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IJSRD - International Journal for Scientific Research & Development| Vol.

7, Issue 05, 2019 | ISSN (online): 2321-0613

Ammonia Production using Steam Reforming Process (Plant Design

Capacity: 250TPD)
China Subbarao Chikkam1 Venkata Srimannarayana Vangala2
Assistant Professor
Department of Petroleum Technology
Aditya Engineering College (Autonomous), Surampalem-533437, India
Abstract— Separation of the hydrogen needed for the
ammonia synthesis reaction, from its source is difficult. II. PROCESS DESCRIPTION
Hydrogen production method is the main source of
distinction between the various ammonia production routes. A. Steam Reforming of Methane
Most of the improvements in the technology regarding the A typical modern ammonia producing plant first converts
ammonia synthesis were concerned with the hydrogen natural gas or LPG or petroleum naphtha into gaseous
production step. Hydrogen can be produced by stem hydrogen. The method of producing hydrogen from
reforming, partial oxidation, gasification. The bulk of the hydrocarbons is referred to as “steam reforming”. The
world ammonia production is based on the steam reforming. hydrogen is then combined with nitrogen in the
The major hydrogen sources are natural gas, naphtha and stoichiometric ratio of 3:1 and produce ammonia. The steps
coal. In this project different methods available for hydrogen involved in this process are (See figure):
separation from its source are analysed and the best possible 1) Feed stock desulfurization
way to produce synthesis gas which will form ammonia from 2) Primary reforming process
natural gas is found out. The mass balance calculation for the 3) Secondary reforming process
250 tons per day of ammonia production is presented in this 4) Shift conversion
work. 5) CO2 Removal
Keywords: Ammonia synthesis, Steam reforming, Partial 6) Methanation
Oxidation, Gasification 7) Synthesis gas compression and ammonia synthesis
1) Feed stock desulfurization process
I. INTRODUCTION The first step in this process is to remove sulfur compounds
from the feed stock because sulfur deactivates the catalysts
Ammonia is primarily used as nitrogenous fertilizer and as a used in the subsequent steps. Sulfur removal requires
raw material of inorganic compounds including nitric acid, catalytic dehydrogenation to convert organic sulfur
ammonium salts, cyanide and organic compounds, such as
compounds in the feed stocks to gaseous hydrogen sulfide
amines, sulphanilamide and so on. In addition, ammonia is
H2+RSHRH+H2S (g) ----------------- 3.1
also an excellent refrigerant. Since ammonia is a key raw
The gaseous hydrogen sulfide is then passed through
material for industry and agriculture, the process of ammonia
a reactor containing zinc oxide(ZnO) where it is converted to
synthesis gases an extremely important position in any solid zinc sulfide (ZnS) in a batch process(i.e., when all the
economy. zinc oxide has been converted to zinc sulfide, it is removed
In the ammonia synthesis, nitrogen is combined with
and replaced with fresh zinc oxide)
hydrogen in a stoichiometric ratio of 1:3 to give ammonia
H2S+ZnOZnS+H2O ----------------- 3.2
with no by-products. Ammonia itself is used as a fertilizer.
In this way, the sulfur is removed to less than
About 85% of ammonia consumptions used for the
0.1ppm Sulfur in the gas feed. The zinc sulfide remains in the
manufacture of fertilizer. Air contains 79% (volume) of adsorption bed. The hydrogen for the reaction is usually
nitrogen. So, nitrogen needed for the reaction can be obtained recycled from the synthesis section.
for air. The difficulty lies in separating the hydrogen needed
2) Primary reforming process
for the reaction from its source. Hydrogen production method
The primary reformer is operates at low pressures and high
is the main source of distinction between the various
temperatures. The gas from the desulfurizer is mixed with
ammonia production routes. process steam, usually coming from an extraction turbine,
Most of the improvements in the technology and the steam/gas mixture is then heated further to 500°C in
regarding the ammonia synthesis over the past four decades
the convection section before entering the primary reformer.
were concerned with the hydrogen production step. Hydrogen
The primary reformer consists of a large number of high-
can be produced by steam reforming, partial oxidation, and
nickel chromium alloy tubes filled with nickel-containing
gasification. The bulk of the world ammonia production is
reforming catalyst. The overall reaction is highly
based on steam reforming. The major hydrogen sources are endothermic and additional heat is required to raise the
natural gas, naphtha and coal. Most of the steam reforming temperature to 800 °C at the reformer outlet. 86% of the CH 4
plants use natural gas as feed stock. Natural gas contains
conversion takes place in the primary reformer.
fewer impurities, high hydrogen to carbon ration and less
The composition of the gas leaving the primary reformer is
percentage of higher hydrocarbons. So natural gas is superior
given by close approach to the following chemical
when compared with other feed stocks.
CH4+H2OCO+3H2 ∆H0298=206 kJ/ mol ------ 3.3
CO+H2OCO2+H2 ∆H0298= -41 kJ/ mol -------- 3.4

