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Lecture 1: Course Introduction

❑ The basics in Spring Boot applications and annotations

❑ Building Spring Boot Microservices with Java and Maven
❑ JSON syntax and processing of JSON objects
❑ Basics of Spring Data JPA (Java Persistent API)
❑ Handling of REST applications in Java Spring Boot with Postman as a REST client
❑ Basics of Microservices and communication between services in Spring and in Docker containers
❑ Basics of handling Docker images, containers and registries
❑ Basics of handling application deployment on minikube
❑ Git repositories and configuration of workflows for continuous integration (CI) and delivery (CD) with
GitHub and Docker Hub
❑ Basics of AWS and EC2 instances
❑ Basics of Kubernetes on AWS EC2 servers and application deployment
Course Plan
▪ The course start with an introduction to the Spring Boot REST application and annotations. I will demo how
to use the annotations and build REST applications. You should throughout the course create the same
applications as in the demonstrations. This will give you a good understanding and some practise.

▪ The applications we build in the first lectures will then be used to create Docker images where the
application will run. You should use your applications to create images that can be run as Docker containers
to make sure you have understood the course.
▪ The course continues with version control in Git repositories that will be pushed to GitHub. In GitHub we
will create configurations and workflows to integrate the code and deliver images to a Docker registry -
Docker Hub.

▪ We will use minikube on our local computer to deploy the images and verify the functionality with Postman
as a REST client.
Course Plan
▪ The course then continues with AWS cloud and EC2 instances where we configure our cloud environment.
We will install Docker and Kubernetes on the servers and deploy the application from Docker Hub. You
should create the same servers and environment as in the course to make sure you understand and also to

▪ We will go through how to create new branches and develop new functionality in the applications and also
how to integrate and delivery the new changes to Docker Hub. We will also deploy the new versions to both
minikube and to the Kubernetes cluster in our AWS cloud environment.

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