Tender Foot Bath Mat V1.4

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Tender Foot Bath Mat


Bernat Handicrafter Cotton – 400 grams – NOTE: Mat is knit with 2 strands held together.
7mm Needles


3.5 st X 5 ROWS = 1” inch in SS

Finished Size = 20 inches x 30 inches

Note: Gauge is not important unless you need the mat to be the same size.


Garter Stitch – Knit every row

Seed Stitch – K1, P1 to end of row P1, K1 to end of row (on row 2 Purl the knits and Knit the Purls)
Stocking Stitch – Knit 1 row, Purl 1 row. Repeat these 2 rows.


Cast on 62 stitches.
Work 16 rows in Garter Stitch (8 Garter Ridges) ending after a WS Row.
Row 17: (RS) Knit 1 Row
Row 18: (WS) Knit 8, P1, (P1, K1) 22 times, until 9 stitches remain, P1, K8

Row 19: K9, (K1, P1) 22 times until 9 stitches remain, K9

Row 20: Knit 8, P1, (P1, K1) 22 times, until 9 stitches remain, P1, K8

Repeat rows 19 and 20 4 more times.

Row 29 (RS) K9, (k1, P1) 4 times, K28, (K1, P1) 4 times, K9
Row 30 (WS) K8, P1, (P1, K1) 4 times, P28, (P1, K1) 4 times, P1, K8

Repeat Rows 29 and 30 43 times more (total of 88 Rows, ending on WS Row 116)
Design by Haze W.
Version 1.4
August 5 ,2014
Row: 117 (RS) Knit 9, (K1, P1) 4 times, K28, (K1, P1) 4 times, K9

Row: 118 (WS) Knit 8, P1, (P1, K1) 22 times, until 9 stitches remain, P1, K8
Row: 119 (RS) K9, (K1, P1) 22 times until 9 stitches remain, K9

Repeat rows 118 and 119 4 more times

Row 126: (WS) K8, Purl to last 8 stitches, K8

Rows 127 through Row 142 – Knit every row (total of 16 rows making 8 garter ridges.

Bind off.

Design by Haze W.
Version 1.4
August 5 ,2014

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