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Tues, July 27, 2021  ‫ תשפ“א‬,‫י“ח אב‬ ‘‫סימן פ“ט סעיף ב‬

Overview Halacha Highlight

Siman 89 Seif 2: Greeting someone before davening
Once the time for shacharis arrives it is prohibited to go to a friend’s Shulchan Aruch Siman 89 Seif 2
doorway to wish him “shalom” since the name of Hashem is Shalom ‫אבל מותר לומר לו צפרא דמרי טב‬
but it is permitted to say “good morning to you.” Even this greeting is But it is permitted to say to him, “Good morning to you.”
permitted only if one must go to see something business related mat- Shulchan Aruch ('‫ )סע' ב‬rules that once the time for davening arrives,
ter but if he only goes to greet him before davening it is prohibited meaning from amud hashachar, it is prohibited for one to go to
even if one uses the permitted phrase. It is also prohibited to bow someone’s house to greet them with the term Shalom, e.g. Shalom
before him when one greets him. According to others, bowing is pro- Aleichem. The reason is that the term “Shalom” is the name of Ha-
hibited even if one does not go to greet him. If one already began to shem and it is not proper to mention the name of Hashem in refer-
recite berachos, afterwards there is no concern. If one does not go to ence to a person to honor him before giving honor to Hashem
greet him but bumps into him on the street it is permitted to wish him (‫)מ"ב ס"ק י"א‬. It is also prohibited to go to someone’s house and greet
“shalom.” Some maintain that even if one meets someone in the him by saying, “good morning to you” – ‫צפרא דמרי טב‬. If, however,
street he should only say “good morning to you” so that he will be one had another reason to go to a friend’s house, e.g. to see some
reminded that it is prohibited to become involved in activities until business related matter, it is permitted to say, “Good morning to you”
one has davened. but one may not say, “Shalom Aleichem.” In the event that one al-
 This prohibition begins from amud hashachar. (M.B. 8) ready recited berachos it is permitted to go to a friend’s house and
 The same halacha applies if one goes from his regular seat in wish him “good morning to you.” Eshel Avrohom asserts that it is spe-
shul to greet someone with Shalom. (M.B. 9) cifically the phrase ‫ צפרא דמרי טב‬that is prohibited because it makes
 The restriction applies even to one’s father or rebbi. (M.B. 10) specific reference to the one being spoken to but it is permitted for
 It seems that it is permitted to say, “The Merciful One should one to say ‫“ —צפרא טב‬Good morning” since that phrase does not
have mercy upon you,” or “The Gracious One should be address the other person explicitly and could refer to one’s self or the
gracious with you.” (M.B. 11) Jewish People.
 One should follow the opinion that restricts bowing even if one Shulchan Aruch cites Ra’avad who maintains that even if one bumps
does not go to his friend’s house to greet him. (M.B. 13) into a friend in the market place one should say ‫ צפרא דמרי טב‬rather
 If one recited berachos it is permitted to bow before a friend as than Shalom Aleichem to serve as a reminder that one may not en-
long as one did not go to his house to greet him. (M.B. 14) gage in other activities before davening. Machatzis HaShekel (‫)סק"ט‬
 Earlier generations were stringent in accordance with the opinion suggests that this ruling was limited to earlier generations where the
that one should use the greeting ‫ צפרא דמרי טב‬as a reminder not common greeting was Shalom Aleichem and ‫ צפרא דמרי טב‬was a
to engage in activities before davening unless one recited recognizable deviation from the norm. Nowadays that people com-
berachos. (M.B. 16) monly say ‫ צפרא דמרי טב‬it would not be a deviation to use that phrase.
 The restriction is for one to initiate a conversation with the term Accordingly, in our times that people say ‫ גוט מארגן‬,‫ בוקר טוב‬or good
Shalom but it is permitted to respond to another person’s morning it may be that one should avoid these phrases to fulfill the
greeting with the term Shalom. It is also permitted for one who ruling of Ra’avad (‫)חיי משה‬.
has davened to go to a friend’s house to greet him even though
that friend has not yet davened and will respond with Shalom.
any lengths to act in accordance with what he understood to be
(M.B. 16)
Hashem’s will. The rav was always very careful to greet everyone he
met, friend or self-proclaimed foe.

Stories to Share 213 ‫ עמוד‬,‫פעלד‬‫הגות ופסקים להגרי"ח זו‬‫ה‬

On the last motzei Shabbos of a year during which Rosh
Hashannah came out in the middle of the week, Rav Sonnenfeld was
on his way home when he encountered a neighbor who wished him
The Greatness of a Greeting “gut voch.”
"...‫ "אבל מותר לומר לו צפרא דמרי טב‬:'‫ ב‬,‫ש"ע ס' פ"ט‬
The rav responded warmly in Yiddish by wishing him a good
On today’s amud we find the halachos of greeting a person be- year: “Gut yohr.”
fore davening. The man had hardly continued on when the Rav called him back.
On of the hardest habits to acquire is always greeting one’s fel- “In Gittin 62 we find that if one receives a blessing should give an
low Jew with a radiant smile. Rav Avraham Grodzinsky, zt”l, a great even greater berachah back.
gaon and ba’al mussar, worked two full years to acquire this mid- '(‫עיין ביו"ד סימן קמ"ח סעיף י' והש"ך שם )ס"ק ח‬
dah. Even in the ghetto during the Holocaust, his face was always The custom is to respond to those who wish us a good week with
shining. ‘a good year’ since this is a bigger blessing. This particular week is
('‫ עמוד ר"א )ועד ד‬,'‫ חלק ב‬,‫עלי שור‬ the exception to the rule, since Rosh Hashanah is on Tuesday and the
It is not surprising that Rav Yosef Chaim Sonnenfeld, zt”l, also week extends until motzei Shabbos. So my blessing was less than
mastered this trait and greeted everyone with a smile. He was ex- yours.” He looked at the man with his shining, happy countenance
ceedingly careful to fulfill every detail of halachah or middas chassi- and proceeded to heap blessings on the gratified man until he was
dus with great joy, so why should this be different? Even at a very satisfied that he had fulfilled his duty.
advanced age when the rav was already quite frail, he would go to ‫ עמוד מ"ז‬,‫עקבי חיים‬

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