kilning process (especially small-scale)
causes air pollution.



Building Material Selection and Use: An Environmental Guide (2nd Edition) 43

Technical Information Management & Alternatives
Item Material Environmental Costs / Impacts /
[special technical remarks] Potential Material Environmental Better Environmental Better Practices
No. [composition] Benefits
Alternatives Practices (Design/Planning) (Storage/Use/Disposal)
E4 Chemical fillers Filler Extraction None  Refer to the Material Safety Storage
[pulverized glass, Requires mined and quarried material. Data Sheets before design Store the properly closed containers
limestone powder, See A3 or purchase (airtight) in safe places.
recycled plastics/  Avoid toxic fillers unless
rubbers] [None] Transport absolutely necessary and Use
See A3 educate the craftsperson Finish the walls smoothly before
about safe use and disposal application and apply in optimum
Production/Treatment  Do not over-specify thicknesses (do not over-specify).
Embedded Energy/CO2 Footprint Manufacturing takes place in large- Mix only required amounts to minimize
scale factories and can cause air and waste.
Embodied energy (MJ/kg): water pollution if not properly Strictly follow Health and Safety
CO2 footprint (kg/kg): managed. guidelines when working with chemical
Water usage (l/kg): fillers.
Production may use toxic compounds Disposal
that can cause environmental and Never dispose of hardened filler or their
health hazards. containers in the environment. Instead,
dispose of them in a sanitary or
Benefits hazardous waste disposal facility (for toxic
Reduce the demand for lime produced fillers).
in harmful small-scale industries

Building Material Selection and Use: An Environmental Guide (2nd Edition) 44

Technical Information Management & Alternatives
Item Material Environmental Costs / Impacts /
[special technical remarks] Potential Material Environmental Better Environmental Better Practices
No. [composition] Benefits
Alternatives Practices (Design/Planning) (Storage/Use/Disposal)
E5 General emulsion or Painting Extraction Natural pigments  Refer to the Material Safety Storage
latex paint Requires a variety of base chemicals Data Sheets before design Store the properly closed containers
in addition to mined and quarried or purchase (airtight) in safe places.
[water-borne material.  Avoid toxic paints unless
dispersion of sub- [None] necessary, and educate the Use
micrometer polymer Transport craftsperson about safe use Use protection when mixing and applying
particles] Transport can damage rural roads. and disposal paints.
 Specify only the required
Embedded Energy/CO2 Footprint Production/Treatment number of coats of paint Disposal
Manufacturing takes place in large-  Limit the use of solvents Never dispose of hardened fillers or their
Embodied energy (MJ/kg): 68.0 scale factories and can cause air and and educate the containers in the environment; instead
CO2 footprint (kg/kg): 3.56 water pollution if not properly craftsperson about safe use dispose of them in a sanitary or
managed. and disposal of solvents hazardous waste disposal facility (for toxic
paints or solvents).
Enamel paint uses solvents. Some
solvents may be harmful to human
health and the environment.


Building Material Selection and Use: An Environmental Guide (2nd Edition) 45

Technical Information Management & Alternatives
Item Material Environmental Costs / Impacts /
[special technical remarks] Potential Material Environmental Better Environmental Better Practices
No. [composition] Benefits
Alternatives Practices (Design/Planning) (Storage/Use/Disposal)
E6 Epoxy paints/oil- Painting, Extraction None  Use certified products only Storage
based enamel Requires a variety of base chemicals  Use only where it is Store the properly closed containers
paints/solvent-based Metal protection (as adhesives) in addition to mined and quarried absolutely necessary and (airtight), in a safe, secured place—away
paints/strong material. avoid if possible from fire and flooding hazards.
adhesives/paint  Specify only if essential for
remover Transport the strength or durability of Use
[generally expensive and used only for Transport can damage rural roads. the building—not for ease Should be handled only by trained crafts
specific purposes] of construction persons, using
Production/Treatment  Refer to E5 protective equipment and strictly following
Manufacturing takes place in large- Health and Safety Executive (HSE)
scale factories that can cause air and guidelines in mixing and use.
water pollution if not properly
managed. Production processes of Disposal
some of these chemicals may be Treat strictly as hazardous waste in
extremely damaging to the disposal of excess material and
environment and human health. containers.