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3) Secondary Reforming Process steam. The gas is cooled and most of the excess steam is
Only 30-40% of the hydrocarbon feed is reformed in the condensed before it enters the CO2 removal system.
primary reformer because of the chemical equilibrium at the The carbon dioxide is then removed either by
actual operating conditions. The temperature must be raised absorption in aqueous ethanolamine solutions or by
to increase the conversion. This is done in the secondary adsorption in pressure swing adsorbers (PSA) using
reformer by internal combustion of part of the gas with the proprietary solid adsorption media. The CO2 is removed in a
process air, which also provides the nitrogen for the final chemical or a physical absorption process. The solvents used
synthesis gas. In the conventional reforming process the in chemical absorption processes are mainly aqueous amine
degree of primary reforming is adjusted so that the air solutions (Mono Ethanolamine (MEA), Activated
supplied to the secondary reformer meets both the heat MethylDiethanolamine (aMDEA) or hot potassium carbonate
balance and the stoichiometric synthesis gas requirement. solutions. Physical solvents are glycol dimethyl ethers
The process air is compressed to the reforming (Selexol), propylene carbonate and others.
pressure and heated further in the primary reformer K2CO3+H2O+CO22KHCO3 -------------------- 3.7
convection section to around 600 °C. The process gas is 2KHCO3K2CO3+H2O+CO2 ----------------------------- 3.8
mixed with the air in a burner and then passed over a nickel- 6) Methanation
containing secondary reformer catalyst. The reformer outlet This process is operates at 280°C to 350°C, depending on the
temperature is around 1000 °C, and up to 99% of the catalyst activity and gas consumption. The small amounts of
hydrocarbon feed (to the primary reformer) is converted, CO and CO2, remaining in the synthesis gas, are poisonous
giving a residual methane content of 0.2-0.3% (dry gas base) for the ammonia synthesis catalyst and must be removed by
in the process gas leaving the secondary reformer. The conversion to CH4 in the methanator before compression of
reaction mixture will contact the catalyst at about 1100 to the hydrogen and nitrogen to ammonia synthesis pressure.
1200 °C. The process gas is cooled to 350-400 °C in a waste CO+3H2CH4+H2O -------------------- 3.9
heat steam boiler or boiler/super heater downstream from the CO2+4H2CH4+2H2O -------------------- 3.10
secondary reformer. The reactions take place at around 400 °C in a
2H2+ [N2+O2]2H20+N2 ------------- 3.5 reactor filled with a nickel containing catalyst. Methane is an
4) Shift Conversion inert gas in the synthesis reaction, but the water must be
Carbon monoxide is poisonous the ammonia synthesis removed before entering the converter. This is done firstly by
catalyst. So it has to be removed. But instead of removing cooling and condensation downstream of the methanator and
carbon monoxide it is converted to carbon dioxide and then finally by condensation/absorption in the product ammonia in
removed. This is known as shift conversion. This not only the loop or in a make-up gas drying unit.
coverts the carbon monoxide but also produces hydrogen .this 7) Synthesis gas compression and Ammonia synthesis
is exothermic reaction. The gas mixture is now cooled, compressed and fed into the
CO+H2OCO2+H2 HO298 = -41 kJ.mol-1 -------- 3.6 ammonia synthesis loop (see fig3.1).A mixture of ammonia
The shift conversion reaction is independent of and un reacted gases which have already been around the loop
pressure. Shift conversion can be carried out in single stage are mixed with the incoming gas stream and cooled to 5oC.the
or in number of stages. If the shift conversion is carried out at ammonia present is removed and the un reacted gases heated
high temperature, it is called high temperature shift (HTS) in a temperature range of 350-550 0C at a pressure in the range
conversion. The outlet mixture of secondary reformer cooled of 100-250 bar and passed over an iron catalyst. Under these
to 360 0C and then enters into the HTS and outlet temperature conditions 14% of the hydrogen and the nitrogen are
of HTS IS 4000C. If the shift conversion is at low temperature converted to ammonia. It is highly exothermic reaction. The
then it is called low temperature shift (LTS) conversion. For outlet gas from the ammonia converter is cooled form 200oC
LTS the inlet temperature is 4000C and products will obtained to 30oC .this cooling process condenses more the half the
at 2000C The catalysts used for HTS conversion and LTS ammonia, which is then separated out. The remaining gases
conversion are chromia promoted iron oxide and are mixed with more cooled, compressed incoming gas. The
ZnO,Al2O3,CuO mixture supported on alumina. Since these reaction occurring in the ammonia converter is:
reactions are exothermic, heat produced must be removed N2+3H22NH3∆H0298 = -46 kJ.mol -1 NH 3-------- 3.11
after the reaction. The carbon monoxide conversion is more The ammonia that is formed is separated from the
when employed in multiplied stages rather than a single stage. recycle gas by cooling/condensation, and the reacted gas is
Isothermal shift conversion is one, where the heat produced substituted by the fresh make-up synthesis gas, thus
due to the reactions is removed within the reactor by passing maintaining the loop pressure. The liquid ammonia (which is
water through the tubes. also contains significant levels of ammonia) is removed and
5) CO2 Removal sent to the ammonia recovery unit.
This process is operates at high pressures and low
temperatures. The process gas from the low temperature shift
converter contains mainly H2, N2, CO2 and the excess process

