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© Translated by Se
Jagadguru Srimad Vallabha
charyaji Mahaaprabh
uji Vamsavaat
Goswami Sri Prashant arns
Kuma ri Maharaj
(Brihan Mandir-Mum
b ai)
and Mahir Sampat
‘. Publisher -
Govind Bhavan, Mota Mandir, 3rd Bhoiwada, Bhuleshwar, Mumbai-2.

Printer -
Meena Agencies - Anand Thakkar
78/80, Khadilkar Road, C.P. Tank, Mumbai - 400004.
Tel : 23887159 / 23822516

First Edition
Akshaya Trtiya - May, 2022.
2000 copies

©All rights reserved with the publisher.

Available at :

78/80, khadilkar road,C.P.tank, Mumbai 400004
Tel. :022-23887170/ 238°" °*93

D - 31, Damodar Bhavan r 35-V. P. Road,
Near Subham Hall, Vile + Mumbai - 400056.
Mobile No :9324169837


402 4th Floor Shubham Bldg Opposite Rajawadi Post Office
Rajawadi Road No.1,Ghatkopar (East),Mumbai - 400077
Mobile No :9820374799 / 8369525771

21 & 26 B Mhatre Plaza CHS,Dahanukarwadi,M.G. Road ,
Kandivali (West),Mumbai - 400067

- Follow -
Vijayate Sri Balakrsnah Prabhuh

| have been actively propaga’ J

the Path of Grace (Pustimarga,
more than three decades. Inth ;>¢e |
years, | have had the privileg« to
meet with countless vaisna 1s
from all across the globe. In th 3e
interactions, | noticed that th re
was immense requirement or
Pustimargiya literature in English.
Some works like 84 and 252
i EE SCOFVaisnavavartas have been written
in order to caterto the demand, though it isn’t enough.

in the first year of the new millennium, | was fortunate to make

"Vallabha Digvijaya” an interactive animated Cd-Rom on the
life and teachings of Jagadguru Srimad Vallabhacharya
Mahaprabhuji. It was highly appreciated by the young, tech
savvy generation of our sect. This Cd-Rom inspired many
youth to read and learn more about our marga. Sadly, though
the demand kept on growing, we failed to provide substantial
literature in English for the youth. Terribly disappointed and
with the burning desire to quench their thirst they started
looking elsewhere.

For the longest time, the thought of translating the story of our
most beloved Srinathaji was continuously ticking in my mind.
The ‘Srinathayi Ki Prakatya Varta’ is available in vraj
abhasa as
well as Gujarati, but not in English. Hence | began transl
. it, Due to time constraints, | struggled to giv
e eet ak the
| required time. So, | called upo)
Sampat, who with the help
responsibility of translating the siory
to discuss and finalise the text. In a few.
translating this book.

The book "The Legend of Srinathaji" based on 'Srin

Prakatya Varta’ by Sri Harirayaji, begins with the appear-
of Srinathaji from the caverns of the Holy Mount Govardha \:
Sri Mahaprabhji coming to Vraja and revealing Srinathaji as
well as establishing a shrine for Him. Various Lilas of
Srinathaji on and around Giriraja are described with beautiful
pictures. Srinathaji's pastimes with His favourite vrajavasis
will enthral the readers.

The Story takes an interesting turn with the migration of

Srinathaji from Vraja to Mevada; the description of which is

The third phase of the book describes Srinathaji's permanent

settlement in Simhada (present Nathadvara). Some Lilas are
SO Captivating that the reader will hestitate to put the book
aside. Stories supported by corresponding pictures make the
book exceptionally enchanting.

| personally thank my son, Chi. Sri Purnanandaji, for editing

the samskrta verses and translating them. A thank you to
Anand Thakkar for providing technical assistance, designing
and publishing the book.

The publication of this book would have certainly been

impossible without our generous donors.
Goswami Prashant Kumar
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S ri-Vitthal anathaji (Sri-GusA

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Pronounciation Chart

Sounds Like

a =a short guttural vowel sounds like the article ‘a’ - a man; ‘u' in but.
eg = Hari, Vakra, Krsna.
4 = an elongated ‘a’; like in 'papa’, ‘car’.
eg = Rama, Hariraya, Anyora, Sita, Yamuna.
Note: Do not elongate the last 'a' of Rama, and the last ‘a’ of Hariraya,
| iar Only ‘a’ shall be elongated like the last 'a’ in Sita and Yamuna)

| i =a short palatal vowel like ‘i’ in 'pit’, 'trick’ or ‘fish’.

eg = Hari, Murari, Govinda.
_ T=an elongated 'i' like the second ‘i’ in pristine.
_ eg =Sn, Laksmi, Sarasvati.

r =retroflex vowel between to r and ri, pronounced close to the ‘ry’ in

eg = Krsna, Amrta.
u = short labial vowel, like “u’ in put.
eg = utkarsa, uttama.,
i = an elongated ‘u’ like in ‘super’.
eg = irdhva, figsma.,

e = guttural and palatal vowel like the ‘ea’ in ‘great’.

eg = Srestha.
ai = guttural and palatal vowel close to ‘i’ in ‘pine’, ‘vice’.
eg = Airavata, Aishvarya.

o = labio-guttural vowel like ‘o’ in spoke.

eg = Anyora.
au = labio-guttural vowel close to ‘ou’ in “about.
Eg = Ausadhi.

ath = nasal sound close to m.

eg = Simha
ah = close to *h’ along with breath sound non-resonant and hard tone.
eg = Ramah.’
m = nasal expression which resembles the resonating sound after ringi
, Copper bell, . te Fn )
j €8 = Gusaii |
_ka = like in kangaroo. eg = Kesava.
* kha = like in blockhead. eg = Nirakha.
ga = like in gate. eg = Ganga.
gha = like in log-hut. eg = Vighna.
na = like in angst. eg = Ganga.
cha = like in chair. eg = Chandra.
cha = like ‘tchh’ in catch him. eg = Chatra.
ja = like in jar. eg = Jaya.
jha = like ‘dgeh’ in ‘hedgehog’. eg = Jhari.
fia = like in jalapeno. eg = Vyaiijana.
ta = like in take. eg = Virat.
tha = like ‘th’ in ‘ant hill’. eg = Vitthalanatha.
da = like in drum. eg = Damaru.

dha = godhood. eg = Asadha.

na = like in under. eg = Ramayana.

ta = like in gato (spanish). eg = Arta.

tha = like in thumb. eg = Samartha.
da= like ‘the’ in then. eg = Dana.
dha = like ‘the’ in breathe. eg = Dharma.
na = like in night. eg = Namah.
pa = like in put. eg = Parabrahma.
pha = like in loop-hole. eg = Phalguna.
ba = like in bat. eg = Balarama,
bha = like in abhor, eg = Abhara.
ma = like in math. eg = Madana.
ya = like in yes. eg = Yamuna.
ra = like in race. eg = Rama.
la = like in love. eg = Lata.
va = like in vet. eg = Vana .
sa = like in shop. eg = Srinathaji,
ga =~ like in ash-tray. eg = Asta.
sa = like in sun. eg = Samana.
ha = like in hen. eg = Hanuman.
¢ The Legend of Srinathaji »

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The appearance of Sri-Govardhananathaji and all the Divine

Lilas He performed after appearing on Earth are being
described separately, compiled from the numerous
preachings of Sri-Gokulanathaji.

In His Divine Abode, $ri-Govardhananathaji eternally resides

In the caverns of the Holy Mount Giriraja along with
innumerable devotees. Here, Sri-Mahaprabhuyji is always in
His service. When Srimad Acharyacharana was ordered to
incarnate on Earth to liberate and uplift the divine souls, His
beloved Sri-Govardhananathaji also appeared in Vraja along
with all the celestial paraphernalia.

Proof of which, and the importance of His darsana, is found in

» the Giriraja Knanda of the Garga Samhita:
dor WUT qeorer eyeit sitaefoit Hrf: |
ag feet AI Wiel ISFIRAVSA II
yena répena krsnena dhrto govardhano girih.
tadripam vidyate tatra rajan S$rngaramandale.

The form in which the Holy Mount Govardhana was held by

Krsna, that form O King, exists inside the $rngara-mandala.

SOCHUA: ASS! Aen asaeIaifer

a |
zaa: Rig a agu es: orgsifaceafer 1
abdaschatuhsahasrani tatha pafichashatani cha.
gatdstatra kaleradau ksetre Srngaramandale.
girirajaguhamadhyat sarvesam pasyatam ncpa.
svatassiddham cha tadripam hareh pradurbhavisyati.

Four thousand five hundred years since the advent of

kaliyuga, inside the $rigara-mandala, from within the cavern
of Giriraja, as all witness, O King! a self-established form of
Hari will emerge.

fonrei Cacaoi ci afewtod ssTo!1!: |

Bet chert
farfas aDzler eA: Hh
érinatharnn devadamanam tam vadisyanti sajjanah.
girirajagirau réjan sada lilam karoti yah.

O King, the one who eternally performs /la on the ey

Mount Govardhana, the pious will address Him as Srina *
(Lord of eternal prosperity) and Deva-damana (suppres
the deities).
at pfteafod oben azz wu Tofora |
5 a waren sfacatod siteicto
weil stom:
e 11
ye karisyanti netrabhyam tasya rdpasya darsanam.
te krtartha bhavisyanti Sri$ailendre kalau janah.

In the age of Kali, those who relish this form with their eyes,
which rests upon the King of Mountains, their four purusarthas
will be fulfilled.
Weloolel Wore GROW
la a |
qplonerdsnll satel aa I
jagannatho ranganatho dvarakanatha eva cha.
badrinathashchatuskone bharatsya'pi vartate.

Lord Jagannatha,Lord Ranganatha,Lord Dvarakanatha and Lord

Badrinatha reside on all four comers of Bharata.
veal sacle oneisei ada ofa |
ofest sia ag, osaoren: AYA: Il
madhye govardhanasy4a'pi natho'yam vartate nrpa.
Pavitre bharate varse paficha nathah suresvarah.

And in the centre, resides the Lord of Govardhana. In this Holy

Bharatavarsa, the five forms of the God of gods reside.


Mal a eget Heal, a oR AT II
saddharma mandapastambha artatrana parayanah.
tesaém tu darsanam krtvd naro narayano bhavet.

These four forms are the four pillars of the vaidika dharma.
They are engaged in protecting the distressed. After having
seen these forms, Nara (a finite being) becomes Narayana
(infinitely blissful like God).
ereqotagf&t omtertoni qe SH Fz: BEN:
4 qodea apa
of Ac al

ur na m bh uv i na th an am krt va yatram narah sudhih.

pa sy ed de va da ma na m na sa yatraphalam labhet.
A person who travels to the four shrines, but does not e.
Deva-damana, does not obtain the fruit of the pilgrimag
fer t |
ofionei Cacaoi agaislaeto
adr offal offettort UPVAAA wer crake] I] @rhifeen ga722-2y)

$rinatham devadamanam pasyed govardhane girau.

chaturnam bhuvi nathanam yatrayascha phalam labhet. (6.S.3/7/286%37)

A person who visits Srinatha Deva-damana on the Holy

Mount Govardhana, obtains the fruit of the pilgrimage of all
the four shrines.


Jagannatha a
Srinatha Ranganatha /
[* . The Revelation of Sri-Govardhananathaji’s Raised Arm © ]


ae The raised arm of Sri-
Govardhananathaji appeared at
4, +

, >

4 rr

dawn on a Sunday, the third day of
the dark half of the lunar month of

4 puree) Sravana in the year Samvat 1456


Vane! (1409 C.E). At that moment, a great

- © ai| OCCUrrence reigned on Earth.

A cow, belonging to a vrajavaési (a

resident of Anyora, Vraja) was lost.
lt was the auspicious day of Naga
Pafichami, the fifth day of the bright
half of the lunar month of Sravana

in the year Samvat 1466 (1409 C.E). The vrajavasi went on the
Holy Mount Govardhana searching for his cow. There, he saw
an arm protruding from one of the caverns. He beheld the
raised arm of Sri-Govardhananathaji, which surprisingly had
arm, he
gone unnoticed for sixteen days. On seeing the
thought that such an astonishing occurrence had never been
seen on Sri-Giriraja. Hence, he called a few other vrajavasis
who were equally thrilled on seeing the arm. Unanimously, they
conjectured that some divine being had appeared in ori-

An old vrajavas7 present among them said, “Sri-Krsna had

lifted the Holy Mount Giriraja for seven days. Once the rain
Sr i- Kr sn a re- ins tal led it. Thi s is tha t sa me arm. Sri-
_ Krsna is standing in the cavern and has revealed His raised
~ armtous. Do not think of 5Him out of the cavern.
= &>
will. Till then,
Whenever in the future He wishes to appear, He
* behold this raised arm.”

ce tha t day , all the vra jav asi s be ga n wo rs hipping the arm.
- They bathed the raised arm, applied sandalwood paste
adorned it with flowers, tulasrleaves and grains of rice
They then offered milk, curd and fruits. Since the arm was seen
on the day of Naga-Pafichami, an annual fair was held on that
day. Thousands of vrajavasis participated in the fair.
~The glory of Sti-Govardhananathaji’s arm spread throughout
Vraja. To fulfill their desires, the vrajavasis bathed the armwith
milk. If someone lost a cow, didn't have a male heir, was
suffering in pain or wished to increase the sale of milk and curd,
they worshipped the arm and all their wishes were granted. In
this manner, the worship of Sri-Govardhananathaji’s arm
continued in Vraja, till the year Samvat 1535 (1478C.E.).

tis not possible to narrate each and every anecdote; only afew
have been mentioned here.

G The Appearance of Sri-Govardhananathaji’s Lotus Face *)

The lotus face of Sri-Govardhananathaji appeared at noon on

a Thursday, the eleventh day of the dark half of the lunar month
of Vaisakha, in the year Samvat 1535 (1478 C.E.). At thal
precise moment, Srimad Acharyacharana appeared in the
midst of a ring of fire (Agni-Kunda). The vrajavasis from the era
| of Sri-Krsna Avatara reincarnated in human _ households
throughout Vraja to play the divine sports with Sri-
in Govardhananathaji.
Saddu Pandey and Manikachanda Pandey, two vrajavasis of
Anyora, owned over a thousand cows. One of these COWS,
Dhumara, was the descendant of a cow belonging to Sri-
Nandarayaji. She stayed with the herd throughout the day, but,
before dusk and before dawn, she would discreetly head to the
Holy Mount Giriraja to offer all her milk to Srinathaji. This ritual
continued for six months and went unnoticed. Suddenly one
day, it dawned on Saddu Pandey and Manikachanda Pandey
that DhGmara was not giving enough milk. Hence, they
decided to keep a watch on her. On following her, they
witnessed this divine occurrence and prostrated in obeisance.

[ @ Srinathaji’s Direct Orders to Saddu Pandey: ® J

Saddu Pandey beheld Srinathaji himself, who said, “I, Deva-

damana, live here in the cavern of the Holy Mount
Govardhana. Corresponding to the different Lilas, | am
referred to as Indra-damana, Naga-damana and Deva- .
’ damana. ane!

(Ae Oe

: *
~~ ee

‘I protected Vraja from the wrath of Indra for sevd,en | con

te Dl

blessed him
» days. When Indra fell at My feet and apologize
thereby crushing his ego. This is why | am known as Indr
- damana.

| suppressed Kaliya, the serpent (Naga) and killed

Kuvalayapida, the intoxicated elephant. | also conquer the
wandering minds (similar to an intoxicated elephant) of my
devotees and bring them under my dominance. Hence the
- name Naga-damana. There is the symbol of an Ankusa
(elephant goad) on Srinathaji’s Lotus Feet. It is impossible to
subdue an elephant without an Ankusa.

Srinathaji continued, “During Krsna Avatara, I subdued the

eight Lokapdlas (Indra, Kubera, Chandrama, Vayu, Varuna,
Mrityu, Yama, Agni). I overpowered Brahma, Siva and Kama,
the main Devas and got the name Deva-damana.

| taught Indra a lesson by lifting Mount Govardhana and

Stealing the Parijata tree. After killing the demon
Sankhachida, | handed over the treasure to Kubera with
instructions on how to safeguard it.

| subdued Siva in the episode of Usa. When Brahma abducted

the calves, | assumed the form of the calves and destroyed his —
ego. | released Sri-Nandarayaji after subduing Varuna, and
after subduing Mrtyu, | returned Devakiji’s six sons, and
brought back My Guru's son after subduing Yama. | also
Subdued Vayu along with Indra when | lifted Mount
_ Govardhana, as gusty winds accompanied the downpour at
» the time.
Srinathaji further ordered Saddu
“| Pandey,
regularly consume the milk of
your cow, so
henceforth,milk this VEry Cow and fetch
me the
milk twice a day.”

Saddu Pandey prostrated in obeisance and

indubitably agreed.

[ -@ Saddu Pandey Recounts the Tale at Home ® )

Saddu Pandey returned to Anyora and painted a

comprehensive tale to his wife, Bhavani and
daughter Naro. He then instructed them, “Offer the
milk to Sri-Govardhananathaji twice a day.” Both
the Holy Mount Giriraja
Naroand Bhavaniwentatop
dailytoserve the milk to Sri-Govardhananathaji.

(% The Orders for the Arrival of a Cow in Saddu Pandey’s Cowshed @)

After a while, the cow stopped giving milk. Saddu Pandey

brought the milk of another cow to Srinathaji who refused to
accede to it. Srinathaji said, “I will only accept the milk of a cow
who is a descendant of Sri-Nandarayaji's cows. There Is one
Such cow in Vraja who will come to your cowshed tomorrow.
Until the previous cow gives birth toa calf and starts giving milk F
again, regularly bring me the milk of this cow. +
~ +}

&> —

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a G Srinathaji Orders Dharmadasa to Send a Cow

to Saddu Pandey 9

A vrajavasi named Dharmadasa, a devout follower, lived

in the village of Jamunadvata. He was the uncle of
Kumbhanadasa and the disciple of Chatura Naga. He
owned hundreds of cows. One amongst these was 4
descendant of Sri-Nandarayaji’s cow. She disassociated
from the other cows and wentto satiate Srinathaji with her
milk. She remained there; she did not return home. Being
perturbed, Dharmadasa, a cowherd, went to look for the
cow. He was accompanied by Kumbhanadasa, then a
young lad of ten. The hunt for the cow led them to the Holy
Mount Giriraja. There they saw her seated beside
Srinathaji. In spite of many sincere tries, they did not
succeed in taking the adamant cow home. Then Srinatha]!
said, “Dharmadasa! Send this cow to Saddu Pandey $
cowshed. | will drink the milk of this cow. She belongs to 4
‘ greatclan.”
2 rinathaji then addressed Kumbhanadasaji, “Co
- play with Me.” J, “Come dailywe to
Upon hearing such a sweet voice, Dharmadasa and
Kumbhanadasa lost consciousness for a little while, When they
recovered, they circumambulated and prostrated in obeisance
to Srinathaji.
In keeping with His orders, the cow was sent to Saddy
Pandey’'s cowshed.

