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5-1 Measuring and Controlling Change





5-1 Measuring and Controlling Change

Executive Summary

This report describes the detailed examination and recommendations for sending them to Terra

Nora (TN) Consulting, the company's leader, Terry O'Reilly. This conclusion is based on the

contemporary problems Terra Nova had to fight with, listed in the case study conducted by Ken

Ogata and Gary Spraakman from York University. The focus of the report is the identification of

environmental factors affecting the establishment, the diagnosis of the ecological problems and

the guidance of a strategic plan.

Environmental Influences: The PESTE Analysis


Terra Nova Consulting operates in a world where global political decisions, while mostly coming

from hidden faces, primarily affect the company's operations in terms of both costs and returns.

Changes in environmental regulations, international trade policies, and contracts for

infrastructure projects are the key, and they need to be monitored and adapted (Ken & Gary,

2014). The company has to procure an organizational and political environment with various

risks and opportunities.


The terrestrial economic environment immediately plays a role in Terra Nova's business

activities. When the economy goes down, customers reduce their expenditure on consulting

projects; when the economy recovers, however, the competition amongst firms becomes very

intense. Having to adapt to ever-changing pricing strategies and getting clients to clearly

understand the impact of the economic situation on them becomes a must for the businessman.

Corporate and demographic trends that are directed towards sustainability as well as corporate

responsibility, have, on the whole, changed the proposition of the consumer, which nowadays

requires organizations to be accountable (Ken & Gary, 2014). For Terra Nova, it is essential to

align its project methodologies with these values by paying attention to the ethical issues and the

ecological impact and making the final solution responsive to the client's needs and the current

social trends.


The rapid pace of technological innovation presents both opportunities and challenges.

Investment in advanced engineering software, data analytics, and environmental technologies is

vital for determining competitiveness superiority. Terra Nova will implement sustained learning

and encourages constantly the adoption of technologies to reach the top of engineering



With the increasing pressure on environmental sustainability among customers, project

specifications and building owners demand more energy-efficient solutions. However, letting go

of old approaches and embracing new ones that can potentially create benefits, in the long run,

sooner is a business necessity for Terra Nova to remain competitive in the market.

Diagnosis: What Went Wrong and What Needs to Change

Terra Nova Consulting shows reluctance to implement Change; case in point, the opposition to

rebranding portrays a meaning that it has specific problems on the organizational levels.

Eliminating the firm's bureaucratic structure and hierarchical tie-ups with partners and the "old

boys club" culture stifle innovation and disengage the junior staff, thus leading to a missed

opportunity to align with the dynamic business environment. Such a condition has, therefore,
given a push to a complete organizational permutation, with much emphasis on the inclusiveness

issue and workplace culture improvement, leadership capabilities enhancement, efficiency

improvement and technology adoption (Ken & Gary, 2014). Overcoming these challenges will

help Terra Nova gain a better grip on the market, keep the talent pool interested and well-

qualified, and be ready to act in the face of future technological advances.

Change Vision Statement

The primary mission of our company "Terra Nova Consulting" is the guiding light of

revolutionary ideas, diversity, and eco-friendliness in engineering consulting services. The main

aim is to change our organization into a flexible, innovative, and example-setting force that sees

audacity as an engine of development and an opportunity to shine and push boundaries (Ken &

Gary, 2014). We pledge to create a team environment where every player will be treated fairly

and be able to drive the firm's future together. Joining our combined knowledge base and

applying modern state-of-the-art technologies, we will bring about eco-friendly engineering

practices that catapult our customers to new justifiable expectations regarding the regards of

technical performance. We go through this together, planning for future trials; our legacy is safe

and guaranteed for our successes.

Plan of Action


 Cultural Transformation: Develop a welcoming and cooperative environment, which

turns the widening gap into a uniting theory and promotes team cohesiveness and mutual

 Operational Efficiency: Implement the latest project management tools and procedures,

which will minimize cost overruns, improve task operations, and ultimately leave clients

close to being fascinated.

 Innovation and Technology: Investing in research and development to enable

sustainable engineering practices will become the leader in technologies, the coming of

the eco-engineering era.

 Leadership Development: The development of a holistic leadership program entailing

the skills requirements of leaders at all levels, particularly on their abilities to motivate

and manage teams that are geared toward the set strategic vision, is imperative in driving

Change and implementing the desired strategic direction.

Actions and Sequence

 Cultural Transformation: Run workshops and team building exercises composed of

cross-functional teams at their disposal that invade barriers like silos. Set up a mentorship

program to team the seniors with the juniors to share knowledge and professional


 Operational Efficiency: Emphasize the deployment of pivotal project management

software in every team and ensure that every team member participates in mandatory

training to enhance their skills (Ken & Gary, 2014). Create a permanent one-stop

improvement shop that can identify and implement process improvements on an ongoing


 Innovation and Technology: Corporate members should spend considerable money on

research and engineering innovation, aiming at green solutions. Cultivate active business
relationships with technology companies and educational institutes to remain current with

current trends and evolving technology.

 Leadership Development: Proceed with a leadership development program to cultivate

the talent of the individuals at different positions in the organization. The program should

concentrate on strategic planning, change management, and operational excellence

modules, emphasizing the development of leaders of tomorrow.


 I was conceiving the cultural transition orientation program within the first ten weeks of


 All-round encouragement of project management software and staff training completion

in six months.

 The introduction of the leadership development program and R&D projects within the

first year after launching - concluding sentence.

Resources Needed

 The budgets for ongoing expenses include current technology, training, and development


 The designated period from senior leadership to budding tools and tools and themselves

as the forerunners for the initiatives.

 Staff actively participate and invest from the top to the bottom of the hierarchy so that

Change can be accepted and the transformation of our organization is realized.

Potential Issues

 Resistance to change has previously been relatively high among long-time partners who

are used to doing work in traditional ways.

 Tight budgets may lead to reduced funding from investments in new technologies and

training programs.

 It meets the client billing task expectations while having enough time to perform training,

development activities, and change initiative management.

Measuring Change

Balanced Scorecard Approach

 Financial: Tracking upgrades in the project profitability, eradicating other cost overruns

and realizing the overall financial success aim to measure the effect of performance

optimizations and strategic initiatives.

 Customer: Analyze client satisfaction using surveys, repeat business rates and a

feedback mechanism that will enable you to measure the calibre of services and project


 Internal Processes: Estimate the efficiency of using these project management practices,

product adoption, and process improvement to achieve efficient and effective project


 Learning and Growth: Audit the influence of professional education and development

on team member skill level, team member level of morale, and team member level of

loyalty. Develop an eye for observing the deployment of fresh technologies and cutting-

edge practices that are undertaken across the entire firm.

Implementation Timeline

 Initiate at least one evaluation per month within the initial one-month period, which is the

starting point for calculating each measure's progress.

 Quarterly reviews should be conducted to monitor progress, ensure that the strategy areas

are appropriately addressed, and rectify any possible obstacles to meet long-term

objectives and achieve targeted outcomes.


With a deep-rooted problem within its working structures and a whole new set of external

stresses, Terra Nova Consulting finds itself in an urgent situation. Through adaptability and

strategies righting, Terra Nova can remain in its top standing as an engineering industry

consultant. The document gives thorough instructions, targeting organization transformation,

operational optimization, innovation, and leadership development. Completion is required

through the initiated planning and development and regular evaluation, In such a a way, Terra

Nova, in the changing world, can attain sustainable growth and success as an engineering

consulting firm.

Ken O. & Gary S. (2014). Case Study: Building Community at Terra Nova Consulting. York


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