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Analyst, November 1994, Vol. 119 2431

Rapid Detection of Paracetamol Using a

Disposable, Surface-modif ied Screen-printed
Carbon Electrode

Markas A. T. Gilmartin and John P. Hart*

Faculty of Applied Sciences, University of the West of England, Bristol,
Coldharbour Lane, Frenchay, Bristol BS16 1QY, U K
Published on 01 January 1994 on | doi:10.1039/AN9941902431

A method for the rapid and simple determination of (N-AC) supplies endogenous thiols that intervene with this
paracetamol in urine is described. The transducer is a reaction and, consequently, constitutes the most successful
reagentless, amperometric sensor that was developed through antidotal therapy for paracetamol intoxification.9-11
the combined use of screen-printing and permselective It is exigent that N-AC is administered within 8 h of
membrane technologies. The sensor operates selectively by poisoning, treatment after 15 h is ineffective and hence an
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means of an anti-interference barrier, cellulose acetate, which early diagnosis is a prerequisite for the efficient management
is drop-coated directly on to the screen-printed carbon of the condition.12,13This, coupled with the fact that certain
electrodes. The disposable, amperometric sensor require no individuals evince N-AC-sensitive reactions, predicates the
further modification procedures to enhance selectivity, i.e., no need for a rapid and straightforward means of selectively
enzymes are involved, and hence their fabrication is simple and determining paracetamol, i. e . , for use in an emergency room.
extremely economical. Given the rapid response times, 13 X Techniques typically employed in clinical laboratories
10-6 mol dm-3 limit of detection and wide functional range, encompass titrimetry,*4 chromatography,15 spectropho-
linear up to 2 x 10-3 mol dm-3, they represent an attractive tometry16 and immunoassays. 17 Generally, the analysis times
alternative for paracetamol monitoring. The surface-modified are lengthy and the suitability for routine bedside measure-
strips were applied to the detection of paracetamol in urine, ments is compromised by the necessity for dedicated and
correlating well with a standard enzymwolour reagent kit. cumbersome analytical equipment. Amperometry is an elec-
troanalytical interfacial technique, which, when used in
Keywords: Amperometry; paracetamol; screen printing;
conjunction with disposable sensors, has many inherent
permselectivity; urine analysis
advantages that address these limitations. The most striking
features of amperometric sensors are their simplicity, low cost
and amenability to miniaturization. The drawback associated
Introduction with this approach is that any compound that rapidly
exchanges electrons with the electrode will, theoretically, be
Paracetamol (N-acetyl-p-aminophenol or acetaminophen) is
detected. Specificity may be attained by deliberate tailoring of
an acylated aromatic amide (see Fig. 1 for structure) first
the sensors' response characteristics with a host of modifying
introduced into medicine as an antipyretic/analgesic by Von
Mering in 1893 (as stated in ref. 1). It attracted little clinical
attention, however, until recognized as the chief metabolite of
acetanilide and phenacetin in 1949.2 Paracetamol usage has
subsequently burgeoned in many countries as an alternative to
aspirin and phenacetin.
Paracetamol's popularity stems from the innocuous nature
of the drug when administered in therapeutic doses.3 There
have, however, been numerous reports on the incidence of
OH 0
paracetamol hepatotoxicity in animals. EdeI-4 described hep-
atic necrosis in cats (1964), Boyd and Bereczky5 observed Paracetamol N-acetyl-pquinoneimine
extensive centriolobular liver necrosis in rats (1966) and (N-acetyl-paminophenol) (NAPQI)
severe and fatal liver damage was independently first recorded
in humans in 1966.6.7 Cases of self-poisoning have risen in
recent years, concurrent with the availability of the non-
prescription drug. Today, paracetamol intoxification rep-
resents one of the most commonly used overdose agents in (b) NHCOCH, NCOCH,
suicide attempts.8
During overdosage, the predominant biotransformation of
paracetamol in man is oxidative metabolism to produce
mainly cysteine and mercaptouric acid conjugates. The initial
step in the formation of these compounds is conjugation with
glutathione (GSH); thus when stores of hepatic GSH are 0- 0
depleted, as in cases of poisoning, the intermediate is free to
react with vital cellular macromolecules.9~~~)N-Acetylcysteine Phenoxide of paracetamol N-acetyl-pquinoneimine
(N-acetyl-pamino phenoloxide) (NAPQI)

