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Format for Preparation of Road Specific Environmental Management Plan

Road Name:
T-14 to Berasia to Rusalli

Block Name: Phanda

District Name: Bhopal
Total Length of the Road: 9.90 Km
Package No.

S. Project Action/ Mitigation Measures Location Time Frame Cost BOQ in line Responsible Responsible
No. Environmental with DPR for for
Attributes provisions Implementing Monitoring
and budget
to be
provided by
applicable at
the time of
Design and Pre Construction Stage
1. Climate  Compliance to climate change vulnerability check point A total of 47 trees are Pre Design costs. PIU, PIC, PIU, PIC
Change given under EARF and adoption of necessary mitigative observed from CL along construction Design SRRDA
Consideration measures as may be required the alignment not tree consultants
and loss has been Identified,
Vulnerability  Efforts shall be made to plant additional trees for
although Panchayat has
screening increasing the carbon sink. The tree may be planted
passed the resolution for
with help of Panchayati Raj Institution (PRI)
planting the trees in 1:3
ratios. Copy of the letter
is attached with the CPF
2. Finalization of  The road will be part of district core network and will The proposed alignment Pre Design costs PIU, PIC, PIU, PIC
alignment comply with PMGSY guidelines has been finalised construction Design SRRDA
 Subproject shall not disturb any cultural heritage following the guidelines consultants
designated by the government or by the international provided by the
agencies, such as UNESCO, and shall avoid any authority.
monuments of cultural or historical importance.
 Subproject will not pass through any designated wild Before finalization of
life sanctuaries, national park, notified Eco sensitive alignment transect walk
areas or area of international significance such as along with consultation
protective wet land designated under Wetland with the community was
Convention, and reserve forest area.. held on 05/04/2021.
 Subproject to comply with local and National legislative
requirements such as forest clearance for diversion of
forestland and ADB’s Safeguard Policy Statement 2009.
 Alignment finalization considering availability of right of Electric Pole with electric
way and in consultation with local people. line LT=12 No.s
 ROW may be reduced in built up area or constricted Electric Pole with electric
areas to minimize land acquisition as per PMGSY line 11 KV=90 No.s
 Adjust alignment to the extent feasible to avoid tree
cutting, shifting of utilities or community structure.
 The road shall follow natural topography to avoid
excessive cut and fill.
3. Land
 Land acquisition, compensation packages, resettlement Land acquisition is not Pre Land to be PIU, PIC PIU, SRRDA
acquisition required. construction made PIC, TSC
and rehabilitation, poverty alleviation programs for
affected people and all other related issues are available by
addressed through Social Impacts and Resettlement & SRRDA
Rehabilitation report.
4. Land Clearing Pre PIU, PIC PIU, PIC, TSC
and Operation construction Although No
Tree loss is
 All efforts shall be taken to avoid tree cutting wherever observed but
possible. There are No tress PRI was
 Requisite permission from forest/revenue department observed within 10 m encouraged to
Costs for
as applicable shall be obtained for cutting of roadside from C/L along the do plantation.
trees. proposed alignment. PRI The
forestation to
 Provision of Compensatory Afforestation shall be made has already agreed to plantation to
be borne by
on 1:3.ratio basis (1:6 for Assam state). plant trees in 1:3 Ratio. be carried out
state or by
 Permission shall be taken for diversion of any forest PRI letter is attached in in
land if involved. Provision shall be made for additional CPF report. coordination
compensatory tree plantation. with PRI
 The vegetative cover shall be removed and disposed in under
consultation with community. schemes such
as NREGA or
local Forestry
5. Cut and Fill and During Earthwork
 The alignment design shall consider options to minimize There are a few water
Embankment construction items
excessive cuts and fills. Crossings observed along
 The cut off material shall be planned to be used for the proposed alignment.
embankment to minimize borrow earth requirement. The provision of CDs has
 The design shall be as per relevant IRC provisions for cut been made at all such Part of PIU, PIC
and fill, slope protection and drainage. locations in the DPR. Project Cost SRRDA
 The top soil of the cut and fill area shall be used for These Locations are
embankment slope protection discussed in Point no 10.
 Embankment will be designed above High Flood Level No other flood prone
(HFL) in flood prone areas where feasible. area was identified.