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(IJSRD/Vol. 7/Issue 05/2019/060)

Fig. 3.1: Steam reforming process flow diagram


According to conservation of mass theory, mass into the
reactor is equal to mass out of the reactor. Here, main
2) Hydrogen number:
objective is to find the flow rates and the unknown
Average number hydrogen atoms in a given sample of
compositions. For that overall balance of flow rates and
elemental balance are required.
Here this following tables and figures show the
elemental and overall balance for every equipment.
= 3.9752
A. Feed (i.e. Natural Gas) Composition Mole fractions of Carbon and hydrogen:
XC =
1 O2 0.13 N C + NH
2 N2 1.24 1.0135
3 CO2 0.11 XC =
1.0135 + 3.9752
4 CH4 96.98 = 0.203
5 C2H6 1.01 NH
XH =
6 C3H8 0.23 N C + NH
7 i-C4H10 0.05 3.9752
XH =
8 n-C4H10 0.05 1.0135 + 3.9752
9 i-C5H14 0.02 = 0.797
10 n-C5H14 0.03 B. Primary Reforming Section
11 C6 0.15
Main reactions in this section:
Table 4.1: Components volumetric % in Natural Gas
Use equations 2.7 & 2.8
1) Carbon Number:
CH4 + H2 O → CO + 3H2 --------------- 4.1
Average number carbon atoms in a given sample of
CO + H2 O → CO2 + H2 ---------------- 4.2

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F3= 1.5862 F2
F3 = 0.9858 F1----------------------------------- (2)
D. High Temperature Shift Conversion Section
Main reaction in this section
Use equation 2.10
CO + H2 O → CO2 + H2 -------------------- 4.8

Fig. 4.1: Primary reforming section block diagram

S NO COMPONENT Outlet mole fraction
1 X H2 0.6651
2 X N2 0.0082
3 XCO 0.0767
4 X CO2 0.1086
5 X Ar 0.0001
6 X CH4 0.1413
Table 4.2: Primary reforming section outlet compositions Fig. 4.3: High temperature shift convertor block diagram
Carbon balance S NO COMPONENT Inlet mole Outlet mole
XC * F1 = F2 ∗ (XCO + X CO2 + X CH4 ) 1 𝑋𝐻2 0.5533 0.5888
F1 = 0.6215 F2 --------------------------- (1) 2 𝑋𝑁2 0.2379 0.219
Steam added = 3*XC*F1 = 0.609 F1 3 X𝐶𝑂 0.1211 0.032
C. Secondary Reformer Section 4 𝑋𝐶𝑂2 0.0788 0.1521
Here the assumption is, complete conversion of carbon is 5 𝑋𝐴𝑟 0.0029 0.0026
taking place by adding air. 6 𝑋𝐶𝐻4 0.006 0.005
Main reactions in this section: 7 X steam - 0.0005
𝐶𝐻4 (𝑔) + 𝐻2 𝑂(𝑔) → 𝐶𝑂(𝑔) + 3𝐻2 (𝑔) --------------------4.3 Table 4.4: High temperature shift conversion section
𝐶𝐻4 (𝑔) + 2𝐶𝑂(𝑔) + 3𝑂2 (𝑔) → 3𝐶𝑂2 (𝑔) + 2𝐻2 𝑂(𝑔)--4.4 compositions
Carbon balance
F3 ∗ (XCO + X CO2 + X CH4 ) = F4 ∗ (XCO + X CO2 + X CH4 )
F4 = 1.088F3
F4 = 1.072F1 ------------------------ (3)
E. Low Temperature Shift Conversion Section
Main reaction in this section:
Use equation 2.10
CO + H2 O → CO2 + H2 --------------- 4.9