Fig. 1 pH-induced interconversions and subsequent solution electro-

* To whom correspondence should be addressed.
chemistry of paracetamol ( a ) below and (h) above pH 9.0.
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2432 Analyst, November 1994, Vol. 119

agents. Indeed, amperometric, disposable sensors have been acetamol-fortified formulations were acquired under the guise
fabricated for glucose,l8 salicylate,19 3-hydroxybutyrate,20 of Anadin Extra (Whitehall Laboratories, Taplo, Berkshire,
urate,21 NADH22 and thiocholine23 on this basis. UK) and LemSip (Reckitt & Colman Products, Hull, UK).
Amperometry has been used for determining paracetamol An in vitro paracetamol assay kit was used, courtesy of the
in liquid chromatographic eluates24 and, more recently, clinical biochemistry department at Frenchay hospital (Bris-
directly in whole bIood.11.25 The latter two reports are tol, UK). The enzyme-colour diagnostic test was originally
particularly germane in this context as single-use sensors were purchased from Cambridge Life Sciences (CLS, Cambridge,
used as transducers. The principle of both methods involved Ely, UK).
the measurement of the product of the enzymatic hydrolysis of The supporting electrolyte used throughout this study was a
paracetamol catalysed by aryl acylamidase. The product, 0.05 rnol dm-3 phosphate buffer, which was prepared by
p-aminophenol, has a lower oxidation potential than the mixing 0.5 rnol dm-3 solutions of disodium hydrogenphos-
parent compound and hence lowers the susceptibility of the phate, sodium dihydrogen phosphate, orthophosphoric acid
system to interfering compounds that would elicit a response and sodium hydroxide to give the desired pH. These were then
Published on 01 January 1994 on | doi:10.1039/AN9941902431

at the sensor surface if higher voltages were applied. Vaughan diluted with de-ionized water (if necessary) to yield the
et al.25 achieved additional specificity by the juxtaposition of a desired concentrations for ionic strength experiments. All
GSH-impregnated paper over the paracetamol-sensing solutions were prepared using water that had been de-ionized
enzyme strip. The GSH layer serves to sequester endogenous with an R0200-Stillplus HP system (Purite, Thame, Oxford-
thiols that would otherwise hamper analyses by their 1,4- shire, UK).
Michael reaction with the benzene ring in the drug, generating
new electroactive compounds. Although the device exhibited
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several desirable performance characteristics, such as a

