A Large Industrial Corporation Produces

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A large industrial corporation produces, among other things, balls used in

computer mice. These plastic balls have a nominal diameter of 2 cm. Samples
of 10 balls were taken from each of two different production lines, and the
diameters of the sampled balls were measured. The results are given below:
Line 1 2.18 2.12 2.24 2.31 2.02 2.09 2.23 2.02 2.19 2.32 Line 2 1.62 2.52 1.69
1.79 2.49 1.67 2.04 1.98 2.66 1.99 a) Calculate the main statistical measures for
each line. b) Which production line produce most dispersed ball diameter. c)
Which production line produce most centralized around the mean ball
To solve this problem, we need to calculate some basic statistical measures for
each production line based on the given data.

a) Main Statistical Measures for Each Line:

For Line 1:

1. Mean (average)
2. Standard Deviation
3. Variance

For Line 2:

1. Mean (average)
2. Standard Deviation
3. Variance

Let's start with Line 1:

Line 1: 2.18, 2.12, 2.24, 2.31, 2.02, 2.09, 2.23, 2.02, 2.19, 2.32

1. Mean (average): Mean=∑values�Mean=n∑values Mean=2.18+2.12+…

+2.3210Mean=102.18+2.12+…+2.32 Mean=21.7210=2.172Mean=1021.72
2. Standard Deviation:
Standard Deviation=∑(��−Mean)2�Standard Deviation=n∑(xi−Mean)2
Standard Deviation=(2.18−2.172)2+…+(2.32−2.172)210Standard De
viation=10(2.18−2.172)2+…+(2.32−2.172)2 Standard Deviation=0.0064+…
+0.018410Standard Deviation=100.0064+…+0.0184
Standard Deviation=0.118210Standard Deviation=100.1182
Standard Deviation=0.01182Standard Deviation=0.01182
Standard Deviation≈0.1087Standard Deviation≈0.1087
3. Variance:
Variance=(Standard Deviation)2Variance=(Standard Deviation)2

Now, let's do the same calculations for Line 2:

Line 2: 1.62, 2.52, 1.69, 1.79, 2.49, 1.67, 2.04, 1.98, 2.66, 1.99

1. Mean (average): Mean=∑values�Mean=n∑values Mean=1.62+2.52+…

+1.9910Mean=101.62+2.52+…+1.99 Mean=19.5510=1.955Mean=1019.55
2. Standard Deviation:
Standard Deviation=∑(��−Mean)2�Standard Deviation=n∑(xi−Mean)2
Standard Deviation=(1.62−1.955)2+…+(1.99−1.955)210Standard De
viation=10(1.62−1.955)2+…+(1.99−1.955)2 Standard Deviation=0.1128+…
+0.004810Standard Deviation=100.1128+…+0.0048
Standard Deviation=0.537910Standard Deviation=100.5379
Standard Deviation=0.0538Standard Deviation=0.0538
Standard Deviation≈0.2320Standard Deviation≈0.2320
3. Variance:
Variance=(Standard Deviation)2Variance=(Standard Deviation)2
b) The production line that produces the most dispersed
ball diameter:
To determine which production line produces the most dispersed ball
diameter, we compare the variances. The higher the variance, the more
dispersed the data.

Line 1 Variance ≈ 0.0118 Line 2 Variance ≈ 0.0538

So, Line 2 produces the most dispersed ball diameter.

c) The production line that produces the most centralized

around the mean ball diameter:
To determine which production line produces the most centralized around the
mean ball diameter, we compare the standard deviations. The smaller the
standard deviation, the more centralized the data.

Line 1 Standard Deviation ≈ 0.1087 Line 2 Standard Deviation ≈ 0.2320

So, Line 1 produces the most centralized around the mean ball diameter.

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