[es The Orders to Madhavananda, a Gaudiya #)

One day, a Gaudiya vaisnava named Madhavananda came to

circumambulate the Holy Mount Govardhana. He lived near Saddu
Pandey’s house. In the company of some vrajavasis, he was able to get
the darsana of Srinathaji and was extremely pleased in doing so. Being a
devotee at heart, he thought, “! must ask for alms and cook on my own. |
must consume only that which | have offered to Srinathaji.” Since then,
he started serving Srinathaji. He would make a garland of the guiija
seeds, which he collected from the forest and adorn Srinathaji with it. He
would also bring a peacock feather to offer to Srinathaji. When he
cooked a meal and offered it to Srinathaji, Srinathaji said, “I will only eat
when Srimad Acharyacharana arrives and personally cooks for Me. Until
then, | will only consume milk. Your wish of adorning Me and feeding Me
will be fulfilled in the future.

Srimad Acharyacharana, on arrival, will establish Me in a temple and

designate you in My divine service. Till then, travel the country while |
play here along with the vrajavasis."

On hearing this, Madhavendra Puri travelled across the country, waiting

for the opportune time to come. Thus, till Samvat 1549 (1492 C.E.)
Srinathaji accepted the offerings of milk and curd from the vrajavasis.
Sometimes, accompanied by Kumbhanadasaji, He would enjoythe curd -
). Stolen from the house of vrajavasis. ‘f
’ Py"

ids) — ‘
[ ‘@ The Prayer of a Vrajavast of Pachari @ |

A vrajavasi decided that on the occasion of his son's wedding,

he would offer 1.25 mana (approx. 46kg) of milk and curd to
Deva-damana. His son immediately got married. He honoured
his word by making an offering of 1.25 mana of milk and 1.25
mana of curd. Soon the news spread far and wide.
Simultaneously, the fame of Deva-damana grew and
escalated throughout Vraja. This vrajavasiresided in Pichari.

[ @ The Prayer of a Vrajavasi of Bhavanapura «@ )

One day, a cow went astray in a thicket in Bhavanapura. This

cow belonged to a vrajavasi who was very anxious as a lion —
lived there. Being desperate to get his cow back, he prayed to
Deva-damana. He promised to offer the entire milk of that cow
forever to Deva-damana, if his cow was rescued from the lion.
Later that night, the lion encountered the cow but he failed to
cause her any harm. Srinathaji extended His arm, caught the
cow by its ear, and led her into the cowshed.

On seeing the cow in the morning, the vrajavasi's joy knew no

bounds. Realizing that Deva-damana has saved the cow, he
Started sending the milk daily.

told Kumbhanadasaji, “My arm is hurting, massage it,

fook that
cow by its ear and leditto the cowshed.”. ~ al
~ «
¥ =>£ ; ad _ - 7 ‘ @
/ ;

$ : ’ ’ ; } :
I a Bi ai a ( ' ;
= ; i '-
= f
ow ” — 3&
Peis S

this manner, all the vrajavasis and cows from ep
: Avatara period, incarnated in Vraja and Srinathaji mn vith
them. He would graciously accept milk and curd brought by
the vrajavasis, and at times, He would go to their house to
steal the same.
[@ The Appearance of Four Vyihas to Protect Srinathaji )

Along with Srinathaji, four other Vyahas also appeared around

$ri-Giriraja to protect Him. Sri-Sankarsana Deva appeared
from Sankarsana Kunda, Sri-Govinda Deva appeared from
Govinda Kunda, Sri-Danirayaji appeared from Dana-ghati,
and Sri-Haridevaji appeared from Sri-Kunda. These four
devas represent Sankarsana, Vasudeva, Pradyumna and
Aniruddha, and perpetually shield Srinathaji. They are
worshipped by vaisnavas of another sect. Srinathaji, residing
in the middle, is Purusottama. Therefore, Purusottama rupa
Srimad Acharyacharana manifested to serve Him. Only
Purusottama is capable of knowing Purusottama. Thus, in the
tenth chapter of the Bhagwad Geeta, Arjuna has said,

cqRPacHoUAce sTTAaTHolAT
reud Il"
aedgSiel (ataftent ¢0/8)
acrHldol ael

tvam purusottama.
svayamevatmanatmanam vettha at e. — (B.Gita 10/1 5)
bh it e$ a de va de va ja ga tp

O Cr ea to r of Be in gs , O Co ntroller of
: Supreme Personality, er of Th e Un iv er se , You alone .
, O Ma st
Beings, O God of gods ;
| know Yourself by Yourself. "

G Srinathaji’s Orders to Srimad Acharyacharana in Jharakhanda ‘*]

It was a Thursday, the eleventh day of the bright half of the

lunar month of Pha/guna, in the year Samvat 1549 (1492 C.E.)
Srinathaji appeared before Srimad Acharyacharana in
Jharakhanda and said, “Presently | am living in the caverns of
the Holy Mount Giriraja. The vrajavasis have seen Me and
want to bring Me out of the cavern, but | am waiting for You.
Promptly come to serve Me. Besides, the jivas from the Krsna
Avatara era have re-incarnated in Vraja; make them your
disciples, then | will play with them. | will meet you on Sri-
Haridasavarya (Giriraja).”

[ Srimad Acharyacharana’s Arrival in Vraja @)

Srimad Acharyacharana instantaneously halted his travel around

the country (Parikrama) in Jnadrakhanda and proceeded to Vraja.
First, he arrived in Mathura and resided at Ujagara Choubey's
house. Srimad Acharyacharana was preparing to go to Visranta
Ghata to bathe in the Holy Yamuna, when Ujagara Choubey and
others said, “Maharaja, since the last five days there Is greal
unrest at Visranta Ghata.”
On hearing this, Srimad Acharyacharana inquired, “What
happened?’ Unanimously, the incident was elaborately
narrated. Initially, the emperor's servant, Rustom All. had
come from Delhi. He felt insulted when all the Choubeys
mocked him. He returned to Delhi and sent a device, which
the Muslims had hung atthe entrance to Vigranta Ghata. Ifa
Hindu passed beneath it, his Sikhd would get cut and he
would grow a beard. Fearing this, no one had been able to
for two days.
bathe in the Holy Yamuna

Srimad Acharyacharana said, “Turning away from a holy

site after coming here is not correct. Therefore, | am going
to bathe. The device will not affect Me. If anyone else wants
to bathe, they can accompany Me.”

Srimad Acharyacharana, along with the populace, happily

bathed in the Holy Yamuna and worshipped Her as per
ritual. The device did not affect anyone then. However, as
soon as Srimad Acharyacharana left, it affected everyone
as earlier. On seeing this, Ujagara Choubey and the others
requested Srimad Acharyacharana, “Please find a solution
such that this device is removed. Everyoneis distressed.”

On hearingna, this, compassionate Srimad

Acharyachara wrote aletter regarding the device. He

d his sev aka s, Va su de va da sa and Krsnadasa

tg pat che
arn ons that the letter be hung at
with the instructi
ch the
em 's main entrance. When such news would rea
With foe justice would be meted out. The duo complied
his b © order. When a Muslim passed under this he lost
and grew a choti. The news that two Hindu
Sai Sard
come andcreatedtroublereached Emperor
f — hen the emperor called and questioned _
i righ et hain both Hindus and Muslims are your
pay Bans + Rustom All first ; stirred trouble in
people. A Your serv eople are perturbed since the past week.
Mathura where the peoP form you of this."
Our Guru sent us here to

Sikander Lodi pro mptly called Rustom Ali and asked him
about the incident. He then said, “Itis your fault. Did you think
that the Hindus wouldn’t have such a miraculous saint ? Look
into it now and quickly remove the device. Don't set your eyes
on any other religion henceforth.” He then addressed
Vasudevadasa and Krsnadasa, “When the device is brought
back from Mathura, you also take your device and return
pronto. And pay my respects to your Guru.”
Once the device of the Muslims was moved away from
Visranta Ghata, Srimad Acharyacharana headed to Sri-

aq M
Srimad Acharyacharana Arrives at Sri-Giriraja ,
and Searches for Srinathaji

Sri-Acharyaji Mahaprabhuj! left Mathura with his disciples and

reached Anyora, at the foothills of the Govardhana. There, he
arrived in front of Saddu Pandey’s house. Many vrajavasis
had a glimpse of Srimad Acharyacharana and thought him to
be a great scholar, as no ordinary man could possess an aura
so divine. Saddu Pandey pleaded with $rimad
Acharyacharana to accept something to eat. Krsnadasa
Meghana brought to the notice of Saddu Pandey that $rimad
_ Acharyacharana only accepts offerings from his disciples, not
» anyone else. |
16 ]
When Krsnadasa Meghana and Saddu Pandey were thus
conversing, Srinathaji called from the top of the Govardhana
Hill so as to draw the attention of Srimad Acharyacharana, “O
Naro, fetch my milk!”

Naro replied, “We have guests at home today.”

Srinathaji said, “It is good that guests have come, but at least
bring Me my milk!”

Naro replied, “Coming.... bringing it!” and took a vessel full of


Srimad Acharyacharana asked Damodaradasaji, “Damala,

did you hear anything?”

ae radasall replied, “Maharaja, | didn’t understand what! _

eard.” t:
‘pas;e naryvacharana

iT we "hlnry*

“This Is| the same voice

said,id, "This ice | had |
We will go
‘t wane at Jharakhanda. Srinathaji is here.
there in the morning.”
ile, Naro went and offere d the milk rito Srinathaji. On:
Meanwhile mad Acharyacharana asked, Is there any milk

seeing her,
Naro replied, “Very li
Srimad Acharyacharana said, “Give itto M
N lied, “Mah araja, there is lots more in the house, take
as much as you WOU Id like.”
Srimad Acharyacharana said, ‘I don'twant anything else.”

Saddu Pandey then pleaded with Srimad Acharyacharana to

accept him as His disciple. Sri-Acharyaji Mahaprabhuji
gracefully obliged and also accepted everything that he had.

Later that night, when all his disciples, the other vrajavasis,
Saddu Pandey and Manikachanda Pandey prostrated, Sri-
Acharyaji Mahaprabhuji asked, “Tell me explicitly how $r-
Deva-damana appeared on this mountain?”

Saddu Pandey said, “Maharaja, in spite

You are asking us to narrate?” poe!
everything, Se Tang

Srimad Acharyacharana ordered, “Tell Me.”

Saddu Pandey narrated the entire story of how Srinathaji

appeared. On hearing this, Srimad Ach ;
’ was filled with roomates joy. a Acharyacharana s heart

(s Srimad Acharyacharana Meets Srinathaji Atop Sri-Giriraja *)

The next day, Sri-Acharyaji Mahaprabhujji, along with all his

disciples, impatiently climbed Mount Giriraja. While Sri-
Mahaprabhuji covered some distance, Srinathaji became
aware of Him approaching. He anxiously came out of the
cavern and rushed to greet Srimad Acharyacharana. Both
were ecstatic on seeing each other. Therefore, Sri-
Gopaladasaji has sung,
ferisorat of 31PaRs clei erst Mratct AV
22a A Bra TeV
anfaen sheitaclor acemrwatar 2/2)

giriraja ne aS$vasa didho dhari komala charana.

harakhe te sama Aviya Srigovardhana uddharana
(vallabhaékhyana ~ 2/26)

He pacified Giriraja by gently placing His feet.

rinathaji, the uplifter of Govardhana, joyously
appeared in front of SriMahaprabhuji. ’

As per Srinathaji’s Orders, Srimad Acharyacharana , i

= Organizes His Seva and Resumes ®|
His Travels Around the Country

Srinathaji told Sri-Mahaprabhuji

“Establish Me in a temple, and
systematize My seva. Without
seva, there is no fruit of

Sri-Mahaprabhuji got a small

temple erected and established
Srinathaji there. In a cavern near
Apsara Kunda, resided a devotee
named Ramadasaji; he became
| Sri-Mahaprabhuji’s disciple when
per a he arrived there.
Sti-Mahaprabhu ordered Ramadasaji, “You perform the seva
of Srinathaji.” Ramadasaji humbly said, “Maharaja, | dont
un anything. | have never done seva before. How can | do
oe Knowing Srinatha ji’s wish, Sri-Mahaprabhuji said,
_ Stnathaji will guide you.”

St Ma ha pr ab hu j ma de a mu ku ta of pe ac oc k fea thers
| orgy
| lught Reo He performed seva and srngara ot Srinatbat haji,
, Go and he
at Govin Bronce and instructed him saying
-filleg With ane each morning. From there bring a pitcher
ia an d ba th e Sri nat haj i wit h it. Th en pat Him dry
| nd adorn Him “
aa have no w don e. Emb ell ish
of eock feather Wh at ev er foo d you get , trs
of, ay Srin S and gu/ ija dai ly.
th en co ns um e it. Th e vr aj av asis will
‘SC Urd atanhadji buan d

Re *

i Sri-Mahaprabhuji then instructed Saddu Pandey and all

> those who were present, “I glorify Sri-Govardhananathaji;
serve Him carefully. Be wary of any disturbance. Do whatever
exhilarates Srinathaji.”
Saying thus, Sri-Mahaprabhuji departed and resumed his
_ voyage around the country. From the day Srimad
| Acharyacharana Himself cooked for and offered something to
| Srinathaji, Srinathaji began devouring those offerings. Till
then, He only consumed milk and curd. From then, He began
| emphatically taking food from the vrajavasis.

[@ Patho Gurjari of Gamtholi ®)

A gurjari (a gopT belonging to the gurjara community) named

Patho resided in Gamtholi. One day, she was carrying
_ refreshments for her son. Srinathaji confiscated two rotis from
) her and devoured them.
.o@ Khemo Gurjari of Goyardhana: *)

one day. Khemo, a gurjari who lived in Govardhana, was

going tosell curd. She encountered Sri-Deva-damana on
ana-Ghati, who asked for some curd. She complied. Deva-

ana further said, “Send Me two rotis and curd-rice daily,
else | will loot and eat all your curd!" From then
on, whenever
she set out to sell curd, she would take these items with her.
Deva-damana would loot and eat all her curd, if she failed to
serve Him on a particular da

[ ¢ Gopala, a Cowherd of Adinga *)

A vrajavasi named Gopala lived in Adinga. Sri-Deva-damana

appeared before him in a forest there, and said, “Bring Me
some milk and rotis.” The vrajavasi milked the cow on the spot
and offered Srinathaji the milk; he also offered the rotis he
had carried for his meal.

Srinathaji told Gopala, “Come for My darSana, daily.”

for th e Sr ng ar a- da rs an a ev er yd ay. He would

c Pala Would go mber to put his
se d th at he wo ul dn 't re me
ie, engros
e. Th us , he ap po in te d so me men to do so for
him ae asid be so ov er whelmed
d pr os tr ate, he wo ul d
that te nen he woul mp ening his clothes.
of jo y fl ow ed fr om his ey es da
arsed the support of two men to descend Mount Giriraja.
Hene Ed

> > s ay . i . P t~ AP IN
S a. , 7 “ -
}- [ A Brahmana's Son of Agara @ |

Sri-Deva-damana appeared in
the dreams of a Brahmana’s son
who lived in Agara. He ordered
him, “Il am the Lord of Vraja.
Come to Sri-Giriraja for my
darsana.” The next morning, the
boy adamantly told his father to
show him the Lord of Vraja. His
father took him to all the temples
in Vraja, but he wasn’t satisfied.
The instant gratification of seeing
Srinathaji was truly visible when
he said, “This is the same Lord
who had appeared in my dream!”
All at once, Srinathaji grasped his arm and allocated him a |
place among His group of friends.

Seeing this, the father was overjoyed. Being a follower of the

Madhva sampradaya, he was reassured that his son reached
where he belonged. Consoling himself thus, he returned
home, and became a great vaisnava. His name was
Premanidhi Misra and features in Bhaktamala.

Thus, Srinathaji performed many stupefying acts with the

“@» Mandaliya Pandey of Sakhitara © |

Mandaliya Pandey lived in Sakhitara. He was a vrajavasi. The

day his daughter-in-law stepped into his house, one of his
buffaloes went missing.

He said, “the footsteps of my daughter-in-law are

nded. Who
inauspicious. The day she came, a buffalo absco
knows what will happen next

prayed to
Hearing this, the da ughter-in-law was dejected. She
you 10 sera
Deva-damana, “If our buffalo is found, | will offer
(Indian Unit for measurement. 1 sera = 930 gm) of butter.”
buffalo was found immediately, and everyone in the
was pleased. The daughter-in-law was given the work
churning the butter. 5-7 sera would be made daily, from which
was thus
she would secretly save half a sera. When 10 sera
accumulated, she added that for household use. She then
churned 10 sera of fresh butter for Deva-damana.

She appealed to Deva-damana, “Come and take your butter.

itwon't be possible for me to leave the house because of my
family members.”

Seeing her genuinity, Deva-damana personally came to fetch

he bowl of butter from her house. He relished the butter and
Shared it with His friends, the animals of the forest and
Kumbhanadasa. He also played with the remaining on the _
‘oly Mount Giriraja.
po, ah
In this manner, Srinathaji celebrated Janmastami while
* Kumbhanadasa sang this kirtana -
Gfer al ol
‘ssor se fer sar
angana dadhi ko udadhi bhayo

The courtyard was filled with lashings of curd.

