Wang - 2015 - On The Go How Mobile Shopping Affects Customer Purchase Behavior

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RETAIL-553; No. of Pages 18 ARTICLE IN PRESS

Journal of Retailing xxx (xxx, 2015) xxx–xxx

On the Go: How Mobile Shopping Affects Customer Purchase Behavior

Rebecca Jen-Hui Wang a,∗ , Edward C. Malthouse b , Lakshman Krishnamurthi a
a Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University, 2001 Sheridan Road, 4th Floor, Marketing Department, Evanston, IL 60208, USA
b Medill School of Journalism, Media, Integrated Marketing Communications, 1845 Sheridan Road, Evanston, IL 60208, USA

Mobile shopping (M-shopping) has become increasingly important in marketing and retailing. Using a unique dataset from an Internet-based
grocery retailer, we evaluate changes in customers’ spending behavior upon adopting M-shopping, i.e., using smartphones or tablets to compose,
modify, or place orders online. We find that order rate, i.e., number of orders placed per year, increases as customers adopt M-shopping. Especially
for low-spending customers, both their order rate and order size, i.e., the amount of the order in dollars, increase as they become accustomed
to M-shopping. In addition to the effect on customer’s spending behavior, we also find that M-shoppers tend to use mobile devices to shop for
habitual products that they already have a history of purchasing. We propose that customers utilize mobile devices because the technology provides
convenient access, which leads them to incorporate M-shopping into their habitual routines. Managerially, we recommend that firms should fully
leverage their mobile platforms, but they should also keep in mind that mobile devices may not be the most optimal channel for launching new
products or promoting products that require more consideration during the buying process.
© 2015 New York University. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Mobile shopping adoption; Online grocery retail; Habitual purchases; Propensity score; Beta regression; Survival analysis

Introduction (Mulpuru et al. 2013). Deloitte Consulting (Brinker, Lobaugh,

and Paul 2012) predicts that $31 billion worth of retail revenues
Shopping or buying with a mobile device (M-shopping) has will be transacted using mobile devices by 2016. Besides con-
become an increasingly important topic that has drawn much ducting purchase transactions using mobile devices, customers
attention in both industry and academia. According to eMarketer also use them to plan their pre-shopping activities such as finding
(2014), there will be more than two billion smartphone users, directions and store hours. (Google Shopper Marketing Council
or one-quarter of the global population, by 2016. Forrester 2013). In short, the growth in M-shopping provides ample poten-
Research (Husson et al. 2014) predicts that media companies tial for marketers and advertisers.
and retailers will receive more than 50% of online traffic from However, even though M-shopping has become increasingly
mobile devices, and for the first time in history, Americans used prevalent amongst customers, there is still a lack of hard evidence
mobile devices to browse and shop more than they used PCs regarding its impact. To date, few academic research projects
on Thanksgiving Day, 2014, when mobile traffic accounted for have studied M-shopping’s implications on customer behavior
52.1% of all online traffic (IBM ExperienceOne). M-shopping and firm strategies. Even though M-commerce is increasing,
is also expected to grow substantially. While the forecast for firms do not yet know how to or even if they should respond: of
the overall retail revenue annual growth rate is 4% for 2015 the surveyed businesses, 37% cite “lack of strategy” as the top
through 2016, mobile commerce is estimated to grow at 21–29% reason for not launching a mobile program (StrongView 2012).
Therefore, in this paper, we examine customer- and transaction-
level data from an Internet-based grocer to address this question:
∗ Corresponding author at: 2001 Sheridan Road, 4th Floor, Marketing Depart-
what is the impact of M-shopping adoption on customers’ pur-
ment, Evanston, IL 60208, USA. Tel.: +1 603 305 9003.
chase behavior, namely, order rate and order size? If M-shopping
E-mail addresses: (R.J.-H. Wang), were found to positively affect firm revenues, retailers should (E.C. Malthouse), prioritize their investment on supporting mobile platforms. We
(L. Krishnamurthi). also seek to answer this second question: what kind of products
0022-4359/© 2015 New York University. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

Please cite this article in press as: Wang, Rebecca Jen-Hui, et al, On the Go: How Mobile Shopping Affects Customer Purchase Behavior,
Journal of Retailing (xxx, 2015),
RETAIL-553; No. of Pages 18 ARTICLE IN PRESS
2 R.J.-H. Wang et al. / Journal of Retailing xxx (xxx, 2015) xxx–xxx

do customers purchase when they M-shop? Understanding the its profits to maintain customer relationships if mobile channels
circumstances when mobile marketing strategies should be used can indeed increase customers’ order rate and order size.
is helpful for both retailers and their brand partners.
This paper offers substantive contributions. By linking How does M-shopping Adoption Affect Order Rate and
customers’ online session data with their actual spending, Order Size?
we provide quantified evidence that shows how M-shopping
impacts customers’ behavior. Given the increasing prevalence of Current literature posits that mobile devices can be an
M-shopping in marketing and retailing, it is imperative to under- effective marketing tool because they have the follow-
stand how customers’ behavior could change and how firms ing five characteristics (Larivière et al. 2013; Shankar and
should respond. In addition to fulfilling this immediate man- Balasubramanian 2009): (1) portability, (2) personal relation-
agerial need, we also present theories for understanding how ships with owners, (3) networked, immediate information, (4)
interacting with a firm via mobile devices can influence cus- textual and visual content, and (5) convergence of functions and
tomers’ brand loyalty and spending behavior. In the following services, e.g., navigation and email. These characteristics allow
section, we provide a review of relevant literature and our con- customers to create a “life on the screen” (Joy et al. 2009) and
ceptualization. Next, we present the data and methods, which interact with brands with ease on an “anytime, anywhere” basis
employ propensity score matching to make causal inferences, (Shankar et al. 2010). Because of their portable, personal nature,
followed by the results. Finally, we discuss implications for unlike PCs, mobile devices are not only functional gadgets, but
theory development and managerial insight. “cultural objects” as well (Bell 2006; Shankar et al. 2010), and
the mobile lifestyle provides additional opportunities for brands
Conceptual Framework to build relationships with their customers and interact with them
on an intimate, frequent basis across time and space.
Overview Industry studies suggest that offering mobile storefronts to
shoppers may lead to an increase in customer loyalty (Ask
Before the proliferation of mobile devices, much of the lit- et al. 2011). Google surveys show that 51% of customers
erature on Internet grocery shopping compared the differences cite saving time as the leading driver of smartphone shop-
between online and offline channels. This literature takes a con- ping, and 42% cite convenience (Google Shopper Marketing
servative stand, proposing that shopping for groceries online Council 2013). However, convenience is context-dependent.
is often a result of “situational factors,” and its adoption may Survey research by Paul et al. (2010) on tobacco usage shows
cease once those circumstances change (Hand et al. 2009). Later that making products readily available triggers more purchases.
research suggests that customers make choices depending on They find that male and single customers tend to buy tobacco
their transaction costs. Chintagunta, Chu, and Cebollada (2012) from outlets with small storefronts such as gas stations or
show that customers take savings in transportation costs and time convenience stores, suggesting that convenience does not nec-
into consideration when deciding whether to shop for groceries essarily equate to more product choices or customer service. In
online. Other studies examine the various buying strategies cus- the context of mobile channels, we theorize that even though
tomers undertake in different environments. Focusing on the mobile devices’ screen size and functionalities are limited
breakfast cereal category, Pozzi (2012) shows that customers compared to PCs, given their temporal and spatial flexibility
explore new brands more often in-store than online, and while it (Barnes 2002; Kleijnen, de Ruyter, and Wetzels 2007; Okazaki
is often considered that Internet shopping imposes lower search and Mendez 2013; Scharl, Dickinger, and Jurphy 2005), they
costs, it does not allow customers to verify the quality of the are sufficient to provide convenient access when customers
products. Our research differs from previous literature on online want to achieve specific goals or habitual needs that do not
grocery shopping in that we utilize data across all grocery prod- require much search or cognition. Mobile convenience then
uct categories. Additionally, given that our data comes from leads to purchase intentions and behavioral loyalty, as shown
a retailer whose storefront is only available online, we seek in several extant studies based primarily on survey data (Jih
to make comparisons between mobile and PC channels, using 2007; Okazaki and Mendez 2013; Yang 2010; Yang and Kim
Internet grocery shopping as our context of study. 2012).
By offering products through mobile applications (apps) and We theorize that mobile devices are an effective platform
mobile browsers, retailers seek to increase their storefront acces- for customers to develop habitual interactions with a retailer
sibility and revenues. Interacting with customers via their mobile because they provide convenience, which reinforces customers’
devices is a desirable marketing approach because providing a psychological and experiential state of being in a relationship
mobile app or website does not require buying media, unlike with the firm. Customers who interact with a firm via mobile
traditional advertising or retailing. A firm, especially one that devices integrate its products or services into their routines. As
already sells through the Internet, can utilize its existing infras- shown in our conceptual framework in Fig. 1, this integration
tructure to support its mobile storefront. Extant research shows is reflected in the customers’ recurring mobile activities, which
that traditional tactics and price promotions that encourage then lead to repeated purchases from the firm.
retention may in fact hurt the firm’s profits even though cus- Repeated behavior has been shown to form habits
tomers generate revenues by repeated purchases (Reinartz and (Verplanken 2006). In the context of M-shopping, we posit that
Kumar 2000). On the other hand, a firm does not need to sacrifice mobile technology is a superior platform for a firm to engender

Please cite this article in press as: Wang, Rebecca Jen-Hui, et al, On the Go: How Mobile Shopping Affects Customer Purchase Behavior,
Journal of Retailing (xxx, 2015),
RETAIL-553; No. of Pages 18 ARTICLE IN PRESS
R.J.-H. Wang et al. / Journal of Retailing xxx (xxx, 2015) xxx–xxx 3

Does M-shopping Adoption Affect Low-Spenders and

High-Spenders Differently?