May release heavy metals and harmful
organic compounds into the


Building Material Selection and Use: An Environmental Guide (2nd Edition) 46

Technical Information Management & Alternatives
Item Material Environmental Costs / Impacts /
[special technical remarks] Potential Material Environmental Better Environmental Better Practices
No. [composition] Benefits
Alternatives Practices (Design/Planning) (Storage/Use/Disposal)
E7 Termite treatment Chemical treatment to eradicate termites Extraction Use of ground  Only use certified products Storage
chemicals (applied to soil around the perimeter and the Requires a variety of chemicals. electrocution  Try to use integrated pest Store the properly closed chemical
subfloor of a building) Integrated pest management methods to containers (airtight), in a safe, secured
Transport management get rid of pests place—away from fire and flooding
Transport can damage rural roads. hazards.

Production/Treatment Use
Large-scale factories produce. Only use in specified dosages and with
trained and certified persons.
Toxicity Use protective equipment and strictly
Production process may release heavy follow Health and Safety guidelines in
metals and toxic organic compounds mixing and use.
into the environment. Industrial
accidents may cause serious hazards Disposal
to humans and the environment. Treat strictly as hazardous waste in
disposal of excess material and
Benefits containers.

E8 Glass Window panes Extraction Plastic  Use standard sizes and Storage
Requires quarried and mined material polycarbonate minimize trimming Transport, handle, and store with care in
[73% SiO2, Al2O3, in production.  Use only the required proper stack height to avoid breakage and
Na2O, MgO, CaO] thickness; however, thin waste. Glass can be hazardous to
[Glass is a fully recyclable material and is Transport plate glass is susceptible to children.
chemically inert] Transport can damage rural roads. easy breaking and waste of
material Use
Production/Treatment Handle carefully, using proper equipment;
Results in mass combustion of fossil broken glass can cause serious injury.
Embedded Energy/CO2 Footprint fuel. Emits sulphur dioxide (SO2), and
if unmanaged, it may cause water Disposal
Embodied energy (MJ/kg): 17.8 – 20.6 pollution. Glass can be easily sold for recycling, and
CO2 footprint (kg/kg): 1.35 – 1.56 it should never be disposed of in the
Toxicity environment.
Water usage (l/kg): 1.54 (Dai, 2015)
None Recycle, downcycle, landfill. Non-
renewable, non-biodegradable, not
Benefits combusted for energy recovery.

Building Material Selection and Use: An Environmental Guide (2nd Edition) 47

Technical Information Management & Alternatives
Item Material Environmental Costs / Impacts /
[special technical remarks] Potential Material Environmental Better Environmental Better Practices
No. [composition] Benefits
Alternatives Practices (Design/Planning) (Storage/Use/Disposal)
E9 Tarpaulin sheets Shelter material and wall panels (in Extraction Waterproof Refer to D7 (Tarpaulin sheets Refer to D7
temporary structures), Weather proofing Tarpaulin sheets are layered sheets canvas, Thatching have a higher durability in
[polyester] building sites that sandwich a polyester woven fabric material outdoor uses than single film
base between plastic films. Refer to plastic sheets)
[None] D7

Embedded Energy/CO2 Footprint Transport

Refer to D7
Embodied energy (MJ/kg): 82.5 – 92.7
CO2 footprint (kg/kg): 4.387 - 5.225
Refer to D7
Water usage (l/kg):
Refer to D7


F. Insulation Material
F1 Polystyrene foam/ Insulation Extraction Natural fiber  Non-biodegradable, hence Refer to D7
expanded Polystyrene foam is made out of the insulation, glass, plan how much amount is
polystyrene [None] common plastic polystyrene. Refer to or rock wool needed and don't overuse
D7  Avoid using poor quality
[Polystyrene foam Embedded Energy/CO2 Footprint products
closed cell (0.025 Transport
specific gravity)] Embodied energy (MJ/kg): 116 - 128 Refer to D7
CO2 footprint (kg/kg): 5.61 - 6.20
Water usage (l/kg): 433 - 479 Production/Treatment
Refer to D7

