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CHATCXc.COM ere e iia CAPE Past Papers. PRINTsourmameoniicinekelowandretwre | TEST CODE 01229010 ths okie ith he answer sheet. allure 0 MAY/JUNE 2017 FORM TP 2017079 | soem nitnatsinti CARIBBEAN EXAMINATIONS COUNCIL [ea CARIBBEAN SECONDARY EDUCATION CERTIFICATE® EXAMINATION INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY, Paper 01 ~ General Proficiency I hour 30 minutes 30 ¥ 2017 (p. READ THE FOLLOWING INSTRUCTIONS CAREFULLY. 1, This test consists of 60 items. You will have 1 hour and 30 minutes to answer them, 2. Imaddition to this test booklet, you should have an answer sheet. 3. Each item in this test has four suggested answers lettered (A), (B), (C), (D). Read each item you are about to answer and decide which choice is best 4. Onyour answer sheet, find the number which corresponds to your item and shade the space having, the same letter as the answer you have chosen. Look at the sample item below. Sample Item Which of the following pairs represents general-purpose software tools? (A) Spreadsheet and database software ‘Sample Answer as Medora eae eee eat ACTS (D) Insurance processing and spreadsheet software The best answer to this item is “Spreadsheet and database software”, so (A) has been shaded, 5. If you want to change your answer, erase it completely before you fill in your new choice. 6. When you are told to begin, turn the page and work as quickly and as carefully as you can. If you mnot answer an item, go on fo the next one. You may return to that item later DO NOT TURN THIS PAGE UNTIL YOU ARE TOLD TO DO SO. Copyright © 2016 Caribbean Examinations Couneil All rights reserved. 01229010/F 2017 Soe 1. Which of the following are considered 5. computer hardware? The smallest unit of storage in a computer isa (A) Data ar (B) Programs ®) byte (C) Operating systems (C)__ kilobyte (D—Ouipurdericer ©) gigabyte lem2 refers to the following specification 6. about a processor for a laptop. Which of the following is a hardware interface specially designed for use by @ visually impaired person? Intel Pentium V 64-bit 3.6GHZ (A) 2 ‘What does 64-bit mean in this specifica- © tion? () (A) __ The processor can process 8 characters at one time. i ‘Natural language Touch screen Sensor How many states can a bistable device (B) The processor can process 4 assume? characters at one time, (©) The processor can access 8 (A) Zero characters at one time. (B) One (OT Tit procewercanaccess a characters at one time. ©) Three 3. In modem personal computers, the CPU 8._—‘The task of keeping a company’s data speed is measured in (A) nanoseconds files and software organized through the cataloguing and storing of tapes and disks is that of (B) _ milliseconds (©) megahertz (A) anIT manager @y—eiehere (apt Hie (C)__ asystems analyst (D) a database administrator 4. Which of the following devices produces a soft copy? 9, What does the spellcheck feature attempt (A) Printer to do? (B) Plotter (A) Indicate spelling errors (D) Microfilm (B) Restrict unwanted words © ¢ 01229010/F 2017 Restrict unwanted characters errors GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 3 10. Which of the following is NOT a function 13. of the control unit (CU)? (Ap fo performresitienrent OpeTaTONS (B) To read and interpret machine instructions (C) To coordinate the operation of the internal registers (D) To control the sequencing of machine instruction 14, 15, Seat Subject for Candiate: —— ‘¢ agtsha ‘Mummin and Soca Bilogy || '* Information Tecology 16. ‘5 Tenia Drawing | stature or arene 1 Stature of ear Hen x Date 17. Which ofthe following types of documents is shown in the picture? (A) Source (B) Turnaround (©) Machine readable 0122901 0/F 2017 ‘Which of the following printers is MOST suitable for high-speed printing? (A) Dot matrix (B) Thermal (©) Inkjet Sed Which ofthe followingisa communication mode that transfers signals between two connected devices in one direction only? eo Haledepiex (B) Broadband (©) Simplex (D) Duplex A system that analyses data, and uses rules and previous information to deliver possible decisions is called (A) arobot machine (Ban expersysion (©) abiometric machine (D) a mainframe computer In the URL hitp://, ‘’ stands for the (A) extension (B) company name (D) — Intemet company The primary storage device that holds the data currently being processed by the computer is known as the (A) _read only memory (ROM) (By TERT Aererrmeman (RAL (C)__ programmable ROM (PROM) (D) erasable and programmable ROM (EPROM) GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE Ss 18. 19, 20. 21. 22. An official of Company X sells confiden- tial information about his company to Company Y. What is the term used for this type of information misuse? (A) Identity theft (B) Computer fraud (G—ndustris Leeptonage~ (D) Electronic eavesdropping Brenda entered 2061 instead of 2016 in a form. Whattype oferror does this represent? (Oo Trpostttome (B) Typographical (C) Proofreading (D) Spelling Data that has been processed and has meaning is termed information (B) database (C) storage (D) output Records on magnetic tape are stored (A) directly (B) randomly (or serrentiay (D) _ indexed sequentially Which of the following statements is NOT true of 3%4" floppy disks? (A) Pictures and text can be stored. (B)__ Storagecapacity is typically around 1.44 MB (©) Information can be accessed more quickly than magnetic disks. (By TargeaTomiggfdata can bestoved, 01229010/F 2017 23. 24. 21. Which of the following protocols allows users in different countries to talk to each other? (a) BP Ber (©) FIP (@) HTTP Which of the following can be termed ‘application software"? (A) DOS (B) Linux (©) Mac Os (Oy —aremer apoE that is the result of atfe following Harry internets with his computer by entering word based instructions via the keyboard. This is an example of which of the following interfaces? (A) Menu driven (B) Graphical user (©) __ Keyboard driven 6 Tommand deve GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 28. 