In addition to the main effects posited in Hypotheses 1 and

2, we want to investigate whether the effect of M-shopping on
purchase behavior is greater for customers with low spending
than those with high spending. In our context, spending tiers are
determined prior to M-shopping adoption when both high- and
low-spenders shopped at the retailer using PCs. From a retailer’s
perspective, making M-shopping available can be viewed as an
intervention designed to increase the customers’ existing level
Fig. 1. Conceptual framework. Note: Convenience of the mobile channel allows of interactions.
customers to interact or shop with a firm with their mobile devices. As they The literature suggests two types of interventions that govern
become accustomed to M-shopping, they increase their levels and frequencies changes in existing behavior, namely downstream and upstream.
of interaction with the firm. This leads to increased order size and order rate. Downstream interventions transform habits at times when they
Mobile orders, in particular, consist of habitual products, which customers are
already familiar with and have a history of purchasing.
are vulnerable to change by encouraging self-regulation or
providing information. Upstream interventions disrupt existing
environments and establish different cues to facilitate new habit
formation (Verplanken and Wood 2006). For instance, if a gov-
ernment’s goal were to improve children’s eating habits and
habitual interaction from its customers because mobile devices prevent obesity, one possible downstream intervention would
themselves are an integral part of the customers’ daily rou- be to educate students about the food pyramid. In contrast,
tines. Habitual interactions can be beneficial for a brand in a an upstream intervention would be to change the environment
competitive environment. As customers become dependent on where unhealthy food is consumed, i.e., the government could
their habits, they rely on automatic thinking and cease to con- stop schools from serving processed food on campus.
sider alternatives (Fazio, Ledbetter, and Lowles-schwen 2000; Broadly speaking, the magnitude of effect an intervention has
Fujii, Gärling, and Kitamura 2001). Other research has also on customers depends on whether they perceive their environ-
shown that touch interfaces on mobile devices enhance users’ ment to be relatively stable. Thus, the way a customer processes
perceived product ownership and thus increase their purchase new information introduced by the intervention can moderate its
intentions (Brasel and Gips 2014). Additionally, habitual behav- effect on behavioral change (Venkatesh, Thong, and Xu 2012).
ior is reinforced by contexts and past performances (Neal et al. In a multichannel retail context, customers tend to persist in their
2012). Thus, the more adept customers are with interacting habitual routines if they perceive shopping at a new channel to
with a firm, the more likely they will continue to do so in the be merely a natural evolution of continuing their relationship
future. with the retailer. Any increase in spending is therefore due to
When customers interact with a retailer via mobile devices the fact that they have more access to the retailer’s storefront
in addition to traditional channels, a firm gains opportunities to than before. On the other hand, customers’ existing spending
engage with them. Extant literature shows that customers who behavior is subject to change if they become aware of how the
shop from multiple channels have higher customer lifetime value new channel changes their environment and lifestyle.
(Ansari, Mela, and Neslin 2008; Kumar and Venkatesan 2005; We posit that mobile storefronts are upstream interventions
Neslin and Shankar 2009; Venkatesan, Kumar, and Ravishanker for low-spenders and downstream interventions for high-
2007). One explanation for this positive impact on retailers’ spenders. Compared to high-spenders, low-spenders are not
revenues is that cross-channel availability increases access. deeply engaged with the retailer at present, and are there-
However, opening a mobile storefront is more than adding a fore more sensitive to the anytime-anywhere convenience and
traditional offline or conventional PC-Internet channel. Because additional touch-point opportunities introduced by M-shopping.
of their enhanced digital mobility, mobile devices allow cus- On the other hand, high-spenders are already accustomed to
tomers to engage with a retailer through wireless sessions under shopping at the retailer, so they have lower tendencies to pro-
all types of temporal or spatial situations (Shankar et al. 2010). cess environmental changes, i.e., the mobile storefront. Relative
As such, customers can utilize a retailer’s offerings as they go to low-spenders, high-spenders rely more on their established
about their daily lives. They can shop and modify their baskets habits as they continue to shop at the retailer, and as such,
during these additional sessions made available through wireless are less sensitive to the benefits provided by the mobile chan-
technology. We therefore posit the following: nel.
Thus, for low-spenders, M-shopping disrupts how they pur-
H1. After customers adopt M-shopping, their order size chase groceries and helps form habitual interactions with the
increases. retailer. For high-spenders, M-shopping does not disrupt their
daily routines. Instead, it merely enhances their current behav-
H2. After customers adopt M-shopping, their order rate ior and extends their existing habits. Low-spenders are more
increases. likely to see M-shopping as a game-changer that reminds them

Please cite this article in press as: Wang, Rebecca Jen-Hui, et al, On the Go: How Mobile Shopping Affects Customer Purchase Behavior,
Journal of Retailing (xxx, 2015),
RETAIL-553; No. of Pages 18 ARTICLE IN PRESS
4 R.J.-H. Wang et al. / Journal of Retailing xxx (xxx, 2015) xxx–xxx

of the retailer’s unique offering of services and convenience as Table 1

a delivery-based grocer. Thus, we posit the following: Order breakdown by device usage.
Devices used Order % Total sales % Customer %
H3. Customers who are low-spenders before adopting M-
shopping show greater percentage increases in (a) order size, PC only 70.0 69.2 86.7
Tablet + Smartphone 8.8 9.0 18.8
and (b) order rate, than high-spenders.
Tablet only 7.9 8.0 15.0
PC + Tablet 4.9 5.2 13.5
When Customers M-shop, What do they Purchase? Smartphone only 5.2 5.1 10.1
Tablet + Smartphone 1.8 1.9 5.0
The portability of mobile devices provides customers con- All device types 1.5 1.6 4.8
venient access to the firm. However, such portability comes Note: Of all orders from July 2011 to June 2013.
with a price. The screens of mobile devices are limited in size
and functionality. These limitations have been shown to alter groceries with PCs, and more recently with mobile browsers or
customers’ search behavior. Examining browsing behavior at a the branded mobile app. Customers can also modify their orders
microblogging service, Ghose, Goldfarb, and Han (2013) show or schedule delivery with either device type. The retailer does
that customers tend to click on links that have high ranks on not have traditional physical grocery stores, so the comparison
mobile phones more than when they use PCs, and they suggest is between PC-online shopping and mobile-online shopping. We
that customers’ search costs using mobile Internet are higher seek to determine how PC-online shoppers’ behaviors change
than on personal computers. In another study, Ghose and Park after they become M-shoppers. Purchases at other grocery stores
(2013) posit that users are reluctant to purchase niche products or restaurants are not observed.
when they use devices with small screens. When facing time The grocer launched a campaign at commuter rail stations in
or resource pressure, customers tend to act habitually (Wood large metropolitan cities to promote its mobile app in October
and Neal 2009). Thus, given their limitations in screen size and 2012. We therefore categorize our study period into two parts:
functionality, mobile channels are convenient when customers a pre-campaign period during which everyone was a PC-only
are reluctant to invest in search costs and simply want to shop shopper, and a post-campaign period. M-shoppers are defined as
according to their habitual needs. customers who used mobile devices at least once in their orders
Searching on small screens requires numerous maneuvers of during the post-campaign period. This distinction allows us to
scrolling, which limits the type and amount of information cus- identify an appropriate control group for the M-shoppers using
tomers can retrieve (Shankar et al. 2010; Sweeney and Crestani propensity score matching. We set our pre-period to be June 2012
2006). Even though customers are taking advantage of the conve- through October 2012, and post-period to be November 2012 to
nience provided by their mobile devices, such high search costs June 2013. We limit the sample to customers who placed at
can negatively affect their cognitive abilities in locating or recall- least two orders during the study period. Our unmatched sample
ing web information, and as such, customers prefer to use PCs for consists of 3,086 M-shoppers and 13,212 non-adopters.
exploratory search behaviors, and handheld devices for specific
tasks (Adipat, Zhang, and Zhou 2011; Albers and Kim 2000; Occurrences of M-shopping
Ghose, Goldfarb, and Han 2013; Sweeney and Crestani 2006).
Thus, we propose the habitual purchase hypothesis, suggesting To illustrate the context of our dataset, we present an overview
that when customers M-shop, they tend to buy products that they of how mobile technology is being used by the grocer’s cus-
have purchased before or are already familiar with, rather than tomers. Customers can compose, modify, or purchase their
to purchase items or brands that require research, planning or orders using PCs, tablets and/or smartphones. We classify an
consideration. In other words, we posit the following: order as “mobile” when it includes one or more mobile ses-
H4. When customers M-shop, they tend to buy (a) products that sions. A session is recorded when a customer logs onto to the
they have purchased previously, or (b) products from manufac- Internet grocer’s storefront to browse, shop, modify the basket,
turers with which they have high share-of-requirements (SOR).1 transact the basket, or set a delivery date, and it ends when the
customer leaves by either logging out themselves or timing out
due to inactivity. An order can be completed with just one ses-
Research Design
sion or as many sessions as customers want. Table 1 summarizes
the order breakdown by device.
Data Collection
We see that during the period of our study, accounting for
about 70% of sales are orders composed, modified and/or pur-
Our dataset is made available by an Internet grocer in the
chased using PCs only, and 30% are orders that have at least one
United States, which has been operating in 12 states and Wash-
mobile session. This result is consistent with the Internet gro-
ington, D.C. since 1990. Customers have been able to order
cer’s press releases, confirming that our sample is representative.
Additionally, Fig. 2 shows that mobile orders are consistently
1 We operationalize share of requirements (SOR) as customers’ cumulative increasing over time.
dollars spent at a given manufacturer divided by their total spending in the One might conjecture that when customers use both PCs and
category. mobile devices to shop, they use the former to browse and add

Please cite this article in press as: Wang, Rebecca Jen-Hui, et al, On the Go: How Mobile Shopping Affects Customer Purchase Behavior,
Journal of Retailing (xxx, 2015),
RETAIL-553; No. of Pages 18 ARTICLE IN PRESS
R.J.-H. Wang et al. / Journal of Retailing xxx (xxx, 2015) xxx–xxx 5

