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Are you a confident and powerful presenter? Learn How to Command a Stage Presence that Sells! Imagine if you could conquer your nerves every time you gave a presentation! How would you like to use your facial expression and your body language with purpose to create emotional responses in your audience? What if its easier than you think to inspire your audience? For many people, the hardest part is knowing how to prepare for a presentation. Thats why Im going to share with you the secrets of successful performers.


Introduction Secret #1: Writing the Perfect Script Secret #2: Rehearsal Time Secret #3: How do you Learn all those Lines Secret #4: Once more with Feeling Secret #5: Conquer Your Nerves and Take Control Secret #6: Rehearse your Body Movements Secret #7: Dress Rehearsal: Warm up your Voice Bonus Secret: Its Opening Night! Summary About the Author

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The most important and valuable skill in business is the ability to communicate effectively. Managers, business owners and CEOs who are not capable of inspiring, motivating or persuading audiences of potential clients or staff members will not last long in their position not matter what their credentials. In fact, one American study has shown that successful business leaders attribute 85% of their success to their ability to speak publicly and communicate persuasively 85%! The study also showed articulate leaders are perceived as being more intelligent, better educated and more attractive than those who have not yet mastered the art of public speaking. Public speaking is a skill that can be learned just like riding a bike or playing golf. The better the coach, the better the player reaches their potential. The more they practice, the more their skills become dependable. A powerful example is the famous Greek orator Demonthenes who began his career with a stutter and a speech impediment yet developed into being the most renowned orators of all time. If he could learn how to become a compelling speaker, then anyone can provided they have the right tools and support. Do you spend endless hours preparing your talk because you dont have a system? Do you feel that you sometimes dont know what to put in and what to leave out of your presentation? Do you get nervous about presenting your speech? Do you worry about forgetting all your lines? Do you worry youre boring, speak in a bland, monotonous fashion or will wander off the topic? Do you worry youll not be able to engage your audience or even loose them all together? If you answered yes to any of the previous questions, then read on. Become the charismatic, engaging and inspiring speaker youve always wanted to be.


What, Why, to Whom and Where?

As a theatre director, I only ever direct plays that I am passionate about, plays that are congruent with my values and which carry a message I think is important to share with an audience and a wider community. It has to be in alignment with me, my mission and my personal story. Questions to Consider: Do you know what you are talking about? Does your subject fit in with your personal purpose, your personal story and your passion? If so, how? What makes you an expert in this field? What audience demographic does your subject speak to? How can you best reach this audience? What will make them want to come to hear you talk? How much might they know already? What is the problem that keeps them awake at night?

Christiane is an engaging and very effective presenter who makes the prospect of public speaking exciting. Christiane rocks!
Mark Wilson, Sales Consultant

How can you solve this problem? What is their biggest aspiration? How can show them the way to achieve this? Who do you need on your team to make this a success?



How much time do you have? This determines your content. Plan to spend about 8 minutes on each point. Allow about 5-8 minutes for your introduction and another 5 minutes for your close, more if you want to sell a product or have a more involved call to action. Every section must have an introduction, a twist, and a climax like all good theatre does. Plan to change something every 7-8 minutes. Peoples attention span can only stay on the subject for that length of time. So you may choose to tell a joke, or do an activity to break things up or simply change your subject, your energy or the picture on the powerpoint. The Who Factor Prepare to answer their silent question: Why should I listen to you? Maybe even ask it for them. Position yourself as the expert; either through listing qualifications, projects, achieved results or by showing client testimonials. You may wish to back this with a more personal note about what motivated you to become an expert. Define the meaning and purpose, then discover the characters intention The first stage of any rehearsal is to get to know the world of the play. In theatre this means analysing the themes and the super-objective of the characters. The super-objective is the overaching desire, theme, or life purpose of each character. It is the foundation that underpins every decision. What do you want them to feel at the end? The first stage of your planning phase is to do the same: How do you want the audience to feel: inspired? Mad? Motivated? Empowered? Unified as one? What is the super-objective of your speech, seminar or presentation? What is your desired outcome for your audience? What is your main theme that acts as a framework and point of reference underpinning every decision you make in terms of what needs to be included and what needs to be excluded from your presentation? The clearer you are at this point, the clearer your message will be.


Once you know the answers to these questions, you begin to create the skeleton of your speech in bullet points. The sequence, the transitions, a strong beginning and powerful ending.