functional range up to 3 x 10-3 rnol dm-3 and a relatively fast Cyclic voltammetry (CV), amperometry and chronoamper-
response time (30 s), it was not entirely specific for par- ometry were performed using an E612 VA scanner (Metrohm,
acetamol. Indeed, a significant background current was Herisau, Switzerland) in conjunction with an E611 VA
obtained for the oxidation of coexisting species (e.g., ascorbic detector, connected to a Linseis LY18100 x-y plotter
and uric acids) present in the samples tested. (Recorder Laboratory Services, Colworth, Bedfordshire,
Recently, we have developed epoxy-resin and screen- UK) to record the voltammograms. A three-electrode cell was
printed amperometric urate sensors whose selectivity accrued employed incorporating an SPCE as the working electrode, a
from the production of a cellulose acetate (CA) membrane saturated calomel reference electrode (SCE) (Russel Elec-
over the sensing assembly.26 This functions as an anti-interfer- trodes, Autermuchty, Fife, UK) and a laboratory-constructed
ence barrier, permitting determinations in complex matrices. platinum wire counter electrode. A small circular stirring disc
Subsequently, we have fine-tuned the solvent-casting proce- (14 mm diameter; BDH) was placed in the bottom of the cell
dure to permit the direct deposition of the permselective and rotated by a Mini-MR stirrer (Whatman, Maidstone,
membrane on to the electrode surface.27The surface-modified Kent, UK) for amperometry in stirred solutions. The temper-
electrodes confer favourable interferent rejection properties ature of the amperometric cell was controlled with a ther-
that may be chemically manipulated to allow the dedicated mostated water-jacket.
measurement of the biomolecule of interest.
In this paper, the development of a disposable, ampero-
Fabrication and Surface Modifwations of SPCEs
metric sensor for the rapid testing of urine paracetamol, based
on surface-modified, screen-printed carbon electrodes The base unmodified SPCEs were prepared using a previously
(SPCEs), is described. The benefits of the present CA-SPCE reported method.26 Once dry, the connecting strip of each
ensemble lie in their simplicity, low cost and selectivity. electrode was trimmed to 15 mm and covered with insulating
Additionally, as labile biocatalytic recognition components tape (RS Components). This left a 3 mm square-ended
have been omitted in the sensor design, the operational working area exposed, in addition to a 6 mm length permitting
lifetime and storage properties are likely to be advantageous. electrical contact with the spade connector in the electrode
holder. The SPCEs were surface modified by drop-coating 20
p1 of a 2% m/v CA solution directly on to the square-ended
Experimental electrode bulb (geometrical area 9.0 mm2).
Chemicals and Reagents
Results and Discussion
All chemicals were of analytical-reagent grade and obtained
In the proposed method, a disposable, SPCE was used as a
from BDH (now Merck, Poole, Dorset, UK), unless stated
base transducer for the amperometric determination of
otherwise. The ink (R14) and apposite solvent system used for
paracetamol. Preliminary studies were therefore performed to
screen-printing electrodes were kindly donated by Gwent
examine its electrochemical behaviour at SPCEs under a
Electronic Materials (GEM, Newport, UK). Uric acid,
variety of solution and instrumental conditions.
L-methionine, gentisic acid, 5-sulfosalicylic acid and reduced
glutathione (GSH) were obtained from Sigma (St.Louis, MO,
USA). Ascorbic acid and cellulose acetate were obtained from Paracetamol Solution Electrochemistry: Voltammetric
Aldrich (Poole, Dorset, UK). L-Cysteine, malic and oxalic Behaviour and Optimization
acid were purchased from BDH, now Merck. The PVC
support (Pentawhite) was obtained from ADP (Bristol, UK)
Cyclic voltammetry
and salicylic acid from BDH (Romford, Essex, UK). CV was initially employed to probe the redox properties of
Standard urate, ascorbate and glutathione solutions were paracetamol. Fig. 2 displays representative voltammograms of
prepared daily and immediately wrapped in aluminium foil to 7.5 x 10-5 rnol dm-3 paracetamol obtained at an SPCE in 0.05
prevent photo- and thermal biomolecule degradation. Uric mol dm-3 phosphate buffers (pH 2.0-11.0). A quasi-revers-
acid was dissolved in 50 cm3 of 0.05 mol dm-3 sodium ible couple is produced in Fig. 2(b)-(f), denoted peak I, for
hydroxide by sonication for 20 min with a Decon FSlOO the oxidation and I, for the reduction process. The voltammet-
sonicator (Ultrasonics, Hove, Sussex, UK). Stock solutions of ric data are given in Table 1. Peak I, represents the
paracetamol were prepared in 5% v/v ethanol-water. Par- electrochemical oxidation of paracetamol to N-acetyl-p-
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Analyst, November 1994, Vol. 119 2433

quinoneimine (NAQI) and I, the electrochemical reduction of

NAQI. Peak I, is the analytically useful signal used for the
development of the amperometric sensor.
Comparisons of Fig. 2(b) and (f) and Table 1 show that the
oxidation becomes kinetically less favourable with increasing
pH. This is highlighted in the anodic peak I, broadening and a
decrease in the values for the electron transfer coefficient
((xn,)28 from 1.6 to 0.78 (Table 1). Such ill-defined peaks
obtained at high pHs may be attributable to adsorption of
paracetamol at the sensory interface followed by a diffusion-
controlled oxidation. Alternatively, Hart et a f . 2 9 reported on a
similar phenomenon occurring at carbon electrodes with other
aromatic compounds and postulated that a progressively
Published on 01 January 1994 on | doi:10.1039/AN9941902431

slower electron transfer occurs with increasing deprotonation
of the drug in the bulk solution. Investigations performed to
ascertain the nature of the electrode process are described in
the adsorption study section.
The redox behaviour of paracetamol with pH provides a
valuable insight into the mechanisms by which this compound
is electrolysed at SPCEs. The negative shift in anodic peak
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potential (Epa)with pH incrementation (2-9) is described by