Refer to D7


Building Material Selection and Use: An Environmental Guide (2nd Edition) 48

Technical Information Management & Alternatives
Item Material Environmental Costs / Impacts /
[special technical remarks] Potential Material Environmental Better Environmental Better Practices
No. [composition] Benefits
Alternatives Practices (Design/Planning) (Storage/Use/Disposal)
F2 Gypsum board Wall partition, Fire protection, Repair and Extraction Cement plaster,  Use standard sizes Storage
finishing material Extraction can cause forest plasterboard  Can even be installed by Refer to C3
[calcium sulfate destruction, landslides, land amateur carpenters
dihydrate (gypsum) degradation, and habitat destruction  Much faster process than Use
with or without and can increase flood risk. plastering walls Refer to C3
additives and [Easier to install and cheaper than plaster] Cutting or breaking of gypsum board
normally pressed Transport release fine particulate matter. Cutting or
between a facer and Transport can damage rural roads. breaking should be minimised and done
a backer] off-site if possible.
Embedded Energy/CO2 Footprint Production/Treatment
Processing takes place in timber mills. Disposal
Embodied energy (MJ/kg): 10.4 – 11.6 Mills that are poorly managed cause
CO2 footprint (kg/kg): 0.88 - 0.98 solid-waste pollution, and noise and air Plasterboard is likely to be damaged
pollution. during a disaster and therefore unsuitable
Water usage (l/kg): 665 - 735
for reuse.
Requires treatment for pest control. Can be disposed in an engineered landfill.
Using toxic chemicals for treatment
causes environmental and health Recycle: Gypsum makes up
hazards. approximately 90% of the weight of a
piece of plasterboard. Gypsum can be
Benefits recovered and used :
None  in the manufacture of new drywall
 as an ingredient in the production of
 for application to soils and crops to
improve soil drainage and plant
 an ingredient in the production of
fertilizer products
 an additive to composting operations.
However, this is unlikely in most
emergency responses

Building Material Selection and Use: An Environmental Guide (2nd Edition) 49

Technical Information Management & Alternatives
Item Material Environmental Costs / Impacts /
[special technical remarks] Potential Material Environmental Better Environmental Better Practices
No. [composition] Benefits
Alternatives Practices (Design/Planning) (Storage/Use/Disposal)
F3 Low strength glass Insulation fiber Extraction Polystyrene foam,  Safety practices are Use
fiber Manufactured using glass. Refer to E8 Natural fiber required. The Materials Should never be left exposed in an
[The legal permissible exposure limit has insulation, Rock Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) occupied area. Avoid unnecessary
[59.5% SiO2, 5% been set to 15 mg/m3 and 5 mg/m3 in Transport wool should be consulted contact with dusts and fibers by using
Al2O3, 7% B2O3, respiratory exposure over an 8 hour Refer to E8 Personal Protection and good local
14.5% Na2O, 8% exhaust ventilation.
workday by occupational Safety and Health
TiO2, 4% ZrO2] Production/Treatment
Administration (OSHA)] Refer to E8 Disposal
Landfill, downcycle, non-biodegradable.
Embedded Energy/CO2 Footprint Toxicity Cannot be recycled. Cannot be
Refer to E8 combusted for energy.
Embodied energy (MJ/kg): 25.7 - 28.3
CO2 footprint (kg/kg): 0.831 - 0.917 Benefits
Water usage (l/kg): 43.7 - 48.3 None

F4 Fiberboard Insulating formboard, Roof insulating board, Extraction Engineered Refer to C3 Refer to C3
Sound insulation Manufactured using bamboo (Woven
[Different from cellulose/hemicellulos fibers. Refer to bamboo panels,
plywood as that is [Refer to C3] C3 bamboo scrimber,
made from sheets of laminated
wood, while this is Embedded Energy/CO2 Footprint Transport bamboo),
made from fibers. Refer to C3 thatching material
Cellulose/hemicellul Embodied energy (MJ/kg): 10.9 - 11.9
ose/lignin/ 12% CO2 footprint (kg/kg): 0.39 - 0.41 Production/Treatment
water/ adhesive] Refer to C3
Water usage (l/kg): 665 - 735
Refer to C3


Building Material Selection and Use: An Environmental Guide (2nd Edition) 50

Technical Information Management & Alternatives
Item Material Environmental Costs / Impacts /
[special technical remarks] Potential Material Environmental Better Environmental Better Practices
No. [composition] Benefits
Alternatives Practices (Design/Planning) (Storage/Use/Disposal)
G. Special Materials
G1 Polyurethane foam Sealants, Concrete jointing, Foundation Extraction Natural fiber  Non-biodegradable, hence Refer to D7
repair, Insulation Foam is made of the hydro-carbon insulation, glass or plan how much amount is
[Polyurethane polymer type Polyurethane. Refer to rock wool for needed and don't overuse
closed cell flexible [None] D7 insulation  Avoid using poor quality
foam] applications. products
Embedded Energy/CO2 Footprint Transport Polystyrene foam
Refer to D7 in sealing and
Embodied energy (MJ/kg): 117 - 130 joining
CO2 footprint (kg/kg): 7.52 – 8.30 Production/Treatment applications.
Refer to D7
Water usage (l/kg): 280 - 310
Refer to D7