If you want to learn more about how to structure your speech, create powerful openings, elegant transitions and memorable endings, visit our website and check out our amazing DVDs, especially: STAGECRAFT STRUCTURE: http://www.inspiredspeaking.c

Bud Barber, Meditation Teacher,

I did your Stagecraft Structure Seminar last week and Ive noticed the results already in my meditation group last Tuesday night. I always give a little talk in the beginning about various subjects and Ive noticed that I rambled less. It was more succinct and to the point. There was a lot more clarity not only in my words but also in my mind. I think thats been one of my problems in the past, that I didnt have structure and I think your workshop has provided me with a structure that I can hold in my head and use to communicate. Its really beneficial and I can highly recommend the seminar to anyone who is wanting to improve their public speaking abilities.



Professional companies rehearse a play between 3-5 weeks. The Royal Shakespeare Company and a few other bigger companies have the privilege of spending eight full weeks on rehearsing a production. Whats there to do once you know the lines? Learning lines is just the beginning and a very small component of the rehearsal process that takes care of what you say. We also need to explore how best to say the lines begin to explore about how best to say it each line and determine the intention of each line? Consider your: Timing Rhythm Building tension, Release, creating variety, Tapping into the emotions, Interacting with the other characters, Understanding the motivations, the intention and purpose of the play. Where to stand, when to move and where to go? Creating the right spacial dynamics and gestures to enhance the message. Creating a sound-scape and the right lighting to further support the main theme.

Rehearsals of Dangerous Liaisons

A lot of this is discovered through trial and error. Every play, every speech has a life of its own and each performance is different in some way. All these elements are carefully discussed, explored, tested and measured and it takes time to create a dynamic, holistic product. However, when it comes to public speaking, so many speakers stop once they know their lines. In fact, some of them even stop before that. They think that once they kind of know their content its good enough to present it to an audience, which means that they have their eyes buried in their notes or facing the power-point, instead of engaging with the audience. The eyes tell the story. Eyes are the window to the soul. The audience must see what you are saying: in your facial expressions, in your passion, in your commitment to the topic. If they cant see it, they wont hear it.


How often have you seen a speaker who talks at his bullet point power point presentation that has been thrown together hastily by his assistant? So its important that you practice your speech out loud. Only then can you truly get a sense of whether or not you know your content. Whats more, you create a muscle memory for your presentation, or new neuropathways that will give you the proof and therefore the confidence that you know your speech. Practicing your speech means that you take the guesswork out of it, you can relax, you know exactly whats coming when and how long it will take. You know where you can allow for time to interact with the audience and for how long and you can take your focus off yourself and off your lines and play and interact with the audience instead. You should be comfortable enough to addlib or improvise within your structure if you have to and really give the audience what they need.

Woman remembering her script

If your an aspiring speaker who wants to cast off the icy snakes of fear that slither around your chest whenever you think about stepping on stage you need to be at Stagecraft Secrets for Serious Speakers In one day I will give you the secret keys to unlock the confident and amazing storytelling enchantress imprisoned inside the castle of fear. u/seminars

Annette Freeman, Graphic Designer,

I found that the way the whole workshop was constructed was awesome. It was a really great opportunity for me to interact with a speech that I had developed and to get the feedback from the groups listening to me, that was really powerful. I had an absolute ball today and I recommend it to anyone and everyone I know who wants to improve their speaking. Thank you!


Now that you understand the importance of rehearsals and structure, lets look at how you can learn all those lines. This is always the most frustrating part of the process both for the actors and the director. Its frustrating for the actors because they spend their time memorising the words, which means that they cant perform or bring any emotions to the script. Its frustrating for the director, because its a stop and start process that requires a lot of patience. Its not the time exploring creative and different delivery styles because we can only start playing with the material once it is solid in the actors heads. When that has been achieved, we begin to play and find the rhythm, emotion and drive. This is where the real work, the real creativity and the real fun begins. Before I tell you all about that, let me give you some handy hints to help you learn your lines faster, so we can start playing: Write your entire speech out in long-hand

Woman trying to learn her lines

Chunk it down into individual sections Learn the meaning of each section, not the individual words If you cant remember the next idea, its probably because you havent made sense of the link and its place in the sequence of ideas. Get clear about that or rewrite the section to create a stronger context

Terrific seminar, I am now looking forward to my next presentation where I can put my new knowledge into practice! Lisa Sutherland, Naturopath

Learn the headline of each section or the key words that will remind you of the rest. Summarise your entire speech on one sheet of paper. Use visual images that will trigger your memory because pictures speak a thousand words, they will help you to find your place and remember your message faster than text in longhand.


