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he long-term tasks presented in times it might be an act of redemption
Numenera Destiny are just some of where a person deliberately changes their
Long-term play, the possibilities for long-term play. personality in the interest of becoming a
page 324 This chapter describes additional options more enlightened individual. An uncivilized
that are available in most communities. person might try to change their speech
Individual communities may have specific and mannerisms to fit in with aristocrats,
local needs, each of which the GM could or an aristocrat might embrace a simple
handle as a long-term task, using the life of living closer to nature. When this
rewards and benefits described here or task is complete, the PC loses all former
creating new ones specifically for that benefits and gains those from the new
custom task. For example, a PC with an descriptor (although existing facts, such
unusual healing ability who visits the city of as the character’s initial link to the starting
Navarene and Queen Charmonde in Navarene might work at the adventure, which was completed in the past,
Armalu, page 137 sterile palace of Queen Armalu, advising would not change).
her personal physicians about medicine, A character can change their descriptor
earning a special favor from the royal court only once per year.
instead of acquiring shins or adding to the
community’s health. Found a Business (3 months): The character
The long-term tasks in this chapter refer begins a new business in a community, such
Goodwill Ambassador, to many of the tasks in Numenera Destiny. as a shop, training facility, stable, healer’s
page 148 For example, the Goodwill Ambassador hall, and so on. This usually requires a
task in this chapter talks about the Enhance physical location for conducting business
Community Happiness task in Destiny. You (even something as simple as a cart for
Enhance Community may want to have that book nearby as you displaying wares), goods or services that
Happiness, page 326 read through this section. NPCs want to purchase (about 50 shins’
worth), and an assistant or employee NPC
(which allows the PC to perform other long-
LONG-TERM TASKS term tasks while running the business).
Any PC can take up any of these long-term Interaction tasks with customers, local
Chapter 2: Numenera tasks. Chapter 2: Numenera Plans lists authorities, and neighbors are eased in any
Plans, page 21 several more long-term tasks specifically for month the character performs this activity.
Otherspace, page 13 modifying otherspaces. This often creates future opportunities
for the character (hearing gossip about
If long-term play is Change Descriptor (3 months): The PC strangers in town, knowledge of caravans
interrupted while the PC changes their descriptor. People change as needing guards, hearing incidents of crime,
is changing descriptors,
the GM may create
they grow and experience new things, and meeting NPCs who could become followers
a hybrid of the two sometimes that results in a new philosophy or potential relationships, and so on).
descriptors, with some of or outlook on life. Sometimes this is Once the three-month period to found a
the benefits and penalties caused by terrible circumstances, such as business is complete, the character gains a
from each, representing
the character’s transition the unexpected end of a relationship or personal benefit of 2d10 shins (this is profit
from one to the other. the death of a close family member. Other after expenses like paying employees). Once


the business is established, the character faiths and those suspicious of the religion’s
should use Help a Business (a one-month motives. In general, the interactions Help a Business, page 148
task) if they want to gain the benefits from are eased or hindered in any month the
owning this business. Choosing this long- character performs this activity. Founding
term task again means the character is an organization often creates future
starting a different business. opportunities for the character (news and
gossip among the members, opportunities
Found an Organization (3 months): This for crime or community service, meeting
task is similar to Found a Business, except NPCs who could become followers, and so Unless there is some
it isn’t necessarily tied to a specific building on). other benefit to the
organization, such as
or physical location. An organization is Once the three-month period to found access to secrets or
a group of like-minded people working an organization is complete, the character iotum, founding or
together for a common purpose. Guilds gains a personal benefit relevant to the joining an organization
(for merchants, thieves, and so on), goals of the organization: 1d10 shins, the should have an overall
positive effect on a PC’s
claves, charities, rehabilitation centers services of a level 2 follower for one month, interactions with the
(for freed slaves, former criminals, abused a random iotum of level 2 or less, an asset community. Joining an
animals, and so on), secret societies, youth on one specific task for one month, a new unpopular organization
for the sake of being
services, religions, theater companies, and oddity, and so on. Once the organization
unpopular is pointless.
political interest groups are all examples is established, the character should use
of organizations. An organization can be
benign, benevolent, malevolent, indifferent,
or a mix of all of these traits.
Interactions between members may be in
person (which might require a permanent
physical location, but can just as easily be
an occasional meeting in a public or private
space) or through messages. The group
should have a specific stated purpose, such
as a charter, set of bylaws, religious creed,
or oath. The organization might collect
dues or tithes to cover basic expenses
or have fundraisers to gather resources
for a larger project (such as a charity
collecting donations so they can build an
orphanage). The organization might have
a flat leadership structure (all members are
equal), put all the power into one individual
(such as a religious cult with a leader
chosen by a god), have a complex hierarchy
based on deeds or seniority, and so on.
Interaction tasks with others in the
community depend on what the group is
known for and its effect on the community.
A known member of a thieves’ guild
might be hindered in interacting with law-
abiding folks and town guards, but eased
in interactions with criminals and certain
businesses that benefit from criminal
activity (such as gambling and fencing).
An influential religious cult might ease
interactions with members of that religion
and allied people who support their
purpose, but hinder interactions with rival