90% groups—mobile adopters and non-adopters—systematically

80% differ from each other. Fortunately, we have detailed transaction
70% history and demographic variables on customers, which can be
60% used to create matched controls with propensity scores. Matched
sampling, “a method for selecting units from a large reservoir
of potential controls to produce a control group of modest size
that is similar to a treated group with respect to the distribution
of observed covariates,” reduces the possibility of a selection
bias (Rosenbaum and Rubin 1985). Propensity score matching
is one of the methods for analyzing observational data to address
issues of possible confounding (Rosenbaum and Rubin 1983,
PC Orders Mobile Orders
1985; Rubin 2007; Stuart 2010).
We select a control group that did not M-shop during the study
period of the data and has similar characteristics to the treated
Fig. 2. Shares of PC and mobile orders. Note: Of orders from July 2011 to June group, i.e., customers who became M-shoppers in the post-
2013. Using the provided data sample, we see that mobile orders are on the rise, period. The assumption is that customers with similar propensity
while PC-only orders are steadily decreasing over the course of 2 years. This
set of overall statistics corresponds to the Internet Grocer’s own estimate that by
scores have similar likelihood of being assigned to the treatment
2014, 50% of their orders would be composed or placed using mobile devices. group, satisfying the assumption of Strongly Ignorable Treat-
ment Assignment (SITA). Thus, conditional on the covariates in
the model, treatment is, in effect, randomized, and the possibility
of selection bias is reduced.
Procedurally, we first model the relationship between the
observed characteristics in the pre-campaign period and whether
a customer M-shops in the post-campaign period using logistic
regression. The probability that customer i adopts M-shopping

Pi = Pr[Adopti = 1|d i , ln(υi + 1)], (1)

where Adopti is a binary variable that indicates whether customer

Fig. 3. Number of sessions by shopper and order device type. Note: 3,086 i M-shops, vector di contains demographics such as age, income,
M-shoppers (45,346 orders), and 6,172 matched PC-only shoppers purchased residence, children presence, marital status, dwelling type and
(83,042 orders). ownership, education level, and Internet shopping experience,2
and vector υi includes behavior exhibited from June 2012 to
items to the basket and the latter to simply transact the order. October 2012, prior to M-shopping adoption. These character-
Unfortunately, our session data does not provide information istics include the customer’s tenure with the Internet grocer,
on how the devices are used. However, if such a conjecture average order size in inflation-adjusted U.S. dollars, and inter-
were true, for a given mobile order, there would only be one purchase time in days. Table 2 contains the full list of covariates.
or two mobile sessions, during which customers would quickly We include demographics in the propensity score model because
complete the order. Fig. 3 shows the number of sessions by the literature suggests that age and income may be correlated
device type. Model-free statistics on session times suggest that with mobile adoption (Bigne, Ruiz, and Sanz 2005). Addition-
M-shoppers use mobile devices to do more than simply place ally, given that the grocer may be more prevalent in certain states
orders. Furthermore, on average, a PC-only order consists of and cities, we control for households’ states of residence. We
4.37 sessions, while a PC-mobile order has 3.25 mobile and 4.33 also include behavioral variables because customers with longer
PC sessions, suggesting that M-shopping allows for additional tenure or higher spending are more likely to adopt M-shopping.
touch-points between M-shoppers and the retailer. From a technical standpoint, including as many variables as pos-
sible in the propensity score is the safer approach. According
Methodology to Stuart (2010, p. 5), researchers should include all possible
confounders because “including variables that are actually unas-
Propensity Score Model and Matching sociated with the outcome can yield slight increases in variance.
However, excluding a potentially important confounder can be
One challenge in our research is that customers self-select very costly in terms of increased bias.”
into adopting and using the mobile channel. An ideal design
would randomly assign customers to M-shopping or not, but
this was not possible in this situation. As with all observational
studies, there is the possibility of selection bias, where the two 2 Measured as self-reported dollars spent online in the past two years.

Please cite this article in press as: Wang, Rebecca Jen-Hui, et al, On the Go: How Mobile Shopping Affects Customer Purchase Behavior,
Journal of Retailing (xxx, 2015),
RETAIL-553; No. of Pages 18 ARTICLE IN PRESS
6 R.J.-H. Wang et al. / Journal of Retailing xxx (xxx, 2015) xxx–xxx

Table 2
Descriptions of variables.
Variable Used in propensity score Description
model or regression

Pre-Campaign Behavioral Characteristics (υi )

ln(Avg. Order Size + 1) Average order size in pre-period

ln(Avg. Interpurchase Time in Days + 1) Average days between orders in pre-period

ln(Total Session Minutes + 1) Session minutes during pre-period

ln(Tenure in Days + 1) Days between first order to Oct. 31, 2012

ln(Total Discount Dollars + 1) Total lifetime coupon discount dollars

ln(Thanksgiving Orders + 1) Number of lifetime Thanksgiving orders

ln(Holiday Orders + 1) Number of lifetime Holiday orders

ln(Memorial Day Orders + 1) Number of lifetime Memorial Day orders

ln(July Fourth Orders + 1) Number of lifetime July Fourth orders
Demographics as of Sep. 2013 (di )
Is Aged 18 To 25 1 if age is known to be 18 to 25; else 0
Is Aged 26 To 30 1 if age is known to be 26 to 30; else 0
Is Aged 31 To 35 1 if age is known to be 31 to 35; else 0
Is Aged 36 To 40 1 if age is known to be 36 to 40; else 0
Is Aged 41 To 45 1 if age is known to be 41 to 45; else 0
Is Aged 46 To 50 1 if age is known to be 46 to 50; else 0
Is Aged 51 To 60 1 if age is known to be 51 to 60; else 0
Is Aged 61 To 70 1 if age is known to be 61 to 70; else 0
Is Aged 71 To 80 1 if age is known to be 71 to 80; else 0
Is Aged 80 Plus 1 if age is known to be 80 or older; else 0
Has Kids 1 if known to have kids; else 0
Has Income 40K 1 if income ≤$40K; else 0
Has Income 40 To 80K 1 if income is $40 to $80K; else 0
Has Income 80 To 100K 1 if income is $80 to $100K; else 0
Has Income 100 To 125K 1 if income is $100 to $125K; else 0
Has Income 125 To 150K 1 if income is $125 to $150K; else 0
Has Income 150K Plus 1 if income is $150K or more; else 0
Is Living in Campaigned City 1 if lives in a city where the commuter rail campaign took place; else 0
Is Living in Pennsylvania 1 if lives in Pennsylvania; else 0
Is Living in Wisconsin 1 if lives in Wisconsin; else 0
Is Living in Indiana 1 if lives in Indiana; else 0
Is Living in Illinois 1 if lives in Illinois; else 0
Is Living in New Hampshire 1 if lives in New Hampshire; else 0
Is Living in Maryland 1 if lives in Maryland; else 0
Is Living in Virginia 1 if lives in Virginia; else 0
Is Living in Rhode Island 1 if lives in Rhode Island; else 0
Is Living in Massachusetts 1 if lives in Massachusetts; else 0
Is Living in New York 1 if lives in New York; else 0
Is Living in Connecticut 1 if lives in Connecticut; else 0
Is Living in New Jersey 1 if lives in New Jersey; else 0
Is Home Owner 1 if owns a home; else 0
Is Home Renter 1 if rents a home; else 0
Is Living in Single Family 1 if lives at a single-family address; else 0
Is Living in Multi-Family 1 if lives at a shared address; else 0
Is Married 1 if married or inferred married; else 0
Is Single 1 is single or inferred single; else 0
Is Highest Education High School 1 if attended high school or vocational/technical school; else 0
Is Highest Education College 1 if completed college; else 0
Is Highest Education Graduate School 1 if completed graduate school; else 0
Has Online Dollars Spent, ≤$100 1 if self-reported all dollars spent online in past 24 months <$100; else 0
Has Online Dollars Spent, $101 to $250 1 if self-reported all dollars spent online in past 24 months is $101 to $250; else 0
Has Online Dollars Spent, $251 to $500 1 if self-reported all dollars spent online in past 24 months is $251 to $500; else 0
Has Online Dollars Spent, $501 to $1K 1 if self-reported all dollars spent online in past 24 months is $501 to $1K; else 0
Has Online Dollars Spent, $1K to $5K 1 if self-reported all dollars spent online in past 24 months is $1K to $5K; else 0
Has Online Dollars Spent, $5K+ 1 if self-reported all dollars spent online in past 24 months is $5K or more

ln(Mobile Frequency + 1) (mio ) Number of mobile orders made so far

Please cite this article in press as: Wang, Rebecca Jen-Hui, et al, On the Go: How Mobile Shopping Affects Customer Purchase Behavior,
Journal of Retailing (xxx, 2015),
RETAIL-553; No. of Pages 18 ARTICLE IN PRESS
R.J.-H. Wang et al. / Journal of Retailing xxx (xxx, 2015) xxx–xxx 7

Table 2 (Continued)
Variable Used in propensity score Description
model or regression

ln(Mobile Frequency + 1) × Is A Number of mobile orders made so far × customer a low-spender before the rail
Low-Spender (mio × li ) campaign
Frequency and Recency

ln(Order Frequency + 1) (fio ) Number of lifetime orders made so far

ln(Order Recency in Days + 1) (rio ) Days since last order
Order Characteristics (Oio )

ln(Discount Dollars + 1) Coupon dollars discounted in an order

ln(Delivery Fees + 1) Delivery fees charged for an order
Seasonality (So )

Is Order Delivered over Thanksgiving 1 if delivered over Thanksgiving; else 0

Is Order Delivered over Holidays 1 if delivered over Holidays; else 0

Is Order Delivered over Memorial Day 1 if delivered over Memorial Day; else 0

Is Order Delivered over July Fourth 1 if delivered over July Fourth; else 0
Other Control Variables

Is A Low Spender (li ) 1 if a low-spender in the pre-campaign period; else 0

Is Order Delivered After Campaign (go ) 1 if delivered after the rail campaign; else 0

Propensity Score (P̂i ) Estimated probability to adopt M-shopping based on the propensity score model

Note: Thanksgiving is every year from November 15 through 30; Holidays is from December 20 through January 2; Memorial Day is from May 25 through May 31;
July Fourth is from July 1 through July 5.