[@ » A Devotee Named Chatura Naga in Tonda Ko Ghano ©@ ]

A devotee named Chatura Naga performed penance in Tonda

Ko Ghano. He never set foot upon Sri-Giriraja. To enable him
get His darsana, Srinathaji rode on a buffalo along with
Ramadasaji, Saddu Pandey and others and went to Tonda Ko

On beholding Srinathaji, he was ecstatic. He hurriedly brought

kantola from the forest, cooked the vegetable and offered it to
Srinathaji with some siraé. While accepting the offering.
_ Srinathaji told Kumbhanadasaji to sing a kirtana.
S26 /
s a n g th is p a da -
\ Kumbhanad asa j i
rac ast 20S PF HOT I
c cs t a i a CH L, BE AM GA CT AO A R U
Big ait ver HPA DIS, TE DET Aor so
Dlol Ws Soll at sori! 121
'‘DEHAGRT aa anraeloteR, dé

i to hi t o n d a ko ghano.
bhavata ha .
ge go k ar u l a ge phatyo jata tano
kanta la
ko ka ha /o ka ri ko dara, yaha kaha banika banyo
simha anadhar a, vaha kauna rand edhani ko ja nyo.
tu ma govardh nda a dh

t f
You have a fondness for the dense thicke o T
lots of thorns and caltrops on the way a du e to Le elm so os
es no t fe ar fo x. Wh y ar e a l rte
are getting torn. Alion do s Sr in at ha ji th at Yo u alking
a te ll
like this? Kumbhanadas
uplifter of the sacred Govardhana but, J who is this isingla
Naga) born to a low caste whore.
That day was a Wednesday, the thirteenth day of the bright
nth ofof Srava
half of the lunar month Sravnaana ini the year Sanvat
(1495 C.E.). Thus, Srinathaji fulfilled the desires of le
Naga and returned to the Holy Mount Giriraja

[ Orders to Piranamalla to Build a Temple #)

On th
ot ogo da yar of thrhevabr ight half of the lunar month of
ye Sa t 1556 (1499 C.E.) Srinathaj
appeared i
him, nb lene geld of nsPrtran amalla Katriya and orde”red
ja, an co ucta sizable templeforMe. ¢
<= ?

[ * Piranamalla’s Arrival in Vraja %)

Puranamalla, after accumulating all his opulence, left his

home in Ambalaya and proceeded to Govardhana. On
arriving, he enquired, “I have heard of Sri-Deva-damana being
here, where is He?” A vrajavasT guided him. He was
overwhelmed on seeing Srinathaji. Then, he went to Srimad
Acharyacharana, paid obeisance and said, “Maharaja, it
seems that Sri-Govardhananathaji desires a consequential
temple. He ordered me in my dream; having amassed all my
riches, | have come here.”

Srimad Acharyacharana said, “Yes, expedite the task of

building a temple.”

Srimad Acharyacharana subsequently called on Sri-Girirajaji,

“The construction of the temple will cause major
inconvenience to You. What must be done?”

Sri-Girirajaji pronounced, “Srinathaji resides in my heart. | will

not be distraught. Build the temple with pleasure.”

( Orders to Hirimani to Build the Temple *)

There lived a craftsman named Hirdmani who lived in Agara.

In his dream Srinathaji commanded him, “Come to build My
temple.” Hiramani came to Govardhana and encountered St-
Mahaprabhuji. Hiramani told Him, “Srinathaji has ordered me
to build a temple. With your permission, we can commence thé
laying of the foundation.”
@) axl

rr ————
sa id , “I ll us tr at e a pl an of th e te mp le
Samad Acharyacharana
‘ablack and white.”
it to
Hiramani drew the plan of a grand temple and showed
noticed a
éqmad Acharyacharana. Srimad Acharyacharana
tol d Hir ama ni to red raw . See ing a sikhara
éikhara, (dome) and na enjoined
the sec ond pla n as wel l, Sri mad Ach ary ach ara
rd one . The re was a Sik har a in the third
Hiramani to draw a thi
one as well.

ng th is , $r ij -M ah ap ra bh uj i tol d Damodaradasa,
Notici sikhara. He will
“6rinathajiaspires to inhabit a temple with a
he re for a bri ef pe ri od . Su bs eq ue ntly, the Muslims will
-eside other place. He will
sin: Srinathaji will eventually depart to an ja de novo.
a ce rt ai n du ra ti on an d ret urn to Vra
-eside there for
a te mp le wil l be bui lt on the lan d at Pic hari. There
Atthat time,
-sikhara, Deva-
are three Sikharas (peaks) of Sri-Giriraja - Adi
tara, Krsna
éikhara and Brahma-sikhara. During Krsna Ava
rf or me d His Lil as on Ad i- si kh ar a. Pre sen tly , in His
manifestation as Sr-Govardhanadhara, He leg is playing on
of His Lilas
Deva-sikhara (in the centre). Hereafter, the last Deva-
will be carried out on Brahma-sikhara. Adi-sikhara and kha
-si ra
_ sikhara are hidden under the earth whereas Brahma
s visible. Krsna, manifested as $ri-Govardhananathaji
always perform His Divine Lilas on the Holy Mount
(« Building Srinathaji’s New Temple |

On the third day of the bright

half of the lunar month of
Vaisakha, in the Rohini
Naksatra, the foundation for
the temple was laid. It was 4
Sunday. Piranamalla had more
than one lakh coins. One lakh
coins were used up in the
construction of the temple, only
a few thousand remained. With
these, PUranamalla headed to
the south where he engaged in
y the trade of jewels and earned three lakh coins.

He returned after twenty years and resumed the construction

of the temple which had remained incomplete till then.

During this time, Srinathaji resided in the old temple, an¢

Ramadasa Chauhana served Him. Having the desire to play
with the vrajavasis, Srinathaji had created an obstacle to delay
the construction by twenty years.

In this manner, from the year Sarhvat 1545 (1488 C.E.) to the
year Samvat 1576 (1519 C.E.) Srinathaji performed various
c Srinathaji Installed in the New Temple *)

| a > | Just when the

| i _ construction of the
| 4 big new temple
concluded, Srj-
Acharyaj ji
Mahaprabhuji came
to Vraja. He
Srinathaji in the new
temple on the day of
Aksaya Tritiya, the
third ey of the bright half of the lunar month of Vaisakha in the
year Samvat 1576 (1519 C.E.).

That day, Piranamalla

Was thrilled on doing
the darsana of Sri-
He considered it to be
Nis laurel that Sri-
Nas bestowed such
Infinite grace upon
$ri-Mahaprabhuji was.
extremely pleased with
Piranamalla, and told him,
“Paranamalla, ask for
something. | am very content
with you.”

Piranamalla asked Sri-

Acharyaji Mahaprabhuji “I wish
to offer sandalwood paste to Sri-
Govardhananathaji with my own

Sri-Mahaprabhuji willingly consented, “Do so with pleasure!

Don't withhold any desire today, do as you please.”

Euphoric, Piranamalla mixed the best sandalwood with attar

(perfume of a flower) and phulel (Jasmine oil) and delicately
applied the paste on Sri-Govardhananathaji’s vigraha
(image) with immense love, considering it his great fortune.
Then Sri-Mahaprabhuji adorned Sri-Govardhananathaji with

The joy experienced on that day cannot be expressed. There

were great celebrations.

Pdranamalla happily served Sri-Acharyaji Mahaprabhuji. Sri-

Acharyaji Mahaprabhuji gladly gave Paranamalia the stole
He was wearing. Piranamalla prostrated in reverence,
sought permission from Srimad Acharyacharana to return to |
- his home in Ambalaya.
G Organizing Sriji’s Seva *)

é7-Mahaprabhuji then summoned Saddu Pandey and tol

him, “Abig temple has been built for Sri-Govardhananathaji
such a temple, lots of helpers will be required. You are a
Brahmana. According to the Sastras, it is better if a Brahmana
serves Sti-Govardhananatha}
saddu Pandey said, “Maharaja, we do not understand any
achara-vichara (etiquettes or protocols). It is better if someone
who knows and understands seva is appointed. There are
3rahmana vaisnavas, disciples of Sri-Krsnachaitanya living at
Sakunda. Itis recommended that You appoint them.”

then Srimad Acharyacharana appointed Bengal Brahmanas

in the service of Srinathaji and instructed them accordingly.
adhavendra Puri was appointed as the mukhiyaji (in-charge
of the deity’s worship) and all his disciples as other helpers.
xrsnadasa was entrusted with the administration of the temple
and Kumbhanadasa was appointed to sing kirlanas. Sri-
\ahaprabhuji set the nega for Srinathaji, i.e. the minimum
quantity of samagrito be offered to the Lordina day.

émad Acharyacharana said, “Saddu Pandey will send this

quantity daily, if you get something extra, offer that as well.
ronsume whatever is offered to Srinathaji. Be punctual.
Whatever you get with God’s wish, offer that to Sri-
sovardhananathaji , but do not delay, offer everything within
ihe time frame.”

saying thus, Srimad Acharyacharana departed to continue Ry

the country.
ais travels across

[# Srimad Acharyacharana Buys a Cow or Seat

One day, before Sri-Mahaprabhuji departed to traye| sie

the country, Sri-Govardhananathaji tolg Stimay
Acharyacharana, “Fetch Me a cow.”

Sri-Mahaprabhuji immediately called Saddu Pandey and sa; ;

“Sri-Govardhananathaji is demanding a cow. Take this gold
ring of mine, sell it and bring a cow.”

Saddu Pandey said, “Maharaja, | own many cattles; cows,

buffaloes, everything is Yours. | will bring as many cows as You

Sri-Mahaprabhuji said, “I will not refuse whatever you give, but

Sri-Govardhananathaji has ordered Me, thus, take this gold
ring and bring a cow.”


| ney
’ gaddu Pandey sold the gold
ring and bought a cow. Stimad
“Acharya charana brought the cow in
front of Srinathaji
énathaji was overjoyed. The news that Srinathaji
cows spread throughout Vraja. All the wouter io
io Srinathaji; some gave one, some two, some four. In this
manner, over a thousand cows were gifted to Srinathaji. As a
result, Sri-Mahaprabhuji named Srinathaji ‘Gopala.'
The devotee Chitasvami has sung,
378t SIRI Oe) OUR, Sc aN Sa FI, ailferog wr anreror Hazrat é 901 11211
aot > Ver Lid, SUIol A Bea UA, onietot ht Vqz Yq siey TATA 1121
dIRTol Bi Ast Bre, devs) feral, sel W ea ky, Bz ct Fora 11311
Garay friend, fagetor ag end, sarferen at 20 er, onetor ai 314 1111
age gaya pache gaya, ita gaya uta gaya,
govinda ko gayana mein basavo hi bhave. (1)
gayana ke sanga dhave, gayana mein sachu pave,
gayana ki khura renu, anga lapatave (2)
gayana son vraja chayo, vaikuntha visarayo,
gayana ke heta giri, kara le uthave. (3)
‘chitasvami’ giridhari, vitthalesa vapudhari,
gvaliya ko bhekha dhara, gayana mein ave. (4)

se ahead, cows behind, cows at the front and cows at

He back. Govinda loves to be amidst cows. (1) ,;
the cow s, He exp eri enc es Joy In the
Ne along with feet of cows a
He app lies the dust of the
of .cows,
his y body
oNBE Pan (2)
d by cow s, Vai kun tha is fo rg ot te n, He lifts
‘ala is Surrounde
Gov ard han a for the sake of the Cows. (3)
; Holy Mount
; aster of Chita’, One who assumes the body of
of 2 lesa, enters (Gokula) in between the cows in the form

a COWherd.
— toe

= €
[ & Srinathaji Goes to Govinda Kunda: *)

One day, Chatura Naga

prepared rotis and vadis at
Govinda Kunda and offered
them to Srinathaji. At the
same time, Madhavendra
Purl also offered Srinathaji
rajabhoga on the mountain.
Srinathaji left that and went to
Govinda Kunda. However,
the quantity of the meal Chatura Naga had prepared was small
and Srinathaji was still hungry. Thus, He ordered Madhavendra
Puri, “| am hungry. Prepare rajabhoga again.” Madhavendra
Puridid so and offered it to Srinathaji.

c Srinathaji Dissatisfied with the Service of the Bengalis ®)

Madhavendra Puri would daily adorn Srinathaji with mukuta-

kachani, and paga on the day of a festival. He also applied
sandalwood paste on Srinathaji daily. Though Srinathaji was
unhappy with this, He would not say a word since Sri-
Mahaprabhuji had appointed him. In this manner, the Bengalis
served Srinathaji for fourteen years. They would place a
_ goddess named Vrnda near Srinathaji, which displeased
Srinathaji as well. One day, He directed Avadhitdasa, “Tell
Krsnadasa that these Bengalis are stealing My money. Thus,
they should be removed from My seva.”


(@ Sri-Acharyaji Mahaprabhyji Attains the Eternal Abode ®]

avi .
) ae
4 xr nal ?
ee -
» - He"

¥, 2S

At noon on the third day of the bright half of the lunar month of
Asadha, in the year Sarhvat 1587 (1530 C.E.) Sri-Acharyaji
Mahaprabhuji entered the waters of the Holy Ganges at
Hanumana Ghata in Kasi. He sat in padmasana and
proceeded towards the Eternal Abode.
~ ae
( Sri-Gopinathaji Succeeds Srimad Acharyacharana |: ]

A if 12
Later, Sri-Gopinathaji, the
eldest son of Srimad
Acharyacharana, became the
head of the sampradaya. He
served Srinathaji well for three
years during which time the
Bengalis too continued to serve
Srinathaji. Sri-Gopinathaji had
vessels and ornaments worth a
lakh of rupees made for

Sri-Gopinathaji’s son, Sri-

Purusottamaji, entered the
caverns of Sri-Girirajaji. There,
Srinathaji held his hand and
accepted him into His Realm.


‘® Sri-Gopinathaji Attains the Eternal Abode #)


Sri-Gopinathaji was saddened at the loss of His son. He went

to Jagannatha Puri and merged with the idol of Sri-Baladevaji

[@ Sri-Gusaimji Leads the Sampradaya: o ‘]

Mahaprabhuji had two
sons; the first was Sri-
Gopinathaji, who entered 7
into the idol of Sri-/
Baladevaji at Jagannatha |
Purl; and second, Sri-
Gusadimji (Srt-
Vitthalanathaji), who now
took the reigns of the holy |
seat of the sampradaya. |»
Knowing Srinathaji’s
desire, Sri-Gusaiiji did
away with the Bengali’s
from His service and
appointed new Sévakas,
the Gurjara (Giranara)
Brahmanas. He also
appointed Ramadasa as
» the mukhiyd.

[ @ Madhavendra Puri Goes South rr) )

Srinathaji decreed Madhavendra Puri, “Bring original

malayagaru sandalwood for Me. | like sandalwood.”
Immediately obliging, Madhavendra Puri went South to bring
this sandalwood.

‘@» Madhavendra Puri Does Sri-Gopinathaji’s Darsana “® J

En route, Madhavendra Puri did darsgana of Sri-Gopinathaji,

and lodged in a guest house for the night. That night,
Madhavendra Puri thought, “Lots of pots of khira are offered to
Sri-Gopinathaji. | have never offered a bowl of khira to
Srinathaji.” He thus began repenting. At the time, lots of khira
in big vessels was offered in Sayana-bhoga to Sri-Gopinathaji.
Sri-Gopinathaji took one of the vessels and hid it underneath
His simhasana.

When the offerings were withdrawn, the priests found one

vessel missing and began quarrelling among themselves. Sri-
Gopinathaji said, “None amongst you has stolen the vessel, |
have. It is below the simhasana. One of you give it to
rinathaji’s mukhiyaji, Madhavendra Puri, who has come
here.” A priest took the vessel and began calling out for
Madhavendra Puri throughout the village. Hearing his name
being called, Madhavendra Puri met the priest. The priest
Save him the vessel of khira and said, “Sri-Gopinathaji has
ee Prasada for you.” Madhavendra Purl was thrilled. From
| ann day, Sri-Gopinathaji earned fame as ‘khira-thief
_. Madhavendra Puri and the King of Tailanga Deg,
yy Depart to Offer Srinathaji Sandalwood By

Madhavendra Puri proceeded southward, and went

to the
residence of the king of Tailanga DeSa who was his di
The king greeted Madhavendra Puri with utmost reverence
and enquired where he was headed. Madhavendra Py Said
“Srinathaji has ordered me to fetch original malayagary
sandalwood for Him, as He is feeling hot. Thus, | will go to
Mount Malayachala, collect sandalwood from there and Offer
it to Srinathaji.”
The King said, “Maharaja, | have malayagaru sandalwood at
home. They are such that if 1.25 mana of oil is heated and 1
tola (11.7gm) of the sandalwood is added, it will cool the oil.
You take it and offer it to Srinathaji. |, too, wish to do the
darsana of Srinathaji. Please, let me accompany you.”
Madhavendra Puri replied, “If you hand over your kingdom to
your son and accompany me alone, you will be able to do the
darSana of Srinathaji.”

The king consented. He took one

load of
his head, Madhavendra Puri took another thloe adsandalwooe
, and toge
they set out for Srinathaji's darsan
t i
Cc Srinathaji Appears in Front of Madhavendra Purl ®)

From there, they came to Tirupati and bathed in the Puskarini

river. They sat in a garden and meditated; thinking only of
Srinathaji. Srinathaji knew that Madhavendra Puri was
bringing the malayagaru sandalwood for Him; Srinathaji
appeared in front of him in that garden. He apprised
Madhavendra Puri, “Offer the sandalwood to Me, I'm feeling
hot.” Madhavendra Purl made a paste and offered it to
Srinathaji. He then presented coconut and bananas to
Srinathaji, which Srinathaji accepted.

Srinathaji then mandated Madhavendra Pur', “Vraja is close to

Himachala, therefore sandalwood is not favourable all year
round, it is favourable only in the summer. You desire to offer
sandalwood throughout the year. It is always warm in the
south. | reside atop the Malayachala mountain and accept
Sandalwood daily. The king, your disciple, will assist you there.
Both of you serve Me on Mount Malayachala. Himagopala,
one of my forms, resides there. He always adorns ornaments
made of sandalwood. There is a sandalwood forest nearby,
where Indra comes for dargana daily. You reside there. Sri-
Gusaimji will serve Me in Vraja. He offers various garments,
ornaments, eatables and fragarances according to the season
and gratifies Me.”

! saying thus, Srinathaji disappeared and went back to Sri-

I"irajaji. Madhavendra Puri did as was told. He served Sri-
'Magopalaji all his life and attained the higher realm. '

. *
r ‘
Aetents f
- Sri-Gusaimji Is Saddened on Hearing of |
(is Madhavendra Puri Attaining the Higher Realm 8)

Sri-Gusaimji heard of Madhavendra Puri attaining the Higher

Realm six months later. He was deeply saddened. He Said,
“Madhavendra Puri went to get sandalwood, and on the Way,
attained paraloka. Where will we find such loving devotees
again? Madhavendra Puri studied all the S4stras and
accepted the path of devotion, which is the fruit of the sastras.
Srinathaji was very pleased with him.” Seeing Sri-Gusaniij
saddened, Srinathaji narrated what had transpired: hearing
which Sri-Gusaimji was pleased.