Help an Organization (a one-month task) if others (such as Healing Touch). A character
Healing Touch, page 92 they want to gain additional benefits from without healing training or abilities should
founding this organization. Choosing this use Enhance Community Happiness
long-term task again means the character is instead.
starting a different organization. Heal Others adds +2 to the community’s
health stat during the month the character
Gather Information (1 month): By performs this activity, or +5 if the PC is
listening to the rumor mill, snooping on specialized in healing or their healing
conversations, buying a few drinks for abilities are tier 4 or higher. Because the
people in the know, reading wanted posters, PC becomes known for using their time to
and otherwise keeping their ear to the heal others, this activity also eases all of the
ground, the character learns about current character’s positive social interaction tasks
events, gossip, crime, interesting new for this month and the next three months.
people, and other local topics relevant to
the community. This investigation provides Help a Business (1 month): The character
the character with news that could be works with a business in the community.
merely of note, the seed of an adventure Depending on their skills and interests, this
for regular play, a clue about a new site might mean interacting with customers,
worth exploring (easing the Intellect task of producing goods for sale, performing
Discover New Area of Discover New Area of Interest), a tip about a maintenance on the business’s building or
Interest, page 326 potential contact or follower, hints about an equipment, improving efficiency, protecting
upcoming heist or other major crime, and valuables, and so on. This eases tasks
so on. A character who performs this activity relating to that business, its customers,
multiple times in a community tends to and its neighborhood in any month the PC
develop a network of knowledgeable people, performs this activity. This often creates
who might (as a GM intrusion) come to the future opportunities for the character
PC with a problem or juicy story. (gossip about strangers in town, knowledge
of caravans needing guards, hearing
Goodwill Ambassador (1 month): This incidents of crime, meeting NPCs who could
Enhance Community is similar to the Enhance Community become followers or potential relationships,
Happiness, page 326 Happiness long-term task, except instead and so on). In addition, the character gains
Develop Community
of the PC using their efforts to increase a personal benefit of 2d10 shins each month
Networks, page 331 the community’s health, they are doing they perform this activity. Jacks might want
so to improve their own reputation and to use Develop Community Networks
status within the community. This eases instead of this task, as it earns more shins.
all interaction tasks for the PC for the next
three months. In larger communities, the Help an Organization (1+ months): The
GM may decide that this affects only part character works with an organization,
of the community, such as one or more promoting its cause in the community.
neighborhoods, and the PC would have to Usually this means an organization that
perform this task additional times to get the already is active in the community, but it
benefit of the entire community. A character could be the PC acting to establish a local
can perform this activity multiple times in presence for that organization. Depending
the same community, but the benefit can on the goals of the organization, this
ease these interactions by a maximum of might mean promoting or sabotaging the
two steps at the same time. local government, rooting out threats to
the community, searching for numenera
Heal Others (1 month): The character uses to salvage, and so on. This eases tasks
their healing abilities to help people of for interacting with people who support
the community, tending to the sick and or approve of these goals (and hinders
wounded. This requires the character to be tasks for those who oppose them). This
trained in the healing skill or have a type often creates future opportunities for the
or focus ability that allows them to heal character (earning a positive reputation