We use logistic regression to obtain the propensity score P̂i , made by M-shoppers and their matched control group from both
the estimated value of Pi : pre- and post-campaign periods, totaling 128,388 observations.
ln = α0 + κ1 di + κ2 ln(υi + 1) + εi . (2) As Customers Become Accustomed to M-shopping, How
1 − Pi does their Purchase Behavior Change? (H1–H3)
Recall that matched sampling selects a group of PC-only shop-
Spending behavior is operationalized with order size in dol-
pers who resemble the M-shoppers. We employ 2:1 matching
lars and order rate. We examine the cumulative effect of mobile
(2 non-M-shoppers to 1 M-shopper) with the nearest-neighbor
shopping on spending behavior using two models: a log-log
matching algorithm, which is one of the most widely used meth-
model for examining order size, and a survival model for analyz-
ods (Ho et al. 2007; Stuart 2010).
ing order rate. We hypothesize that as customers become more
The matched sample contains 3,086 M-shoppers, who made a
accustomed to M-shopping, their interactions with the retailer
total of 45,346 orders, and 6,172 PC-only shoppers, who made a
increase, which then leads to more spending.
total of 83,042 orders. To confirm covariate balance after match-
We first define the variables used in the model for order size.
ing, per Imbens and Rubin (2015), we calculate and compare
The dependent variable is denoted by yio which is the total dol-
the normalized difference in means, which is denoted as NDj
lar value of the order adjusted for inflation according to the
for each covariate j, and is defined as follows:
Food-At-Home Consumer Price Index published by the U.S.
|x̄jM − x̄jN | Labor Bureau of Statistics (2013). Becoming an M-shopper is a
NDj =  , (3) cumulative process rather than an on-off event. We operational-
2 + s2 )/2
(sjM jN ize becoming an M-shopper with a numerical variable mio that
represents “habit strength” (Triandis 1977), defined as the cumu-
where x̄jM and sjM are the mean and standard deviation of the
lative number of times customer i has M-shopped before placing
covariate j for the M-shoppers, respectively, and x̄jN and sjN
order o. Besides the main variable of interest, we include the
are those for the non-adopters. We confirm that after matching,
interaction of becoming an M-shopper and preexisting spend-
the NDs for all covariates decrease, suggesting an improvement
ing level (li ) during the pre-campaign period, which is defined
in balance, and in particular, the NDs for average order size
and interpurchase time drop from 0.28 and 0.50 to 0.03 and
0.02, respectively. Diagnostic quantile–quantile plots also show 
1 if customer i spends less than the median of the matched sample
improvements in covariate balance for all variables. Table 3 li =
0 otherwise
shows the variable statistics before and after matching.
Having obtained a matched sample of M-shoppers and
PC-only shoppers, we proceed to test our hypotheses. The
propensity score for each individual is used as a covariate in To account for customers’ growth in loyalty irrespective of
each of the models. The models are estimated using orders becoming an M-shopper, we control for overall frequency and

Please cite this article in press as: Wang, Rebecca Jen-Hui, et al, On the Go: How Mobile Shopping Affects Customer Purchase Behavior,
Journal of Retailing (xxx, 2015),
RETAIL-553; No. of Pages 18 ARTICLE IN PRESS
8 R.J.-H. Wang et al. / Journal of Retailing xxx (xxx, 2015) xxx–xxx

Table 3
Descriptive statistics of propensity score model variables before and after matching.
M-shopper PC-only shopper

Mean St. Dev. Before matching After matching

Mean St. Dev. Mean St. Dev.

Demographics (di )
Is Aged 18 To 25 0.010 0.098 0.014 0.118 0.012 0.111
Is Aged 26 To 30 0.058 0.234 0.035 0.184 0.050 0.219
Is Aged 31 To 35 0.078 0.268 0.045 0.208 0.064 0.246
Is Aged 36 To 40 0.141 0.348 0.077 0.267 0.118 0.323
Is Aged 41 To 45 0.100 0.300 0.062 0.241 0.090 0.286
Is Aged 46 To 50 0.116 0.320 0.094 0.292 0.118 0.322
Is Aged 51 To 60 0.123 0.328 0.140 0.347 0.134 0.341
Is Aged 61 To 70 0.075 0.264 0.108 0.311 0.083 0.276
Is Aged 71 To 80 0.023 0.151 0.058 0.233 0.025 0.156
Is Aged 80 Plus 0.026 0.160 0.047 0.212 0.027 0.163
Has Kids 0.378 0.485 0.273 0.446 0.342 0.474
Has Income 40K 0.051 0.220 0.076 0.265 0.051 0.219
Has Income 40 To 80K 0.238 0.426 0.244 0.430 0.238 0.426
Has Income 80 To 100K 0.059 0.235 0.052 0.222 0.055 0.229
Has Income 100 To 125K 0.116 0.320 0.089 0.285 0.108 0.310
Has Income 125 To 150K 0.137 0.344 0.098 0.297 0.128 0.334
Has Income 150K Plus 0.061 0.240 0.041 0.199 0.056 0.231
Is Living in Campaigned City 0.423 0.494 0.394 0.489 0.416 0.493
Is Living in Pennsylvania 0.028 0.166 0.033 0.179 0.030 0.170
Is Living in Wisconsin 0.012 0.110 0.016 0.126 0.014 0.119
Is Living in Indiana 0.009 0.096 0.009 0.094 0.009 0.092
Is Living in Illinois 0.161 0.368 0.144 0.351 0.153 0.360
Is Living in New Hampshire 0.003 0.054 0.002 0.044 0.002 0.048
Is Living in Maryland 0.063 0.242 0.086 0.280 0.066 0.249
Is Living in Virginia 0.041 0.199 0.048 0.213 0.042 0.200
Is Living in Rhode Island 0.036 0.186 0.034 0.180 0.036 0.187
Is Living in Massachusetts 0.154 0.361 0.175 0.380 0.167 0.373
Is Living in New York 0.238 0.426 0.200 0.400 0.230 0.421
Is Living in Connecticut 0.117 0.322 0.112 0.316 0.110 0.314
Is Living in New Jersey 0.099 0.299 0.096 0.295 0.096 0.294
Is Home Owner 0.644 0.479 0.576 0.494 0.618 0.486
Is Home Renter 0.012 0.110 0.022 0.146 0.012 0.110
Is Living in Single Family 0.606 0.489 0.520 0.500 0.579 0.494
Is Living in Multi-Family 0.163 0.369 0.184 0.387 0.164 0.370
Is Married 0.455 0.498 0.385 0.487 0.433 0.496
Is Single 0.256 0.437 0.262 0.440 0.250 0.433
Is Highest Education High School 0.211 0.408 0.190 0.393 0.203 0.402
Is Highest Education College 0.229 0.420 0.203 0.402 0.217 0.413
Is Highest Education Graduate School 0.157 0.364 0.138 0.345 0.151 0.358
Has Online Dollars Spent, ≤$100 0.106 0.308 0.104 0.305 0.107 0.309
Has Online Dollars Spent, $101 to $250 0.105 0.307 0.095 0.293 0.099 0.299
Has Online Dollars Spent, $251 to $500 0.098 0.298 0.088 0.284 0.094 0.291
Has Online Dollars Spent, $501 to $1K 0.098 0.297 0.083 0.275 0.093 0.291
Has Online Dollars Spent, $1K to 5K 0.183 0.387 0.133 0.339 0.173 0.378
Has Online Dollars Spent, $5K+ 0.031 0.174 0.026 0.159 0.030 0.171
Pre-Campaign Purchase Behavior (υi )
ln(Avg. Order Size + 1) 5.018 0.406 4.942 0.436 5.012 0.420
ln(Avg. Interpurchase Time in Days + 1) 3.592 0.869 4.084 1.083 3.600 0.959
ln(Total Session Minutes + 1) 4.442 1.246 4.343 1.304 4.452 1.296
ln(Tenure in Days + 1) 6.527 1.276 6.302 1.298 6.532 1.273
ln(Total Discount Dollars + 1) 2.569 1.530 2.191 1.604 2.547 1.565
ln(Thanksgiving Orders + 1) 0.694 0.796 0.554 0.748 0.704 0.806
ln(Holiday Orders + 1) 0.590 0.736 0.482 0.691 0.601 0.745
ln(Memorial Day Orders + 1) 0.669 0.729 0.550 0.683 0.676 0.733
ln(July Fourth Orders + 1) 0.174 0.362 0.151 0.338 0.180 0.369

Note: 3,086 M-shoppers, 13,212 PC-only shoppers before matching, and 6,172 PC-only shoppers after 2:1 matching.