( © The Life of Madhavendra Puri e ]

Madhavendra Puri was a Tailanga Brahmana. He was an

Acharya of the Madhva sampradaya. Sri-Krsnachaitanya was
his disciple. Madhavendra Puri told him, “Liberate the Gauda
province.” Thus, all the Gaudiyas became his disciples.
Madhavendra Puri had taken sannydsa (renunciation) and
resided in Kasi. When Sri-Laksmana Bhattaji_ performed the
threa cere
daven mony of Sri-Vallabha in Kasi, he appealed 1
Madh dra Purl, “Educate this boy.” Then, $ri-Vallabha
Studied the four vedas and six Sastras in just four months. He
‘old Madhavendra Puri, “Ask for something in return for you
teaching (guru-daksina).” Just at that time, Madhavendra Pur
got a glimpse
he said, “With ofyouSri ~Vall abha as the Supreme P ersonali ty, 2"rm.
You will: establish r grace,
th | am able to see y our Divine Fo
a fue |
ji. AS -oY
shrinety ofto serve |
daksina, | ask that | get € theholy
| Siena i

\ Sri-Vallabha replied, “Come to Vraja when | go and establish ,

, Srinathaji. | will appoint you in His divine service. Youwill serve -
Srinathaji until He wishes.”
At the appropriate time, Sri-Acharyaji Mahaprabhuji
established Srinathaji in the temple and Madhavendra Puri
also came to Vraja. Srimad Acharyacharana appointed him in
Srinathaji’s divine service. With the grace of Sri-Acharyaji
Mahaprabhuji Srinathaji let Madhavendra Purl do His seva
for fourteen years. Along with him, this fortune was given to
other Bengalis as well. Unfortunately, Srinathaji did not find
the Bengalis worthy enough to experience the supreme ‘rasa’
of seva, hence, He ordered them, “Chant My Holy Name, by
this alone you shall be uplifted. My seva will be performed by

[ @) Asta-Sakha ® |

Subsequently, Sri-Govardhananathaji resided on the Holy

Mount Giriraja and Sri-Gusaimji was in His service. When Sri-
Govardhananathaji appeared on earth, eight of His divine
friends - Krsna, Toka, Rsabha, Subala, Arjuna, Visala, Bhoja and
Sridama- did so as well, and these became the Asta Chapa who
sang verses to glorify His Divine Lilas.
. Their names are given by Sri-Dvarakanathaji Maharaja -

s Dal
siiradasa so ‘Krsna’

Krsnadasa so 'rsabha’
wearers ‘faenen’
chaturbhujadasa ‘viSala’

zara mifaresiterar i
svami govinda 'sridama’.
astachapa anthon sakha, '$ri-dvarakeSa‘ paramana
jinake krta gunagana kari, nijajana hota sujana.

Siradasa is 'Krsna', know Paramanandadasa as ‘Joka’,

Krsnadasa is 'Rsabha', praise Chitasvami as ‘Subala',
Kumbhanadasa is 'Arjuna' while Chaturbhujadasa is 'Visa/a’.
Nandadasa is 'Bhoja' and Govindasvamt is 'Sridama’.
These eight devotional poets (Astachapa) are the eight
sakhas (friends) whose (fa) names are revealed by 'Sri-
Dvarakesaji. By singing the glories (of the Blessed Lord)
written by them, the Blessed soul will attain wisdom.

Thus, during the time of Sri-Gusaimji, Srinathaji performed :

various Lilas in Vraja.
me oS
[ A Brahmana in Kasi: = |

A smarta, nagara Brahmana lived in Kasi, who got married in

Vadanagara. On his way back to Kasi, he reached Mathura.
His wife, a disciple of Sri-Gusaimji, pleaded to her husband,
“Since we are here, let's do Srinathaji’s darsana on the Holy
Mount Govardhana. He is my kuladevata (family deity).”
Although he was not a disciple, the Brahmana agreed. They
went to Govardhana and did the bhoga darsana of Srinathaji.
The woman appealed to Srinathaji, “Maharaja, Sri-Gusaimji
has held my hand, thanks to You. Please save me from this
dussanga (bad company) and keep me near You.” On hearing
this, Srinathaji held her hand and accepted her into
Realm. Her husband was devastated and prepared to end his
life. Seeing this, Sri-Gusatmji revealed a glimpse of the Divine
Abode where he saw his wife among a group of gopis. On
being consoled himself, he became Sri-Gusaiimji’s disciple
and passed away soon after.

He was reborn in Gartholl, and was named Syama

Pakhavajt. He had a daughter named Lalita, who played the
bina (Vina) very well, whereas, Syama excelled at playing the
Mrdanga (ancient percussion instrument). To hear them,
érinathaji once stayed awake all night and returned to the
temple only when the conches were blown, signalling dawn.
When Sri-Gusaimji came to arouse Srinathaji, He saw that His
eyes were red. Sri-Gusalmji asked, “Bava! Why did you stay
awake during the night?" Srinathaji replied, “I was in Gamtholi.
Lalita played the Bina and Syama played the Mrdanga, it was
immensely gratifying.”

a —_—

Se ita and Sy
a a Pakhav;ajl, initiatated
* &- Cysaiinii called Lalita
: SS appointed them in Srinathaji’s service. Wherever |
a nathaji played, the Astachapa would sing and Lalita ang
ane would ac company them with their respective

(# The Vrajavasis Offer Srinathaji Cows *)

When the vrajavasis heard that Deva-damana was fond of

cows, they unanimously decided that those who owned cows
would offer one or two. Thus, vrajavasTs from all the twenty-
four villages around Sri-Giriraja gifted Deva-damana one or
two cows. They also agreed on gifting the first born calf to
Deva-damana. In this manner, over a thousand cows were
gifted to Srinathaji and Srinathaji henceforth only acc
milk and curd of His own cows.

G Sri-Gusaimji Organizes Expenditures *)

Sri-Gusaimji organized Srinathaji’s expenditures such that

one lakh rupees were allocated annually and he also
organized the way of celebrating festivals. Daily a pot of curd
would come from the vrajavasi's house for rajabhoga.

q ‘@: Stopping and Resuming The Pot of Curd > J

One day, after the rajabhoga-arti, a sevaka noticed a piece of

rotrin the vrajavasy's pot of curd and reported the same to Sri-
Gusalmji. Sri-Gusaimji re-offered rajabhoga and halted the
practice of curd coming from the vrajavasi's house. This was
replaced by another pot of curd prepared in the temple. When
rajabhoga was offered the next day, Srinathaji ordered
Ramadasaji, “Bring Me the curd that comes daily from the
vrajavasis. Carefully inspect it, but do offer it to Me.” Hearing
this from Ramadasaji, Sri-Gusaimji resumed offering the
vrajavasi's curd during rajabhoga.

i? Sri-Gusaimji Orders for Cowsheds to be ia

Built and Appoints Four Cowherds sie

Sri-Gusaimji got big cowsheds built around Gulala Kunda and

all the cows were stationed there. He also appointed
Krsnadasa (Kumbhanadasa’s son), Gopinathadasa, Gopala
and Ganga as the four cowherds. These cowherds would
accompany Srinathaji during the day when He went to graze

[ @ Srinathaji Gives Laddiis to the Cowherds *

One day Srinathaji was playing

with all the cowherds.
Gopinathadasa questioned
Srinathaji, “Sri-Gusaimji offers
you faddis on a daily basis,
bring some for us too!”
Srinathaji acceded, “I will bring
tomorrow.” The next day,
Srinathaji took eight laddas
offered in gopivallabha bhoga
and distributed them, one each, Lie.
amongst the cowherds in the ee =——
garden. Of the two he gave Gopinathadasa, he ate one and
saved the other one for a subsequent time. Later that evening,
the cowherds went to see Sri-Gusaimji and prostrated in
obeisance. At that moment, all the sevakas were talking to Sri-
Gusaimji about the eight missing laddas. Gopinathadasa
showed Sri-Gusaimji the one laddi that he had and asked,
“Maharaja, is this the /addd you are talking about?” Everyone
agreed, “This is one of those eight /addas!” Gopinathadasa
said, “Today Deva-damana brought eight /addas and gave
one to each cowherd. He gave me two.” Sri-Gu
saimji took a
small piece of the /addd and distributed
the remainder among
all the other vaisnavas. He then ordered the
sevakas, “Give
two laddus to Gopinathadasa daily.” He als
o set nega for each
. sevaka according to his service.

_—— ——
id vv

& [@ Srinathaji Gives Two Laddis to the Keeper of the Rice Fields «

A rice field, at the foothills of Mount Giriraja, belonged to

Srinathaji. Two boys were the caretakers of that field. One
_ day, one of the boys went to have his meal, while the other one
| stayed back in the field. The first boy was delayed. The
famished caretaker, who was still in the rice field, looked
towards Srinathaji’s dhvaja and shouted out, “Deva-damana!
| am the caretaker of your rice field. Send me something to
eat!” On hearing this, kind-hearted Srinathaji took two /addus
from his banta (box of snacks) and went and gave it to the boy.
When the sevakas found two /addis missing and were
discussing the same amongst themselves, Srinathaji said, “I
have given them to the caretaker of the rice field.” Sri-
Gusaimji called that boy and appointed him in Srinathaji’s
service. His name was Harji, after whom Haraji Ki Pokhara is
named, where all the cows drink water daily.

ie Srinathaji Goes to a Gurjari’s House on ié>

~* Not Receiving Curd From the Vrajavasis ~~

| From that day onwards, a pot of curd from the vrajavasis’

house arrived daily. One day, the curd was delayed and
| arrived after the rajabhoga meal, hence, it could not be served
- to Srinathaji. Srinathaji pondered, “I haven't eaten the
_ vrajavasis’ curd yet," and went to Sobha gurjari’s house in
- Baroli with a golden bowl from the temple. Srinathaji told her,
“Give Me curd!” She had prepared delectable curd, from which
she offered Srinathaji. Srinathaji had his fill, forgot the golden
. bowl at her house and moved on to Syama-dhaka.
— —
He q uenched his thirst, he noticed
As soon as
Gopinathadasa, Kumbhanadasa, Govindasvami andhide and
began to play
and all the cows grazing, SO Srinathaji
seek with them. When the conches were blown, signalli
utthapana, Srinathaji returned to the temple and the cows to
l in the
their shed. The sevakas, unable to find the golden bow
ple , wer e del ibe rat ing amo ng the mse lve s, whe n Sobh4 |
gurjarl came from Baroli and handed the bowl to Sri-Gusatihji |
She said, “Maharaja, Deva-damana had come to my house to
eat curd and forgot this bowl. | have come to return it.” On
hearing this, Sri-Gusalimji repented, “We didn’t offer the
vrajavasis’ curd but Srinathaji cannot refrain from accepting it
thus, He went there and accepted it.” Since then, Sti-Gusaiiiii
ensured that the curd was delivered on time and offered

(% Srindthaji Accepts Curd-Rice in a Silver Bowl ®)

One day, while Srinathaji was at Govinda Kuoe ~ ; si

taking curd-rice for her son. Srinathaji
demanded some of it. She said, “Bring a vessel.” § , Fie
brought a silver bowl from the temple, in which the een
Him some curd-rice. Srinathaji returned to the tem —n ie
curd-rice and left the bowl there. When the sovake eal
for utthapana, they saw the unwashed bow! lyin a soe
g there. They
questioned those responsible for cleaning mi
said, We had washed it. We don't know what * WORDEN WhO
that.” Srinathaji told Sri-Gusaimji, “I ha 4 be appened after
from Lachcho gurjari and ate it in this bowl ugh cura-ti0e
Sri-Gusaimji thought, “It is summer, Srna Have it cleaned.”
rice in this warm weather.” In this m ain rinathaji enjoys
itbecame customary to offer Srinathaji et
“fice as —
in summ er.
seasonal (
om 3

spe cif ic

\. In this fas hio n, Sri -Gu sai mji org ani zed
> s4magris as per Srinathaji hes. |

[ @ Srinathaji Goes to Syima-dhaka @

One day Srinathaji ordered Gopaladasa, “I am at
Kunda. You go and tell Sri-Gusaimji to make curd-rice e
kly. | am nea r Sya ma- dha ka, rav eno us, SO com
return quic
Sri- informed
with the curd-rice.” Gopaladasa
Gusaimji, who, on hearing this, bathed, prepared the cur
savoured the
and rushed to Syama-dhaka. There, Srinathaji After
er friends.
curd-rice along with Baladevaji and His oth
enc ing this Lila , Sri -Gu sai mji ret urn ed to His bai thaka.

Mathura ‘®
G @ Srinathaji Goes to Sri-Gusaimji’s House in

Once, Sri-Gusaimji had gone to Gujarata, and
was in Srinathaji’s divine service. One day, Srinathaji told Sri-
Giridharaji, “| wish to see your house in Mathura.” Sri-
Giridharaji got a chariot built, harnessed some bulls and had it
waiting at the foothills of Sri-Girirajaji. Srinathaji climbed on
ple onto
the shoulders of Sri-Giridharaji and went from the tem
the chariot. Sri-Giridharaji rode the chariot to Mathura, to
led in Sri-
Gusaimji's house, Sataghara. Srinathaji was instal
of the
Gusaiinji's house on the seventh day of the dark half
lunar month of Phalguna, in the year Sarnvat 1623 (1566
C.E.). This Patotsava is accepted and celebrated by all the
_ seven houses of the sampradaya. The day Srinathaji came to
| y, Sri-Gusaimji’s house, Sri-Giridharaji offeredeachandevery et
| ih)
i ,
&® exec
| emer
thing in the house to Srinathaji, and stood wearing Only a

4 loincloth. All the daughters and daughters-in-law also stooq -

wearing only a saree. Money, ornaments, expensive —
garments, vessels, chariots, horses etc. everything was
offered to Srinathaji. However, Kamala betiji kept one nose-
ring, which Srinathaji Himself asked for and accepted. This is
the sign of Infinite Grace.

[@ Srinathajj Plays Holi @)

Then, Sri-Giridharaji and others

played Holi with Srinathaji,
Srinathaji ordered all the ladies,
“Even you play with Me.” All the |
daughters and daughters-in-law |
played Holi with Srinathaji, made —
Him wear a chova ki choli (blouse
Painted with chova) and mohini —
Srngara. Everyone experienced
inexpressible happiness. They took
Srinathaji's flute as phaguva, and
Only gave it back when they got
what they wanted in return!
d: [ @ Srinathaji Returns to $14-Girirajaji and Meets Sri-Gusaimji @]

It was time for Sri-Gusaithji’s return. Knowing this, Srinathaji

told Sri-Giridharaji, “Sri-Gusaitji will be very agitated if He
doesnt see Me on Sri-Girirajaji. Take Me back to Mount
Giriraja today itself.” After accepting gopivallabha-bhoga
Srinathaji sat in the chariot and ordered Sri-Giridharaji, “Drive
the chariot quickly. | will have rajabhoga and Sayana-bhoga
together on Sri-Girirajaji.” Srinathaji reached Sri-Girirajaji in
the evening, once again climbed onto Sri-Giridharaji’s
shoulders and returned to the temple.

This Lila was divine and unbelievable. That was the day of
Narasimha-Chaturdasy, and all the celebrations took place on
Mount Giriraja. Rajabhoga and Sayana-bhoga were offered

On purnima (full moon), the following day, Sri-Gusainji

returned from Gujarata to Sri-Girirajaji and heard what had
happened. He said, “Sri-Acharyaji Mahaprabhuji has
established Srinathaji on the Holy Mount Giriraja. Thus
bestowing grace on us, He is giving darsana on Sri-Giriraja.
This is what we desire.” Sri-Gusainji then delicately
Srinathaji's cheeks and asked, “Bava! Why did yoyfuck: F d
Mathura?” Srinathaji replied, “I went to see all your ae it fe)
and daughters-in-law.” Saying thus, both were ovedave ¥ i
meeting each other.
[@ Srinathaji’s Kavaya Gets Caught in a Tree *)

One day, Srinathaji was playing with Govindasvami at Syama._.

Wh en the co nc he s wer e bl ow n in the tem ple sign alin 4
dha ka.
utthapana, Srinathaji hurriedly ran to the temple. In doing so, a
piece of His kavaya got stuck in a tree and tore. When §}7.
Gusalinji did Srinathaji’s darsana during bhoga, He was

careworn. He wondered, “How could this have happened?” 1
that time, Govindasvami came and handed over the torn piece
to Sri-Gusaimji and said, “Your boy is very agile!” Sri-Gusaii
took the piece and attached it to Srinathaji’s kavaya anq
ordered Ramadasa, “After blowing the conch wait for a while
let Srinathaji come back to the temple, then open the doors.”
(@, Srinathaji Assumes a Smaller Form
- to Fit into a Small Garment i

Once, Sri-Gusaimji ordered a black garment to be made for

Srinathaji. However, the cloth was not enough and the
eet turned out to be small. When Sri-Gusaiiji offered it to
rinathaji, Srinathaji reduced His form to the size of the
garment and wore it. Sri-Gusaimji was overjoyed, and told Sri-
Giridharaji and Sri-Gokulanathaji,
“qulaeprawtoicobotor Hos As ceOyA
ys hl ASI A: |
aipete stot staat ake afeafer Zapata cena: 1”
Syamakafichuka nidarsanena manmanase Pyanutare
'pi mahan sah
gokulaika jana jivana martir masyati Sva
kripayaiva dayaluh.
By the illustration of the black dress, it is known that - He alone
IS the life of the dwellers of Gokula, is indeed so benevolent.
_ Despite being so prodigious, th
» alone, enters my atomic-sized e Blessed Lord by His grace _ |
[* Srinathaji Plays with Ripamanijari *)

One day, Srinathaji went to play chaupada with Rapamaiijari,

the daughter of a cowherd. Srinathaji played through the night
and listened to her play the bina skillfully. He stayed there the
entire night. Nandadasaji was acquainted with her, and in his
work titled ‘Rapamafijari’ he has written,
BUPA Brew apr ent Br fore saat sirerar feseiy
ripamanijari triya ko hiyo so giridhara apano alaya kiyo

Giradhara made the heart of the wo

man Rdpamadjari,
His own home.

