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International Endodontic Journa ,105-111

Ultrasound and root canal treatment: the need for scientific


A. D, W AhMSLEY Department of Dental Prosthetks, Birmingham Dental School, University of

Birmingham, St Chad's Queensway, Birmingham

Summary. Ultrasound has recently been intro- Cunningham et al. 1982b) and microscopic
duced into endodontics to aid in the biomeclianical techniques (Martin et al. 1980b, Cunningham
preparation of the root canal. Although there are & Martin 1982, Cameron 1983). This has
numerous investigations into the clinical efficacy of centred on its comparison with hand instru-
the endosonic system, there has been a poor under- mentation into the cleaning and filing
standing of the possible role of the biophysical
efficiency in biomechanical preparation of the
aspects of ultrasound. Such areas where clarifi-
cation is required are the possible roles of cavitation root canal. The majority of investigators indi-
and acoustic microstreaming together with the cated the superiority of the instrument over
'synergistic' effect of the combined use of ultra- conventional methods particularly in relation
sound and irrigant (usually sodium hypochlorite). to its speed of operation (Nehammer & Stock
Furthermore the oscillation of the file within the 1985), filing action (Martin et al. 1980a, b) and
root canal may be prone to the load applied to it and the use of an irrigant (Cunningham et al.
this will greatly affect its efficiency. The present 1982a). Other studies have suggested that,
article aims to clarify these areas and to provide a foUowing hand or ultrasonic instrumentation,
guide to some of the biophysical terms used within there is no difference in either the efficacy of
the ultrasound discipline. Further investigations each technique (Weller et al. 1980) or in the
are required however to understand fully the action appearance of the root canals (Cymerman et al.
of the instrument, and it is hoped that this article
1983). One study has shown that both sonic
will provide a basis for a scientific appraisal of
endosonics. and ultrasonic devices were not as effective in
the elimination of bacteria from the root canal
as conventional hand instrumentation
Introduction (Barnettrta/. 1985). However the incidence of
Ultrasonics is used commonly in dentistry in postoperative pain following endosonic prep-
the form of a scaling instrument to remove aration is less than that experienced following
deposits from the teeth (Suppipat 1974). conventional root canal therapy (Martin &
Recently this instrument has been adapted for Cunningham 1982).
use in endodontic procedures. This develop- The majority of researchers, although
ment began with the work of Martin (1976) aware of the possible roles of the biophysical
and Cunningham et al. (1982a) and has been aspects of ultrasound, have not investigated
termed 'endosonics'. Its use has increased them. This includes both the roles of cavi-
rapidly in popularity especially over the last tation and acoustic microstreaming together
decade (Nehammer & Stock 1985, Stamos et with the 'synergistic' effect of the combined
al. 1985). use of ultrasound and irrigant (usually sodium
Most of the published work on the hypochlorite). Furthermore there is confusion
endosonic instrument has been directed to- over the pattern of oscillation of the tip of the
wards its clinical effectiveness usirig histologi- file as it moves within the root canal. These
cal (Cunningham et al. 1982a, Langeland factors are complicated further by the range of
et al. 1985), bacteriologieal (Martin 1976, instruments available, many of which use dif-
fering methods of ultrasound production.
Correspondence: Dr A.D. Walmsiey, Department
of Dental Prosthetics, Birmingham Dental School, The present article aims to clarify areas of
University of Birmingham, St Chad's Queensway, confusion that are present and to provide a
Birmingham B4 6NN, UK. guide to some of the biophysical terms used

106 A. D. Walmsley

within the ultrasound discipline. In addition

certain areas will be identified where further
investigations are required to understand fully
the action of the instrument and so provide a
basis for a scientific appraisal of endosonics.
The areas of dental interest in endosonics
may be considered under the following head-
ings; production of ultrasound oscillations; (bl
cavitation; acoustic microstreaming, and role
of irrigant. Each of these aspects will be
considered in further detaii.