G2 Polypropylene Sound insulation, Wall insulation, Water Extraction Polyuerethane  Non-biodegradable, hence Refer to D7
pipes, Waste pipes, Can also be used to Made of hydro-carbon polymer type foam, Natural fiber plan how much amount is
[(C3H6)n] reinforce concrete Polypropylene. Refer to D7 insulation, Glass needed and don't overuse
or rock wool for  Avoid using poor quality
[None] Transport insulation products
Refer to D7 applications.
Embedded Energy/CO2 Footprint PVC or High
Production/Treatment Density
Refer to D7 Polyethylene
(HDPE) for pipes
Embodied energy (MJ/kg): 114 - 126
CO2 footprint (kg/kg): 5.82 – 6.39 Refer to D7
Water usage (l/kg): 37.2 - 41.2

Building Material Selection and Use: An Environmental Guide (2nd Edition) 51

Technical Information Management & Alternatives
Item Material Environmental Costs / Impacts /
[special technical remarks] Potential Material Environmental Better Environmental Better Practices
No. [composition] Benefits
Alternatives Practices (Design/Planning) (Storage/Use/Disposal)
G3 High strength glass Reinforcement Extraction PVA and cellulose Refer to F3 Refer to F3
fiber Manufactured using glass. Refer to F3 fiber-cement,
Polypropylene and
[E grade fiber (0.4- Production/Treatment cellulose fiber-
12 micron filament) [Refer to F3] Refer to F3 cement, Bamboo
54% SiO2, 15% fiber-cement
Al2O3, 12%CaO] Embedded Energy/CO2 Footprint Toxicity (Taiheyo cement),
Refer to F3 Clay roofing tiles,
Embodied energy (MJ/kg): 89.9 – 99.0 Galvanized iron
CO2 footprint (kg/kg): 6.10 – 6.72 Benefits roofing (zinc-
Water usage (l/kg): 89.8 - 99.2 None coated steel),

G4 Natural Rubber Anti-vibration pads, Window seals, Sound Extraction  Use certified products as Storage
insulation, Flooring Rubber is manufactured using latex of standards and quality varies Always store rubber products away from
[latex of the rubber the rubber tree. A renewable resource. with location direct flames and other fire hazards. Store
tree] [Easy to handle and install, good energy However, rubber plantations are  Where possible sustainably in place above ground, away from
storage capacity] monoculture and can cause long term sources and excessive moisture and direct sunlight.
ecological degradation, if managed environmentally certified Store in way that is easy retrievable to
Embedded Energy/CO2 Footprint without responsible plantation rubber. There are many avoid damage.
practices. certification programs
Embodied energy (MJ/kg): 85.8 – 94.9 available. Disposal
CO2 footprint (kg/kg): 3.67 – 4.05
Transport  Consider vibration control Refer to F3
Not significant strategies early in the
Water usage (l/kg): 15000 - 20000
product design process and
Production/Treatment consulting with an
Rubber production is a large scale engineering expert when
process involving many hazardous selecting materials and
chemicals, such as ammonia. Can mounts
cause air and water pollution if not  Optimize the use of material
properly managed. to reduce wastage

Not significant


Building Material Selection and Use: An Environmental Guide (2nd Edition) 52

Technical Information Management & Alternatives
Item Material Environmental Costs / Impacts /
[special technical remarks] Potential Material Environmental Better Environmental Better Practices
No. [composition] Benefits
Alternatives Practices (Design/Planning) (Storage/Use/Disposal)
G5 Neoprene Rubber Seals, Adhesives Extraction Natural rubber,  Non-biodegradable, hence Refer to D7
Manufactured by polymerisation of the Butyl rubber, plan how much amount is
[Polychloroprene] clorianted hydro-carbon chloroprene. Polyisoprene needed and don't overuse
Refer to D7
[higher resistance to heat but lower  Avoid using poor quality
resistance low-temperature stiffening Transport products
compared to natural rubber] Refer to D7

Refer to D7
Embedded Energy/CO2 Footprint
Embodied energy (MJ/kg): 81.9 – 90.0 Some incidents of skin irritations and
CO2 footprint (kg/kg): 2.25 - .2.58 allergy reported due to residues of
Water usage (l/kg): 126 - 378 Ethylene Thiourea.