Srinathaji returned to the temple at dawn. When Sri-Gusan

came to awaken Srinathaji, He saw His eyes were red. iji Sri-
Gusaimji asked, “Bava! where did you Slay
awake during the
night?” Srinathaji said, “I went to play Ch
aupada with
Rupamaiijari.” Sri-Gusaimji said, “Do not take troubl
farto play. Play here with the vrajavasis.” Sin e and go
ce the
of chaupada was set up for Srinathaji in the temple. n, the game
[# Akbar’s Wife, Taja BibT @]

The daughter of Ali Khan Pathan, Taja BibT - who has written
the dhamara -
da sd ‘Ae WI Us, sad
ent afta
nrtyata avata ‘taja’ ko prabhu, gavata hori gita

The Lord of Taja is coming to admire while singing the song of hori.

was the wife of Akbar and a disciple of Sri-Gusaiiiji. Srinathaji

used to visit her in Agara and play Satarafija (chess). When Sri-
Gusaimji found out about this, he set up Satarafija for
Srinathaji in the temple.
One day, the emperor came to the foothills of Mount Giriraja
and his wife Taja went to do the darsana of Srinathaji. Taja saw
Srinathaji Himself signalling to her and she ran towards
Srinathaji out of rti (intense desire). She said, “I will meet
Srinathaji.” The daughter of Vrndavanadasa, a friend of Taja
Used to play satarafja with her. She withheld Taja and brought
her down to the foothills. No sooner had she come down
She left her worldly body and entered Srinathaji’s
Abode. Everyone was terrified of how the emperor would react,
but, due to Srinathaji’s grace, the Emperor did not say
anything. He simply said, “Taja returned back to where
belonged,” and left for Delhi. In a similar manner,
Adhikari acquainted a Prostitute to
Srinathaji. ey
Such tales would notend even if Se
sa Mahanaga counts them. »
= SS

j Dh ‘@) Fe ‘@
a ae


ti Mahéiprabhuji had had a window constructed

onioo Ing icnu Kunda fro S a veg temple, from which
SreAcharyell MaharaPrabhu
playing. r ji used
to watch the © owherds

One day, Sti-Gokulanathaji was offering srngara to Srinathalt

The rays of sun entere d h .
throug this window Since it was
summer and the sun Was unpleasant $ri-Gokulanatha|| had
the window sealed and returned to Sri-Gokula. Srinatha)|
ordered Mohana Bhanio7, “Tell $-Gokulanathaji to have this
window re-opened, | cannot see Bilchu Kunda.” Hearing this
he ran and met Sri-Gokulanathaji at Adinga and said, “Forgive
me for saying this, but Srinathaji has said that the window
should be re-opened as He cannot see Bilchu Kunda.” Stl
Gokulanathaji was thrilled when he heard that Srinathaji knew
his name, and had Mohana repeat it multiple times. Sr-
Gokulanathaji returned to the temple, offered samagi7 to
Srinathaji, asked for forgiveness and had the window Ire-
opened. Srinathaji felt gratified.

[@ Kalyana JyotisI, and Sri-Giridharaji Departs @]

A disciple of Sri-Giridharaji, Kalyana JyotisT, sang kirtanas for


One day, Sri-Giridharaji was offering betel leaves to

A ‘
Srinathaji, and Kalyana Jyotisi was singing -



L& -oe reas

3p dt wise Ht MOT BAL, itor Cerrar oMfeor Hz,

mere to kanha hai ri prana sakhi, ana dhyana néhina mere.

duhkha ke harana, sukha ke karana.

is My life. My mind does not deflect (from

O Sakhi! Kanha
Him). He is the remover of (my) sorrows and the reason
(my) joy:

While singing, he thought, “When the disciples of Sri-

Gusatinji, the Astachapa used to sing, Srinathaji would smile.
Now neither does he smile, nor does he talk.” Omniscient
Srinathaji knew what he was thinking. While chewing the betel
leaves, Srinathaji smiled and told Sri-Giridharaji, “This
vaisnava sings well.” Kalyana JyotisT was blessed to have this
dargana. Sri-Giridharaji asked, “On whom are you showering
your grace?” He then found the reason, and told Sri-
Gokulanathji, “Srinathaji is always the same, in the past,
present and future. In Sri-Gusaimji’s time, the jivas were all
Suddha-pusti, thus He would talk and play with everyone. Now,
jivas are miSra-pusti, thus, He simply accepts their offerings.
However, He does converse with the $uddha-pustijivas.

; [* Sri-Giridharaji Merges into the Lotus Face of Gyr Mathuranathaji *


During the ma/a-tilaka episode, Sri-Gokulanathaji was

away protecting dharma. One day, Sri-Giridharaji was
offering $rngara to Sri-MathureSaji, while Damodaraji
stayed with Srinathaji. Suddenly, Sri-Mathuranathaji
yawned, and Sri-Giridharajimergedinto HisLotus Face.
Seeing this, two sons of Sri-Giridharaji were distressed.
Srinathaji ordered them, “Do not lament. Perform all the
last rites with Sri-Giridharaji’s uparana.”

[ @ Sri-Damodaraji Becomes the Head ‘e )

Then, Sri-Damodaraji, (the second son of Sri-Giridharaji)

seat of
the ed
assum Sri-Giridharaj three lakh
rupees had been offered to Srinathaji, which the treasurer
hid from Sri-Damodaraji. Srinathaji told him, “Three lakh
rupees are hidden below the jana-ajadna trees. The
treasurer has stolen the amount and hidden it.” Then Sri-
Damodaraji retrieved the money. In this manner,
\. Srinathaji accepted daivi-dravya.
oe Ms Adorns a Sword *
@! Srinathaji

2 (eldest son of Sri-Girid

ii as hed to
A wis
irid hara ji)
Once, $ri-Murlidhary! (e
@ sword. Fe reqd ues
gor Gnnathalinathaj ted Sri-Gusaihji, who
i was adorne with a sword on the day of
consented. Sri
Vijaya pagami (Dasah

(i See vitghatarayal Goes to Agara @)

Sri-Vitthalarayaji, went to
Once, $j7-Damodaraji's son,
Th er e wa s © qua rre l am on gs t the br ot hers, seeing
Agara. ur be d. He prayed to
which, $r 1- Vi tt ha la ra ya ji wa s di st
my side?”
Srinathaji, “The emperor took their side. Who is on
ji ap pe ar ed in fro nt of hi m wit h a red sti ck in His hand.
& qnatha
nex t to $r j- Vi tt ha la ra ya ji an d pl ac ed His hand on his
He sat te re d the ca ve rns of
head. He said, “B ef or e Sr i- Gu sa im ji en
on Earth), He broughtall
$17-Girirajaji (after completing His /714 the one you are
n so ns to Me an d sai d, “C ho os e
his seve e, | held Sri-
happy with and accept his services.” At that tim
capable among
Giridharaji's hands. Sri-Giridharaji is thea,mosthe surrendered
everyone. When | went to Mathur
er yt hi ng (all his be lo ng in gs ) un to Me . He als o carried Me on
a to Vraja,
his shoulders to the temple. On the way from Adel
$-Gusaimji handed Sri-Navanitapriyaji’s samputa (cane
to lift it. Only
basket) to his six sons, but none could manage
Sri-Giridharaji was able to carry it. Thus, the main seva
ty days in the
(service) is yours. Of the three hundred and six
year, sixty days of the festivals are exclusively allotted for you.
other Balakas
You do the seva-$rngara on those days. All the
can do the seva-Srngara on the other three hundred days.
ess ee,
if Saying this, Srinathaji went to Sri-Girirdjaji. The next day .
» Srinathaji orde emperor, and he wrote
thered the judgementin —
Sri-Vitthalarayaji’s favour. All the quarrels were quelled and
Sri-Vitthalarayaji returned home.

[ ‘@ Sri-Vitthalarayaji Offers Tipara to Srinathaji @ )

Sri-Vitthalarayaji, very graciously,

made Srinathaji adorn tipara at
least two or four times in a month.
This was done with the sole
intention to please Him. Srinathaji
would be extremely satisfied
looking at Himself in the mirror!
Once when Sri-Vitthalarayaji was
not present, another Balaka
wished to offer tipara to Srinathaji.
But, Srinathaji refused to wear the
tipara. He said, “When Sri-Vitthalarayaji returns, he will make
_ Me wear tipara.” Later, when Sri-Vitthalarayaji returned, he
adorned Srinathaji with tipara. In this manner, Srinathaji is
partial towards His own and intimate devotees.

[ ® $ri-Giridharaji Plays Holi with Srinathaji ® )

Sti-Giridharaji, the son of Sri-Vitthalarayaji, was once in

Lahore. Sixteen days before dolotsava, Srinathaji ordered
him, “I will play Holi only when you play with Me." A vaisnava
f will offer one lakh rupees, bring that and come quickly.” ‘t
i. a!
"The next day, the said amount was offered and Sri-Giridharaj ;
* returned to Sri-Girirajaji in twelve days. He then played Hof
with Srinathaji and swung Him in the dola. Srinathaji was

in this manner, considering the special privileges granted to

Sri-Giridharaj}, Srinathaji favoured the Tilakayatas.
Respecting Sri-Gusaimji, He expects service from the entire
family of Sri-Vallabha, however, the main seva belongs to the

( # Sri-Gokulanathaji Plays Holi with Srinathaji © |

Similarly, Sri-Gokulanathaji had

gone to Kasmira. When he
emerged victorious in the mala-
tiaka episode and returned to
Vraja, the festive days of Holl
were over. Sri-Gokulanathaji
could not play Holiwith Srinathaji.
Thus, Srinathaji ordered one
dadhaghariya, “Tell Sri-Vallabha
(Sri-Gokulanathaji) to play
vasanta with Me.” Accordingly, he
told Sri-Gokulanathaji who played the vasanta on the eleventh
day of the dark half of the lunar month of Chaitra. A mandali
was made with roses, various flowers and leaves. Srinathaji
adorned a mukuta on that day.
& 4 * ‘e ss
. . * °
Pn @ PAN
S eo6 2DC aNAa
Pa e *
So Fo @ o
e @ pry Lad ®..
@ ahh a

, 68
sada vasanta rahe vrndavana lata-lata druma dole....

Spring should remain forever in Vrndavana. Creepers and

climbers keep swaying.....

This dhamara was sung.

in this manner, Srinathaji expects service from the family of


Sri-Laksmanaji Maharaja, a descendent of Sri-Raghunathaji,

was a marvellous singer. One evening, after Srinathaji's
Srngara were undone, he was singing this kirtana -

duhivo duhayavo bhila gayo

Forgot to milk the cow.

Similarly, during Phalaguna, he sang a dhamara near Hathi-

Pora, which was completed in a short time (four ghadis) after
anosara. Sri-Gokulanathaji Maharaja asked, “Why is
someone singing kirtanas at this hour?” Someone said, “Sri-
Laksmanaji is singing.” Sri-Gokulanathaji told Sri-Laksmanaji
Not to sing. That night, Srinathaji appeared in Sri-
Gokulanathaji’s dream and said, “Let him sing however he is
singing. This is his seva.”

" PS gx. a

epPee ¢3
67) ;
a ® $r1-Gusadimji Predicts Srinathaji’s Arrival in sings 6

Once, $ri-Gusaimji was on His way to Dvaraka vig Mevada.

There, he came to a beautiful place called Sithhada, and told
Chacha Harivamhsaji, “Srinathaji will reside in this place in dye
course. He will not leave Sri-Girirajaji in my Presence.” ¢.-
Gusaimji stayed there for two days.

Rana Udayasimmhaji came to meet Sri-Gusaiihji and offered

Him some coins and a village. Sri-Gusaimji gave him a prasad?
vastra (a garment worm by Thakuraji). He prostrate 4 in
obeisance and went home. Later, his queen came for
darsana, along with her daughter Mirabai and
Ajabakumvart, who took Brahma-sambandha from &11.
Gusdimji. She was mesmerized seeing Sri-Gusaiiiji, and
when He prepared to leave for Dvaraka, she lost
consciousness. Sri-Gusaimji said, “I will not be able to reside
here. Srinathaji will give you dargana daily,” and left for

( @ Srinathaji Visits Mevada Daily @ )

Since then, Srinathaji went from Sri-Girirajaji to

so that He could give darsana to Ajabakurnvari. He vada daily
also played
chaupada with her. One day, Ajabakurhvari
Srinathaji, “This to and fro travel is Causing You uested
inconvenience. Why don't You relocate
in Mevada so | can do
». your darsana daily.”

168 |
Srnathaji said, “Till the time Sri-Gusaimji graces the Earth
with His Divine presence, | shall not leave Sri-Girirajaji.
Eventually, | will come and stay here for many years. | shall
again return to Vraja, on Sri-Girirajaji, only when Sri-Gusaimji
reincarnates Himself and takes Me back." Saying this,
Srinathaji went back to the Holy Mount Giriraja.

[: @ Srinathaji Prepares to Depart for Mevada ® ]

After a while, Srinathaji decided to depart for Mevada. He

thought, “| must go to Mevada, however, Srimad
Acharyacharana has established Me on Mount Giriraja,
therefore, no one from Sri-Vallabha’s family will move Me from
here. Some demon must be provoked to make it necessary to
shift Me from here.” Then one night Sri-Kaka Vallabhaji
Maharaja dreamt that Srinathaji would move from Sri-Girirajaji
to another land.

After the Sayana-arti, once all the sevakas have gone home,
one mlechcha used to come and sweep jagamohana-chau
and kamala-chauka with his beard. He did this for twelve years
and nobody found out. Using his yaugika powers he use
d to
come and go through the aerial route.

Pleased with him, Sri-Govardhananathaji once gave

him two
te as beedas and said, “! grant you fifty-two years
of rule.
woe you do not come to the temple again. My temple
become hidden in Sri-Girirajaji. You may
come and
Prostrate there, but do not come any furt
her.” Hearing this, the
. 3 Yavana went back to Aqgara and bec
* the grace of Srinathaji. ara ame a powerful rule
" ” )

jidvara *]
(6 The King Sends a Messenger to Sri

sec enge
One day, the ruler sent a mess Rims (the ho y
me et r to Sriji= dvara
shrine). At that time, Sri-Giridhariji's son, Sri-Dauj was the
Tilakayata. As he was only fifteen years of age, $j.
Vitthalarayaji's son,Sri-Govindaji looked after the
administration. The messenger told them, “The emperor has
ordered me to tell you, the saints of Gokula, to display some |
miracle or else leave our territory and go elsewhere.” Sr.
Govindaji asked Srinathaji, “The emperor has asked for a
miracle. In this marga, your Grace Divine is the only miracle. If
only You permit us, we shall show them a miracle.” Srinathaji
did not reply. Sri-Govindaji was deeply concerned and
thought, “Without Srinathaji’s permission, a miracle cannotbe
shown. But, if we don't then we will have to leave this place.
What must be done now?”

[ Sri-Giridhariji Proceeds for the Eternal Abode *

Sri-Govindaji’s elder brother, Sri-Giridhariji, had

attained the Eternal Abode. Srinathaji had showered pre vious
beats -
grace upon him. Sti-Giridhariji went to Delhi and
comply with the emperor’s orders. He said
am here, you will not be able to do anything”in and
urne ‘ -to
Srijidvara, Sti-Giridharij got into
and the Goravas of Govardhana. a row with the Br ee
Therefore, he never took
4 e
route of Dana-Ghati and went to Govinda Kunda instead.
Was hit with a spe ar life. d the
T There he enterew” -
Eternal Abode wh}
hich took hisis life. Srl
Ovardhananathaj Where he continues to Sé&f
. ve
[ @ Sri-Giridhariji's Orders to Sri-Govindajji @)

Srinathaji ordered Sri-Giridhariji, “Sri-Govindaji is very

anxious and is remembering you. Go to him and tell him about
the Mevada episode.” Atmidnight, Sri-Giridhariji appeared In
front of Sri-Govindaji: Sri-Govindaji spread a piece of cloth, on
whicthsat e and recited the first Sloka of Navaratna -

fir: |
farcar apifar of cprent fordfcarcaworcifer
sroraraifa oftczen of pieaier ciifeoast a arferay = rene")
chinta kapi na karya niveditatmabhih kadapiti.
bhagavanapi pustistho na karisyati laukikim cha gatim. ( Navaratna-1)

Those who have surrendered themselves need never be

troubled by any anxiety. (For) the Blessed Lord, too, is on (the
Path of) Grace and He will surely not impose a worldly course
(of action).

He then said, “Srimad Acharyacharana had made Srinathaji's

janma-patrika in which he named Him Sri-Gopala. Therefore,
Srinathaji wished to depart to protect His cows. This mlechcha
is just a nimitta (reason). Srinathaji will depart from here to
fulfil the wishes of the vaisnavas. Therefore, get a chariot built.
It is trayodasi(the thirteenth day of the lunar month), Srinathaji
will depart just one ghadi (24 mins) before the end of the day.
Do not show any miracle, do whatever Srinathaji wishes, go
wherever Srinathaji wishes. Siva, in the form of an old man,
will lead the chariot. Go to Agara at night, and then proceed
further during the day. Srinathaji will reveal His wishes to

. Gangabai. Therefore, keep asking her. The chariot will move

6 * oer

; touch |it and hurl abuses, on ly then

‘ v

vraja vasis

. Se encom Saying this, Sri-Giridhariji went towards

Srinathaji’s Sayya-mandira.
G Srinathaji Gees to Agara «?> ]
ce a|

The next day, after rajabhoga-arti, the chariot was

constructed, purified and decorated. Bulls were harnessed
and the chariot was brought to Dandavati Sil. Sri-Govindaj
$1i-Balakrsnaji and Sri-Vallabhaji- three brothers prostrated in
obeisance and all of them, along with other sevakas tried to
bring Srinathaji to the chariot. However, they could not lift Him
Then the vrajavasis were called who hurled insults at
Srinathaji saying, “Will you go or not? You will have everyone's
head cut by staying here” etc, etc. Hearing this, Srinathaji
laughed a lot and went and sat in the chariot. At dusk, on the
fifteenth day of the bright half of the lunar month of Aévina in
the year Sarnvat 1726 (1669 C.E.), Sri-Vallabhaji Mahardje
made and offered pana to Srinathaji, and tried to move the
chariot. However, the chariot would
not move. Everyone requested
Srindthaji who said, “Make
Gangabai sit in a cart and follow the
chariot.” Gangabai was instantly
called and made to sit behind
Srinathaji’s chariot. Wherever the
chariot halted, everyone would
come to Gangabai and ask her the
_ feason. Travelling through the
, Night, they reached Agara.

~ tie

M hadeva, in the form of an old man, was the torch-bearer in

the front and illuminated the path. Srinathaji reached Agara -
and stayed in His havell.