Now we can have some fun! Make em laugh, make em cry, but above all, make em feel! Your audience wants to be entertained, even in an educational context. This is vital, because it has been shown that the more fun the audience has, the better their retention rate. And that fun has to begin with you. If you see someone laughing, you smile, if you see someone crying, you feel concerned or sad, and if you see someone bored well, you get the picture! This does not mean that you have to turn into a comedian overnight. There are many ways in which you can engage and entertain your audience without putting on a show. In fact, I have seen many speakers who imitate big show biz personalities, when that is clearly not their style. This mismatch of personality and delivery style can alienate your audience and push them away because it lacks authenticity, sincerity and genuineness. The key is to understand your personality type and make it work for you. The audience will pick up on how you are feeling at all times. They will feel that you are putting something on and hiding your true style or personality. They will conclude that you have something to hide or are not comfortable in your skin, which can boycott your entire message. Now, if you are in control of your emotions and have become a master of energy management then you have nothing to worry about or work on. But if you are still concerned about whether or not the audience will like you; or if you struggle to cover up your nerves, the audience will pick that up too. It doesnt matter if the audience like you or not. Thats not why they are there. Its whether or not they like the material. And thats your big advantage: you do. How to overcome your nervousness is something we will talk about in Secret #5. For now, I want to share some tools with you about how you can entertain your audience through authenticity and a spice of variety: Create an emotional tapestry as the bedrock of your presentation. Map out your presentation in terms of the emotional response you want to evoke in your audience and then find the vehicle to deliver that.

Unsure or worried about those feelings? E-mail Christiane now on Christiane@inspiredspeakin



Examples: Use jokes, stories, questions or philosophical comments. Perhaps even more effectively: actually step into different emotions, archetypes or roles such as the philosopher, joker, preacher, friend, seducer/seductress, bully, teacher Each one has a different energy, rhythm and body language will give your presentation the variety that keeps your audience on their toes. Surprise them and they will never switch off. Variety is the spice of life and a vaudeville show has a different act every five minutes. Some of you may think: Yes, but how is stepping into different roles authentic? Didnt you say its best to just be myself when Im presenting? Absolutely! You are never meant to be anything you are not. Think about life: you are never just one role. You embody so many different roles, functions and titles. You may be mother, daughter, sister, lover, wife, boss, friend each one requires you to tap into a different aspect of self. You dont act in any of them and yet you different in all of them. Your presentation is no different, you simply draw on the wide range of emotions you know you can feel, and the extensive set of roles you play. Just because you happen to be the expert or teacher up on stage, it does not mean that you have to act that role and only that role for the entirety of your presentation. Its about playing all the keys of the piano, not just those that play the tune of happy birthday. Or worse, just playing the same key all the time. This would bore the audience to death. And yet, many speakers do just that. They are monotonous in their delivery, their rhythm never changes and they either smile all the way through, bombard the audience with enormous energy, or appear very serious all the way through. Dont make the mistake of getting too comfortable in just one characters emotions or you will bore your audience beyond belief. Use variety. Surprise the audience. Build tension and then release it



Use Questions to Create an Emotional Response Questions can be a powerful tool to create emotional responses in the audience without you having to be a storyteller extraordinaire. Our mind is conditioned in such a way that we answer every question we are asked, even if only in our mind. This means questions are a fantastic way to engage the audience and elicit emotion responses. For example: To make people smile, you can ask them to remember the most embarrassing moment. Memory distorts reality and in time makes us laugh at our own clumsiness or misfortune. To create anticipation, you can ask the audience to remember a special birthday party, or counting the days till Christmas, or the days to that long awaited vacation. You will create the feeling of yearning, desire, anticipation. To create a sense of reflection and inward focus you can ask: Do you remember a time when your expectations had been broken? Perhaps a lover breaking up with you or at school, failing an important exam. How did that make you feel

Be honest now, which one of the 4 Secrets do you skip. E-mail Christiane Hille to discover how to use them more effectively.