6. Establishment of  Construction camp sites shall be located away from any  There is Barren Land During To be Contractor PIU, PIC, TSC
Construction local human settlements and forested areas (minimum Was found between construction included in
Camp, 0.5 km away) and preferably located on lands, which Ch-8700-9900 Mtr LHS contractor’s
temporary office are not productive (barren/waste lands presently). at the Proposed cost
and storage area  Similarly temporary office and storage areas shall be Allignment for
located away from human settlement areas and establishing labour
forested areas (minimum 0.5 km). camp.
 The construction camps, office and storage areas shall  The construction camp,
have provision of adequate water supply, sanitation temporary office and
and all requisite infrastructure facilities. storage area will be
 The construction camps, office and storage areas shall planned according to
have provision of septic tank/soak pit of adequate standards norms and
capacity so that it can function properly for the entire waste management
duration of its use. facility should be
 All construction camps shall have provision of rationing provided.
facilities particularly for kerosene/LPG so that
dependence on firewood for cooking is avoided to the
extent possible.
 The construction camps, office and storage areas shall
have provision of health care facilities for adults,
pregnant women and children.
 Personal Protective Equipments (PPEs) like helmet,
boots, earplugs for workers, first aid and fire fighting
equipments shall be available at construction sites
before start of construction. An emergency plan shall
be prepared to fight with any emergency like fire.
 Provision shall be made for domestic solid waste
disposal in a controlled manner. The recyclable waste
shall be sold off and non-saleable and biodegradable
waste shall be disposed through secured land filling.
 Provision of paved area for unloading and storage of
fuel oil, lubricant oil, away from storm water drainage.
7. Traffic  Identify the areas where temporary traffic diversion The traffic will increase During To be Contractor PIU, PIC, TSC
Movement may be required. after road construction construction included in
 Prepare appropriate traffic movement plan approved by and for traffic contractor’s
respective PIU for ensuring continued safe flow of management appropriate cost
traffic, pedestrians and all road users during speed breakers, sign
construction. boards and safety
 Wherever, cross drainage structure work require longer measures provided along
construction time and road is to be blocked for longer the proposed alignment
duration, the PIU/DPR consultant shall define as follows: Before start
appropriate measures for traffic diversion before the point T junction’s curves,
start of the construction. habitation and school.
 Adequate signboards shall be placed much ahead of
diversion site to caution the road users. The road signs
should be bold and retro reflective in nature for good
visibility both during the day and night.
 It is proposed for the respective PIU to discuss with the
railways division/department for providing adequate
safety measures at unmanned railway crossing where
applicable. Adequate clearly visible sign shall be
provided on both sides of the railway crossing All
measures for traffic control and safety in accordance
with IRC codes:99-1988 will be followed
Construction Stage
8. Sourcing of Borrow Earth: Borrow area During Contractors Earth work Contractor PIU,PIC,TSC
construction  The borrow earth shall be obtained from identified Management should be construction cost
material locations and with prior permission of landowner and properly implemented.
( aggregates ,
clear understanding for its rehabilitation. PIC has developed the
 The re-habilitation plan may include the following: format for consent /
 Borrow pits shall be backfilled with rejected permission letter for
construction wastes and will be given a vegetative using earth from private WBM,BT and
cover. If this is not possible, then excavation sloped will sources. This consent Cement
be smoothed and depression will be filled in such a way letter should be obtained, concrete
that it looks more or less like the original ground if earth is sourced from items
surface. the private land.
 Borrow areas might be used for aquaculture in case
landowner wants such development.
 The Indian Road Congress (IRC):10-1961 guideline
should be used for selection of borrow pits and amount The vehicles used for the
that can be borrowed. construction work should
 Borrowing earth from agricultural land shall be be spillage proof. PUC
minimized to the extent possible. Further, no earth shall certificates shall also be
be borrowed from already low-lying areas. obtained for all the
 A 15 cm topsoil will be stripped off from the borrow pit vehicles use for
and this will be stored in stockpiles in a designated area transportation of
for height not exceeding 2m and side slopes not steeper material and construction
than 1:2 (Vertical: Horizontal). purpose.
 Borrowing of earth will not be done continuously
throughout the stretch.
 Ridges of not less than 8m widths will be left at intervals
not exceeding 300m.
 Small drains will be cut through the ridges, if necessary,
to facilitate drainage.
 The slope of the edges will be maintained not steeper
than 1:4 (vertical: Horizontal).
 The depth of borrow pits will not be more than 30 cm
after stripping the 15 cm topsoil aside.
Aggregate :
 The stone aggregate shall be sourced from existing
licensed quarries
 Copies of consent/ approval / rehabilitation plan for use
of existing source will be submitted to PIU.
 Topsoil to be stockpiled and protected for use at the
rehabilitation stage
 Transportation of Construction Material
 Existing tracks / roads are to be used for hauling of
materials to the extent possible.
 Prior to construction of roads, topsoil shall be preserved
and shall be used for other useful purposes like using in
turfing of embankment.
 The vehicles deployed for material transportation shall
be spillage proof to avoid or minimize the spillage of the
material during transportation. In any case, the
transportation links are to be inspected at least twice
daily to clear accidental spillage, if any.
9. Loss of  The top soil from the productive land (borrow areas, During Earth work Contractor PIU/SRRDA
Productive road widening areas etc.) shall be preserved and reused construction items
Soil, erosion for plantation purposes.
and land use
change  It shall also be used as top cover of embankment slope
for growing vegetation to protect soil erosion.
 Cut and fill shall be planned as per IRC provisions and
To be
rural road manual. Borrow area
 All steep cuts shall be flattened and benched. management should be
 Shrubs shall be planted in loose soil area. followed as discussed in
 IRC: 56 -1974 recommended practice for treatment of point no 8.
embankment slopes for erosion control shall be taken
into consideration.
 It shall be ensured that the land taken on lease for
access road, construction camp and temporary office of
the storage facilities is restored back to its original land
use before handing it over back to land owner.
10. Hydrology and Few water bodies are During & post NA Contractor PIU/SRRDA
Drainage crossing the proposed construction
alignment and cross
drainage structures are
provided at these
 Regular removal/cleaning of deposited silt shall be done locations
To be
from drainage channels and outlet points before the Proposed CD- CH 9900
monsoon season. Mtr.
 Rejuvenation of the drainage system by removing Existing CD – Ch 35, 498,
encroachments/ congestions shall be regularly 725, 1320, 1480, 1945,
conducted 2145, 2255, 2640, 2852,
3200, 3715, 4045, 4210,
4240, 4925, 5500, 5900,
6200, 6540, 6762, 7415,
7740, 8765, 9020, 9220
11. Compaction  To prevent soil compaction in the adjoining productive The Temporary office During To be In relevant Contractor PIU,PIC,TSC
and lands beyond the ROW, the movement of construction area and storage area construction included items
Contamination vehicles, machinery and equipment shall be restricted should be paved with under
of Soil
to the designated haulage route. gentle slope to corner contractors
 The productive land shall be reclaimed after connected to oil costs
construction activity. interceptors.
 Fuel and lubricants shall be stored at the predefined
storage location.
 The storage area shall be paved with gentle slope to a
corner and connected with a chamber to collect any
spills of the oils. Lakes/swamps were not
 All efforts shall be made to minimise the waste found beside the road
generation. Unavoidable waste shall be stored at the
designated place prior to disposal.
 To avoid soil contamination at the wash-down and re-
fuelling areas, “oil interceptors” shall be provided. Oil
and grease spill and oil soaked materials are to be
collected and stored in labelled containers (Labelled:
WASTE OIL; and hazardous sign be displayed) and sold
off to SPCB/ MoEF authorized re-refiners.
12. Construction  Excavated materials from roadway, shoulders, verges, Waste material / unused During and To be Contractor PIU, PIC, TSC
Debris and drains, cross drainage will be used for backfilling debris material should be post included
waste properly disposed off under
embankments, filling pits, and landscaping. construction
 Unusable debris material should be suitably disposed away from habitation and contractors NA
off at pre-designated disposal locations, with approval in an environmentally costs
of the concerned authority. acceptable manner.
 The bituminous wastes shall be disposed in secure
manner at designated landfill sites only in an
environmentally accepted manner.
 For removal of debris, wastes and its disposal MOSRTH
guidelines should be followed.
Unproductive/wastelands shall be selected with the
consent of villagers and Panchayat for the same. The
dumping site should be of adequate capacity. It should
be located at least 500 m away from the residential
areas. Dumping sites should be away from water bodies
to prevent any contamination of these bodies.
13. Air and Noise  Vehicles delivering loose and fine materials like sand Dust suppression During To be Earth work, Contractor PIU, PIC
Quality and aggregates shall be covered. measure to be construction included WBM,BT and SRRDA
 Dust suppression measures like water sprinkling, shall implemented in the under CD structures
be applied in all dust prone locations such as unpaved habitation area lies contractors
haulage roads, earthworks, stockpiles and asphalt Between Ch 0-100 , costs
mixing areas. 2800-2950, 7000-7350,
 Mixing plants and asphalt (hot mix) plants shall be 7685-8000 Mtr Nipaniya
located at least 0.5 km away and in downwind direction Jat, Kalapipal, Chanched,
of the human settlements. Ganyari Respectively on
 Material storage areas shall also be located downwind the proposed allignment
of the habitation area.
 Hot mix plant shall be fitted with stack of adequate
height (30 m) or as may be prescribed by SPCB to SPCB norms to be
ensure enough dispersion of exit gases. Consent to followed and SPCB
establish and operate shall be obtained from State certificate to be obtained
Pollution Control Board and comply with all consent for setting up of Hot Mix
conditions. Plant.
 Diesel Generating (DG) sets shall also be fitted with
stack of adequate height (as per regulation height of
the stack of open to air DG set shall be about 0.5 m for
5 KVA and about 0.7 m for 10 KVA DG sets, above top of
sound proofing enclosure of the DG set). Low sulphur
diesel shall be used in DG sets and other construction
machineries where available. Construction vehicles and
machineries shall be periodically maintained.

