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March 18, 2024

Aurora Central Elementary School
Sta. Josefa, Agusan del Sur

Dear Ma’am,

Greetings of peace and prosperity!

The Department of Education (DepEd) issues the Career Guidance Program (CGP) for
School Year 2023-2024 which aims to establish guidelines and procedures for its
implementation. The CGP aims to guide secondary level students in choosing career
tracks that they intend to pursue through informed career choices towards becoming
productive and contributing individuals as stated in RA 10533 otherwise known as the Basic
Education Act of 2013.

As a Career Guidance Advocate Designate, we would like to invite you to be a Guest Speaker at
our upcoming event on March 20, 2024, Wednesday at 8:00 o’clock in the morning. We believe
that our participants would greatly benefit from your knowledge and experience in the field of

The venue for the event is at Aurora National High School Conference Hall. We anticipate 75
participants, including students in grades 7 and 8. If you could join us as our keynote speaker
and impart your wisdom to our audience, we'd be incredibly grateful.

Thank you for your consideration, and we look forward to hearing from you.

Truly Yours,


Guidance Counselor Advocate Designate


HT-1/ School Head
March 18, 2024

Aurora Central Elementary School

Dear Sir,

Greetings of peace and prosperity!

The Department of Education (DepEd) issues the Career Guidance Program (CGP) for
School Year 2023-2024 which aims to establish guidelines and procedures for its
implementation. The CGP aims to guide secondary level students in choosing career
tracks that they intend to pursue through informed career choices towards becoming
productive and contributing individuals as stated in RA 10533 otherwise known as the Basic
Education Act of 2013.

In this connection, we would like to ask your permission for Ma’am Jennie B. Conejero to be
one of our Guest Speaker on March 20, 2024, Wednesday at 8:00 o’clock in the morning. We
believe that the participants would greatly benefit from her knowledge and experience in the field
of Education.

Thank you for your positive response and we look forward to hearing from you.

Truly Yours,


Guidance Counselor Advocate Designate


HT-1/ School Head
March 18, 2024


LGU- Sta. Josefa
Sta. Josefa, Agusan del Sur

Dear Sir,

Greetings of peace and prosperity!

The Department of Education (DepEd) issues the Career Guidance Program (CGP) for
School Year 2023-2024 which aims to establish guidelines and procedures for its
implementation. The CGP aims to guide secondary level students in choosing career
tracks that they intend to pursue through informed career choices towards becoming
productive and contributing individuals as stated in RA 10533 otherwise known as the Basic
Education Act of 2013.

As a Career Guidance Advocate Designate, we would like to invite you to be a Guest Speaker at
our upcoming event on March 20, 2024, Wednesday at 8:00 o’clock in the morning. We believe
that our participants would greatly benefit from your knowledge and experience in the field of

The venue for the event is at Aurora National High School Conference Hall. We anticipate 75
participants, including students in grades 7 and 8. If you could join us as our keynote speaker
and impart your wisdom to our audience, we'd be incredibly grateful.

Thank you for your consideration, and we look forward to hearing from you.

Truly Yours,


Guidance Counselor Advocate Designate


HT-1/ School Head
March 18, 2024

Trento,Agusan del Sur

Dear Sir,

Greetings of peace and prosperity!

The Department of Education (DepEd) issues the Career Guidance Program (CGP) for
School Year 2023-2024 which aims to establish guidelines and procedures for its
implementation. The CGP aims to guide secondary level students in choosing career
tracks that they intend to pursue through informed career choices towards becoming
productive and contributing individuals as stated in RA 10533 otherwise known as the Basic
Education Act of 2013.

As a Career Guidance Advocate Designate, we would like to invite you to be a Guest Speaker at
our upcoming event on March 20, 2024, Wednesday at 8:00 o’clock in the morning. We believe
that our participants would greatly benefit from your knowledge and experience in the field of

The venue for the event is at Aurora National High School Conference Hall. We anticipate 75
participants, including students in grades 7 and 8. If you could join us as our keynote speaker
and impart your wisdom to our audience, we'd be incredibly grateful.