And dont be afraid to ask the tough questions they are thinking before they get a chance to. This means that youll stay in control and avoids you being caught off guard when they ask them in a challenging manner. Be sure to relate that feelings back to your content and I can guarantee, your audience will be moved.



How to make the butterflies in the stomach fly in formation

Why are some people more afraid of public speaking than of dying? Why would some rather be in the coffin than give the eulogy? Why do some get dry mouths, sweaty palms and a heart rate that is faster than that of an Olympic swimmer? Most of us have been taught as children that we must get it right in order to be rewarded, praised and most importantly: in order to be loved. Many people have been taught by their parents at a very young age that love is conditional, based on performance and on the right behaviour. I have spent many coaching sessions helping clients to reprogramme this thinking and help them to understand that love is based on who you are, not on what you do. The fear of public speaking takes on a variety of different forms: fear of not being good enough, fear of being found out, fear of not being liked, fear of making a mistake, fear of forgetting your lines, fear of fumbling your words, fear of boring the audience, fear of challenging questions, fear of looking stupid, fear of self-exposure All of these fears are expressions, facets and manifestations of the one and only fear: the fear of not being loved. Technique 1: What you focus on is what you get You dont go to a movie and expect it to be bad right? You dont go through all that effort to dress up, drive to the cinema and buy your ticket only to have a bad time. Your audience is the same. They dont invest time in something they think will be a waste of time. They want you to be good! They are your biggest champions because they have invested time and money and are interested in what you have to say. So all you have to do is deliver. Have you ever noticed that you talk yourself into a fear? The more you focus on it the stronger it becomes and then when the much feared moment arrives, it is nothing compared to what you had conjured up in your imagination?!



If it works the negative way around, it works the positive way around as well. You can create an audience that loves you, that is engaged, asks intelligent questions, champions you, loves your personality, is entertained by your jokes, stories and questions and gets a lot of value from everything you say. Dream audience? Yes and you can create it exactly how you want it to be. Ive done this many, many times over. And Im still surprised by the powerful effect of this simple visualisation. For example: Before you begin, you can think of your audience as caring champions. I often think of them as close friends who simply want me to excel. Technique 2: Be ready before you start Practice pausing before you speak. Many speakers walk up onto the stage and often start speaking as they walk up. Now whilst this could be perceived as impressive multi-tasking because you dont want the audience to wait, it actually has the opposite effect. How can you connect to the audience as you walk up there? How can you get your grounding in front of the audience, if you already begin your presentation before you even arrive. How can the audience settle down, connect and get used to you if you begin before you arrive? They most likely will miss your opening, which means that you have lost them already before you even get onto the stage! So walk up, slowly, calmly and confidentially. Pause. Establish eye-contact with a few individuals in the audience. Smile. Breath deeply in and out. Count to 5 and then and only if you feel grounded, present and ready do you begin to speak. Make the audience wait if you have to. This signals to them straight away who is in control.



Key Points to follow for your Success: 1. Be well prepared. Rehearse several times 2. Set yourself up for success: Rest, eat and sleep well before your presentation 3. Dress in clothes that make you feel good 4. Practice deep breathing to relax your body 5. Concentrate on the messages you want to get across to your audience 6. Focus on the audience, not yourself 7. Make friends with some audience members before the presentation 8. Remember your audience wants you to do well 9. Nerves usually make us speed up. Make a point to slow your speech down 10. Remember a time when you were really successful in front of an audience 11. Turn your negative self talk into the opposite 12. 12.Make no negative confessions "I'm so nervous" 13. Make eye-contact to friendly faces and people you already know 14. Dont have an expectation of needing being perfect. Be playful and forgiving of yourself and the audience will happily do the same. 15. The more you practice, the better you will become!

Christiane is warm, intuitive and focused Jill Hutchinson, Life Success




So many speakers have bad habits when it comes to body-language. In my seminars, participants are always surprised to get feedback on what they do with their feet, hands and body whilst speaking. Most of the time they make unconscious gestures that distract from their message, rather than enhancing it. Their actions speak so loud that the audience cannot hear a word they say. SOME EXAMPLES: I had a client recently who had a strong presence and was very passionate about her subject. The more passionate she got, the more she would put one foot forward and lean into the audience, almost bullying them into getting her point of view. Another lady in one of my seminars would constantly shift from one foot to another. She had a beautiful, soft presence and enhanced this through a gentle rocking movement, making the audience feel sea-sick in the process. Another lady I coached used to wear beautiful bracelets that would clink every time she used her hands to make a point, which was all the time. The nervousness she felt became magnified by the sound her jewellery. THINGS TO CONSIDER:

"One of the best paced courses, I have attended. Totally engaging!"