Fig. 4.2: Secondary reforming section block diagram

S inlet mole Out let mole
NO fractions fractions
1 X H2 0.6651 0.5533
2 X N2 0.0082 0.2379
3 XCO 0.0767 0.1211
4 X CO2 0.1086 0.0788
5 X Ar 0.0001 0.0029
6 X CH4 0.1413 0.006 Fig. 4.4: Low temperature shift convertor block diagram
Table 4.3: Secondary reforming section compositions S NO COMPONENT Inlet mole Outlet
By adding air, 1 𝑋𝐻2 0.5888 0.6001
0.21 ∗ A = 2 ∗ X CH4 ∗ F2 2 𝑋𝑁2 0.219 0.219
A= 3.1104 F2 ===>A= 1.9331 F1 3 𝑋𝐶𝑂 0.032 0.0036
Carbon balance 4 𝑋𝐶𝑂2 0.1521 0.1694
F2 ∗ (XCO + X CO2 + X CH4 ) = F3 ∗ (XCO + X CO2 + X CH4 )

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5 𝑋𝐴𝑟 0.0026 0.0025 S NO COMPONENT Inlet mole Outlet

6 𝑋𝐶𝐻4 0.005 0.0054 1 𝑋𝐻2 0.7202 0.7232
7 Xsteam 0.0005 - 2 𝑋𝑁2 0.262 0.264
Table 4.5: Low temperature shift conversion section 3 𝑋𝐶𝑂 0.00425 0.011
compositions 4 𝑋𝐶𝑂2 0.004065
Carbon balance 5 𝑋𝐴𝑟 0.00299
F4 ∗ (XCO + X CO2 + X CH4 ) = F5 ∗ (XCO + X CO2 + X CH4 ) 0.0018
6 𝑋𝐶𝐻4 0.006457
F5 = 1.0599F4
F5 = 1.1367F1 -------------------- (4) H. Synthesis loop section
F. CO2 Absorber section

Fig. 4.7: Synthesis loop section block diagram

COMPONEN Inlet Purge Recycl Produc
T mole gas e t
0.723 0.722
1 𝑋𝐻2 0.7225 -
2 5
2 𝑋𝑁2 0.264 0.2624 -
Fig. 4.5: CO2 absorber section block diagram 3 𝑋𝑁𝐻3 - 0.012 0.012 0.98
S NO COMPONENT Inlet mole Outlet 0.001 0.003
1 X H2 0.6001 0.7202 4 𝑋𝑖𝑛𝑒𝑟𝑡𝑠 0.0031 0.02
1 1
2 X N2 0.219 0.262 Table 4.8: Synthesis loop section compositions
3 XCO 0.0036 0.00425
I. Overall Balance at synthesis loop
4 X CO2 0.1694 0.004065
5 X Ar 0.0025 0.00299
M=Pg+612.74-------------------- (1)
6 X CH4 0.0054 0.006457 Overall inert balance
Table 4.6: CO2 absorber section compositions M(X inert) M= Pg. (X inert) Pg+P(X inert) p
G. Methanator Section M (0.0128) = (0.0031) + (170.2×0.02) --------- (2)
Main reactions in this section Form (1) & (2) equations,
Use equations 2.13& 2.14 M=1061.55Kmol/hr ; x=1819.28Kmol/hr
CO  3H 2  CH 4  H 2O Pg= =452.82Kmol/hr
CO2  4 H 2  CH 4  2 H 2O R=
=378.99 mole/sec
At Mixing point,
Component balance at mixing point,
𝑀𝑋(𝐻2)𝑀 +𝑅𝑋(𝐻2)𝑅
(XH2)Fci= =0.7228
𝑀𝑋(𝑁2)𝑀 +𝑅𝑋(𝑁2)𝑅
(XN2)Fci= =0.2630
(XNH3)Fci= =0.00673
𝑀𝑋(𝑖𝑛𝑒𝑟𝑡)𝑀 +𝑅𝑋(𝑖𝑛𝑒𝑟𝑡)𝑅
(Xinert)Fci= =0.00735
S NO Stream Flow rate(Kmol/hr)
1 M 1067.55
2 Fci 2432.01
3 Fco 2432.02
4 Pg. 454.82
Fig. 4.6: Methanator section block diagram 5 R 1364.46
Hydrogen balance Table 4.9: Synthesis loop section flow rates
F6 = 0.9547 F1 ---------------- (6)

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J. Methanator Section INLET(Tin=5000C) OUTLET(Tout=8000C)