E,, (V versus SCE) = + 0.72 - 0.0465 {pH} (1)
The theoretical gradient for a classical Nernstian two-
electron, two-proton process is 59 mV pH-1. In this study,
however, a slope of 46.5 mV pH-1 was obtained, indicating
that a more complex oxidation mechanism proceeds at the
SPCE. On the basis of these results a 2e-, 2H+ electrochem-
ical oxidation is proposed. This is consistent with the findings
of Miner et af.,”) using coulometry and a carbon electrode,
calculated the number of electrons involved to be 2.1 k 0.1.
Also in accordance with our results, the same group”)
reported a slope of 37 mV pH-1 for an E, versus pH plot over
a similar range to that studied here.
It is noteworthy that the cathodic wave is lost below pH 3
[Fig. 2 ( a ) ] ;Miner et al.30 published similar findings, conclud-
ing that hydration of the NAQI molecule accounted for its
disappearance from the voltammogram.
Between pH 9 and 10, the reported pK, value of the
phenolic group,3* there is a more marked dependence on
solution pH. This may be explained by the partial formation of
the phenoxide, which, being negatively charged, is preferen-
tially attracted to the positively polarized electrode surface.
E,, is a linear function between pH 9 and 10 according to the
following relationship:
E,, (V versus SCE) = + 0.98 - 0.0652 {pH} (2)

Table 1 Voltammetric data for the solution electrochemistry of

paracetamol at SPCEs. E, and i, signify the peak potentials and
currents and subscripts a and c, refer to oxidation (anodic) and
reduction (cathodic) processes, respectively

Ep,I Ep,I iPal ipJ AE,I Srrp.,* Sr, *

pH v v PA PA v ah,>, a4up, (W (G
2 0.63 - 2.16 - - 1.6 - 5.9 -
3.2 0.57 0.47 1.53 0.24 0.1 1.6 0.96 3.2 6.4
6.1 0.43 0.2 1.52 0.66 0.23 1.4 0.55 4.8 4.3
7 0.39 0.12 1.56 0.88 0.27 0.96 0.58 2.2 1.3
7.7 0.37 0.11 1.31 0.75 0.26 0.96 0.53 5.5 1.5
9 0.3 0.08 1.25 0.7 0.22 0.96 0.65 6 5.7
9.4 0.35 0.07 1.35 0.84 0.28 0.96 0.53 4.2 6
EN--, 9.5 0.27 0.09 1.38 0.98 0.18 0.96 0.87 5.8 6.6
Fig. 2 Typical cyclic voltammograms recorded using SPCEs for 7.5 10 0.23 0.07 1.14 0.98 0.16 0.96 0.87 6 5.3
X mol dm-3 paracetamol solutions in 0.05 mol dm-3 phosphate 10.5 0.2 0.06 1.3 1 0.14 0.8 1.1 5.6 5.7
buffers adjusted to pH ( a ) 2.0; ( b ) 6.1; ( c ) 9.0; ( d ) 9.5; ( e ) 10.5; and 10.8 0.2 0.05 0.99 0.75 0.15 0.78 1 6 4.3
cf) 1 I .O. Instrumental variables: initial potential, 0 V; scan rate, 20 12.1 0.15 0.08 0.8 0.3 0.07 - - 5.4 3.1
mV s - l , current settings. switching potentials, direction of scans and * Relative standard deviations determined from the anodic and
of value zero. @ (solid line), as indicated. Peak I,, electrochemical cathodic peak currents (ips and ip,) obtained for three separate
oxidation of paracetamol; and peak I,. reduction of N-acetyl-p- voltammograms using fresh SPCEs in each instance.
quinone imine.
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2434 Analyst, November 1994, Vol. 119