Bernadette Crowe, Curves Health Club

Use your body with volition Become aware of your habits and know how they affect your message Stand still when you make an important point Know the most powerful position of the stage and stand their to impart your most powerful information Find one or two neutral resting positions for your hands Use big gestures if you are talking about big things Use small gestures if you are talking about small things

"Christiane clearly knows her stuff and presented it in a supportive and engaging way." Amanda Cox, Real



Yes, you should do a vocal warm-up before you go on stage. Just like actors do. You know why? It helps you to stop sounding monotonous, create a greater vocal range; to stop you from swallowing your tongue in the excitement of the moment; to warm up all the muscles of your lips and tongue so that articulation becomes much easier. Oh, and did I mention projection? Many people tend to breath from their upper chest. This can causse you to loose your voice. Learn to project from your diaphragm and not only will your voice be stronger, it will also help you to keep your voice for more than a day at a time. THINGS TO CONSIDER: Practice Deep Breathing. Draw on this muscle memory when your nerves make you run out of breath on stage. Go through your entire vocal register, sing a scale to prevent your voice from being monotonous. Practice Tongue Twisters to warm up the muscles of your lips and your tongue. This will help you speak more clearly. Open your mouth wide, yawn and massage your jawbone to create flexibility and space in your mouth. Need help developing your voice During the Stagecraft Secrets for Speakers Seminar we spend almost an entire afternoon on voice discovery. Go to to join our next programme and develop your voice to its full potential.

My voice was raspy and coming from the back of my throat, although I knew this to be true I thought it was normal. I have been like this all my life. With your guidance and brilliant exercises, which I continue to do daily, I am able to speak clearly and with confidence. I have never spoken like this before, ever! My husband likes the new voice as do my colleagues at work. I am able to speak up without sounding weak and unsure and I really want to thank you for all that you have given me - the gift of voice.
Kathryn Marshall, Coaching From Within



Lift your audience out of their seats!

MAKE THE RIGHT FIRST IMPRESSION The first five minutes of your performance are crucial. In fact, the first 30 seconds are it. We make a judgement on people in an instant, be it positive or negative. What Must You Consider? Does your outfit enhance your message? Does you display confidence when you walk? How do you command the attention of your audience? How do you hold your space? How do you project your energy? How calm and focused do you appear? How excited are you? How nervous are you And which are you showing? All of this and more communicates a message to your audience and you must be aware of it all. SCENE 1: Creating The World of the Play - Teach Your Audience the Rules of the Game In these first 30 seconds of your presentation you teach them the rules of the game youre going to play called your presentation. Useful rules to share are: this time together is interactive, fun but I am the boss! Be clear about your rules , because if you are not, you create the space for wrong rules by giving unconscious signals that communicate something you do not intend.




Valuable Pointers: 1. 2. Think of your presentation as a conversation, this will help you stop talking at your audience. Engage the audience from the moment you get on stage.

Ask questions Get their buy in by asking them three questions that you know 100% of the audience will answer with a yes. Engage them in activity: This is a way of asserting your authority and getting the audience to follow your lead. If you can get them to do it in the first thirty seconds, you can get them to do it any time throughout your talk. Tell a joke Test you jokes first and get feedback on your delivery. Jokes can potentially alienate the audience and not everyone can pull them of. Surprise them with Stats This can be very powerful in an opening. Above all, dont fake it, dont act out a role that is not you. Engage the audience by being yourself, like you are in everyday life, but with more energy.



Actors work with a director to create spell-binding performances which touch the hearts and minds of their audiences. Why do you think youre different? The director is the first test-audience reflecting back to the actors what works and what doesnt. The director is that objective eye that can pick up things that the actors cant see. The director transforms the actors inner intentions into a performance that clearly delivers that message. Set yourself apart from your competitors and let me be the secret ingredient for your success. Get objective feedback from a Stagecraft Director who can help you move your audience to action with a persuasive, powerful and personable presentation. We offer personal presentation coaching, DVDs you can watch in the comfort of your own home, as well as numerous seminars. This includes: Video-taping yourself and getting feedback from us Getting live support in preparation for your next speech Getting help with your speech structure Getting feedback on your delivery

To see which service best suits your needs visit



Learn how to command a stage presence that sells Are you a confident and powerful presenter?