Production of ultrasound oscillations

Ultrasound is sound energy with a frequency
above the limit of human hearing (usually
taken as 20 kHz) and consists of a wide spec-
trum of frequencies ranging from the kHz to
the MHz range. The higher MHz frequencies
are employed in general medicine, while it is
the kHz range (20-50) that is normally used in Fig. 1. (a) Diagrammatic representation of anendo-
dentistry. sonic instrument showing the main longitudinal
Early work on endosonics (Martin 1976) oscillation (L)occurring along the main axis. The file
resulted in the development of an instrument is at right angles to the main instrument and subse-
quently a transverse oscillation (T) is set up along its
which was essentially a direct adaptation of the length, (b) The transverse oscillation of the file con-
ultrasonic sealer utilising the phenomenon of sists of antinodes (A) where the greatest oscillation
magneto-striction (electrotnagnetic energy occurs and nodes (N) where minimal oscillation
converted to mechanical energy) to produce occurs. The tip of the file is unconstrained and
oscillatory action ofafile.During operation an exhibits a large oscillation.
irrigant solution (sodium hypochlorite) was
passed through a separate channel from a
reservoir over the oscillating file. Other during operation the file wili oscillate in a
instruments have also been designed using transverse rather than longitudinal manner
piezoelectric principles (crystal deformation (Fig. Ib). This type of oscillation sets up a
converted to mechanical oscillations), and a characteristic pattern of nodes, where little or
further group of mechanically oscillating no displacement occurs, and antinodes where
devices was developed with a range of sonic maximum displacement of the file is present.
instruments operating in the arbitrary sonic or As the working dp of thefileis unconstrained
hearing range (i.e. < 20 kHz). Unlike the the greatest displacement from rest will occur
ultrasonic instruments, sonic devices rely on at this position. The arrangement of the node-
the passage of pressurized air through the antinode pattern and the displacement ampli-
instrument handpiece to produce oscillation of tudes will he dependent however on the fre-
the working tip. Two such types of these quency at which the instrument is being
instruments are in current use; those operating driven, together with the design and type of
at around i-A kHz or 16-20 kHz. file employed. It may be expected therefore
The majority of endosotiic instruments that different machities together with different
oscillate with a maximum displacement ampli- files may exhibit different patterns of oscil-
tude (half peak to peak excursion) along the lation. This occurrence has been demon-
main longitudinal axis of the instrument (Fig. strated previously within ultrasonic scaling
la). However, the endodontic file is inserted instruments (Walmsley et al. 1986b).
near to the end of the main instrument and is Two types of file designs are used with the
set at an angle of 60-90° to the main longi- endosonic instrtiment. The geometry of the
todinal axis of the instrument. Accordingly, K-files equates with the measurements and
Ultrasound and root canal treatment 107

dimensions of normal hand instruments. The inefficiency of the system when negotiating
diamond-coated files have been specially constrictions or curved canals (Goodman et al.
designed for use with the instrument. Both are 1985), although workers suggest that the
inserted into the driver and expected to pro- instrument can file curved canals adequateiy
duce a standard oscillatory pattern. It is not (Chenail & Tepiitsky 1985). Furthermore, as
unreasonable to deduce however that a'ny explained earlier, the greatest displacement
change in length or thickness of the file will amplitude will occur at the tip with the
affect the nature of the oscillatory pattern, a greatest filing action occurring at the apical
topic that is currently under investigation. third. Initially thefilewili be loaded within the
Afinalconsideration on the oscillatingfileis canai which wili result in a small osciilation at
that the nodes are also points at which the the apex. However as thefiieenlarges the canal
greatest mechanical strain occurs. Therefore then the apical oscillation will slowly increase.
prolonged use of thefilemay result in fracture This may potentially lead to over flaring of
of the file due to metal fatigue. If such fracture the apex (zipping) and this may explain the
were to occur it is likely to present at the node occurrence of zipping previously reported
nearest to the tip as this will have the greatest when using such instruments (Stamos et al.
strain placed on it. Obviously the fracture of 1985).
instruments may have serious chnical conse-
quences and such probiems of instrument
fracture have already been reported (ChenaiJ Cavitation
&Teplitsky 1985). During operation of the endosonic file, water
or an irrigant such as sodium h3^ochlorite is
Filing action passed over the oscillating tip. It is suggested
The instrument is designed primarily to file that cavitation generated by movement of the
mechnically the wails of the root canal. Hand file occurs within this water supply, and this is
instruments are used generally in a longi- claimed to be one of the main beneficial effects
tudinai direction,filingbeing achieved by con- of the endosonic instrument (Martin 1976,
tact of the instrument with the walls of the Cunningham ff a/. 1982a, b).
canal on its withdrawal. The endosonic file The term cavitation or 'cavitational activity'
however oscillates transversely and this may encompasses all of the linear and non-linear
result in irregular cutting of the dentine. oscillatory motions of gas and/or vapour-filled
However such oscillation of the file within the bubbles in an acoustic field. These motions
root canal will be dependent upon another may vary within one acoustic cycle from stable
important factor, namely the load applied to cavitation, where bubbles are oscillating with-
the file. out fragmentation, to transient cavitation,
During operation of the endosonic instru- where there is rapid growth and collapse of the
ment most of the energy is delivered in the bubble (Flynn 1964, Nyborg 1977, Williams
longitudinal mode along the main axis of the 1983). These bubbles are powered by the
instrument. There is, however, an energy energy from the incident ultrasonicfield.Most
phase change where some of the longitudinal of the energy released from their oscillations is
energy is converted into the transverse mode converted irreversibly into heat and hydro-
along the length of the oscillatingfile(Fig. la). dynamic shear fields which are able to disrupt
The energy contained in this transverse mode biological tissues (Nyborg 1977, Williams
is low and consequently the file can be pre- 1983). Transient cavitation is the more violent
vented from oscillating if a small load is form where supersonic contraction of the
applied. The reduction in oscillation ampli- bubbles generates large shock waves, together
tude will be dependent upon the magnitude of with the development of extremely high tem-
the load and its point or area of application. peratures and pressures within the bubble
However it is unlikely that the loading will (Noitingk & Neppiras 1950). This may result
effect the longitudinal oscillation of the main in pyrolytic breakdown of water and the pro-
instrument. In this respect it is possible that duction of free radicals (H and OH) which
such loading may account for the occasional may pose a significant biological hazard by
108 A. D. Walmsley