The Epashift is drastically reduced between pH 10 and 11, paracetamol at SPCEs. Selection of a suitable pH environ-
attributable to the total conversion of the undissociated form ment involves a compromise between sensitivity and compati-
of paracetamol into the phenoxide monoanion. The oxidation bility in biomatrices, and given the electrochemical behaviour
of this anionic species involves one less proton [according to of paracetamol in acidic and alkaline media (Fig. 1 and Table
Fig. l ( b ) ]and therefore exhibits a diminished dependence on 1) and the typical pH profile of urine, it was clear that pH 7
the solution pH (30 mV pH-1). Schemes for the proposed was preferable. This pH was subsequently selected in order to
pH-induced interconversions and subsequent electro- optimize the ionic strength and temperature of the supporting
chemistry are provided in Fig. l ( a ) and ( b ) . electrolyte, which were found to be 0.05 mol dm-3 and 25 "C,
respectively (data not shown).
The potential of SPCEs as detection systems for par-
Adsorption studies acetamol has been highlighted by the voltammetric informa-
The symmetrical appearance of the peaks below pH 8 coupled tion described herein. For routine bedside measurements
with the broad anodic peaks obtained above pH 11 suggested however, the instrumentation must be hand-held and simple,
that adsorption studies would be worthy of investigation. If affording decentralized testing.33 Amperometry satisfies these
Published on 01 January 1994 on | doi:10.1039/AN9941902431

accumulation of the drug did occur, then this could be criteria and was therefore pursued in the ensuing studies.
exploited for quantitative purposes. In order to maximize the selectivity and sensitivity of the
Chronoamperometry and cyclic voltammetry were per- amperometric sensors, a number of parameters had to be
formed on a 0.4 x 10-3 mol dm-3 paracetamol solution at low optimized. Hydrodynamic voltammetry (HDV) was used to
( 3 ) , neutral (7.5) and high (12) pH with SPCEs. The select a convenient potential for the oxidation of paracetamol.
subsequent analysis of current-time transients and the effect All potentials are quoted with reference to an SCE.
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of scan rate were used to elucidate the nature of the electrode

The current (i,,)-time ( t ) chronoamperograms, or more Hydrodynamic voltammetry
specifically the Cottrel equation-derived relationship between An SPCE was introduced into a plain, contacting buffer
i,, and l/&,32 was used as a mechanistic tool. The diagnostic solution and polarized with an applied voltage of 0.0 V; the
test for a diffusion-controlled reaction is that i,, versus l/d is a resulting current was allowed to reach the steady state before
linear function, this law is clearly obeyed in Fig. 3(a). Fig. 3(b) paracetamol was introduced into the cell. Any currents
shows the relationship between current function (ipa/cvh)and derived from the electro-oxidation of the drug were noted and
the square root of sweep rate (Y;). These parameters are then the operating potential was incremented manually in
components of the Randles-Sevcick equation, which states small steps. Again, observed currents were calculated and the
that a reversible, diffusion-controlled process should be resulting anodic currents were plotted against applied voltage
independent of scan rate.32 Inspection of Fig. 3 ( b ) shows that to construct an HDV (Fig. 4). The above procedure was
this rule is followed; however, some variation in current repeated using a CA-coated SPCE (required to enhance
function predicates some degree of irreversibility. This selectivity in complex biomatrices, see later) to establish
assumption is further substantiated by the shift in E, values whether or not the film juxtaposed over the electrode surface
from 0.32 to 0.39 V when using scan rates of 20 and 200 had altered their electrochemical characteristics. An operat-
mV s - l , respectively (not shown), as such a peak shift is ing potential of +0.4 V was selected from the HDV,
indicative of a progressively more irreversible oxidation. representing a trade-off between the sensitivity and selectiv-
These results combined show that the oxidation is a diffusion- ity. This voltage was subsequently used in the remaining
controlled process and not governed by paracetamol adsorp- experiments focused on fixed-potential amperometry .
tion at the sensor interface. To our knowledge, this appears to
be the first record documenting adsorption studies with Amperometry
A bare SPCE was polarized at +0.4 V and its analytical utility
as a base paracetamol-sensing transducer was evaluated.
Analytical variables Amperometric calibrations were performed to ascertain the
The solution conditions were optimized to ensure that the functional range, precision and sensitivity of the devices. The
procedure was repeated for SPCEs surface modified with CA.
maximum current densities were obtained for the oxidation of
i A