[@ Seva and Sabha @)

There were two jalaghadiyas of

a Srinathaji, who used to fetch water.
<= | +~When the king’s minister came to
demolish the temple along with two
\ | fy hundred soldiers, these two did not
let them enter, fought valiantly and
, killed all two hundred men. They
i! spared the minister, thinking that
he would inform the king, more
mlechchas would come and they
would kill them all. They stood at
the entrance to the temple, for six
months, sword in hand, and did not let anyone in. They were
not troubled by hunger or thirst. Seventeen times the king’s
minister attacked with six hundred to seven hundred soldiers,
pr they killed them all. The king then ordered the vazira
rime minister) to go along with many more soldiers.
r inathaji assumed that the two were in such a fury that they
would kill everyone, therefore, Srinathaji appeared in front of
them and said, “By the grace of Sri-Giridharjji you have such
Power that you will vanquish all the mlechchas. But My wish is
different. | have promised various devotees, thus, | will
to their lands and fulfil their wishes. Sometime in the future |
2 Will return to Vraja. Come to My Divine Ab
ode, do not fight.”
re tu rn ed to Ag ar a. B th e grace ‘1
3ying this: érinatcehaiv t e r an d s t « G iri
ed divine s
thal the re an d mutipl
and pr ec io us st on es
up of va ri ou s p u e s miecho" |
made Fu rt he r, th ey sa w 2
temples. ‘cluding this one. be th e
ard at came do or of th e te np l® |
the oc r wi th hi s fully awa o
eweeerpieungpon: both the brothers be
ei r we ap on s, an d proceed
sh, abandone d th
Srinathajis wiAb ode. The brothers were Seva
and Sabha.
for the Divi

& The Eighteenth Attack <¢ ]


e th e ei g h t e e n t h tr |
s t e r a n d a rmy ca m r e 0” bi
when the kin g s m i n i ’ s temple a n y w h e
t S r i n a t h a j i
to spo
they were unable ue and left.
Girirdjaji . Th ey th en bu il ta mo sq

¢ Srinathaji in Agara #))


at id ni al | th e attei
Agara mid n i g h t ,
When Srinathaji reached l asleep, SO no one stopp?
opened and the watchmen fel nt to His ha ve lr an d st ay e d thet@
from entering. Srinathaji we ta he re an ocee
Anna ka
He said, “We will cele,bratthee king was asleep in act
ahead.” At that time th e ba ck , wo ke him!
$rinathaji went there, kitocked the king on do'0 M
and said, "| have come Agara today. What can you
| ” The
My wi sh to mo ve fr om Vr aj a.
{twas He co ul d on ly s 1 s foolp
could not see anyo ne .
onhis back, which he hid from everyone
rly ate two jo war (a
After an incident, he regula ping 0 9
a vegeta
rotis and
lr — stone
glimpse ol Ae
[ @ Sri-Navanitapriyaji Comes to Agara @ )

Sri-Govindaji, along with his two

brothers, left with Srinathaji. At that
time, Sri-Navanitapriyaj! was
residing in Gokula. Sri-Govindaj!
sent messengers to Gokula,
instructing them, “Bring Sri-Dauji
Maharaja, all the daughters and
daughters-in-law to Agara. Tell
Vitthala Dabey to bring Sri-
Navanitapriyaji with all the
mukhiyas and bhitariyas to Agara.”
On receiving the message, Vitthala
Dubey bathed, blew the conch to awaken $ri-Navanitapriyal.
it was the middle of the night. At that time, Sri-Navanitapriyaj!
was in a deep sleep. Dibeyji requested Sri-Navanitapriyaj
multiple times, but He did not wake up. Dubeyji understood
that He did not wish to wake up, and whatever had to be done
should be done in the morning. At dawn, he once again
bathed, prepared some samagrl, awakened ST!-
Navanitapriyaji and offered mangala-bhoga.Then after
offering Srngara-bhoga, he placed Sri-Navanitapriyaji in a
palanquin and lifted it along with a few other sevakas. Soon,
they reached Gaughata.
Now, the manner in which Sri-Vrajarayaji, a descendant of the
third son of $ri-Gusaimji(Sri-Balakrsnaji) acquired a blessing
from Sri-Navanitapriyaji, - “One day, | will accept rajabhoga

j _ prepared by you” - is being described.
Pr Kayne
i} °
© since the time of Sri-Sri-Gusaimji, tomary tnal
7-Srj-Gusammnii, iit was customary that while
S suiting $ri-Navanitapriyaji to sleep, all the Gosvami Balakas,
daughters-in-law would 4
touch His Lotus 2et
ughters an d
ray day, the wife of Sri-Pitambaraji, the son of Sri
Balakrsnaji, was the last to touch Sri-Navanitapriyaji’s Lotus
Feet. Sri-Navanitapriyaji told her, “I will come to your house.”
She then hid Sri-Navanitapriyaji in her cho/f (blouse) and
brought Him home. He stayed there for most of the night.
However, at dawn, He told her, “Take me back to Sri-
Gusaimji’s house. If Sri-Giridharaji does not see me in the
temple, he will worry.” Here Sri-Giridharaji and Sri-
Gokulanathaji went to awaken Sri-Navanitapriyaji. They were
astonished to not find Sri-Navanitapriyaji in His cot.
S$ri-Giridharaji said, “Sri-Gusaimji has entrusted us with Sr-
Navanitapriyaji, therefore, He will not leave us and go
anywhere. There must be some reason behind this.” Both the
brothers sat in the dola-tibarT and meditated, thinking of S1i-
Gusaimji. On the other side, Sri-Navanitapriyaji told bahuji
“Quickly, take me back.” She requested, “Maharaja, please
accept rajabhoga at my house and then go.” Sri-
Navanitapriyaji declined and said, “Sometime in the future,
while travelling, | will accept rajabhoga prepared by your son,
Vrajarayaji. Now take Me back, no one will see you.” She
heeded and took Sri-Navanitapriyaji back to the temple and
placed Him in His cot. After a while when Sri-Giridharaj
returned to the temple, he saw Sri-Navanitapriyaji there,
awakened Him and offered mangala-bhoga.

Agara, he went to Gauaha 7 for

| a ghata Prepared the samagri
rajabhoga and awaited Sri-Navanitapriyaji’s arrival
. ‘

76 )
On seeing Him arrive, he told Vitthala Dibeyji, “Sri-
Navanitapriyaji is hungry. | have got everything ready for the »
rajabhoga. Sri-Navanitapriyaji will acceptit, and then proceed
forward.” Later, Sri-Navanitapriyaji happily relished the
rajabhoga offered to Him.

When it was time, Sri-Vrajarayaji said, “| am proceeding

towards Sri-YamunAji to do sandhya-vandana. Dubeyji, take
care of Sri-Navanitapriyaji.” Saying this, he left. Dibeyji made
Sri-Navanitapriyaji do achamana (gargle), then made an
offering of betel leaves and promptly took leave for Agara.
They reached Srinathaji’s haveli at night. Sri-Govindaji, Sri-
Balakrsnaji, Sri-Vallabhaji, Sri-Dauji and all the daughters and
daughters-in-law who were worried, were very pleased on
seeing Sri-Navanitapriyaji. After Sri-Navanitapriyaji slept,
Sri-Govindaji told Dibeyji, “You safely brought Sri-
Navanitapriyaji, who is everything to us. Ask for a
boon.”"Dubeyji demurely said, “Maharaja! My descendants
should always remain in the service of Srinathaji and Sri-
Navanitapriyaji.” Sri-Govindaji said, “So be it. Our
descendants will never turn their backs upon your

[ Annakita in Agara @)

A few servants of the king were disciples of Sri-Govindaji,

thus, Sri-Govindaji told them, “Until we do the Annakita
utsava, do not inform the king that we are here in Agara.”
Accordingly, they did not inform the king. Annakita was
secretly celebrated. Instead of rice, khira was served and a
few other samagris were prepared as per convenience.
Govardhana-paja was also conducted secretly. In this way,
. Annakita was celebrated as per tradition.
4 [@ Srinathaji Goes to Dandavati-Ghata «© ]

After the Annakata, Srinathaji told Gangaba, “I wish to go to

Dandavati-Ghata. Gangabai immediately started the
preparations. Gangabai told Sri-Govindaji, "Maharaja,
Srinathaji wishes to leave, place Him in the chariot.” Sri-
Govindaji did as was told and they left for Dandavati-Ghata
after the rajabhoga-arti. Though the king's watchmen were on
duty, they did not notice anything. They reached their
destination before dusk. The seva from utthapana to sayana
was accomplished there and Srinathaji slept peacefully.

[ @ The King is Informed About Srinathaji in Agara ®

The next day, messengers informed the king, “The God who
left from Giriraja came here and resided in a havell last night.
In the morning, He departed, no one knows where.” On
hearing this, the king enquired how did they know about this, to
which they replied, “In and around that have/ra lot of pattala
and donas (plates and bowls made of dry leaves) are littered,
and a lot of water has been consumed from the tank. This is
how we came to know. Other than those people of Gokula,
nobody else uses so much water, and so many pattalas and
donas.” The king laughed and said, “It has been many days
since He came to Agara, and left three days ago. | knew since
the beginning, but | am not His enemy. | simply did what He
told me to. Let Him go wherever He pleases. Do not tell
» anyone. If the mullah hears, he will chase Him."

. el
Aen FB
(i A Miechcha Goes After Srinathaji *)

The king demanded miracles from the deities and when the
would not occur, the mullah would damage the idol. Five
hundred soldiers stayed with him. When he heard that the
deity of Giriraja is headed towards Dandavati-Ghata, he took
many soldiers in pursuit. The king warned him saying, “Do not
go. That deity is miraculous. He left Giriraja out of His own free
will, not because of me.” However, the mullah did not Pay heed
and went in pursuit. That day, Srinathaji’s chariot halted at the
banks of the Chambala. Gangabai asked Srinathaji, “Baya
Whatis Your wish?” Srinathaji said, “Do utthapana. Today | will
stay on the banks of the Chambala.” Meanwhile, the turaka
(synonym for mullah) and his army reached the opposite bank
of the river.

Sri-Govindaji was preparing for utthapana and became

anxious on seeing them. He told Gangabai, “The mlechchas
have come on the opposite bank. Ask Srinathaji, what are His
orders for utthapana?” Gangabai asked Srinathaji, to which
He replied, “Do utthapana quickly. Why are you bothered if the
mlechchas have come? | will deal with whoever comes.” The
conches were then blown, signalling utthapana, and everyone
served Srinathaji fearlessly. The army Standing on the other
bank saw a huge mountain where Srinathaji’s chariot stood,
and lions in place of all those serving Srinathaji. They did not
see any humans. They began talking among themselves,
“There are only lions here. No human can be seen.” When the
vrajavasi sevakas of Srinathaji spoke, the army would hear
lions roaring. They began saying, “Let's quickly move away
from here, otherwise these roaring lions will kill and eat us.” At 4
“that moment, the ja/aghadiyas and vessel-washers came to
- the Chambala to fill water and wash the vessels. The army
opposite saw them as lions advancing to eat them, and said,
“The lions are coming to eatus, let's scamper or else we all will
be eaten.” Saying this, they all scurried in such a manner that it
caused a stampede, men falling over each other, some above,
some below. Finally, they returned to Agara. The mull&h told
the emperor, “That deity is prodigious. We barely escaped with
our lives. | will never speak of that deity again.” The emperor
said, “I had warned you that the deity was miraculous, in spite
of that, why did you try to attack Him?”
[@ Srinathaji Orders Gangabai @)

The next day, Srinathaji told Gangabéi, “Tell Sri-Govindaji to

take me across the Chambala to Dandavati-Ghata once
again.” There, Srinathaji stayed in a village called Krsnapura.

| ‘@» Sri-Gusaimji’s Boon to Sri-Balakrsnaji ®)

Once, on the day of Janmastami, the third son of Sri-Gusaimji,

Sri-Balakrsnaji had dressed up as YaSodaji and was swinging
Sri-Navanitapriyaji in paland in His temple in Gokula. He was
singing the kirtana -
'AGz A Hotel ig Sol Aci Tals, Aa Aertel @ cic’
Bahura le janani goda stana chale chuchai, tuma vrajarani ke lala.

And then mother took Him in her lap. Milk squirted from her -

» breast. You are the son of the queen of Vraja. .


J ri
At that moment, Sri-Balakrsnaji
became so ecstatic that milk
squirted from his chest. He picked
up Sri-Navanitapriyaji from the
palana and took Him in his lap.
Sri-Gusaimji held his hand and
placed Sri-Navanitapriyaji back
in the palana, and understood
that there is an avesa (surge of
emotions) of Sri-Yasodaji in Sri-
2 ¢ Balakrsnaii.
Sri-Gusaimji gladly told Sri-Balakrsnaji, “Ask for a boon, to
which he replied, “I wish to experience the same ecstasy every
Janmastami and | get to serve Srinathaji for a few days.” Sri-
Gusairmji said, “You will experience this each Janmthere
However, Srinathaji has held Sri-Giridharaji’s hand, fore
Srinathaji’s seva is his fortune. In the future, when Srinathaji
travels to another land, your descendant Sri-Vrajarayaji will
serve Srinathaji for twenty-seven days. On the twenty-eighth
day, the descendant of $ri-Giridharaji, Sri-Govindaji will
reclaim the seva.” Sri-Gusaimji granted this boon to Sri-

[ @ Sri-Vrajarayaji Serves Srinathajji for Twenty-Seven Days @ J

$ri-Balakrsnaji’s son was Sri-Pitambaraji. His son was Sri-

Syamalalaji and his son was Sri-Vrajarayaji. He used to spend
a lot of time with the king. Once, the king was pleased and told
him, “You have served me and stayed with me for four years.
Ask for something.” Sri-Vrajarayaji said, “I wish to serve the
. deity who has left Sri-Girirajaji.” The king refused and said, “He »
& We *nlew*
av 9)

;- will be served as per tradition. However, you have pleased rch ;

> alot, thus go where He is and serve Him for one month. You -
won't be able to stay beyond that.” Vrajarayaji, along with the
king’s battalion, reached Krsnapura near Dandavati-Ghata
where Srinathaji was residing. |

[@ Srinathaji Orders Gangabai @)

Upon Sri-Vrajarayaji’s arrival, Srinathaji told Gangabdai, “Tell

Sri-Govindaji to take the entire family, all My sevakas and go
and reside in a house in a village ten miles away from here, for
4 month. Sri-Vrajarayaji has come here, he will serve Me for
twenty-seven days, as Sri-Gusaimji had granted a boon
earlier. Return on the twenty-eighth day and reclaim My seva.”

[@ Gangabai Conveys the Message to Sri-Govindaji ®)

Gangabai told Sri-Govindaji, “Sri-Devadamana is all powerful

we must abide to His wishes. Previously, Sri-Gusainjji also
experienced the pangs of separation. Srinathaji has given us
viyoga (separation) for twenty-seven days. This is our duty as
itis Srinathaji’s wish.

(8 Sri-Govindaji Experiences Separation for Twenty-Seven Days @)

S1i-Govindaji remembered Srimad Acharyacharana’s words,

fadeped 6h: ad fersresra: wfeertc |
ar da: feb za
onfefa FareifsReRagRa I
(feeresekerferer: ¢-2) r)
vivekastu harih sarvam nijechchatah karisyati. ;
prarthite va tatah kirn syat svamyabhiprayasamSayat .
(Vivekadhairyasrayah 1-2)

Wisdom is this: that Hari will do everything according to His

own wish. Ifa prayer is made to Him, what could possibly come
of that? Since one can never be sure what the Lord intends.

and decided, “It is best not to pray to Srinathaji, and to let

Vrajrayaji serve Srinathaji as he is powerful, and Sri-
Gusainji's boon must be fulfilled. We will return on the twenty-
eighth day and reclaim Srinathaji’s seva.” Then Sri-Govindaji,
along with his family and all sevakas went and stayed in a
house in the said village. Srinathaji gave darsana to Gangabai
daily. Sri-Govindaji's state was similar to that of the gopis when
Sri-Krsna disappeared during Rasa. Like the gopis roamed
around Vrndavana and asked every tree and branch the
whereabouts of Krsna, similarly, Sri-Govindaji roamed around
the village asking for Srinathaji. Only one or two Jalaghadiyas
and vessel-washers remained with Srinathaji, the others
accompanied Sri-Govindaji. Until Sri-Govindaji was away from
Srinathaji, he gave up grains, and only survived on fruits.
morning he would dress as an ascetic wanderer, smear ash
his body and wear tiger-skin. One tailor (Roda)
of Srinathaji
used to play the sarangi well. Sri-Govindaji and he
wander around together, he played the saran
gi and Govindaji
would sing jogiyd in Raga Asavari -

| 1 | | | | |
aai doraich sich a ferfer ase?
O2it Kier aia Gizt Sieh 6S c arse |
Base banamaii ali kai vidhi paiye,
aisi jiya ave jaise jogi vhai ke jaiye.

O Ali! The one who adorns the garland of forest flowers dwells
within me. How do | attain Him? A thought occurs to my mind
that become an ascetic (to reach to Him).

