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5/14/24, 7:54 AM Photosynthesis | Quizizz

Worksheets Name

Total questions: 15
Worksheet time: 8mins
Instructor name: divya chopra

1. Where does photosynthesis take place in the plant cell?

a) Nucleus b) Mitochondria

c) Chloroplasts d) cytoplasm

2. What are the two products of photosynthesis?

a) Sunlight and Sugar b) Oxygen and Sugar

c) Oxygen and Carbon dioxide

3. Pigment in green plants that captures the energy in sunlight is called __________.

a) stomata b) pigment

c) chlorophyll d) green thing 1/5
5/14/24, 7:54 AM Photosynthesis | Quizizz

4. which of the following is the correct equation for photosynthesis?

a) O2+light+H2O=CO2 b) CO2+light+H2O=O2+Sugar
+ Sugar

c) CO2+O2+H2O= Light+Sugar d) CO2+sugar+H2O= O2+light

5. Which part of the plant cell transforms light into glucose to use as food?

a) Mitochondria b) Vacuoles

c) Chloroplasts d) Nucleus

6. The main source of energy for all life comes from ________

a) the food we eat/make b) the Earth

c) the Sun d) the Moon

7. What are the products of photosynthesis?

a) oxygen and glucose b) oxygen and carbon dioxide

c) oxygen and water d) water and carbon dioxide

8. What are the reactants of photosynthesis?

a) water and oxygen b) carbon dioxide and water

c) water and glucose d) carbon dioxide and oxygen 2/5
5/14/24, 7:54 AM Photosynthesis | Quizizz


This is the chemical formula for a molecule of...

a) oxygen b) Water

c) carbon dioxide d) Glucose

10. What is the purpose of photosynthesis?

a) to grow b) To get oxygen for respiration

c) to release energy d) to create glucose


Most plants appear green because chlorophyll

a) absorbs green light b) does not absorb violet light

c) reflects green light d) absorbs violet light 3/5
5/14/24, 7:54 AM Photosynthesis | Quizizz

12. What is a producer?

a) organisms that eats other organisms for food and energy b) organisms that can break down dead organisms

c) organisms that can make their own food

What part of the plant soaks up water for photosynthesis?

a) stem b) petals

c) leaf d) roots

What is the food manufacturing process in plants?

a) chlorophyll b) glucose

c) respiration d) photosynthesis 4/5
5/14/24, 7:54 AM Photosynthesis | Quizizz


The openings that are found in the leaves of plants are called:

a) Chloroplast b) stomata

c) Xylem d) chlorophyll 5/5

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