Stem Timed Write Revision

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Lizzy Homer

Ms. Michko

E Block AP Language and Composition

May 19, 2024

Original STEM Timed Write

Over the years as the digital and technological world expands exponentially, the debate in

improving the STEM field in K-12 education has rapidly increased. Many argue that the

humanities field remains the most important focus in education, however, the value of

improvements in the STEM field of education and adolescent interest is greatly increasing in

America due to the need to keep up with the rapidly advancing tech world.

One of the greatest reflections of this technological rise can be seen in the projected

increased demand and value of STEM jobs in the US. In a 2010 report about US STEM

initiatives, the top three projected STEM jobs were estimated to grow by 32% (software

development), 36% (Medical scientists), and 62% (biomedical engineers) within the next ten

years (Source B). The projected increases demonstrate that these STEM job fields are growing at

alarming rates. This growth highlights the need for earlier education to support and build STEM

foundations for adolescent learners in order to support the growth of these fields. In addition to

this, in a 2012 article in Forbes magazine, Natalie McCullough, then chief marketing officer at

ServiceSource remarks on “the rise of high growth and high-value technicians” who will

contribute to the overall growth of business and consumers (Source A). The continued prediction

of growth and value in STEM jobs in the US only further urge the need for K-12 education

systems to support the STEM fields. In order to best aid the growth and development of America

as a whole, it is absolutely crucial for kids to become familiar with STEM topics early on. By
providing more focused STEM education, it helps better round learners and better create future

pathways and support for adolescents.

Along with the growth of the STEM career fields increasing, the demand for basic

understanding of science, technology, engineering, and math is also increasing at higher levels in

colleges and jobs. In fact, MIT, one of the best technological institutions in the nation reports that

their “graduates naturally need advanced technical knowledge and skills” (Source E). By

requiring these natural skills, MIT’s mission reflects the need for students to understand the

STEM field from a young age. The best way to support this and promote the growth of

knowledge and physical understanding is to teach stem in the lower education levels in order to

get students more familiar with the content and principles. Even further down the road of STEM

education, “4 out of 10 companies still find that at least half of their entry-level job applicants

don’t even have basic skills in STEM” (Source F). For America to continue to be a world leader

in all fields, STEM must be taught to at least establish a basic understanding. Skills in STEM can

not only improve crucial skills in problem solving, but also critical thinking and general

understanding of worldly concepts.

Although some may argue that the humanities and arts are more critical than STEM, such

as in the case of Steve jobs who “was neither a coder nor a hardware engineer” yet he led the

success of Apple through his creative innovation (Source C). Arguments such as these lack to

acknowledge that although he was the face of the brand, Apple’s success was also supported by

excellent engineers, of which without their work and effort, the Apple iPhones and computers

could not have been made. In fact, even now Apple prides itself in its technological

advancements in its camera technology, which could only happen through the support of

technicians and STEM experts.

The improvements in the STEM field of education and adolescent interest is crucial in

America in order to keep up with the rapidly advancing tech world.

Revised Timed Write

Over the years as the digital and technological world expands exponentially, the debate in

improving the STEM field in K-12 education has rapidly increased. Many argue that the

humanities field remains the most important focus in education; however, the value of

improvements in the STEM field of education and adolescent interest is greatly increasing in

America due to the need to keep up with the rapidly advancing tech world. In today’s world, the

initiatives to improve STEM education and increase the number of students interested in STEM

disciplines are extremely valuable because of new demand for highly experienced scientists and

technicians in America.

One of the greatest reflections of this technological rise and demand can be seen in the

projected increased demand and value of STEM jobs in the US. In a 2010 report about US

STEM initiatives, the top three projected STEM jobs were estimated to grow by 32% (software

development), 36% (medical scientists), and 62% (biomedical engineers) within the next ten

years (Source B). The projected increases demonstrate that these STEM job fields are growing at

alarming rates. This growth highlights the need for earlier education to support and build STEM

foundations for adolescent learners in order to support the growth of these fields. By highlighting

the need for further support, it elevates the value of the initiatives because without providing

earlier education, these job increases would fail to be supported by extremely proficient scientists
and technicians. In addition to this, in a 2012 article in Forbes magazine, Natalie McCullough,

then chief marketing officer at ServiceSource remarks on “the rise of high growth and high-value

technicians” who will contribute to the overall growth of business and consumers (Source A).

The continued prediction of growth and value in STEM jobs in the US only further urges the

need for K-12 education systems to support the STEM fields. In order to best aid the growth and

development of America as a whole, it is absolutely crucial for kids to become familiar with

STEM topics early on. By providing more focused STEM education, it helps better round

learners and better create future pathways and support for adolescents, thus growing the value of

STEM improvement initiatives.

Along with the growth of the STEM career fields increasing, the demand for basic

understanding of science, technology, engineering, and math is also increasing at higher levels in

colleges and jobs, thus multiplying the value for early STEM initiatives. In fact, MIT, one of the

best technological institutions in the nation, reports that their “graduates naturally need advanced

technical knowledge and skills” (Source E). By requiring these natural skills, MIT’s mission

reflects the need for students to understand the STEM field from a young age. The best way to

support this and promote the growth of knowledge and physical understanding is to teach STEM

in the lower education levels in order to get students more familiar with the content and

principles. This elevates the value of the initiatives to increase STEM education at lower levels

because by creating new standards for advanced understanding of the STEM fields, it requires

children to be familiar and passionate about STEM education. Additionally the need for STEM

familiarity is reflected when “4 out of 10 companies still find that at least half of their entry-level

job applicants don’t even have basic skills in STEM” (Source F). These reports demonstrate the

high value of understanding STEM concepts due to their analytical benefits that can advance all
kinds of careers. Skills in STEM can not only improve crucial skills in problem solving, but also

critical thinking: two skills that are extremely valuable in all realms of life and appreciated in all

career types. Because of the skills one can develop through being more involved and familiar

with the STEM field, the great value for the initiatives of early STEM education is only


There are some who argue that humanities and arts education is more critical than STEM

education who use Steve jobs as an example of why the arts are more important because he is

someone who “was neither a coder nor a hardware engineer” yet he led the success of Apple

through his creative innovation, which is why arts and humanities are more important in

education in order to lead to success (Source C). However, their arguments such as these lack to

acknowledge that although he was the face of the brand, Apple’s success was also supported by

excellent engineers, of which without their work and effort, the Apple iPhones and computers

could not have been made. In fact, even now Apple prides itself in its technological

advancements in its camera technology, which could only happen through the support of

technicians and STEM experts. This suggests that these fields compliment each other, but in

order to thrive, STEM education must also be taught, increasing the value of early STEM

education initiatives.

The improvements in the STEM field of education and adolescent interest is crucial due

to the rise and demand of jobs that require skills developed by STEM education.

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