Building Material Selection and Use: An Environmental Guide (2nd Edition) 53

Technical Information Management & Alternatives
Item Material Environmental Costs / Impacts /
[special technical remarks] Potential Material Environmental Better Environmental Better Practices
No. [composition] Benefits
Alternatives Practices (Design/Planning) (Storage/Use/Disposal)
G6 Styrene Butadiene Anti-vibration pads, Window seals, Sound Extraction Natural rubber,  Non-biodegradable, hence Refer to D7
Rubber (SBR) insulation, Flooring Manufactured using hydro-carbons Neoprene rubber, plan how much amount is
Styrene and Butadiene. Refer to D7 Polyisoprene needed and don't overuse.
[23% styrene and
77% butadiene Transport  Avoid using poor quality
reinforced with [weaker and lower fatigue resistance Refer to D7 products
typically 30% carbon compared to natural rubber]
black] Production/Treatment
Refer to D7

Embedded Energy/CO2 Footprint Toxicity

Some incidents of skin irritations and
Embodied energy (MJ/kg): 129 - 143 allergy reported due to residues
CO2 footprint (kg/kg): 7.64 – 8.45 of Ethylene Thiourea.
Water usage (l/kg): 63.7 - 191

Building Material Selection and Use: An Environmental Guide (2nd Edition) 54


Building Material Selection and Use: An Environmental Guide (2nd Edition) 55


UV Insects,
Water Water
radia- Flammability mold, and
(fresh) (salt)
tion termite
Material Min resistivity
No. Young's Tensile Flexural Thermal
[composition] Density Compressive Shape Max service service (μΩcm)
modulus strength strength conductivity 1 = High
(kg/m3) strength (MPa) factor temp (oC) temp
(GPa) (MPa) (MPa) (W/m.oC) 1 = Poor 2= 1=
2 = Limited Flammable Susceptible
3=Acceptable 3 = Slow to attack
4 = Good 4 = Self 3 = Good
5 = Excellent extinguishing 5 = Excellent
River sand
A1 2600 0.01-0.69 2.2-3.75 38-46 3.09-3.98 - - - 1.5-1.8 - 5 5 5 5 3

A2 River gravel/ boulders - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 3

Quarried rock
A3 35-55 8-22 30-200 8-22 15 330-380 - 0.92-2.15 1e8-1e12 5 5 5 5 3

Poor with sulfates and

Portland Cement 1800- -160- - 0.8-0.9 2e11-2e12 4 (until 450
A4 30.2-41.6 1.9-3 24-27 2.2 - 2.5 3 627-857 5 5 5 oC) 3 not acceptable with
2200 150
sulfuric acid
Stone (sandstone)
2000- 1e10 - Excellent durability in
A5 14-25 4-22 50-155 4 - 22 15 400-600 -273 5.4 - 6 5 5 5 5 3
2600 1e14 acidic and alkaline soils

Excellent durability with

Concrete (not reinforced)
2300- -163- - 1.85e12- soils, poor with sulfates,
A6 16-25 1-1.5 14-50 1.7 - 2.4 3 480-510 0.8-2.4 5 5 5 5 3
2600 153 1.85e13 SO2 and not acceptable
with sulfuric acid
Concrete (insulating, 900-
lightweight) 3.16e11- Limited use with acids
A7 1400 0.6-1.53 0.1-0.3 0.5-8.2 0.3-5 3 560-640 -160 7-12 5 3 5 5 3
3.16e12 and alkalis

Building Material Selection and Use: An Environmental Guide (2nd Edition) 56


UV Insects,
Water Water
radia- Flammability mold, and
(fresh) (salt)
tion termite
Material Min resistivity
No. Young's Tensile Flexural Thermal
[composition] Density Compressive Shape Max service service (μΩcm)
modulus strength strength conductivity 1 = High
(kg/m3) strength (MPa) factor temp (oC) temp
(GPa) (MPa) (MPa) (W/m.oC) 1 = Poor 2= 1=
2 = Limited Flammable Susceptible
3=Acceptable 3 = Slow to attack
4 = Good 4 = Self 3 = Good
5 = Excellent extinguishing 5 = Excellent
Aerated concrete (low

Excellent with soils, poor
(decrease from
A8 400- -160 - 3.16e11- with sulfates, not
12-18 0.6-1.1 1.2-1.87 0.7-1.3 3 normal 0.7-0.8 5 3 5 5 3
900 -150 3.6e12 acceptable with sulfuric
concrete due to
air gaps)

High volume fly ash 1830- Excellent with soils, poor

concrete with sulfates,
A9 2200 30-41 1.5-2.5 45-58 1.5-2.5 3 873-973 - 1.11-125 2e11-2e12 5 3 5 5 3
unacceptable with strong
Latex concrete 2300-
20.39- -163- 1.85e12-
A10 2600 3-5 21-38 3-6.5 - 480-510 0.8-2.4 5 5 5 5 3
34.56 -153 1.85e13

