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Course Title: Environmental Studies II

Course code: To be decided

Course outcomes:
CO1: Understand the effects of human action on the environment and the ideas of sustainability
CO2: Understand Environmental Policies and practices in the Indian context
CO3: Develop critical thinking

**Unit 1**
Environmental Pollution: types, causes, effects and controls; air, water, soil and noise pollution, Nuclear
hazards and human health risks, Solid waste management: Control measures of urban and industrial waste.
Pollution case studies.

**Unit 2**
Environmental Policies and practices:
Climate change, global warming, ozone layer depletion, acid rain and impacts on human communities and
agriculture. Environmental laws: Environment Protection Act, Air (Prevention and Control of pollution)
Act; Water (Prevention and control of pollution) Act; Wildlife Protection Act; Forest Conservation Act;
International conventions and protocols on the environment.

**Unit 3**
Human Communities and environment:
Human population growth: Impacts on environment, human health and welfare. Resettlement and
rehabilitation of project affected persons; case studies.
Disaster management: floods, earthquake, cyclones and landslides.
Environment movements: Chipko, silent valley, Bishnois of Rajasthan.
Environmental ethics: Role of Indian and other religions and cultures in environmental conservation.
Environmental communication and public awareness, case studies (e.g. CNG vehicles in Delhi).

**Unit 4**
Sustainable Development, Gender and Climate Change:
Concept of sustainability and Sustainable development, 17 Sustainable Goals, role of woman in water
conservation, importance of traditional and modern knowledge in combating climate change.

**Unit 5**
Field study: Assessment on compliance of laws on noise pollution among the students of Tezpur University
Assessment on compliance of wildlife protection act in any local forest reserve
Assessment on waste generation in Tezpur University campus


1. S. Pachauri, Environmental Education, Pearson Education in South Asia, 2012

2. A. Basak, Environmental Studies, Pearson Education in South Asia, 2009
3. M. Basu and X. Savarimuthu, Fundamentals of Environmental Studies, Cambridge University
Press, 2017
4. V.K. Ahluwalia, S. Malhotra, Environmental Science, Taylor & Francis, 2007
5. W.K. Hill, Understanding Environmental Pollution, Cambridge, 2010

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