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When we talk about shamanic healing, what are we discussing?

Shamanic healing is an ancient

spiritual practice that promotes physical and mental well-being through connection with nature,
spiritual guidance, and energy balancing. This healing method is deeply rooted in ancient
shamanic cultures and traditions, emphasizing harmony and coexistence between humans and
nature, as well as between humans and the spirit world.

Firstly, shamanic healing is based on a profound connection with nature. Shamanic beliefs
suggest that all things have spirits, including mountains, rivers, plants, and animals, each
possessing unique energy and wisdom. Shamanic healers help individuals reconnect with nature
through rituals, meditation, and the power of the natural world, thereby accessing healing energy.
For example, shamanic healing often involves the use of herbs, minerals, and animal symbols,
which are considered essences of nature capable of balancing and restoring individual energy.

Secondly, shamanic healing emphasizes communication with the spirit world. In shamanic
traditions, shamans are seen as mediators and healers who can enter non-ordinary reality (or the
"spirit world") to communicate with ancestors, spirits, and nature beings. Through rituals such as
drumming, chanting, and dancing, shamans enter deep meditative states to receive guidance and
wisdom from the spirit world. This guidance is used for diagnosing and treating illnesses, solving
personal and community issues, and guiding individuals in their life paths.

An important aspect of shamanic healing is energy balancing. In shamanic beliefs, health and
illness are seen as reflections of energy states. Energy imbalance may lead to physical or
psychological ailments, and the goal of shamanic healing is to restore balance. Shamanic healers
employ various techniques such as energy clearing, soul retrieval, and removal of negative
energy to adjust and restore individual energy states. This approach not only treats physical
ailments but also addresses psychological and emotional traumas, aiming for overall health and

Furthermore, shamanic healing emphasizes personal spiritual growth. Through shamanic healing,
individuals can not only heal physical and psychological traumas but also achieve spiritual
elevation. Shamanic rituals and practices help individuals gain deeper understanding of
themselves, find meaning and purpose in life, and maintain harmony with universal energy. This
spiritual growth contributes not only to personal health and happiness but also to harmony within
communities and the natural environment.
In conclusion, when we talk about shamanic healing, we are discussing an ancient and profound
spiritual practice. Shamanic healing promotes physical and mental well-being, facilitates spiritual
growth, and fosters harmony between humans and nature as well as between humans and the
cosmos. In modern society, shamanic healing offers a fresh perspective, helping us rediscover
deep connections with nature and the spiritual world, thereby achieving overall health and

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