Please cite this article in press as: Wang, Rebecca Jen-Hui, et al, On the Go: How Mobile Shopping Affects Customer Purchase Behavior,
Journal of Retailing (xxx, 2015),
RETAIL-553; No. of Pages 18 ARTICLE IN PRESS
R.J.-H. Wang et al. / Journal of Retailing xxx (xxx, 2015) xxx–xxx 9

recency with the variables fio and rio , which are the total number where hi is the hazard of placing an order by individual i, and
of previous orders regardless of devices used and the number tio is the interpurchase time in days.4 The hazard, or sometimes
of days since the last purchase, respectively. We also control referred to as the hazard rate, can be interpreted as the number
for seasonality (So ), which include whether an order occurred of events per interval time, or in our case it is the order rate,
over the Holidays, Thanksgiving, July Fourth, or Memorial Day, i.e., the number of orders per day. In the same way as before,
order characteristics (Oio ), which include discounts and delivery we account for customers’ observed heterogeneity, i.e., demo-
fees, and whether an order occurred after the commuter rail cam- graphics (di ), and unobserved heterogeneity, where a3i is the
paign (go ). Per Imbens (2004) and Rubin and Thomas (2000), we random effect on the log hazard and a4i , and a5i are random slope
include the propensity score, P̂i , even though we already have coefficients on the variables of interest. All random effects are
a matched sample, to further reduce bias due to residual differ- assumed to have means of zero and ⎡normally distributed, ⎤ with
ences (Austin 2011). Please refer to Table 2 for the descriptions σ33 σ34 σ35
of the covariates. ⎢ ⎥
a joint variance–covariance matrix ⎣ σ43 σ44 σ45 ⎦, where
Besides the aforementioned independent variables, we
σ53 σ54 σ55
account for the effect of observed heterogeneity. Even though the
σ 33 is the variance of a3i , a4i is the covariance between a3i and
propensity score model already accounts for demographics (di )
a4i , and so on. All other covariates are described in Table 2. To
to predict whether a customer becomes an M-shopper and select
estimate the hazard model, we use maximum likelihood, and the
a matched control group, we include these variables again in the
log-likelihood for a given observation is:
regression models because the literature suggests that income,
(α2 +1)
education, and other factors are correlated with how customers ln Lio = −λio tio + cio (ln(α2 + 1) + α2 ln tio + ln λio ), (7)
use the Internet and shop online in general (Goldfarb 2006;
Goldfarb and Prince 2008). We also control for unobserved het- where
erogeneity with a random intercept, a0i , and two random slope
λio = exp[a3i + (γ6 + a4i ) ln(mio + 1)
coefficients, a1i and a2i . All three random effects are assumed
to have means of zero and normal⎡ distributions,
⎤ with a joint + (γ7 + a5i ) ln(mio + 1) × li + γ8 li + γ9 go + γ10 P̂i
σ00 σ01 σ02
⎢ ⎥ +κ6 d i + κ7 S o + κ8 Oio + ϕ3 fio + ϕ4 rio ],
variance–covariance matrix ⎣ σ10 σ11 σ12 ⎦, where σ 00 is
σ20 σ21 σ22 and cio is a binary variable that indicates if customer i’s order
the variance of a0i , σ 01 is the covariance between a0i and a1i , o is right-censored, and 1 if it is not. Finally, we assign the
and so on. In sum, we assume the following mixed-effect log-log log-likelihood distribution to interpurchase time and maximize
model for order size: an approximation of the marginal likelihood over the random
effects to obtain the estimates (Allison 2010). To test Hypotheses
ln(yio + 1) = α1 + a0i + (γ1 + a1i ) ln(mio + 1) 2 and 3(b), we observe the directions and magnitudes of the
coefficients, γ 6 and γ 7 .
+ (γ2 + a2i ) ln(mio + 1) × li + γ3 li + γ4 go
+γ5 P̂i + κ3 ln(d i + 1) + κ4 S o + κ5 Oio What Types of Products do Customers Purchase when they
M-shop? (H4)
+ϕ1 fio + ϕ2 rio + εio . (5)
While mobile devices provide convenience, they are limited
To test Hypotheses 1 and 3(a), γ 1 and γ 2 are the coefficients of
in screen size and functionality. Thus, search costs on mobile
screens are higher than on PCs (Albers and Kim 2000; Ghose,
We now discuss our model for order rate. As with all datasets
Goldfarb, and Han 2013). As we theorized in the previous
acquired in a non-contractual setting,3 one complication we have
section, when customers M-shop, they tend to rely on their habit-
is right censoring: for every customer’s last observed order, we
ual choices and purchase products that require few searches.
do not know the exact time to next order, which may or may
We operationalize customers’ habitual needs as the number of
not come after the end of our study period. Survival analysis is
times an item has been purchased by the customer previously.
commonly used when such censoring exists. We use a subject-
Additionally, if customers have a strong preference toward the
specific Weibull random-effects hazard regression, and assume
manufacturer, even if they lack knowledge about the product,
the following model for order rate:
they may rely on their past experiences with the manufacturer’s
other products and its brand image instead of searching on their
ln hio = α2 ln tio + a3i + (γ6 + a4i ) ln(mio + 1)
mobile devices. Therefore, we calculate the following two vari-
+ (γ7 + a5i ) ln(mio + 1) × li + γ8 li + γ9 go + γ10 P̂i ables, niop and wiop , where niop is the number of items customer
i has purchased product p before order o, and wiop represents
+κ6 d i + κ7 S o + κ8 Oio + ϕ3 fio + ϕ4 rio , (6)

4 If order o is censored, t = number of days between order delivery date and

3 We do not observe attrition since the context of this study takes place in a the end date of the study period; otherwise, t = number of days until the next
non-contractual setting. order.

Please cite this article in press as: Wang, Rebecca Jen-Hui, et al, On the Go: How Mobile Shopping Affects Customer Purchase Behavior,
Journal of Retailing (xxx, 2015),
RETAIL-553; No. of Pages 18 ARTICLE IN PRESS
10 R.J.-H. Wang et al. / Journal of Retailing xxx (xxx, 2015) xxx–xxx

a customer’s share-of-requirements (SOR) of a given manufac- Table 4

turer in the same category as product p at the time of order o. Estimates for the propensity score logistic model.
The higher the values of niop and wiop , the more a customer is Dependent variable Is becoming a M-shopper

able to rely on habit or automatic thinking to decide whether Estimate (St. Err.)
to purchase the product, and thus, we call products with high Intercept −0.731* (0.341)
values of niop or wiop “habitual.” Behavioral Characteristics (υi )
To capture customers’ habitual needs, we look at 1,605 M- ln(Avg. Order Size + 1) 0.270*** (0.054)
ln(Avg. Interpurchase Time in Days + 1) −0.737*** (0.029)
shoppers that have 11 or more orders from June 2012 through ln(Total Session Minutes + 1) −0.211*** (0.022)
June 2013. These M-shoppers placed a total of 36,367 orders, ln(Tenure in Days + 1) 0.155*** (0.026)
each of which on average consists of 39.1 distinct products. ln(Total Discount Dollars + 1) 0.109*** (0.017)
ln(Thanksgiving Orders + 1) −0.060 (0.054)
Denoted as qio , our dependent variable is the fraction of mobile ln(Holiday Orders + 1) −0.094+ (0.054)
sessions used in order o, or qio = Mobile sessions/Total sessions. ln(Memorial Day Orders + 1) −0.151** (0.052)
Since qio is a proportion variable5 that lies within (0, 1), we use ln(July Fourth Orders + 1) −0.130+ (0.072)

a beta regression (Ferrari and Cribari-Neto 2005; Smithson and Demographics (di )
Is Aged 18 To 25 −0.154 (0.250)
Verkuilen 2006), which assumes that the response has a beta Is Aged 26 To 30 0.755*** (0.174)
distribution defined by two shape parameters, ω and τ: Is Aged 31 To 35 0.630*** (0.172)
Is Aged 36 To 40 0.581*** (0.166)
(ω + τ) ω−1 Is Aged 41 To 45 0.301+ (0.171)
f (qio |ω, τ) = q (1 − qio )τ−1 , (8) Is Aged 46 To 50 0.027 (0.168)
(ω) (τ) io Is Aged 51 To 60 −0.263 (0.166)
Is Aged 61 To 70 −0.396* (0.171)
where (·) is the gamma function. Therefore, qio has a mean of Is Aged 71 To 80 −0.892*** (0.198)
E[qio ] = ω+τ
, and since the mean must lie in an open unit inter- Is Aged 80 Plus −0.571** (0.196)
exp(X β) Has Kids 0.194*** (0.053)
val, a logit link is applied: E[qio ] = 1+exp(X β)
. The covariates Has Income 40K −0.239* (0.119)
in the beta regression are: Has Income 40 To 80K −0.121 (0.089)
Has Income 80 To 100K −0.067 (0.119)
X β = exp(α3 + γ11 ln(niop + 1) + γ12 ln(100wiop + 1) Has Income 100 To 125K 0.025 (0.103)
Has Income 125 To 150K 0.148 (0.105)
+ κ9 d i + κ10 S o + κ11 Oio + ϕ5 fio + ϕ6 rio + εiop ). (9) Has Income 150K Plus 0.088 (0.123)
Is Living in Campaigned City 0.387*** (0.072)
Is Living in Pennsylvania 0.338* (0.170)
As before, fio , rio , di , So and Oio control for overall frequency, Is Living in Wisconsin 0.127 (0.224)
recency, customer demographics, seasonality, and order char- Is Living in Indiana 0.553* (0.255)
acteristics such as discounts and delivery fees, respectively. To Is Living in Illinois 0.268* (0.122)
Is Living in New Hampshire 0.734+ (0.432)
estimate the model, we employ maximum likelihood, and the Is Living in Maryland 0.233 (0.150)
log-likelihood function of an observation is: Is Living in Virginia 0.358* (0.163)
Is Living in Rhode Island 0.544** (0.169)
ln Lio = ln (ω + τ) − ln (ω) − ln (τ) Is Living in Massachusetts 0.230+ (0.130)
Is Living in New York 0.583*** (0.130)
+ (ω − 1) ln qio + (τ + 1) ln(1 − qio ). (10) Is Living in Connecticut −0.005 (0.124)
Is Living in New Jersey 0.047 (0.127)
Is Home Owner −0.125 (0.087)
To test Hypothesis 4, we observe the signs and magnitudes of Is Home Renter −0.43* (0.196)
γ 6 and γ 7 . Table 6 lists all the covariates. Is Living in Single Family 0.208 (0.153)
Is Living in Multi-Family 0.010 (0.153)
Is Married −0.004 (0.108)
Results Is Single −0.068 (0.104)
Is Highest Education High School 0.089 (0.072)
Is Highest Education College 0.070 (0.072)
Propensity Score Model
Is Highest Education Graduate School 0.053 (0.079)
Is Online Dollars Spent, ≤$100 0.106 (0.086)
First, we estimate the propensity score model, which predicts Has Online Dollars Spent, $101 to $250 0.100 (0.087)
Has Online Dollars Spent, $251 to $500 0.053 (0.090)
the likelihood of a customer adopting mobile technology. Table 4 Has Online Dollars Spent, $501 to $1K 0.097 (0.091)
shows the model estimates. As expected, M-shopping adopters Has Online Dollars Spent, $1K to 5K 0.176* (0.079)
are customers who have been with the firm for a longer period Has Online Dollars Spent, $5K+ −0.119 (0.138)
of time (tenure β = 0.155, p < .001). They are customers who Note: Likelihood-ratio test: p < .0001; C-statistic = .717; Pseudo Nagelkerke R-
tend to purchase larger orders and on a frequent basis, even prior squared = .142. Coefficient estimates and standard errors in parentheses. 3,086
to their mobile adoption (average order size β = 0.270, p < .001; M-shoppers and 13,212 PC-only shoppers (non-adopters). Thanksgiving is every
year from November 15 through 30; Holidays is from December 20 through
average interpurchase time β = −0.737, p < .001). Additionally, January 2; Memorial Day is from May 25 through May 31; July Fourth is from
M-shoppers tend to have children present in their households July 1 through July 5.
(β = 0.194, p < .001), and they spend less time shopping during + p < .10.
* p < .05.
** p < .01.
*** p < .001.
5 For q = 0, a very small number, 1E−10 is added to q , and for q = 1,
io io io
1E−10 is subtracted.

