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Requirements: DEADLINE 5th December 2023
Each group has to give a presentation on a given topic. It is a group presentation.
Each group has to submit:
(i) a video of the presentation (maximum 20 minutes);
(ii) a ppt file along with a table of contribution. The team leader indicates the
basic info of team member (name, class order, class…), the percentage of
contribution, and the content.
(iii) a doc file for a detailed report on a given topic. No more than 30 pages of A4
(normal margin, 12pt, Justified, 1.5 line spacing) (including reference, appendix,
tables, patterns…)
Topic 1: Agency problems: At least two business scandals has given to your group
and you have to discuss the agency problems and other corporate governance issues
arising from those scandals.
Topic 2: Investment Appraisal Processes and Methods: Evidence from a Real
Project Evaluation (from a corporate’s perspectives OR from a bank’s perspectives.
Topic 3: The Stock Market in Vietnam: Emerging Issues and Proposed Solutions
for Sustainable Development
Topic 4: The Corporate Bond Market in Vietnam: Emerging Issues and Proposed
Solutions for Sustainable Development.
Topic 5: The Bank Loans in Vietnam (types, features, benefits and risks, fee and
rates, collateral, process…)
Topic 6: The development of Green Banking: Evidence from the Vietnam
commercial banks
Topic 7: Financial Analysis of a listed company in the Vietnam stock market in the
years from 2020 to 2022

Topic 8: The Green Bond Market in Vietnam: Emerging Issues and Proposed
Solutions for Sustainable Development.
Please see the following guidelines on each given topic

Topic 1: Agency problems: At least two business scandals has given to your group
and you have to discuss the agency problems and other corporate governance issues
arising from those scandals.

In addition to brief summary of cases above, you have to inspect these two cases
carefully, and then identify the problems, specify causes of the agency conflicts, compare
and contrast, and discuss on the sugesstions in preventing a corporation from sort of

Tyco scandal: L. Dennis Kozlowski, who as CEO helped build Tyco into an
international conglomerate, and Mark H. Swartz, his financial adviser and second-in-
command, are accused of using the money to pay for everything from an apartment on
Park Avenue and homes in Boca Raton, Fla, to jewelry from Harry Winston and
Tiffany’s. The former chief executive and the former chief financial officer of Tyco
International Ltd. were indicted on Sept. 12, 2002 on charges that they reaped $600
million through a racketeering scheme involving stock fraud, unauthorized bonuses and
falsified expense accounts. The company’s former general counsel was also indicted, on
charges that he falsified company records to conceal $ 14 million in improper loans to
Parmalat scandal: Parmalat was founded in 1961 as a family-run farm in Northern
Italy. In the following years, Parmalat became one of the largest dairy and food
companies in Italy and a multinational conglomerate. In 1990, the company’s South
American subsidiary began generating losses, which CEO Calisto Tanzi chose to
disguise in the company’s financial results. The company adopted unethical accounting
conventions and self-dealing to cover up losses. However, the scam began to unravel in
December 2003 when Parmalat defaulted on a 150 million Euros despite having
reported 4 billion Euros in cash and short-term assets on its balance sheet.

Assigment structure
Brief introduction about the companies. No more than 300 words for each company.
Please including:
- Full name of the company; address; core business lines.
- History and development.
- Scandal summary.
Please follow the above workflow of the main body to present your results and findings.
A. The agency problems of [X]
Details on the scandal of [X]
The consequences of the scandal of [X]
Reaction of related parties
Corporate governance problems of [X]
B. The agency problems of [Y]
Details on the scandal of [Y]
The consequences of the scandal of [Y]
Reaction of related parties
Corporate governance problems of [Y]
C. The agency problems of [X] and the agency problems of [Y] in comparison
The similarities
The differences
A. Overall assessment of agency scandals
B. Proposed solutions
Topic 2: Investment Appraisal Processes and Methods: Evidence from a Real
Project Evaluation (from a corporate’s perspectives OR from a bank’s perspectives)
You have to collect the documents on Investment Appraisal of a project in the practice
(can be a project that a firm conducts investment appraisal itself or a firm’s project that a
bank conducts investment appraisal for its lending decision. Some suggested following
information should be listed (but not limited to)
- Project Information
Project objectives
Project scope
Project financial arrangement
Project feasibility (Ecomomic, Technical, Managerial, Legal, Environmental,
Bankability (Creditworthiness of the prosepective project borrower)

- Investment aprraisal process
Please indicate detailed step by step on investment appraisal
Each step should include (but not limited to)
Main content
Investment evaluation tools and rechnique,
Detailed data and supporting evidence
- Limitation of Invesment appraisal and solution
Topic 3: The Stock Market in Vietnam: Emerging Issues and Proposed Solutions
for Sustainable Development.