PVA and cellulose fiber-

High alkaline
1610- environments can cause
A11 1870 0.25-3.90 19.2 - 226-240 4 4 3 degradation of natural
fibers (Pacheco-Torgal,

Building Material Selection and Use: An Environmental Guide (2nd Edition) 57


UV Insects,
Water Water
radia- Flammability mold, and
(fresh) (salt)
tion termite
Material Min resistivity
No. Young's Tensile Flexural Thermal
[composition] Density Compressive Shape Max service service (μΩcm)
modulus strength strength conductivity 1 = High
(kg/m3) strength (MPa) factor temp (oC) temp
(GPa) (MPa) (MPa) (W/m.oC) 1 = Poor 2= 1=
2 = Limited Flammable Susceptible
3=Acceptable 3 = Slow to attack
4 = Good 4 = Self 3 = Good
5 = Excellent extinguishing 5 = Excellent
Polypropylene fiber- 360-
reinforced concrete 1.08-
A12 567 12.8+2.3 12.6-81.6 2.50-6.84 - 300-600 3 3 5 3

Cellulose fiber-reinforced
concrete 2050-
A13 2250 13.3+1.2 35.8-38.7 5.46-6.35 - 1.8-2.7 3 3

Glass Fiber reinforced

composite (GFRP) rebar 1750- Limited use in acidic
A14 1900 15-28 138-241 138-207 - - 140-220 -73.2 0.4-0.55 5 5 3 3 (peat) and alkaline soils

Low carbon steel 7800- Better durability with

1.52e3 - -68.2- -
A15 7900 200-215 345-580 250-395 14 350-400 49-54 15-20 3 2 5 5 5 alkaline that acidic
1.68e3 38.2
Brick (common)
B1 15-30 5-14 10-70 - 15 927-1230 - 0.46-0.73 1e14-3e16 5 5 5 5

Building Material Selection and Use: An Environmental Guide (2nd Edition) 58


UV Insects,
Water Water
radia- Flammability mold, and
(fresh) (salt)
tion termite
Material Min resistivity
No. Young's Tensile Flexural Thermal
[composition] Density Compressive Shape Max service service (μΩcm)
modulus strength strength conductivity 1 = High
(kg/m3) strength (MPa) factor temp (oC) temp
(GPa) (MPa) (MPa) (W/m.oC) 1 = Poor 2= 1=
2 = Limited Flammable Susceptible
3=Acceptable 3 = Slow to attack
4 = Good 4 = Self 3 = Good
5 = Excellent extinguishing 5 = Excellent
Cement blocks

Poor with sulfates and

B2 1800- -160- - 4 (until 450
30.2-41.6 1.9-3 24-27 2.2 - 2.5 3 627-857 0.8-0.9 2e11-2e12 5 5 5 oC) not acceptable with
2200 150
sulfuric acid

Compressed stabilized 5-10 wt% absorption of

earth blocks/ water
B3 CSEB 0.7-1 1-2 2-3 1-2 - 0.46-0.81 2 4 durability against water
increases with cement
Earth walls
Proper soil selection is
(stabilized earth, clay-
1800- 0.13- 0.30 - necessary to maintain
B4 straw, rammed earth, 2.51 1.38 - 3.09 1.51 3 4
2000 0.27 0.92 durability during heavy
bamboo reinforced earth)

Acceptable in acidic soils

Forest timber 850- 5.1 - -100-
C1 20.6-25.2 132-162 68-83 114 - 140 120-140 0.41-0.5 6e13-2e14 3 3 4 1 1 (peat)/ limited use in
1030 5.7 -70
alkaline soils (clay)
Farmed timber

Acceptable in acidic soils

850- 114 – 5.1 - -100-
C2 20.6-25.2 132-162 68-83 120-140 0.41-0.5 6e13-2e14 3 3 4 1 1 (peat)/ limited use in
1030 140 5.7 -70
alkaline soils (clay)

Building Material Selection and Use: An Environmental Guide (2nd Edition) 59


UV Insects,
Water Water
radia- Flammability mold, and
(fresh) (salt)
tion termite
Material Min resistivity
No. Young's Tensile Flexural Thermal
[composition] Density Compressive Shape Max service service (μΩcm)
modulus strength strength conductivity 1 = High
(kg/m3) strength (MPa) factor temp (oC) temp
(GPa) (MPa) (MPa) (W/m.oC) 1 = Poor 2= 1=
2 = Limited Flammable Susceptible
3=Acceptable 3 = Slow to attack
4 = Good 4 = Self 3 = Good
5 = Excellent extinguishing 5 = Excellent
laminated panels,
Limited used in acidic
Chip boards, Fiber boards
700- -100- soils (peat)/
C3 6.9-13 10-44 8-25 80-115 5 100-130 0.3 - 0.5 6e13-2e14 3 3 4 1 1
800 -70 unacceptable in alkaline
soils (clay)