Please cite this article in press as: Wang, Rebecca Jen-Hui, et al, On the Go: How Mobile Shopping Affects Customer Purchase Behavior,
Journal of Retailing (xxx, 2015),
RETAIL-553; No. of Pages 18 ARTICLE IN PRESS
R.J.-H. Wang et al. / Journal of Retailing xxx (xxx, 2015) xxx–xxx 11

the pre-campaign period (β = −0.211, p < .001), suggesting a.

that time-savings may be a key factor to M-shopping adoption.
Customers with the lowest income are the least likely to adopt
M-shopping. Customers’ residence also matters – those who
live in cities where the commuter rail campaigns took place are
also more likely to become M-shoppers (β = 0.387, p < .001).
As mentioned previously in the methodology section, our
matched sample improves the balance between the M-shoppers
and the non-adopters for every covariate, and the Nagelkerke
pseudo R-squared of the propensity score model is .142.
Interestingly, the likelihood to adopt M-shopping has a non-
linear relationship with age. Customers who are 25 or younger
are less likely to adopt M-shopping than those between 26 and 45
but more likely than those who are 61 or older. Both literature
and conventional wisdom suggest that younger customers are
more likely to adopt mobile technology (Bigne, Ruiz, and Sanz b.
2005). However, research on consumer technology acceptance
also posits that performance expectancy, effort expectancy, and
hedonic motivation can influence mobile adoption (Venkatesh,
Thong, and Xu 2012). Compared to the youngest segment, cus-
tomers between 25 and 60 are more likely to place a higher
priority on performance expectancy of buying groceries, and
they may also perceive the retailer’s mobile storefront as a util-
itarian tool that is also fun and novel. Customers who are 61
or older are the least likely to adopt M-shopping because their
lifestyle most likely does not require the time-savings that M-
shopping provides, and they may also be hindered by the amount
of cognitive effort it would take them to learn a new technology
(Venkatesh, Thong, and Xu 2012). Thus, in sum, while they Fig. 4. Model-free descriptions of customer purchase behavior by M-shopping
are not the youngest segment of the retailer’s customer base, adoption. Note: M-adoption operationalized as cumulative number of M-orders
purchased. 3,086 M-shoppers (45,346 orders), and 6,172 matched PC-only shop-
customers between aged 25 to 60 are the most likely to adopt
pers purchased (83,042 orders). Pre-campaign period is from June 2012 to
M-shopping. October 2012, and post-campaign period is from November 2012 to June 2013.

As Customers Become Accustomed to M-shopping, How

does their Purchase Behavior Change?
order size is now exp(4.99) − 1 = $146, and on average they
Hypothesis 1 posits that as customers become M-shoppers, place 7.9 orders a year, so the retailer’s revenues increase
their order size increases. However, as shown in Table 5, the by $6 × 7.9 = $47 a year per customer. Fig. 4a illustrates the
model result is insignificant, so it is not supported. We think differences in order size in pre- and post-campaign periods,
this is because high-spenders are already saturating the amount showing that the increase is greater for low-spenders than high-
they can buy and consume within one basket. On average, spenders.
high-spenders already spend $175 per order. On the other Hypothesis 2 posits that as customers become M-shoppers,
hand, Hypothesis 3b is supported – for low-spenders, their their order rate increases. As shown in Table 5, all M-shoppers
orders get larger as they become accustomed to M-shopping show an increase (β = 0.020, p < .01), supporting Hypothesis
(β = 0.032, p < .001). In our matched sample, low-spenders 2. Low-spenders also have an additional increase (β = 0.062,
that shop with PCs only have an average order size of $133, p < .001). Thus, Hypothesis 3(a) is also supported. High-
or ln(Order Size + 1) of 4.90. If they adopt M-shopping and spenders that shop using PCs only place 20.4 orders a year. If
increase their cumulative M-orders by one, their logged order they adopt M-shopping and increase their M-orders by one,
size becomes 4.90 + ln(1 M-order + 1) × 0.032 = 4.92. Their their order rate increases to exp[ln(20.4/365 Days/Year) + ln(1
order size increases to exp(4.92) − 1 = $136, and on average M-order + 1) × 0.020] = 0.057 orders a day, or 20.7 orders
they make 5.7 orders a year, so adopting M-shopping yields a year, which is an increase of 0.3/20.4 = 1.5%. Low-
an increase of $3 × 5.7 = $17 a year per customer. As for spenders that shop using PCs only show a greater percentage
the low-spending M-shoppers, they have an average order increase in order rate – on average they place 5.7 orders
size of $140, or ln(Order Size + 1) of 4.95, and they place per year, and if they adopt M-shopping, their order
1.63 cumulative M-orders a year. If all 1,659 of them also rate increases to exp[ln(5.7/365 Days/Year) + ln(1 M-
increase their cumulative M-orders by 1, their logged order order + 1) × (0.020 + 0.062)] =0.017 orders a day, or 6.0
size becomes 4.95 + ln(2.63 M-order + 1) × 0.032 = 4.99. Their orders a year, which is an increase of 0.3/5.7 = 5.3%, greater

Please cite this article in press as: Wang, Rebecca Jen-Hui, et al, On the Go: How Mobile Shopping Affects Customer Purchase Behavior,
Journal of Retailing (xxx, 2015),
RETAIL-553; No. of Pages 18 ARTICLE IN PRESS
12 R.J.-H. Wang et al. / Journal of Retailing xxx (xxx, 2015) xxx–xxx

Table 5
Estimates for the effect of becoming an M-shopper on order size and order rate.
Dependent variable Model

Log-log model Survival analysis

ln(Order Size + 1) ln(Hazard Rate) Hazard Ratio

Estimate (St. Err.) Estimate (St. Err.)

M-Shopping Adoption
ln(Mobile Frequency + 1) (mio ) −0.003 (0.003) 0.020** (0.007) 1.020
ln(Mobile Frequency + 1) × Low Spending (mio × lio ) 0.032*** (0.006) 0.062*** (0.014) 1.064
Frequency and Recency
ln(Order Frequency + 1) (fio ) 0.003 (0.002) 0.162*** (0.001) 1.176
ln(Order Recency in Days + 1) (rio ) 0.061*** (0.001) −0.505*** (0.002) 0.604
Order Characteristics (Oio )
ln(Discount + 1) 0.012*** (0.002) −0.015*** (0.002) 0.985
ln(Delivery Fees + 1) −0.295*** (0.004) −0.003 (0.007) 0.997
Seasonality (Sio )
Is Delivered over Thanksgiving 0.006 (0.004) −0.039*** (0.006) 0.962
Is Delivered over Holidays 0.022*** (0.004) 0.003 (0.007) 1.003
Is Delivered over Memorial Day 0.006 (0.006) 0.0003 (0.011) 1.0003
Is Delivered over July Fourth 0.025*** (0.007) −0.008 (0.012) 0.992
Demographics (dio )
Is Aged 18 To 25 −0.038 (0.029) 0.124*** (0.018) 1.132
Is Aged 26 To 30 −0.054** (0.021) −0.432*** (0.012) 0.649
Is Aged 31 To 35 −0.049* (0.020) −0.324*** (0.011) 0.723
Is Aged 36 To 40 −0.009 (0.019) −0.350*** (0.011) 0.705
Is Aged 41 To 45 0.027 (0.019) −0.198*** (0.011) 0.820
Is Aged 46 To 50 0.040* (0.018) 0.031** (0.010) 1.031
Is Aged 51 To 60 0.007 (0.018) 0.258*** (0.010) 1.294
Is Aged 61 To 70 −0.045* (0.019) 0.368*** (0.011) 1.445
Is Aged 71 To 80 −0.081*** (0.022) 0.580*** (0.012) 1.786
Is Aged 80 Plus −0.075*** (0.021) 0.423*** (0.012) 1.527
Has Kids 0.022*** (0.006) −0.119*** (0.003) 0.888
Has Income 40K 0.012 (0.013) 0.136*** (0.007) 1.146
Has Income 40 To 80K 0.013 (0.010) 0.072*** (0.006) 1.075
Has Income 80 To 100K 0.002 (0.013) 0.080*** (0.007) 1.083
Has Income 100 To 125K 0.024* (0.012) −0.054*** (0.007) 0.947
Has Income 125 To 150K 0.048*** (0.012) −0.118*** (0.007) 0.889
Has Income 150K Plus 0.058*** (0.013) −0.104*** (0.007) 0.901
Is Living in Campaigned City −0.079*** (0.008) −0.208*** (0.005) 0.812
Is Living in Pennsylvania −0.007 (0.019) 0.108*** (0.011) 1.114
Is Living in Wisconsin −0.094*** (0.024) 0.018 (0.014) 1.018
Is Living in Indiana −0.053+ (0.030) −0.194*** (0.017) 0.824
Is Living in Illinois −0.033* (0.014) −0.163*** (0.008) 0.850
Is Living in New Hampshire −0.123** (0.041) −0.071** (0.022) 0.931
Is Living in Maryland 0.016 (0.017) −0.079*** (0.010) 0.924
Is Living in Virginia −0.003 (0.018) −0.159*** (0.010) 0.853
Is Living in Rhode Island −0.094*** (0.019) −0.287*** (0.011) 0.751
Is Living in Massachusetts −0.049*** (0.015) −0.068*** (0.008) 0.934
Is Living in New York −0.041** (0.015) −0.249*** (0.009) 0.780
Is Living in Connecticut 0.048*** (0.014) 0.028*** (0.008) 1.028
Is Living in New Jersey 0.062*** (0.014) 0.020* (0.008) 1.020
Is Home Owner 0.029** (0.010) 0.036*** (0.005) 1.037
Is Home Renter −0.004 (0.022) 0.285*** (0.012) 1.330
Is Living in Single Family −0.031+ (0.017) −0.140*** (0.010) 0.869
Is Living in Multi-Family −0.1*** (0.017) −0.029** (0.010) 0.971
Is Married 0.038** (0.012) −0.005 (0.007) 0.995
Is Single 0.003 (0.012) 0.051*** (0.006) 1.052
Is High School/Tech. School Educated −0.021** (0.008) −0.044*** (0.004) 0.957
Is College Educated 0.004 (0.008) −0.078*** (0.004) 0.925
Is Graduate School Educated 0.021* (0.009) −0.090*** (0.005) 0.914
Has Online Dollars Spent, ≤$100 −0.060*** (0.010) −0.036*** (0.005) 0.965
Has Online Dollars Spent, $101 to $250 −0.036*** (0.010) −0.031*** (0.005) 0.969
Has Online Dollars Spent, $251 to $500 −0.018+ (0.010) −0.006 (0.006) 0.994
Has Online Dollars Spent, $501 to $1K −0.004 (0.010) −0.014* (0.005) 0.986