Its outlet composition is same as inlet composition of make- Molar Heat Molar Heat
up gas. flow capaci flow capaci
Compone Phas
S NO Stream Flow rate (Kmol/hr) rate ty rate ty
nt e
1 H2 772.05 (kmol/h (kj/mo (kmol/h (kj/mo
2 N2 281.83 r) l) r) l)
3 Inert 1.366 CH4 Gas 1084 H1 98.2 H6
Table 4.10: Methanator section outlet flow rates CO Gas - - 53.3 H7
S Mole Inlet N2 Gas 13.86 H3 5.698 H8
Component CO2 Gas 1.23 H4 75.47 H9
no fractions flowrate(Kmol/hr)
1 H2 0.7202 765.29 H2 O Liq 680.98 H5 462.21 H10
2 N2 0.262 278.40 H2 Gas - - - -
3 CO 0.00425 4.516 Table 5.1: Molar flow rates of primary reformer
4 CO2 0.004065 4.319 B. Calculation Data for Heat Capacity
5 Ar 0.00299 3.177
Componen Degre C*10- D*10-
6 CH4 0.006457 6.861 A B*10-2 5 9
t e
Table 4.11: Methanator section inlet flow rates and
34.3 0.366
compositions C 5.469 -11
1 1
K. CO2 Absorber section 19.8
K 5.021 1.268 -11
Inlet Outlet Inlet 7
S 28.9 0.354
COMPONENT mole Flow rate flow rate CO C 0.411 -2.22
NO 5 8
fraction (kmol/hr) (Kmol/hr)
1 𝑋𝐻2 0.6001 765.29 762.75 29.0 0.572
N2 C 0.2199 -2.87
0 3
2 𝑋𝑁2 0.219 278.40 268.19
3 𝑋𝐶𝑂 0.0036 4.516 4.575 CO2 C 4.233 -2.887 7.464
4 𝑋𝐶𝑂2 0.1694 4.319 215.31 -
5 𝑋𝐴𝑟 0.0025 3.177 3.051 28.8 0.0076 0.328
H2 C 0.869
6 𝑋𝐶𝐻4 0.0054 6.861 6.86 4 5 8
Table 4.12: CO2 absorber section compositions and flow Table 5.2: heat capacity constants
rates Temp(K) CO N2 CO2 H2
L. Total Flow Rates of the Process 773 13.592 13.481 20.260 13.223
800 15.177 15.046 22.806 14.702
Flow rate Kmol/hr 1000 21.690 21.463 33.397 20.680
F1 1118.20 1073 24.374 23.869 37.402 22.705
F2 694.96 1100 25.035 24.763 38.884 23.719
F3 1102.32 Table 5.3: Ideal gas sensible enthalpies (ht-
F4 1199.27 h298)(kJ/mol)(perry’s,1999)
F5 1271.05 INLET(AT
F6 1062.62 OUTLET(800oC)
A 2161.59 Molar Heat Molar
Steam 680.98 compo pha Heat
flow capacit flow
Table 4.13: Total flow rates of the ammonia plant nent se capacity
rate y rate
M1(mo Hin(KJ/ M2(mo
l/hr) mol) l/hr)
A. Primary Reformer 108400
CH4 Gas 23.09 98200 -54.045
CO Gas - - 53300 -86.156
N2 Gas 13860 14.242 5698 23.869
CO2 Gas 1230 21.344 75470
H2 Gas - - 462210 22.705
Liq -
H 20 680980 - -
uid 241.841
Table 5.4: Calculation table for enthalpies at primary
COMPONANT Qin(KJ/sec) Qout(KJ/s
CH4 6952.65 -1474.23
Fig. 5.1: Primary Reformer block diagram