Thank you for your consideration, and we look forward to hearing from you.

Truly Yours,


Guidance Counselor Advocate Designate


HT-1/ School Head
Empowering Futures through Career Guidance Advocacy of Aurora NHS

The future can feel daunting, especially for high school students on the cusp of adulthood.
Choosing a career path can be overwhelming, filled with questions about interests, skills, and
the ever-changing job market. To navigate this crucial decision, Aurora National High School
hosted its Career Guidance Advocacy activity last March 20-21, 2024 which designed to
empower students in making informed decisions about their future careers and aimed to bridge
the gap between student aspirations and the evolving job market. This report details the
program's goals, activities, and impact on our student body.

The day kicked off with a vibrant opening ceremony, featuring a keynote address by the brilliant
speakers Zeraul Jun D. Luarez, an Agricultural Biosystems Engineer of the Municipality of Sta.
Josefa, Donard T. Manipon, a Registered Nurse and a Businessman of Trento, Agusan del Sur.

On the second day, Jenifer M. Malon, the Career Guidance Advocate and Jennie C. Calolot, a
Licensed Professional Teacher and the Guest Speaker for the day shared their personal career
journey and emphasized the importance of continuous learning and adaptation.

Engineer Luarez introduces himself on the first part of his speech, the next was he defined what
is Biosystems Engineering about. He enumerates the uses and the functions of his career and
profession. He also mentioned bout the things that a student must prepare in college which are
the educational pressure,financial pressure, family pressure,peer pressure and identity pressure.
He concluded his encouraging speech with a line “MAKE IT A HABIT TO RESPECT PEOPLE

Nurse and Entreprenuer Manipon started his talk with a flashback story of His family. Why it
happened he became a nurse in a family of soldiers? He shares his experience on how did he
studied nursing in a prestigious school when the head of their family that time was passed away
and how he supported his study. He emphasized to the students that the hindrance to success
were complaining, comparison,addiction, and teenage pregnancy. He ended his inspiring speech
by a video presentation enntitled “Who you are”.

The third and the final Guest Speaker was Ma’am Calolot. She shared the story behind her
success as a Teacher. She talks with empathy with the students since she was one of the
outstanding alumna of the school. She saw herself as a reflection of them before. She encourage
the students to get a profession and be a teacher like her.

The students were also given inputs by the Guidance Advocate Ms. Jenifer M. Malon on Guide
to Career Planning for High School Students. Ms. Malon highlights on skills, interest, lifestyle
that the students should consider to in choosing their career.

Mr. Joselito G. Loquinario, the Head Teacher 1/School Head shares his thoughts where
students could explore their interests, anxieties, and career goals in a safe space. His
discussions fostered self-reflection and encouraged students to think critically about their

The students of Aurora National High School was divided into two since the venue cannot
accommodate the number of learners in a day. The Grades 9 and 10 on the first day, and on the
second day were the Grades 7, 8 and 11. Each participant was served by a free snack sponsored
by the school Maintenance and Other Operating Expenses (MOOE). The program host on the
first day was Ms. Janeth O. Singit and on the second day was Ms. Nelrose B. Gabato.
Career Guidance Advocacy Program concluded with a closing ceremony, where student
representatives shared their key takeaways and expressed their gratitude for the informative
experience. Feedback from students, teachers, and participating professionals was
overwhelmingly positive. Students felt empowered with a clearer vision of their career paths,
while professionals valued the opportunity to connect with the next generation of talent.

The success of the activity underscores the importance of career guidance advocacy programs.
By providing students with the necessary tools and information, we can equip them to navigate
the ever-changing world of work and pursue fulfilling careers. We look forward to building upon
this year's success and making Career Guidance Advocacy an even more impactful event in the
years to come.


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