Unacceptable with strong

1 (treating
600- -73- acids and alkalis, limited
C4 15-20 160-320 60-100 80-160 5.6 120-140 0.16-0.18 6e13-2e14 2 2 4 1 or coating
800 -23 use with weak acids and
can help)

Bamboo scrimber
C5 1160 0.05-0.06 120 86 119 - 120 - 0.1625 6e13-2e14 4 4 4 2 3 -

Laminated bamboo
C6 686 11-13 90 77 77-83 - 120 - 0.186 6e13-2e14 4 4 4 2 3 -

Hardwood (oak)
Acceptable in acidic soils
850- 114 – 5.1 - -100-
C7 20.6-25.2 132-162 68-83 120-140 0.41-0.5 6e13-2e14 3 3 4 1 1 (peat)/limited use in
1030 140 5.7 -70
alkaline soils (clay)

Asbestos (chrysotile) 2400 – 2.95e3 - 1e22 -

D1 161 - 169 - - 1 852 - 980 -273 2-6 5 5 5 5 - 2400 - 2600
2600 3.35e3 1e24

Building Material Selection and Use: An Environmental Guide (2nd Edition) 60


UV Insects,
Water Water
radia- Flammability mold, and
(fresh) (salt)
tion termite
Material Min resistivity
No. Young's Tensile Flexural Thermal
[composition] Density Compressive Shape Max service service (μΩcm)
modulus strength strength conductivity 1 = High
(kg/m3) strength (MPa) factor temp (oC) temp
(GPa) (MPa) (MPa) (W/m.oC) 1 = Poor 2= 1=
2 = Limited Flammable Susceptible
3=Acceptable 3 = Slow to attack
4 = Good 4 = Self 3 = Good
5 = Excellent extinguishing 5 = Excellent
Clay roof tiles 1.9e3 - 16.6 -
D2 4-8 15 - 20 25 - 28 13 673 - 773 - 0.5 - 1.52 - 3 5 5 5 - -
2.75e3 29.5
Limited use with acids
Corrugated Galvanized
and alkalis. Galling
Iron (CGI) sheets 78e3- -68.2-
D3 200-215 420-600 250-395 250-395 60 150-180 50-54 15-20 5 3 5 5 resistance is poor. Zinc
7.9e3 -43.2
coating has tendency to
reed: 0.11
date palm Reed in Europe, Cadjan
(Palm/Coconut leaf) in
Thatching material leaves:
D4 - - - - - - 1 South India/SE Asia,
0.122-0.210 Straw in North
India/Middle East

Aluminum sheets (3000

and 5000 series) 2500- Unacceptable with acidic
D5 68-72 70-360 30-286 59 – 105 42 130-220 -273 119-240 2.5-6 5 3 5 5
2900 soils (peat)

Fiber-reinforced plastic Limited use in acidic

1750- 2.4e21-
D6 (FRP) 15-28 138-241 138-207 - - 140-220 -73.2 0.4-0.55 5 5 3 3 (peat) and alkaline soils
1900 1.91e22
Plastic sheets
(Polyethylene) 939 – 0.621 - 20.7 - -123 - 3.3e22 -
D7 19.7 - 31.9 18.6 – 37 3.5 90 - 110 0.403 - 0.435 5 5 2 1 PVC: 3 Treat with fire retardant
960 0.896 44.8 -73.2 3e24

Plastic sheets (PVC)

1303 – 2.14 - 40.7 - -123 - 1e20 -
D8 42.5 - 89.6 82 – 90 5.3 60 - 70 0.147 - 0.293 5 5 4 4 -
1580 4.14 65.1 -73.2 1e22

Building Material Selection and Use: An Environmental Guide (2nd Edition) 61


UV Insects,
Water Water
radia- Flammability mold, and
(fresh) (salt)
tion termite
Material Min resistivity
No. Young's Tensile Flexural Thermal
[composition] Density Compressive Shape Max service service (μΩcm)
modulus strength strength conductivity 1 = High
(kg/m3) strength (MPa) factor temp (oC) temp
(GPa) (MPa) (MPa) (W/m.oC) 1 = Poor 2= 1=
2 = Limited Flammable Susceptible
3=Acceptable 3 = Slow to attack
4 = Good 4 = Self 3 = Good
5 = Excellent extinguishing 5 = Excellent
Limited use with acids
Galvanized steel and alkalis. galling
7800- -68.2-
D9 200-215 420-600 250-395 250-395 60 150-180 50-54 15-20 5 3 5 5 resistance is poor. Zinc
7900 -43.2
coating has tendency to
Stone (slate)
2600- -50 -
D10 60-90 15-30 120-175 15-175 15 350-500 1.2-2.1 1e12-1e14 5 3 5 5 3
2800 -30