Linearity, calibration and precision

Paracetamol solutions were introduced into the amperometric
cell over the range 0-3.0 x 10-3 mol dm-3 and their
relationship with the steady-state current (iSJexamined. The

I I I I I I 0.8 1 1
0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 <
3 0.7
5 0.6
2 0.5
5 0.4
g 0.2
2 0.1

0.4 I I I I I I I I
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14
Vf Applied voRageN
Fig. 3 Paracetamol adsorption tests using SPCEs. ( a ) current Fig. 4 Hydrodynamic voltammetric behaviour of a 0.1 X
function, ip,/cvr versus Y+. A, pH 3; B, pH 12; and C, pH 7.5. ( b ) ip, rnol dm-3 paracetamol solution (pH 7) at (A) CA-coated and (B) bare
versus I/tt, A, pH 3; B , pH 12; C, pH 7.5. SPCEs.
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Analyst, November 1994, Vol. 11 9 2435

functional range was linear up to 2.0 x 10-3 rnol dm-3 with a 75 s with increasing CA concentration [Fig. 5(A)-(D)]. The
sensitivity factor of 9.98 PA mmol-1 ( r = 0.999, n = 3). The fact that the uncoated SPCE produces a iss(Tg5)of 15 s (not
intra-batch precision (relative standard deviation, s,) was shown) strongly suggests that paracetamol is partially retarded
calculated by measuring the slopes of individual amperometric in the CA membrane.34
calibration graphs and was found to be 6.2% ( n = 5 ) .
Analytical performance of CA-SPCEs
Selectivity The selectivity of the CA-SPCEs was assessed by exposing
When subjected to a range of potentially interfering com- them to a number of substances that may interfere with
pounds, the selectivity of the sensor was severely compro- analyses. Fig. 6(A)-(C) show the results of studies directed
mised, attributable to the relatively high operating voltage towards evaluating the permselective characteristics of CA
employed. This undesirable outcome was exacerbated in more films of various compositions. The sensors were tested for
complex physiological biomatrices, such as urine. their amperometric response to a 1.0 x 10-3 rnol dm-3
In the light of this drawback, a strategy was pursued to paracetamol solution using SPCEs coated with 1-2% CA.
Published on 01 January 1994 on | doi:10.1039/AN9941902431