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CO - -1275.58 Q=Qout-Qin
N2 54.83 37.78 = -7818658.945-7006735.812
CO2 7.292 -7461 =-1.48*107 j/s
H2 - 2915.13 D. High Temperature Shift Convertor
H2O -45746.9 -
TOTAL -38732.128 -7257.9
Table 5.5: components heat energies at primary reformer
Additional heat required,
Q=∑ Qout -∑Qin
= (-7257.9+38732.128)*103 j/s
Q=3.147*107 j/s
Steam enthalpy = 2802.3 kj/kg = 50491.9 j/mol
Enthalpy content in steam = flow rate*enthalpy
=680.98(k mol/hr)*50491.9(j/mol) = 9.55*10 6 j/s
Heat utility of convection zone = 3.147*10 7 – 0.955*107
= 2.192*107 j/s
Calorific value of CH4 = 39383.2 kj/m3
Amount of CH4 required = 0.556 m3/s Fig. 5.3: High Temperature Shift Convertor block diagram
C. Secondary Reformer Inlet(Tin=3600C) Outlet(Tout=4000C)
Molar Heat Heat
compona flowrat
flowrate capacity capacity
nt e
(Kmol/h Hin(kJ/mo Hout(kJ/mo
r) l) l)
CO 133.495 -74.85 38.376 1.233
H2 O - -26.04 0.5996 1.479
CO2 86.865 -34.127 1.942
CH4 6.614 -44.22 5.996 2.228
H2 609.94 -19.296 1.175
Fig. 5.2: Secondary Reformer block diagram N2 262.25 -20.69 262.64 1.218
Input(Tin=8000C) Output(Tout=10000C) Table 5.8: heat capacity calculations at HTSC
Molar Qin = ∑n∆H = (133.495*-7485)+(0*-26.04)+(86.864*-
Heat Heat
Compone flow Molar 34.127)+(609.94*-19.296)+(6.614*-
capacity capacity
nt rate flow rate 44.22)+(262.25*-20.69)
Hin(kj/m Hout(kj/m
(mol/h (mol/hr) = -3385600.94 J/s
ol) ol)
r) Qout=∑n∆H=(38.376*1.233)+(0.5996*1.478)+(182.402*1.9
CH4 98200 -54.045 6613.92 -59.16 42)+(706.130*1.175)+(5.996*2.228)+(262.64*1.218)
133490.9 =173931 J/s
CO 53300 -86.156 -79.59
52 Q=Qout-Qin
25.351 45400 32.37 =173931 – (-3385600.94)
0 =3559 KJ/s
46221 60993.65
H2 22.705 29.074 E. Low Temperature Shift Convertor
0 6
CO2 75470 -355.89 -344.88
17076 262241.9
N2 23.869 30.596
50 28
Table 5.6: heat capacity calculation at secondary reformer
Component Qin(KJ/s) Qout(KJ/s)
CH4 -1474227.5 -108688.75
CO -1492400 -10624544.87
O2 3197042.8 4082216.66
H2 2915132.79 4925899.875
CO2 -7461006.128 -8321578.42
N2 11322193.85 2228036.56
TOTAL 7006735.812 -7818658.945 Fig. 5.4: Low Temperature Shift Convertor block diagram
Table 5.7: Heat energies at Primary Reformer

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Inlet(Tin=4000C) Outlet(Tout=2000C) Tc for steam 374.15 oC or 647.3K (Perry’s handbook,7th ed)

Molar Heat Molar Heat C1 C2 C3 C4
flowrate capacity flowrate capacity 5.2*107 0.3199 -0.212 0.25795
(kmol/h Hin(kJ/mo (kmol/h Hout(kJ/m Table 6.1: Constants for latent heat calculation(perry’s
r) l) r) ol) handbook.7th ed)
CO 38.376 1.233 4.578 -6.095 From table 6.1,
H2O 0.5996 1.479 - -7.204 𝜆 =4.0776*107 J/kmol
CO2 182.409 1.942 215.42 -9.319 ṁ = 1.48*107 / [(4180*75)+(4.0776*107)]
H2 706.13 1.175 763.12 -5.86 = 0.363 kmol/s
CH4 5.996 2.228 6.867 -10.145 B. Heat recovery between HTSC & LTSC
N2 262.64 1.218 278.49 -5.996
[Q-(qin)LTSC ] = ṁ[(4180*75)+4.0776*107]
Table 5.10: Heat capacities at LTSC
ṁ = 0.0862 kmol/s
Qin = ∑n∆H = (38.376*1.233)+(0.5996*1.478)+
(182.402*1.942)+(706.130*1.175)+(5.996*2.228)+(262.64* C. Heat Recovery at LTSC
1.218) Q= mcp∆T+λm
=173.931k J/s Q=1.09 × 106 J/sec
Qout = ∑n∆H = (4.578*-6.095)+(0)+(215.42*9.319)+ Cp=4180 j/kmol oC
(763.12*-5.86)+(6.867*-10.145)+(278.49*-5.996) ∆T=100-25 oC = 75 oC
= -916.310k J/s Λ=4.0776*107 J/kmol
Q=Qout-Qin 1.09*106=m[(4180*75)+(4.0776*107)]
= -0.109*107 J/s m=0.026 kmol/sec
F. Methanator D. Heat Recovery at Methanator
Q = 1.01*106 J/s
CP = 4180 J/kmol oc
ṁ = Q/ [CP ∆T+λ]
= 1.01*106 / [(4180*75 + 4.0776*107)] = 0.0245 kmol/s