14. Biological  Compensatory Afforestation shall be made on 1:3.ratio There is no tree loss is During and Costs to be NA PIU to PIU, PIC, TSC
environment - basis.(1;6 for Assam state) observed PRI was Post covered by coordinate
Tree planting  Additional trees shall be planted wherever feasible. encouraged to do construction state or PRI compensatory
 Follow up maintenance of planted saplings will be plantation. The under forestation
carried out for a minimum of 3 years plantation to be carried schemes such with PRI
out in coordination with as NREGA under
PRI under schemes such schemes such
as NREGA or local as NREGA or
Forestry Department local Forestry
15. Ground Water  Requisite permission shall be obtained for abstraction The consent letter should During To be NA Contractor PIU, PIC, TSC
and Surface of groundwater from State Ground Water be obtained from Private construction included
Water Quality Board/Central Ground Water Authority if applicable. Tube well owner / PRI under
and Availability
 The contractor shall arrange for water required during before using the water contractors
construction in such a way that the water availability for the construction costs
and supply to nearby communities remains unaffected. purpose. PIC has
 Water intensive activities shall not be undertaken developed consent letter
during summer period to the extent feasible. which is attached with
 Provision shall be made to link side drains with the EMaP to be shared with
nearby ponds for facilitating water harvesting if feasible the contractor.
 Where ponds are not available, the water harvesting
pits shall be constructed as per the requirement and
rainfall intensity.
 Preventive measures like slope stabilisation, etc shall be Lakes/swamps were not
taken for prevention of siltation in water bodies. found beside the road