reacting with biological tissues (El' Piner

Cavitational activity as described above can
readily be demonstrated within the cooling
water supply of the ultrasonic sealer
(Walmsley et al. 1986a). In this situation the
'damaging' effects of cavitation are useful
during scaling procedures to remove solid
deposits from tooth surfaces (Walmsley et al.
Although it is theoretically possible that
transient cavitational activity may occur with
the endosonic instrument, it is unlikely that
sufficiently high sound pressure fields occur
around the oscillating file. The broad oscillat-
ing tip of the ultrasonic sealer produces a high Fig. 2. A diagrammatic representation of the
acoustic microstreamingfieldthat may be generated
sound pressure field enabling cavitational around the tip ofa transversely oscillating ultrasonic
activity to occur. Although oscillating at simi- (endosonic) file (F) (adapted from Hoitzmark et al.
lar displacement amplitudes the narrow and 1954). The dimension of the inner vortices (V) is
more streamlined endosonic file is less able to about 4 (im at an ultrasonic frequency of 20 kHz.
generate a sound pressurefieldlarge enough to
produce transient cavitation.
Preliminary results on the measurement of any biological material that enters these
cavitational activity occurring around the streaming fields will be subjected to large
endosonic file have suggested that little or no shear stresses and may possibly be damaged.
transient cavitation is occurring (Ahmad et al. It has been previously shown that acoustic
1986). However further conclusive studies are microstreaming may disrupt deoxyribonucleic
necessary in this respect, particularly due to acid (Williams 1974), disaggregate bacteria
the emphasis placed on cavitation and its (Williams & Slade 1971), inactivate enzymes
beneficial effects when using the endosonic (Kashkooli et al. 1980) and produce a variety
system (Martin 1976, Cunningham 1982a, b). of effects in many biological systems (Rooney
1972). Furthermore it has also been demon-
Acoustic microstreaming strated that both human erj'throcytes and
When a wire oscillating at a relatively low dis- platelets may be disrupted by microstreaming
placement amplitude is immersed in a liquid, fields both in vitro and in vivo (Williams et al.
complex steady-state (non-oscillatory) 1970, Williams 1977).
streaming patterns are formed close to the The oscillating file in the endosonic system
wire. This is a second order effect of the sound will also produce streaming fields along its
field and is termed acousting microstreaming length, with the greatest shear stress being
(Nyborg 1965). The characteristic pattern of generated around points of maximum dis-
these flows of liquid is shown diagrammati- placement such as the tip of the file and the
cally in Fig. 2 and consists of inner and outer antinodes along its length (Williams et al.
vortices (adapted from Hoitzmark et al. 1954). 1970). These streaming fields are iikely
The dimension of the inner vortices is approx- to be responsible for many of the beneficial
imately 4|xm in water at an ultrasonic fre- effects attributed to the use of endosonics
quency of 20 kHz. These snnall dimensions (Cunningham etal. 1982a) and will be import-
mean that the velocity gradients (i.e. the rate of ant in moving the associated irrigant around
change of velocity with distance) and hence the root canal. However the efficiency of such
the hydrodynamic shear stresses are large even forces will he dependent upon the amount of
though the actual streaming velocities which damping which occurs when the instrument is
produce them are relatively low (of the order working within the canal. The phenomenon of
of a few centimetres per second). Therefore acoustic microstreaming and its potential
Ukmsound and root canai treatment 109