Together both would sing this pada accompanied by the

sarangi. They would go from house to house and ask
everyone, “Our boy is missing. If you have seen him, please
tell us.” Thus, Sri-Govindaji roamed around in a state of trance
while experiencing separation from Srinathaji. No one wrote
this until now.

c » Sri-Govindaji Returns on the Twenty-Eighth Day 8)

On the twenty eighth day, Sri-Govindaji and the tailor sat near
a lake in Krsnapura. It was the time when Srinathaji was
having rajabhoga. When the jalaghadiyas came to the lake to
wash the pots of sakhadi, they saw Sri-Govindaji but did not
recognize him due to his ascetic-like appearance and began
washing the vessels. While doing so, one vrajavasi told the
other, “There is no one manly enough among S$n-
Vitthalarayaji’s descendants to come and expel $n-
Vrajarayaji and reclaim their house. Sri-Vitthalarayaji had four
sons, out of which Sri-Giridharaji was very brave, and Sri-
Govindaji is also very valorous. But who knows where he has
disappeared. Sri-Vrajarayaji does not have the army with him,
ifhe comes now, Govindaji can easily expel him.” Hearing this »
t Sri-Govindaji approached them and said, “Show me where
~ Srinathaji is. | am Sri-Govindaji.” He then abandoned his |
ascetic-like clothes, wore dhoti-uparana and wentto Srinathaj
in aparasa. He also hid a sword at his waist under the uparana.
At that time, Srinathaji was just done with rajabhoga. Sri-
Vrajarayaji offered Srinathaji Achamana and was preparing to
perform rajabhoga-arti when suddenly, Sri-Govindaji arrived.
He drew his sword, showed it to Vrajarayaji and said, “Both of
our yadavasthalf (a fight to the death) will happen in front of —
Srinathaji, then a third person will perform the art7. You did art?
for many days. Now save your life and go from here, or else |
will cut your stomach with this sword, and then cut myself as
well. Sri-Dauji will perform seva.” Sri-Govindaji was very well-
built and powerful. Sri-Vrajarayaji was extremely frightened, |
tears filled his eyes and he said, “Please do not kill me. | will go
away immediately. You take care of Srinathaji.” Saying thus,
he returned to Agara and told the king everything, hearing
which the king said, “Do not go there again.” Here, Sri-
Govindaji called the entire family, Sri-Dauji and all the
daughters and daughters-in-law and everyone was overjoyed
on touching Srinathaji’s Lotus-Feet. Srinathaji was delighted
to see His people. Though Sri-Vrajarayaji served Srinathaji for
so many days, Srinathaji was not happy. The day Sri-
Govindaji, Sri-Balakrsnaji, Sri-Vallabhaji and Sri-Dauji
returned and did the seva-srrigara, Srinathaji was pleased and
gave divine darsana.
[ Srinathaji Travels to Mevada ®]

Srinathaji spent His first

monsoon (chaturmasa)
at Dandavati-Ghata.
He was pleased on
Seeing big houses and
told Gangabat, “This
land is very nice, but
now let's proceed from
here.” Then Srinathaji
mounted the chariot
and departed from there. Sri-Govindaji and his two brothers,
along with jalaghadiyas and balabhogiyas travelled to the next
halt on the way and did all the preparations for utthapana.
Srinathaji departed after rajabhoga-art7 and reached
destination before dusk. Since everything was prepared
beforehand, utthapana, bhoga-sandhya and Sayana were
done quickly and Srinathaji was put to sleep. The next
morning, mangala, Srngara, gvala, rdjabhoga were done
rapidly. Everyone had mahaprasada and departed for the
destination. One brother, Sri-Vallabhaji walked ahead with the
paraphernalia. Sri-Govindaji rode on a horse in front
Srinathaji’s chariot, and Sri-Balakrsnaji rode on a horse at the
rear of the chariot. He would adorn armour and
weapons. If any person on the way requested to
have a
glimpse of Srinathaji, Sri-Govindaji would tell them, “Srinathaji
's residing in the caverns of Sri-Girirajaji. This
chariot contains
Our personal belongings.”
& 4
Thus, he would not permit anyone to do the darsana
the |
Srinathaji left Mount Giriraja on Friday, the fifteenth day of
bright half of the lunar month of Ashvina, (Asvini Naksatra)
the year Sarnvat 1726 (1669 C.E.) and reached Simhada on
Saturday, the seventh day of the dark half of the lunar month of
Phalguna, (Svati Naksatra), in the year Samvat 1728(1671C. E.).
During the journey, He resided in the chariot for almost two
and a half years. During that time, Sri-Vallabhaji Maharaja took
the responsibility of making samagri, vegetables and grinding
the flour. Sri-Balakrsnaji took the responsibility of making
ansakhadi, balabhoga and dddhaghara, along with all the
daughters and daughters-in-law. Cows were always there with
Srinathaji, so milk, curd and butter was regularly prepared on
the way.

[ Srinathaji Goes to Kota and Bindi ®

From Dandavati Ghata, Srinathaji proceeded to Kota-Biindi.

Aniruddha-Simha Hada, the king of Bandi, came for
Srinathaji’s darsana and Sri-Govindaji granted him the
permission knowing that he was a vaisnava. The king then
requested Sri-Govindaji, “Please request Srinathaji to reside
in my kingdom. | have five thousand Hada, well-armed
soldiers, ready to protect Srinathaji from any mlechcha that
comes.” Sri-Govindaji replied, “You are a blessed vaisnava.
. Hence, we will stay here at a nice spot for a few days. Then we

will go wherever Srinathaji wishes. Srinathaji does not wish to °


stay here permanently as your land is small.” Later Srinathaji |

resided at Padmasila, in a place called Krsnavilasa at Kota for
chaturmasa (a duration of four months).

[ @ Srinathaji Leaves for Jodhapura *)

After the monsoons (chaturmasa) Srinathaji left for Jodhapura

via Puskaraji. On the way, Srinathaji's chariot halted as it
passed the outskirts of Puskaraji. Sri-Govindaji told Gangabai.
‘Please ask Srinathaji why the chariot has
stopped, What
does He wish for?” Gangabal went and asked Srinathaji, “Why
have you stopped the chariot?” to which He replied, “There isa
pond closeby where lotuses have bloomed, | can smell their
fragrance. Quickly fetch lotuses for Me from that pond. Place
them in My chariot, | will proceed wherever | wish only after
relishing the lotus’ fragrance.” Afew vrajavasis went from there
to Puskaraji and saw various coloured lotuses bloomin g. They
picked red, white and other lotuses and quickly returne dto


a Srinathaji Gevcasertl! sag + dail 4raja ath

ce mHe tohadSrinat

heey thus, Sri-Balakrsnaj! ee Sti-Vallabhaji also |

offered lotuses to Srinathaji. Sr-Dauji i" eae N2S a child at
that time. Sri-Govindaji called an ma : im Offer the
flowers to Srinathaji as well. Srina a a the lotuses
offered by all the daughters, daughters-in-law
Gosvamis present, as well. ang other

[@ Srinathaji Goes to Krsnagadha ® |

( The king of Krsnagadha, Rupa-Si mha


lji, sia a great devotes.

He was a disciple of Sri-Vitthalanathaj
i Diksitaji (StT-Gusariaji
and sa crificed his life in a battle with the em
peror. At that time
he had a di amond dugadugi which he le to a Servant ne
him and told him, “Take ar
this present for
, who resides rinathaji
on the Holy Mount Giriraja.” Accordin
the diamond dugadugi to Srin
gly, the Servant offered
rajabhoga-arti and descended athaji, did the darsana of
the mountain. He saw Raja
Ripa-Simhaji at Dandavati Sila
, Wearing a pitambara and
Orange uparana, tilaka-m
udra on his forehead-b
divine aura around him. ody
He left his Worldly body and a
on the

entered the Divine

Realm of Srinathaji aja Riipa-Sirnhaj
,” The son of Ra
Vraja had come into his territory, « € hear ba et os,
therefore, we must
© that Srinathaji of
» Thus he came for Srinat ©ven drink water
haji's darsana. Th
€ uninhabited

near a dhaka (a sacred tree) forest. }
P» vill age of Ajamitr was
there was a beautiful lake there, along with several streams ~
atid waterfalls. Srinathaji’s chariot stopped there, and there
Mana-SimhajI came for Srinathaji’s dargana. On knowing that
he is a vaisnava, Sri-Govindaji permitted him to do so. He
humbly told Sri-Govindaji, “Maharaja! It is advisable to
secretly reside in my kingdom in order to keep away from
eyes of the mliechchas. | am always at your service.” Sri-
Govindaii made Gangabai ask Srinathaji, who said, “This
mountain is very pleasing. There are many dhaka trees
season of vasanta
kesu flowers. Therefore, we will spend the| will
(spring) here and then proceed forward. not reside here
permanently.” Thus, Srinathaji celebrated do/otsava there,
in g) an d pa rt of gr is ma -r tu (summer)
and after vasanta-rtu (spr
for Mevada.
had passed, He departed

L@ » A Vairagi of Visalapura @ |

re is a village
On the road between Jodhapura and Vraja, the
iple lived there.
called Visalapura. A recluse guru and his disc
previously, when Srinathaji resided on the Holy Mount
in the Ganges,
Giriraja, these two had gone to take a holy dip
and had come to Sri-Giriraja After that. The guru climbed
the Holy Mount Giriraja and did the darsana of Srinathaj
However, the disciple had read this S/oka (verse) of the
| Bhagavata,
| ALarr: |
[ Wo STAsaOF |
GEGU: | onerarr- vo/2W/29) |
Seiszaitfer saor als aferanieg
P !
“AT Ner 9

mbhanam gatah,
Krsnastvanyatamam rpam gopavisra
shailo'smiti bruvan bhari balimadad brihadvapuh.
. 10/24/35)

ds, Krsna assumeg
rder to establi|sh trust i
inn the cowher
words, "lam the Mountain

form. Utterin g these

Ser huge

He accepted all the offerings.


and thought that Sri-Girirajaji is a manifestation of the Blesse,

Lord. How can one put his foot on Him? When his guru came

back after doing Srinathaji’s darsana, he was full of praise. He


said, “Srinathaji is extremely charming.” On hearing this, the


disciple went near Girirajaji but could not muster the courage
to step on the holy mountain. They stayed there for three
days, and the disciple was in a constant dilemma, but he

Jes surely in the char iot, therefore, allow me to 40 Hi

darsana." Then He wi
of |

“Wooden plank which serves as a table for meals) |

“Tl have twenty five buffaloes ©

‘and make a patiya immediately

The carpenter made the patiya in just three hours and gave it -
to him, taking which he came and sat on the road waiting for -
Srinathaji. When he saw Srinathaji’s chariot approaching, he
stood blocking the way and said, “Let me do Srinathaji’s
darsana, only then will | move from the road.” At the time,
everyone thought he was the king's messenger, andis trying to
deceive them. Sri-Govindaji said, “Srinathaji eternally resides
in the caverns of Sri-Govardhana. This chariot contains our
personal belongings.” The recluse replied, “Last night,
Srinathaji appeared in my dream and ordered me to bring a
patiya for rajabhoga, and | have done so. Let me do
Srinathaji’s darsana. He has adorned a white paga and white
pichora.” Sri-Govindaji thought that he must be a vaisnava and
kindly permitted him to do Srinathaji’s dargana. They halted
there, and the vairagrhad the utthapana-darsana of Srinathaji.
Srinathaji stayed there for a day, and departed for Jodhapura
after rajabhoga the next day.

Srinathaji accepted rajabhoga

for one day on the new patiya,
however, everyone left the
patiya there when they
departed. They thought,
“Srinathaji has no deficit of
patiyas, what benefit will this
one be of? The recluse brought
it for Srinathaji, He used it once,
now we can leave it here. He will
take it back with him.”

oe 03)

h Thinking thus, they dumped the patiya there and moved

forward. When the vairagi came the next day, he saw that

Srinathaji’s chariot had departed, and the patiya he brought

was lying there. He was very upset on seeing it and thought,
“Srinathaji ordered me in my dream to get a patiyd made and
bring it for Him, however, He did not accept it. Why did this
happen?" Perturbed, he picked up the patiya and brought |
back home. He placed it respectfully in a nice place, and kept
worrying in his mind.

Srinathaji’s chariot halted at a distance of three miles from

Visalapura. Everyone tried their best, however, nobody could
gatihe chariot to move. Sri-Govindaji ordered Gangabar, “You
ask Srinathaji why has He stopped here? In this wilderness,
there is no village anywhere for many miles. There is no shade
nor any source of water. Why has the chariot stopped in this

Gangabal asked Srinathaji, “Lala! Why has the chario

stopped; why isn’t it moving forward?” to which Srinathaii
replied, “Each day during rajabhoga | am very inconvenienced
because of the absence of a patiya. Therefore | Ordered thal

recluse in his dream to get one made and bring it for Me.
Everyone left the patiya there. Now on what will | have
rajabhoga? | will move only when the Patiya is bro
ught back.
And, until | do not permanently settle at one location, | will
rajabhoga only on this patiya each d
ay.” Gangabat conveyed
this to Sri-Gavindaji, on hearing whi ch Sti-Govindaji
and immediately sent two vrajava SiS ON horseb
ack. He told
, them, ‘ifthe patiydis still ly
ing there, bring it quickly
94 )
{ ee

lf someone has taken it, then go and tell that recluse that he Is

* very lucky. Srinathaji Himself has liked the patiya that he

brought, therefore, he should get a new one made and give it

to us. And if at all he has taken the previous one, he should
return it back.” Hearing this, the two vrajavasis went hurriedly
and reached the destination in a little over half an hour. They
didn't find the patiya there, so they went to the recluse’s house
and narrated the entire incident to him. He gave them the
patiya immediately, and they quickly returned to Sri-Govindaji
and gave it to him. That patiya was made by Srinathaji’s
orders, thus, the entire family and all the descendents of Sri-
Gusaimji came to see that patiya, touched it and then touched
their eyes. They carefully kept the patiya and always
remembered to carry it whenever Srinathaji moved forward
from a particular place. Till the day Srinathaji settled in a
temple in Mevada, the patiya was used daily for Srinathaji's
rajabhoga. As soon as the patiya arrived, Srinathaji’s chariot
moved forward.

( ‘® Srinathaji Reaches Jodhapura and Chapasent ®)

Srinathaji reached Jodhapura. The king of Jodhapura, Raja

Jasavanta-Simhaji, had gone to his maternal relative's house
inthe Kamau mountains, but his ministers were there. They all
came for Srinathaji’s darsana and said, “Maharaja, if you stay
here for eight days, we will send a message to the king.” There
was a village at a distance of three miles from Jodhapura
called Chapadseni. There was a kadamba-khandi in a place
called Chareba. Srinathaji chose to reside there for the .
» chaturmasa. 4
‘ancien 9:
the way after Srinathaj
There were ine atuinrmKarssan On left
rai apura : vad da 1-Ght
ee a , an d
h chaturmasathe camthi
cacti tn Kesaviiien
e after Sr ‘agmaglt
Jodhapura. inathaj
c a.
resided in His temple in Meva ad

From the fifteenth day of the bright half of the lunar m onth of
ASvina in the year Sarnvat 1726 (1669
day of the dark half of the lunar month — ae e seventh the year
of Phalag
Sarnvat 1728 (1671 C.E.), Srinatha i
ji was ,in seambee
Vraja and Mevada. These provinces were bles
Mulatana, Dandavati-Ghata, Bua ndi-Kota,_ Dh andhara,
Marvada, Barsay ada, Dingara - hapu a.
Srinathajipractically lived in a p u r a , a n d ss four

months and seven c h a r i ot for two ¥

days .

* uk
SAY Sf .
ON rpg COA
sie a
£ . > af re
4 oe oI
“> aes 4, pre :
[ @ Sri-Govindaji Visits Udayapura ® |

While Srinathaji resided in

Chapaseni during the monsoon,
Sri-Govindaji visited Rana Raja-
Simhaji in Udayapura. He narrated
the entire incident of Srinathaji
wanting to reside in Mevada. Rana
Raja-Simhaji asked his aged
mother, “The Lord of Vraja,
Srinathaji, has left Vraja due to the
unrest caused by the mlechchas.
He wishes to reside in our land.
If you say So, we will grant permission. And if the mlechchas
find out and come to attack us, what must we do then?” His
mother replied, “Listen son, previously, due to Mirabai and
Ajabakumvari Bai, Srinathaji had come to our land. We are not
so fortunate. At once, bring Srinathaji here. Do not delay. And
if the mlechcha emperor comes to attack us, you are a
Rajaputa. You could lose your life for a piece of land. What is
the big deal in sacrificing your life for Sri-Thakuraji. Bring Him
without any delay.” She also requested Sri-Govindaji,
Maharaja, quickly bring Srinathaji!”

Sti-Govindaj then returned to Chapaseni, and requested

Srinathaji to reside in Mevada. Srinathaji said, “Now that
chaturmasa is over, | will proceed to Mevada after Annakata.”
: =.
® Srindthaji Goes to ee Fe
"Nes —_ —- in

Srmathaji departed for Mevada on the

fifteenth day
brght half of the lunar month of Kartika in the
1728 (1672 C.E.). All seva from utt
hapana til san
camed out ina village on the way. Srinathaji Was - yana Was
from a nearby lake that day. Later that nigh "Ved Water
t, javecinns”
(cheers of loud applause) were heard from aroun Jayakar,
Everyone, including Srinathaji, heard th @ faya-j
the lake
However, no one was able to see who was cheering Jayakara,
Unanimously, Everyone went to
the lake and asked, “Who
are you
doing Jaya-jayakara? Voice

from the sky was heard, “We were
one lakh pisacha (ghosts) livingin
this lake for a thousand years,
waiting to be liberated. Since
Srinathaji accepted water from
this lake today, celestial vehicles
have come from Vaikuntha (the
Eternal Abode) to take us. We
have acquired a di vi ne bo dy ©
board these planes! a
“ rin a aThai P nd
Therefore, we are singing praises

hea r.” > On hear

rti g
ly "Wis, a continuedsinue Oy
soun d you ca n
yaka dep? |
/were mystified. ajae
The J aya-
others ,
midnight till the early hours of
s tlharan aftar r4iabhoga.
| ) this manner, having halted in one village after another, .
_=thaii reached Mevada after twenty three days (some ~
: aap say after 27 days). During the journey, Srinathaji
—* many different places and performed many Divine
ee (only the significant ones are described here).

snathaili’ ariot halted under a Pipala tree in Mevada.

that _< questioned, Srinathaji said, “This is the place
eae Ajabakumvarl Bai stayed. Hence, my temple must be
‘it here and | will reside here. | will fulfil the queen’s wish
oeeidin in Udayapura some other time in the future. For now,
bo Steeple built here for Me to reside in. | find this land
similar to Vraja. | like this mountain. All of you have your
thakas built here as well.” On hearing this, Sri-Govindaji
a ediately began the preparations. He ordered the
carpenter Gopaladasa, “Pronto build a temple for SrinathajI.
Deploy many men to work on it so that the work is completed

Since many rocks were available nearby, china (limestone

powder) was made and the foundation stone was laid. The
construction commenced. Thousands of labourers worked
ceaselessly throughout the day and night ensuring that the
temple was constructed within a few months. On the seventh
day of the dark half of the lunar month of Phaiguna in the year
Samvat 1728 (1671 CE), Sri-Damodaraji Maharaja (Sri-Dayji)
established Srinathaji in the temple in accordance with Vedic
tradition. Since then, Srinathaji merrily resided in Mevada.
The charge was in the hands of Sri-Damodaraji Maharaja (Sri-
Dauji). The previously set nega (quantity of food) and pranalika
(manual of seva) were re-established. Numerous cowsheds
were constructed to keep all the cows. Srinathaji was ably
pampered by Sri-Dauji Maharaja. He performed the Srngdra
onallutsavas and mahotsavas.

99 |
f ‘6 The Emperor Attacks Maharana Raja-Sirmhaji

Four years (or twelve years, according to some accoy Nts) after
Srinathaji reached Mevada, the milechcha asked his
messengers, “Where does the deity who left Mount Giriraja
currently reside? Is the location of His residence in my domain
or that of another ruler?” The MeSSENgers Searched all the
places where Srinathaji had resided during the journey, They
returned to the emperor to confirm that Srinathaji lived in
Mevada. They told him, “The deity is residing in Randji’s land.
Ranaji always bows down to and serves Him.” On hearing this,
the emperor said, “| was under the impression that wherever
He went, He would reside in my territory since it extends to the
oceans on both sides. However, He has been residing in the
Rana’s kingdom. | must teach Ranaji a lesson.” The Emperor
prepared for the attack and reached Mevada in a few days. On
knowing of this, Rana Raja-Simhaji sent his entire family
Safely to Mevada and went with an army of 40,000 soldiers to
counter the attack. The day Ranaji reached Nahara-Magara,
the emperor arrived at Rayasagara.