- Introduction
What is a corporate stock? What is the concept and structure of the stock market?
What is the sustainable development of the stock market?
The overall economic context
The development of stock market in Vietnam
The motivation of your study (why your study on the stock market is important)
The contribution of your study
- Literature review
Review some research on the global stock market.
Review some research on the stock market in Vietnam.
>> Indicating what are the limitations of previous literature, what are the
research gaps on the topic of the corporate stock market in Vietnam
- Emerging issues in the stock market in Vietnam
- Proposed Solutions for the sustainable development of the stock market in Vietnam.
- Conclusion
Topic 4: The Corporate Bond Market in Vietnam: Emerging Issues and Proposed
Solutions for Sustainable Development.
- Introduction
What is a corporate bond? What is the concept and structure of the corporate bond
market? What is the sustainable development of the corporate bond market?
The overall economic context
The development of corporate bond market in Vietnam
The motivation of your study (why your study on the corporate bond is important)
The contribution of your study
- Literature review
Review some research on the global corporate bond market.
Review some research on the corporate bond market in Vietnam.
>> Indicating what are the limitations of previous literature, what are the
research gaps on the topic of the corporate bond market in Vietnam
- Emerging issues in the Corporate Bond Market in Vietnam
- Proposed Solutions for the sustainable development of Stock market in Vietnam.
- Conclusion
Topic 5: The bank loans in Vietnam (types, features, benefits and risks, fee and
rates, collateral, process…)
You have to choose at least three banks in Vietnam (a state-owned commercial bank, a
joint-stock commercial bank and a foreign bank’s subsidiary) to explore their corporate
bank loans, compare and constrast

Brief theoretical background on bank loans (both short-term and long-term loans)
Brief introduction on banks and their main strategies
The corporate loan and financing
Describe the corporate loan and financing of each bank in term of types, features,
benefits and risks, fee and rates, collateral, process…
Compare and constrast to identify the strengths and weaknesses of each bank on
the corporate loan and financing products and services. Identify the competitive
advantage of each bank for its corporate customers.
How the corporate loan and financing influence the bank’s business results (you
should deep into the banks’ financial statements (such as income statement and notes to
financial statements), annual reports and other related documents to see how the
corporate loan and financing contribute to the banks’s business results.
Solutions for improving the efficiency of the corporate loan and financing
Topic 6: The development of Green Banking: Evidence from the Vietnam
commercial banks

- Introduction
What is green banking? What are green banking services?
The development of green banking in Vietnam
The motivation of your study (why your study on green banking is important)
The contribution of your study
- Literature review
Review some research on green banking in the globe.
Review some research on green banking in Vietnam.
>> Indicating what are the limitations of previous literature, what are the
research gaps on the topic of green banking in Vietnam
- The situation of green banking in Vietnam
Explain how the Vietnam commercial banks conduct green banking in Vietnam
Case studies (identify which banks more involve in green banking, what
are their outstanding green banking campaigns and green banking services…)
- Proposed Solutions for the development of green banking in Vietnam.
- Conclusion
Topic 7: Analysis of a listed company in the Vietnam stock market in the years from
2020 to 2022.
- Collecting audited financial statements (2020-2022), annual reports… to get
data for your analysis.
- Industry Analysis: indicate the industry that the company operates in. Pay high
attention to competition analysis (List one or two big competitors, identify the threats
confronted by the company, whether the market is attractive for existing players to
remain and how the company competes in the market)
- Strategic Analysis: prepare company brief, outlining the short history, ranking,
core businesses, current strategies…
- Financial Analysis:
+ Common-size analysis
+ Ratio analysis
+ Dupont identity
- SWOT analysis (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats) that is
generated from the industry, strategic and financial analyses.
- Outlook for the company in the next five years.
- Prospect economic context and industrial context.
- Please recommend at least five (financial or strategic) solutions for the
company (please linked with the above SWOT analysis).
Topic 8: The Green Bond Market in Vietnam: Emerging Issues and Proposed
Solutions for Sustainable Development.
- Introduction
The development of green bond market in the globe and in Vietnam
The motivation of your study (why your study on the green bond is important)
The contribution of your study
- Literature review
Theoretical background
What are green bonds and their characteristics?
What are the structure and market participants in the green bond market?
How do green bonds benefit issuers, investors, policy makers and the
society as a whole?
What is the sustainable development of the corporate bond market?
Review some research on the global green bond market.
Review some research on the green bond market in Vietnam.
>> Indicating what are the limitations of previous literature, what are the
research gaps on the topic of the green bond market in Vietnam
- Emerging issues in the Green Bond Market in Vietnam
- Proposed Solutions for the sustainable development of green bond market in Vietnam.
- Conclusion

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