A. CO2 Absorber Design
1) Methodology:
a) Determination of VLE data at operating pressure
There are 3 different methods to find equilibrium data among
Fig. 5.5: Methanator block diagram which the suitable will be selected.
Inlet(Tin=2000C) Outlet(Tout=3000C) b) Experimental VLE Data
Molar Molar This method is appropriate when operating pressure is
Heat Heat
compone flow
capacity atmospheric or vacuum. It’s not valid for high operating
nt rate rate pressures.
Hin(kJ/mo Hout(kJ/m
(kmol/h (kmol/h c) From Literature
l) ol)
r) r) VLE data from literature can be used, if available at operating
CO 4.52 -110.52 - - pressure.
H2 762.29 5.86 772.05 -3.251 Examples are
CH4 6.86 10.145 - -  Vapour-Liquid Equilibrium Data by Chu, Ju-chin et
H2O - - - - al(1956).
N2 278.41 5.996 281.83 -3.026  Perry’s Chemical Engineers Handbook, 7th Edition by
Table 5.11: heat capacities at methanator Perry and Green, McGraw- Hill,USA,1998.
Qin = ∑n∆H = (4.52*-110.52)+(765.29*5.86)+  AzeotropicData , 3 Vol., 2nd Ed. By Gmehling, J.,Wiley-
(6.86*10.145)+(278.41*5.996) = 635998 J/s VCH, Germany, 2004.
Qout = ∑n∆H = (772.05*-3.251)+(281.03*-3.026) = -373639 2) Theoretical VLE Data
J/s For the ideal VLE, Raoult’s Law is applicable.
Q=Qout-Qin = -1.009*106 J/s yiPt = xiPisat
V. HEAT RECOVERY yi - Mole fraction of component i in vapor phase
Pt- Operating pressure,Kpa
A. Heat Recovery between 2o Reformer & HTSC
xi - Mole fraction of component i in liquid phase
Q = ṁ*(CP ∆T+λ) pisat - Vapour Pressure of pure liquid i at the given
λ = c1(1 − Tr)C1(1 − Tr)c2+c3Tr+c4Tr temperature, Kpa

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(IJSRD/Vol. 7/Issue 05/2019/060)

B. Method: 12.5 ∗ 103

ℎ𝑟 =
Bubble point Calculations for binary system, 𝜌𝑙
Pt= X1 P1sat + (1-X1) P2sat Weir liquid crest
P1sat, P2sat can be calculated using Antoine equation at given 𝐿𝑤
ℎ𝑜𝑤 = 750
temperature, 𝜌𝑙 𝑙𝑤
Antoine equation is: Lw liquid flow rate
lnPisat = 𝐴 − lw weir length
A,B,C values are taken for particular components in ρl liquid density
temperature ranges. Calculation of column diameter
yi can be calculated using Raoult’s law. E. Assumptions
For non-ideal system,
Triangular pitch
yiɵiPt = xiPisatγi
Weir height – 50mm
Pressure drop 100mm
ɵi-Fugacity coefficient of component i
1) Material Balance
γi-Activity coefficient of component i
Here balance is used to determine the liquid flow rate at the
C. Procedure for Calculating tower Diameter bottom section of the absorption tower
FLG factor can be calculated as, S NO X Y
𝐿1 𝜌𝐺 1 0 0
FLV= √𝜌 2 0.1 0.002
𝐺1 𝐿
Where, 3 0.2 0.004
Lw, Gw = Mass velocity of liquid, gas (lb/hr.) 4 0.25 0.008
𝜌𝐺 , 𝜌𝐿 = Density of gas, liquid (lb/ft3) 5 0.3 0.016
From Graph FLV Vs CSB, get the value of Capacity parameter 6 0.35 0.03
for corresponding FLG. 7 0.4 0.052
Gas velocity through the net area at flooding 8 0.48 0.08
ρG 0.5 σ 0.2 9 0.49 0.09
Unf = CSB ( ) ( ) Table 8.1: Equilibrium data for absorption of CO2 in MEA
ρL − ρG 20
Linear Design gas velocity Slope m = 0.2259
Un = % flooding*Unf Equilibrium equation
𝑚𝑎𝑠𝑠 𝑓𝑙𝑜𝑤 𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑒 Y = 0.2259 X
Volumetric flow rate = ft3/s
𝑑𝑒𝑛𝑠𝑖𝑡𝑦 Material balance
Cross-sectional area of tower Gs(y1-y2) = Ls(x1-x2)
𝑣𝑜𝑙𝑢𝑚𝑒𝑡𝑟𝑖𝑐 𝑓𝑙𝑜𝑤 𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑒
Area = ft2 1055.73(0.169-0.0039) = Ls(0.7481-0))
𝑣𝑎𝑝𝑜𝑟 v𝑒𝑙𝑜𝑐𝑖𝑡𝑦
Column Diameter, (Ls)min = 232.99 k mol/hr
Actual liquid flow reate is 1.25 times the original
𝐴𝑟𝑒𝑎 ∗ 4 1/2 Ls = 1.25*232.99
𝐷𝑐 = ( )
𝜋 = 291.24 k mol/hr
D. Provisional Area calculation The liquid at the bottom of the tower
Downcomer area L1 = Ls+ flow rate of CO2 absorber
Ad = % AT = 291.24+210.95
Net area = 502.19 k mol/hr
An = AT - Ad 2) Number of stages
Active area S NO X Y
Aa = AT - 2Ad 1 0 0
Hole area 2 0.1 0.0245
Ah = % Aa 3 0.2 0.0535
Hole diameter 4 0.3 0.0883
𝐴ℎ 𝑑ℎ 2 5 0.4 0.131
= 0.906 [ ′ ] 6 0.5 0.184
𝐴𝑝 𝑝
7 0.6 0.253
Pressure drop
8 0.7 0.345
ht = hd+hr+hw+how
9 0.8 0.475
Dry plate pressure drop
10 0.9 0.67
𝑈ℎ 2 𝜌𝑔
ℎ𝑑 = 51 [ ] 11 1 1
𝐶0 𝜌𝑙 Table 8.2: Equilibrium data for finding no of stages
Uh hole velocity m/s
C0 Orifice coefficient
Residual head