Please cite this article in press as: Wang, Rebecca Jen-Hui, et al, On the Go: How Mobile Shopping Affects Customer Purchase Behavior,
Journal of Retailing (xxx, 2015),
RETAIL-553; No. of Pages 18 ARTICLE IN PRESS
R.J.-H. Wang et al. / Journal of Retailing xxx (xxx, 2015) xxx–xxx 13

Table 5 (Continued)
Dependent variable Model

Log-log model Survival analysis

ln(Order Size + 1) ln(Hazard Rate) Hazard Ratio
Estimate (St. Err.) Estimate (St. Err.)

Has Online Dollars Spent, $1K to 5K 0.038*** (0.009) −0.107*** (0.005) 0.899
Has Online Dollars Spent, $5K+ 0.118*** (0.014) 0.044*** (0.008) 1.045
Other Control Variables
Is A Low Spender (li ) −0.243*** (0.006) −0.319*** (0.004) 0.727
Is After Campaign (go ) 0.007*** (0.002) −0.055*** (0.003) 0.946
Propensity Score 0.292*** (0.032) 2.995*** (0.019) 19.985
Random Effects
2 σ2
σ00 0.106*** (0.001) 0.001*** (0.0001) 1.001
2 σ2
σ10 43 −0.001 (0.001) 0.001*** (0.0001) 1.001
2 2
σ11 σ44 0.005*** (0.001) 0.001*** (0.0001) 1.001
2 σ2
σ20 53 −0.005* (0.002) 0.001*** (0.0001) 1.001
2 σ2
σ21 54 −0.003** (0.001) 0.001*** (0.0001) 1.001
2 σ2
σ22 0.010*** (0.0001) 0.001*** (0.0001) 1.001

Intercept 5.455*** (0.020)

Alpha (α2 ) −9E−13 (0.001) 1.000

Note: Survival analysis: Negative log-likelihood = 822,555. Log-log model: −2 log likelihood = 54,061; fixed-model R-squared = .20. Coefficient estimates and
standard errors in parentheses. Orders from June 2012 to June 2013 of the matched sample. 3,086 M-shoppers that purchased 45,346 orders, and 6,172 PC-only
shoppers (non-adopters) that purchased 83,042 orders. M-shopping adoption is operationalized as the cumulative number of M-orders a customer has purchased,
and the interaction effect of M-order cumulative frequency × pre-period spending tier. Thanksgiving is every year from November 15 through 30; Holidays is from
December 20 through January 2; Memorial Day is from May 25 through May 31; July Fourth is from July 1 through July 5.
+ p < .10.
* p < .05.
** p < .01.
*** p < .001.

than the percentage increase for high-spending PC-only What Types of Product Categories do Customers Purchase
shoppers. Similarly, for high-spending M-shoppers, who when they M-shop?
on average place 1.71 M-orders a year, if they increase
their cumulative M-orders by one, their order rate increases In Hypothesis 4, we posit that mobile devices are conve-
from 22.3 orders to exp[ln(22.3/365 Days/Year) + ln(1.71 nient but have limited screen sizes and functionalities, and thus,
M-order + 1) × 0.020] × 365 Days/Year = 22.7 orders a when customers M-shop, they tend to purchase items that do
year, which is a 0.4/22.3 = 1.8% increase. Consist again not require much consideration. As mentioned previously, we
with our Hypothesis 3, for low-spending M-shoppers, characterize the degree of habitualness a product has with two
who on average place 1.63 M-orders a year, if they variables, niop , the number of times the item has been purchased
increase their cumulative M-orders by one, their order before, and wiop , the customer’s personal manufacturer sales
rate increases from 8.2 to exp[ln(8.2/365 Days/Year) + ln(1.63 share in the product category. Table 6 shows the results, and
M-order + 1) × (0.020 + 0.062)] × 365 Days/Year = 8.9 orders both variables are positive and significant (0.061, p < .001 for
a year, an increase of 0.7/8.2 = 8.6%, which is greater than niop and 0.003, p < .001 for wiop ). These findings suggest that
the percentage increase of high-spending M-shoppers. Fig. 4b as customers M-shop, they tend to purchase habitual products,
illustrates the differences in order rate in pre- and post-campaign confirming Hypotheses 4(a) and 4(b).
periods, showing that the increase is greater for low-spenders To provide insight that retailers and grocers can readily apply,
than high-spenders. we show the top 10 most and least M-shopped categories, ranked
In sum, we conclude that as customers become adept at by the estimated mean values from the beta regression model,
M-shopping, they purchase more frequently, and the percent- in Table 7. We observe that customers purchase staple prod-
age increase in order rate is even greater for low-spenders. ucts, such as fresh produce, baby food, pet food, and dairy
Low-spenders not only purchase more frequently, their order when they M-shop. The least M-shopped categories include
sizes also significantly increase. These results corroborate our household products that may require more research and con-
model-free explorations, as shown in Fig. 5. Even though high- sideration before purchasing, such as batteries and light bulbs.
spending M-shoppers do not spend more per order, their order These findings suggest that mobile strategies may be more suited
rate increases while maintaining their order size, suggesting that for products with short consumption cycles than those that are
a retailer will gain higher lifetime value from both low- and only purchased periodically, supporting our habitual purchase
high-spenders if it introduces a successful mobile channel. hypothesis.

Please cite this article in press as: Wang, Rebecca Jen-Hui, et al, On the Go: How Mobile Shopping Affects Customer Purchase Behavior,
Journal of Retailing (xxx, 2015),
RETAIL-553; No. of Pages 18 ARTICLE IN PRESS
14 R.J.-H. Wang et al. / Journal of Retailing xxx (xxx, 2015) xxx–xxx

Table 6
Estimates for M-shopping and habitual products.
Dependent variable Mobile session proportion
Estimate (St. Err.)
Habitual Purchases
ln(Product Frequency + 1) (niop ) 0.061*** (0.001)
ln(Customer Manufacturer Share + 1) (wiop ) 0.003** (0.001)
Frequency and Recency
ln(Order Frequency + 1) (fio ) −0.018*** (0.001)
ln(Order Recency in Days + 1) (rio ) 0.040*** (0.002)
Order Characteristics (Oio )
ln(Discount + 1) −0.054*** (0.003)
ln(Delivery Fees + 1) −0.233*** (0.007)
Seasonality (Sio )
Is Delivered over Thanksgiving −0.124*** (0.006)
Is Delivered over Holidays 0.008 (0.007)
Is Delivered over Memorial Day 0.372*** (0.010)
Is Delivered over July Fourth −0.250*** (0.013)
Demographics (dio )
Is Aged 18 To 25 0.058* (0.026)
Is Aged 26 To 30 0.102*** (0.012)
Is Aged 31 To 35 0.119*** (0.011) b.
Is Aged 36 To 40 0.011 (0.011)
Is Aged 41 To 45 −0.043*** (0.011)
Is Aged 46 To 50 0.044*** (0.011)
Is Aged 51 To 60 −0.031** (0.011)
Is Aged 61 To 70 −0.055*** (0.011)
Is Aged 71 To 80 −0.099*** (0.013)
Is Aged 80 Plus −0.104*** (0.012)
Has Kids −0.056*** (0.003)
Has Income 40K −0.135*** (0.008)
Has Income 40 to 80K −0.117*** (0.006)
Has Income 80 to 100K 0.001 (0.007)
Has Income 100 to 125K −0.078*** (0.006)
Has Income 125 to 150K −0.082*** (0.007)
Has Income 150K Plus −0.060*** (0.007)
Is Living in Campaigned City −0.010+ (0.005)
Is Living in Pennsylvania −0.091*** (0.011)
Is Living in Wisconsin 0.070*** (0.018)
Is Living in Indiana −0.148*** (0.016)
Is Living in Illinois −0.119*** (0.009)
Is Living in New Hampshire 0.792*** (0.022)
Is Living in Maryland −0.106*** (0.011)
Fig. 5. Model-free descriptions of customer purchase behavior by number of
Is Living in Virginia −0.110*** (0.012)
Is Living in Rhode Island −0.064*** (0.012) M-orders. Note: M-adoption operationalized as cumulative number of M-orders
Is Living in Massachusetts −0.050*** (0.010) purchased. 3,086 M-shoppers (45,346 orders), and 6,172 matched PC-only shop-
Is Living in New York −0.036*** (0.009) pers purchased (83,042 orders).
Is Living in Connecticut −0.025** (0.009)
Is Living in New Jersey −0.026** (0.009)
Is Home Owner 0.079*** (0.006)
Is Home Renter −0.042** (0.013) Discussion
Is Living in Single Family 0.048*** (0.010)
Is Living in Multi-Family 0.029** (0.011)
Is Married 0.082*** (0.007)
Is Single 0.101*** (0.007)
Is High School/Tech. School Educated 0.012** (0.005)
Is College Educated −0.045*** (0.004)
We examine the impact of M-shopping on customers’ pur-
Is Graduate School Educated −0.024*** (0.005) chase behavior using empirical data and have four major
Has Online Dollars Spent, ≤$100 −0.099*** (0.006)
Has Online Dollars Spent, $101 to $250 −0.053*** (0.006)
findings. First, as customers develop the habit of M-shopping,
Has Online Dollars Spent, $251 to $500 −0.002 (0.006) their value to the online grocer increases since they place orders
Has Online Dollars Spent, $501 to $1K −0.089*** (0.006)
Has Online Dollars Spent, $1K to 5K −0.085*** (0.005)
more frequently. Second, the positive effect of M-shopping on
Has Online Dollars Spent, $5K+ −0.175*** (0.008) subsequent purchase behavior is more prominent on customers
Precision (φ = ε + τ) 0.173*** (0.0002) with low spending prior to mobile adoption. Low-spenders
Intercept −0.711*** (0.019)
place larger orders on a more frequent basis after adopting M-
Note: Negative log-likelihood = −14,124,271. Coefficient estimates and stan-
shopping. Third, when customers M-shop, they tend to purchase
dard errors in parentheses. M-shoppers who have 11 or more orders from June
2012 to June 2013 of 1,605 M-shoppers, 36,367 orders, and 1,421,254 products habitual items that they have purchased before or products from
(UPCs). Habitualness of a product is operationalized as the cumulative number manufacturers’ with whom they have past experience. Over-
a customer has purchased the item, and the customer’s manufacturer SOR in the all, some of the most M-shopped products include fresh fruits,
product category. Thanksgiving is every year from November 15 through 30; baby food, milk, and coffee creamers. These categories are items
Holidays is from December 20 through January 2; Memorial Day is from May
that customers have experience purchasing in the past. Least
25 through May 31; July Fourth is from July 1 through July 5.
+ p < .10. M-shopped items include light bulbs, vitamins, and batteries,
* p < .05. which are purchased less frequently. These products are not only
** p < .01.
less familiar to customers, but they also have long consumption
*** p < .001.
cycles, and customers tend to consider them carefully before