with the group, learning about opposing agility, a cult might require memorizing and
factions and individuals, meeting NPCs who flawlessly reciting a religious text, a fighting
could become allies or potential followers, club might require defeating an experienced
discovering a plot that leads to an adventure member, and a crafting guild might require
for all the PCs, and so on). These activities assembling a device from its component
might even overlap with another long- parts. The challenge can be as simple
term activity that benefits the community, as making a few skill rolls, as difficult as
such as General Maintenance or Develop crafting an object from a plan, or something General Maintenance,
Community Knowledge. in the middle like surviving a few rounds of page 327
Instead of providing a benefit to the combat. Develop Community
organization or community, the character In general, an organization’s challenge Knowledge, page 331
can use their work on behalf of the has a difficulty equal to the level of the
organization to gain a personal benefit group’s home community. This means an The GM shouldn’t let
relevant to the activity. This might be 1d10 organization centered in Qi (a high-level overlapping goals of the
PC, community, and
shins, a promotion within the organization, community) with an outpost in a low-level organization allow the
the services of a level 2 follower for one border town still uses Qi’s level for the character to exploit this
month, a random iotum of level 2 or less, challenge. If the PC knows another PC or connection and get extra
an asset on one specific task for one month, important NPC in the organization, their results for the same
amount of work. Give
a new oddity, and so on. Help that takes insight and advice means the challenge the PC a list of benefits
longer than a month provides one such tasks are eased. and let them choose
benefit per month of the activity. The rewards for joining an organization one for the month.
vary greatly. At the minimum, the PC should
Invent a New Type or Focus Ability (1 get some small token representing their Although Invent a New
month): By practicing, researching, and acceptance into the group, such as those Type or Focus Ability
is intended for custom
perhaps consulting with other people described in Found an Organization. Large abilities created for a
with similar abilities, the PC invents a new established groups may have other benefits home campaign, the GM
type or focus ability and understands it (as described in their entries in other might also require this
in concept, if not in practice. To actually books). long-term task before
a player can choose an
acquire that ability, the PC must then spend unusual ability from
XP on character advancement (although Make a Profit (1 month): The PC uses their a new sourcebook.
that doesn’t have to immediately follow this skills and special abilities to work in the
activity). community in exchange for money or some
other resource. The nature of this work
Join an Organization (1+ months): This is depends on the character’s interests and
similar to Found an Organization, except abilities. A charismatic PC might perform
advancement, page 128
the PC is attempting to join an existing in public or work in a theater, a combat-
organization, such as the Convergence oriented character might become a prize Convergence, page 216
or the Angulan Knights. The GM must fighter, a sneaky character might burgle or
Angulan Knights,
determine if the group has a presence in the pickpocket, an observant character might page 217
community (otherwise, the PC must travel help the city guards investigate crimes,
to a place where it does) and if any specific and so on. This long-term task is much
requirements apply to the organization like others here and in Numenera Destiny,
(donating an artifact, swearing an oath of except the character’s focus is on their own
loyalty, slaying an enemy of the group, and enrichment rather than the good of the
so on), specific details the PC must learn, community. At the end of the month, make
restrictions they have to observe, and so on. a roll on an appropriate task to see how
When this long-term activity is completed, well the PC’s profit-making activity does.
the PC must succeed at a challenge to In a smaller community where there is less
see whether they are accepted into the currency in play, the roll may be hindered
organization. The kind of challenge depends by one or two steps. In a large community,
on the nature of the organization—a it may be eased because people have more
thieves’ guild might require the PC to money (but eased by only one step because
pass through a maze requiring stealth or it’s harder to stand out from the rabble).

