Project Charter

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MARCH 6, 2024


Tool Selected: JIRA
JIRA is a powerful project management tool primarily used for issue tracking, bug tracking, and
agile project management.
Here are some of the key benefits of using JIRA:

1. Customizable Workflows: JIRA allows you to create custom workflows to match your
team's specific processes. This flexibility enables teams to manage their projects more
2. Agile Project Management: JIRA supports popular agile methodologies like Scrum and
Kanban, making it easier for teams to plan, track, and release software iterations.
3. Real-time Collaboration: With features like commenting, mentioning, and real-time
updates, JIRA facilitates collaboration among team members, ensuring everyone is on the
same page.
4. Issue Tracking: JIRA provides a centralized platform for tracking bugs, tasks, and other
issues, making it easier to prioritize and resolve them.
5. Integration Capabilities: JIRA integrates seamlessly with a wide range of tools and
services, such as version control systems (e.g., Git, SVN), CI/CD pipelines, and other
project management tools, enhancing its functionality and usability.
6. Customizable Dashboards: JIRA allows users to create personalized dashboards that
display the information most relevant to them, helping to improve visibility and

Overall, JIRA is a versatile tool that can help teams streamline their project management
processes, improve collaboration, and deliver high-quality software products more efficiently.

Project Charter: E-Learning Platform

The e-learning platform project aims to create a web application
that provides a platform for users to access educational materials,
Project Overview participate in courses, and interact with instructors and peers. The
platform will be built using the MERN (MongoDB, Express.js,
React.js, Node.js) stack to leverage the latest web technologies and
provide a modern and responsive user experience.
 Develop a user-friendly interface for accessing educational
 Implement user authentication and authorization features.
 Provide features for course creation, enrollment, and progress
Project Objectives tracking.
 Enable interaction between users, instructors, and
administrators through messaging and forums.
 Ensure scalability and performance of the platform to handle
a large number of users and courses.

The project will include the following key features:

 User registration and authentication.
 Course creation, editing, and deletion by instructors.
 Course enrollment and progress tracking for users.
 Messaging and forum features for communication.
Project Scope  Admin panel for managing users, courses, and content.

The platform will support multiple types of educational content, including

text, video, and interactive quizzes. It will also include features for

searching and filtering courses based on various criteria.

Key Stakeholders Project Sponsor: Muhammad Azeem
 Project Manager: Muhammad Azeem
 Developers: Abdullah Shahid
 Users: Students, Instructors

The project is expected to be completed within 4 months, with key

milestones including:
 Planning and Design Phase: 15 March- 30 March 20244
Project Timeline  Development Phase: 1 April- 15 May 2024
 Testing and QA Phase: 16 May - 15 June 2024
 Deployment and Launch: 15 July

The estimated budget for the project is 40,000$ including costs for
Budget development, testing, hosting, and maintenance. A detailed budget
breakdown will be provided in the project plan.

 Risks: Potential risks to the project include technical challenges,

scope creep, and resource constraints. Mitigation strategies will be
Risks and implemented to address these risks.
 Assumptions: The project assumes the availability of skilled
Assumptions developers, access to necessary technology and resources, and user
interest in the platform.

The success of the project will be measured based on:

 User adoption and engagement metrics.

Success Criteria  Feedback from instructors and users.

 Meeting project milestones and deadlines.
 Compliance with budget and resource allocation.

2) Identify Stakeholders
Stakeholders for an e-learning platform are:

 Users: Students, learners, or individuals

 Instructors: Teachers, educators, or content creators.

 Administrators: Personnel responsible for managing the platform

 Management: Executives or decision-makers within the organization

 IT Department: The IT team for the technical implementation, maintenance, and


 Content Providers: Organizations or individuals who provide educational content.

 Regulatory Bodies: Government agencies or regulatory bodies.

 Partners: External organizations or entities that collaborate with platform.

 Investors: Individuals or entities that have invested.

 Community: The broader community of users, educators, and stakeholders.


By Muhammad Azeem
Team Members:
Muhammad Azeem
Abdullah Shahid
Group Name:

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