Please cite this article in press as: Wang, Rebecca Jen-Hui, et al, On the Go: How Mobile Shopping Affects Customer Purchase Behavior,
Journal of Retailing (xxx, 2015),
RETAIL-553; No. of Pages 18 ARTICLE IN PRESS
R.J.-H. Wang et al. / Journal of Retailing xxx (xxx, 2015) xxx–xxx 15

Table 7
Most and least M-shopped categories.
Rank Most M-shopped categories Number of past items Top brands Brand unit share

1 Weight Loss/Stop Smoking Aids 9.1 Atkins – Atkins 46.0%

Kellogg – Special K 23.2%
2 Beverages – Water/Seltzer/Tonic 30.1 Nestle – Poland Spring 18.7%
Own Brands – Private Label 32.2%
3 Dairy Milk/Drinks/Half & Half/Cream 17.2 Own Brands – Private Label 44.7%
Dean Foods – Garelick Farms 7.6%
4 Fresh Market Produce Fruits 61.8 Produce – Banana Yellow 20.1%
Produce – Banana Green 12.3%
5 Health & Fitness Needs 17.8 Clif – Clif 23.1%
Clif – Luna 19.9%
6 Dairy Potatoes 4.2 Simply Potatoes – Simply Potatoes 48.8%
Bob Evans – Bob Evans 29.2%
7 Pet Food & Products 49.0 Nestle – Fancy Feast 33.2%
Nestle – Friskies 23.9%
8 Baby Food/Formula 25.5 Nestle – Gerber 56.4%
Hain Celestial – Earths Best 21.4%
9 Dairy Yogurt/Pudding/Gelatin 28.9 General Mills – Yoplait 25.2%
Chobani – Chobani 23.9%
10 Snacks – Rice & Corn Cakes 6.7 Quaker – Quaker 60.7%
Own Brands – Private Label 36.1%

Rank Least M-shopped categories Number of past items Top brands Brand unit share

1 Stuffing 1.8 Kraft – Stove Top 68.3%

Campell – Pepperidge Farm 20.8%
2 Stationery Products 0.9 Own Brands – Private 61.2%
3M – Scotch 11.6%
3 Light Bulbs/Electrical Supplies 0.8 Own Brands – Private Label 50.4%
E Light Bulbs – Sylvania 31.8%
4 Body Lotion 2.7 Unilever – Vaseline 29.2%
Unilever – Suave 16.7%
5 Batteries/Film/Audio Video Tapes 0.7 Procter & Gamble – Duracell 45.4%
Energizer – Energizer 27.3%
6 Flour/Meal 1.0 General Mills – Gold Medal 27.3%
King Arthur – King Arthur 21.8%
7 Vitamins & Supplements 1.2 Pharmavite – Nature Made 43.2%
Bayer – Flintstones 14.4%
8 Cosmetics/Nail Care 0.5 Own Brands – Private Label 73.1%
Maybelline – Maybelline 12.5%
9 Baking Needs/Choc/Nuts/Extract 2.3 Diamond – Diamond 17.7%
Nestle – Toll House 17.8%
10 First Aid 1.6 Own Brands – Private Label 53.3%
Johnson & Johnson – Band Aid 25.1%

Note: Includes categories that have at least 10% of household share from June 2012 to June 2013.

purchasing to minimize potential regret. Lastly, customers’ past buying strategies while shopping in a mobile environment as
experience with a manufacturer can influence their choices. opposed to a more traditional channel, e.g., PCs.
Mobile devices are limited in screen size, so constrained by These insights have significant managerial relevance. Evident
the ability to search for the most suitable products on their own, in both industry reports (e.g., Deloitte Consulting 2012; Google
customers are inclined to purchase brands from manufacturers Shopper Marketing Council 2013) and our data, M-shopping
they already know. has an increasing trend as more customers acquire and become
Besides presenting the empirical findings, we also theo- accustomed to using smartphones and tablets. Mobile devices
rize that mobile devices provide convenience, which causes have the advantage of providing convenience across both tempo-
increased spending. We explain that mobile adoption is a cumu- ral and spatial dimensions. Due to ergonomic and technological
lative process, and we operationalize it with a numerical variable. differences, they provide customers a more personal, interactive,
As customers become accustomed to mobile technology and and immediate shopping experience. Smartphones and tablets
incorporate it as a part of their habitual behavior, they develop are pocket- or purse size, always-on, always-connected devices
the habit of interacting with the firms that provide the mobile that are controlled by human touch directly on their screens,
channel. In addition, we posit that customers undertake different whereas laptops tend to take a longer time to boot-up, and

Please cite this article in press as: Wang, Rebecca Jen-Hui, et al, On the Go: How Mobile Shopping Affects Customer Purchase Behavior,
Journal of Retailing (xxx, 2015),
RETAIL-553; No. of Pages 18 ARTICLE IN PRESS
16 R.J.-H. Wang et al. / Journal of Retailing xxx (xxx, 2015) xxx–xxx

customers tend to interact with them using external hardware Besides the methodological limitations, there are several
such as keyboards, trackpads, or mice. Ergonomically speaking, possible extensions for future research. We examine only one
customers can easily pull out their mobile devices to browse or dataset. While we believe our findings can be generalized across
shop at a retailer using just one finger. Technologically, mobile industries, other industries may present different nuances. For
devices are often incorporated with both telecommunication instance, compared to groceries, entertainment and media con-
networks such as 4G LTE and local area wireless technology sumptions are less fixed and could lead to more impulsive
(Wi-Fi), and therefore they provide more seamless access to purchases. Our work suggests that higher-involvement cate-
retailers’ online storefronts than PCs, which are connected to gories that require substantial consideration such as vacation
mostly Wi-Fi only. In short, the ease of access provided by packages may not be suitable for mobile channels, at least not as
mobile devices is why retailers should expand their mobile store- the primary touch point. Mobile channels should be more preva-
fronts. lent in other, low-consideration, contexts. Additionally, due to
These insights should help retailers and brands in planning data limitations, we do not know the sequence of how the devices
their mobile marketing strategies and advertising campaigns. are used in a mobile order. Combined with our habitual pur-
Mobile devices are tools for reinforcing existing behaviors, not chase hypothesis, understanding how and why customers switch
for learning new information. Thus, when a firm launches a new amongst their device types could reveal tactics that allow retail-
brand or product, it should refrain from focusing solely on the ers to better target their customers. Finally, there are many other
mobile channel, especially if the brand offers niche products follow-up questions worth exploring. Do customers become
or if the firm is a secondary player in the market and has only more or less price-sensitive as they adopt M-shopping? When
modest household or market shares in the category. For major it is more cumbersome to explore alternative options, which
brands or firms with a loyal customer base, increasing presence can be the case the case with mobile screens, our work predicts
in mobile storefronts has the potential of retaining existing cus- that consumers will be less price sensitive, although the fact
tomers, who rely on their habitual choices and heuristic brand that consumers always have devices with them facilitates price
perceptions when they M-shop. Especially for low or occasional comparisons in traditional retail environments (e.g., checking
spenders, who have the lowest spending and are the most diffi- the price of an item at a competitor while shopping in a physi-
cult to retain, successfully branded firms should take advantage cal store). Thus context may moderate price sensitivity. Future
of the mobile channel and emphasize their positive brand image studies should address these issues in order to further expand
to these customers. our knowledge in this emerging and exciting topic.
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Please cite this article in press as: Wang, Rebecca Jen-Hui, et al, On the Go: How Mobile Shopping Affects Customer Purchase Behavior,
Journal of Retailing (xxx, 2015),
RETAIL-553; No. of Pages 18 ARTICLE IN PRESS
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Journal of Retailing (xxx, 2015),

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