beneficial cleaning effects are an important Furthermore it is not clear whether the irri-
area for further investigation in endosonics. gant solution reaches the oscillating tip within
the canal and whether there is sufficient circu-
latory movement and replenishment of the
Role of irrigant solution during operation, with recent evi-
An essential part of many of the endosonic 'dence suggesting that the irrigant is slow to
systems is the role of the irrigant that flows provide apical irrigation (Krell & Johnson
over the oscillating file (Cunningham et at. 1986).
1982a). The most widely used irrigant appears
to be sodium hypochlorite with a concen- Conclusion
tration varying from 1 to 5.5 per cent (Martin, Certain characteristics of the action of endo-
1976, Cunningham et at. 1982a, Cameron sonics have been identified. However further
1983, Langeland et al. 1985,, Griffiths & Stock investigations are needed to improve the
1986). However, some endosonic instruments understanding of its operation. These may be
have not been designed to be resistant to the summarized as follows:
corrosive nature of sodium hypochlorite, and (i) The file oscillates in the transverse
their manufacturers therefore recommend mode exhibiting points of maximum
water. displacement (antinodes) and points of
The optimal concentration of sodium minimum displacement (nodes). The
hypochlorite appears to be around 2-3 per greatest oscillation of the file occurs at
cent (Cunningham et al. 1982a, Griffiths & the tip. Such oscillation may vary with
Stock 1986) and this is sufficient to act as both both the instrument power setting and
a lubricant and a bactericidal solution. The between different instruments. The
action of the irrigant and the biophysical oscillation of the file merits further
effects of the ultrasound (cavitation, acoustic research.
microstreaming, thermal) are presumed to be The file's efficiency is reduced by the
'synergistic' (Martin 1976). load applied to it and further work is
Initial studies have shown that the hypo- needed to evaluate this effect during
chlorite solution is more effective when used in root canal therapy.
conjunction with the endosonic system com- If a filing action is to be the primary
pared with its use with hand instrumentation way of using the instrument, then it
(Cunningham et al. 1982a, Langeland et al. may require redesigning to produce a
1985). Furthermore hs'pochlorite solution at a longitudinal osciilation which is not
concentration of 2.6 per cent appears to be a prone to the effects of such loading,
superior irrigant when compared with the use (ii) Present evidence suggests that little
of Solvidont (bisdequaiinium acetate) or water if any of the destructive effects of
(Griffiths & Stock 1986). cavitation are present during instru-
The frictional contact between the canal ment operation.
wall and the oscillating file produces heat (iii) Acoustic microstreaming will be effec-
which will in turn warm the hypochlorite and tive during use of the endosonic system.
enhance its activity (Cunningham et al. 1980, This is achieved by the continual move-
1982a, b). In addition the role of acoustic ment of irrigant around the canal which
microstreaming produced by the oscillating may potentially disrupt/disaggregate
file may further enhance the activity of the bacteria and debris thus cleaning the
hypochlorite solution by moving it around the canal walls. Its effectiveness will depend
canal continuously, disaggregating bacteria upon the oscillation of thefilewithin the
and removing debris from the walls. Such root canal and will be reduced as loading
actions of the ultrasound will of course be occurs.
dependent upon the oscillating nature of the (iv) The role of the irrigant appears to be
file within the canal. If there is appreciahle important in increasing the effectiveness
loading for instance then the 'synergistic' of the system. The irrigant of choice is a
action of endosonics will be severely limited. 2-3 per cent solution of sodium hypo-
no A.D. Walmsley
chlorite. Although the soiution is effec- FLYNN, H . G . (1964) In Physical Acoustics (ed.
tive when used alone its activity appears W.P. Mason), vol. IB, pp. 57-172. Academic
to be increased when passed over the Press, New York.
oscillating wire. However the effective- GOODMAN, A., READER, A., BECK, M . , MELFI, R .

ness of the endosonic system in irri- & MEYERS, W . (1985). An in vitro comparison of
the efficacy of the step-hack technique versus a
gating the entire length of the canal step-back/ultrasonic technique in human man-
(especiaily the apicai third) requires dibular molars. Journal of Endodontics, 11,
further consideration. 249-256.
GRIFFITHS, B.M. & STOCK, C . J . R . (1986) The
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