Dear Fellow Presenter, Now that you know that you can conquer your nerves every time you give a presentation Now that you know that you can create an emotional response in your audience Now that you know that it really IS easier than you think to inspire your audience Let us hold your hand every step of the way. Programmes to help you succeed: Over the last ten years I have worked as an international theatre director helping actors to create spellbinding performances on stage. For the first time, I am now making this knowledge accessible to public speakers, trainers and presenters just like you in a variety of seminars and DVDs. Seven reasons why Stagecraft for Speakers is for you: In this seminar you will discover how to 1. Sculpt your performance to perfection 2. Lift your audience out of their seats 3. Conquer your nerves and take control 4. Learn powerful vocal techniques 5. Discover your unique presentation style 6. Boost your reputation through powerful presentations 7. Command a presence that sells


The response to the training has been phenomenal

Here is what other people are saying:

Stagecraft For Speakers In this seminar, well take a peek behind the curtains of world-class performers and learn the tools they use to create breathtaking performances. This is your opportunity to take your presentation skills to a whole other level. If you still need convincing, let me share what others have been saying about To find out when and where we offer the next Seminar.

Christiane is an engaging and very effective presenter who makes the prospect of public speaking exciting.
Christiane rocks! Mark Wilson

What is my investment for this powerful training? Normally a specialized programme of this importance, something like this would cost you $750. However, I am really passionate about helping speakers be the best they can be and want to give you this information for only $397 and $347 if you catch the early bird offer on the next seminar. My Guarantee is: I am so sure that you are going to improve your speaking performance as a result of this seminar that I am giving you a complete money back guarantee. If you are not happy with the training or it does not live up to expectations, I will refund you 100% of your investment within 48 hours of the training. Thats right no hassle and no quibbles you get all your money back. So just to repeat: there is absolutely no risk to you whatsoever.

"One of the best paced courses, I have attended. Totally engaging!"

Bernadette Crowe, Curves Health Club

"Christiane clearly knows her stuff and presented it in a supportive and engaging way." Amanda Cox, Real



The response to the training has been phenomenal.

Here is what other people are saying: "Christiane is dynamic, passionate and very professional. She is a consummate proponent of what she teaches." Odette Wanders, CEO of Palleative Care Victoria

Your investment will pay for itself over and over and over again. Immediately! This unique Stagecraft Secrets for Speakers will give you the tools and strategies to deliver powerful presentations every time. Whats more, your enhanced confidence and skill as a speaker will help you to attract more clients.

Christiane is warm, intuitive and focused Jill Hutchinson, Life Success


To book Stagecraft for Speakers today, simply go to: But hurry, numbers are strictly limited so I can give individual attention to each participant to insure their success. I look forward to seeing you there. Inspiredly yours,

Its been fantastic and Ive appreciated your honesty, openness and knowledge in supporting my development and learning. Kate
Halford, National Community Manager, Starlight Children

Terrific seminar, I am now looking forward to my next presentation where I can put my new knowledge into practice! Lisa Sutherland,

Stagecraft Specialist & Speakers Trainer PS. This is a rare opportunity to learn how to speak like an expert, master your nerves and prepare a winning formula guaranteed to win over your audience more effectively than ever


before. Please click here inars to book.


Christiane Hille is Australias Stagecraft Expert for Speakers. She is the CEO of Inspired Speaking and its sister company Inspired Coaching. Christiane has worked as an international theatre director for over 10 years and has helped literally hundreds and hundreds of actors and singers to create spell-binding performances on stage. She is now making this knowledge available to coaches, managers, speakers, solo-preneurs and trainers With the power of this information, public speakers can leverage their time and skills to set the scene in creating the space, environment and atmosphere to achieve their desired outcomes in front of any audience at any time receiving a standing ovation. Christiane holds a first-class BA (Hons) in English and Theatre Studies, a postgraduate diploma in Theatre Directing and Performance Creation as well as a Diploma in Life and Executive Coaching. She is a qualified Trainers Trainer, popular keynote speaker and member of the National Speakers Association. -


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