Computer Exam-First Class-Answers (Microsoft® Word 2010 - Microsoft® Word 2010) 1

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Computer Exam Ass.Lec.

Muna kheder

Name: Date: 4/1/2012

Class: First class Results:

Part I: Multiple choice questions ( 10 marks )

1. Which of the following consider as temporarily store program instructions and data ?
(a) ROM (b) RAM (c) CPU (d) CD-R
2. The software that must be loaded into the computer before you load any other program is..
(a) a programming language (b) the operating system
(c) a utility program (d) All of the pervious
3. On the keyboard, the key you press to finalize a command or entry, is …
(a) Enter (b) Escape (c) Control (d) all of the pervious
4. Which of the following is not a feature of the word processing software?
(a) Spelling checker (b) Cell address (c) Cut and paste (d) Find and replace
5. Features in the spreadsheet window toolbars is/are
(a) Formatting bar (b) Standard bar (c) Formula bar (d) All of the pervious
6. Using Zoom you
(a) can see the spreadsheet more closely (b) can see the spreadsheet more clearly
(c) both (a) and (b) above (d) neither (a) nor (b) above
7. Which of the following not included on a computer motherboard?
(a) Microprocessor (b) RAM chips (c) Keyboard (d) ROM chips
8. Which of the following is not a mouse skill?
(a) Single clicking (b) Double clicking (c) Right click (d) Function keys
9. Which of the following is a shortcut for pasting text?
(a) Ctrl+ C (b) Ctrl+V (c) Ctrl+F (d) Ctrl+X
10. Insert tap has illustrations option in word 2007 which allows you to insert …...
(a) Picture (b) Chart (c) Shapes (d) all of the previous

Part II : Fill-in the Blanks ( 10 marks )

1) The …CPU… is often referred to as the brain of the computer.
2) The operating system serves as a link between the user and the ……computer..…
3) ……workspace….. is the area , in a document , where the text is typed.
4) The …Redo….. Option will repeat the previous Undo action.
5) You can also change the font styles to bold, italic and …underline…from the formatting toolbar.
6) To navigate the web and display the contents of its pages, you use a software program called a
7) ……formula… can be used for numeric calculations.
8) The …MIN…. function returns the least value in the specified range.
9) For returning to Normal View in Excel, you can click …Normal… on the status bar.
10) ……operating system….. enables the computer to control various system activities.
Part III :True and False ( 10 marks )
1) Hardware refers to all physical components inside or outside the computer. T
2) You can start Microsoft Word by using Start Button. T
3) You must keep on saving document when working to avoid losing document when power goes off. T
4) Worksheets can be grouped into a file called the workbook. T
5) A function is a built-in formula that performs calculations on a range of values. T
6) Read only memory is where the computer stores the programs and data that you are working on. F
7) Application software is not designed to satisfy common needs of various businesses. F
8) For creating a document, you use new option in Office button. T
9) To start new paragraph in a document you have to press the Enter key. T
10) The largest network in the world is not called Internet. F

Part IV: Answer the following ( answer only five ) ( 50 marks )

1) What are the categories of the computer hardware?
2) Discuss the commonly used input and output devices and their functions?
3) Discuss the role of word wrap in creating documents and count their types?
4) How will you save a document using 'Save as' command ? Explain .
5) Explain Undo and Redo commands ?
6) What are the benefits of the Internet in your life ? Discuss.
7) Save the workbook as “Employee Salary”.

Part V: Give labels ( 20 marks )

Label the features of the workbook given below.

Active cell

--------- Good Luck ---------

Answer the following :

1) What are the categories of the computer hardware?

 Central Processing unit (CPU)
 Memory
 Motherboard
 Storage Device
 Input Devices
 Output Devices
 Peripheral Device

2 ) Discuss the commonly used input and output devices and their functions?

Input Devices : The devices that allow data and instructions to enter a computer (such as a keyboard,
mouse, scanner).
Output Devices : The devices that allow information to be represented (given out) to the user, such as a
display screen or printer).

3 ) Discuss the role of word wrap in creating documents and count their types?

You will probably have difficulties placing the photo and caption correctly in most of all cases of
inserting it on document. That is why you can choose different ways to "wrap" text around the image.
The wrapping types are : Square , Through , Tight , Top and Bottom , Behind text , In front of
text , and in line with text .

4) How will you save a document using 'Save as' command ? Explain.
 Office button
 Save as command
 The name of the document
 The type of document to be saved
 The location on your computer to which you’ll save the document.
 OK

5 ) Explain Undo and Redo commands ?

"Undo" is used to reverse your immediate earlier action and "Redo" is used to reverse the "Undo",
in other words to revert to the first action.

6 ) What are the benefits of the Internet in your life ? Discuss.

 Communicate with and meet other people

 Conduct research and access a wealth of information and news
 Shop for goods and services
 Bank and invest
 Participate in online training
 playing online games
 Download music and videos

7 ) Save the workbook as “ Employee Salary”.

 Office button
 Save as command
 Write "Employee Salary" in the name part of the save as dialog.
 OK

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