enhance the selectivity of the devices. In previous papers26727 Clearly, the lower concentrations of CA fail to provide the
we described a surface-modification technique to effectively required selectivity, predicated by the signals obtained for the
isolate the indicator electrode from readily electro-oxidizable non-target species [Fig. 6(A)]. As thiols are not only
biomolecules. CA membranes cast directly on the surface of indigenous compounds but are also present in the circulatory
SPCEs (hereafter referred to as CA-SPCE) have proved to be system as a result of chemotherapy, it must be ascertained that
suitable for the elimination of interferents. We therefore they, themselves, do not elicit a signal. Using a 1.5%
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sought to exploit such permselective technology to tailor the CA-coated SPCE [Fig. 6(B)] a response is evident for
sensors' response to the dedicated measurement of par- cysteine; however, when the composition of the CA matrix is
acetamol. altered to 1.8% [Fig. 6(C)], the thiol is preferentially excluded
Fig. 4 shows that a suitable signal for the oxidation of the from the electrode surface. SPCEs coated with a 1.8% CA
drug is apparent from the HDV at +0.4 V. Amperometric film afford effective interferent screening, whilst still permit-
calibrations [Fig. 5(A)-(D)] were subsequently conducted ting the detection of paracetamol [Fig. 6(C)]. These results
with the CA-SPCEs and these were found to be linear over a highlight the analytical utility of amperometric sensors for the
similar dynamic range (2.0 x 10-3 rnol dm-3, r = 0.999; n = 3) discriminative measurement of paracetamol in complex bio-
as that of the bare SPCEs. Although a 60% diminution in logical fluids. The optimized 1.8% CA-SPCEs were sub-
current was obtained with the coated electrodes, it was clear sequently used for the remaining studies.
that the signal was still significant. The slopes, and hence
sensitivities, of these calibrations were accordingly reduced Analytical Recovery
(0.503 pA x 10-3 rnol dm-3, s, = 7.8%), when compared with First , the endogenous urine paracetamol concentration fol-
experiments performed with their bare counterparts (slope = lowing oral administration was determined by the method of
9.98 FA x 10-3 rnol dm-3, s, = 6.2%). This observation is multiple standard additions. An aliquot of voided urine was
consistent with other analyte retardation findings in cellulosic collected following 45 min ingestion of 2 x 500 mg par-
matrices.32 It was also noteworthy that the time taken to reach acetamol tables (Anadin) and the mean paracetamol concen-
95% of the steady-state currents [iss(TgS)]increased from 25 to tration was found to be 0.38 x 10-3 rnol dm-3 ( n = 3, s, =
4.1%). Next, increasing concentrations of paracetamol (up to
3.0 x 10-3 rnol dm-3) were added to 10 cm3 aliquots of urine
and the resulting levels of paracetamol were calculated by
back-extrapolation of a graph of the amount of paracetamol
versus the amount found. The resulting values were added to

(b) 1 E
1 c
4. D,
1\ c
- 4
0.075 pA

50 s

8.02 pA

50 s

Time -
Fig. 5 Ampcrometric paracetamol calibrations using screen-printed
Time -+
Fig. 6 Amperometric responses of surface-modified SPCEs [ ( u ) ,
1.0; ( 6 ) . 1.5; ( c ) , 1.8% CAI to a selection of interferents. The arrows
strips coated with A, 1.0%; B, 1.5% ; C, 1.8%;and D, 2.0% CA. The indicate the point of addition of A, paracetamol; B, gentisic acid. C,
arrows indicate the point of addition of 0.4 x 10-3 mol dm--7 uric acid; D. ascorbic acid; E, glutathione; F, salicylic acid; and G,
concentrations of the drug. Analytical and instrumental parameters: cysteine at final concentrations of 0.3 x 10-3 rnol dm-3. Analytical
0.05 mol dm--7 phosphate buffer (pH 7.0); temperature, 25 "C; and instrumental parameters: 0.05 rnol dm-3 posphate buffer (pH
applied voltage, +0.4 V; current ranges and time base are given on the 7.0); temperature, 25 "C; applied voltage, +0.4 V; current ranges and
amperogram. time base are given on the amperogram.
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2436 Analyst, November 1994, Vol. 119

the endogenous concentration of paracetamol (0.38x 10-3 resulting paracetamol concentrations. A graph was sub-
mol dm-3) to yield the total concentration of the drug found. sequently constructed of drug concentraton versus time of
The percentage recoveries were derived by calculating the appearance in the urine. Table 4 shows the efficiency of
slope of this plot. Table 3 shows the data obtained from paracetamol elimination from the circulation in that it is
duplicate amperometric recovery assays. Evidently, the pro- detected in the urine after as short a time as 14 min. This
posed method yields recoveries of 90-loo%, further substan- finding is expected as it is known that paracetamol does not
tiating that the sensors withstand critical analytical evaluation. impart its therapeutic effect prior to its excretion in the
urine.3.30 The apogee at 60 min represents the optimum renal
Pharmacokinetic Study clearance time; this decays as expected to yield a low
paracetamol concentration after 24 h, which is also consistent
Following the oral ingestion of a therapeutic dose of par- with other workers’ results.30
acetamol (1 sachet of LemSip, containing 650 mg of par-
acetamol), periodic urine samples were collected and tested
Interlaboratory Correlation
Published on 01 January 1994 on | doi:10.1039/AN9941902431