16. Occupational  The requisite PPE (helmet, mask, boot, hand gloves, Personal Protection During Costs to be All items on Contractor PIC,PIU,TSC
Safety and earplugs) shall be provided to the construction workers. Equipments should be construction borne by DPR
health hazards  Workers’ exposure to noise will be restricted to less provided to all the Contractor
at work at
than 8 hours a day. Workers duty shall be regulated workers engaged for the
camp sites
accordingly. construction work.
 Septic tank or mobile toilets fitted with anaerobic
treatment facility shall be provided at construction
camp/temporary office/storage areas.
 Domestic solid waste at construction camp shall be
segregated into biodegradable and non-biodegradable
Post Construction and Operation Stage
17. Air and Noise Throughout the project NA construction Within 5 Contractor, PIC, PIU, TSC
Quality  Awareness sign board shall be provided for slow driving section at the location cost years
near the habitat areas to minimize dust generation due determined by contractor maintenance
to vehicle movement. Speed limitation and honking and approved by PIU
restrictions may be enforced near sensitive locations.

18. Hydrology and  Regular removal/cleaning of deposited silt shall be done At all the CD and Field Post - NA Contractor, PIC, PIU, TSC
Drainage from drainage channels and outlet points before the Crossing Locations and at construction
monsoon season. Side drains also.
 Rejuvenation of the drainage system by removing
encroachments/ congestions shall be regularly
19. Occupational Personal Protection During Costs to be All items on Contractor PIC,PIU,TSC
Health and  The requisite PPE (helmet, mask, boot, hand gloves, Equipments should be construction borne by DPR
Safety provided to all the Contractor
earplugs) shall be provided to the construction workers.
 Workers’ exposure to noise will be restricted to less workers engaged for the
than 8 hours a day. Workers duty shall be regulated Maintenance work.
 Septic tank or mobile toilets fitted with anaerobic
treatment facility shall be provided at construction
camp/temporary office/storage areas.
 Domestic solid waste at construction camp shall be
segregated into biodegradable and non-biodegradable

20. Site  All construction camp/temporary office/material Site restoration should be To be borne NA Contractor PIU, PIC, TSC
Restoration done at all locations of by the
storage areas are to be restored to its original
conditions. construction contractor
 The borrow areas rehabilitation will be ensured as per camps/temporary office/
the agreed plan with the landowner. material storage, and
 Obtain clearance from PIU before handling over the site borrow areas
 PIC to undertake survivability assessment and report to
PIU the status of compensatory tree plantation at a
stage of completion of construction with
recommendation for improving the survivability of the
tree if required

Checked by

(Environmental Expert)

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