[ @ Srindthaji Goes to Grama Batara ® )

One day, Srinathaji ordered Gangabai, “Tell Sri-Dauji, there is

a very beautiful village called Batara. A wide variety of trees,
such as Kevada, Ketaki, Chameli and Rayabeifall grow ther
naturally. | wish to go there. There is a mountain there as well.
A sage has been performing penance in a cave there for
thousands of years. His only wish is that Sri-Krsna give him
,. darsana, only then will he leave his body. For now, he has fixed


‘ Mehis the

prana in his forehead where kala cannot reach. Thus, take

re so | can give darsana to the sage. | wij) return to this -
temple after staying there for three days. During that time, the
emperor will stay at Rayasagara. After three days, | will
compel him to leave.” Gangabal conveyeg Srinathaji’s
message to Sri-Dauji Maharaja. Being dynamic, Sri-Dauj
Maharaja immediately had a chariot built. Srinathaj was
seated in the chariot and left for Batara. The bumpy and
uneven roads became smooth as Srinathaj traversed them.
Wherever there was a depression in the ground, Sri-Dauji
Maharaja would place cotton mattresses so that Srinathaji's
chariot could pass comfortably. Thus, Srinathaji reached His
destination, and was very pleased to See the mountain. He
Stayed there for three days. Sandhya-bhoga and sayana-
bhoga were offered together that day.

One day, during bhoga, the recluse came from his cave for
Srinathaji’s darsana. He prostrated In obeisance and offered a
garland made of blue lotuses to Srinathaji. Blue lotuses are not
found anywhere on Earth, they only grow in the devajoka. This
Sage had the ability to travel to devaloka. Thus, he brought the
flowers from there, prepared the garland and offered it to
rinathaji along with a handful of sandalwood. The
Sandalwood was original ma/ayagaru, only a small amount
was powerful enough to cool 1.25 mana of boiling oil. He once
again prostrated in obeisance and returned to the mountain.
As a result of Srinathaji’s grace, the messengers of Visnu
came to take him to Vaikuntha. Srinathaji then ordered Sri-
Dauji, “In summer, when you offer sandalwood paste to Me,

le ile ee Ae Me Oe
add a pinch of this sandalwood to it daily, as long as it lasts.”
& [ @ The Emperor Goes From Mevada to Dvaraka ® )

The Emperor spent a night at Rayasagara before Proceeding

to Khimanora, on the banks of the Banasa river. He
Ordered his
servants, “I will stay here fora month. Create a garden
for Me |
will move forward once the garden is
ready.” A frightened
Ranaji prayed to Srinathaji, “Maharaja!
If this mlechcha leaves
my land, | will give you a village as a gift.”

That night in Batara, Srinathaji or

dered Gangabai, “Inform Sri-
Dauji Maharaja that tomorrow's ulthapana wil
l happen in the
temple in Simhada. The empero
r will flee from Khimanora
today and immediately go to Udayapura.
giant ” That night millions of
bees emerged from the Jagamohana of Srinatha

left, Ranaji gifted te

n Villages to her.

\: The Emperor halted at Lake Picho la in Udayapura that night.
The next day, he saw that the entire vil
lage was empty. All the *
residents had fled to Magaran (mountains). The emperor
refused to eat anything that day and said, “I will only eat when
my wife returns.” Soon, Rangichangi returned and
the entire incident. She said, “Ranaji sent me back here with
utmost care. | have also made him my brother. Hence, Your
Highness can reside here peacefully. The Emperor said, “We
will construct a mosque in Udayapura and then leave.” She
flatly refused and said, “You will have to return back tomorrow.
| will tell my brother, Ranaji, he will have one mosque built in
your name.” She then called Ranaji and introduced him to the
emperor. The emperor said, “You have treated my wife very
well. She has accepted you as her brother. Ask for something. |
am very pleased with you.” Rana Rajasimhaji replied, “If you
are happy, have your army retreat quickly. My land is troubled.”
The emperor said, “Have a mosque built in my name. The
Kanhaiya who left Mount Giriraja, has come to your land. | tried
my best to get Him to reside in my territory, but in vain. He
wishes to reside here. Therefore, you follow His orders. Till this
deity resides here, | will not come to or attack Mevada.”

The next day, the emperor and his army left Mevada and went
to Dvaraka. The situation returned to normalcy in Mevada and
Ranaji returned to Udayapura along with his family. The
residents who had fled their villages also returned home.

Srinathaji left Batara after rajabhoga-arti and went back to His

temple in Simhada.
| G Sri-Purusottamaji Maharaja Offers Jadau-Moja to Srnathajt

Once, Sri-Purusottamaji Maharaja

of Surat travelled South. Seeing the
various jewels there, he got jadau-
moja (a pair or socks studded
precious gems) made for Stinathaj
and quickly headed towards
Srijidvara. However, the journey
took long and by the time he
a B reached Srijidvara, the season had
tA” @ =—— changed and moja were no longer
offered to Srinathaji. Sri-Purusottamaji could not stay for a
year and wait for winter again, as he had to go to Kasi.

Thus, he requested Sri-Dauji Maharaja, “I have got these moja

y made for Srinathaji. Unfortunately, moja are no longer being
offered and | am unable to stay here for long. With your
permission, can these be offered to Srinathaji now?” Sri-Dauji
Maharaja replied, “You are Sri-Gusairhji's descendent.
Srinathaji will heartily accept your offerings. However, this
not the right season. Offer the moja during Srngara, and
remove them ina few hours.”
Having obtained $ri-Dauji Maharaja’s approval, Sri-
Purusottamaji did Srinathaji's Srigara the next day
offered the
moja. As per his daily routine, Sri-Dauji Maharaja
came for Srinathaji’s darsana before rajabhoga was offered. He
told Sri-Purusottamaji, "Remove the moja after removing the
mala (during rajabhoga-darsana)" and returned to his
baithaka. After rdjabhoga-érti, $ri-Py rusottamaji
told Toda
i: Vyasa, the mukhiyaji, “Have Srinathaji wear the moja till
> sandhya-art?. Here, take these thousand coins in return.” ~
Mukhiyaji replied, “Sri-Dauji Maharaja comes during bhoga-
darsgana daily, thus, you remove the moja during utthapana.
We will open the darSana once you have done so.” Sri-
Purusottamaji then returned to his baithaka and all the
sevakas went back to their homes.
_ Srinathaji waited for 1 muhdrta (48 minutes) for someone to
- come and remove the moja, but no one came. In Khimanora,
during Sri-Harirayaji’s siesta, Srinathaji appeared in his dream
and said, “Come quickly and remove My mojaso|can goto the
forest.” Sri-Harirayaji woke up astonished. Sri-Harirayaji’s
vehicles for travel were always kept ready, which consisted of
a palanquin, a horse carriage, a bullock cart and an elephant.
Each of these would wait at the door in turn every few hours.
Sri-Harirayaji asked, “Where is the carriage?” Uddhava
khavasa (domestic help) replied, “Maharaja, the horse
carriage is ready.”

Sri-Harirayaji quickly travelled on it and reached the banks of

the river Banasa in 1 ghadi (24 minutes). He bathed there,
went to Sri-Dauji Maharaja and asked for the keys of the
temple. Sri-Dauji Maharaja knew Sri-Harirayaji’s divinity. He
understood that Srinathaji must have ordered Sri-Harirayaji,
thus, he handed over the keys. Sri-Harirayaji went to the inner
sanctum, unlocked the door, blew a conch and entered. He
went to Srinathaji, removed the moja, prostrated in obeisance
and exited the temple. He re-locked the doors, returned the
keys to Sri-Dauji Maharaja and left for Khimanora.

Sri-Purusottamaji Maharaja repented. He thought, “Why did |

» let the moja be on? Srinathajifelt irritated because of that.”
7 rs

‘ Sri-Dauji Maharaja also admonished Vyasaji, “Why did you

keep the moja? Today onwards if you hesitate to say
something to the descendents of Sri-Gusaimji, let me know. |
will tell them.”

, Sri-Vallabhaji’s Son- Sri-Vrajanathaji
= Performs Srinathaji’s Srigara oa

One day Sri-Vallabhaji's son, Sri-Vrajanathaji, performed the

Srngara of Srinathaji. A mattress (penda kT gad) is spread for
Srinathaji daily, on which Srinathaji walks to go outside. That
day, the Gosvami Balaka as well as the sevakas, all forgot to
place the mattress. After rajabhoga-&rti, during anosara,
Srinathaji ordered Gangabal, “Today everyone has forgotten
to place the mattress. | am waiting.” Gangabai requested
Srinathaji, “This is an internal matter in which | am helpless.
Please let Sri-Harirayaji know of this.” Srinathaji then ordered
Sri-Harirayaji in Khimanora, “Come quickly and spread the
mattress for Me, | am waiting.” ri-Harirayaji left for
Srinathadvara on a horse carriage. Gangabai was waiting for
Sri-Harirayaji on the banks of the river.

When he arrived, Gangabai greeted him and said, “You bathe

here and go quickly. Lala is waiting.” Sri-Harirayaji bath
immediately and wore new clothes. He went to Sri-Dauji
Maharaja, asked for the temple keys and entered the inner
sanctum. He prostrated in obeisance to Srinathaji, laid out the
mattress, re-locked the temple and returned
Maharaja. Sri-Dauji Maharaja spread out a mattress to Sri-Dau
on which
Sri-Harirayaji sat and said, “You are the Chief of Sri-Vallabha
. family. Srinathaji is your responsibility. If s
we make amistakein |

:* ys
— \ =

Tnathaji’s seva, you should
correct us. However, today you

forgot to lay out the mattress.

Srinathaji was waiting for 2 ghadis
(48 minutes). He informed me, so |
came and laid the mattress. Only
then Srinathaji was able to go to the
forest.” Sri-Dauji Maharaja replied,
“The penda was laid, however, the
sevakas must have forgotten the
choti-gaal (small mattress). | will reprimand them. You are a
divine personality, thus | am candidly asking you a question -
without the mattress Srinathaji did not set His Lotus Feet on
the ground. However, during anosara He goes to various
places in Vraja and ventures everywhere bare-footed.
Mattresses are not spread everywhere!”

Sri-Harirayaji answered, “Sri-Gusaimji has told Srinathaji to

set His Lotus Feet on the mattress we spread and then go to
play. Thus, Srinathaji will not leave the temple without the
mattress. Srinathaji is accepting our seva without breaking
Sri-Gusaimji’s orders. You also asked how Srinathaji sets His
Lotus Feet on the ground without a mattress in Vraja. He does
so because the ground in Vraja is softer than butter. Wherever
Srinathaji places His Lotus Feet, the ground becomes as soft
as lotus. The pleasure experienced by Srinathaji of walking on
the Holy Land of Vraja is similar to that of placing a foot on a
lotus. Sri-Sukadevaji has also said -

ORedogighoclerazaclarad: fora |

107) ” “~ @4]
éarachchandram$susandoha dhvastadosatamah Sivam.
Krsnaya hastatarala chitakomalavalukam.
(Bhagavata - 10/32/12)

The darkness of the night has been dispelled by the collective

rays of the full Sarad moon. In such an auspicious place,
Krsna, along with the gopis, entered the banks of Yamuna,
who, with her hand-like waves scattered piles of soft sand on
the shore.

Thus, we must perform Srinathaji’s seva in a timely manner

according to the rules laid down by Sri-Gusaimji. Srinathaji
expects it that way.”

Sri-Harirayaji then quoted a kirtana -

‘qReepais’ Wa cb forsraia, acta carer feifyer

‘dasa chatrabhuja’ prabhu ke nijamata chalata lala giridhara

The Lord of Chatrabhujadasa acts according to His own will.

On hearing this, Sri-Dauji Maharaja was very pleased and

said, “You are a great individual.” Sri-Harirayaji then returned
to Khimanora.

Since then, Sri-Dauji Maharaja was very careful while serving

Srinathaji. If another individual from Sri-Vallabha's family
performed srngara, Sri-Dauji Maharaja would monitor closely.
He would go for Srinathaji’s darsana twice on that day and
, correct mistakes, if any.

Q \ f ie Srinathaji Orders Siiraja Pora to be 2)
Constructed via Govindadasa Vaisnava

Govindadasa, a vaisnava from Nandanabara, used to wander

_ alone throughout Vraja. He was Sri-Harirayaji's disciple. He
never spoke to anyone, not even with the other vaisnavas. One
day, while sitting under a tree in Kokilavana, meditating upon
Sri-Harirayaji’s Lotus Feet, Srinathaji appeared before him.
| Srinathaji ordered him, “Govindadasa! Go to Mevada and
_ §11-Giridhariji that during the loot of Annakdta, malpractices
| are taking place in the temple. Therefore, a Siraja Pora be
_ constructed through which everyone can leave.” Govindadasa
said, “Maharaja, nobody will listen to me.” Srinathaji replied,
“Srj-Giridharjji will. Go quickly.”
Govindadasa instantly left for Srijidvara. On reaching there,
he told $ri-Giridhanji Maharaja, “Maharaja, Srinathaji has
ordered me thus, and He has taken your name.” Sri-Giridhariji
knew the importance (greatness) of vaisnavas and became
emotional on hearing this. He asked the vaisnava, “Srinathaji
knows that my name is Sri-Giridhariji?” He also made him
repeat the answer a couple of times. Sri-Giridhariji_ then
narrated this to Sri-Vitthalarayaji who said, “This is kaliyuga.
Do not listen to anyone, they might be deceiving you. If
Srinathaji directly orders us, then we will consider it.” Sri-
Giridhariji silently returned to his baithaka.

A fortnight before Annakdta, Srinathaji appeared in Sri-

Vitthalarayaji's dream and said, “You thought that the vaisnava
was lying. Now | will accept Annakuta only after the Siraja
~ Pora has been constructed.” Sri-Vitthalarayaji immediately
& users

x woke up and called Sri-Giridharjji. He said, “That vaisnava

was telling the truth. Srinathaji appeared in my dream. We
must construct the Sdraja Pora within fifteen days.” He then
summoned the craftsmen and ordered them to construct the
Siraja Pora within fifteen days. The task was accomplisheg
within the stipulated time. Srinathaji then accepted Annakita,

Siiraja Pora opens each year on the day of Annakata.

( Srinathaji Gives Darsana to Gopaladasa Bhandari ©)

it was the day of Srinathaji’s utsava. A certain sAmagriwas to

_ be offered in great quantities in balabhoga that day and for
rajabhoga on the following day as well. The balabhogiya
remembered this. However, Gopaladasa, the khasa bhandar,
did not send materials for the s@magri saying, “Take the
materials tomorrow and then make the samagri.” That night
Srinathaji, holding a red stick in His hand, went up to
Gopaladasa bhandari. Srinathaji hit him with the Stick:
awakening him. He said, “Why did you not send the samagrvin
balabhoga today? It takes a while to prepare this particular
samagri. Therefore, if it is made tomorrow, rajabhoga will be
delayed.” Gopaladasa saw that Srinathaji Himself was
standing there and wished to touch His Lotus Feet. However,
Srinathaji moved away from there and went back inside the
temple. Gopaladasa ran after Him, but the doors to the temple
were locked. He then began banging his head at the door of
Simha Pora, shouting, “Let me touch Your Lotus Feet.” One
poriya (a young lad) named Raya Govardhana Ksatriya was |
. the doorkeeper at that time. He opened the door and asked

. Gopaladasa, “Why are you banging your head against the .
> door? What did you see?” Gopaladasa said, “One boy has run -
into the temple, | want to go and touch His Feet.” The
doorkeeper withheld him from going. Gopaladasa went into a
trance. Day and night, he kept repeating, “Boy! Let me touch
Your Feet.” He renounced food and water. When Sri-Dauji
Maharaja heard this, he kept Gopaladasa in a room and
appointed a caretaker for him. Gopaladasa stayed like this for
nineteen days; neither hunger, thirst nor sleep bothered him.
He kept saying, “Boy! Let me touch Your Feet.” Eventually, he
left his worldly body and entered Srinathaji's Eternal Abode.

[@ » Srinathaji’s Sevaka Madhavadasa Desai = «® )

There was a vaisnava called Madhavadasa who lived in

Mangarola. Initially, his name was Bhagavanadasa. However,
Sri-Gokulanathaji changed it to Madhavadasa. He was very
wealthy; he possessed one crore gold coins. He was very fond
of Srinathaji’s darsana. Every third year, he would come for
Srinathaji’s darsana, along with ten-twenty thousand others. If
anyone needed money along the way, Madhavadasa would
give it to them. He would do Srinathaji's darsana every day
during Adhikamasa (extra lunar month). He would also give up
food from the day he left his home for Srinathaji's darsana and
would only drink milk. One day, Srinathaji appeared in his
dream and said, “Make jewellery that a woman wears from
head to toe. The jewellery should be worth a lakh coins. Bring it
In a banta (a box) the next time you come for My dargana and
» Offer it to Me.”

| 111)
In the year Samvat 1742 (1685 C.E.), there were two |unar
months of Chaitra. Madhavadasa went during the lunar month
of Phalguna for Srinathaji’s darsana, and did the dargana of
dola. At that time, he presented the jewellery box to Srinathaji
A sevaka saw it and told Sri-Dauji Maharaja, “Mahardja, one
vaisnava has offered jewellery worth one lakh coins to
Srinathaji.” Sri-Dauji Maharaja brought the box and kept it
very safely, thinking that there must be a reason behind this.
That night, Srinathaji appeared in Sf-Dauji Maharaja's dream
and said, “This jewellery box contains all the ornaments thata
woman wears from head to toe. Make Gangabai wear these
and come for my darsana during bhoga.” Srinathaji similarly
told Gangabal, “Wear all the ornaments and come for My
darsana during bhoga.” One day, Gangabai came during
bhoga wearing all the ornaments. Srinathaji told her, “Place all
these ornaments in the Sayya-mandira. "Gangabat did as was
—— 2
/-Govardhananathaji has performed countless such Lilas.
rH many can be written? With the infinite grace of Srimad
Peeatory Acharyaji Mah&prabhuji, those who are His own, shall
bite Klee Od tO Oxperience them.
Special thanks to

Shri Pradeep Bhai Gaglani

Jaliwala Family

Ms. Vaishali

Photographer Family

Shri Ajit Bhai Thakkar

Shri Raju Bhai Whabi

Sri Bhaktyacharopa
destr e Namah
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tae Sangeet Sagar Trust
Govind Bhavan, Mota Mandir, [| >
, 3rd Bhoiwada, Bhuleshwar, —

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