for the levels of excreted drug. For this time course study,
10 cm3 of urine were introduced into the cell along with 10 (33173 A range of paracetamol-fortified urine samples were assayed
of the optimized phosphate buffer. Again, the method of using the amperometric strips described in this paper and an
multiple standard additions was employed to establish the enzyme-colour reagent kit. Plots of the paracetamol concen-
trations measured using the two methods (x and y , respect-
ively) gave a linear relationship with the equation y = 1.103x
Table 2 Optimization of the cellulose acetate composition for surface - 0.016( n = 2;r = 0.977).As two of the measurements were
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modification of the sensor interface using potential interferents as

probes. Interferents include organic acids, thiol-containing com-
taken near to the detection limits (around 10-5 mol dm-3) for
pounds and selected drugs and metabolites. Responses: f, negligible; the described methods, it was thought that these may be
+, significant; -, no signal adversely affecting the results. When such readings were
omitted from the graphs, the equation for the resulting
[CAI (Yo) straight line ( y = 1.003 x - 0.003)exhibited a much closer
Interferent 1.0 1.5 1.8 relationship ( r = 0.995,n = 2). Given the clinical significance
Salicylic acid - - - of elevated and not trace urine paracetamol concentrations,
5-Sulfosalicylic acid - - - the results obtained at the higher levels are particularly
Gentisic acid + * - germane.
Ascorbic acid + k -
Uric acid + - -
Oxalic acid - - - Conclusions
Malic acid - - -
Cysteine + - - Emergency paracetamol assays demand an analytical tech-
Methionine - - - nique that is simple, rapid and specific for the parent drug. By
Glutathione + - - exploiting screen-printing and permselective membrane tech-
nologies, a disposable, amperometric strip has been success-
fully developed that satisfies these criteria. Additionally,
these devices are inexpensive to fabricate and, in conjunction
Table 3 Analytical paracetamol recoveries in urine using screen- with amperometry, may be readily translated into hand-held
printed, surface-modified, amperometric strips systems, clearly propitious for diagnostic tests. Another
beneficial feature inherent in the sensor design is the absence
Paracetamol Paracetamol paracetamol
of a biorecognition component, such as an enzyme. Apart
added/ found/ S, concentration/ Recovery from somewhat complicating matters, these biospecificity
mmol dm-3 mmol dm-3 (%) mmol dm-3 (%) agents are generally labile and thus compromise the longevity
0.08 0.43 9.2 0.46 93.5 of the sensors. Moreover, advantages also accrue when
0.16 0.52 7.9 0.54 96.3 physiological fluids are taken from diseased individuals. In
0.20 0.54 6.7 0.58 93.1 particular, renal failure patients excrete elevated levels of
0.32 0.65 4.1 0.70 92.9 phenolic compounds which are known to inhibit certain
0.80 1.1 5.6 1.18 93.2 enzymes. The presence of such foreign substances may be
0.95 1.36 5.8 1.33 102.3 detrimental to the efficacy of enzyme-based measuring
The disposable, screen-printed strip described here may be
produced reliably and on a large-scale basis. The sensor
Table 4 Paracetamol pharmacokinetic and interlaboratory correlation
permitted the selective determination of paracetamol in
laboratory-contrived and real samples over a wide functional
Paracetamol concentration range.
mmol dm-3
The authors thank U W E and Gwent Electronic Materials for
CLS financial and material support. In addition, colleagues at
Time/ Amperometric enzyme-colour UWE, particularly, M. Choi, Dr. R . Osborne, S. Sprules and
min assay assay* I. Hartley, are thanked for helpful discussions. We thank D.
0 - - Fletcher and the clinical chemists at Frenchay Hospital,
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65 0.11 (k0.005) 0.11 References
90 0.11 (zk0.005) 0.11
1440 0.043 (+ 0.002) 0.013 1 Smith, J. M., Roberts, W. O., Hall, S. M . , White, T. A.. and
* Results for the enzyme-colour assay varied by k0.007 mmol dm-3 Gibertson, A. A . , Br. Med. 1..1978, 1, 331.
from the quoted paracetamol concentration. 2 Brodie, B . B . , and Axelrod, J., Pharmacol. Exp. Ther., 1949,
97. 58.
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