Ceramic tiles
E1 4-8 3-6 20-50 3-6 15 673-1070 - 0.75-0.85 1e14-3e14 5 5 5 5 3 Unacceptable with alkalis

Epoxy paints/ solvent

based paints/anticorrosive
1110 – 2.35 - -123 - 1e20 -
E6 paints/strong 45 - 89.6 39.6 - 78.8 - - 140 - 180 0.18 - 0.5 5 5 3 3
1400 3.08 -73.2 6e21
adhesives/paint remover

2440- 7.9e17-
E8 68-72 31-35 360-420 40 – 45 15 170-400 - 0.7-1.3 5 5 5 5
2490 7.9e18

Tarpaulin sheets 1450 – 400 -

E9 61.4 - 128 - - 1 400 - 420 - 0.25 - 0.35 5 5 4 1
1550 938
Polystyrene foam/
3.3e-4 - 0.125- 0.025- -53 - 1e18- Unacceptable with strong
F1 expanded polystyrene 75-85 0.023-0.03 1.9 72-77 0.024-0.028 5 3 3 3
4e-4 0.15 0.03 -23 1e19 acids and alkalis

Gypsum board
F2 1.7 - 2.5 1.0 - 2.0 2.40-2.75 2.25-3.79 320 0.125 - 0.50 623-770

Building Material Selection and Use: An Environmental Guide (2nd Edition) 62


UV Insects,
Water Water
radia- Flammability mold, and
(fresh) (salt)
tion termite
Material Min resistivity
No. Young's Tensile Flexural Thermal
[composition] Density Compressive Shape Max service service (μΩcm)
modulus strength strength conductivity 1 = High
(kg/m3) strength (MPa) factor temp (oC) temp
(GPa) (MPa) (MPa) (W/m.oC) 1 = Poor 2= 1=
2 = Limited Flammable Susceptible
3=Acceptable 3 = Slow to attack
4 = Good 4 = Self 3 = Good
5 = Excellent extinguishing 5 = Excellent
Low strength glass fiber
2540- 25.6-
F3 57.8-76.7 256-344 57.8-76.7 1 157-426 - 0.9-1.2 1e22-1e24 5 2 5 5 - 2.54e3-2.59e3
2590 34.4

160- -73 -
F4 0.3-0.9 1.8-4.2 0.05-0.1 1.8-8.3 5.6 120-140 0.3-0.35 3e12-7e14 2 2 4 1 1 160-480
480 -23

Polyurethane foam
3.3e-4 - 0.125- 0.025- -53 - 1e18- Unacceptable with strong
G1 75-85 0.023-0.03 1.9 72-77 0.024-0.028 5 3 3 3
4e-4 0.15 0.03 -23 1e19 acids and alkalis

0.023- 0.45- -113 - 1e17- Excellent with acidic and
G2 36-70 0.37-1.7 - - 100-115 0.023-0.04 5 5 4 4
0.08 2.25 -73.2 1e21 alkaline soils

High strength glass fiber

2550- 1.95e3- 3300-
G3 72-85 4e3-5e3 1 350-360 - 1.2-1.35 1e22-1e23 5 5 5 5 -
2600 2.03e3 3450

Natural Rubber
G4 920- 0.0015 - 36.8 - -56.2 –
22-32 22-33 1.5 68.9-107 0.1-0.14 1e15-1e16 5 5 1 1
930 0.0025 47.2 -43.2

Neoprene Rubber
1239 – 0.00165 - 0.00165 - -55 - 1e17 -
G5 12 - 24 14.4 - 28.8 1.5 102 - 112 0.15 - 0.2 5 5 1 4
1300 0.0021 0.0021 -40 1e19

Styrene Butadiene Rubber

G6 (SBR) 940 – 0.002 - 7.73 - -50 - 5.01e21 -
1.4 - 3 0.002 - 0.01 1.7 70 - 110 0.19 - 0.25 5 5 1 1
961 0.01 10.1 -40 7.94e21

Building Material Selection and Use: An Environmental Guide (2nd Edition) 63

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