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The Fun Fair

My favorite place would be the fun fair, that’s what they call it in the
UK, amusement parks and enjoyed going to a lot of theme parks.
The fun fair in the UK, used to come to the level In Brighton about twice
a year.
I associate them with places of enjoyment, during the day I went with
family or friends at night. Either way the experience of during the day
was different from the night.
The music, lights and smell, is always a reminder of the excitement,
And the relaxation from daily stress of life.
The best thing about the fun fair or theme parks is that it appeals to all
It can be about the rides or the games, like I remember so well trying to
catch the duck with a stick to win a prize.
Trying to win the cuddly toys.
The history of fun fairs is so important too.
Jackie Bottrell
BA Simon Frazer University,
Reports on the subject of fairs, adding that Raymond William’s a
cultural theorist argues that cultural forms, such as Disney theme parks
are best understood within social historic context.
Over time fairs and theme parks have undergone dramatic changes to
what they are now. They were more community produce. Celebrations
combing feasting, possession’s, completion’s and plays.
At the turn of the century the fair reintegrated within the modern
amusement park.
Disney parks, Disneyland in California and Walt Disney in Florida all
create a lot of visitors all around the globe, no matter how large or small,
the fair is to entertain.
I went to a variety of fun fairs in the Uk , and even Brighton pier has a
fun fair at the end of the pier.
Fun fairs date back from a very long time ago, so have a long history.
The best thing about Fun Fairs is like any place where you play games it
can create the moment of enjoyment of letting go for a while, especially
if you are in a stressful moment, it can give you that break from
overwhelm and you figure out problems you cannot solve at that time.
Just like when you must sleep on something.
Taken from the book , The Great American Amusement Parks, A
Pictorial history free of by Gary Kyriazi.
There is something in all of us that is always trying to break free of
everyday existence which seems to become more sedate and staid as we
grow older. The child inside us is always crying to be let loose from our
adult surroundings, making the businessman fight the impulse to leave
his desk and go outside and play in the nearest mud puddle, or tempting
the housewife to put down her mop and play hopscotch outside.
Generally accepted as the first largest amusement park was jones wood
in New York City, when it began in1800s.
It covered 153 acres of wood in Manhattan Island between 70th and 73rd
streets along the east river. It offered activities including bowling,
billiards, shooting galleries, donkey rides merry go rounds and simple
swings for the children. Refreshments were sold, and music and dancing.
And tents set up for plays.
Coney Island now has a long existence of more than a beach and
amusement park.
My personal experience going to fun fairs and theme parks with friends
were that everybody had a favorite thing they like to do there, Paul and
Maria they loved winning things, and most of the time they won
everything, or if not they will be there till midnight. It was just being in
the moment when you are at fairs or theme parks.
They never really liked the rollercoasters as much as I did though, but
they always was willing indulge in everything at the fair and so was i.
The rollercoaster was fun though, stomach churning ride, the going up to
the top was really terrifying knowing you are going to instantly drop into
the loop and be swung around everywhere.
Known for candy floss and the Ferris wheel, there are plenty of offerings
at the fair.
It doesn’t matter how much money you have fun fairs are for the rich
and poor.
Back in the UK one of the earliest fairs was Bartholomew fair in 1113.

Over in America though fairs were becoming more exiting, with one
Columbian Exposition, in 1893 bringing the people of Chicago music,
entertainment, and an early example of the Ferris Wheel
Princess Diana always took her sons William and harry to theme parks,
to have the normality in their life, back in 1990, it appeals to everyone.
Princess Diana visited Thorpe Park a few times and drew lot of press
On a negative point Stuart Heritage of the esquire wanted to avoid the
fun fairs if it scared him but changes his mind since having children and
becoming a parent it no longer applies, he goes on to say you want your
children to be open minded and curious.
You want them to engage being unafraid, to grab life by the throat.
So, he has embraced to be more adventurous, because if the kids can see
him tackle the world head on they will learn that nothing is
insurmountable. Nothing off limits.
They also have a games room at F.I.T and snooker table and win
May not be large as a fair, but still entertainment.

Recently they had Bob Marley music up there and a giant painting by
numbers you can do, and we all started painting, and a table laid out
with prizes, and sweets which was on the 7th floor, and you can win
I won some Bob Marley albums.
I think you need that escapism.
From the beginning of school age, you are introduced to games and fairs
of any sorts.
Even at my school when I was around 6, they had a school fair where
you participate in activities. I remember winning my first prize in a
competition which was to do with art.
I don’t think its in the same category as adult gambling though, which
takes on a more serious factor.
Fun fairs are what title says they are fun, the games may be silly games,
such as catching a duck and you may not win but it brings plenty of
So, fairs is my place I love going, when you want to relax.
I love how your stomach churns on the rides and the fear, you feel free
and alive.
One time when I was in hospital after my operation a lady was talking
about taking all the kids to the theme park before school started, and you
can hear their excitement in their voices planning it.

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