29. 30. 31. asi Shirt sizes from 8 to 18 were entered into 32. an inventory. Which of the following is a suitable check to ensure that the correct, shirt size is entered? (Aj-—Renge— (B) Verification (C) Inconsistency (D) _ Reasonableness An advantage of electronic information processing is (A) the retraining of staf (@}—foee-uman intervention» (C)__ less savings on hardeopies (D) __ increased amount of equipment 33. Which of the following is an example of a physical access restriction used to secure data? (A) Firewall (B) Password (©) Encryption Tometie 3 Selecting or highlighting a paragraph creates a (A) file (B) merge ook (D) document 01229010/F 2017 Which ofthe following buttons can be used to fully justify text? (A) (B) © {HAY a => Aprimary key that comprises two or more field names is called (A) a foreign key (B) _ analternate key —arcompesinekey— (D) acandidate key Which of the following is NOT part of website maintenance? (Ap —~Selecting a domainname (B) Adding new pages as needed (©) Changing web contentasnecessary (D) Removing hyperlinks that are no longer required GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 35, 36. 37. he Astudentis engaged in preparing project 38. for submission andis working in MS Word. Hewishesto havehisstudentnumberappear at the top of each evenly numbered page and his name appear at the top of each odd numbered page. Which of the following word processing features should he use? 39. (8) Footer (©) Manual typing ) — Copy and paste Item 36 refers to the following table containing data on three countries, A, B and C, for 2009 and 2010. [Country 2009 T2010 | 40. A 300 600 500 800 B [Beene 500 600] Which of the following types of charts is NOT suitable for representing the data above? (A) Bar ay er (©) Line (D) Column Which of the following is the default justification of numbers in spreadsheets? (A) Left (B) Full a (C)__ Centred Wer 01229010/F 2017 Slides can be arranged using (A) slide view Bp —~tlideconter, (©) slide master (D) new slide The use of speaker notes in a presentation software (A) _ helps to organize slides (B) helps the audience to read them (C) inserts sound into the presentation inds the presenter what to s: about each slide Which of the following types of software should be used for applications that involve repetitive numerical calculations? (A) Database Bi —Sprvadohect— (©) Presentation (D) — Word processing Which of the following characteristics must two database tables have in order for them to be linked? (A) Composite keys (B) The same data in all tuples (©) Atleast two tuples in the table Atleastone com Which of the following effects is a special animation effect, where the information fades afterit has been presented? (A) Animation Bie — (©) Entrance (D) Emphasis GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE on on Items 43-45 refer to the following spreadsheet. Hm PRICE | NUMBER | NUBER| STOCK | REORDER wstock | soup | uacance| LEVEL 398) 26 2 5 29.99 7 aE 20 2199 2 10 20 2998 20 2 0 32.75 2 2 2 1699 19 7 10 1699 7 3 0 49 2 20 20 9 o = 20 43. ThevaluesinColumnBshouldbeformatted 46. using the (A) comma format (B) money format Tare (D) percentage format 44. Which formula should be placed in Cell E2 to obtain the stock balance? 47. 45. The function to display the text ‘LOW’ in cell G2 is 48, (A) =1F(E2>F2, “Low”) (8) =IF(E2-F2, “LOW”) (GQ—eePe rors () =1FE2-£2, “Low”) 0122901 0/F 2017 ‘To which of the following code structures does the IF_THEN_ELSE construct belong? (A) Tteration (By —Setvetion— (©) Repetition (D) Sequencing When breaking downa simple problem into its logical steps, whatstatement/instruction ‘would the adding of two numbers be? ahi () — Anoutput (© Aninput (D) Astorage What is the name given to an identifier that always holds the same value? Tors —— (B) Variable (C) Location (D) Storage GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE os ‘Item 49 refers to the following algorithm. Write (“Enter price: ") (1) Read (price) Q) ‘Vat: = price * 15% @) Write vat @ 49. Whichlinecontainsaprocessing statement? (Cn @) 2 i @) 50. The term ‘top-down stepwise refinement’ used in programming means into a set of simple subproblems (B) selecting the best solution to a complex problem (© dividing a complex problem into two halves (D) creating several solutions to a problem $1. When implementing a program, which of the following steps comesafter executing? (A) Linking (B) Compiling (D) Interpreting 52. Which ofthe followingis NOT a high-level programming language? (EG (®) lava (©) Pascal eset — 01229010/F 2017 53. 54, The LAST step in solving a problem is to (—testthes onion — (B) specify the design (C) evaluate the solution (D) develop the algorithm Errors that result from NOT following the rules of the programming language are called (A)_logie errors Sao (Cc) Tun-time errors (D) execution errors Item 5 refers tothe following pseudocode. Read A, B IfA<2 cH2 Else CH 6 End if D+ C*B+2 Write D What is printed by the pseudocode if the input values are 5 and 2 respectively? (A) 6 (B) aay @) 24 Which ofthe following statements includes loops? (A) Sequencing BI Repetto (©) __ Selection (D) Ordering a GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE ors 57. Which of the following is a characteristic 59. A compiler is software that cee of a high-level language? (A) (A) tis machine dependent. @) (B) It uses three-word commands. (G—reverBuglishilikeciatomens. (D) (D) It is harder to write than machine language. END OF TEST program to output source code to assembly code Program to object code one instruction at a time 60. A computer programmer is coding an algorithm which calculates the class average for a given exam. He creates a variable called class_avg. Which data type should he specify when declaring this variable? (A) _ Integer oy Rear (© Boolean (D) Character IF YOU FINISH BEFORE TIME IS CALLED, CHECK YOUR WORK ON THIS TEST. 01229010/F 2017

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