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(IJSRD/Vol. 7/Issue 05/2019/060)

1) Provisional Area Calculation

Fig. 8.1: finding No of theoretical plates

F. Diameter Calculations
Gas density ρg = 0.452 kg/m3
Liquid density ρL= 930 kg/m3
Fig. 8.3: Relation between downcomer area and weir length
L1 = 502.19 k mol/hr
2) Downcomer area
G1 = 1271.05 k mol/hr
Let Ad = 10% AT
Flow parameter
Ad = 14.542 ft2
502.19 0.452
FLV = √ An = AT - Ad
1271.05 930
= 145.42 – 14.542
= 0.0099 =˜ 0.01 = 130.878 ft2
3) Weir length
Let Ad /AT = 10%
From fig 8.2
Lw/Dc = 0.73
Lw = 90928 ft
= 3.026 m
4) Active area
Aa = AT - 2Ad
= 145.42 – 2*14.542
= 116.336 ft2
5) Hole area
Considering triangular pitch
Ah = 10% Aa
𝐴ℎ 𝑑ℎ 2
= 0.906 [ ′ ]
Fig. 8.2: Souder-Brown constant (CSB) at flooding condition 𝐴𝑝 𝑝
as a function of the flow parameter dh = 0.0136 ft
From the graph FLVVs. CSB for particular plate spacing Ah = 11.6336 ft2
That is let the plate spacing be 36 in. Area of one hole Ah1 = 1.4548*10-4
CSB = 0.5 Number of holes N = Ah/ Ah1 = 79967
Gas velocity through the net area at flooding 6) Pressure drop
Unf = 8.047 ft/s Total Head
Linear design gas velocity Un based on net area ht = hd + hw + how + hr
Let the flooding be 80% Dry plate pressure drop
Un= 23164.11 ft/hr = 6.43 ft/s Velocity through hole
Volumetric flowrate q = G1 /ρ 𝑈ℎ =
= 1055.73*44/0.452 3368461.94
= 3368461.94 ft/hr 𝑈ℎ =
Area = Volumetric flow rate/ Un = 28954.96 ft/hr
= 3368461.94/23164.11 = 24.514 m/s
= 145.42 ft2 From fig 8.4
Tower Diameter Dc = 13.6 ft = 4.14 Taking the ratio of plate thickness to hole diameter 1
C0 = 0.845

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Ammonia Production using Steam Reforming Process (Plant Design Capacity: 250TPD)
(IJSRD/Vol. 7/Issue 05/2019/060)

Dry plate pressure drop  Isothermal shift conversion is normally employed for
24.514 2 0.452 higher capacity plants. Since it is very costly, it is not
hd = 51 ( ) ===> hd = 20.862 mm employed in all the plants. Improvement in design and
0.845 930
operation of the isothermal shift conversion reactors will
lead to the use of this in all plants and it will also be
 The conventional CO2 removal process and methanation
are replaced by the pressure swing adsorption process,
since it is economical when compared with others.
Design of a pressure swing adsorption system for air
separation is carried out and it is found that poly bed PSA
systems are required for the separation.

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9) Total Pressure drop [9] Perry, J.H., “Chemical Engineer’s Handbook, 7 th
ht = 21.862+50+1.32+13.3 = 85.483 mm edition”, McGraw Hill, Inc. (1985)
Diameter =4.14 m, Total Area AT = 13.509 m2 [10] Peters, Max S. and Timmerhaus, Klaus D., “Plant Design
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temperature. Using aspen plus simulation package CO2
absorber has been designed.
A. Scope of Future Work:
 Identification of more active methane steam reforming
catalysts in future will lead to the increased conversion
of methane in the reformer.

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