Once the roll is made, the player chooses brittle bones, dangerous cypher interactions
Inability, page 333 whether they want their profit as shins, io, or that permanently reduce one or more
numenera. Pools, a parasite that eats memories, or a
powerful attack that cripples a limb or gives
Difficulty Achieved Shins Io Numenera the character an inability. Negative effects
1 1d6 — — from other long-term tasks might not have
2 1d10 1 — specific game penalties, but a character still
3 2d6 2 Oddity might want to spend time recovering from
them, such as regaining strength after giving
4 3d6 1d6 2 oddities
birth, dealing with the end of a relationship,
5 2d10 1d10 Cypher or grieving for a dead family member.
6 3d10 2d6 2 cyphers Using this long-term activity means
the character is focusing on healing and
The GM may decide Recover From an Injury (1–3 months): recovering from this injury or condition,
that some injuries can’t Sometimes a character suffers a debilitating which might include bedrest, traveling
be fixed as a long-term
activity, but using
injury that can’t be healed with recovery to a person or place known for healing,
Recover From an Injury rolls. Examples of this are a disfiguring consuming exotic herbs, using machine
might provide relief disease that permanently moves the PC a implants to compensate for the damage,
from its symptoms for step down the damage track, blindness, a testing experimental (and possibly risky)
a month or more. It
still may be possible for mysterious weapon that gives the character numenera treatments, and so on. For
the PC to find a cure emotional injuries, spending quality time
in their explorations with friends and loved ones might be
or use an advanced
sufficient, but could require retraining
installation such as an
ultimate automender. negative habits, finding new activities that
create positive emotions, or using other
treatments that directly influence the mind.
Multiple long-term Depending on the recovery method, it
tasks, page 324 is likely that the PC might not be able to
perform other long-term tasks while trying
Ultimate automender,
page 154
to heal. For example, someone confined
to bedrest can’t be building an installation
or training to use a new kind of weapon,
and the GM should let the player know that
these activities will interfere with the healing
The nature of the injury determines how
long it takes to recover. Overcoming an
addiction to a drug or restoring 1 point
permanently lost in a Pool might take a
If long-term play is month. Rest and light activity to mend a
interrupted while the PC broken bone, physical therapy to rehabilitate
is retraining, the GM
may allow the PC to
an inability-causing injury, moving up one
use both the old and the step on the damage track, or dealing with a
new abilities for a brief bad breakup might take two months before
time, but both should be the character starts to feel better. Severe
hindered by two steps (or
similarly limited) until injuries like brain damage or regrowing a
the retraining is complete. withered or amputated limb might take
three months (or even longer, if the means
of healing requires a long period of travel).

Retrain Focus or Type Ability (1 month): The

PC replaces a current type or focus ability
with a new one. For example, a Nano could


replace their Ward esotery with Onslaught, Maintenance to support a community’s

or an Arkus could learn the Goad precept infrastructure. Ward, page 40
in place of Babel. Depending on how the The follower must have some kind of
character acquired their special abilities, background, skill, modification, or special Onslaught, page 40
this might require mutagenic baths, ability that makes them a good trainee for
reprogramming their nanites, psychic this sort of activity. If not, the training takes
surgery, replacing old mechanical implants twice as long as normal. For example, a Goad, page 11
with new ones, intense meditation or follower who has lived their entire life inside
training with a knowledgeable NPC, or some the walls of a large city probably knows Babel, page 11
other extreme method. nothing about farming, hunting game, or
Build Up Food or Water
The new ability’s tier must be no higher gathering food; if a PC wants to train them Stores, page 325
than the tier of the ability being replaced. A to Build Up Food or Water Stores, it takes
character can use Retrain only once between four months instead of two because the PC Train Defenders,
page 330
explorations or other instances of normal play. is starting from scratch in educating the
follower about where and how to find food Operate Workshop,
Train a Follower (2+ months): The PC works in nature. page 331
closely with one of their followers so the The GM may allow a PC to train a follower
Craft Object or
follower can provide a direct benefit to to perform a type-specific, community- Structure, page 325
a community like a character does. This focused long-term activity (such as Train
allows the PC to designate that follower as Defenders or Operate Workshop), but this Enhance Community
Happiness, page 326
a proxy for one simple long-term activity, always takes two to three times as long as
acting in the PC’s stead and freeing the PC normal. Likewise, the GM may allow a PC Community Defender,
to do other things within or outside the to train a suitable follower to provide one page 39
community. Examples of these activities first-tier community ability from their type,
General Maintenance,
are Build Up Food or Water Stores, Craft such as a Glaive training a martially inclined page 327
Object or Structure, Enhance Community follower to be a Community Defender, which
Happiness, and performing General takes two to three times as long as normal.


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